~#4*"' MARIE McNEIL The Milton Mustangs captueed The final Mustang touchdown M0arsis, raptain uf the ftim, ptay- tiseir fourth cuscutIve win oft feflonteet a 70 yard faai play cd excellent oleyfsall tftrougt- thse seenun tout l'hrsay esfen frumt Ruattey t0 Cratg Riddeti. oas the six games. they tsavetlld to dAton ard who carried tfic hall ta lise Ac- Milton bos' vottefsalltsean t roaeced their' hasts 31-6 in a ton If, toilh tise aid ur Lindsay wus allia deteateci by Autansftoe e-egularly schedateci teague game. Morris' fine istockion. Ronticy mark. Oetartcrsack tfick Rowlaey ted tise tiser tisrem t Jny eainisn for s e Mustang offense, tossing tfsree lte six pointe. toachoan passes. es The Wilchee 'Walt, Friday Tre.oor Houstofu u fflith thec Milton saccer -seant liid oigisf, masafret -tecesa, due tirs[ totecisom tos in fise tiret Georgetown Tiusarday. tIn tise t ood orgunizfion isy tise ttc quaiteroand Pete MeDufte boot. fiecit isaif, a strong effort ty .er acu Conmibce Costume cd tis ceentere, t gioe the Mos- Gordont ttadicy gaoe Ji en prtes wcc neo iiMri tangos . 7-0 Icad. Rice Betetfhbv a guet ae tise emo mnte maris. We ibisekenrnDeetier, ans anue utec feor tise tora' second In tise second isaif Georfetowt n isai-TriDeoie.a tetueisdoet, fineyarda acoed tiseir firsi fgoal and lie et4sson kadî r a litofis ion ttsluigfve roi Fors, o Spanlish lady. truhtemeddte. Tise cetetert. thfe score. Later, Georgetetwn ecetempt wos no goid. ueetred onoîher goal from o tIn tise dying rhmeni etn tise scramMe aretund tise goal and Mltls CretuetCountey Team tiret haIt, Acton aelried a wite- led thiserrae 2-1t Mlton, despee- retorsed home Tisursday vict nr wash, ecetriof a tuedoon, tri aie t score unoîher goal, played ioasiy carrying tise CWOSSA malle, tise cant 13,. on extra mn on lise torseard Cross-Ceontry plaquee. Tise rue In tise tisird quartier, tise Mus- tie wiic peove e bcfi a smart sos isetd on lise O.A.C., Guetphs. t ange caogise tise Redmen doelng monte. un Wayne Deetsmarc Tise teom finisised first, wiîis 50 witisaosleepor play" paàs th tseored from Boos, to tic tsepintsistend of the school it Craig Riddelon tise rect.eeeng gaine22 second plae.Gary Wicsens rn ccd. Once agasa, tise consort was 5 fearts; Joisn Switee, sists; AI. net gond. Acin Girls Win an Stciteer, cigiseis and Terec Ant interception isy Stene Ger- Autos Gtrls' Volleyftallt econ de- Deetoorier nintis. Tise junieor voie mode lise toortis Mustang fcoted Mitton girls beit Tise teont won fiti place. Tenm me.m- tetucisdown posseible os fie hoted doy, isrec out af rive fumnes. Sot- hers tinied in tise telloeeing in tise puen deepi s ton entd srday ltse tesa wenl 10 George- order: <ferait Geclin, Jint Cagît- and corried il tu Acton's 10 yord town ta tise Round-oin Volley- ii, Chis Egglcton, Mot'rao Nlic. line. Ricis Rundeit holted acrets finît Tetruameut. Milton defealed Ccnig Bill Anederson and Anedv our eise eietponner. smo out of ais scsetts. KayeAnery A WONOERUL VWITCHES' WALTZ" ni lise higis scisool Fridey sa plnnty of wiuches but cerf clle ntalloing - il saesa lo e hoa diying art. Among lise costoneci cisaracters nise iriee tisa twiest, isowever, acte Margo Clarksnn, Kallin Pyaît andt Carol Bondir, scated; Franks Ptnan, Biit eVonCube, MasisaWison, faln Ladaih Lnda Ldwishand Dnefrown. iT'S GETTING CHILLY I Time To Select Your Warm Coat FROM OUR LARGE SELECTION 0F NEWLY ARRIVED STYLES AT 4SW-AVINGS TO YOU Aise A LOVELY SELECTION 0F 2 and 3 Piece SUITS Don't Forget to See Our New Jumpers AT THE LORI.-ANNE SHOPPE Milton Plaza Tif "512 PaiIwEIII Miltn Carol Fc - isen sh Tarry De B..O.. R..... 1 li Canadsan Champion, TiSursda, Ontaher 31,fR3 5 et Atef~WIWikMTaIk "Hot Lmnerc Cit A. E. CI ý is M C le rt IJ-td N tions a to re ieBrgad cated fieat nte a fur eteenter sholin MAl eoir in Milton sisols* - tonl-î fs ekad paoene lo m souitfastocki Ftne Ptenio pen t t1h, d lc Uhi Natons att AIIO O ai r si nei, rhc a h hi otentocmking Une-ted tise torgeet ise I. in Nain Oas, Tisdas. Octuiser AccM.vat Atauspher ottendaeeto t he rcn"Opn2,a procaimed hi Mitont Hardes of enaît witcises Houoe" te F Hal. iuicla oen ceoucteng. piratcsoand choses ronninf lnte[i-c bishostisi echr ai tie sepurat et tn aond encitedto-fter dark, in- keustc{ele caslamdlePbi' Ihotuls disac t theettton gisering teats, pre- tes.rd, oitii steclses al Mte.ý holk he UitedtNationsOc- sent in etteat aimuepisre for Gut'latu attise J. M. O,cc gane.toeioo vithlthcic popilo. accidents, accoeding ou tise On- sool,MceMes'aka ai thefruce Ai ise tigh scisool, tiseUnited fonio SafctteLcogue wisuadiee S.seheteI ansi Mlr. Gtasaa'et' Nations Assoctation iu Catnadu th t: t eW.. Dick cci thasinc thse ciutcttthetiott witeicpiest i*very oongeisildrenise a- iagesi parent altetot,îce atis e ltocivts and tise stadenItHconip.nied hy toteets, Open HttUOse eestied the aimeeandturgaoizui. 0 tigit seeoloret cosltes, At te Hly Rsily Sparae inel the Unt'ted Naîtions indehottenottfhtii pceveot tripoting. AelhHetyttisay Sparthe sect ta oftîtet agcoice, uch bis fecocel osver siens, lougonces, iScool. Mies Cutfsanos Claes of as U.N.E.S.C.O. hae het estis- mtte-bc stelrailer tha oor liaihtt1parentseetedioa tisliediee hell1tnatiootn dc ioesscseocsoe tise -Open 'base.' Mci. Gor s ta chinA eteiheio s" oy cifle. sie liceitc s d for a ols, had 2f parente et attend Historv teacr Mr,. A. Me.H',indJein e h iotkolatetlc ane. Mre. Mochry's . t'en and A rtu r ce stdosrst einnt ire isocard. cd eteret od ntiîtsosmo-hc Cilden ire likelo' to forget In total. 311 parentsnottee1thlie tcstiban agrremnt had hucn soi parcnte"eeideet n tise "Open Houe irciading 14 - a ltactif point. Thcc oteo diecc- tîdrivers, bc et con Halloeeo. prente tren Cantpbiliit ansi cituile"hotefne.'the frizn ri oe eintm Bcttokcitic. ,,î .,ceo contrat. and tise pr-. TAXES ON VEHICLES NNlhIN COTUMEat Friday'sHalloetten dance at AI ccheschaouthescChierttsank- iirtsof disrtantent. CI0,000,t000 inotocee thrpec ehtht District Higis Scisool, mare lisese contomed Incidents. cd tise chitsireu.teacis ont prie- 100000ecttltioeisie -riscs, rtgist, wisa cama as o Spsoîis ladygo a nushoc ipale foriltie\c-operaeîoo tisco fedcirl sales tas on eo vehietes gasetise F ru Departent in toc- '00 ceteteite the 'Gîtei Hocce". fias casot S5oo.0oaooi tiscotigi ta tan inIa Mnrgie Wiseeisne ls Grsttmuliserl and itc lie oipen hsse a scecess te onie ii cecun oles Iiecic il provicisil gascline taese vehliclc esaurier (on a1i fasiened sniec tees etienelecd thet mette titan acnd 12. licensoes aii drivers, perneto. NOW 5 DIFFERENT KINDS 0F CHEVROLETS FOR MORE CHOICE THE SLL-NEW LIRE, CREVELLE' BY CREVROLET - lIn' a goetd faot Sihorter tsar big ears - et Chenctle issucpeieisgintcrior rnomr ansd tetggagn upaee. Lire incudéO Mallisu Super Spor, Matiflu Spart Coupe, Sedan, Coetrertili, Wagons and Chreelle 300 Secint. Choice of 1211-hp Sic, 195-hp VIS or extra- eottl 155-hp Sic and 220-hp VS. New eioe, nen atyle, neoin - fort -anew epeienc. NEW CHEV ELLE! 1 f '64 CHEVY f '64 CORVAIR '64 CORVETTE EVER ESIER T0 CET ARRRND I CORYSIR FOR '64 - New isnefcd- sp oir-ronled engine lu non, 95- hp irearly 19% icese!i. 110-hp exteo-eout isigi-par. feemaneversion and Monrza Spyder nis 150-hp Tueho- churged englue alsu anoitiabla. Brightf nen utyling touches, toetefol and more rooratal ineioe, wide range oflieue- suries etcd etra-cot options for att mordels. NEW REFIREMENTS IN NORTH AMERfCA'S ONLY TRRE SPORTS CAR, CORVETTE STîRS RfAY - New oepiere reor wndon and hoa- peancd irterior nentilatioo on Sport Coupe. Newt umootiser ride and itpeetved sound inolation on Coupe ard Con- vertiblte. Foue girent VSs. THERE'S Fa IN IuLM SIE THEN NOW AT VOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTRE A CF000etehiceic NIssueSAI Be sure ta sac Bunuoza an fise CI3C-TV netnark eocis Sany. Check your local listing foc cisannel anod lima, cenu REED m REDFERN LIMITED MILTON. ONTARIO -i %W