Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 1963, p. 6

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November is "I4unting"' Month-qta nt for Mo~f mua thé Want «Adis CLASSIFIED j Died COMINO EINTS (cssofnaem MR SAI <Centinued$ FOR SAM lCsn.iued) PmU SALI (Càislumd)WNS <OOfU.)L CLASSIFIED ~ ~~Tpperware Party at Halton FOR SALE-i 1956 sedan dolas- FOR SALE - 1957 Oidcmnobdle FOR SPALE-i gai., mina bar- WANTBD-To boy, 4-bedroom OT2ses,1Hrfd, Art~flTCIkl ~ 60WLAND -At Hamilton, on Centenotai Maner auditorium. cry, $200 or bost ofier. UL 4-2574. sedori, outomaio, radio. 2-lune, rai, $5; montai Do $10; bamn. homoe, double garage, on a gond LS- teo eeod ADVERTLISIIJI".. Suoday, Octotter 27, 1963, Edîth Wednesday, November 6, at 2.30 c-25-2661 Better thrai average. Open lu of. bon drapes, envier 12 fi. x 90 in., lot, in or cloue lui Milton. Appiy moan. welgilg about 700 ls May Patton, beloved tuile of p.m. S1tonsored by the Atudiiory. -- fer. 876-2777. c-25-2611 S5; 2-wsheel bond truck, $5; new to L. Warden. Box .357, FeUs, Moflat tare. Phone Campbsut RATESs G ett l] Gounlond and dear Refreshmeoto seruedl. c-24-2-2529 FOR SALE - 1952 Ford 4-door, FO- - -.l d be Binocli rug'simmpooer, $3. TR g. phone 443-2904. c-25-t vtille UL1 4-2455. c-e326i RA E ohr fHwrHrl n ngood conditin, S125 878.9434. O AF4 edpr.be 2432. c-25-2632 -____________ Lorno, in ber 82rtd ye.tr. c-25-2591 ul grade Holstein hoifers. lromn *Furralri ce wos field front Lucky Luncheon, Mapie Leel ..... raiol 2 yeorn. McFadden and FOR SALE - 1957 Ford 2-door, WANTEDI - Ride wanied or- on Gouplai Son IR8-239. c-25-2627 autumnatic. S408 6-cytinder, rad- genly, lu o beaI ooy Toronto EIETHS, DEATHS. MARRIAf. Zimtnerrnau United Cluorch osGot, Knox Presbp leria FOR SALE -Baby carniage, in SoiRci63., u plus 2onow tires. Phsone UL oubway at 8a.a., ieauiog 5.15 Miscelianeous ES. ENGAGEMENTS - No Toandat atlernoce. Interment Chorch, November 5 at 12.30. Ti- excellent coondition. FPtone 878- FRSL. lcothok4987o pt onrBu inp.. o r2weooaln ctnar. lui-. Evergreen Cemelery, Mil- choIs 0.11. iSoor prizeo. Tickets o9ss0 c-25-2663 Anthracite hord coutl for mine- and Appleby Line oner neekend. Noven8ber IL TE 8-2767. c-25-2634 WATER itaudage. ,Reoasonobi rge- ton. anailablc frue membero of dialo dclinery. Coul TE 8-4405. Ad- c-25-2655 groop. c-24.2-2540 O AECr ai o i rates. Gall TE 8-9740. b-25-267i FOR SALE. FOR RENT, ETC.- KELLY -AI the hoimo ci hor '57 or '58 r radg o t lyuat TE ms Gray Fue c-5- FR61297 APyol PaoTen adrpi *95c min. chg. 1cr 15 sourd,. fi> dttcghtor in Aclon ttn Friday, 7or'8DdeoPlmuhIRFRSL 197V ly utPin Tnngadepr- per onord thercoiler. Oetcor 25, l963, Gertrude Roi- Rommago Sale, Friday, Non- 8-666- c-25-23(7 FOR SALE -Wooden trame Beistodere 4,door sedan, aoîomaî , New and osedtpiaou. Phon 1%, oile af tho flei Moruinemoner 1. 7-9 pr.. Saturday, Non- building, roogbly 31' n 32' sieu.t transmission, pmower brakes, Hein Wanted Henry PoIsifer, TE -9781. changqent inseonishg r (no in botcne ohruHn- enhor 2, 15 a.m. - 5 p.m., aI Ad- FOR SALE-Hoey, 25c per lb. tubc romonod from present on-: padded dusb. custom push bul- I7t.O 15~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~N wcd.5curscr bee t Speyside, William ct Lon- an's Feed Store, 264 Main Si., Ploaso bring own contatners. oticu. TE 8.2311. -c25-265oinrdo 45 ai8622 n citer. 5 e odte dcc. Patrick of Oshawnt, Mot.. Caudalan Girl Guides' Local As- Phono UL 4.2340. c-25-2672 AL-ipe; - eniogs. c-24-2542 FEELP WANTED-Ili.,shsnner, REPAIES 'lu ail] makes o ainP. McCrtstall (Catherine) ot socialion. c-24-2-2534 FOR SAEApe:Macintosb, FO- AE-RgitrdHl mole. Apply Solf Restaurant, Mil- cleaners and polishers. Fre -25c discount allcnsed 1cr Cash Actcc. Mmý. James Backsnoll FOR SALE-Baod. clean, dry, Cortland, Delicios, Greenin FO SAeLE -etr ocreie ad vue- to -aa c.1322 Nck uk an., Hmillon, N. Sc paymest. lEtohohiaiKichnoMm Tsire 5r oncfPo atl alstat. aoi Hrrn.TE6-auAcyhBin cntinrsNo.riafdoliekeiin TNnec' HLamNTiltDmston76, c233-5 s s Lawreouo porc-tlit ce) h etseisO Peýaa 9846 or TE 8.2955. c-24-25l98 Bottiicid, TE 8-6355. b-24-62573 a-HL AT18.c2--5 F i.JmsHuk(eiRbOl Classes fur theeducation of e- ....___ lies, bred Febrtar 3, 1963. help required, i or 2 mrnngs :OMING EVENTh. C&FD 0p Mt2526. -os.- HotoolÎ UiBootris m THANE-Ol cr tr.t o li' atd Mt,. F rcod Mollin poctaut parents onilt hegin r'horn- FOR SALE--Cow. Hols'tein and FOR SALE - Sorge milking Pabst Roumer Admis. Clarence pier week. 876-2087. c2562 EME pbstr-r-o ttcKS for aoh addiieair Coluel lc Gop ay, Ncnnhr 1 For îantor Jersey, dute souri. Apply Jack eqcipment, dairy terou, supplies. Ford, TE 8'H15L9 c-NTD-Datime hO gleanng. rmtsrie o piona fne. pro e) tt l ht. elh eb 1 - HELPltotstentng, sit furnitore refinishini es 0cfr ah di Requioem Mas-s toc- cebratcd particolars and registratiotn, Corolo. TE 8-9165. c-25-2651 poil bacons. Sales asd Service, FOR SALE - Car, truck and ter wanted lu comte tu chilis rugaîi Ptlromaîservbe, bon 1N MEOIA-I ls praiS. tueh'-. Chosch, Mtcd.n Phono Haiton County Heaoth lin- - Horace Tumiinon, Brampton, tractur tiresnwadueathm.Cl R895.c2-66qaiy mtras, none andfin oued aIlse home Colt TE. 6-9953 ul 7-20. c-254-51 FR2626aigsfrbd G 17.c--99t mnship. Bailey Bras, TE 9-974- hi ding or 1111cr. By trock tcad attieJNvpie;fat ie,7c Ceiie . y. Milot 878-6338. b-24-2543-ll FOR SALE - Choico building wheels bolanced. $1.00. 1e houtt HELP WANTED - Driver for _________________ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ______________ REAstetti-ersee audoia Uivrstbatteries' forlo, 00x 00,4t Lmontssga ntandemn bttridumpmo ttndm u nk.uc. Appty it LAGEGRelIPINS CLASIFIED DpLet. RoLl IZR-A Po etro onrnt seCuMl. -lt11s21 inch. Nasstgpe cars and trucks. Milton Tire and Hisou, 24 BrunIe St. c-25-2671 LARG GooY pEaINg nTSh ESTAT-$i.2 tueospitial, on Frtdoxy Octoher lot end District Brancb, miii FOR SALE-.22 magnumu Mar- eo et 10 4 uenn ranc tyeRdau evc.11Mi tT Ej ATD -2fre y stafphtapergluT HBpOXl -.BE mcc Tbonda Champion 50 homes 71,c00 Ternis 8725$1i evc,11 ilS Ra BO1UBRt hncte 5, t9c3. Goritrode. daoghieof ci e ..rsay Nonember 7, 6.30 lie nife. 6 pomer scopie, nling and ltttos à190 Termn 876-2756.mCamin,5x iz 5c xl ttc lote Mo. atnd Mon. Gecorge pue.. ,tt theo home cf Mos. F. D. gold triggor. 878-6618. c-25-2679 c-252Ï624 8-2711. c-25-26S6-li bauds. Appty te Ednnord Stnue, Cash 10 accompany order. Et 25c additionol. Josepth îNviter. door 'istor ai Thcuepsou, 382 Moplemorxd Cr., E. R. 5, phone TE 8-9373. quine ncm ut The Cbampion o Ltltitu (Mon Frank Tatylor) Milot. Speaker in Mrs. Alfred FOR SALE - Htuse traiter, 21 FOR SALE-Apples: Nootheon FOR SALE - Farmi building. c-25-26S7 fiee. c-t DEGLNS ct ac c omo Hanme: Mut- Bell. Straîford Shakespearion ti. Aima. $325; aise, vari cus stoesi Sp-. Macitosh, Delicicun, Cout- driuing shed 65' by 24'; pouitry CiasiirdAdroisig tl booltoot Morne Tatylcor Festivai. c-25-2673 ai codar ponts. DL 4-2624. loud Grernings. Homatd Goto- bosh 0b 1,org 2b HELP WANTED - Clerk for ABUNDANT EGG PRODUCTO tottiedAvetiig n Mt-, Oootio.o Piokering. c-25-2667 fartd, TE 8-6456. Wr dolot' 16', miik boune i0' by fi, also a teed and furue soppiy store. To A HV-LINE SPECIALTYt 12 Sn ednsdi0C75-8-2613 qatity cf osrd tumber, 8 atr arrange 1cr appuinîment. colt 'IR Gel plenty of eggn - and Ibrit tN oWdedy Ett t hoLoFntl Anhgrone United Church Anni- FOR SALE-Hockey gionen aujnd ____________ boums mith pipe. May be se-'o ai 8-2391. c-25-2592 iv fred conversion, roboot lieiCasiuonSla e.Esae Rsec uteLe uea 5lonnifrd Dinp ay RoiEil Hotte. htrec-isvtll wherbs-oervice nornaro-, Sundon. Nanember 3. pots. ste i0 - 12 ycars; figure FOR SALE - Mops. Toc-n ni former Dredgo fuon. 5 mites - - - ility and eggs housemives tik p..Tunoy t'.' tottl att Mcud.ov. tlormeot speakers, Il o.m. morship. the skates. sizo 4ut. TE 8-6100. Miltcon or Conty ai Halti 24o nooîh ci Milton. 25 Higbseoy. For MAN WANTED toit. Order Hy-Liue ohicho or H Stito,-.'lte Cotlry. Rot, Patrie6 Ashuin ai Trieuv c-25-2638 ecaoh. Avoale] ut the Chouepiot. toothor information catiC.Tocco' Contiue Eamleigh Sertice 10 Line readyto-lay pohlets. Gel tui Phone TR 8-2341 Untited Ctttrcb, Burlinglon; 9.11 -c. -s c----~.,, ~, Office, 191 Main St., Mi>s.( lita, Oukuillo, VI M-177. c226î ottstttIrs in Ha5uttCoOtty tttd egg profits. Order from;: W. pue -SOOp E5 net.d sta u -5221 iltoo.yuurn o prtbeion h .1 ony c2 b The Canodiau Chamepion, Thaosday. Ost. 3int, >963 Births, Marriages In Memoriam DILLOW bn aout, ntemor ofc ct;rttst Gr.todpa G- trgs E. Telt) G; t ton, tho p.ttned attay Natetubet 6, 1960. Peteolit ho iliy rosi. dcar Granod- Il;-.ttos'et tubrtthe thy Mt Ille.tctsdoa l.oy Bon S. it, octo,;t to do flite 'am". Born tel te;ooeoothered by grotnd- e iltodto;o. s.25-2604 OENNIh-M. totd Mit. Rt t ILLOW-ttt lot i;g teooto i o Oso'.on te R.e;.eok ' disr ltot'.h.od atnd loitier. R. 1. C.;uepholtitto .ie G 0;. feorc E. ITed) Dilioto. o cd tco nooatte the botil tit aI .t.-etl ,oo'; thec yeors.aoa, theto dagîttet. weigttt 7 tht. .00 Nottoto her 6l. MOilan Gistrict o sepitalt tootH tc at0 tratn Ococher 29. 1963. Het t, doto- buothu eor. OUBE-Mo. andt Mo'-. t1 tR î.' t.h at;stc, tilnlvhuso thiching. Botrrie (nec Mootto Croots> ThougItt air hito wasnau tttnh tucanottcte th sale;e,00a.Gt'.cdos toii ornte er ai af o bobv dauglitto.Meoco c-.. Lvnc. 8 tbhs.. 10 oz05. Oin oit, Matn vthink tOto ssotnd is bield, Hcspitol utt Wedttosd,;.'. iloto- Oct thev uitle kcow th" scorrov' ber 23. 1963. !Tltics lin trhe lîoort oc.t.lod. GABINIEWICZ - Mo imi; M-;. ;;;;, tto bybs -25-2665 Ted Gabiutetoosei o ,; oo;.-, Ho-, tli atrc ylu.ttod t;; ___________________ the, hirtî,1tli oIeg 7 ths., 2 oz,,., a Milton D" Cards of Thanks triet Hospitltl Octhlob,, __________ 1963. HARRI-BrN.;; oittia 0, Bootiti lic .000 tli ot'l 0.0 .0; dooilttor Heoi;i J,o. 72b, 1h. toz., cn Ocho;e 22, 19.3,. o; Huittbr Mtootoco ;,ll,,i,] MARCUCCI Mm. atnt oit, toloot Marsotti tri- Lio.toto R R. 1, Horo.v ie iîotI- annuunetheo ho;t t>; lii son, ick. \vuig;tt 7 lit-.. -o; Thor-.d.tu il,1otîet 24, tOi3 MARSHALL- , t; otoo Mor,. ;; Moa'shallt ci 95 Motoot SOt; a ploo'.od t00 .;t;t;;toto.e [lie ho; Oit unOstohe; 27, 09îî9 NAYKALYK Mo .;;tol MoI, ; e o) 1 7 O'..o;oa S; N. orttoe;o'o;t. Pets; lhosuot;;. her 29. t9(,> ROW11TiOM o.kI .od;ii.l Rootolto;ttof I St; Dr.. Si. Ct0lo.;;;;;,..;'t a,, s Oý,aitn l, h;t;l;;;o ;s; >tuot Mo;rk tit;oo. l;7 tht.. 8 tot, .00 101 ),il lo; pital. OsOot;2.. l' A l-,; la;Ito luoado; 1 . 11 SCIIOUTLH Mt .0;;,> M-;' to Sshcc;ou lotee Van; dot;1111 oi R. R . , oo ateote. pieotei cu ot tt;o.io lle it' t oi thoir 5000, 000; ott 7 tht., 91, 0005.. .0 MoItoot flito;00 il;..>t;; . i on Ocinohc; 27. itOi WALLACE 'oli ;.,ti Mo-. M,-'ot; Wallace one Bali) of RO R. 2 Couephlît lie .00e îto;'e l anor-ilt botili o! l, tcn, Toto". itîco. ote;gOl 7 11ltt 5 on., .0 Miton ii Ill- pilai ;;t Frioioo. 0o tahet 25, 1963. A bhettr Oct Tiicnv Ottoctot ta tot telattives andlfritdn ni ,otii ava Mitn Haspi- toI. ando .t tpe.o.l bocnk Yo.o ta Rot. MC.ivtt c-25 2654 MîcI-e Mt.aLlotn. 'Ii, ioc, -.'o a the ltlc Datvid J.oooîe- Douglas. 'r.h ta thitott ail tfeli'cllcot telnie a d Miolton' Gistrict Hosptital,.N ,oicr 11.0"w ttCld' n.,d syo'so.oIl ttt,t tlu e;die r er alttd Dr. titet Ret..O. NcioatdlRot. Gý A. Potteli. Thoothinet vo0ai Le'toc. i. and oo Motirgat c25-2596 lit dit otoit otf oto sottt we. t;;-.>; Io; usytos or heot llt ;llIok'.too .11L pptecaioc ta our elo, lict kcithot ,tttd O tol' )i tlodo tol.-le tt.li Io ltotk L.OL. 235,5 Royol Black t; esoîttoot 895,,oand [lie 11. ai - es R 0 . h. Ncvito Rot' B. F. Art,Ioeto .ood bot. J. L. MsGcoso tl, loo;e'.,i t vott r dtt .11 p he ci, o'. olllte'eio,ots tn la oser beur' h; i;o l,ttths ta Mr. Mac- Nzit l;t oi-.i koott atod olliscoolj be.M-' Geortge Lo-.toe lion. '.o.î.and Moogrct. o-25-2597 Coming Evenfts ht,; te 8 imtt it t a p. 15 gal" odpitoe-.. -25-265t, Cath;looioho;ootlttt Att' N;;;;t;23,2 51t c--25-4 2b19 i t;;;, .;o;td Mtocdern Gattetoof ,i0 I;otktlie, Hatll, Sotootdot. N oe;h;2 . Coorie'-. oche'.5'.o 50c00,.oo.l. b625-M9 coco of Milbton oottb l tîllOttooîten ctbo 5,. 430 -7.30 poto. S-r lp- the engagement of theoroilttoitli tuitotion toton c or ts paue. ten. Jen Constace tc Mo. Doîog- c-24-2-2475 bas M. Nelsont scn ai Mr. otot Mms. Acohur W. Nelso tif Clore.- Mootohot of thc Luthoran hubro, AUnrinU. The tooddioog o Ill Citotei and itone intoeeted in luko pliua'n Fridoy, Ncvembr tormitg a mission in Miltun. 29 ai 4.30 oaclock at St. Faul's please contact W. Lindsay, E. R. United Churcb. Milton. I. Campbellville. c-24-3-2572 Morris of Hottonille charge. En- eryc tnelcome. c-25-2653 Tito Canadien Fia 5cm toili ho in Milton ibi-. meekeud. Do sutp- port bobi oudoanors by attend- toc 'Masiarpioces of Comedy". Nanenhor i. and "Primate Linon". Nonembor 2. ut 8 p.m., ai 1111- liant Avtenue Higb Snhoot. Tick- et-. $2.50, $2.00. Studonts $I.0 Cao ho obtained tram Duruan's TV Store and L1..E. members. For Sale FOR SALE-35 Baick. standard -bift. TE 8-3344. c-25-2631 FRSALE-A to. tode. bar. rein. TE 8-9843. c-25'2678 FOR SALE - Gos beater, like TEw 6R -2633. c-23'l2630 l'OR SALE - Good acctit store, 36". $25. TE 9-665. c-25-2621 FOR SALE - Chromo kitchen st erynets. TE 8-9368. c-25-2621 -FOR SALE-Stohor Nnilh -n tral-., gacd condition. TE 6-4436. c-25-2676 caneoing bernies oe.. $12 aî ton. To ha picked up. UL 4-2574. c-25-2662 FOR SALE-Oontity etci ca pollos. op ta 30 lcet; .t-.a 300 gtapc ponts. Photo UL 4-2574. e-25-2660 FOR SALE-Wltite and bromo ferrets$7 cach. $12 pair. Ed Fotrottoo, loi 4, con 2, Nass.tg.- uoya incest ci Campblnilel. c 25-2595 FOR SALE - Cwi and ueotd st>v's. Quohos bouter.; I7' lob'- Wanted WANTED-i-.t mortouge, $3,000. Will pay 7%i. 878-2100. c-25-2636 esperience or capitol itt'csttoOt nerded. For informatiotn, Write Ramletgh's Dep. J-284916, 4005 Richelieu, Monireal. C25 CAREERS FOR SALE -Addtng macbines,nvision; dre-cors; chro set; WANTED - Cool and wacd typewritero. for saie or rentat. boit-. e. Mccod Foraitoro, 33ons a E6-35 -52 O Phone TER "-962. Harm Stati"on- Miii E.. Actcn. h.l6-22b ________aliR_ 89345_ c-5-22_FO ery. c-36-164-15 __________FOR SALE-Vont mou lihe boy- WANTED - Gtacd oosod girl's YO'UNG MEN. FOR SALE -20 pigs, 8 wehns ing yoar building noteriois and hike.juior sioe.TIR 89898. cid; Cuskshutt No. 30 I0' chop- cotl ut Crawiord's, Campbel- o-25-2615 por. Appty Glen Campbell. TE 9- nille. Ouick sernice. High qua-1H VU 6205. c-25-2658 lioy. Phone Cuosphelloilir DL 4- N Y U 2232. e 56.171-If WANTED-300 sedor polos, 12 FOR SALE-Maclototh. Noth- l'. long, for polo teoso. TE 6- DAN RM enSpy apples. M. J. Cartont. E. -'-- 4759. c_25-2599 CANADINA M R. 3. Milton. Bringownco Liir.c-25-2669 Clearance Sale WANTED-Houskerpinî rOOOt If ytou arc betnneo the ageofa FOR SALE - Table cotroot-.. UI ERGRTR noo teel pleut, nisioity Miltuon. 17 anod 23 acd sntgle, got li in 51.25 hus.. in ce-o cotinr. sîttoane troue, ottae ttcd.) ORf22.s2-67îootaticnonueciingareo top' Sien Ccoilno, Guelph Lino Bu, Or clearace piestartot otmtiswt heCnde Iindtn '52i 2.5 i oroto WAHTED -Transportttt a ortoiin nt oCtnda McMastr Utinersity u portAy FOR SALE -1957 Plt'maath. Used hoosy doty ELECTRIC tin frooti Trafalgar Tonu Lino atm tictpoer stecring, Ai1 STOVES. ,oli izoen. Ci orooe, ,tcd Nc. 5 Stderoad. 878-2990. tacotot, codition, lots osileage. stle pricos rue $19.5,. Ail; -25-2590 VilitrcOul insol army rerrait. TE 8-9816. c'25-2675 Cotooed r at Milot At csry oeuvy FOR SALE-Laoce. cleated t, feo.slTC WANTED-Ltnc pooltry. gocte Thordy betweeu tht, hoat 'A 305' x 184', cn scathoantC sc O E S and dusk ieathern,lrestitur licks. 9.45 ato. tond 11.30 aum. -25 ner ciNc. 20 Sýidiocod nud Z01 01: GEORGETOWN Highent pirises. 11e cati. Write I. ltneuf N tagav. St,250 lui Zoner. 776 Col, g St, Toronto, siodio1 neporatiot tant. Foito.; TR 7-2551 or phocne calct LEnne ".724, pals crly. UL 4-2234. C- 26bni 11eoouiogs HUdson 5-2030. c-35-tf Employment Wanted -eaoo*W Sa4W44 9aÙC- DRY CLEANERS LTD. Satisfaction Guaranteed " Dry Cleaninýg " Shirt Lootndcning Sainday service if reqoired * Alteratoons and Repairs " Roîs and Drapes enpnrttp ciconet, * Fooo Pick-up and Deliiery " Ail ucrk doue on prenises CALI TR 8-9941 Coui STOPP'1S Cleaners & Tailors DECORATING SERVICES Coucet euit tertos acailahie arn "OCustom made drapes " Roody mode drapes " Flcocorrtgn " Votootiao bbiîîds " Windoou shados " Forainhingn boom amoots e-ou ofacos t a Dr'apsoand Rogs for as oite os 12.50 toeekly. Pur in-home conutationst.1col Mm. Campbell. CAMPBELL ilS 0F MILTON TR 8-6021 228 Moin St. c-47-tf OENERAL CONTRACTORS 1 MOVINO A. C. CANNON Stan Rowe thue Mover & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Custcon Humtes Repotoms Atratios Mcdern Cto1thcardn Flous and Foco ostiroatet. Yoos or espertooo. TR 8-4424 RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. *Homo Inproneentî *Reonoaicns *Aitoratiots *Additicns 1 HOUR ELECTRICAL SERVICE & CARRY SERVICE U4-23 c-tf Guaranterd Dry Cboottttng McPHAIL ELECTRIC _________ se shir sriceoro pitte ropairo & ilttoroticuns a INDUSTRIAL PLUMBING AND NIAPINO tes- regt and hots proies' e COMMERCIAL alyceae DOMESTIC OIL BURNERS FREE 0EETI ETN K UP anti DELIStERY * LCECHAIG JIM MALLON ark dao as prontised. Complofe Electf c Home TR 8-2972 66CalsS.*lo Cloonioog *Repaiou c 16-tf 66Ctoo t iin * intstallation TE 8-9513 C-f 24 Ilocor Sorvice LANDSCAPING ______________ Ail more got; octeed ancd inuaed ORNAMENTAL MON108-79 an Essery N.P.D. - R8677 c.27-if CAPE * CONSTRUCTION MILTON ON * MAINTENANCE Ornamental Iron AVETEVOEBSNS PLANT MATERIAL DETS ORBINS CampbeilViIIe ALU.MINIIM & IRON RAILONGOI SERVICE ON THIS HIANDY 8549963 iLO. KELLY TE 8-98271 DIEECTORY. RATES AS u.îi84 c-tf 1 LOW AS SLB8 Mndern Sicrago Warehoosot 144 - 150 York St., Hamilton MILTON REF. CALL TR 8-6680 C_33-ti TV end RADSIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND AFFLIANCES SALES & SERVICE *ié Pilips Tape Reotorders * .C.A. Siorco TV, Applianras * Rogoos-Matontie TV " Sparton TV and Storo 222 MAIN ST. TE 6-4445 WELI. DUILIING WELL DRILLING J. O. RUTTAN R. E. 2, Miltcn, Ont. Phoone Btrjiongton HEison 6-6025 PRINTINO TOP QUALITY COMMERCIAL PRINTING WCdsign antd poitdtoinctive h;too'.tOootoo' officet,.tto. holt msn loetto . Di ret t aoi] éd îrrtisnitt, bulins - intaa. nont any pointinascou may hate. Allonu s lu quote un your mark. EMPLOYMENT WAHTED - Odd jobs aller 6 pue. otd Sot' codays. Reliahie wo.rk doua toa- soonhin. Milton -Conpbolsttko Crca.ntaot tioroogh DL 4-221. c 25-26W1 EMPLOYMEHT WANTED- Hooe reo.tdolliog of ail sý, carpoulr., iocluding rcLto rtoaitt aud garages paintigmLO ,soury; polio; septie tanks etc. Cali J & H Coourottng TE 8.6247. s'24.2-2547 For Rent FOR RENT-Rooo n d bcard lot gentlemn. TE 6-2016. s 25-2620 FOR RENT -5-roon aporo- to..... privalte outrance. TE 8-9368. c-25 2622 FOR RENT-5rouais-.aud belli, gatrage and lardon. TE 8l 6297. c-25-2628 FOR RENT -Cleon, coniori- ables roon for gentlemn. Reot- snoabte. TR -647. c-25-2635 FOR RENT-Eloctrie hot unater heaters ueitb froc service. Photne Milton Hydro, TE 8-2345. s'il FOR EEHT Frishod front roumi, sutrtllu looated. suit bas' mtess gentleman. TEL 6-473.' c-21 2342. Boat & Trailer Storage REASONABLE RATES G. B. CLEMENTS TR 8-9653 C 242 SINGE SEWING MACHIN RENTALS By Wehor Month PHONE TE "61 The Canadian Champion Milton FABRIC Centre DI-LLS PEINTIHO & PUBLISH. Services and Repaies un ING CO. LTD. all -akm, of sening machines. 191 main St. BIftu. e.l-tf * D. & S. LOGHTNING CON- DUCTORS, guarauteed long lasting installations. " WEATHEEVANES 36 incites Otigh, aven 50 different desigots. " VIKING milliers and separa- tors, praciniuu made, stalleoss stecl. JOHN VANDERMEER R. E. 1. LOMEHOUSE 877-9503 h-tf SWAP-SHOP Orient9 -6 Dily Weduesdoy and Friday bCI 9 Trade, seil, boy, c ouei t v itcood aott, tarni machiner y, hatkmtpt stock, cars, trucks, or onhot hotte you. Haine il. No. 6 Hwy. Millgrooe 2lti miles Noth ai Cloîppisnos Corners mu 9-1051 AUCTION SALES CLEARING, AUCTION SALE 1H TWP. 0F NASSAGAWEYA Of Beef Conu. BIocher Casio, Tarctar, Balar, Implamantu. Hay, Grain. iHoaaeood Gouda, etc. The udemsiguod han rtseised intructions fran MURRAY PdAHON To soit by aotntion ai the tarot. lot 22, cun. 4, Tsv. ofI Nassagt- eya, sitatod ou the Gutelph Lite 6 tuiles north of Camupbell- tille, on SATUEDAY, PdOVEMBER 9, 163 Ctcnmencnog ai 12.30 o'cbock. lie totiowing: BEEF COWS & CATTLE - 2 Hereford cous, dote about sale doy; 4 Hereford cous. with coin- osta side, posture hred; ra coto.witb cabfaetside pastur. hred; 7 noug fat coites, born sinoe April; 3 Herefard heifers. ohoout 500 ib,.; Il Startboon and Hereord steers. tram 51100 to800 tht.; 8 Hereord hetit-rs. 10cm 500 Oc 700 ihs.; 3 Herefcrd -.tters. aouot 500 tlis. TRACTOR & IMPLEMENTS- Fordt tractot. io cood conditiont; Frectac maoooe iouader; Dear- born 2.farroso.d 1000cr pieu; Ftrd bydnotolic coottlnatur; lotoor' naotional botior, ino excellent con- ditian; Montey Hatrris 6-bar sido dotinory rake; Hem Ideu tractor ooer; International trast'tr spoootder; 30-ploie trootor dise; MoCormickODecig Il rastfer- tiioco oatd grain drill; steel bond rle chitoc harrout; MeCar- mick Decoiog hindnr; 2 iortory bltfanon uwagons mith flal bay rotck.: luthper; baie carrier; groiti .oogeo; Malonea hale nievatur; portatble cced rack; niant, blet; sae;ee trconoert; Letaad t1 bp. 550 roit cleotrie nooa; 00t. Iotmber, ein and sortî noitie plotol scnctling; ctdor Jitteeluo-is; Fcrd tt ton pick-up romck; 3 - tnrroned Cochohuto piaow, n roohho ail latin bonis. HAY & GRAIH - 40 ton ai ebtiso hoîbod ltoy; 12 tonotuf bal norotu; 1.000 bots. ci Roduoy Cet5 HOUSEHOLO GOOS - Chuf- O otto; 3 bed'.. npt-itg, and mat- l'il fruit s 10010 o arioî d; tiot clicosil clt;o.s.l;t 2 îs.o'.t -.trigl; Cook -ltoc; nt.'otot'; motty olther articles. Ho restrve as foras is soid. TEBOMI; Cash mith cierk ou day of naie. WM. A. GIBSON. Auctioneer, Phone Guelphs TA 4-1478. Caltin Meltyro, clark. 1>1-2 I 7 e le Pl 9 f P 1~ CLEANERS I DICORATING KNIGHT'S INTERIOR Engagement CASH e Gela e Drap PILC Byru LANDS DESI Fpr y%~ Dead I$igbesl C dtsabie bit Licence 1 Pisont Wain Cripplec Lic. bl Waterdi Notic ford. ln Att per ainot ti the Coun deceased, the 301h dI requtested bsaone tht 1963: oil, be distrib their clubi SHAR 207 M Soi A.I1 lmi Membors and Os 50 Yeart $11.700 fui boogolo base me t and ten Mont ho poymen CAJ $10,500, 2! don soi bouse a Charnu. people t prrty. I TC Or 1 Chris REAL 189 M INC $1,200 dos $6,211. 2 3-bedroon and ni $9.911. I $1.511 dos $13,100 brick and lent Perme, Ill bouse, b: barn, si ta 401 E1 rondt. Pt YVC WIL 878-2( PLACE) TISY'R - i1N

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