Thte Canadien Champion, Tharsday, Nov. N*r 1963 Daeaac us Satur RG AROUNO7,O E2. nteW 'R ~ iIAgain tf mas a la L a very specttett Ny UIBLSE m d ta t çe ah Cltriism begins ia Nuvcmhct ittueins: paudiag, a litIe brandy A dey attend of caeelcng tm Tht meaveneca oar tataitic wteu reno celchcet- cu ttc ncrmed aud POraaed ptierr teaultet and aeeded iotautte sere, Stcc In ieatcctnte cd ec h ihhlt ittn t. cecs. pitied pr-aVeu, curraats, B. Danckt and tianat manner. Both th rui-ct1 Hc'ectr, tctry precatiaa petit Ind citronaund almonds Chtristas devocr cake and ptuin Paudding ctquirea chtcatd ttc taken anti tha tiantes Nert il i teelattla Ganda.c; fti.c lai amneu etpraeria nddtct titan lino a prenlg kttle or Mrs. J. Stnutt; feal sneta ttf btctr chn, atted diS A ut. U pUDDING vtry tatae ttuwl. thc atiPueuta Sclicieti atnd Mi ec ta mtt ils tarccittt Yiald a], - CH bISTMA 16U servtigi. et psit flttur, Italatg pawder, bake guacla, Mca. ritare befurc ervintg. 3 caps durk setdttcc :raiins iakiug soaalt, cliatiser,fnl- WO'Neill and M Prearigth fruits andVots 1 cup hatnd eedd risin mail, alttpic,ttloeaand iger. IlieD for theuletimt.hoottd Chitmas t cop tut-up prunres Mixin l ead ta-umita btctwl Mca. H. Bucit trsis uatty a tant y ar- 'cutnturratt sagar ad catet. Add prepurednatrttciad igir, with tvanyune deen te mcd caid o pacn fritsadtctliatad lot.iIî te rfrted Iindergarten elae gatteriet I ie ade e4 n have is: tnparalud ail pce aoaend the tableta te htp. Man iro aeiec[eartdad oti banllda, moike ligttt work adi P tttps .2..d htachcd wtih dry mixtare.. gdiets, th ucactarat tt. ctil ce oi nc-ife almuindese Cotmbtinectcet-ten agga graiait. ttetek e îcer ccv- carctchd utoutt. rnev and brandy ut grape jaice. ticetd Add te trait mitucre and tant pletd. tpc or bina vety thotnugltly. Tttree- Toysreiltor Cn i.ýl. icsonce-ia pntrfta quettctc titi une grased large Pliedng rtip net Chrinet t tespaanheakiaipsodcr pudding btta' (chut t2.ntp site) Planiral Uddcs, to ethit ioeil icaspen stalin cua tt tire boter - et une twe a- limetau of c tar w henic fent Io teasn g ca huaito cU o .caver îeettîy winý bc od fshioed.Suetis he t ttacpeee gated aatmtg grea ut r, t okr sboen fetirc cctt tscs.aiv1ztespeen arnend atiniticc -actettcli dame. Staam pud- taledadthe pc.tVtcethc f tral 4tespoucearnnnd doives ding oerr ptcnty ut boiîcng aner crUms inthe lattr lihten tiqeasoon roun gine -6thuutrstr rer pdding, teextureh hratttric i Ighcv t cape gc end sal hte ber 4 heers ter umatter unan. Ie antullre Gcpt icc I c pniv teccetccttantttr Uncv pudding and sand til fer part et ttc liid. 1 t be ctta-ekd trenn on a cire yack untit titncnagtttc When lte lmet ctesteerve cttgar coattd. Re-ce and nIoe in a .e ltae pudding, vtceam tlfu ev- 1 2 cap. tinety-thappad heet teol Plaet te ripen for caveraI em 1Iveers, thcn tri the hctt , ct tnttt<. cdi puddieg out ente a largt,.h uttlhtetten aggt Fer setciag, vacstaa pudding reurd servig dtc.tlthte i rein tiqeid hoev aboutc3tfleurstrtfre ne, 2~ votesfor the ddedrama eitai U cep bradno ge juic hour fon r nCterunes. Ils 1 Il Perpetuate Memory of Pioneers Erect Cemetery Cairn at Sodom A dencedatrtotonetfthetii io use tie and canA. thictcncad At tinte ai SI.68 Mr. Lambit c selliert ta Naecccccana Town- setINilh tcetl. citl gaing ntrng ami thit conm ship, Orrie Acîccn, Bcti oartdPlansCairn mercely miuced titet tlayc et kano tnemuat, us[cttcnntit Th cairneai SodemCemttcry wcrion acouentat iece. nd acainai Sdium C tetnt1c letn reut ot ment-ttc et Ththouscin Actcnccrte M.I ta perpeteattn4ht menmar et plannigb eecetmtyartad.and Mrt.JckhKectnetiEveta eatly piaataatc itritrit hait. icairman te tGrent Cemphetl and tht cerner ruf Charch and Wittccc Broken ares unittvac~ picea'i cie are Due MtMitten andi Streete cra ena et tht tir-ct ce- factie asction o cet srnai ci- ctid thte tcreinr. torit one bit by Mr-. Lams ihean ingtenPtanityteriaa chcr-ch and cairn ad ic rcenihetfovek- yick Forhc. Inattercyear., Mr. cemaecy. Auseraioaliniccithe cic the huetrtfor-the ctct Lamhr-pairtcthatcgietcat g am nd thenoiresof trscans Thic is cnet the first cairacn -e en~ctracway te the park; lie huddthare wittl ha inridc-i.kt tnt Mr. Lamb, neir w,-4 aseicted hic lather ta builcding tine cetre oft tht ceira ccclý c h ic tact. bc aisriginatty yearc ait. glato glats. Eirilst Gave Ai precnthcheasctartedenne Mr.Lamis ttutatttbmrn-rn EaeletGun e Osbch eCattttt ce Fr- less bcisdcing thic typetofccck The tir-ct tait cnetehce hc', mece Township cear Eden Mictu. IMr. Lambin Stem Cennatacy Stonescsdhtyhi arttathn-emaidwhen nt maittna as wasito erect aalemnrmeni tettatui atbrtaemr irmiused stcnemesaa. on het summer for John Blatkiat htis tic e iin the aleentrenteittina don- nights ie aen letst tting 0. Siget Cajalpnhati n ti35. Tht atad tty Mr. Lambt ter titis job,. hic ver-andeit on Knox A"Venue couple died ta 1i20. He aicci wet as wel ac stoes wcht turmed ccatthccg peopte mande-ng t thetirat percan taclechupec.tceataktfronm boucc Itebrn ed eand fr-cm, te Pur-k. Ha c ripr- ofthedeaurdeitilt bhclc gic. weretitckdeon hyhisradole cf tcher cerendeit. Ha tiaichad uncîts, Jadan. Rabet-rand inthec. thec ceers cin crt sertt. Lambt, hucit ia c86i. Wlsta thte thae c-h wet bt- ent -masi ittg hut. vtet thre men hrice u r/ hunapitta craWamt upcrts > uen YOUR CON tnis straad is titl nat keccen. rer &orptOWMrI hbut lit is iatietti ru hacve caccn ca in.Gccrgeton, formcr Mnayor «tetrk efthue stecemacecc ci the ic Gibboens and Mayor E. T. lana. Hyde ccitt tight cl out tur tht Multon has recetty prar Orri Lambwh umeu t crni.ccC amyraiyctest Menay.a Steve cation ta theOntrio Muni agSta Corners, îhraecies aci int Etliccti rtc.cintd an acclama- teaenetiVni ofniditiont ofgActonand %then ocly a boy, rien. ramn, tic iit, irte ap muckad ncith htc lachcr. Wtaccr Depaty-Rtace tone): Marttn naîticl, eppronimereln dec1 SSret Lamtb, caha ne-ec etl Hcrerc, W. F. Hanter. rte Town ci Milton. knon scuntmaucnn cett had Wrd neac tlamatiun): Dotn morktdearnthetrcdainitetiacri Fcnrc B.i Frantis As aereslttaofitheuvs Aller Mr-.Lambt marritct hic Wenaýd Tccntic lin JtYoung. seerniteahicit wes cnante mdc, lte forer Maift- Hat cmemn. lt. it Beunridit. prearerian ai rte Raportn rier-sn. cn 19c8, tht ceaptt tenon Wcrd Tit, ratwoccc Fred Harri- mtria ppceiMct d ta tcarrasd -heca cu n1 cona Bill Smith, Cherlet Httde lith thae grplietin nieuto on. S-ita Be-ard ttoun)t W . E. enciet, ptenniag enni terît Vearnea Joits atet hi iticcctccn. H. J. Sitcr. nii iaiii iets tai cetitcunha ttatitucit-tt, S, A. Finlay. Ms. Magdalccne daetagomeat ai lte rama. oet tht coutry and chances a r ght. aefWn itece lte apporter- Stcdaita itaa hn ynu sec a enan-or e lateacicnlc E. W. Ilnrnet amhmM.Bicnittc. e patint, iten on rtincc aagaineI wa ar-ms wham Mc. the ______ urin, miii mill ermele th w.eb as tee rtint mitadh John A. MaAuiay. Q-C., L.L.D.. denelap ramardsa emate lu autit. ~ ~ f Htf heWtihic n nnipeg, Chair-mac et tht of indcarriei.raatdentiet anc a n clsari bouse lecncc Board cf liavarnurs uftahe lte semae tinte implaenet Mr. Lermb guchece hic ste League et SRid Cross Sacietien. is pr-rm c nea it tit frent rte tieandr cm sces ccc the tivct Catudia ta hatri titi ar orprasnte rand ils hatriheai ntre(grirte) in ti, impur-tant ineratiotcal positten. endce headen an rte tuer tearS. As et auitesicc. ttc pc-Llt-ct naad net stad îîiltt miDell.hnomn stalle menuen, reuentty nontpiericd a cttct t Sadent centerin laNnaaagiceya Tamnsitip. His *qwen ailsi nee cairnt, reaieitmg aid bucilding lane .eey nji alt ai bilding item and itou.. meiii. s-e m iiew ban ieg ituli. te aeecnmlte ef e of Nauffla ;Tgs«Iyeii tiliC-r Jouhn Slackt, and hii mli. lete Camp- iLMr. Lambi eren ltae monunti la 1935. -Cc' TAKE A DITE, smitet Young titten Ceirns, et the Cethelîn Wonenn's Leauec Citristmas Suceur on Setendt. Tht niait mas cri ofsneeldraw ptîeannd eîmwonb MtD 0 Bontht oi Miltton. Mrt. H. Sunkiet met canvenr fer tae dra. neage oficiets danei ridthn eant us iting e "wonderfcl FILM MACHINES There a canuitaI Medicine Lent ceati thte Miltn Fubiti man hn can grena haie. - Watt, thaca cf twnctt ftc ilme ctrip ma- heani ce tite ltie ence hava lookis chinesan nre ccreta tac chuw e' m rec. ina titmc in tht schect. Tht _______________ scheet prcntmtv certaitte niai- acked te leit ]intn tht ptirchait et tac neet piancs to u e 1c FOR HUNTING tht Brtata St. ani W. I. Dialc cchectc Tht pianoc yrcteantc iii YOU NEED A GUN uc et' te %cahecti arc gctîtet îîtd ari wili ha ditticait ta re- - FR ELN pair, huard uer s att rc itraLIN tcvmcd. I YOU NEED A I CLASSIPImD AD IN riettuni ccv getc atything tor nathint. but a tnt et peopilTeHMPO kccp tryi.______________ FIDFNCE WILL BE APPRECIATED aentean unppli- lion of e cnaw lier Miltton) cncept of tae cipat Sourd far Senint Fuhlic Sciteut. The enteittitshmena telndu te te ni cnurset ie Tacial andi Cammercial Eni- plinetian ta suc- cetîcnai et ha Wiltiams Avtance Higit Sciteel laies rte ar-e nf is art indicarion ni item yeet Higit Scituol Boerd ns teckltl tomae ai tite praitiemsas-î - ncieted cacit te nanassitin ni praviding kan derna rte tin cneation Ilebs, for rte ngegiaring, lia- nual iaforatnit s inn rte futue citt ta itrmelte meteted inierm- ne na tomc ta meratte itatance nnnmear, and ar a capitel tadgqt improemant ai nervican mitiotee patais - Milt At ibin tinte, me areaeil very much can-. carned mitit edUatita ia gnae and, titese eduatitna fiitiea aiiarad itt Milton en parlictar. atit rte Puii ad Hugit Sitent Bnards hae dra ap e vert curaictit ptaaned and, ta naine dagran. intar-reattan pra-trem for the intraannt nd elrrln ment ai eut ntitatt fenititias. Thetac uceci- tcon ci rte Martn Street Sciteal nt rte Pet. lic cniteetoardmwitIetffit egreming eei ifor udditioaî unnommodation, in un ecn- amclmanaer, toeeu aitt rte intnndc RE-ELECT UJniversity De-trea ul s cat nuern ta-oru rte -treng tend for itiqhty treinad patsn- net in indcnry and providing us mith fanîli ties fcr ccr enan ictrt adctiaa titrae-t nveninclsses. Wa Ment support nef Seite at erds sn ti mant important andea- ver. Miltren scitanl ciidraa must have sia tppatcity mitit att. teImaginative anitemai for rte attraction of tndcstry have itean advancced ity Ment- bersaofnortlndustriat commisin and ot- ers. Ona nanh sugestioan t ilte t ram sitdaucqaîra tndustrcet tend ty nailing de- teateres dirntly e-eiant rte putcaei ai nenit land -Titrarue maay athars. Milton has e grat futue. Titi Ten ment nappent its Sciteet Boards, Planning Btard, Lchrury Beard, industriel Ctmmis- nion, Sacrnuîunat Commission, and aIt ciler greeps anni icndividelsn mita ara -tiaing ai thitaî rime na ganarentin anni imeginalivett for teaedcvcemneat ai Milton - We ment uti mark taqetitet. Mey 1 hava tact nupptrt an Dascamitr 2nd ns themt 1eney contcnue te pteY MY part an taeedenanerear ai Miltn tt rte tram ci eny utiliry. Normi Pearce CO0U NCI1L LO0R TOWH OF MTON on Doeob.r 2nd, 1963 - A'!om9 THE ASINUA . M SISTnMAS 14AAU seenniarai b p e lia Ctiolic Wumen'w l.eagae uf HoiiRoer Citerni WIî itou $alpcdpy dtlntee of lthe tannai, mur4 a large crowd attendl(O. Sitnt poertng lte are Mci: 1(brliltaiuh, Sr.- aild Mli. 1. A. Marrill, for cneni ler IeftIol etîttl stainu ingl Mci. . . V.cndonevlSl Mis J. Saminor iltd Mci. S. GDansuii. aîîd sîigills su jîtlt. a tttt aigut Vtt1 As the laundry mummy dries ,wih the lidep of the Friendly Fuel Ti it tle lady wlalmiyi renterafietahe frtnl conteanîtnYleîd -eeiighaclky blanet sunshiny sang oflaattdtYthat'singently Sec the hadaume Nationat tas dreen deadity Natturel Gai, thte Fretdly Fuel, fiale wet at yuur gai apptiance deater ut Bal mita lier atter tilmes bail aboaut hec, depatetntnte e iterms anc NaturelGatdren tis ft spted and quiet- enteeeynressemabte. naît. Sitehanw thut mating maistace amay Hole-anert are ttuppir tn Naeuae Gue (initeud af itaig it ut flpplng it att) is casierenfateic. Andaturel Gua deyeea' nitie h de nat m is aît hthien ai ae U N IT E D ( s L m IT E D NATRALGAS '111E FRIENDIY FUEL EXPERT INSTALLATIONS 0F GAS CLOTHES, DRYER S SA*.FAY & SONS Ltd. 146 Main St., Milton TR "-533 NORGE DRYERS AVAILABLE AT MKIM HARDWARE 260 Main St. Tif e9222