Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 1963, p. 6

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R.ad the Want Ads'for InsidÈe Mfj> CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES BIRTHS. DEATHO, MAORIAG- ES. ENGAGEMENTS - Nu charge. FOR SALE, FOR RENT. ETC- a9cmin.chg. fr 15 wordb.5c per ourd therealter. Sobsequetiserttuocs lu-t crpv chunges) - *75e mito chg. tut 15 muids. 5e lier mord there- aler. *25e discount uiiuwed tor cach payaien. 'OMINO EVENTS, LAFRDO0F TiOANKS-$l for tir-t lie lin. ns. 10Ifr aa ach addititiaineat. EN MEMORIAM-SI plus lot. per line ofere CLASSIFIEO DISPLAY, RFA L ESTATE-St.2f Fer cal, loch. BOX NUSIBER ta thtc offic.e - 25c uddittoatau. DEAI2LINES Ciassificd Adsrrticsiug 12 Nuon Wedoendas Clasciîied fiixptud & Reo Ftatte 5 psu. Tuenduay Phone TR 8-2341 6 The Cataudiar Chattaptuta. 7hrsday, Oct, 241h, 1963 Births, Marriages Deaths, Etc. Born ALLERELLIE -Mt tîtid Mî Gant- Allccrllîc (ncc Octitl) cI 133 Crmmcitl S.at % pleuncdtu tantintce flic Aitt h ofI tArît sut. Robert, tîcigla: 8 lb,., 412 i.., .t Miltont fi-,tî cI Hospitaîloîl tcediiN, 0cýe-hc i5, l9Ova ilAt lîcrit K tc.. Died COMINO sNTS (Cffllnuod> Rurmmage Sale in OIraeAg- AINSWORTH - AI Milton Dic- cons Paritb Hall,Fray ebr trict Hospital, on Mooday, Oct- 25, 1.30 - 8.00. Oood uced elotblng. aber 21, 1963, Ethol Muy -Neff, childrenos mear, jewellery, furet- bceved wilc of 10ev. Predlturcad ome made basng Ev Ainswoarth ut R. R. t, iiurnby. erynne weleome. c-2'3-2489 Fhutrsdyai ccsietmhe ntd The Tbaskolfering Meeting et Thurcduv Dutqn Buthe n U in St. Duvid's Girls' Oroap wi: ho Ca . frtqi.lleeîaielid in lthe Cborch Sebnol on .toting tcemctry. Moociay eveoinrg, Oclober 20, ut DOUGLAS-At Miltott Dictrict 7.39 p.m. Misc Winifred Mcloney. Hospital rît Suocluy. Oct. 20, Junior Solot Sttpervioor O.S.D.. 1963, in hic 7516 ycar. Davidt acit be the guest speaker. Jatmtc Douglas. hcioved hrailler c,-24-2579 .t Lexic, Mr,. George Lcclic iJcsic)uod Margarci. Iot erdeoominalitna Flre sIiec Fanerairureritcs ieldtlrom Hour, Sondai., Oelober 27, ai 8.30 Omtgh Prcsbytctiaos Chur-cs an p.m.,t xt rebtra Wcdoccciav aith inîcrmcot io the Chorch. Singing. feltownbip ie adjoning. ceictu-y. freshmentc. The whole famîly is ,cdlooiogmaoctcy. celeame. "fdome bu witb uc RITCHIE--Oo Weddav, Oclo- and noe wdli do tlie good." Nom. 6cr- 23, 1963. ai St. Juceph's 10: 29. c-24-2356 Hospitul, Toroanto, tda Ntarri-. oi 594 KingS. W.,Toronto, Mr. andlMr. AlfredFtorduarc dc ot ar ofi Mcv. Staaley ccicbratixg tArir 231h weddlng Ot.iitattrc (Mary). Torotnto aootvercary on Salurdayevers- R-ting atttherTumrr and Par- ISNoveouber 2. 1%3, and wif tct Citaillr, 436 Rooceeollet Aoc. wottt their relatives ftieedc fTootî Foocrai cervice alil and neigbborcaut adance -nlhe ocicck Frida «y morning. Inter. Manii Hi2Hgb y, atr menot Etctýgrcco Ccmetery. Mit- 8parm, No gifts, pieuse. c-24-1571 ion, 12.30 pt. i Yu arc invited taatendtt In Memoriam WOODO-tîilviog memryuof Berthaa Word. beirved mite ut W. H. Word. I R. E.1. Camp- tiiv e, lîr parrird acsav Octobcr 26. 1992. Wc oltco thivk ut da ys guise hy. Wlitc ttc acre ait together. A nlitidoc cces rur tives ha. rans. Ottt ittvdruc'n gooefureact. rttidvtrcutcmhcced hy brîn- battd and iamiiy. -24u2531 Cards of Thanks M. anod M r-,. CouIc anod luaisli ot K.ihbrttk Stmtc wtr-.htursprcc ilicr sicerc thanks ra oeilitbrîv aritol the Milton Fic Depart- trent t ut thoir bnlp anad allic- C-2-25135 atvd rliticcos or the mcv i*a%- ers, gftt.,.cardn.tad ond tct-,ltc- run[i casio etl utrc 25t1x ted- diteg attoîccîrv M r. îand Mts. Allait Patteir-,ron FORBES - Mt- atnd Mi-, Juta Fatrbenc-, av ult l. R.. 1, Ti,, laîîtlya tltuTAama Oranille. arc plcacrd ta jat u r vrs tjrsxcrDri lAcbihaotlhtr-,iu cdelaai for tAir mcnageasu Richard Jamers, auctht 8 al. Vmp-ayulAv, floral tribrîro 'and Miltoa Dtstrct Hopit,îi ctl".acd-,î'ccit.d ,t the fiie of Ootobcr 16, 1963. ficir suddcn hcî coccret. JOHNSON -Datvid tant Luet il arr plcascd ttt autatraecîtît- MIc nîcre ttoal,-, tu ri i ctd > bisrth af tActtra Eon .îl- MtI- anudîtighbisîfrlcir itdccn. 16cr. 011 Wcdocvýdrî Ot.toher illaorîv and curds recctsd fur.- 16, 1963. ut Guelph Gent cal Ht. i cî v sttc in Miltoa Ditstrt pitl. brthr fi, oul r hF:htcc. Oc -, a S nk Patî r.ta LOCKIE-McINI ndt Bittt thte Lu:,c2!25 Aiu, Dca,. coe Mat) ioa R. R. 5, MtlI ol ie utakeevn tlnu, arc ple.scd tt îattîm Iouiitcttht erca tAc btîth rit tlct it. n,ît.tt t ht tctr kintl asn atad fcacrttsitv Willia, tt.imlIrrO8lh..r--oîil tteandtcinv amils dri!, m Mi lttot Di-ti tei losit on t L intî laiti.I hycciai thtîtks Oetohcr t1.(,v A tit!i,. - I tttlie Cavadian Lrgiota. Ittte 16cer tac Wavtc pendtenît Ordcî uf Forester, ont Ptre 1 uthlA Miltonu Saîthi Club. MeLATCHII- Mtý titi M- AI- attnt dttrr ,tad nuise.s ai Milton taan PMcitltii (tic, lV.tI-i tt isrticmt llusît)ittl. 344 Bel] St. tt;i, - îtt c-24-25301 Jîtît Mauitlattt anttc, or attt- datîAtr- rttt i b h 16v t! . asvt Mil ton DSi- " E trimt H-,ct.l tît 0: i it,, i, îu oming Eents 1963. A itet li ii.ii. 7cLAUIILIN i r,k 1rîm Aîîc McLauplilin cce, Bl.iekltekl tri 312 Meadun,,bitk fi ic at, - cd tir iti tîe Ilii rtl th iii tr ,lttlit tt i f iv'. . oz, andt 4 lb,,, 7t. usai Mi itîr fit'îitt t-i lt iti Ot.litlac, 2t1, y Sivlir tut Ki si ROOGIO Rs M. dit . 1i Mi, -k- Oîndfcrr rieno trt.c t 2437Lcrî Rd .ii~n ylei.,lt Il, .îiiîîtîî. ttc d i thii t.tttct fri Mît, gîrci A l, îtîitia b-I -- ;n Mil titotn i Ilo' ', ît',t fît ttiri 2t. li SHEROAII1 Mi r<ti M.lt, 11i Shrrrati <rite lt.îî ol Iiý u330 McîtcîtU tirc pliavcd tri .artîure tib a? If6-l vîtri. T unîýth Ire Fcu accighl 7 lb,. 7 l-c..tat (lîltui Ditct .H.,iil ln 0,i,,.,rr 17. 1963. A ir,rttii 'ti TEMPI 0-43 Mri I il t T tplar lîîcr il rr.trtr t !î R S. I tric .i orc alcý,cd 10amis1titltet- ic, birrîr tri tA,ît noa kcîl*k Jr. -itrîhl 7 t1a, oz'e.., i Mi hit, ISîirf ' .îio plea]ut) rîtt.lc 18, l'%3. Engagement Dac littet 511cr asIc Hall. Ftii titi. Nutcritthcr i. 9 p.ta., on hot- ttctt 1 Bdeicrîtl Bull Club. 0.R. S.A. t(" Champtstl 1963. t.-24-2536 Mtitt,ît FIgi îrtt katiîa c ltub -t.uîrcommece Ttîc'dud, Nos- crtter î. 4 -309 7.30 pata. ec rip- fu l-.1potris page. c-24-2247.; làlit.c Ah tutti borisd u luIteite ilt, ccttou Hall o lridltrciitit, Nttccîtahcr 8. ,t 8.I5 ptt, Liît:elî îaîîtîrtid. tddmis, 50k. c-24 2561 Mcrbrt.-of tie Luther:rui fituch tatd îlîttsc iticroîrd in lin ttaî~t iiut: ira Miltota. pc-critiW. Litîdavtn R. K. t, L,îîtltctibeltc. c-J43?972 TtttaîcItzttc Fat .y ai Haulcît Ccttctttai Matooî auditortium. Wcdicndat - Nudcmbcc 6, ut 2.30 latta hyottsctcd vhveAaii;tcv. OctIcvlaîrtctat-r-,ccti. c-24.-2529 i î,t:r ii, fon- PIrsbdtcia itîtcîr Arîtaîal Ri. ,na Iutiou iakirîg ait mourlageîf. Aftctîtaco Guer Ko Prs,,e322! tiitli, Nrvior 5 ut 12,30. Ti- - kctv utOO 30fir prtacr. Tickets 11.ît tîcntibcrc of c nitrac-24-2-2540 tit., liti S.tultNo, iii ri it, Otî tittttii.H - ~ I. iti I yauiîr. Ntot t't Arrîrisrir. Newt Bran-,nut.A ont ,t1:r, Siurc. 2v,4 Mate Sa. arioouîace Are engagmentuof therccrdtî Girl Gaurdcs' Louai An- daughter. Theima Jeans, se Mr. tociatioa. e-24-2-2534 Ronld Edmard Lemis, Mn oa Ma-s. Gludys Lewia and the laie Aoyooe wishing lu enter a IlOr -Lein t Pantr Rck.fluaiso inte Sauta Claus Paradn, 'flsanwics.TIwedtagluSatttrdcy. Deccmber 7. ptî.ait ~bse l Emuoet aptolcontact Scutly Rosa, TE 0-607 - Mulea Nunoshr 2,utor Max Bluets TR 8-f647. Clomns saise needed! c-24-2548 Beauty Counelior Open Hur ai 203 lms ud Cires. tasecelhoir Christmas gift displuy, Thur,,- day, Octuber 24. I 9 pIl. Fr1- dae. Ortuber 25. 10 u.m. - 10 p..; Saurduy. October 26, 10 a.m. i0fapm. Eetrenhments. Dour priar. Mary Cuoko 878-6639. c-24-2544 Huitain Piowiog Match. Sulur- dur. Octubtar 26, on tarmn alierai- cd by Edcourd Soa, t mite orîbrct ut MilItas. Ptowiog sturtaut 10.0.m. - ixcudes 8 classes. Afteroox prugramn on- cues Oueeu ut the Purrom Cumpetitioo, Horse Shuw, Furm Mucbioery Demootratios aod Exiiit-,. Bouquet ut 7.00 p.m.. Muooanic Hlall. Miltoun. Tickets $2. b-16-2-451 For Sale FOR SALE - 4 2-mntlî-oil pupo. 878-9651. __ _ c-24-2524 FOR SALE-Boul traite icr wcIecb. TE 8-2070. c-24-2523 F00 SALE - Pony cari. oece. Wiliaum Cartwrighat, Freeiton. c-24-2549 FOR SALE - Woudien sorm casb. u-,norted niea. UL 4-2271. e-24-2900 F00 SALE-Single bed vpriou n mauttres, gud conditio. TR S 4435. C-24-2604 FOR SALE - '53 Dudge. good ru:îoiog condition, radio. $10.T 8-780. c-23-24181 F00 SALE - Comioatioo 17" TV, radio and recoard ptaycr. TE 8-6594. c-24-2601 PmR SAm (Con8In.d) POI SAmi (Cmvtbmd FOR SALI<mthod FOR SALE-IS fL. edar afrlps FOR SALE-Building lot, treed, FOR SALE-Lîlfer carrier and bjot plus contrais and teller.1i44' x 169', $1.31110. Tertis. 101h tracs; atcor fleur tfsaire; girl's 87&M672. c-24.2002i Sideroad. Write Cbampion Bon bicycle. TE 8-6266. - c 24-23 FOR SALE -Pair laies' figure 30 -427 -FOR SA-LE - Cbtamý huchýet sates, siae 6; 1 wacb stand. Cati FOR SALE - Macinosh.b No cuite; refrigerator; bronser; com- TE "-306. c-24-2528 there Spy Deliejoos and SnOr' pleste double bcd. TE 8-2t36. FOR SALE - 1953 Triomph appiec. Hctward GOumand. TE 0-- ' 2-2b Mayflower, in runnlng condition. 6456. c-20)-'2280 FOR SALE - Surge milklng $30. TE 8-2695. c-24-'366 - Y eqaient. dalry farmn supplies, FORLSALE-Building lot. 100' Hol barns. Saes and Service. and autumulic wasber. Reation- tai Milton. $2,700. Terces. 878- OL 1-1275 c8999t able. TE 0-6672. c-24-2607 2756. c-24-2533 ---cfl t -Po-R-SAE-Baedclea, dr - - -FOR SALE - 19 cu. ft. SnoW. FO SLEBued dan .dY. FOR SALE - Zenith super de- bird Gilson freezer, in excellent u olram. Harold Harren, TE B- troc trainc - auais; short moxe condition $175; Oldcceubile Ro- 9846 or TE 8-2955. C-24-25,$ portahle radio, tens batteries, chat 88 mlotor automnalie. $69. TE FOR SALE-Sbuvingc for e $50. TE 8-2467. c-24-2377 g-2920. c-24-2384 ding or ltler. By tructs luud un- FOR SALE - 1948 Mereorv I. FOR SALE - Pireptace; waod iv. Milton 878-33. 6l-24-2543- ton trucs. guud lires. 8 piy.' un grute; utereu record pisypr in FOR SALE-Reminglos pomp rcir 4-opecd trancmicsion. Vir- cabinet; menos ohates. 7; ludies' gun, 12 gauge. like nem. L. E. or 5-1132. b-24-2567 bomling situes, 7; table tampl; ru- Matbiec. Guelph Jet. __c-24-2550 FOR SALE-1951 Frigidaire re- d-lm.24nonT -68 FOR SALE-Tap choux, size 10- irigrratar reucsonair; alsu vingle Oludirex autsomuti irlner, con; bcd matireut and spriogs ut $10_______________ $170, ontl $50. TE 8-2978. c-2-2586 nebc. TE 8-4761. e-24-2576 FOR SALE - 2 tricycles' $0 FOR AALE-Unrtght Mrndelc- W ate carib; childos lubie and chairs, -et or6n piano, iu excceet condit- $5. A. Higgion. 332 Oaks. c-24-235 iou; Phiýlco 21" TV. Phooe utter WANTED-Live rubbils. Phone - - -6 p.m. TE 8-9584. c-24-208 TE 8.9196. c-24--2539 FOR SALE -Adding nmchines,- typewrilero. for sale or restai. FOR SALE-Appec: Mucfnoocb WANTED - Mocy for Oirct Phono TE "%692. Harrit Station- Courlland. l2elieioan, Orrening murtgugc. $8.930. Cui 870,6175. ery. c-36-16-15 uttd Spv. Bt iog containersv. Win. c 24-2610 FOR SALE - 1957 Ford 2-door. o, ii.T -35 -4627 WANTED-2 or 3 furrom plur, autumnatie. 6-cylinder. radio, pios FOR SALE - Storm mixdouc 3-poiot bitvb, tu fil Internation- 2 om tirec. Phone UL 4-9807 and scrrerai. 8 28"xo55", 2 24"xn ai. Brante VA 7-3398. c-24-l22 or appt y corner Base Line and 46'. 1 36"x43". 078-9295. ATD-Mdlag ay Appieby Lioe uvr wectseod. c-24-2546 WATD- ideaadld c-24-256 -- -requirent1 or 2rmis in aquiet c-242567 ~ .. c ...r. ......,home. Reatunabie. TE 8-2756. FOR SALE SILO UNLOADERS Pried as Lotw as $850 John Ridqeway tdouble bcd acilh boobace head- bîoard, Simulons base ood mut- t.-s, like ocon. 878-613. c-24-2538 FOR SALE -'59 Voikcwagee. bodyvecellenict, mc.buicuily A-I. uti bc sceo ai Canadien Tire. TR 8-2601, Eari Frire. c-24-2605 870.175 FOR SALE - Maps. Townofe c-24 Miltaon or County ut Hiaisun, 24e - ' ' acb. Asaituhic aith1e Champion FOR SALE office. 191 Main St., Milia. USED c40-33-ff MASSEY-FERGUSON FRSALE - 3 Shurîboco bel- 35 TRACTOR top bolt; alo Sufflks rani tusub Inod codituon' Arthur Nurrich, R. R. 1, Cunîp Reasnahty pried. Activilte 856-9847 c-24-491 Apply FOR SALE-Yoo miii tiho boy- Milton MilIing Co. iag yaur -building reuteriao and c-24 crî,l ut Crarefurdos, Campthell- tilic. Orica service. 61gb qua- REAOY FOR FALL PLAI4TING. - - tt Phone Lamy-beilville IIL 4- Bttrt carrat plants (Ctonort) 2232. c-36-171'l0 (Magnus) I yr.. 80c caris; guuae-- becry plaots (Diowning) (Pio FOR SALE-1957 V-i Plymothi muit, 1vr., 0c eac; aprgus "vLasdere4. cairsdan, ulumat routs lViociuod N. 35), 2tvr, 25ictrnstissiona, poswer bruts, for 32.30; rhbamb marts (lotsy puddcd dlach. custis pasti but- ed), 2 yr.. 2 for 51.50; cacpbcrcy tata radir. $425. Cati 670-2424 cd- ratn.s everbcaciog type 'Bor. eatogn c-24-2,142 a". 12 for 82.50; niordy 'V;kivc - raspherry canes, 12 a.'r 81.25; FOR SALE - 1950 fiatgc 3-tota blackberrrsrierirrcdy "Eboircduptaruck filcubatadttst King", 12 for $2.25. Witt dcliî ct in ecellent -.Atpte Oct tltr atac anrdcrs 105.00 op. Hiiiiocrc Fart and ttc Ca' . t Write BOX 722, MILTON, Oct. 489 Oudat Si. N.. Otkviicr, .-24 0061. -i25 c-24-2532 WANTED-Line pouitry. gooce and dock teutheru, fathler lieks. Higbesl pricen. We euil. Write 1. Zener. 776 Coteage St.. Toronto, or phune cuitect LEnn 5.0724, eveniogo HUdaun 5-2030. C-35-tf HeIp Wanted H-ELP WANTED - Apple pick- et-n anutd. Cati H. Guwluxd TA 8-6456. c-23-2-259 Assistant Accountant Younugmunrequircd for c cuotiogs depurîmneot of Manu- lucturingt Comopany inActon' Ap- plicaul sbouid bave ut leunt t"a yrtrs' accont rnprrieoct and prelrrabiy crinc a ceoun ling truainn. Apply lu WORKS ACCOUNTANT H. K. PORTER COMPANY (Canada) ITD. Ariuo. Ontartio Phono 853-2120 6ce -171 -e4#~*'.~ ~a4e~a44 9a41e- CLEANERS DECORATINO KNIGHT'S INTERIOR DRY CLEANERS LTD. Satisfctcion Goaaunleed *Ory Cleaaing as Shict Ludertug Saineeduyserviceuif required * Aiteraions and Repaira * Rugs and Drapesoenpertly eieaned " Frea Pic-up and Delisery "*Aiiaark dooeoun pressa .ces CALI TR 8-9941 cit STOPP'S Cleaners & Tailors 1 HOUR CASH & CARRY SERVICE 100-i ouaraaateed Dry Cieaniug sa Deluxe shirt service e Cnmpietr repair &.atierains sa Drapes, rofat and buts prates- âiauliy cleaoed FREE PICK UP and DELII'ERY Ail weork drue as promsed. TR 8-2972 c 1011f LANDSCAPING Byran Essery N.P.D. LANDSCAPE * CONSTRUCTION DESIGN * MAINTENANCE PLALNT MATERIL Campbeiville 854-9963 DECORATING SERVICES Cutanetnt terons acaîtable rt "*Cuatom made drapes " Ready made drapec "*Flureîtcritgs * Veuetiutt biodo ar Wbadum abaden se Forninhiogc trams tamoos tivait stacturers Drapes uad Rup-. ttc asnitea $2.50 wertsiy. Pur io-homecuunultationsc, Mr. Campbell. CAMPBELL'S 0F MILTON TE 8-6021 228 Mato St. c:-47 li ELICTRICAI. SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC sa INDUSTRIAL si COMMERCIAL e DOMESTIC e ELECTRIC HEATING Complete EIoctiic Homo 66 Chartes St. Mtilon TE &-9313 c-tf GENERAL CONTRACTORS MOVINO A, C. CANNON Stan Rowe the Mover Ageots for Ailied Lioes & SON Coast -Cast GENERAL CONTRACTORS Modero Sirage Warehuuses 144 - 150 Yorks St., Hamiltus Cunitut Homes Repairs MILTON REP. Aiteratiaus Modrn Culphuacdn Planuad Frrr eutmts Yctrnuof eprunc. TR 8-4424 RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. *Homue lmpruvemrenls *Rraioîc *Altetattous *Additiro-, *Commerctal oc laduatrial UL 4-2263 c-t FLUMBINO AND NEATINO OIL BURNERS JIM MALLON *Ciounng * Repuira * Inat5$ation 24 HourServie CALL TR O-DODUO ..33-ti TV and RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE " Plîilipà Tape Recairders " .C.A. Sîereo. TV, Appliances si Eogcrc-Majeslic TV ti Spurloo TV und Sierra 222 MAIN ST. TE 8-4445 C-tO WILL DRILLINO WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN R. E. 2, Miltoun, Ont, Phione Bsrtioguon NElsuac 4-6025 C- FRINTINO TOP QUALITY COMMERCIAL PRINTING 0-e design ad Frin1 distiateliaîr Aaî-uncusvýimIoIae. affice. ari buiness surins. Diret.lmuiu d vrrticiog bulletins - in tact, aI- mect uuy printing yuu may have. leas us t quitte on your murs, The Canadian Champion DI-LLS PRINTINO & PUSLISB- INO CO. LTD. 191 Main SI Mltm. pty DoLrante Ecso 8ervIce Station, No. 23 Hlghway N. of 401. r-24-2362 HELP WANTED - Baby siller for salld eveniblgs or siegbndn, nerOnlarlo Steel plao, 1 chltd, A munib otd1. lx 8-290. 0,>.2370 HELP WANTED - Mainecalea- mac over 30 for est*bIlse rolte in Barlington, 5-day Wt, eltauffearos license aod referaeno, ec requlred. Pbone 634-2700, 3103 Laknsbore Rd., Burlington. c-24-2321 WANTED Maxt for nleady travel ameng consumnera in Halloin Coantry and 'Milton. Permanent conneet. ion wifb large manufactarer. On- ly retiasbte bustier considtrit, Write Rawleigbt, Dept. J-284-131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. c 24 OPPORTUNITY ecent appoidsmient of Ascis,- tit Manager necennilates addil- innal cales staff, maie or ferraile. Unlimited opportunIty and ad- vancemnti ie a lifetimse sales career. Sales experience, altbogh helpfu, it net ecsenlial. $350430 a monlb te slact, ander a 3 year grai .ning program. Agle 23 -4. Write for an interew,' glving comptete information a b 00si1 youself. Cbampion Bon 29. c-24 HELP WANTED MEN Foc fult or part-lime mors. Milton Janitor Service TR 8-6388 c-24 HELP WANTED MALE 'ARE YOU THE MAN WE'RE LOOK1NG FOR?" Wc havc openixas sn Miltons acfor higb calibre tmuntitbiii ability tu do business %viil the best peuple in thbccomnit i . Oorxs a axutianallytsnownrga- ization enpanding rapidly and in nced or additional higit calibre salcîespe, who clos bc ,rlvuticcrl tlomanagerial poition. Eopecieoce in our fild is nul ocennury. The thorosel train- ina and co-operation wbich w ail-c and the above avcrage eor mission. paid. roubles themn ta isereac Ibir pccstigc ;md tbrirc ermine,. Applicarits muet bc matture, cc- 0 urcful and cnidext nI Ibeir abilil.y t!ith unquexîjtoa lîcci- s'8 n.peronal batckground An ustspporluxity tui baud t titectixta Iteuiness for vtttrseil. Interiewsn by appoinîmeint uni? Phe,. %Ir. Robert IStîre 870' 9930 fur uppoinlocel, 800 r.tx. - 12raisi. b-24 For Rent t FOR RENT-Electric bol %valecr A beatero with free service. Phone Milton Hydrn. TE 8-2345. c-lt FOR0 RENT - ,Foreisbed front mains, ccnltrclly lcatlc. suit bu,- , inccc genlecta. TE 8-4473. L c-212342c FOR RIENT -Or sale, 3-bcd mancottage. rcceatiox mont, - Cali TE 8-6032 tfler4p.mn c-24-2369 FOR RENT--Stuor tarmn btaisse, 4 hedrooms, large living rouet bath aitlcaling. rieur Metcr plaint. VA.llcy 7-2647. c-24-2541 FÎOR -RE NTi Modem-r- 3-bc, d- ,aurmbricksbungalow,oilbetsd, urge fcnced yard. Reacionable rîst. Availubla November 1. 8713- 943. c-24-2545 FOR RENT - M90 Bell Scbooi Lrrieu f1 Sideroud, Miltos, rnsly docoraled xpucioutt maunds, ccpuratc entrane. rac- bit brtarom. 878M842. e-24.2q38 FOR RENT - Hoce, on Kil- t, iride villagc, 2 hedrooms, luar b ivine routin, kticbes, bath, ailW ruroace, modemn home, uvaituhlc Novemher t. Phone MUrduets 9. 4431, c-24-2537 2 Boat & Trailer Storage- REASONABLE RATES G. B. CLEMENTS TR 8-9653 Cr Ct is;, Buy FPOR REI4T-2 or 3 bedeaom apartment. 870-942. c-24-265 FOR RENT - Farce bouse on No. 5 Highway. Cali 87&16274. c 24-2580 FOR RENT - 3-rocims upîtairs aarîmisent. Apply 351 Wnedwurd St. c-14-2575 FOR RENT-cnctoom apart- ment. private entrance, cenlrally Ioeated. TE &-2682. c-22-2-2469 Empicyment Wanted BMPLODYMENT WANTED - Day tare for ebjîdren in my ame borne. TE MI900 c24-2316, EMPLOYMENT WANTED - Homne renîodelting et ail "s carpestry, inclading recteallun moins and garages; painting; mir- srnry; patio; septie tans etc. Cait J & H Coctracling TE 8-6247. c-24.2-2547 Wanted to Rent WANTBD TO RENT -Family, movng tu Mitton, reqaire 3-bed- nrri hoase mltb baseraient, pre ferably Ioceted in Mitton or Bur- linglun, close lu public scboutc, shopping, trasnsportatian. Reet apprus. $95 meelbily. Reply Bon 28, ',bc Cbampion. ce121 Lost LOST - Beugle, femulie chiid- renos pet, mestly brutsa and bluets. TE 0-747. c-24-2557 LOST-Large, blacs, mate cat. Aonr to"Ra,cati. Baiadway aod Ontario St, are. TE 8.69087. c-24-2609 Miscellaneous WATEE hued ina ilà teel tanks. Colt TO 8-9740. c-24-2606 HORSES hrarded for the wio- 1cr. Cati Bcrt ut TE e-6t30. ci-24 .2560 Pitano Tutsixguand repatr - Nira aod trrd piaos. Phonta Htenry Putoitor. TE 8-9781. c-17-tf -2072 REPAIERS -tu ait makesofu <leuseco aod putichers. Fi-e picts-up and delivery. N. Schaun. 3 Norfolts N., Hamilton, JA 7- .783. c-235-2505 REIMER Upboistery - ce-up- huicterittg, fucoiturc rfiihinu rag cteantxg. Pcompt service, be!l îuuiity maaeriuln. flue mors mnocip. Buiiey Broc.. TE 8-9741. c-35-2272wtf LARGE GLOSSY PEINTS ut toy staff photo uppeartsg ta The Cbampiot 5x7 duze 75c, g5to I1. lanA Lu at.cempaovr rder. Eo- ue 000e ut Tite Champion ut- sec. c-il IBUNDANT 000 PRODUCTION A HYULINE SPECIALTY Oct ptexty ut cggs - aod Ibril- y lred corsion, reoaut iivcub ily and eggs brunroives lAc., ou. Order Hv'Line ebicko or Hv .10e ready-lr-tav putets. Oct top gg profits. Ordcr front: W. 0. 'hum, R. R. 1. Hrby. c-24-2 I0. & S. LIGHTNINO CON- DUCTORS. goaranlend, long lasting itnstallation. sWEATHERVANES, 36 inebro higb. uver 50 differext droiga. sVIKING milkecx and nrpaau- toms. prccicioe made, cluiiless JOHN VANDERMEER E. E. 1, LIMEHOUSE 877-9503 h-lt SWAP-SHOP Open 9 - 6Dailv Wcdnrîday atnd Friday la 9 Tracte, seli, boy, compicit. ouschold loin, tario maebiocat. tatkropi stclA crs. trucs, or bat, have yao. Numne il. No, 6 HWy. Miligrovo li miles North ut Cluppicon mu 9-1is1 C-16'tf GET OUT FROM UNDER AIL tbtcc luntalment paynto. eau "ALL-IN-ONE" Lutin fraim 'ecceut Finaoce. Select t6e toua SINGE VtRective odsPyiet SEWING MACHINE S Q88-9 (Il $41.00 515250 titI ut 67-1. RENTALS sAtittiti1 .%tr S11a3 y'root - more titau cash ut By Week or Month Ccecceot" PHONE TIR S-6Ml CALL RIGHT AWAY Milton FABRIC Centre CRESCENT FINANCE !Serice an Reair on CORPORATION LIMITED Sric aes ofan Reaies 181 Main St., Milton aIlceke efselo0mahies Phoe 87802171 or 2141 c2 Nôti Te«a Credit dlaimrs i doceaiec day of J before I. 1963, aft of the e llavlng 1 whieh il have ne:O *-DATE] 7tb day K"? BOX SoIlc CIerý Postil Volteire Oalsvà Notice have con tise Vais I have pt Oagiole, ber, 1963 entte1 ttlity at that soct inspectioi And 11 inga te brut, the ing the 1963. Il is In torate pai te the Vo checks CIO esame api accordtma Art, was reviced rs Seplemble .by the jt If yoar ifwitl bc lente the following luIt, aige. ject, prois andcot and plan ant, and This grnt te the L fourleen, tcosted. SI in daeas ing place, tension 43 The Vol withmn or ina locistis es, tîbrara tain iltre fiee, polio Dated 16 1963. S. A. Clers Ca For You suc BE Dead Hight Ca dicabled 014 Licence N Phono Walnu Crippird 24 LIc. No Waterdoi 1~ !uALiuctrk marauierd attintctd ORNAMENTAL lION MILTON IR 8-6797 -7i Ornamental Iron AOVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS ALUMtNUM & 1-1003 RAILINOS SERVICE IN0 THIS HANDY Ba t KRLLY TE 8-9821 DIEECTORY. RATES AS e-ta LOW As s1.8

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