Relefer Roberte Suies Game Cailliellnille came back ta tic eaJt lina drine sassh 0550 tish~ea tise firot hase eceisng Ibird malt of three serios wiîh falaise filold fanne by Iiestd. leo lalk tn thse coachs. C%2mnsI Dai soien lhey deloend tise Tis made IL 94 foe c*ÜfltJ v4snfln f battaemnt art Terriers 9-6 in Campisel!vilr Iie ville ansd b qoit ln Roberts te ealled for lte bah atd foreealargn hometon erosd on puteb fIe ooen hlm out for tise fisird oL Sunday afieritoon. Ptmd' lisontesn anid tain nV*e ini Pine Pitchere Sataer auit lied itre slsslla for CamspbeiIll le leIl t 10 ten Fine piscisers sans action In the 3lt. Ueaeane and Sesith hanter- aiadeti on bas and Gais 1i in isard iitine cootest woti Jack ed and tIper, Cnninghm ad dsj long, ttremn oat bail gante. Roierts emerging as tlise minns Lut ail olegleti. , .Inter Dredge, mlto misted Sat. and Ken Lavis as tise aoser, Lavis ttnderbot LaM& Attens ady% sine. mat tise second and Joisn Clarkse fur Gait eave ap Stan Hsenderson witis four bits Ztemen for Cantpteitnille. At- bine rons off 14 hits Tisey motk. tedi tise Campbteltvtttt attacis, 41 *00gb galeg ilsites, is e te tise fdtso and strocisout trie. Wtlgrv tsisadouble ait >w 1 elletiacttdaeat batiand Harry Hamtilton started for singles and Bart Calrne teôe ibyed a nteady dsfienaive Sorte. Campisells.iite ansd mas rllonnd otttireetrigles. Kaun Mete ,Caoneteltnitle ltit tise ltta, so wittt ~ ~ i (mo onr Ka aaotti i i g H mr antd f6t thfd std deeidhttg gaine miii third. Hamtilton lied pltciet bit- R5t adHrty Hamilton le playe in laait et 23ii pon. ot less loti andi ailonsed bu aone un. aiogled. Satorday. Setsîmiser 28. earoedertsahbutmwao honing a Faateat$a-Tiere 8as anJB RH E great dont ai oontmli trauble as ail ploy in tise secat on e agi ~l ...... 0tt 113'0tut 9 3 ise saIiseds seven. Garey Fildtt Braia maîbeti and mont ta tee. Catopo. 270 00t l0ts t I4 t lois oner froin Hamiton aaid ai- andto a pasaeed bail. He appbfr. Dans LavIs. Clarke and De- tameti lise qssi off savon Iftt In enlY 1booglt tiaie liW beea calt- nele; Carnpheltville; Hamilton, tisroe aad oae-tird inniags. He ed and tratted aIl tbe Way front d (3)t , Rtobsierts 141 and Joyce. sakedour andistîojcoat flne. lacis Robares, Whoa isurtc. tise Win, Sunday 9-2 fieut tisre and inno-tis lan itos for Campisetinitte mas brit- lin n relief as ha sissi oas tise )f~ Horn b> Downs Glen Williams m e Robers efflor w pr Moves Closer tô Coun.ty Titie ticotarif notemortsy becaus ie Tise Hornby Red Sisirta in tsts once in tise senents aod bil iitcised tiswe mianie tise qonot af tiseir second Hatton tmlee more in tise eigisth, in y-reios j1ny. County Roral Saihal Title in macklag op tise denision. Griaam Campltiite picised ap five imo years. cme one stepeloser Gilîtro 'andi lamie Cuaningisam lis in lise firsi Innitysi but Suadat' afiernioos. teaatcitg asss isad Ibron bits for tise mis- store onty abte to score tmice, rien Willams 9-2., ners, Cunningbamt miis smo Moore doahîni). met te tisird on The min mas tise secoad of doubales and a single ood Gitihs Wtsgrooe's sngle and ecored an two gatttes for last, year's O.R.- mIish thsme singles. Henderson's single ta lait. Cairns' S.A. Intenmeiale 'V chsampts, isi issoîntbas a single and ssige tonded rite hases. bat Tise fisird ganie of tise foot of a orn ruBlknC gi du lance's groantlier toreci Wingrone senen sertes mutl lo ptayed Son' and : single, WilIroott a double aitie plate. Elliotis asingte scor- day aftemaaon in Homisy starting and asingle, Dtosg Burosita tsvo ed Heoderson. bsut King gmod-ci ai 2 p,. n aa a MLo.Donc cd out mitis tise bass taadd te oh ivt pitcbed tise Red singlesan Do ce, end the isesat. sirts Io tbetr second min, fan- .eleadRssCniga Unearacti ite niag 10 and attowiag onty êber single eah A matis. a eismmiag errer, and tits. Jit Itrak spoited flsi sisot- Tise Red Sisirts mitt play tise asýacrifice fly gave Gait a ruo Oot mils a smo non isonter in firtt gaine of tiseir ORS.A. finals soitisoat a isit in tise second. isut tise fis inning. on .Monday algbt in Siseddon. Canspiseiviite isett tise proïsre ite Roe Tisis year tise Red Sisiris aro un in tisair isati. Hamiltoaosiogi- Tise Rsed Sisiris scored insice contpeting ini tisa "B ciass. In cd and everyone Oas sale sveine theie firsi, fonr limes in tise 1O2 tisey ctainted tise "C" dte. Upiner draptted Loin's toits for aaneyso easy force. Wingrmne doahted Hansilton honte. Dredge and a matis tonded th Pre as Shool Training for bsases. Tise tiird ton of lie lit iog somd on anerror bylisird tise isases toaded, Sta King stop- Includes Home Visits, G isasonsand crnshti atou hr us pomrupsrmtheota cete mnel A pre -sebool cite for deaf V9-e peleci. Sise iookn i ten- fente, tu maise tise score mail 9-1. ctteldren - designed su preparo sîne training course toi paut tise eitd more adaquatli for a sommer ai the lao Tracy Clite- 160» aux15 - M rmai etiocaion-aiter agelle.c antaaated msh lise Usitterg- S aai, fultansed by tissen siigi- fine - be baiag 'lanisedti Iis tty of Souibero Calitorala. Los es, gartsensd Galt une mun in tise fait b aficis of Ontario Scein tgdes. toortit and a isone mni hy fo the rof ia tn oh ea erre h et Snsilihin lise filtis inade il 9-3 for fr9eDa.Mto.Bs aast anyls es Canspbisoilte. In thse sirlis. Imo D. E. Kennedy, siaperititeadent ern baïf i tbe provne earlier onstis..~~~ Oesfloe iyaîsr tise e pronincial scisns, tisis monts. calliag on homtes of mikswer folowd b a reebore, said 9-e chieis mere an ns- parents mils pre-scisoni deaf t ca5tsmoot.eMeu perintent bat ba predicted a cidman te esplain lise sernice a sorresenen isefore lise projeet tisan le oiiered. Offictil figure Ba en c W ins .us tuntied. Initial respuone une leaciser wiii sot ise esoog Irans tise parents conceemed is te isaniie lise mor and more Finail Opener praning tise clinirs mili evnttuai- miii bse reqoired in tise sea- Sadenssei Intermediates mon ly fll a great need in lise pran- figure. theo lit-st ganse of thaîr 0O.R.SA. Ince, ise taid. Gracap Cîludes, isstet-mediate "C final series Pfis-t far Province Miss Fox lis alteariptiog to court- stilis Moant Elgin Monday one- To date. pre-asoni cliaics hane tntllise parets In sheir hanse an safg ai Eden Mitis. behind tise ceer isees roadarted by tise Fric bar rogular nisite, but misero st-asg foar bsit pitrising of Dos vincial sebools la Believie or seneral etitidren oeside tna a- Aaii. Milton. Tise Daparteot ai Eda- ea, aise isas ban autitorized to Rigisîhander Aii iimited ratios gave ils stantu Of aptira- sett up a regtltar chir miere Moant Elgin ta onst four safelies val ta tise Milton projent tisas nterc and tatisers can hring and ose mun as tise BadenSr nsilserne hotdrsds of uder-fine tiseir eloId. Ose surhis i iai ct-e0 woan 3-1 and ho Sanedt 16 ear-Otds in lise area ment Ofihainguegaateed at 9-e Milton btattors. Higismay 40t and nonsh su <lorg- seisoot, mitl aI ionst a bal duaen Last Wednesday e ven ta gI ian Boy. cldt-en in tise Milton - George- Badeoani earted tise rigist tO Miss luianita Fus, mise ias sev- town -Artua - Hamilton aroa aI- crier- tise finals isy aslif Dans- oral yearsaseperieaae ta teacs- .%City. Tise 5-0 Badenris min iog drof ritdrea in 9-ie junior mas se second la thseisesi oi sesont. mas cisosen lu iaunois tht-ce sertes. Aubin thmns tise e H R victary mush a sparistint one-isit Bnatsn5O5'5 perforancaeand faaaed. rire Dawsson City hatters. Badienocit Gw ( r W~k (e/Id raiierted il isits. A duamp tmuis anti a cor tiven -isy o Milton wmn coliided on Refeees - ieode heFtLn Your CUL L Refeees Meeing Esqoesiag Wedaroday ailemnota e ot efast menis. causlog $30 dam- At Arena Tonignt age.SO T'A Marray McCosaeit, relereo ta Frovnacial Police sai tise car O T W ohiel af tise Milton Minar Hssc, drivna by lents ArIette Dentson 1 Assciaionaepots itis ceais af 318 Branle St.. mas maiig i ht a meeting ai* tise Miltoni Ro- a lefI tomnianto tise First Lie lo-es'. srait si ie itedn misen tise accideat bappeaed. lAT TH tiho aresa toigist (Tisarsduyi ai t reened $300 dantage and tise 8 p.ns. Snane misa s iatot-esied truck, drivn isy John Hajer of in îoatiag tiso sciistie fot- Milton Streetsvsile, sufiemed $300 dam- s Ab u O r Miaur Hackey ibis stinter is in- age. _____A k A ou O r sited ts attend. Last voa tise Associationand a ieFodS l led ai mnat itocison bsouse league ReieFodSu ganses and Tri-Caatt league By Auction at W.. ganses. saising tise usual ama micmn) it orabuase and daieganoeisaltn Mrs. Nurrtis ecmd h iaad jssh.NassasoeaBnciothe Wc _______job. _ mes's latlte to ber honte for P L terSepteasisrPaisting. TieA P Need Ladies for presdetMs FP se opened Leadership Course .. haaserieantng. atneyie (OL YMfPK S Faredmwiti a sitorsage orlGuide Aller tise Mar Stewart lec aad Bramais leaders for tise theroltraiîmas annmeed hta Milton and district grOups, Di. favorite recipe. Tise gandis tisaI (NO BODY strict Cammissiuflcr Mes. G. arcontpaaled thse recipes %vare Stroin tisis meais aonnenet sold by auction uInter. pla te esmîil inteesetw Amer tise Intia businssMrs EVERY TUES[ mo naleadership orse ý ihMoffat andi Mms. Frank i t ayd isegias teet Mandat- sntpies of seng anti Itan THEOUGNOUt Tise sis-niebi course seil ha isemotitcbing tttigit to the leadi- îtîo n isold le Bramptoa on Mueday ove- ers tie 4-tH groopt.(MloanAr ejers for tise aesi sis meeiss. Mrs. M. Maisaaread a nemoe News Goidors and Bromnie lead- stirring puen eetitled Ma's Submit This Appt ors, are necdnd in Milton and Apron. Mrc. K. MrFhedran coud ar Thea Canadien Campeohnitlesiesaid,and any a lstnof unusois ousebold sug- one interested in seipitia 9-e gestions, e roatest namntis thse noungsters is innltedti l coatact streeta ofiuelphs mai anb Mms. W. Moiffat ant iMra. le ber. Maion. Aller 9-e ritetlg olaaet CAMADIAN P..' a hilcetana lIme s"ema.sjaorti NASSE.................. 0f Canada's 13 Primea MinIs- tin tise autgnoaf8e1"d lors, tisme oe rr e in tbe Uic condstioctt hpM. .lSaf te i Kingdm, oneinll n& Mms. PlsaIt, Mr&. Etiseartie amt > midiat be a in Na Mms. B. YauDIîgiee erNo- 0* 6 Scolie, Qaisae aon Ontario. rIish sernve ail b ~ i Thse Canadien Champion, Thursday, Sept. 26th, 1963 $ A 4rn Resàfun t Ai is LiV Celehrutesç 9Oth irthdey Oeufssaoic issdge. Chat-les Fea- t heeststo af R.R. t, Mitais rele- isratvi iss 901h hlrtbday Satar- dan. Mr. t-eathet-sioe in tise hast af isealtis. mas hart se tise Ses- etihLirabove Drmqin and ntancd taisis proscrithometsn Higisman 25 josi siaiti ni Miltson mitea ho sas il seat-s aid. S sisrosisrma sin lise area far 30 yeuîs Mr. Foaiisesste stili lises la chat about bis wonsog rears and remombetrs tisai be nce thresised claver in Borling- ton, soiere Bt-ast Street flns .stands. Camparieg nsae misi thure of 60 yearsato, Mr. Fea- sisrsîneenoted bhai he -eeived si an isar fo nperaiing luis îhresiig msachine aud tisai hr pasd a gosad heipes $1.25 a day. misics ts casssidered gssad Sporte helitaîen Mr. Foihot-siaee inr5ascs amang isis hnobbies tise fllansino ais ports activities anol aira mes- ties lit ho enjaod lise Miltn rteam shaosverymuch." Tram msariy af lis listeront vises ai* macisc ssseoss ospcratcO.isr ronsarkied. He nscnioooi tia pt-ires ansi ho bs csI o living han- fIler ap leedulin tise pasI er avlsndsisebee-oolmiscuhold buoyva dcea eggs fat-1 tenuts a punol of buttiet- fsor igisi rouis and a pesssed ai> steak for-l25 cents. Mr. Feaiiterstane nsatried lmiti E. P. TAYLOR, Chisumun of tise Board of Tise Jonisey Clubs Listited and truites drivar Jinmmy' Huinsas ni Milton are sisome togetiser uit ha Open Hbase ut Moawak Raceway iseld Sonda. An estinsated 3,500 fans were an itand te loois Canacla's newest raciq pluntesver. Aiseoon display mare 21 ai tise 31 yearlings tisas more sold then fllning day as Wsscllnp Race Truck. Tise sale mas cosdanted by ste Canasa Stesdasdisted Honrse Society. Deaf Child iroup Clinics ready enrotted. Such geoup clin- ion wli allons the touchter more tisse nsith each obild. Chirec have' a fisee-fatd par-i pose,, Mr. Kennedy expiained. i- maiy» tihe teaciser o'ili esistain child psvchiologY. Site s qualiS ied ta gine ads-ioe in lise use and ca t a hearing aid, whero they ose laand asefol. Site sill aisa ttetp tise parent.% prePare the cild for entrance t,,te Ptrovin. cial school as tise age ai live. Parnts Cee Teacis 'miss Fois parents isy giving advice and its acta demnnsstrations svilh the ehild, on svays tise tareni.;an aliser memrbers ai the iansiluiy teacis tison tise Ihic'- tisai 11- mai ciidren ordsea.rsiy eas s day ta day." thse suorintenaen t said. Tisere is na age lisit, isc add cd, lar ciidren cao bce accepted os souri as the pareil-reaie tisere ris a eaing sobn in the sisiidý "i is neve 1[00ri isc tdd. HYNDMAN'1 IGAN TIER Service ILTON FAIR Free Trial Service :ATION NYE HOCKEY) CONTACT) )AY EVENING rTNE WINTEIl a Residnnts Only) liciotea leBan es Champion - Milton ............. PHONE . .. GUEST SPEAKER liermo Sparhisaît si tiissslts MIT'S HERE .. . s osemiser si tise N.D.P. Feorzil * Tise New andl Provincial cîontils. rpsko tu : eLEGO SYSTEM" asertnd of 75-st lite Legiots iIs a Bn Sanssate Manda y es-oning. HaIoun's N.D.P F romý Soc te $27.50 candidato William isillies iso .st-M lende. MILTON PLAZA M.Spariantsrtescol the nocleed f~8 s- part mnsn in Canattda S mofte and Gif.. and saidlhat teLieralsto an Caeservatsos s et-e sn alike in ~ a polies thisI liter diol tas lolfîli Ol tat .m utl Sandayar Hutieri. Siseidon, Leona (Mil. Waiser Fiddteri and lane Bell "Bad lMrs. K. Guaisyl. His lamtiy anti tiseir bidron iseiped iinte cetebrate fis isirtis- dan an Salu-dan. CAUSEWAY BSai Tise Cansa Casçenat. ling Cape Breton Islandi andti ha maietaad ut Nana Beatia, is nearly a mile anti a haIl lent and bath rail andtintaect irafii. HOCKEY TEAMRS ORDIR YOUR EQUIPMENT AND UNIFORMS NOW Ta Insue Deinery Par Ceaieai Seatsitn a NEWBST LUNE IN TEAM JACKETS AVAILAELE AT TRI-COUNTY ATHLETIC SUPPLIES Aeas feues te Aeinc SKATE YOUR WAY TO SETTER HOCKEY ... OAKVILLE HOCKEY SCHOOL FOR BOYS YEN YEARS OR UNDER (as of Aag. 1, 1962) 3 2-Hour Sessions for $4.OO Oct. 5-6&7 Oct. 12-13-14 Oct. 19.20.21 REGISTER SATURDAY, SEMT 2Sth 10 A.M. TO 1 P.M. At The Skating Club Arena 129 REBECCA ST. - MILTON To Avoid Ditappointmeflt - Register Nowl At- The Scheul Tsa Taadte FOR FURTiaiR INtEPQIMATION CAIL VICTOR 4.63)7 IBIG INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE Were You Among Tiiose Thot Saved Many, Many a Dollar? Here's A Money Saver For Budget Buyers BETWEEN NOW and OCT. 31 - puy nernal clown paymant antd caret he balance witbaae inteess as fetiemi. NEW OR USED TRACTORS la, APRIL 1, 1964. NEW OR USED HALBIS ta JUNE 1, 1964. NEW OR USED COMBINES ea AUGUST 1, 1964. NEW OR USED IMPLEMENTS PURCHASED WITH TRACTOR Carry to Asil 1, 1964 ERROR LAST WEEK'S AD NALLMAN FENCERS $16.50 -$29.80 BOINUS - 10 lb. roll of elettrie fente miee PREE wihîthe parcseeof eath foncer. COME ON IN AND SEE OUR 29c, 59c, 99c SPECIALS *1 _________ Beatty Water Softener 30,000 GRAIN '357111' List $162.70 Saile Price $11.00 UTINA WATER HYDRUUIC SUGGESTED LIST 84.95 SALE -PRICE s70.oo USED EQUIPMENT FALL SAVINGS IN EFFECT ON OU* COMPLETE INVENTORY IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY NOWI MILTON MILLING CQ. FARM EQUIPMENT DIVISION 0F ROBIN 14000 FLOUR MILLS LIMIlm 27 MARTIN ST. MILTON ONT. CONTINUES qqqp"quffl à