Tins Canadien Champien, TbuMd% c e 31, 196q UNITED CHURCH WOMEN front the net-Ibsto section ufth51e I-lton Peeshytat-cal gsllisrsd asi St. Feul's Uocted Chorclino Milton last Thuendat-. fon thiignuel fuît nalit-. Muas Bennie Pt-est-h uf Hlamiltun, ttght. spoka ut Missions Actas. Canada At the aiternont prograni. and aboce site shoota an illustative panai to Mrs. William Haymard of Luescitie, Northi Ares Chairman; Mns. F. Hanhoitin liant atd ptenidnt ni tlie Milton U.C.W.; Mra. Raîpli Wilson, Port Ceedit. Haillot Peesityteet- preeideot; and Mia. K. MeMillan. Barlinttat- leadernhip- dacelopeet chîtelady. Enjoy Church Ladies' Cooking At Eden United Turkey Feast Ny Mes.. McCarroe was agaod cmd and llut 5 tdet t ecy Mercy Schout'2 Tht Yoang People at Eden for fus. Me. and Mms. Pal Ftip- and a It Harnhy Cuh. Ktssyf UInited Chut-ch hold their Octo- laoce.RathiMoso aod Mr. and oct-ce cornptained aed re hopne beremeetng alte oe oafMr. Mrn..lSam itcok part andîliat ecryîhiotiiocs wcll wiiliP and Mes. Frank Halton Sunoa lcasant ct-coing came loa chiot.e day Ifl Tlie meetiigof pned close aboat fî.45 p.m. Weregretl t aoaf the daie on the usaal ioaner mith an aI- Alfred Gren ut Surlioglan t-isil- cI Met. Robiert SchelI. nister-in. cndanc ofi12 enohrn. Rc-. and ed mith Poster Neain on Sotar- lama ofPeterhScheltrewhupanc Mra. Kelt-in Johnton ut George- day. Dcober 26. Tliay heame omet- io Torono Western Hospi- a mat-wee pt-tacot. Plaos fat- a acqaaincad rehile stayiog aI the ttl uo Tharidat-. Oclaher 24. c paefy in tht near future mere Lord Nelson Hotat on Liverpool, tîce to tob place in Albion o diacussnd. Engtand. sear Sudbury. Dur symnpolby is c Tht neot mseeting eitI hae aI ULtle lielpees PIaty atteoded to Peter Schrîl. c tht home aI Me. and Mes. Jalis Tht Little Helpars af St. SteIt- St. Stephet's Anglican CharcliS Hamilton. lico. Anglican Chat-ch attended W.A. eset at tht huma aI Met.s Chaistelezti PIarty a Hatlowecsn parlu. tposarad F. Weelter o Tuasday. Octice e Dorna thc service aI St. Stap- lit-hle M.A. on Salarday. Oclo- 22 miti lit-e esembars and ut-c c lien ' Anglican Clirci u Sac- lier 26 on the churci liant-ment. tisitor prasent. The meting a day. etubr 27, Bradley Attat. Coot-ened liv Mro. J. Rat-ce and opeocd lic lie presidatl Mis, son of Me. and Mes. Fater Bel- o.sscked by Mes. Walter eod Mrs. F.~ Wetler soill lhe usuot sert-iceo fardmwaschcisieiicdmithes. E. Pecce, about30bidro aîcbtomed lit prayae. Mes. P.- Jas. Maxwell cîbicielita. Mro. icoded aod baoded in chair Mile Rabecrtso red lic Psales. Oreing free Saaodrs aciedas godhctbosfreissioar-mark. to thecabsence ofthet,-tcrtry maîbher and tlie acdftiers mat-c The cotes ere t-ccy yrdity tht pt-at-bon mintes were soi Mr' AI Blford andRoer Syrac and t-ericd and the baisementlrad.Tbecemwas adiscussionofb gel.' Frieudo aid relatives attetd- tesicbabît- decoralcd on lacki aod aricou, business malices. The id the cbristeing pont- tatar. cesoge, Gaent met-e lloed Rol balance of the aternoan mat which loak place ai ilie home ut Me. Maxwell favt-lht, blessiog tocol murbiof an a qoitt. Tea Mt-.franthSautder. - and spake hriafty. Lunchi mas mas sered andithemeetinOgmasl Congraulatiosobieilyntand set-ed atd att kindn ofttuadies ctaoed milli peyr.- BibI Lockie on the, at-rit-at ut haoded cat la tir cltildeo. ýMe. and Mes. Ray Wilson tati their non. Eoald Williamt ni Feues f or costumen mera gît-en oc Fridat- toc Niauara Faflls wrer billion Disoleici Hospital oo Dco- cu Karen Bradlcc, Johoot- Satd- thet- attsoded acovni, e ber t9, 1963. ees, Boblis Derew-Beaok. Rcoer laeliog home on Ssoday. Daoaglas Fuannal Damiog. Judy Pemit-aso. Diane Me. and Mes. on Maadhecb The fanarat of Dat-id Jamas Rot-ce. Kat-en Flippanon atd Paul eod sion. Timnof Cattiogmoud Dougtas taak place oo Wrdnen- Course. mera diooer goanla ut Me. anA J day. Ocicher 23. The service mes Tht Milton Beaocb ufthle Sas- Mes. Lou Sarepsan tant Saoday. s t-om es Dmuh Prashylarico shina Sclicot Ladies' Aanitiart- Friaîcds ai Joao Rohartsnt o Cliurcbmwitinfres inutheah-d a jsielr deostraîo duaobltofîM.and Mrs. Ttde chut-oh ccmet ry. Ht, -s savet-d on Tuendat-. Octobar 22 in thie Rohetlson mat- lite iteretd tot hy <lie sitr, Lexie, Mro. Suoshino Schoat. Set-enlh Lioc ai bom ihat Joac tait MaItio hy i GeorgîLcslie (Jessieb andMar- Hornhy atp.m. Aout5lad p anefoLndoEga mhe garet. iestmarapraorntandite eats bt- cili miake lier home for Mr. and bits. Geofirey Dere aoracery graifittig. Lunchlmas erehi. Joantbas otiyltîeOome Brook opeci lie holiday sie,-iservcd. The peucceda relli husad bor a coar aîndehatt tram ahroad a endai Go-Home Bav. focthcncliuut. scht,-tct-le spanillime t-oct-t lit-0 Congraitationis o Me. ancd Fîne nome ing coinoGermaioc.tFrance. Attt-10 Mrs. Kas Rcdfari snec Robeart Milton t-ira Deparîeeo mas and Sritzertctd and lerning the son) ut Cookscille on. tht birili catiad ta tht home nf Foster îaagt-. of ibeir daghcer. Caîty Mat-- Neoin reetîy rer a tant un _______ onrt-e Anc at Milton District thte luroaca bîne., eouuig île ci i-et-cial ion Occaber 21, 1963. fan o cauRil iiakiog tand the Oblain Riglit -- Mr. and ics. William Clremotor 10 haro oui. Denta smake and scn, Jatk of Cabri, Sas- t-lied île roumis but mc are bat-py iCantioad tram Page Ote) katchew-an mare racant gee.s afI o sayt- iere mas no ollir dam- tomo led daneta cexotloratiun Mir. and Mrs. CharlestMcCarron. fa. and tesiigor ith ara If h Taetoey Nappe Potead serv-ices for Met. Fred lha Auîhoeiiy gecois irights tu b Tht caiai t-bei sapper ofl Ainsmoeth (Elbie] May Nff) tiahat-t ta use tho moir tbey it Eden tUnited Charcb mas ld lotiog miteofu Rai. Fred Aio- sboutdereimborteithe town a pt-t- ino!lie ciochhbasementonWeil- omorîl mat-t coducled by Rat-. ceotaca ci the explaration antd neaday. Octolir 23. Aler Rtc. J. Hill and tisiîing ctarty tramn icsiog costs,' hae aggesiad. Kelvin Jot-iaon aI Georgeowrn Baibal United Cliarcl. Drumqoio "No one st-lt lia altomed 10 loaeI "'ei tha blct--iog. about 300 on Tliursdey. Otobar 24 milli mater liai a tonîeihoiing teuni- Peuple ouf dlown Io enjat- a deii iniarmeot in the adjoining cama-. tipaliiy. As pt-lmcry lobten me giut mtina prepaced ly the lad- tari. Many otd friands and ocioh wli mieiaccgood positiio,"Rtot-îj ies nI the cliurt, auppleenîa litrs atteoded tle service anA Marino saggastod. Mamber muet- bYhy oni-cooked sagltablas. or t-lacetr sytepotby isaseted- cipoltiien of tha Aulburlit- arte Lpidla atc aid homne-mae pie. cd ta Mer. Ainsworth. billion. Dakîilt Esqaasiog and Ear-naddlt justice Io île The It Haroby Cuho aod Nassagameau. b doner. Scoautstreport at-eryst-ciostat Goafor tois p Cant-otod lit birs. Ftrank Hall. oyyta drive as Salut-day. Ocia- "Tha hast soltioan is lu go forb and aanistdlit-Ms. R. Beaokber 26.Fourafhesaut taak ibis addiîiona claase. I' nol C Mns. Elsiar Met-. Mns. Jobn lima la assitt it acaîille <lt-lte idt-aI but il miii t-coolie the situa-. Hamsilton and bics. J. O. Carding. oi thîe Saîcoto Line tramt H. tioo," Cooocitior Fiat-ce angwst- a ty. the banquet mos a genai suc- O'Conoru er tae luft cItonl tA. oss. ltrm. It cartiar diacussionson uthfe Truck driveorHowtar-dJ. Brown Ba-alen L.e acreemetotheotomnhtratuugbt oflTorotoascltod abrasions to Aitunftuoooiaccident cut-ct- exclusiearigbitabtotegrundmwa- bis righf lily andi miroir braites red os Salurdat-. Octaber 26 ter t-at-tlt-. Duriog the receni an- to hi$ sockmwhan hisdcamp test-b whm o rmîsione in St. Stet-- natation hoaeiog. at-idont-e giti mos desirot-ed lic lit-e ci Tites- beo's Cemaîocy toit un Kenuy hy J. Kiet ofa International Woae day murniog following a rear- Ectladgeofa tho Niof b Liai. Rsa- Sot-t-bt indicoied thor as a mil end collision wcth a clireouni ed lu Milton Diatrict Hospitlt lion and o hlai galions doity in tumeshr transport on Higimai 41 tl c tan dlscasrd thaf Kent- lad the grud mater aappty. Tht 0f fhe HoltioPeel Ton Lina. a bruken tîg reblot relt lie in lao penenft-y bon o pumpiong He mos rctoanad iram bospitl traction for tix meetot. A Graen capacityutoamillion gaonsîdit- foftomiog ireaimoni. Thetiracior unt drit-er mc_______________________________ Russell Thamas Drylend of Bracilridge. Stiglit chantage a doncnIotherea-mhotoand bill et- bar on tle transport. Trafftk GORDOt~N En DURRLL mas cnaideruhty datayed flttoo iag the crash. Gneal la loasnby C n t u t o Bor-l mare goet-s cf Me. anod R 6, MILTON CALL 854-2638 Mes. .1. Cecon tft- t-ct- dct-s luit mccli On Thut-det- Wm. and1 NEW CONSTRUCTION Robet bit-Cet-tc andi Mit-t Em. esa bcCeitoo of Durit-h mare RESIDENTIAL CODVçNçIRCIAI Sinner guesti. 111gb sohoot studeats and tri- AIS PHAM$ ends; trav-efling un thÇ Hueaby haua ta Oatotilfe met ut the Netlhk9.Y*9-APTO1 Tre fa- Ceittre un Fridoy eite- hW ci eijy u dance.'Ststsg P I S I A I &5pani. t bey Hottles *k àgoed store mflb si P".i JaMf anA SnombaU dsnn S otu' teste ha& à eses Pf ena, 62 YssnV ssasn-iee sePselse eveepune Sot acquainted. Thare SNwer frBriciq, UC Luçky LurcheQ>n of Init*ret Ny Mn.. A. BRU of the study book. The trnasurer Mrt. Alec tngramt and Mrs etote h baorri c ýit s .r aielme bos r ef cerna atn.ited te prepoare a ' lte in honour of 'Mrs. Victor Peis je fi rL*hé eomïing yeux. the former UI t-bP4syln- Aetd twowose-db ly gifts were trecelvf by thte Mnock HIti.n oride Orm thn 30 friends and< Mr. Fred Near Wtho undterwee neigihbors prescrit. The evenings cooeluded ocittt a couple of co Jut-gcty aitIhe Milton District tests and a lovely lunch se-o- Hospital la convultesing athis ed hy <ho Itostesso and Mrs. homne antd s rihaoutiedy Saluta. reeo<iey. Mr. and Mns. Potis at-o t-eid- Gel wetl teidoos at-e ex tetded bn i Guelph wehite Me. Po-ko lt Met. Hf. Heste who is a patient complotes his final vear ai the inHamilton Hospitl. i.c. l». 45 Ila olte Tht Lucky Las eooi hetd by The St-rlighI unit of Bethel tht Noth Treahlgar Cntsnounity U.C.W. was held at the home of Club 0f tht Anglican Paioh Mlt-. Wiooie Wood on Manday Hal en ctaher 25 ttroved t-ty t-coing uith Il memrels lIte- osoctonfui wetto 150 atlendtng. The dt-oiloeol mot blinl lt-c -Sehool ehilde "shellcd out Mrt. Viala Alderson whli cttoe foi UNICEF" euriog schoot Hel- 'Thankoii on hiet- tene. loween putfies ibis weh. 'the Hymo No. 3~7 oOt suong. lie. I.OD.E. Chapters tposoted the dutgoret Follet- gave o chaptet- local cumpoan. OMAON Funeral for D. Dougi 4-H Club Ny Mn.. Ceil Paf lensan The fumerai sert-ici lot- ft aie Dat-id Jamai Douglas moi ield ici Omagb Preshylerian liareli oo Wadnesdoy, Ocloner 3 stitb a large eurtier ut riensn anA reltivîles tayiug <lotir ct respects. Ret-. N. A. Net-it. tre-t tht- t-bort-b. motasi -d hy Rot-. N. P. Aot)rrm. a form-l t- minister ai Dmogh. asd Res. K. L. MoGomnofu Miltoun. The loa Me. Dot-glas boA heen neldr iîce 1929 ai Oesogh, lt-tk ut tht, sasion usdon the .emaiary huard. Na ma a sn ara and tuîing marbrfo tueb hurt-b and miii ncdty minîrd. ivmpuy isaetendied 10 lin sin- lae int0i bae hreacement. Inter- nent mus onth flicl toot lin the emetaryhaside îlt-har-b. Jimouglas and nieceof Ac- onoiaoedod tbc tueraI ut Me. bougias at did George Hawkins f1 Hamsilton, and Mr. anA Met. Bill Prud and taesity ofl Rock- cood. "Bouudoir Belles" The Hurîoby Southo 4-H Homoe JGNY4PDlSFRIN Dy Ma-n. C. E. Davesnrf bit. and Mes. Puy Carea bit-. as. Neamtridga. Mns. H. Cool- on, Me. aod Mrs. E. Dut-eopoet 1 ithe billion Fuie Soardi attend- dcitae Smeeting on Tusday ai tict-tham. Milton gui bled pt-tac or hlei tw mtatinute report. AI Waabaouheue Mir. and Mas. George f smcnd id tamîty sponi bust weekend i tcaliaushrne mill Mes. ltmonds' trotter Me. and Mes, Lt-b Dedge od famity. Oint-are nympalt-y os oteodad re. aod Mes. Henry Kelly in thea [cali ut Haey's inollir bits. darli n Kelly. At-ton. Sucçsful liailaar The ladies of Boston Clarcb aid ao. sccesstat bazoor and aka sca on Saîsedot- oltrnoon n Milton. Faadly Fatt Me. and Met. Art Milsn of Mit- cnaenieiaioedai atamiydcio- eand socialteeing ecnty ortir iwomdaughtees oanilss tiare. Me. aitd Mes. Don Mibis. at-kaot-itti. Floridu. reha st-cnt mu eektt-isiting their parents od Me. and Mes. Run Hagon Es- at-li sending thebeekaod in Miton. This et-eni alto mon a sur- risc lu Mns. John Irt-ing n baer ircbday. enlativet more preacrit rmJacksonville Flurida. Espco- ta. Turonto, Coburg, DiOhaw nA diat-ici. Chooses Pr maktng Club field fleir second meeting on Salurday morning in tht t-tub mark ruom. Meefing ut-est-A reith thie t-badge reith prosideot Neearley Hoey proald- ioa. Tao girls ansmered île raill cuit. noming cotouro tbay lad t-host or t- liir hedeon acces- sot-las. Il mas decidad lu avte lunch ai nIl meeting tuli he ab Se-turdot-. Nut-ember 2 ut 9 p.m.. and ima girls ollarcd lu pradn. ViII~ 1 Chlren Assist UIE Seek' Pennies Hallowe'en Night N3y mms ee-efsg es, John Siheeliion sud Lloyd Gel wetl winhes, at-e asin o Ibe on HalaIse, Ibacllectîn Gadd mioved up.lu the Seots followlng, reh at-e buspifelized- re00ai tai tIl ht PY4P44 mt-l apIpmh i y MI ren. p lae tep f lie Caetes Scousin en4i pe4cgf of 4bm to Ilesbt as4 .ive-My lte .syçle9 !veple~Ii, tle Cîilts mis ec P9fmçt-p5i batfs. 4b~s t-he= a attuaçy egiu'sen, sopy plilhh tht1 l-eapbs g luj nisls tacou. trahi ~ ~ ~ a Mrs.s uts p ce I Ftanks Q~ln tes t)te pli tnsç9pç lu n e tj1 c Eppciy As <l-ufr toi and lpâtIrucîs moltens h0 ýo usçSIîsotlatrîie tuCbtel ç -o a n nrp wYV f ým 1h 'si- lthe Narîijoutos Distriet Sioy f m front the 0 1 ls PIit-f etlosr Il . il esAdsp h lr ltaw Ica SeSat Assotelai. 5lunpitall basar solSÇý ji i9p 9 euk es-e if bess~jes. A rd crowid es=o the lier goseu s.2 lise4m UlICEF is the Uni ted Nolisas Gi-l GIop oft S. De ' ate 00Wekend tut- deaya. Ty Chil rten's Fuond f10 t h ltobyt-e t-aktti meeting reput-led a mtl-fIhidity. ehildt-tn in nir tItan 100 COua- on Musday esceis wbien Pureen_____________ tries, su, ree yuu bcîp, ysi At-e InIIISl prsided and Lin-la Omit h, pot of UNICEF. One penny boys Anse Mitchell and 11onnie Inglis, fit-e glottes oif mails oid lite reere inchiorge ot thei deotein- pennies reilI boy penicillin 10 aI pet-bd. I maire o cbild mdll Other pen- WO- oies milI boy books outi m.ndicioo. A1 UmA<fg l ut-l f cuost isg ut J1 M Tht-noal Cois Phli Mary Dennils. Janie alliet. un, second Cub in the 1sf Camp- L1 MeFliail Mariant ;nglis. 171 9 p 4 betty ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ udt 1l Cu Iowl 5bd- ils and Nellie Vander belivile oliPak, ith15 aili-Viedo t-endered net-et-af musilea nusoben. Onegf speaker- Miss W. Melono- ey, supervisios teocher of tht Ontrio Schoul for the Deol le Milton, shooeS plecures aind blde W H er ~ c bi ler mot-k witb the junior as H e qp tchoul. ]Farewell otishet met-e tentlcted f0, Castel Ane amd Elaine sasI ki SmiCth rehu tecetit3y moved t0 oIt~L I I-' arne Miltoet. Ailler fIle close of the lordtel recely tu tpend the efoyed ut-e- tht tes cnt-n oet-in ofny Flo-ido. Wt Mint Elizabeth Kennedy opeol w th them o plrotant hoiday. fit-i doyu t-isiling Mt-. and Met. The tmmedîoto tamtly and John Pinkney ai Morrioton ute- N feieodn held o biefbdoy pity the meehtnd. fo- Mrs. Gnese Peacock un Sot- In New lie pedy eveingIl ouot-lieruon Me. and Met. Har-ny Btack V Vie-special day. MisstJuanne Pet. lock, moved Inoto fhtit nerely 4 tet-on. a grAnddaughite., showe- buill -bome on the Guelph Lisie. i d slidesuofhlereeceof t-tp out nonth ol No. 10 SideeSod 0Sat- wegl and theougli tht United ut-day. We bope they eojy "Ytheir Statet and Menico. A lunch tout relirement fromt the fors. chosenhy the girls for the clubi. et and gils met-e thomeed o The leaders, Mçs. Fatlertao and Mec. Feococlt. Mrt. Kiermo th look t-charotge Hart In Accidentf and inttracted tht membrs on We reere saery lu heor that hore Ioi estr and ettiesalte Keonelli Rottedge, niot.yoor-old the anmoanof mteiollntc t-t denltaiPrcy Mry Scool sarv for a hrdtyread. <lt-ster ma injued in a ralier feat sc<cîf, cushion aod chair pua. accideot on Soiardoy esorniof. Onesmber had aireadyPur--Keoeh is a cuband had ben chascd lier esoerial for a lied- out octtiog applea reith bis yack syeod on a prrlly cambination alter rhich thcy met ot St. ci bloc and mauve shadet. Stephen Angliesn chsrch, Horn- "Italien Hemolitchiog" res de- hy ta talty up notes. esoostratd and cach git-l t-tctt-- Tht but-t oero ont in tht ceme- cd tioco sceire 10 esoli a sonipte tees and o large totebçtone cf hemstitehiog foe bier record topped on Keonelli and bruoke lis book.teg hefreeo tht knee and hip. ]RlrlIsSay Wlahea Ht mas ruthed ta Milton Hospi- Hapy hirlliday ta Douglas tal rehere bie mut be spendiog PeacSk fiv-years-od Noebe thenext ix week5. His school 4, alto Miss Etîto Chapesan on paît reisb bite an tortyerecot-er. hier spccial day ecenly. Tht moothly hot do saIn ut Coogratlaticotsla Me. and Perey W. Met-ty Sohool mît! be Mes . Alfred Ford, ctlebrating brtd Oxt Wrdnetdoy, Not-embet- their tilt-or reeddiog aotit-trsary h ai lunch lime. Tbirty duzen on Not-ember 2. met-o cooked aod cunturmed aI Me. and Met. Gordon Rother- tht Ocîcher tale. MILTONy THURS.-FRI-SAT. MILTON OCT. 31 - NOV. 1.2 deesn'f have te b The Iasti.g mimerai oeatioeg fer nosenry leautiti yeur ,aseury --Stop uIll st4as sud seul water out iu ene qsy eperatieli Need Somne Tools? Aak Abaue Our Convenions Rentail Saivice No Down Paym.nl ai Milton Molor Sales Ltd. NOW... YOU CAN HAVE a NEW or USED CAR or TRUCK Even If You Have No Cash on Hand- AND IN THE CASE 0F SICKNESS OR ACCIDENTS THE PAYMENTS ARE MADE FOR YOU AND ..Vom Pon't Even Have to Repayl SEE ONE 0F OUR SAVISMEN FOR PARTIcuLARS MILTON MOTOR SA LE S LIMITSD Ysan Poniac - Bsiak - Asadias - Veuxhali - Caddis @MÇ DerIer o MAIN ET. M4ILTON TE 8-2330 MON.-TUES.-WED. CLIFF R05ERTSON - IY HARDIN "P. T, 10 91, NOV. 4.546 s H4É WeN1iiRPuL sTtYV OYi Â%so ND Mtis AMAZINQ UN019MATIE PYRIIEU tihe fabula-us doipi 2ND BlG Nil ROOt' CALHOUN, WM. BENDIX in "The Young and the brave"' fflT11419 - SATURDAY, 2 P.M. ABOVII PROOM ATTENJiOI DAM> FARMfERS MASTER FEEDS 0F STEWARTTOWN INVITES YOU T0 A DAIRY FARMgRS MEETING ai the STEWARTTOWN HALL TUVIDAY, NOVEM9ER $th, 1963 0:30 t-es. Standard lime Guest Speakers ROSS MILNE (Otario Ht-dro) - Doiet- Buildit-gs E. J. KING (flrespr BLOF, tester in Ibis et-na) Daiey Hend Management LLUNH SERVED LADIES and 4-H- CLUB MEM91R WELcosi MILTON HARDWARE 2 2 , W- , M 1 k 8 '2 3 ý.3 POUR PEO piii tFt-du, a head-ot cars on Hig ocorpass t The torîli right) deive Say At( ITht, fprît liait ut- o t<teseed cl Charcli par R.Dat-i id Grace CI gatherios. t gctfaiioo, t aend lriecds tod leadcrs !ior. Me. inhalitn.. E lie Acslamý ultop erthli Fn Highliglit 'ceamsed f lor yoor h.t R. P. E. Jt vlle~ aisc P atnd Rc. J t-als IUil hw ooks, Minioleriat t-t, t-oit-cIl Annual Gic ccrrd fcr îtec-cdct F (cutcty Pri "f O.îktilk-. t-lt,- 200 a trii -crg M. WVîto Rt- -cýk tot i% z] Ne hodi Fctir dY.Oercio let, A.,c-c L ci.Aditor-. dctei ch lc cc,t,<li hec ,ied tts, -ire ict t tttt h ciytiin tlylpci inrdci lti T-i 19dî6,and lits ires laic the Htr addth fss pr 1