Frost is on the Pumpkin, But Neyer on Champioh WoT A .htiL A O.OIPI DIA ( <o"i"n»> For Sale M SAU (Cen"m For Rent i Miscelou s Ï1,1O I ~ ~ '~ ~'" ~ ~ F SPENCE,-At Joseph Brant Ment- ~DV RTIING orial Hospiital, un Friday.Sep- Spence, il Vband of the tlc RATES Lautae King, dear flhet Vif Laýui.e ( Mec. Burdge Gunhy) *Miligrore, Lillian (Mie. George Thomas)l Camnpboliiilie and S. DEATHS, MAREIAG- Kenih of Rockwiid. claiasr ENGAGEMENTS - No iiod b ' niai, gi andchiidreo le. eand live gri-tgr-andilIdren. Flirtrai servicc eeae heId ain AE, FOR RENT. ETC.- Meiedce aith1e MeKrer Fueca tain. chg. for 13 inards. 5c Hoine. loloroient in Locecille ard thereafier. Unjîcci Chocch Centitery. Suhacquoni insertions nn ropy ____________ changes) - *75c mie. chg. for 15 inorda, 5c per ecord thora- Cards of Tisanks aflir. -25c disconallomod for ccsh papineni, ;OMINO EVENTS, CAROD OF THANKS-SI for finit lice lin- os. 1le for catch gddi!ional lino. [N MEMORIAM-SI plos tile poer fineoferse. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, R E A L ESTATR-SI.20 per col. inch. BOX NUMBER t0 tiis office - 25c addilional. DEADLINES Claueified Advertieing 12 Nana Wedoeeday Clasaifiod Display li Reat Esitot 5 p.m. Toecday Phone TR 8-2341 6 The Canaiean Cbantpion, Tborsdacc, Sept. 26th, 1962 Births, Marniages Deaths, Etc. Born CHARLTON-Mi. cod Mce,. Theit Charlton (ec Paye Thomatsce of 128 Moticmbricat Oc. cie pleaeed tuaennoonce the biclth o) their daoghter, Leorie Arme, wioihl 8 6es.. ai Milton Disticrt Hotepital oit Sepicin ber 24. 1963. COLANGEILO - Mr acnd Mi. Tony Culoogicie ot 123 Mradoe- brook Oc.. Milton, are pieacct te anouncc the bit lb ol iheîcr daugintor, Pauline, meight 7 96e., 7 oze., ai billon District Hospitl un Sepiomber 24. 1963. DAY - Mr. andi Mr.c. Ralpit E. Day of Ccntpheiiie. Ont., ac tileased tn announcr the bimili of aheir daugbicr. Lîec Anne, weight 7 fils.. 9 oze.. ai Miltonc District Hospital on Septenther 19, 1963. FANJOY - Ai faet, 6e eiv,tc Clisi anti Ruth (liee Haetar ihriiied iocanooîîcc flite bit i of Brendo Lee, 7il., lO0, on Tuecdaî - Sepîrinher 24, 1963. ai Ooeeneiicy Hospic.i Kothe, Sheila cati Mark acie happy, fou. Dedily rocoveeiof. NICHOLSON -John andi Belie (nec Rotaineryl ul happy, oa cnnote lte .icieei of Ilinicco. Joephc Aic, ti-c JosephBrantiiMetoi.lHospii. tai, Sitierriher 17, i163. . l ,. 15 oz. Aitcii.11cl«1 loi.î SAULT - Suit andîc jccc Sacîci laenec cci c ehaplpyi-, al, nuane flic hit Ut Wzicne' baby sisler. Nccîev Marie, a( Josepht Brant Hoe1i ici. Biiilinflicci. onv liiiýI-.ii, Scpceuîber 19, 1963). Married 1 ii ilîcîct cil ine fiteade acndîiieighbuce. Rev. Famcl and teenîhere vi Grcice Anglican Chcicc.h foc the beaotiiio fioNive, gei iteilrl cocian gcitaiiaicloing ntereentccidenc. c-.20-2291 Aîceei. Johncson lc flic ncid:t i u ooma, ne ii- ta express oor hearcilt ctan-, cati approt.iatiu a lar cav elctices. friencle end ncighhors for the kiadene and eymapiiyiiioao uin the lace ai aur beloveti deughier and sise ic, Linda. Wc ecpocially ntieh ta ihak the Ree. D. A. Poewell our hic, conseing irards, ail the don- are of ahe ina' beaulial fiant ers, nlie peiibearerc and the Me- Kereic ancrai liane loac ei tintcand efiient mnagemfent of flicerie Geuirge, Beatrice Mille and icntily. c-20-2323 In Memoriam BANKS-In liicg inenare ccc a pceced eieey Ociaben 1. 19oi. Acic oîy hccci, I ecili lw teep A sprciel place or i ou, And cci LU do iv besi Io ve Aeicouiiiooid iicioeito As I iaved ou, sui i ntiie voit, Ian ineinari , No arecc Laed centenîhered iongej fom Tceecredcîcchcaloei . ece. Youarctce ccct ec yii. YSu vo icel1ca not heer. Yel 1 nucevo meit beesidenme, Never cbsentc, cilice na lics sait tuonciSclone, lneecd ac ,ide by vide, Sot lu ahi, thec cmsaie Wien lic ceaie ai fle divide. fou gaee ine yoare ai happinuce, "lien caine iomw and tccre, Bai ao leh ine bcaoilu i cen cr ices, 1cciii iceeaue itroofli tlieicari. Sediicicicccd. eier rctteniier- ed by eccle Mcry. c-20-22971 Coming Events L.N.I.B. Blicz ce 6ici,. ccc 9 licl. Mccîîic, Occcîec 21it 1963. e 28ý-2I72 cccicOccui- 12 il 8 pccci., Ilc meee epocicomed 6.v HoIv Soecmî-N Cmedii Uînion et flic Leg- io Hcll. c-20-2321 Sondaicie Oeioheim 13. ccfici.c ideicicîeacd cipeviof ai the ncmou1icceni Houe Rsciecc Ci-cclil uniuon ci i pii c-e20-2322 Hcccicc Un1, icic Chlîc TuiL,N Sccîpcî, Oecobitc ](v, 5 8.30 îî.cc. Aclicie $1 .0. ecîicic eni ueie 12, 75 c-it, l iiceeIce c-20-2287 lie 01iec cia Si Seîic fiîcci ( ,cci nb ,care hlcding I lc Icilie ciure] basulnt "I iomecIici. f)e 3, 8.1.9 p.ccî. Ahl are lecÏi e2-2307 dFaD, AiAI (0S10 ic Kni Avîtîcl Licten farbeceeiii bc Pmoehîcie,î cci chlh Mc (cccifitid ci the choreit graictii.s Sa(- Oncc cc itiEeîJ K Mc dc. iSepiecucher 2811î, 1963 irn c;icî ci Siv sýci îc 5.3 -i 800 pin. c-17-4-2084 ihcccc iluc Ii, 1:. cid xvii,- uiicce Miiccc I-cii Suie. Jintici l II. Iccifel ccc ticii.ll Duc,c oicLcc eccuc Mue a fîiciîccccibcpecccetibviecui- WJ. D. oiiL dcu thciii- ofiflic Cubah;nd c(Souit uil taci. W.O J. D e. iec îcc-inîflie Sccuicdiih ciet-lii. c. c)2 225h Died COPPO -Atiîhome.cî niceiOv ,Sepmemhmm 24, 1963. c li is ïcicli yoar, Goicieppe Lcppcc. ,eidocc erfariScofcccaduccihec lallier of Mcc. i. Tuccicdiii. (Marie) of Cuelphic Mec. R. Serafisi (Lrna)ueecel Mme. b. Gris (Aînoiu (Il HccuiiccI, and MrsF. AupuV (Mci cci Mlton Heightî. alii- cc by 19 graniilti etci nd c2 greal grandebldren. Requiem Maes -ce field ii Holy 5hocary Charvb on Tituiv- day moning. Ieterm-uî lii fe- greeo Crîveteuci, Miltonc. lIiiuiiiciu. kCciiiîc li, Biovii andicGuideLeadee untmeecing Sceioitele 30. Ladies icueceti ciu.liceivg icnCGuidecttvecnth picac phonte 15 8-2420 for tui.r inatitie c20-2,99 ((cc: Scuc ci.Sute 21oc icic 8.30 i i.,ci tuuccuucîuceh Bcpcc h Clîtlu -. Siofuuu, c-heicc i ueiccueci . Ttec hl cuiîucie i , îîluîîî Ccciii ehm liccuvilhi Ile 10:29 ,ci c -230 cl cumeeting, Thomîdey co i'ci- 3 .0 P.11.,c aflite hanti Mse. D. . Englh, 29 Bciee Ave. TURER-Ai Iici, 11ccc:, %iuuici 011 bcciuc ce iii i u Si. I W.iiclc iiucic ,uo, uuuc"u uuliic ie: 18, Iliii;, Eicc c I 1"ui h cuc iic , ,: 20ii 52 hriertie hochenul vit hue Ait lcctve vi cir al moncay Spt- osi, dear tailler cil Mmc. E. enthem 30,. or Ceuîadian Playeti' Pogren (Glonnau of Mîlloît, Mre. "Maelerpiecoe of Comndy" anti b. E. DaIziel IKye( cil King- Prisaîte Livee", Noeenihr I and ston. sud Rap O. ol Tiumîmeiis; 2 rospectiey, Williams Avnue in bis 80mb yaar. High Scihivl. AvailaMoe front 1.0. Panorai service o-ai moIti front D.E. membore or phone TE S- lip NacNab anti Sun Chapel on 4445. Admissions S2.50 and $2.0f SbtkixWy afeoan. Inlermeni f atodeni pricei $1130 on Friday wisî aEergren Cemelery. nigint only). c-20-2298 BRTO ES, chan5 FORS .95c pert FOR SALE -Table band sain. TR 8-2526. c-20-2351 FOR SALE -Large qafliiy matr.TR 8-9121, L_20_2302 FOR SALE - 28 littho pige. T. Jookenria UL 4-2439. c-20-2310 FOR SALE - 15 pigs, 7 teeki, oid, Jackn Caric, TR 8-9165. c-20-2316 FOR SALE - Snilcoatithal in gtod coiitiion. UL 4-2569. c-20-2289 FOR SALE-Dining t-ant suite, gonrd conditin. Phoane 878-9088. c-20-'353 FOR SALE - Accordion, Car- usia. 120 bec',, îioi. TR 8-9937. c-20-2321 FOR SALE - Merlin .22 rifle. Lever aictiiin. Like nene. 878-6618. c-20-2288 FOR SALE - Shavler Star n Leghorn pulloe, siarting to lay. TR 8-9156. c-18-2-2194 FOR SALE - Eleclric suiavc, Moffal delone 24' nicdel, $25. 878-6903. c-ÏO-i3O6 FOR SALE -Oo;înity i oecî building iialerîel. Cal[ TE 8-2016 aller 6 p.i. c-20-2304 FORSALE--Gicles bicycle. 26" icheel,' C.C., original paini. TE 8-9157 efîcci 4. c-20-2320 FOR SALE - Secîll - Cocona îepcrîlec. Like neye. sitahle foc oiffie. TE 8-136. c-20-2315 FOR SALE 15 tons belicîl lgaw liiîe-heîl. nol cnnihined. Phione Goelphi TA 2-5269. l'_20-235 FOR SALE - B-cbeci. cietît drv - oct oricieî w ezi eiea. Hcrold Har- WANTED - Trasportation ii.TE 8-9846 oc. TE 8-2955. fconct Camnpbeiiii ou Milton. an. c-20-229.9 cite aci Milloît 9 ccci. 854-2431 al- ter 6 pai. e-20-2354 FOR SALE -Addiog inrachinse typewriiere. for gale or rentai. WANTMD TO BUY - Steant Phene TE 86%2, Harris Statine tractar, 1520 h.p., condition nuî erv. c-36-164-15 cm portaetlut hiiobbyf porpose. Sien Bree, RW R. 2. Seitoneille. FOR SALF Lite or ciîe,îec c-18-3-2222 docks. 50c lcfu cieîecîcek,. Plcumce C.caitbeiiiit CL 4-2503. WANTLO-F.î etc îî.cc cl. any- c-204d2284 vice caleiestici c couacn flie Olcît Edeci Sti Pucicol pieac appiy on FOR SALE - Macntosh, Ncor- pecoci it [lie ski hii, Milcan. Oo ihern Spt. Oeliiivîc and Snuec rcii. Saioricc- Scipcentbc 28. I0 apifes. Hocîcrîl Goae-Lciid. TE 8-c 2 pici. c-20-2309 6456. e 20-5-2280 WANTED-Lie paciitry gose FOR SALE - Dcv het .eitid. and dock featbene, feather licite bercadntepieioeeeuecoiaednd Hîgheci-prce.W caii. WrcleiL fcroicice. Deie-ed. Oeonceiaîn Zonoc. 776 Cuilefe Si., Torento, 877-2031. c-0-3-2254 or phounr railect LEnnon 5Sf724, FOR SALE -_ Buacite.amett cur- enioge HUdeaus 5-2030. c-35-ti pliee iil stand, 1/3 h.p. incior. 2 seccroincit blie lac S30. Ccli________________ TE 8-9412. c-20-2279 FOR SALE R eg iceecdi_ Hcci- HeIp VVanted ,lenti cciii. 2 veecco.1d. Due endti ai Ociaber. Howeardc Ociileni. HELP WANTEO - Man. Hocin TE 8-6456. c-2l)2281 by «OmGeccihioaeeî, TE 8-438. FOR SALE Scenie -i acre c-19-12250 biliding lot, îîcam Miltn, teel 1 îli P -WANTED Api t acnd focli otig f o os eee eî , cl 'AppFi.cie 873i2 cn. TE 8-4481. e- 19-2270 ClBucFa c207892. FOR SALE-1950 O.M.C. c ',on HELP WANTED - ab s,îillet pick-upin good mciciing condil- cccii 3.30 ppct -,.c Mon.v icon,eicpivicand gavd cccei Fii Call huleic3 p.ii.F 8037; Reeoncbie. TE 8-9686. c-20-2317 c2s FOR SALE -Meps. Toman of18 F P -WAN1'El2 --cttlp(iic Milton or Cooiy of Haon, 24e Octîcile. see.dv cet foac 2 meni each. Availabie at cIl Chamtpior iilîcarcs. For intemiiew,. puote Office, t9i Main Sc., iMilico. Poiler Oc ui. Bui lioficn 1,37p0,it, c-40-3361-t-f FOR SALE - 2 Sefieleýcci Hcci- (fle Oectec. 4ui Mapie Oceedccîg. eeec TE 8-9480. e-20-2313 FOR SALE - cee,ccîiand ec 1.i 169 x 144. Nc.. 10 Sicie Rd. (uî.ceîii 111,10. Fe,*ilit, licc Bex 15, Lcctuciac Chcctmpiccn. c-22314 FOR SALL-1953 -ord picL-up cruck, in gocti eondition. cciiii gcod rcets. Wouid eocice (ccc cvo ial ice. irceiccc 6Sîi 3436. c-20.23O00 HELP WANTEO - Fentce. Ai- an territumv îcom open ini Kinfi- leifi Couvi. Cautece ceiliig iu ci hcmved. Write Mcc,% Zieglec. oxi 41, Guelphî. c-18-32139 FlE1.F WANTED - Mcncîequci c wiîhSi3 u5 -ers pucict expecccvec., .ce 25.-35 vcre eal cccl'ul i iecaeecîcîc. CLil A. M. Kcclcî. -tciicccc TE 8.2395. h-20-2286, WANTED BY MILTON FIRM I Acccc iiicîiim licîcccc t."" i-OR SALE -Seciocl ctiet -, cui dîee 1ecît. This i i,, ccc fireld suitoe wlhbith ectd cic, po, cI cod in flic Mi ccc (ellese; coîner tacble ati cbcc distict. Ccccct pccan ccii ,t, aiccîue table, blonde ficii vicc-cng coniincsi. l2îcc eiI1 TER 8-4481. c-192;6 knoc' olictia. I OR SAI -. Mci1ilIicciic Nic. 2', 61.00 1tucîlcel.O iicf' vcoct ,ccuccconctainers. AC. Hccl" 4184 Waitei e Lirie, Bechilciou, N E 4-657. e 202-229, FOR SALE - Surfe ntiiting rqoipntont, dcii y tarin supplire,, poil berne. Scie', anti Sorvce, Horae Tooiliocon. Brampton. CL I-1275. c 8-9989 lu FOR SALE - Car, trckand trco ienwanti uiceil ahi ccc,.Io pieee; flih fixeJ. 75e; uchrriî hciaîced, $1.00. Mtocn Tice and Rediatcic Snu-uce 191 Miii Si., TE 8-2711 becide Miltiu Launotircot. c 37-138-Il LOTS 0F USED lEOi CIOTIONI O TV SETS Peter', ciart ai $39.95 WIGO'S 32 Main N. TE 7-4160 GEORGETOWN N. Nallones largel TV and appliance anllet. BOOX 2-I LANADIAN CHIAMION HELP WANTED BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT iicyuuicdii t c t citif, cil cec cilct et. ccuouiicc ce- 878-2455 159 Miii Oc. MILTON LUMBER & COAL LOMPANY LiMITLO FOR SALE-Parla for 185 Pan-, liac inclaalingt radia and 6 gaad tires. G. S. Clemeals. 878-9653. c-18-2158 FOR SALE-Yop w611 fllne boy- ing pour buildIng soalerials and colai Cracalarda., CampiéSi: ville. Qumck sereice. High qua, lily. Phono Caiaphellville 'UL 4- 2232. c-36-171-lf LOTS 0F USED RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS Fniceneelant aI $59.95 WIGO'S 32 Main N. TE 7-4160 GEORGETOWN N. Haltones targont TV and appliaaeeocalot. C-17-tL Wanted WANTED-Ruoiniî , inle piro Icetie. TE 8-2921 ancitinte. c-25-2282 WANTED - Goiid home fui dec. Fart iltelicil.i part Callc. 878-9653. c-20-2312 WANTEO Transportation la Sie Foints ai ce. Arcieing apprne. S ant. Leaiig 5 pin. Fleece cali 878-2446. i.20-2290 WANTED -Rouir orciioniand buceci loi- gentliemanci. TE 8-2634 eller 5 ont. .-20-2294 Lost LOsT - Men', f eue,, decl i mec, e civile Miii Si., Scamuday. Sepieccîber 21. fiecî,e ecii TE 1,-R 9931. c-20-2292 FOR EENT-24edroom apart- ment, duenlon. 878-6611 c-20-2319 FOR RENT - Eorm and huard for genlleman.TR 8-2016. c-19-2-2259 FOR EENT-Ronrn. hoard opi- innal, gentleman peeferred. TE 8- 9632. c-19-2272 FOR RENTf-Electelo lbat waoer heaiers with free service. Phone Milton Hydra. TER 8-2345. c-ti FOR RENT--Spoce tuilablo lar elocago. boute, fornitare etc., or conte tpe of business TE 8- 6049. c-20-2318 FOR RENT - Camafol tenante ied fnr madern titrer bed- counmemi-hoe wihnuobae- nient. $95. a mntot, Occupancy Navember 2nd. Tolophone even- ingi or Salordey TE 8"664. c-20-2308 SINGER SEWING MACHINE RENTALS By Weeb or Mooiin PHONE TE 8-861 Milton FABRIC Centre Services and Repaire on all mallesof ewig maches. c i-t' FOR RENT Avoulable Noveeibet 1, modern 3 - edroien buingalowi. $105 53-hi-icooni boungalow. $100 mntit l.. FoiNy iacni-,hed 3-beicoant lhtte, Ociciber 1 - May t. $100 mntnh- ly. Roeeencee reqoircd. BRIAN BEST REALTOR 310 Meit Si., Miltn. TR 8-6292' Moakoka dirict masse and deer bulin. Acmmodation for huntis. Non. 4 la 16. Acinai 8530833,c-20-2311I Piano Tanisg and repair - Nent and oand pianos. Phnone Henry Puluife. TR &-9781. c-17.lf-2072 REIMER I2phalstery - re-ap o..l.i..riag, utnelture refilnliallg rusgcleaeisg. Promptiseovie, bas juatity ateerlals. fine wark sansbip. Oailep Bros, TE 8-9741. c-e52272l MEN Plcaeant outdoor worn. Aerage $3 perbflur. Ne eperiesce ece- sary. W90dm Rainleigh'a, Depi. I. 288-VV, 4005 Richelieu, Monireal. c-20 PRSONAL WHY FEEL OLD, RUNDOWN. NERVOUS? Osîren Tordc Tabloîn help houild op" lbouaads of mon. ntomen -all ages. Atdrog stores. c-18-4-eow LARGE GLOSSY PEINTS oi cep staff photo appoaning en Tino Champion, 5x7 nuz 75c, 8elf $I. Cashîtoaccnmpany order. Rn- qoiro nont ai, The Champion nI- ABUP4DANT EGG PRODUCTION A HY-LINE SPECIALTYI Gel pîosy of egga - and Ilsif iv ferd conversion, raoul lieabiliiy and ogge housminces fiube. Ion. Ordor Hp-Lise chieke or Ny-Lino rcadY-to-iay patines. Gos top ega profite. Order [rom: W. D. Shawt, R. R. 1, Hornhy. c 19.2 a . & S. LIGHTNING CON- DUCTORS, gsaaraeteod, long lasiig inetallations. Va WEATHERVANES, 36 ines high, oser 50 differeni deeigits. a VIKING miliere and sopara. tors. precision mode, ciainleee JOHN VANDERMEER E. R, 1, LIMENOUSE 877-9503 b-Il Horses to Let FOR KEEF A leee goond Saddlo Horoe. Aiea Saddle Hore FOR SALE ROY TOKLEY Twin Lakes ReSOFO R. R. t, Acloo, Ont. b-20 SWAP-SHOP Open 9 -6 Oeily Wednsieday and Prlday la 9 Trafic, anîl, huy, coampîIl et housebold lois. farta machinere, hankeopt atock, care, truacks, or whial hase pou. Namo IL. No. 6 Hwy. Milîgrovo 2Hi mimas Narthn of Clappimone Corners mu 9-1051 c-18-tf Dead Stock PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITRO Higinesi Cash Prices for deod or disableid colisa and horses. Old Nurses. Se lb. Licence No, 227C63 - l42RP63 Phono ZEnith 9-7950 c-58-lf Wainut Ranch Ltd. Crlppied and Disaled Cows sud Herses 24 Houe Servict Lic. Nos. 138-RP. 28Z-62 Waterdown MU 9-1044 b-12-LI Cars for Sale For Your NeRf Car... TET BUCK HMLTON AT BELL BROS. Te S-Mt AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE STEEETSVILLE LI"N Annuai Aoction of bacueoid gnulds, fornitaco, cecîmical oppli- anccs, tope, fardeo irapîcraote etc., aI the Sîreelaville Arena SATURDAY, SEPTEMBR 531h I p.m. Rein ar èohitc. b-13 CISANERS DECORATINO GENIRAL CONTRACTORS 1 MOVINO KNIGHT'S DRY CLEANERS LTD. Sa ifaciiuo Guaraoteed " Dry Clcaing " Shirt Laonderiog Sute dayscrvicce ifrqired * Altoralcs anti Repaira " Rage and Drapeoeportip iileaned la Fîoc Picktap anti Dolivery e Ail work dune os premee CALL TR 8-9941 STOPP'S Cleaners & Tailors 1 HOUR CASH & CARRY SERVICE lIX-. (;cccc ccîirectl Dry Cicciiiog * Deuc etintsevc a Comspluee rmpairc &.clcaiani * Drapes, rage andt bats pmotes- eiiociliv c.lcaimt FREE PICI. C1 ctid DELIVLRY Ail cecci daime., pieiiied. TR 8-2972 cl i Employment Wanted ADCPN h M11hfiiSLNI (905Nr Il l îebihe uutollir n-ate huuccnbore Byran Essery N.P.D. v-20-2278 LANOSCAPE * CONSTRUCTION ____ DESIGN * MAINTENANCE EMPLGYMENT WANTED - PLANT MATERIAL Home cemedelltng of)l ort, ccirpeairy, including recrocatiuu Campboîîviîle misand garages, painineg. ntae- ommay, patio, aoplic tans, ne. Cali 854-9963 i . H. TE 66247. c-17-2-2071 c-18-4 INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICES Convenient lette goailale on laCustom madedrapes " Reatiy mado drapen SFluor covmings " Voaclian blinda * Wiution ebaties a Fomeishioge fromt lamoae mari- Drepee anti Roge lor as litile as $2.50 me-etiy. Pue in-om atcccosutations, catI Mr. Campbell. CAMPBELLeS 0F MILTON TE 8-6021 228 Main St. c-47-tf EIECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC es IN-DUSTRIAL a COMMERCIAL es DOM6ESTIC t ELECTEIC HEATING Complote Electric Homo 86 Chanles Si. Milton TE 8-9513 ORNAMENTAL IRON MILTON Ornamnental Iron ALLOMINUM & IRON RAILINGS ELL KELY -TE $4827 n-if &SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Custom Homaes Repaira Alteraîlana Modern Caphoarde Plans and Fre octimatoc. Years of eperiooce. TR 8-4424 RAY OtAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. * Homo Improemonts "*Eonoations * Alieraliona * Additions * Commercial or Intigetrial UL 4-2263 c-If PLUMBINO AND NIATINO OIL BURNERS JIM MALLON * Cleaeing * Repaira * Installation 24Hour Service Ail iceci fuctinieed cut iInearcd TR 8-6797 ADVERTISE YOUE BUSINESS SERVICE 1H THIS HANDY DIRECTORY. RATES AS LOW AS SIL&q Stan Rowe the Mover AgonIs for Ailioti Lioes Coasti-Coast Modern Siarago Warebue 144 - 150 York St., Hamilton MILTON REP. CALL TR 8-6680 t:33-If TV and RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE * Philipe Tape Recrtiers * .C.A. Storoo, TV, Applioncea * Eogcrc.bajestic TV * Sparian TV anti Storco 222 MlAIN ST. TE 8-445 C-tf WRIL DSILLING WELL DRILLING J. S. SUlTAN R. E. 2, Milton, Ont. Phoane Bonîington NElson 4-6025 c-ai PRINTINO TOP QUALITY COMMERCIAL PRINTING Wc iecigncadcinciiciiiictci bulccc eilioocce, officeecile businessIorm. Dicmlail ad' vorticiof, bulletins - in fact. aI- mmlt any printinf po may hae. AIIow us lu quelle on poar inark Tho Canadian Champion DILLS -PRINTING & PIOBLISH- INO CO. LTD. 191 Mea St, Mltleaê s- AUCTION SALE ý 0f Pereliturle and el Raaie T'ne undernlgned bave recoin- nd instructions front lino Eneca- tors of theoERobI of line LATE mEiS. RoSEET MEFNzIES To soll iny public auctio ai bier laIe home, jenlino Village of Camphellle, ou Heirnanan uprigqst piano: ina- hogany uphoietered nelteo and 2 matcbmg chis; horrel inaînui coffee teble; ecaînulooarnet whai- sol; 2 upholeered wcker rocS- en;a nô. of oide and centro- !ables; .1 ocoanlonai choire: dis- ing rontm suite includliîg rnund extension table, buffet, china cabinet and 6 malchisg chaire; eldehoard; seneral forteries and fînecer stands; bill rack, and mirror; sofa; large dot>.eý and entie, dçsnchoair; M orris chlair; odd easy chair; seneral rockers: manIai radio; mantel cloca., ecal dccký eleciric tftchoa ck-; cook alose, coal or eeood; cap- laines chair; odd ichen chairs. extension luble; Frigidaire- ret geratnr; Beatty elocîrte enauher; pino ceaphoord; amaîl pi'so table; inalsul drap fleait table: enard- robe; Aeminster ruga. 12 hy 10 and 9 hy 1l; no. 0f large and emali piclure [mames; sai bled- run cut;em hudroeocn suile, stelt hed; odd dntîaor-u tîcic ntaeh siande; cheel of traceeri. ndd mostresee; heddlng; pif- oece; very old and modern va- cuum cleaner; hand lan not- ar; doogn box; copper epittun; brase jardinice; follet st bnnoke; boggy wtý;p; ecalining cliche; crohinalo board; cooking oteneile; poli; cracts, eomel glaee andi china. REAL ESTATE - Alio, et 4 ii'cloct, and ai tho eaine place, rherentill be oferd for sale, nabjci t0 ci reserno hid and conditione of cale ntlieh tilt ha made teceenait iiîncnofoftecisg, tho hnmec, coneictisg ii a large, tel drained, wil ehadici lot, 90 hy 135 fi.. n ehici l erectci a 7 - coomod sautitati;l [raine hoose nitn bath, fornoce. fll bocemont and ceparate rae garage. Thie prnperty cs ciîeaied lt ihe friendly nillaite ol Camp- helleille, cloce lu soreso cîturcn- es, clonenleaf on 401. anti Mit- hawki rare tram. This peoperis wiIi bceopen for incpectioniun ,nftecnmoofu Oclohor i and d.ty of sale. TERMS 'OyE gBATThLS: Cacli mith dlem day of cale. TERMS ON REAI. ESTATE: 10%o docce day cif sali, balance in 60 dape. ELLIOTT & HIOLMES,, Aucliotîecrs. K. McIntyre. donr. Lele Z. O'Ncil. là Centrcl Si.. Guelph, heccolor fer the ESicie. b620 TC, Of Thl TC Toe* on In Cler C. 0f Ti insu Te Viol AI mer gO pull dan: iclot AI ite 401 ill Si FR TI fied able ip d Fi Si DE)