ow-E-ORF~fVN -?OIUTO VOTERS OAKVILLE ELECTORATU AýRiE 4RUY ADV1S0 TNAt DICSMNI , 1963, M4AS BEEN APPOINTED AS THE DAY FOR THE ELECTION OF TIlE 1964-65 COUNCIL, BOARD 0F OUICATION, PUBLIC UTIUTIES COMMISSION, AND SOME QUESTIONS WA RD 4 wiiDecomber 5, 1963 has bean set at the dlay on which the Advance Poui wilb. h.ld. Thora wiII ha a Pofling Place in each Word, as follows: Word 1, P. W. Marry School, No. 5 Sidaroad and near the Seventh Lina; Word 2, E. A. Orr School, Shanin Drive; Word 3, Elmwood School, Maurice Drive; and Word 4, Linbrook School, Linbrook Road. Ut is requested that the accompanying maps of the Wards ha studiad f0 ¶~ pOI. ~assiat you in locating your Polling Place within the Ward in which you rasida Tz n OLL 38or own property and shown as a Non-Resident (NR) owner ir, the Votars' List.