By MRS. LIL HOUSTON lgangs for finis social ne» os en anc Intemnadisehuaehl in Mil S hdy gretngs toMnnli otefo 1963 corne tua loeSantraChilert Mil Stret soho Friday, sohoRed Sus officasciceehocthe h btday Sut- players, soîven and girl fricnds crduy. Novomber 2. uttcoded o banquen and dance in "the Legion -Hall. The soinner Miss Myrîle Field, Ring St. on- of the Mont naouabto ployer osourd tooned home Tuendoy, aller houi- sous centre flelder Dog Me- sleying for sic ocebo soith hier Cutcheon. He rrceined fibe large nephosn ahd Bocir tomgilion Mn lrcphy emooded annuuIly, cînu Edmonton and Vancooter. c smcll replieu sohich bomues Coogrotulotions 10 Mo. and is permanent nruphy. Roplicen Mrs. Allent Clemont R.R. 2, soho wr lopoesentcd tu euch cf celcbrotnd iheir 3Bth soedding a- tho four previctun soinoors ot ninernary Mcadiy Octubor 28. tho M. V.FP., Dug Hyutî. Tom Marks, Run Phittipa, sond Miss Elicuheth Arould of To- Sutch Riddrll. For ulmosî per moute s vsiting ihis sooek ait f oct otten dacc etggnmescýdîhe homoe cf h vo sister-in-lao, ir Arnold. Serton StreeL. Toc Ti Mon Ner TI mcf TI and den bout Rep Con M the 1951 cf I c-d a set of catI lioka. utvh Confraulaîticon 10M and M Riddoell cssa rocoived cutif lobks 1Mrs. C. Stuades. R..filtono for hin contributio tu the Red noho celohrctdtora n od Sos cause. Len Ste. Marie, Hut- diog diirreyo ody. sh -I ton CourtySvcrcîuoyrprnonîed - the OSBA. and spobe briefly. Thoe _______________ -- msercoferomuniesforîthe eveniog wsou geniot Sill Scyd. -.- Congratulations le Mr. and MR. AND MIS. KCENT MoINTOIN are uhosor follomiochi Mos. Tom Huddlestooo. Ring St., cn hi ht soit celchrute thoir socdding RIG-H T Septembor 21 mndding in St. Paucîn United Church. Thn bride conivorscry Toosdoy, Novoehoer groom ns the non of Mo. end Mos. Gordon Mclntonh of Main St., Milton. The couple w-IIl ontdn in towo. Congrotltions go thi styoob lu Mo. and Mrs. Jiso Crogg Wood- s u a cr St. on thevccasion ut' Evryonc lirodo ut somti line 2 Kent M lto h Beverley S ong thoir 43rd svodioe uonirorsoryor aîhor "a't hlcoocd hudget cn Tundcy. Noemcr 2f. oooodsnýtroshtng. Mcny ecOnomi-12 r L Lcal cshs coo ho mcdo fros t St ues oed Chut . î rntr Novo" C sc Dr.rk anI L mheto. Garfienld Ccllio[g hasic ingrodlionis nvhich arc ono ai- 3 Si.Pal' Unte Cu:llMi- ratfodNoa eulaClrk ofLabehMos. Jim Shlelds cf lv s-pIt ctl hcod. 's ton, socs doccroîrd ctth ohitIc son. Lobostre ced Milton. -Calgary, and Mr. ced Mos. Roc -amates"et at r oyfd yovllcorchryseoîhemoms for Pvro thesseddoglthe coule 1self troeod cf Rutoodocoor Po-wmuis c oo oct and ti tho Soploehoer 21 o-cddtng of tv-vo honoedcaltc misolcne-svoebcond tiofitprs ilh Mr. andlhi oo-thio chocdrc Besverley Anne Sltcng ut He- tocs shcnvrs. OnevwsgivoohyMisFote-tll satute I n erv oofi sr ,lop Roud,Miltonand KentMo- Lesuand Jean Willn. Docg ans ouoksnîh.,abctbomautlandif ryMotnîosh of Main St. Miltcon. Derclhy Fioboît, Sam and Norme1 Wocsoiry 10 j rport Mors.hrd k.b o oh bc000 c ni Th rd stedoughtor cf Mo. i-iorop' and Silt ond oris Laso- Coucrg Cutis S ,.fata aisvn ndmuih and Mos. Charles J. Stroog cf son. Mts. Sruce SoIt ulso hcsîod potiont in - M Dst.. Hi cn aos uoiîn g o d u ih Glae ayNoa Sola. heis l iscllncos howr or he, tL iewisb hor o npcody ru- CHEESE-RICE LOAF ompîcyrd uit F. L. Rohertson btido. covery. .iNcop buttercrmagrine si Menutuctuving Compony Lîi. 1______________ Miltono. er ao c coc-ccmoemuoynrs The groom is flic sttn cf Mr. 1 and Mm.r Garodon Moinoutol cil Main St. Milton. Ile isootiptcoed'2 hs- Parb ilciry. il. Ror. J. L. Crehotnolltcioot.doo 3 he dcuhiotiiog ooo-oonny and, ( gros sohio Donald Clcmets song 4 O Portait Lcoe ool [lhe Lord's Pr.tyor.oacmpartiodhyo brooiosspa Miss, T. Abînso. Taffosa Gosnv Girol n temerriog- hir to-t t. hoer hle risdo o-ore- c portrathui ge.nos ilk toille titîrl. Ho,6 heootîpioco. os clustor ci Iuessrs.ýan hotld hier Pronch voiliig and sho, a orwhito sin shtos carot rings end orchîcof et htack bu Alcshuo dicmods, o g2il (I utho u Sr o so o cAeqo Miss Lotos Co.sseoct ei Muter., o 1 ricod (f thehrido. is osoîcote a toe baalcnd Miss Coi] Stioblo. il cl nisceta fli hride, o-os hrides- ti tneid. Tho olocodoots voire d ross-R os tIoi bloIic onohcsod tfctil. ni, trt osIt si lo ~eos cool whito sieii shloo". Thon cotrie ost pP ciols cf whnite crnaions. Brr SoBIlutc Miltc on honoest mcv cod 'Murroy McConcl soi Moilo oses tio tonhot f l Mos. Cir"lsotion g ho-e ev toto flot, scgh Or-t- o flis eçroi Contre, osoringooa rohoorsv cooîd siik 'shantung drcss etl MILTON GIRLS' PIPE BAND hnid one cf thiner regoier denrns et the Ingn Hait un Pday whieccesnorieneand acoosacge ct.18toataisefonds toftiancenthe bndsepense. Doring rheceentrg these sic. iris ot wshite crmouions. teeroeinnd the gonsîn tb neonnai nombers nr, the popes and droums. Prom li are drumers Mrs. Cordon Mcitttosh tosoto* Boete Peer, Sonen Shields and Barbara Lemcon and pipera Helen Strod, Beil PomnIl ard Pet od for ber non, csnutg c sacldci' Mershall no rocmcdonshcath,nrtnscrIov oorossoriotes.dsacosgci pisk s- -- o carnaioni I w ttotuiskty andesiciioty Tio- Ootîisiioir oge rofsoo Lis te wednM tip Ga(I, a o V S l Cýitmpion moghty chisiliods ors. Chriniophor Coumbus ws Fo o io tn le Pics ia o V S otk hingingbayer-and sellerorceicmpoiod by 120 mon l Bc. Nove Sodie.thr brisd-schoso r moDsA logitr. Erors w-ook coel cvr th hps a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~O oe]bo rswiuadblIk a eD ya d 0edividocis ore usue auesrend e corsaeof ni k Chetmpion ciessifids Iocanoco crnetions. Ce tbci r roluon- flto, tOit SALL Upo oghi Mo.odslsoc cu oeil[ itoms, bu sok copeook up rsidoecciai30in fiio. il, excllentondvitmo to u lied lont iýLms. L Main Stioco. tttoo: Pliiso21 TV. phonoergtr To; Cbaopton cssHteds loti fL eE* Tho brie' attondacn 000 tli. toctseliiCouvet ileucooei whiiteootahnd kierbla tssk lit-i-iaos iiorsissoifsic cdcI c oilcoîs toocsh.t Ctll aot ico c iig silsovc l ciii -is otciiic tnioo înc totitiocoilinoolct-onsis ,icvsoi ELECTRIC flio brido. sos oioon osil flis Chamttpiot and fic seller trtieg socs soivortlism-t Theto .% "'ssi au hlllt ub , tiio reottloh iotmcooo W crocn geid tigliolosîsohl -Ii in 6.30 yet. tl didrl cool Hosontos uses odnoo 1050cr lo Canfeantism ovcioinong rcdhlthecfrono titrssiO hocas ot seiikpo nei0rc and iectcosc iinc Cecsin clcndod tt cosidioinn ilotg o lot-11 tto soc emos. lets 1cr gonds. Unions sucth cul-atS:nss toto Motrlin, Totonlo. Si. UCiher-" intneadicru totos, Riohomoods ill, iisooolitlk.t iols i ý ail clssn.tîpio ci lts caloitiodntis-osi od. lis inoom t o hiclî les- .00ai cccsÂ.so ofch wsiinuobclc-thoo PhoasaMiltonsTm-9731 -0-t-S THE MILIINEET CLASS ai file MoltIon Noght Sohool qot sîarted rnmuîbk Iass enk coder the guidance cf teacher Miss A. Mctec. Shomo nnratqhtnnooqi the teachen's ber are Mis. J. Lattgndyb atid Mos. A. foie. Nonieteon iodons have reBtstered on the milinery riens for the foIrs eight meeka, and theyoncpncn Io malhe nomo vilp initornting bats. SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CREAM 0F TOMATO SOUP CHEF SALAD $1.00 RCAST CHICKEN DINNEO WItH APPLE JELLI FR[SH GARDEN GREEN StAND MASHED POfATOES OR FRENCH FRIES SAKfO OffEP APPLE PUDDING FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 OSpen I-rde and holnrdns 7 e-n. fl 2 e-to. Soaday bho gh Tisdy 7 étn tou noidoigbn LIDO RESTAUIRANT 181 Main A; I oNDITIoNED Miltonj Mt. Union W. Report on Area Convention te Ocobor Meeting ut the Mon. Volonla Morris broIgb a onluin Union 30.1. wsou bold tory fuît report ut the Din Ien the hume ut Mrs. Wulter Dirocturi' mting wbie vison ringlon on Wednençtuy etiter- brld in Milton, and membero ap- oi. Octohor 16. provod a 15 donution nu the 1c pre-sidont Mrs. Rudedbutsury fond. on the chair and opened nhc Mrs. Wuncand Mrs. Hcdley ting -itheapuemTe Tc:n t .r = nt.e 10 h represnonn- Don'tllo Wurry." lirvsutheLedersipnTrining 10 testitutr Ode sous sang Sohool lu ho heldi lter In Mi- the Mary Stesourt Culieco ton. Mon. J. -M. Redbeuad a euted on unisn. The prosi- noeninotd an a repragntalive t toclccmod ait on soc h a [rom Mi. Union on tbe nonnina oiraltenoon. The mtin- ling committeo for tbe Dintrict - c the lest meeting scero0Anncei. t and udopîrd. Treenorrrs Rdrs Digsni tubc set crtuandCorrespnndencnseretIotthe Centenniul Morencin. giron. Reports of Stunding Plans -for c cerd port yare under îmiteos soore giton. cuy. soith the finance conitnee Doit Lion Came and Mrs. Cusîle on charge. Co Gorge Cusîle reportod for A popor on "Friendsbip" a Historicut Reseorch, and giron hy Mrs. Rohertson. Roll ti c pieco conut n he Murch Colt. 'Whut Cites Me Pp'" wsou papoer uhout the dtsup- qoitusvieiluonsered. Mrs.. Mc- rac fut the Boit Lino Cers Nuhh gave tsoo fine rcedingn. Haemilton. Mrs. Humholtlc und Mrs. Rnud- vs. Allen Clomoots reorled heudhrougtuasory fll rport Edocolico and spoko of bos ocf the to dcys in Guelph Sept- ltoswe tught et the osohor 19-20, et the Arec Con- oct for tho Bind. veoticon. Tho thun efthe nord- AROUND HOME top sou k ed bl oo s-Ol cihet nushîoom or cops ookodic le omutuneauo. stopis groled shop cbccss PEANUT-CHEESE LOAF cup fineodry bcd crolbs t cpccobkedcetmoulsowhcc oggs, slightly beuton oeril or rc cop chcppedl ciery 1o4 s.p iooly chcppod ko-o-n cp mincdcuion Ppper lobiospooo dobydrelod pur- 2 tebiospoce fiooty cbcppcd stoy oton cuit titoppod green Poppe 1 co pcissi lalooon oeil 2 tespooo fomait illico iotspoopropaedtnutt l, olcospolon Wocvotornbirc cut Sramoe uhro Iliocps ccppd seilod peu- soncceoc tOltOO nuls scsp tae oup dryhbrcodsrumbs uot (3oor 40 oz)rie ms.V ups g roted chieeo (ebout ruanit. o.iiiedo 6 nouncos) Huai huttor souk mdlk on- ceu bec- kdlcconosccb 1.Combine il[ ingirodionts. Addric, licse ndcrub, 2.Sehs- in gmesod cla pan ggs; trin blol milk. ici 350 dogvccs P (moderlg Bdd sciotto. unicon, pcmicy avcn) 1cr about uns- bou. ilPopper,.and sesoiogs. 3.Serveobutsith mshroo Tomn iotceagcossd faut or tumao ncup diluted sligbly fill s 4'i inchos. thel has noeace iiood on holtoo wtb grcs Yioldt Six sesrsings. ongioood palper. Bobo ci 350 dogroos 1cr I and 15 minutos. Uonmoid on sotsiOg pillotr orocmpeoy o-ith botsac by blondin g soop trilth t, until socth and thoo og thrcogh %vith sooood hroomseand bmoîh ildo Bis scrsiog. oufi oaf6hich Ihoso o-ho A O R cihotINSURANCE cegricrien in thoir babits onioneasnamuaisu bstitute CAMPSILLYILIE is ibis poonut-ohorse toutl. UL427 lonopoioiic n lobcsor-. 427 The Canadien Champion, Thcrndap, Ortober 31, 1963 iogscas P-oserveothe Psnd aisW nPi baud for tho Futuro. Annn Lade i Pie nover heting been bc Ibis con-1 vention should tty bo go ho-'At District Meet couse thete is so mub tond fo- Acter [tom Hatton Agricul tlrooght oivon aod o tory enjoy-1 turul Society ettondod tho Di- ablelimneis surod withtotortric Annuul mecingf N. 5 WlT. Ladies, they reported. !district AovtcoItnvaI Societieseat Collection w us rocoitod ced ýMerkltm test scock. Mt-s Cuîhbertsen' Cootosy Con-1 Thoc ludion' divtsion ut Milice och orsorrigo u nd th 1 Peait, won third prine for tho pro- hostoes fm or irfion reotund honi.ticncof thoir report on the Ledes or hoi tio rpors edfuir. Mm. Mubot Coulson soc- otblern fukil pertionthe pr ot;cIa-yi-cd the roport [or tho gram. clsd ldy drortors' section. George- The mcoting cl ssî th Gnd town con fielt piue and Actant Suave the Ooeen, fulteced by the[tus .onu t 19scit WlI. Croco. A chetty huIt heur ,.. cou enjoyod or e doeliciclus Ot0f lunch. Ed i2oronport poocoîd lorosi- dent Lloyd Chisholsos report on the otorull fuir t. A. Frenci, lia-tiiHuln Agriculturul Renresennu- I l ,L I I I itivechaircdelpnl discusion on "Planning Tour Fol Fuir Pro- FATALITY FREE DAYS [gra. 1Othois ottondoog the mteeting ON MILTON STREETS t nrtudod Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cor- rie, Mrs. Joo Srownridno end .ýMrs. Edttcscnpcrt. il% from 312"0130 the famous "ART GAIIERY0 $ of style now "Buh tories for fashion stylos Son the tatoot Fashioni Firsts for ail ftue famîly ut Milton FABRIC Centre MILTON 242 MAIN ST. .3 i oh TE 8.2121 HAVE YOU SEEN THE BRIGHT NEW TELY? If'sTcrosloobrghnsloomSpapor And t' scon- rnw onctions in ennrynediftoo puckrd touti o mide - pbnfaly nom. A brand nom building mifh modern narinty of stimotatiog neaned fealoror Itho nnw presses ta priot sparhtieg cgoron Bright nnw Toroisto's brightnst nwspgpeî-tbn pupot lthe movitems f0 foin peur regular faorites liho Frank bright 0000s red. Tgmpguo,Weo HichsTgd Ronon. And four bright Huveya oen the brighf nom Tnly? THIff TECLEGRAM Totont' Broigtsîno Nemopupor ~1