KRUa. 2 Tise CasidiWtiClsaetpsos, Thuriday, October 24. 1963 %%Meet Your Teechi.rf" Th.m. Parents Greet New President Bn Mmen WStIa WMSa vyspttkebreily of hs dct as Moli. aail Mrs. Lloydi Peer, Cedar Qte 'tour Tcachhot amstiafty, officer, he sressd bot Spttls Red. safer sucs the honte of the impuriantý i ms to have a cilFs Mm. Ray Blocttloet of Milton Kiibride Home anti Sceel A.- biecce etiuipped suiti tise necen- ond Mms. William Altisnu %vent nociation mseeting moiti Tuentiay sory refiertors ond tigisis for n-id- suiti tie Dulin Làdies tantitote eseneo.Ocioor n tse ut jingm after dork. He aise brought recentiy a tou sta seport Carl auditorium. loinng the varions artictes to lite aht lliocetsriige, frint thére Mms. George Nessti subsu had'ý show the parents. For ahoot $2.00 ibey souk o boat trip throogb bee abentduetuiliessvhn a bicycle cuid ho eqaipped pro- the Muskotto Lottes. rea. Tley hoenabsnt do t huos shonperîv anti su eooid save o fife. otiended tise Slro tg es theottie s toe ivltiei 1Mr William Trenwitb ibonketi bytertaitc è ihe May meteing, %tos iitalied the constobte l'or cotning sudi At c ai ibis tinte bv post ptrsid giving this infohl-t tolit. Severat yoong poe front the Mms. Brasdfurd Ctrnins asndt ibmn contiocied lier lort meon- Principal Miss Fiosenoe Meores Kittiride district suere hoitored introdaret thse teaseifftig chaiR ta et un5e A101110 o*emasse*tmss at rilg os presutoot. tho terge crowd atcesnlbsg, thon Netsen Hl $Ch"a Os Fîrliy Troosurer Geoure Logait gave the teocher antd parents hcd e eV55515g. Oftuie LE. bis report anti announced thas short discussion un ttnctr re- tttose rerenlg di inmae's-i the. aemhership cattis hod -su, peotine roosn diéce oeefalltee sucr Dhaum, orvdas ythobthrssod Foloing temeeting asc. Hmtset4ula5.Obk**MW, hove thons hv tue nous meetingu il hoor suas Msed suitti osalhors Atntyc WiUtam, bondi Ce-1 and auvuite susiifn ta jot5 Mf Miss Mentes and Mr. Woltn- Jt5sI5tft JOO gmar, LaInIIII 11ainer- coutti do su ai Ibis finir. The sirys grade 7 and S providieg son, LUSseW"iè Robmc fer suouti ho $i Per tootily for lunchs. NeweB. AMa Oisea. thr 1963-64 em osibt a snt U.N.I.C.EF. btiks suiti he Mils ah w t te natacus &P tof dinirihuird in tho schut ouais fi Altison of KOlbride, Ray Etissealloa gessettis ptuictiey tis yor and fanilles wsihng Powellotuf Loucylite, Evert Booth, ontrd fer aclslevlssg tise Wsgisens to coutrihateta lu is ssorthv Ken Lewis and Doug Booth Of acaennl stcndag in IS jean. caue it ho able tsu dis so Milton vpeni the Tboeksgivneg ior clieticat crue Grade 10. thero. sseekood finbinf ond huitieg Os Birttnday greethtgs and hont The poret attendant shiold White Stone Latte, Donebarcb, wsines go te iebbse Coerile, vetta MUrs. V. Gîlmet 's i-tans Ontario. Jahn Ceveedate ami Rap Robnert- room.Frionds sui ho piased to know sou ou Ocealser 22. Safety Tattt thot Darwin Peer is ous f ethte fltateti tileehia geoecings go Constable P. Brumios', Borîlue- hospitit ofier speeding oeoriy te Lorraine WiUs5 r Wh eer ion's sartots'ulicor suas introtiao- 1!9 months liherie. Hen is convalleso- brsted hor itt birtbday on ed byMr. Walnslov. Mr. Brum- iuf ai the home of bis parents, Octalber 16. NORNBY Prominent Area Rý&esiden Mes. 1. MeCaeron ai tho home of Mes. Lloyd Mar- seiting optites. Woe't you gire Harolti Deumsud Macpherson, shahl us Toestioy, October i5.1 thent a suelcome anti belp mako presitofMapherruuuTtsm-ts'ithl12iuothors peent. tbistoy a success! sun Lti.. Tortot Manofuotorerot Mou. Sutl Hiti presideot for Cut Fiseger afents, pasoti asuav at thte Oak- tho mosth suas in the chair. The Whiie fae-heoing ap teovsn t ville-Trafalgar Meouriat Huspi- tmates of the preciout meet- ber hume on Sontiay otteritoun, an Sondas', October 13. as the oug sero reat by thenoecreiary, Mrs. Doug Lostie unforiosotty resaIt ut o heartlattack. Mrs. Juhn Hantilton. The devu- teSt anti cul hor finger badty. Mr. Mocphersun suas bues tionat suas token hy Mru. Les, un a fin can. Treoird ai the rieur Brighton. Ontario but Frust Ruilofo. suho gene Fvotm tû9t anti Milton District Hospital by Dr oflts flesuas %peutlinTronto. suo reatious. Aikentnathebcuotreqoirotisix Refore musing tu Honhi ho lis' FlmUae Plas utitcbes. edtri nPoot Coodil. Heouporalti lue urdinlct o h Mr. andi Mrs. John Bradley' o tarn of200 acs n thetulrky supperitohohfeldion andt daugkteru visiteti ait the Sms'enth Lino andi spociatiori it Wodnsutay nighi. October 23 it home ut Mr. anti Mru. Walter the roising f utG uensos' caille. Edon Uniteti Cbarch bouement. Bull of Sudbury oser the Thanks- At the rouent Milton Fair. ho A soleouf vegetabtes suas betti gsvtsg weekroti. suon about uine aastiinctuti-andiaioticiouslunchbsserved Fira ing sua ctsaspiutnbipu fur hishy thohustoss.Themeeting wos Lock of roin oeti conîlcooti enfile. thon claurti mus Frayer. suart suoather hou kepi Duof Frominent Mo. asti Mms. J. Lesiey uf Liee- Leslie anti bis truckt husy, soppty- A prontinent clubnmanbctan peulEuulantiuere gusis of Mr.ingte fatmers itssuoter. The o n otehr uf Rootoses Shrine antibrsJintLeslry NitihLine fine in therbssbot Lee Chanf Toronto. a 32ndt dogre Scoutlih us Thurstioy. Pareis suas visteti itice by Mit- Rite, Masnn a charer monthur The Sitieumet' uf Si. Siephents ton firentan anti lu sitl hors- of the Gakuille Curling Club. Ailcau Chunsarui hd ibeir sec- ing. o menhor uf tho Mssisalie ofi progresuive encline party le nus Trip Gof anti Carling Club1 The Ibe oharoh baotement on Thors- Mr. andi Mrs. Delbert Dion, Granite Club anti the Rotary dayos'ening. Mes. George Baiiey, Mrs. Aider- Club ut Turonto. A former eru- Winters son, Mrs. Welter anti Miss Giodys bot of Kisgsuas'-Lamhton Unit- Thore suoro 10 tahles in play Fratherstone froin tiis district ediChureh, hotsud assnîstetimntns and tbefolitntgsuerc thseioekysuere amng the 41 passengors yuung mes ou probtaion. wsinners: Ladies' It, Mrs. M. J. Whto refi Millon on Friday afier- Cendacin Service Brosun; Men's lut, Fred Bah- noon, Octobr 1t, on a bus trip The fanerai service su s con- cuc k; Ladies' Travelling prie, sponoreti iy the Milton hlorst- ducteti by Roc. Wilroti Luckkari. Mrs. E. Flipponce of Oaknitle, culturel Socety. presitient ut Unitedi Collrge, Win- anti Men's Travelling pelue. Jackt They utayeti ut the Lu Sotte nipeg anti furmer minoster of Fossuette. Hutri. l1ruay nieht anti on Satur-L Kingssuus - Lantbtuu Uniteti Poir cheit suas it eharge ai day euniinued on to O eer Chueck un Wednestiay front, the the douir andi Don Ctsisbolm, gave ntopping ai the Hotri IFronienac Humphrey Futrat Hume Toron- out the priaes. Lunch suas serv- Thse sufother suas lave y and tak. to suith intormont in Glendae ed by the Siiesni. ing asighsteeing bus hey tour- i Mrnturiat Gartiots. Saiarday, wiut ho Apple Day cd tho dtpy, virvssng thse Mont- Mr".Macphers.on is urvtivcediiiound Hornhy ItI Scouts and isoreney Falls and svitttsgai bis suifle Ms'rtio.tre iboorthors. Cobs suiti he 001 it fait force Ste.-Anne-d-eaeserr. DuncanuofToronto, Kenneth ai Clevelanti, Aitan in Coliturnia anti one siuter Mr.S. Muir of Londun, Ontariu. Bail Farty The Hurnbs' Bus's' Biai]tleam gîbord ai the om uofu Mr. uni Mrs. Jamie Cunningham un Sot- urda, oi thoir suluon anti girl1 toientis lu on jus a parts'. Dancingsasthewmaintoiature theoughut the evenis.andti s 'as dne t recortis. Buffet ,. luuchsu'as wrveoiistherecrea- lion rount anti a gound tinte suas hati bs' uit. A t the roion t Mitton toatie Fait-. Daidit Ruoo.n sun ut Mo. and Mri. Ricky Rosuan suas sec- und prtzert'nnr in the oneutu six munih clans in the baby shusw. hooi Paiceti, sun ut Mo. anti Mis. Ray'mond Patobtt suas tiesi priae sutuor iu thebo bsu vis mntohu toaooîi cllou Cougratu- tatians tu to lice bus'u. Torkey Soppmr TbekAncuat Tokevsuyppr ut thc Huesu' Ucnited Churs'h suas beiti on Wotntida es'oing Octuhrr 16, in thcubahoe- moent About 250 peoyle uat dusun moll5~55fr(lt PmgSgWaoo' sewnoic to o dotiioos di tuer oflturkey asti honto-sooked s'egelabios anti pies prepareti bu the ladiies Mi L n eo u flic ckurub. P R Rev. J. Hill gave tbe btruuing 12-ou, The Etien Cbureb U.C.W. met 39 "--inU L E FANCY QUALITY arn- S Calaas - 2 rail ls LOOK 8îscurîs TOILT nssuE - 42 in biyClus 4.P AT THE «GOODWILL" pMkq 4%j R Cecic A R-b 1PaiE USES> CARS WR OODW PUR SELL Snc '*ssae - 28-t la THIY'RE SACRES> HORSE RADISH P EA C HES - - ST SERVICE bue 10 TRAOS NOW AT jar 19C ýCPWLETE RAI Milton Mtrf~It A Sales LtcI. OPEN -ne Main Sa. M11110a11n 9. &. JAMES, director end vice-presidenit of Cosmos impmri Led., was thse gose apeker Mon. dey evning, at tihe mostity meeting of tis Milton Lions Club. Slsown chatting wuith tise gosst ore local Lions, Bob Kanerva, Mr James, Lion pret dient Chuck Gervais, Gord Strain asd Gary Kent. e.ostuMr. ood Mms. F. Colliag andi Lastweeknd i Sania he u-fomiiy atcoded aeniversoey cerc- Laet wueuken onenon ttst Home from Hospital ices at Nelone Unitedi Ciharcia ]st mudwispcai spaeers co nd Snday aod were gussets ut Mr. id wtins tpocrs. sieaiceranti By Mu. F. 0. Cot5isg andi Mms. Ceeil Batter. . Hallen County Moseum sucre cu oe re glati ta report that Lee Att roads ieod to Lowvnitle Unit- rater Major Hal Newmsan bour Couson si home froin thse Milton ed ont Sunduy for onniversa7, ctsairman Herh Mer anâ boardi hospitioiand isproresig5OiOy servicesaet fta.m. and7.30 p.. seorrtacy Jint Aodrews. ofier bis accident of tast wueek. Rer. K. Griffluba, wuiti ho fpeaker t Diesw InMontreal e wer me a Mes. Gien Gîtes anti tomîly suho ubuoti hem arounti the 45 surey Bankt ut Contnerce. They retorsoti hume htontiay nighl. Frientin anti neigburs surpis- oti Mo. asti Mrs. ' ut. suhosui ntrriugo touis plae ru eentty by holdiing a chivarce un Fritias' niebi, Getober 18 ai theîr hume oru tbe Ninth Lino. Dac ing suas enjoyoti hv ailln refreshmnts we suooerveti. Cogratultions ho Halions InIer-County term. John Wl son anti Dwight May suhu placeti ihirti ai tbo Piosuing Match at Caldt Gaies et Hantilton suas a ueekenti visiter ai the home ut MrandiMrs. JamsoHamilton. Tise Ibird meeting of the Hern bit Dresueroisos suas heiti at the honte of M". Ray Wilson us Suit uotiay. The meeting openeti suitis tise 4-H FIntitt. The minoies ut the tant meeting sucre renti. The roll cati - acesorisi1plantuIo mke was anssuerdbtihie finits prescrit. The diiseussion inchutiet tise moading of file eummentu tîn the .oiii tise club onteroti ah tise Milton Fair-. Measuring anud us'- -tino tise wste paper batît andi hosu lu do a mitreotie .asilso disusvet. The gr=psork. ineetait.k ng connteus bias andtie tbomit- reti corner. This seek the Hums- by Dresiserettes bati tise ponure of having Mrs.Casure, homteec- SPICIALI sels SMPIALI 4 - for 89c *SPSCIAsIU 4 - Ibs. 89c SPECIALt 3 - for $1 <ING NIIS I oniornitiluvithe.M.Co WraesryohortstDn 'On d a feus suortis and thnn Douglas, twist Orothor of Mrs. helpeti sitb any itroMleins the GeIoge DLslie, possedausuau n The Queec suas sang and the doit Detober 20, anti estrnti Or meeting was atjouroed. Cake andi -y;ati ta h ira suas sercoti bu tho bostons. ytaiy ieri The nons meting muti ho held ai thohome of Carolyn ewirus I_____ on Sasuruiay, Noconthor 2 as 2.0f0 pm. I MILTON Roi a GOr nincore syntpatby it estonti- m ~~s edti frt ahitiayle honieti otiteo am Dittnal in suoeturo-d N.Y. t luer thon ber brailler in ThaneFr.-Sct. ct. 24-23-26 Henai huti pannetiasuay. TwtaBISgColler ts TR 8.9533 171 Mots Sa. SL __ Mli SHELL OUTI1 NEXT THURSDAY Candy <ises Peanuts JeIIy Beans INSIVIDUALLY WEAPMU Gum - Ssckrs - sea MANY MORE PUMPKINS SNOW APPLES 10-lb.. bag 6-qt. bâkt. %- bushels 10 lu ob ;;lOTfl-&O PHONE MI 84538 * For Farme Gasotine, graissai * Foot Oi " Borner Service 0 Mootbty Boudget FPon MILTON FUIL SUPPLIES fur Finent Cities Servce Frodacts Office 32 Drosse St -Fred Rabnbins- ManTucs.Wed. Oct. 28-29-N ehocci etetidae trtg,-h Spiai. tis wdo nôei4toe0Ojbê mt a, fullt lit of Aanr.'Tsny suill apear.%ewt we, - Now b ?hi Tione y* HEy*,Y#4ar Car -ffi mon Tât b4741 Opos 7 as. t0 10 P.p WNTER lmE f.aWv Obcew 2»h1, 1963 suusS WuJ RUN' ON STANDARD TIMI LEAVI MILTON TO TORONTO 6.40 sen-cnt. sert. a N". 3.10 p.m.-Salsss-ia aaly -8.40 p.m.-Sndays il Nul. c-Trip wi nlée.t 2861s & ta. i Tickets anti Information at Traynor'm Varialy Staem & ,Restaurant Talephb»ss 871982 B. TRAYNR Agent No Down Paym.nt at Milton Motor Sales Ltd. NO0W...0 YOU CAN HAVE A NEW or USED CAR or TRUCK Even If You Have No Cash on Hand AND ... IN CASE 0F SICKNESS'OR ACCIDENTS THE PAYMENTS ARE MADE FOR YOU AN ... You Don't Even Have to Re'puy I SE ONE 0F OURt SALESMEN FOR PARTICLURS MILTON MOTOR SALES LIMITID YUS POI4TIAC - SUaCK - ACADIAOI - VAUXHALL - CUDILLAC - OMC DiAbl MMain St. MILTON TR 8-2355 I HALTON social e, pecialiy Floyd Hi shsows h At their Montiay nia Miltoun sue. Jointes, sutî ttue-preutioe liteoil Mit .îtwurn, i Tteusties Hipc Iiî.î Catt.d siapita m expurted ut jobs bai a he manos Canva Counos IF Esquesir Rises 9. Esqueuîng mont lumps c y.ittin popult tion tu-k hs' a'! Lautea un tin' ,o.i ,ilp 20.38 pe M'i oîttIe iltcions-i,s Chapteri UNICEF i tilo a Ii-lt,', lu Pnil tii Tilts LI). Thak' pt tic: Dmon ;iý FORG OCT. Z~ 0f the Ai Nesi Automa Machina Fn.e Guis CREST iai St. 0CAPTAIN SINSAD" "V Mt GUY WILLIAMS FAUL LANGTON "THE MIGHTY IJRSIJS" lO~R GO0 ED tOURY In Clelr Alatinse - Saturiay - 2 preM. WILLIAM TRAVERS Abava Progeasi anli. 'I VA M ci 7 eA u 9: HAIR SI'YLISTS f