Ifnorâ Oficiais, Players At -Annual Bhoquet, Awards Night 'mm lr. Miearcn Ansglcan Otnteeh beld Ititrir re. ehlaare whllea for a qealvk *re- nsro.BItI Marshrall gave thr Tien arnat banquea t atfecrra e party ha thn dercrd cuvari d& andi Gary expreserrl i n enrards teit art thn Habi eUonib Iesnday evrstiog. Nov- . Cealainal Wknen ficanka ta utt for ter tovety gif t. Baelr at s mas heMd Inre EL irbr2t. lere mut a smager Sataen Yountg Prot bhl a Congratuatiohns ta Daag anod Oratngr Hall on Saturday, Nasa Chorgusaeaal, uttendanvr. Primes mnou suctteusfstt enisoe Paett Beverley Browan (m Sortiroit) conlier 23. The hall nue faste- woas by loaky ptuyens nere ar on Play rvening, Novteber 22 or the arrivai of t-heir dasagfter <eaSy devoraîrd uoid 102 peuplr tealtarcn Ladies' firna, Mr. Ernin uithle home of Me. and M". on Sunday, ,Norner 17 in rat clown to a hot turkny dinnar Pr'ie, tadies' travelling priar, Jerk Pries. There nus att et- Ontvlte-Tratalgar Hosptital.' peepred by firn Hcnaaly Womeel' Mas. Royp South; mria fir'et, tendhanvr of about 70 and trr R. c. marmare. tlstr. R.ev. John Hul asbrd Ernie Prive andt metc' travelling trapky viamonas narre Mas. Krlttt The facines of Sq. Prter'e Ro- ie btreling uaid Viavar Mosan- priar ta Mir. Stivktband. $tephers, tadher' high, Gant Me- meri Cartbolic Chardei hrtd their fard nae marier of crermonins. A tovrty tonch nue srrvrdl hy Cailur, ladies' Iota, WlItmer tirat uar at Heard lubie garctr taer Mr. and Ithr rme and a social eveoging Mason, gante hie and Trsb nc in e fuette t herta ga u Mca. Vinur Moutaord. Me. sudt enjoyal by ail. tHitl, gant's tano. Don Wviggte- manity Ceutre an Sauarday ave- Mns. Jas. Cunnoingheam, Ma. amd Mr. tad Mas. Dirignuti rature- anurtie and Davd Hilt tare nhe nig arma Mra. Grorgr Swnn, Mr. und Mns. eli hoinr front Hennît finit tainnra of the tam lovky denn. Thrre arrr miron tablces in las. Harollitara, Mer. andi Mas. Turocy, afta a visIt witla a nirve. Pottoning a detivimae tlunch, play and Prime tarai ta the Atian Parton and Mss. Guiret Wa rese ta lacer honevrr finat ll Marebhi) andt Paul May pr- tnîîoming tacby ninnerar ladies' Howdrn. Alfrend Brigdrer thantad MNtr. Dingonît saffered a fat serotad Me. andi Mes. Gary Hamil- firit, Mec. May Saignait, seond the Womtn's Inatitaî r tac tIr ceauItng In a broken furtif. Our ton witth a brautifat tlargr mati Ms.'Strickai ridt n lovrty dinnrr. Mme. S. Map ie- andr P a nd ùhr men tiraI plied. W alter Barard, secnda Fred Pottorrior the dirner the r ~ E A ~ h Wortaman St., and third ta Frc'd cemaianai uaunla aok iraa ~Workroan Jr. lamer C atigu aa gga Sp OR. HAMRY MARLEY, M.P e vrry tma meeks thraeaghmat the mon erariable ployer nue prrrrnat mimier seasor. Mrr. Albert Mer- cdtaibh the Ata Parton tratty Snve arar tact er th mroetofi nvenniee taentiphyers mue wsconnsrner, araisted by km s am iton. Thre Sau iouse art Commarer has san enac as haocetm lia Virai. A delicicrai tuede narert trolahy lob isl prerent' ed la the Hallen (leaaeemddiap trsa, nue avcelard hy Jamese Cuanningham, aaplula of the Harnhby rearo fera Gorge Sniarm. Dave Leslie, manrager of the baye tesla mac preard eelth a travelling aierra eloak. A. Ken. Palmb. eoaco4 h ws, a imiable t0 attend nae arnarded a travelling aarrat tlock. On trehaNt of the Girls' anad Barye' Trsae, finm Hamilton pcv, nentedl Ait Bi'igdo ralli a pari and peocit set. On bhaaî or the gicla' tearo, Mm.. Jaus Con- rniam pceserited their aoaches Bari MeIJonrit and Chavra Oit' lier nith hall Roture. Grainaro Oillire wae top of the grariag ,ict mith 40 vans chaaeke ma cru- san and Don Chiahotro had the gost homne case (7)1. TIre repart for ehe gardon Party nue very gratifyiarg and nue givea hy Mrc. Garreet Hon- den. Dar Leetie gave the rapace un the Boys' Torameot nhieh was vryuesdutel. Dancvinrgta ,the reaard player wau eniayed byutli r Imme t0 Caramnanta Christiano Edaration caa the theme ut the Nanember mleut- iog oftlhr tJ.C.W. ut Hoeohly C'burch, witb Mrs. A. Murchebrrt esconvrer. Thi wa btd on Wrdnrcduy. November 25 uit 2 pro. in thr bacemnenýt of the churlh. Mre. MarrmemM notat the Sariplurr and gave an !nie- cerirg rorriallin an thr 10 Cormandrrl. Sev. J. Hilt apakeonar Baptisai. tira. L. Samnpcn nue in charge ut the business. Correrpondence inahadrd trttrcc tromt Mcc. W. Corttlonr ot Larti, Saab., anda terter front Mr. N. Noble art todianaputis. Final arrarograngearr w ro ade for a banqaet fige ladiea are rialrring far. Mns. R. Witeoe and Mn,. S. Priar mare inl charge oftihe tonde. Pisan, Christasa Pacty 'The fiftlh moeeting ot the Haro- hy Drearereetre nur bett art thte titorn of Erleen Bradtey or Sut- urtiuy, Nasaebr i6 ut 2 Pr. 'Mte meeting a opeord with tha 4-H Ptedgr. The minutes of thre previaus mneeting tare reud and appraved. 'Mei unit cadt - The record book op ta dure - anas an- sweredby six girls present. Ihe businera iarotaded rhe ptace and date at the noMt meeting, nhidh witt ha heMda ut e homo ot Mns. Rap Wilson an Decrahar 7 ut 9.30 uro. For geoup work "The arrange- mentor uthe harderoo' maais disauaaed, and the paoibitty or haviog a Christimas party. The rnottberc decittrd that tea arortd hase a parts. Plana tor thia parts raiti ha dincurardc ait the gr meeting, Lanch irai arrvedi by the bostea and thr meeting adjaurord. Sidaraaaea Bailar The Sidoîrora of St. Sleeerra %tant the 0tight timge of dey"'.. . f rom your watch? Voue iratch derernes pari- odia vbeckaps, viraniaig and attentlion ta needali reparirs. Ourexspert sevice tail keep tl in hip-top vondition Coros n laton far a free es- limaîr . . .nour prires arr modest. caown to thre basiness of tegisata- (1) tnvrntisr paprrnîrts uppts tlan. Thre Tevttnimta artd Voua- orly to ibhe emploprorna whivh ia tiorat Training Assistanve Act incurable dar the tlnamplas- a paratat. Tis vaant thart the ment tosaraace Act, eaatading Fecdrralloverneomrt wittp 5empamtyrrnt by gvernmert al percrentof prvinialpendinguttt evir and by goîernment- on tethairet amit vacations] owoodt busines roterprisea. training farvlitiies ope ta a total 2, The emnpoyer rouet provide of I4f par etadet in Ahe ta-If the marr mi- a signifiuant aile groap. nmaart of approed on-the-jub As neti, bitrr frdemi Puy- training or if ii is irupprap- arente niti aid trailning andt ce- riautr ailler upprosedi pragrm training programes. The M. '4 "O aiai the marber ta continue Robhinson Mugis Satanai, an thil in ganfai emppoyyient. Upper Middle R=n in Srting- 3. The employer maet hira the tan, lis beieg opreard on Friday, worker daving the perimi Nas- Novemhar 22, 1963, and repre- ember, 1963 ta Jarnaary 31. 1964 srtes a aechnuol bujit etirely uan -mlytewre . i derdathe Ad.sorth Tehia eibte reptecemeet feor ar teai AssisanceAct.rhrae manths helore thu incon- Inarentivr Pirs tise bacaones payable. Ar an aid to thre unemparyrd 4. The atarbe truit nat te in theaioder age group, the Gas- ermmrrt hue brnaght hata force aeptoyed in a job saaed hy un "OMer Worker Eroyrent Imaginer marbrer aftav Saetaroher ami Training tnveniivr Pet- 1,963. grain." lat becae effeetise an lilglbiisy Novemer 1, t963. The Gavera- Cunditinsa apptying la tha at- ment bae iniliated C-hia prangraro, igîbitits ut marbers for am- mbivb ira deeigned ta asii taong- playrount andur tha puagran arc trnir uneroplaset mature men ai fattamar ami momer ta ru-rater emptay- 1. The workrroatbh4 efyaa metadt euenees faeo avr and nt in full- sbitin. . thma employaient at thu time ut teteis plan invattver incentive timing payementr ta emptayen taho hire 2.Tg - ke rs o etagnatbe uadr marbara batmeen 2.hmu rroatnt a November t. 1963 and Jarnaary 31, rtigible for reearrar empiyon 1964. The papanenie miti ameuaie roruranva broatits. eta 0perucentafthe ronthiy 3. Thenebaerrmust avebeen arage pald or $75 per ronth. uaremptayed flar ai trast aix, ci aiabaner ie tese. the preainua niar rontha. Eni- The prograro ia dreigneat ta denve af unaronroent cue bu asitepoes uigtepr praiided fer ragiatrattou %vigil hodan ligbl oler orkr s te NtioalEroymuoit Ser- baing gisan the training andverraeiptaofunOtplasmantas- taork exparience neueaaary for sistance payrornra or ather eutiî. his uentinued emploaiment. ta- favtary asidanue ut attaahment veniinr payaiot miti be mon- ta bue taar roarket. tinaadtfor atotaltperitnote- 4. Thetaarberoustnatbe in ceediru 12 mollahs. ruaahpt at the onisureut Oid Age Ar liglotr rmrttayee roust Penionaurany oitter retirmunt base been taarbing far tIra um- or pension brnetita aquiaient te ployer flacr thrar munthi bafora or hier thon the amount af the huast clairo for payroent an oniaura Ord Age Pensian. he made. Whan tha aroptayeres 5. The murter nuit tee the clatmasbeen approved. hauwiitonty memnber of aIre faroitu recelra oue raimbturirmrnt ti teaarhold for tuteur an ineentiva temectinrty ta the dote of birina paprount a roade. ad mnely paprornue for the The Natioal Emptoaiment Ser raroainingnaillemnntba. siceamittbe responaihlefurite Thae Caasdilhana iroptemeatatiaa of the pragran Coneditiaras gaaarninf thea pay-,aI the aanmaniiy luvul. Your Vote and Influence wiII b. Appreciated ta E LEC T Carl Martin MILTON'S REEVE FOR 1964 t h aur en jopet morbing for thte toma for a nataber raf Vers anti thie has givra meoepeence la aih pheases of municipal proundatns as anril as la edaraation. i brunee in anti miii morb toanards aoasoliidtting the svhois anti enarg- iag the Williamsr Avn. High School as mnii as drvriopiag the Martin St. Sîhuol ae a Seninr Public Sahleo. During annaatiou dircueshons i argord a hacuan tiln Nanti Charmicai Indlustrirs an the toma's appicatioa mhn semer anat matar srvie mas pritted ta tOne. TOis mas laier asithairan feom the application anti I helieire il shaulai he rmeeti. If electae i will continue te mark toraards ao adequate mater soppiy ho Milton mith conrideratiara to rottering at a laner date. nus serîad. W.A. Meeta Mua. Caut Sdundurs asr hoat- us ru Sr. Staphenis Anglican Charoh W.A. an Tuesday aiteur- frvrroembeue and oneosiiter preseat. The meeting apued th the meneer praser anad Sellerait 'hanbagiriag. Tht 61h Chaptrr of St. Juhn mas ruad loy Mra. Aaoinderu. The minutai ut tee pueriooî meeting wereread and approved. The Draraary report train ahe mertingheld in Broteuwasread ha Mra. k. Pi1au. aucrelrv. Mui. Walttir rend uvuerpra fro the bulltetin purtainhng ta tha Wouldas Congreai field ta Toront tin fuliu Tair metc'-iug adjuauoud tottow- mng hat utosirtg service anai lunde avas sarsd hs the hoqtusa. ' Bblbdcay 'fln Maay happy reluira of tha dus and heat nahea ara exoerdud ta Art Plant, Derrerher 2; Jaubie Kingdnn, Lear Sumpaaa. and Jolie Snam. Graumbar 3; and Mrs. Howard Bradltey, KunI O'Nell, Mi'. Jas. Hamilton, Bill Aparb. Dei 4; ail celueuati%ý Anaiiuraary greetingi andtLaud misa .u a Mu. and Mns. Ed- aiar Roberson andMrand Mns. William Tnrhan. uehratingg an Duconabar t. [Library Notes il Daes Milton have a tibrary? ing, and the finie attd rooney Wehater's.a dictiaaeary defiares etent on rhumi wrautd better ha li.huary" a colltection of haoaks; apun o nu' hak for yaa. a raama ar building in whiuh a Thuereiore rie aira vaur aurarera- colletionafbok i kept. satioun -brin gacisthe book, il aaaarding ta ii deffinitian Mil- fend conduiain. ton has, and daes nat have a library. No Vhia jr a paradai, Baraks Kept Out ahich ja neverthules trauc. Anal ovrua bouks are or y Currall Miltaor dues have a fine roilog, andr ihou a firre collertiarn ut baoks. ta Jack af publicaspirit. If iaa have rîhichrtheuhsofanuahboaksarc unjaiualthelbaaks, vaamarvr hurreg addud. And thore are houks assrrar thai attera mieht rajas forua'uîoue-haaabooksoatare, lhern ou, il u rurnr th antiqaes, humar. lituruture, baoks for theai ta .rend. ta as scece rar, hralarr', art, philo- unir, utlthe hu-opeaitian ai the ,.phr, husiness, , e'îa.hatagy,.vnr .arur ileh Milton liraiv la architoiagi', social acruae r ce icatit maeke t i aaWiatit ,,,,nyperceptionre.tligion, lrip or hiodua 1 hook, lar rhildren. tir iu'îug, il otii ialureaI ru Only a asemet ih.at ili., ai - 1~963 ha, hc au Oeel a Barre ro surucurirrai vear. Darro rh But Milton duas aur hIlcuh ai Oulohur thuru n'a', arr, hbrilding ru trouae iis calc-M i hfboks - Iai the ase. inarcta ai 1,026 arur luit era aino file loua hall, on ahiuh Octahur circulaion. Andi lar' Chu file spacu a. rapidirv sirihieg, far 10 moraihs theuiouruasu in r arr aaraîarioiaaru.ra, ir uaion wruas 7.745 wihh l 43 as o!îh irulaionuuiîraruiiaaii au mrea [lie tira arrr ai alu ailh ibcak eo a. colcto 1962 ovuaiherevîurayar'e hAd rair arro Milieu Puhbl a rr iah i Authiri-v Lihurry t have aaked childen unhur airi O Crerrrr't iiigqustinand haeuhalltiri- lAI fi,rurroiel)ii. rai auswrour Ha re arc sori ai t1 i, ,.ro ibarr. Wîîh vu heun 'l'au du,.Mu. Foarur )poeuiiioii Miltir canhveun (IL Miln arrel huias go the oeuoi- anel Mtiateualiiý -uil N'or marke aria ri il l Onuv filu hrooks viat havu rural 0 CHRISTMAS : andai ,rhane ara uia N.i rani literait rua car trie : GIFTS ailai ahasa, Yar ou a r oit librarr hr' hrtoglag hock theu a ARRIVING DAILY * houka ti hai condii tien Chitairui a cipuaari iauni rai u cirght lun Ati Neandm Diffarent iluinai le iaa tou ha plaieu kay.Away Natal coesThis prururia, vort ateiai * ianrot furasritru ua aun MILTON LZ tbocks, or ihuaa jakur cavirurr aPLZ arcexpns- ad tln Smoke and Gift: : Shop : FULL 1e" Ope a 1Op.m. inct. Saadaysq * ~ SEIF-STORINO ***** U** 0MtaS N EtHUnt The Canadian Champion, Tharsday, Non. 28th, 1963 " -H. Morgan Setf. R.R. t, Mit- Savaness formatar Bear tdae tan' n'on a prize in the South. peopte ontit you makie a million. dlowa ahoup ftarie naut atasaes ar ACter tirai, preaplear ue aie la the Rayai Wieatur Fair, non. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 136 Miltun ARE HOLDING PHEIR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TURKEY DRAW and STAG NUGHT AT THIE CLUB ROOMS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1963 Township of Nassagaweya I VOTE TO RE-ELECTI WM. J. a (BILL) MAHON'._ VOUR SUPPORT WILL BE SINCERELY APPRECIATED FOLLS OFEN 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M. MON., DEC. 2 r' (<~9~faimily fashions TR 8.2067 228 MAINS. GIRLS' ALL WOOL LADIES' PUE WOOi. S L I M S 1' ~ COATS IN ATTRACTIVE NEW PLAIDS H,7ipe aiadideatpuckctap P actirai al 1rtuat trar l r a 'Inen i t aIceru rai aa Sauva 8-20 8 9 O urî ite Paîtraig LADIES' FLANNELETTE sni, aui i i" rriari P Y J A MA S Sie S, M, L $2.98 -Mm.9 EXCEPTIONALLY WR Bqg Sat 7-14~ I NYLONSK MTT Lil i ho -6 Wae reelent, rarh- Cea taRed Boue BergeBonTuq is abe taaais Roy a bl aadGollasue tai ian $1.98 USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING LAIS RANYON MEN'S * Stardad elasta wai att GIFT BOXED " Bantirdand herdndnlaea iieg. 59cnatb lnr laner fr any figute F SOCKS SMWit,BlePink 3 NylonvStret p Glsbeti i hcl BY MiOtEGOR Goodalur assoertn Reg. $1,50 pair. Saurs t0-13 S , M-L $1.98 and $298j 1 0 Satisfaction Guarani.êd or Your Mon.y Chegarfully Rfunded j -r YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED TO ELECT Douglas PTO LEMY î COUNCILLOR TOWN OF MILTON IF ELECTED TO COUNCILr a -tail!, te te bcst a'my abilitr, help diret the oer tesn ai ebir eamn in te most baaineaaike manner * possible. a, 1i mii parefacr &iH dlies gie Ii, tee loi the ataneat coarnviction, and ses figera ebroaga! t hair compieatian. 0 ii endeavor ta push farward, ai te eariese pan- ible date aftroeaetaai', à stampiaielp nareisei in. dseriaI park seaa e contu attfrat, at a muah fumsir re, moare iadaaeey ta ehia aone aad thuts raliene snna. bulet ah. toit burdea an ar camaeaity. GORDON E. BURRELL Construction g g. 6, MILTON CALL 854-2638 NEW CONSTRUCTION RESIDgNTIAL COMMERCIAL ALL PHASES ALTERATIONS - ADDITIONS FREE ESTIMATES Oar Staff hoa a toal af anar 62 peurs' conatraction enparrierra FOR MILTON'S REEVE ELECT CARL MARTIN FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS CALL TE 8-4425 pi main stL RUISa -i NEW SLIM FASHIONED lFor Chrimar Oivnegf PETTI PAN1TS 0 10o tict Dube ro'e ai I la