Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 1963, p. 16

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C2 Tii. Canadien Champion, ueda O~ 24,1963 Pe gugrhaps Ya- altne, an ap Irap1l4c. VagirrIb y ra ry aahnenJayed by ail who rend "Ocabe gve pel skayscrapers and lndaaîiiy or h s People" - the hIe and saccesa Tihe avsbhhnlena m owcrealain. And ysl man in- af Haneat Ed la Taronta. Tle henlas ala., :dMapim,1 finuine la seala relea a framn the And liaves af evîry mne. nervaus tensinsn af Indatry and Indeed if avercrawding lo can- The stinahine apead a carpet, amrli la pâture. Thait la wlaa wioli mplq a And overyihing mai grand; nuannar homes are an ppuan. (9.. Wtali ehig Coag iv tIf. 8lD 1 Miss Wealher led the dancing, And pni wtuid mmojay bairauread mehave lfa ah ad eaaae~ Proifesoar Wind the bnd. mareIf y tilleu l an 'ianu t bumlir aio ln S 5Ot These are the fient IWa slannas wîildlile. Et ar aln *qllp gas l 5OU u af Georae Coaper's fine poemt Wliere da nar bain opendi tie mil0s 1,01 more Ihan daring Ehc "Ociober's Party; and we have minIer, and whal do they tn? Seiulember ni lait year. w~yCl aai gnpe haro pricileged la enjay thia Ho nm mac menh daai animaî E.k« witnne, porly cithe fniliag haves wilh love daring hihernain? lv Lîirarin.* WIRING mno mmlv af fine wenlher. allen do hirds fred their yaavg *Ngw MICUMY Ohvarving, Natare mai mutil per day? The anmvera miii amai * DMO4 £hm Oei T owws varliet conncinas liarnail an yonl Oar commun hala devoar* uma I-- aarth. iHe orgaaized lii Ille aller hall their meigbl af hilaets dur- ha living Image of 1he mnrld lng a single alibI. Tliey migrale FraFc itraeCl araund hiai, imlîaîing thie cuan*gaome distance sonîli, wheiiey FothereFlmaeCt nian of the meali, the power of hibernale daring the wmer.WII Nh om g and of the imifi. 300 feedinno a day, il la rin £ I TbiERSTONE Nethinkian hie linoma ait nf mander the greedy 1111he bir4s notore's secrets lie han iunid imon hcave tisir niginst MW di- ELECTRIC frram his modeto and sicka adnen- birnaig intimaia laie gaepriaiaig- lare in oter apace, and ln the ly tillie aneighl. -Canadien Pacific Photo a MEMBERS5 OF THE CANADIAN PAUMRS TOUR aii frnm lise province af Ovnrio, pane in lthe Local Bowlers Fifth louieej ni ate 25,500 con Canadian Pacific lier imnpreof aitain peiner Ia sailivg fronm Qneher City , eacerîly, Their 33-day aour of fngiand, Irlnd and Scotiand miii incinde sighlinvg, At FowI Tournamient visios I eune s reech institutes, regiiteeed caille farmi, commiercial berds as meli as Tcnlv cinus frn Agincaîîcl. vt it lsct -c cills, caîledrais ovd neher famonisuites. Feom 1. ta R. inaled: Mns. Chano No-marckel, Baciiniilon, Aider- cieeo Fia Icaccas, Mes. A. A. McAlialer of Montl Pleniavi, Mrs. William T. Dale ai Milton, Chadt, rson,cc ONiswToe.ntc, Mis, Cecil Whler ni flycis, Mrs. Eiîh V. Si1ade ni Cobourg, Mms. Pearl Elliott oi Lakefield, Kew Beace, Brampton and Mil- Mac. Dwugilt Nelson ai Sleaad, Mes. Walter Haîchinian ai Thamesford, Mms. S. C. Duavi liceu- tnn tank ltin thealnoat fnîsl ford. aeud Mes. D. lcînnnd ai Nnenai. L. laR. standing: Chanao Wagon, A. A. McAliiîee, A. H. tourcament l .1Miltîon on Otuta Creigisîn of Toronto, lace condactne, T. Dale, Cmcil Misaler, John Simpsnof aifanchton, Pt ian ones andl Scores wccra Jack MaSil ni Paris, John MaDongali oi Paiermo, Davigisî Nelson, Donald C. Moore ai Piler- test E Alhcî con andI H. Brachia- borocgh, Walter Hatcclîisn, Richaed McLauqhlinofn Nornal, H-arold Eaely aI Narval, S. C. Davis, hatik, hlîetcascilla with three.uitte, Dlsmoed, and C. Browsnof Milon. and 57 peuits. .ArthurcofKetî Be-lî antî F. Biacon of Braiît i- R. titi liti n .Knldo Iq - a.itill- îîîîlî % tîcîîîîîs andc 55 ~~jont leuîctclfidt. K.L. Mîîrîî, LI'd C. Aclectaît ai ilntd Parkiat tuo tîinacndl2 pitc Lowvilie hia, 212; Gave Lamoon, 212. Bi!go Fv e Lii, Kasvehi 673, anti fii,îlad Joieîlî. F. Jon,,,,î Gg fingl Othar gaîtd triple-t hîl Lîtt 72f. Jcannanstitîn 64, Kathî Cîtalaint B. lu itlI Miltn pi,î icoe 8.1SI ailae look 5 foc 26, Rink,03 aa haolz 635, Wtlîîîa cd lu ilti vîilh eic ttin îad 45 LnaKin 22, pd- itiln mats 7 t'or 23, Tam Calc 2 lac 22, Hîîimas 631. on. LnaKig58 Mv' nagl ine Shacîharns 0lfîr t3. Taam Standing - Lii Kavchi Geme Gabat ô3 inhgh 12f, Macs' Haipat 26. Kathî C.îlcs tripe StartKing660 P. L. Robertson Girla 26, Macg Hahacionîîîîî 24, Naot Dttc'ltcraîtîculli ilVelIL Ont. 17 - l-igh tciple, Lit Kas- m.î Kîlchan if. Yvîone Tntc1t1le In cmvu lii Math 0zck 73. High singta Yvcaon If, Shiclay MnMuîlaan 1, Donna tt-ti- Mra in 199, cl, King Tnedalc 313. Grenki. 12. 0ter g.o Th Bbl T da eI.i95 ia.Faoicaaao Canin învadnnîpttndniv H ne, AAnat Rnncvtîv a71 Masin King..î o mdî laîiatnth 567.n Naohns adni cao coma HARDWAR shot.no c TrteloH o 5 nven sDr.hFranciscouvncin n yeoîlyolnt [ tehta fna Horetstou 0 or 8, olicg.aictertnaI moesnttiigeeofel-varaaapsialnn Ormet, u jý" Mok3fr2.Ticlo o icchtnnhe n ited a onad-h Dr cor ac an coda dmth our colin-oyla lok5 o 1,apse ok u iSt Mark meepi laRcn mare preoplao vler crnt.e"ITREPEShmbraoeseei o i etrpr iedid Ladiean Speciai con Zainclea. His Escetiancv Bile Scitîs in farite la et boi it utah. prnce ,g Ouri oti., S5ow tires, meau.0 hie been EdihCdron20 ugtcs hep sillatiton of1 a ew and haîlar re- Sandar, Romans f: 1-11 Mon« tubten front aie tire Vill have kinclla if ta h 011 thm eur ae l tplALr Ma- i4 Ltioship among nactionson the. dînr Roans 8: 12-25; Ttctctiac. __________ _ cacenl anu hoovy mmd massive - and as stramg us avar- D'irg.o Mii îTe AmricanCotinntndsolieaofRomans 8 26-39; Wt.citsdas l' as h p ttc18-ea ,u,21,EiM il as tha vnhicia liv which wla Cacînthns 2: 1-16; Thrda 2 arythe faieued kee rm the fi a rd to INE. .XRS . ma d e lred Arnl 1.i je hst la modarn Westarn tila e isCarinaîns 5:Il _2t1 Fridne, OIL CHANGES: HOW tharyes~f b e i serev eh h ie dea souiito i mmd lal cotufre ed, Ohrgo rp- dihrv cavnvaît I ta hcliard peuaples. Ephastans 1: 1.14; B Iluîta OFTEN? B ONUS ia mueta bu gileraid ouf au moite WuY for ue New HIWAY-I .YWAY demn69 GLL% icese68 Hn sad -ltaî tha Bible healped Epht.staes t 1523, /U The tire filet muiete fan of msager deiesn lagre You savest am amp tire D ri7-ý f 2 t lenm ta moa tise trancition mîtîl i' noe e Ethal Arciii îîîîn 7 lui 20. Etiî ant lin tisa tanc of spirlita ei5 91 larrf ale elet teDIIL lseuote gout nwHiwupIpo Dat.sotcwon 2 iu,ci,18 IarvKing- rainas. Opaakive moreapecilical- manlaaroecninCna don 1.i lt, 10i s ils inran Zopaîno. Dr. inareased filam $1.25 Ioc $1.90 an lu hea hui Canent c'iokad il soci Iamc oc Early Bieds ai tis mclv Irncao mÏvcon- TUILES *LACKW LL Dcl. Il ttt.-hiti -ite aries. mhaifoirail amncessary t0 til.tg trit il -UELS i I iA Aadrae Musa.i 278, îî1î- 1 ieac -tIo ta IbaIdlais in Ibeir Cn-ea SdrSgndfial , tuii lli t * tripla Auch-\Iuett 751. Mon't Iacc nguaga.o cle tîlîttîne PaL 0 0ahiLnes bifh cingla Du-ttii etLi 353. macs, In lbha casea icnZptc B O K Oit campa.l it ajmlt"4«ym.Y bigictriple Dii ,LI 764. Imitai tare and troubla had heen cati nin periap moeot 2/0.a.. 21 7«l le 2-ttc et i j5..-itl. nc iain lk anIma rit-iag lac"joInrî tee ccci sta-elî.na ci,aa . ndclalî hnelau avoared Ince- ~1.914 52 Gtcli7 Oaa, tut 12 , iii- naicc aod paae (erp J. COOKE hConcrete Blocks) Acimalv eunaera svIo S_______________ Othaînacul til, Ici McCl,,- chît hait pcnsecved bair in- LED. c i. la n aîî rer ecaaamyv 56.0-590/141 19.91 545 fO land 607, Jil tui (,lc77, tatancîdaiîr1 tisîcîi o g cnîî hava faored 5,00f Mile 500/1l 139 .475 3555 Watnce 5li Daci od îî.îîî re tint ai long enio. NE 4-7763 changes.6570/4 19 7 5 .5 Etiln duOntue' 2 li 71. FIeotratd Hic Eoaaic., maelpia VENINGS Tlicc-ctilite.ec-tiisve tut lent k, 850/14 R20 82 67 Aniee neot ur2. b, Srpoalaîans li iesi tut malinig Ile nl s~ 0/4 13.9 20.45 »9.95 th Malerr 2 titi 21, L.r etrsis cl "th,- kind cf.Naccrlh Aicrican CALL JACK< HALL c chpau. e tcr. ]lt isa h z i 850/14 14» 9 . 225 3Z«6 SIt2Ccctsit M0. ntistc tiat a vMaia a MILTON TE 806365 niccslt uat I i mtite in e lea500/5 64 34 GiIaa2a7nui import cane stacudard af lic. 10______________ iaIsntnl hirnc crt an6007 Octée if-LuIt litai tig c- ,ri 670/13a 11.4$ 47.114 33.1111 D tripae McKî, e 61 MII iuuccs Ic1u- ceunca-Il P 710/lia* 12.21 le.«5 26.38 bis ciinl D,tcî Ct te 248, tan Onealargearmallermhoad- i6/5 2» w: 7 la htith tuai.- D-n.ice 3.cs elNST SS 1 vnealmd 4,000 mileechanges 80/11"5N&MP Ohcail sAlI , NîcIc a- MfSoad] hater fliai lielmcatien .anl cote 184, lis \l5CI,-c;.tei 2(e1, uin lld itp mil foe that mlle- 0/6 Dut ,.iiul uîles fiicî M ge. ilt the additives (delr 630i Kerr 70i, i,, M, MlLuniclî 6tt. gÇA I.enti)i shîcli preveal anrrosihnn 25 1. 2& Achat Itt tuk 7 to E X L and saspead dirt, torrile dama i.b -y - .N go... Ellan McK,îî tlo.k t h, 28.1mvi aller 2s * Snlbey mnmnbc .. .1 - I f..4 M r,11 .,k,4 foti 24 K caC-l dame la 2,00f. Thal's tbm figare \, MntlîauOte e ct C.generaliy annmpted Thw le imyIwy i aeeK 2 tut 12 Iiit, l.tultti Oeinc Newuîiincehccnîi lcfi ýl, ge nd arbn Àrevolutoneey enk.thauugh lna ummer- Mr.îndiaitClu actîne 2,0 nieii, And t 00 wiafr tire ... mude ia cunuda, for Coadiunr sec MO .atM. 2 Clbcite. tvil .a-nmicîaîa ,ro relatd und wouahor conditions.... tlle cstom- an Dat ]en W liai27, liait tuune ue ndgi' i bale, for wh.e vos live - for pose kiad uf lac Hiao Wakn 2e 0 ilo-- 0ecppedt be a tîlîna, i,-cîeclion- Iripa Hain Wattkint2ci3-M.oeicnl m nlite -of,. e-nrh biai scingla Ilii I-t.iCttît 34; agninsaeg all icer tccaetcctie a-viq The oon upreuted. qiso us îber fata. icoi. Fil lii: Theres one mure poit: Ilini 305. 237: Dcaceale uc 2112, 233: hi Ibm KIND ai drivIna voa dao. Bob Mottai. 224; Rais litai 222: If lins Star aid tia fana a nildi Darotiss Ocannîtn, 217: Litre Ar I eSA L Ea hî iieie9h "id-mlirchaegesimay amui lie anclunli Acîdsanmd mater iiram FULL 11/4"condensain)iacnnmîloîmînaav Ends Saturday lame famer iaaene Ibtymails__ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ i StLF-STORING tigl oi me ur i. DnIf yodi ALUMINUM 1OCTOSER 26th -asesm~n ymrv lon his.ur DOORStance Ibis 2,00f miles ne mare DOORS mli ha airiglit.- $29.95 OcL t3 MOeE DAui B- wy l et- h cilin c ATat s ips lic6 c useî. I il il beîo-eotnnr finrei ehn il Tenpo Ditriutor islime la change il. 12 Main St N.R ' Acton, nt. mn MM ST TE 0.2849 83«REXALL PHARMACY TRAFALGAR MOTORS 1 1i SAC garn Ricli MILTrC M. Si- The M Ii Tisai eg Bisi ,abnni 25 Laon Sc necoase Latar ci alle nia osidem B ce auni St In tha amsbaca la appais Lalar in crreadlth, te bauri As. Ie tecive pi riant eg liorsday cdman. non Oc Ecin dei am hast rst bail.' rin a lion de tond lia ut ilire t For tisa egama Tuf hC

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