Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 1963, p. 9

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SRview Town's N eed for Industirîàl Land bU1îf MONDAYI I<EAMG ments iocaied in tise town and he wos referred isy the 0.M.B In ross exainfiton Mr. acrie parcel on the east of On.MLO, NTR, H SDYOC BE 24h193ecnScto Tise application loy the tomo immedaeaues soine193 wacharman ou the poevousiy pre- Morebrought out tot verageiario St Thse remaning p for onnexation of 934.3 acres ubm Ctd in ivdnnce, and ser- pareil report "The Board sa mois dauiy water consom ptionbea tIons h dh ises we Ensi tng f spge developernent o ble for deveiopmifen. ilhludbBte Growth from Eaquessng ond Oakvilicesosold ousdethes n wre Ing etcr efft t redoce the matodolt 0 îgaiooip~ smî caiter lots sogoupesof Il m y nie ho dotriat orsi Ofi n plil hos 40 hali place MVn isagua Monday morning in the renieed. cour oi thos hearinus onobse The Milon verage i30 gallons iota. sonai nature, the pionner "Wa k no idsxy ou osng4Oi kp oco MrVa County Court routier isl theo I t scnenmination OahviteihaIfof tho lupayrswho havo daiy.I is ndueta a nd ton llng oadas hi revomwed tetlocation Wh hn fdo ndu cpee tomoising representedsy K. Y. soiitoîrF. L. Moore referod tunn eoy oser thoîr extent,' tise The Lato enet? 119.6 acres430areasmwedsy OtsdO tise -tosen of the Casa- yaosepec su locale on theMil I fcoid tah placne imdate. Dick, Oakvitic by E. L. Monre, the 1954 onsexotion, isqoireti if cisoirmon isdiroeed. "Whero dlous tise tomo go alter obiin Hond Fioor Milta Ltd ond dios Meter Co., tise Milton Di- ton Area?", Mr. Monre asked. IV, poosoming services mcrc ia- Eaquestag isy J. T.' Weir and T. tise tomn's planning isoard hadl Mr. Van Sichier, for Esqoos- it oses oilt Olose aources," Mr. Ontario StelPrducts C.*Ltd sictopi tieDal, it Onari monfooinu meondr hinty Mî.led Vhs Sihi rpai t H. Von Sickier, and Oakvioan a [oit timie staff ond if tise Bord Mng, inqoired if tise toms ond Moore qoeried tise mitneaa. "tise mas sot osaciaisie for e inSh fote uýMlonhpmuacrng warehusg, r.'nSckrakdifI Deveiopments isy V. R. E. Perry. hodt n pioniner te mas ngrccd Conservotin Aothnrisy more in faote"? dustry. 0f tise remainder 28 tenu Pioco, Jas. H. Moithemaos potto, h ino n asgn ieiut enet Sitting for uhe Ontario Mati- tho soretory sf tise Planninu foul agreement on tise tomo euht- "Ns, there are mther urnand acres michte horeonned in 'ros- tise Cnnnty Administratin Boiidý pited. Mr. Mo ore continued. bug- indostre ose an 0000 in a O i cipai Board more J. A. Kennedy. Board mnnld ie caiied tu repiy gin mater [romt the Keiso ares. mater proapects nrais' Mr. dentiai or pars tond. Of tis 48 in and Johnso as brc et e for ac re l oroci sc he dola in. Lt reperdI wshnii d ohairman, and A. L. McCrae. unnplanningboard quetions Mr. Coseigas ropiied that hoe Kirk repiied. As M. Monore acres romaning, one 26 acre par- eeg. rios. Mn. Little repiied thatr tise cd hy the 10 istr asis. thse sew- MrKennedy set the paern of .Trigt aeheOklec oud nul speak for the Au- pursued the question Mr. Kir-k cet of lond motn tise ment of Affect on Sttont eiuht smaii parces coui aerage aco troateotiplant,.aisigsbatik ij tise hooring, nnting tise tomo's sniicitnr rviemed tise restric- îisnriîy. admitted tise tomo migtse ame Brumte St. and tise remainder Mo. Little tnid tise hearing Cees tison tisreo acres. "t leuves and a rnad. (l is assamed hoe casewouid iseiseard firstfolnm- tins on Cass moueriof and Water Expert day have taun o tiste liteo. mas sn oigist individuai parcels. isigie scsoni isnundaries in Esquesý no coico. Tisore's ose parcei mas referring tn tise renng ediy thencaseforakviite and sogit tu hase them lered Notitss forthsetomsma Toms Pionner DereisLittlilesn tiomLong WIlitLe isumnnid sot bse af[ected isut and osiyne porcetheoPan-aie-ir[ ioiohelad nccnpiedhby Eaqueaing. Foitnming tise Mn.- drastir". Ho ma ared ro . W.rk w f twîr ,i 5 m theh neat mitnoaa for the tosen. Mr. Litine emphaaied tise tise isigis scisoni area in Dakissiiiero tnid tise hearing. Phonenix Mesufactarng Co.) doy Wo da rn tiser93 hir a nty hdstienimtdt Sappiy Co. Ltd. He resiemed fihat in Octoher 196t toen's tend [or additiotai resi- mnoide ho aiiected. Ho ntod hom- Tise Oahniiie soiicitor noogs Afflu Wtay Change selO fodreda monafat93eqatiy Mr. Kirk revieo-ed isis firmib h sd iseos eogaged 'te atudy and dentiai and endustriai tond to oser. Cti tfIl porcIns living an espionatin n ohy tise pian- Ropresen ting Oakisiie Devetnp- ar. lu isear individuai citizons îîOo a ae hd-enbo mpne t ie repare o report on tise isuture ccommodate tise Conns natutai in tisai 0eo none more in the lier mnuid reonmmend reoninu menis Led. omnen nf Cthe Miltn interested on apeaking in support lhdhutbe mlyr yteUder qOO5ioning as ineasar- Come since 1952. In 1952 test ondarios of tise tomo. This on- groset. prescrit isig scisoni aire hrarket. of 28 ores foce indusinia tu Shopping Piaze and otiser tonds on aganat tise applicaion. er, Mn. Coatigon mas refenned ani driliig mas care-c ont to deti- port caiiodi for anneaatioa of At this point Choie-mon K-en- Fnnm Esqnosing puic sciseni nesidentia. Me-. Little espiaied intChat oea. Mn. Penny osed wisy Litaof indaastela 1lehfiveerc piaietadgmrets d aeoiatod d 2'400 ures. SaisoqcoaCCy tise oedy ndonod hum lngc the arco, four seudetmnnud bc f. il mas mode np of 3.2 ares to fils ciionesoand-sodiheuecsasg- Openingthe preýntatennnfthse sed misai aount hadhoeenmwaeer spply. In 1953what is tonncnuncii caied li anrpt nrodnced reqnosimnouidmeteuecie dand trynre aady a pnrk ue attse an0u t hmeseodin pendilandnses frnm tome's case, K . -Dinh calied aiinmed for desetlopmeaî ni f00' nefonnod te ase numisen ose mou, on a smnalier 000 in Docemiser gromts needs ni tise toms. Tise oendin8 Milten schnnis. Fe-nme cornerof Bronto St. and Cisc parteial residrntioi and partial ton -cCerk-treasuner B. J. Costi- utier mater ssonrcs. Net ropicd prnducisg 430,000 gallons daiiy t962, CoCaliieg 964 aCe, pionner suggesed Ct monid isc Dakisciir emo students moniti ie Base Lino Rnad msene tise C.N.. ietduslnii to ai] indoeria isn- gane miss noniomd on o mup tise $150,000 mvas incinded in tie hod- waa put Ioeta ose and in 1957, mcii 16»00 In 1986 adequae o 1967. alccied ond tiinv more aCeoy rs off [arCher ares; 20 ores to-ors the preparation of cthe finse toms isoundcarina, principal maris, get fur tisa porposo. numiser imo prdc 7,)Tise pioseter toid tise heorieg Ho soted tise influence nf attending Milton puic scisonis. tu residontiat mont of tise exist- and Second reports. tise isigi seisoil and Halton Tise ion's miii rate of 69 gain diyprdesc ~ h pe-edicied tise tomnas poputa- Hamilton and Torneton pressing In nefrence- tu DOaiii, iî mes inu C.N. and tise C.N. bsy-pass Mn. Little nccceed Cisc chanege Mao s tiear are pnonetIy and 73 mon hoogis ont, but Tise mimoesa noted ninre 1959.mudstnorm amacicr-smnnes miisntietuo Aiit0fidtthaets Dhiiesoiitr ngierooniAai rcrdeis(bn eghi roitinh osemdMe afnddis igma 0tsii et he Miiensl Pnisiicu sInnh indostnia osdl deeopme. peep-,i sbi.. Cisc Dioksiii crviwdfilsafoddbyHgwa 0 il n [na di[hen moMd fpo n icnmCN..cneCn csn nr iltons de-ome for tie djstis 0a00 mnid isen pionnins %ville ctie Okiad r-ies ilod commercial esCaisi- deiai un tise assessmet hase kopt and anaiyzed. Ho snggested fordfeetmtoso r-adte-wCNR cneto -lBad alhuedano h ajiigae ol ePann or hc a ______________________________________________________tise tnmn conid sdd hait a million Jection. Oe resued et on esti- 1 thte Toronto Termina, asn mut aite finie of te DOhsiic- aeticipated fne- rosidentia; eicht stnded land usrsn ethtie orna. It ence fallns dniiy [nom tise pro- muttel populatin nI 28,000, ne Os thr tnns location on tise Trafalgar amalgomation. At Chat acres mn-t ni the C.N. by-pass me- Icrrd tho resideneia wnuid sent o-oiC field doring [ho poak 16 ' o0 nd imo 11,000i. main fine nI tise C.P.R. Cimie te former Unin Scsoni hetmees tise C.PS. and tise Bose isocme o strmait pochot snrrnnnd- somrmer domand. Average dlairy 0AdoPting tise 16,000 population Me-. LiCtle snggestud tisero Section Fice mon disisosded, and Linoe Rnad ta cnnfnnm to theo cdt iy commercial and indoseniai. pumpisy hbavse erse io se, hoe soiiinod his conclusions muid ho no tond use con ['Cr, Dakviiiocgred en pay Miltesn open spoces uses prnpneted ity the losinostra ose compatible 1,0,0 galo -ealy tise n- land tends to accnmmsdate sincc Eoqnening dlors sot have for te edoceen or ni Sf akiscie Planning Boord. mieit Cis Haien Monond tise ru cwaa t o n inusas fiio cpe.y hi oîpulatio At tise chsair- an nfficier pion or oonietg hS- sîndenes frm ChoC onco, rcsc Doaz QutOtanin Scisoni for tise Deai?, miec-si.mas's suggestion hae oed tise lam, asd tise orna amontd te Craaf;«yiv yeuit tie soliiier asked. P r o c a m a io Won't Affect Dam original 2,400 acres propsai ent in Oakvilic is zoord 08e-i.c- ficyes Mr. Moorecharg'd the preset "It e-old ie, dcpcsdeng on le Continitg, Mr. Kirk si swolhaerqied 1,439 acres cultural. Revlew Agreement zoning sn Milton mas Cise a ce-azy te regnieteons piored onis [ires hod itee asked kren s rom Enqnesng and 971 acres 46-54 Ratio te m-os agreet ibis agreement qoiit. Ho o-ondonnd if tise pro- deceiopmenl!, Cthe piunner sug- 19560 Io ine-esCifoCe an ad itoa rons Dake-le. Tise 954 acre pro- On 0.sseo-sment, Cisc prioer moeeid isav e to eemrd if se Foiiingseoois ar00 nhonid gesird. , suppiy. One site ChoC pe-osd oui posai reqnired 356.3 fnnm Dais- noted] te toms pesn iy fias 6h flic tomn mos grC osid annex- sot htavn houne esersed forn- .. Expaent Population o-as in te -elso Conservotinn viCie andt 598.2 fromt Eaqocning. perncentof' il osocasme i n e- lion. dnsiny aler tise Cent aetain. Me-' Moore eolCnd for on ns- Area. ,In 1961 test driiiing mos To tndstîril Pareat dentiai and turme, ond 34 pur Inte-cus reeminaioO ni Pies- Mn. Little seid ie had sot siadind planoeion ofi h esiCs pionner rRE O R M H M R W E ompircd. areere the Ko, Dam Tuning fo vacant land nisis cent in isdoerioi oeed commr- nie-r Derck Little, Dakisciie souici, Ciai pnsnihiiity. onedt ]is populaoin projection FR E OM F O H N E W E sas bittere asoan osdnr- fli prseeet toms, the planne in- cef. fIe fonreat an loceessment [or Meure soagt Co cmphsi Mr MeVaenSichin, crnss-osomit- on te nielind cseo, raliser fo of4000glosdaiiy dcudfer a32arsr-bncei neain wstelw a oteurote ad o isg th mo itess fnor Esquna- tison ose of tCische oei ce e me- mither te dam meCs thereor GO5ereCing 30.6 pon cent of tise isoccosslui and Cise lands dcveisp- dccciopme.i nous0g abouon iO. sggentcd ihere huit isees titods inciudrd in ethCie neport. October 28 to Novembr 2,1963 nce. Records, dnmnstoCd Cisot total. 0i tis 73.2 acres couid cd as piasnnd, ni 46 per cest C herd o-as cCitt nndce-ciopcd and no e-apid deneiopminnt oiong Higs- Me-. Liteexplinoiee ose, me- mises the vece iscii tenlb osdri frubnpr eiet and 4prcn n Cahlla isfere mena30 JtO ay 400) despite il-s existenceethd mo-e hae on a0 6.7pur ta , etos o-o d e-ie-e Cauesed-o 20 pose eicooso it o-on tom iying dstrioi and commeciae. liots arcetibet for residentiot pu- since the 1950's. "Onwhot do youcent esnuaincrese n the popu- pr cent rist, in the ge-nund o-Oee and ubijcct Co tinnding, Of tise Hn esplienedl iis o iginoi ner- ponces.isapodre o cpnin an.Cmpnddetnia- isetee e Ciceant. Tise ge-nund eenaisesg 253 ares vacant Cmows port hald -,unarsed oanoxtn Tie Pionoco pninecd oas thterc otong 41 in Chie 0000?" cd a 1986 population oC 29,000 moine- iecoec tce dam tison o-as 23.7 pro ent ni tise total area furtsco mont. but flouer titis o-os ere one yesc poreis, one ot Mo. Little snggeneed Norths AnsteisC-ethod o-o- eased on inerreesed tooounetad o half aesd 78 acres o-on residcntiai. Of tae-geiî o residentiot 000 Tis atece adsite orares. The York hadrigidly cnroied de-. an adetitione 26t7 people cish AliCitzes o te Twn f akvll ar miiiion ations. Ne toled tise licier- tite 78 acres there seon teocouncii, ite soid, choset eemaindIer, lie nid Cic iscoing, iopmcnt ainng Hifisoay 400 and ycaeand ites resuited in a popu- AilCiizes f te ow ofOavile re ing ttc adciseei tise toms tu appiy poreis: une of C9 acres, pari tabliss sound indostriai usseet- ece bmati scteetred Cnts, pce- mnud permit grts oniy as latin se 1986 set till.0. for permission to taee 750.000 of wsiicis is in te arco proposaid mont bose itofone cepting mnore tops and field aeijoening o rcsi- servicesescre extendied to toise A iied mnthod elaed Mil- requested to observe th. above week. gallonn doue-. Ne rephosized tak- for aticicîeeioo, atnd asother 15 residentiai deeipocne. drncc. Tite- mere not ait avoit- cure ni il. (uoneînuedno Page B2) ing Cisc groond moico oond sn miMe-. Kirk thon Cnrncd Io an Annlleo elle Tuesdaw's Hecring~ Esquesing sie miere the C.N.R. ___________________________ s forceio udecoer an aea WM NEROO eiso nhadi ietem naisean ull, istuy Sewage .reutmern, Creek Pollution, Town's MillRi e MaoCitie 40O glos ognd i a e Mayor oesne-d 0 oilmn n gths TUESDAY'S HEARIPJG Cictomn' sescoge teroitmeot la No Thierd Stage 1$136290 se 148 per cent, lent En toC nId be oble in bord Ces pe-- - o-- - ~~anoo,netinetuati tioc ceeles, Tiereoeinc Tuesdaycenrningcttn. ootelM-Hs A cnnpic-teosatyaus ot tihe inan n$347 90mDisent ssiioiraend-sutill cary out ni M-. anoyisyMo. ass, COrysnorier ngati n tito efis funt discitoeged tl'ce tise rrlationt to Citotsai, bu the offece 100 sined ître plit cous for SCO,- pions epansin su0e Ctins pion(, o-os petsacise-Cthe cros-e.o-odndoibc groot,lieeeegges-00 if9icpitalscorks oe thse net moulu ho deveiopatu to tindre tise examseine,. M,. Moorc tees o- cd. tuer eoe s, o-hicb scond Iraese tise iegiflow dungpeassioper-m'le- .îie fietcvolu!hav Eeliineegtoumetorates,ie au- desntue rofle, ou if perroent. ld. ors msndcmed i te tonks to h-C IoC CcCCCoey (lraecene. Me-. ditce- nored t prescrnt somes opproxmoosey Ciesia isc o-i« rrt y s[oue-gcgtHnCî,fesirie-eiiheoudb pt'scien 68hand 75emismoud bc ow ie- effluent scocit hace hec Ce Clisc O.W.R.C. tee ecie suat, reducei to 65.07 and 70.06 if Clie Have Surpauca B u y a A G o f B U B S ' n d tonaicd. Mo. Hce-v suggrsted Cisc litre i, film did ne iehinkis a ppliatone for onnesotis o-os Me. Per-esocdeed tf tie sct- niay teateni an reouV neelll.pe-pely osnees,snweee-eein. tht-e ncehcepoing tmooanda abu n hr ffi mprtv xiiie u Esqmesisg, M- ecrs ity 19.6 mutal Io Milton-s hou rimes te Cotie wsco rduce. Duesg se eningC. ls Viestiiclef asise il Clisc pi-usent rateomsd oukveiie ers oîle Thte endils- siiet tisera o-e-o ani- H E LP I Board chitoeeso etepliso.eied Cisc abl oîI, haidin eflu i froi re incesc. acentio. * Weoid yoe otcpte-Àe f)M.Be- Ino t pmesameemep pr ,mIdueit imdseriol eiiirecs Offer Loser Rate fti nvi mem-iloem C-iscth nornsi eifficeeli andm hichis' e, ieein mmm meem. Me. H-ee-emy su te rsplieeesei toiu Miltoeene oue e nor se-mou te assese on a def- lacnRlcsor cc- le Omesmmntai geme iemaileeesiet icciplpoe CIo frasil ce-est pp- iceeei IXIssimm Cth ose( emteud mye mm indse a nd Ceil me iii Cm. ce-ties CCrmie sceisceet ho lt-e ee- Clic emmeele. "Nmm. flie ,oditone-n lneLFo imes Fielowscc mi le %vi ziim ec m imlm Ilem pat %ai , and geieoimmî i gem clei clets e-mil MrIcrie- v sceisce ilair megi i dc eilsg mm cel mmeClIe tee;e Eisem. i Ouioe mile meame liems uPoI flcha Ipliolian d bcdsge u ue ii,11 ' i. mmîî.meme ieecmlecci c rameîmmssec emslîcemmmc mmie mme e--tid M e i Imfviieade Cscn tdc pioni le hype es C is c il fi ee i c (ltieie sol mîel itlio iete e-oie Ch -et bpplel imn millelmmetiCIeCe gmadis Ce is rc i se-us- tciiigi bel crel mmmuigmm 29mu i III III, tîgeeel- E,q lt!eccenotr Oakll iclîltt es e-telle m ecqeu; reste cmmee îent almlim mmm il( 95sCrliesl tise i îles continue om Il e -IlOlie moe 20',,, olfo med M91 1996ic' Mr.n oor fiiteouil 11teXe '0 c .ieee leill e-l lil Heeleet îcs mmvileesss-m saeccl puIiier-s LI)ei I on,- lt-e CtIIi i ol e 5 T t D e k m l te l c i m e ezSel m 1 1 , is des s o t i h lie c e i el ui mî. T isis s e eme e iiue iw a e rî I0 v ' 2 7 5 , ; 1 e- i 4 7 ' litoh e o, -cseo fiýI-n,mmts c ol Ausilor unm td raile- ontnlce ipsc r if t op ( mmm lift .M.Wite mevelc l ue. he p cl."eba- ie o- l anese , IL A.-e 1-aesvim i , lic lmpmm se dimii al l ti mt es atm--s iisîmeiieeti mmm ci,em-,, lie Ththlnl f l b f M lo p tc s -eltoed niaig fe25vradE-. g'.loe.1 ime cnumr in rmilli99e n15 cee ormr ric evieslsenneaditimc o-imm i.meiti, les wa Soetmem.e-noed flio-m l el eeilem-îmeîîme s955 til isîmel: 95 bondtes u ene iiotosetemewe eemm m-m remeel[m mie7ls 91c lima SUPPUKiS ~~uminuuiiui PROJECTS - wa chole iaie -sllieiee ol le. ' fie x teimmie H e imem ei.miel emee u mtttmlleee tteelIt rime i 24fl102; me5 st 22.fmmO.220. t I ilme hmI les îîîme-iîee Mil Creeme (lies lmime miesen of p8.417, mmip . lee ieye ee ec lu, ttemc le mmi mimec îe, t iiî i lm The K in m e Cl b o M lto Pek apait. Ttewhmes ote idu ite- flcmmrpecreddiiitpydalci,,%asseicce cie tie e- Me-. ll i ___________li ____peule _f_____O or5. ie - r es Ise cfsle mil iteee mii er lieehasl pro- bolat ea 1 owPeiiod i %vs entof li tovný p-v.elt ises okelilirirmepcîthe adisî puCe lime se-eiec Se-lie mem S W IM M IN Gtha PO O Lme FU N Plan- ilreri e ts leoilccle tite mîmele v. 1 Ne- t d elmesais V. l Diopo HriIIIfl, apIITlio Cnrîîle fi,) oe-eel th iiîce-elm.I Tise me-el 2 pml-mim 0,m 211 "eg IItI, SUPPORTS~~~~~~~~it. Cote-CCT loIr.CT itsxtnsioreiememeni scelle lime,,t'li lamer,; lllfe stuitiimiesl Cîmetnesees-ýl in i ltcitc i vro- a t i iied - il' 11111% Ill mmmi lt' ) II e NIA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u LIH UB OR6 I RAYDNTD$50 T I ElU eescmielgein ne- heute tgitiiiîiiit ltiiel ii peatstis tu nill o %ý -M - U e -îl t e lImes eiil e f n I- PRO C EDS O R N T IC EMo ee teog, cOui- r2. ille -nsfe Mmo uitce wimli fli firs e- SW M INttL U , ifliate t iltcieonss iprset S etet Ce Efulelcnt m roses, c Tfsedi clidmi nhe pi Nm -iltiesw AV.Dlp sustr, ainst'r and cemiol il fier li- itbll (ier i9ell îO- YO E UPYO TOP- Ye r SUPO g AU D Y OCTOBER 27 pitlctsi-iv onelr affell. :e io he~eIelme wa o i se-e ockal UN THEiicle- Tin 0F MILTON a n îî.,î elîle. a:,ci ieCes QUALTY, SSOTED YLVA CA SE. INSM N HVE A- I li hon Eqeigra-l, meek '[lieuiii, litda REA Y ONAED$55.0 TOpae f wol itte gai enme - D io mmci11 eee,-cie mie NI IH UB -FU 0T M E D ui* alO-tees ie ele ,,c ,ii fluantlon e 1, h1 ýci lie BULB ANDT T ARIS 10 AT . 3 P.MHE MILO ONDYCT BRL.;PEAE T N Y U t tomsS e-ele mpetîs note eeg me9Nu Se-m epoitatee INCEAS THS T $100000.Ilitrooetueonfie c-fe ,, -ut e, flic mmules o emt. 2L C B AK ONEll HOUR nd ssaeage-nrseige te n ce-ot olies diut ot- raoe i il islr grae letion af e fot tyisl, HowIg nnted De. .50 5 I alf. T e . h c a u sen , h o d i steo ceaiet, oerc algae SrouAkh, i te MDII., 00tsem L ~ ~ ~ ~ eI J.ur COTGN Iglo-e i e fint l n ]do tnt. nflil del formeint ot iden Paers. INTE TOWN F MILTON por. Plip for ellekfl lti Recnigh n ise .. tomasa cpai Wofetise ores aerh.f buge, h tmye a uestf in Ootoeio Pg S

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