-lTe çanean Champion, Thursday, Sept. 26KI, 3963 ÀN>ng4d oi aspolice thet0Ot Lcs1no ire, - t . t5 t puil at se itil they~W6 S/Mrs AdIaOO Wtl suo"we tôam se000 rict Io10 fne Froal *Niveat Who recotlýM ro -- Signerd frot lthe positiOn for itealtt JOOOflO ince lm. te, average WgeO in énrlter yeas thte chist coin- lnte nunal6eoing te Catnada. in stalte btti amons bis fto o tnao psmlang pOwal. ra- lies' titat or attendsnct Otcr tnr laabtitso0tTs Mr.- Mceook moLvec the worlt dollars, bas lereaseiD byar - ophet lt e Pt-o inc l Police We ft ent. MINtOR SALI. "A" LRAGUR CHAMPS lte Pirates were present- ed with titeir trnphy Saturday by Milton minor bail preni- dent AI Surbey. Pirate coach Moto Rusit ant istea captain John Crisci are shomo toonloîno the trophy. boy MEg yHEV 00Sl1 adsequateip doescribes the expression on the laces of George Rommnetaste, Stan Heaiip and Raymond May, as they enloy hot dloga and pop et the Mitton mincr boit buntfeed Saturday aftsnan. Neariy 100 boys who participât- ed in minor bail throunhout the summer, enjoyed the teeti at Rotary Ponk, coacheti by Metv Rush, ceceivet intdividuat chentpionithlp crests frdm Joe Heatherington, presidient of te local R. 1. Robtoson Union. Shawn in the front ore tobt Hetnry, John Jensen, Keoin Rush, Isoard Laughton andi Ken Ruait. ln the bact rom are coac h Rush, George Psnjitk, Ricit boa, John Crisci, Rite Martini andi Livio tanin. Pytar ta, Confedcalioa, lthe nome ofthe province of Ontario was Canada West, ofhictaliy giv- en to it by tho Act of Union ni INSURE way. A. T. MOORI INSURANCI CAMPULLVILLE Pitoae ULster 4a2m7 THE ANGELS, "R" beague champiorns of the Milton littie league basebali net-up. mers presenteti with the champiunsitip rrophy aa bunteeti tallaming Saturday's final game. Unian pyeni- dent Joe Hootheringitn n showie prenentitto the nropity --Matf Pînt IF YOU NE THE ANGELS, RB loogu oapions of the Milton Minor baneball not-up are caached by Joe Wison. Shon in the front Ro ar onKlmn dEann, Leslie Wilson, eî yn E bus, Gerit Vani Foote Bryan KetadRihr Mura.i h second row are MaxPFalk,Ben- oey Nijhoit John Sampsn, a Amrie hlp Winy W. Routier, Rager Ramiey antiA R N coach Wilnon. Laque champin wr esnclwihrstas were the runners-up in each FIRST SEE YOUR DOCTC -.aue muuovm Englinit anti European moite M Deu Idaai ~MOT AMTAL MHOTOS olt in deaigning heortng INSU0 -UN - S I ie illostrotionn oi lte revse0 etcetytnkyta'a of Canada' n corrency appoar tu eficiant yet Enltin t lan Et Vlith Du. Feead urt Retutiy Park li Iphotgrphs of actoat places inadseEgn' M E bu elyarc artistn' concep- 0 Smc the WIDE RANGE 0F Thte bot tiogn score bot, lte pop chompionsbtp tropites. liOns uitlypicat Canodien scnes. topos tram England, Europe mu, raId anti te bail] play- The aytoOtlcuded a sucross týom. Attrattinve Priron te ors more happy Satorday afier fui soason toi mincir bait on Mil- Easy BUDGET TERMS ana noon, miten the Mtlton mtncir bail ton, whtrh mas constderoti hy HO EE N MIS nry eaiaAdaloaasea bon-feed mus hel i n Rotary molt as bcng v suttînfol. H TUE C NTMSI Ee Foar Pl oleon antaism Fart. Neurty Il0 playors attendi- UD N SFoFldranHre ed te ford anti each aie a goodlO _ sitaro of 30 dozco bot tiog ait- INTERNATIONAL AID 1 _ ON AUL VOUR No Obligation Phono aille. International assistante pro- El A D OD geveral rates moro bolti anti[ itieti bv tht Women's Work MM ./AND SEWING RX L lKen Rosit, tLaswrence Cargill, 1Committat of the Canudian edt /o SÙPPLIES KER S R XDC Bernie Johnson, Robert Martin Cros.s last yeor const $17500. OFF K. H. ELSLEY. BS and ily Witson catit placeti lirsl Tis ligore reprosonts only th Just00 Pressai Yoar in their divsin. In te nobool- tost of toto materials anti duos, todeal ldtaiillaiOtt Card AI 24 HOUR PRESCRIPi itorrote rates Stevo Johnson anti eut inclotit tht cool I score- MILTON TR 8-492 - Aller Rit Robert Lawcrence, Ricit Jabit anti itoostot shipping anti tbor ex_ ss~ySTR Hugh Campbeoll, Geralti Clark penses, ur the timte, talent anti DEPMls.mxT PTR REE DELIVERY and John Jensen. Won Emmo ootrgcoft the ooluiniors. MW M ami I ad La O r n MauieCs tidy adBrr McTahcc won irstplac pries. ASPHALY hl vnwshl u-ie Shîngles * th wahe aspefét inr31 - 20bs. Edgaàr Howden's edtnt $6.95 Ea - Ail Colors Protont Tropi MIDT E chmosthPiaean 126 Main SI. Acton tt0-0t6 PERSONAL STATIONERY ON HOW CHECKRMIX 100 FmmE mERn AN HELPS YOU if yoo mitl ta Rot ktseittol reooltea nd profita yoo'd lite profila front yooo farm yoo've got.ta mOtk, meato nd g Vomi mor thaon just yoor own grain. Corne in and lot $ - 0Bot tii iriogo op a lot of prohîentst about te Chaosd-1 -%wnhom ntiaiti?", iBOtac ynte orn grain po mibnseais", .HowtoonbofwbOChhor- in, ottePoobta-app For yur o use onesa>". Only extentsive laboratory Service ladeig For yoor ~; and osec ro~mitr nste-farntsting grmnding tond tit o for 7scant develop a aafe guide ta miticit of tond moU,. for gfls lday'e "miracle" ingreieanta yot AsIn aboot te aitmidune...ond how much. > erviosecento AV" Vellea clab sîo white niotapaer po;ntoa on That'a wiy me pely on Forina Con- Lia.16k...teiit mpoitodntaîittR etntrates for the cemple n on-grain for foot, efficiee blicit or bleik . ih mentdmthsgigedienta ian the ratinst mie boilt foc aaav.lspto. Altractinsîy toeot. yoo. Mitteti milh yoor grain aorordtoR EDGAR ta lte eight Porina-teslod gnd Op- fie h. .rttn.Sl.5. proved formulas, Puina Conentratoa Eh..~~ f.a theo ri- et-, FRED aAfn. <W!te .toaoi .45. DNALDuc PHItutrO TYPE STYLE AIS TYPE STYLE uA2 Ilusn.Je1. ittmn Mot. Denta RJoneaa Pmstm sae toe itou uN ~~ ous jeoto TMl CANADIAN CHAMPION il.~EL~Jt~ Mita" l 142341 EDA ri AI R - THEN US rs are eading the aidn ha are 5ttPeC ass unnceti Corne uopen mfiest aday. PRICES. Mony model and Canada tochooO suit evory pocitooki laitie. loy to&ney itaek goarantes Consul talions or Corne Intu PHARMACY c. PtM. ION SERVICE ara TE "-961 RIVLON COSTMITICS te toate front, yooc lis. me tell you MOINS t-Mia way tu tohe yt1 Brtng yole grain roved Cbeet-R-Mix ed ta haodle your tint Iseeda apeedily mtny grain bondlint arforits. il feed service coUl HOWDEN SONS SRVICE Tboy'll helo von o a tako the Lied of )Morrw leePURINACHOWStOdiayl FOR VOUR CONVENIENCE, FRIDAY EVENNOa Moite A Note of ur GPentng Hoors: TUSDAV ......... WEDNESDA ......96 SATUAY -.........84 * SERVINO TOU 62 HOURI A WRUII * 171 Main 9. L MIkla -EN4D0F MoNffl SALI -owa SEPTEMBER 28th, 29th unt 30th INCLUSIVE A Notice of Interest To You .. . « IToN DEPARYmMT STORE iNAUtGURATItS A NEW mONTHLY mmtT - M LAST THER DAYS 0F EVRRY MONIN YOte WILL IE ARM TO AVAIL YOURSUL 0F EXCEPTIONAL SUYS. MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE GUARANTEESI Thot any item. on sale - whlch romains arnsold dIuring the end of the month sale - wiII bit FURTHER REDUCED et mnxt mooith'a "End of Month S~io" LADIES' BLOUSES MEN'S SHORT SLUEVI Reg. ta $3.98 BANLON SWEATERS s.00 Reg. ta $7.95 s4.97 LADIES' TAIIOIRD LADIES, SiRIPI LADIES' CAPRI PRNTUO COTTON FLANNIELLETTE PRIHTEO BLINDNE PYJAAS GWNS BABY DOLL IC;ÔWNS PYJAMAS LADIES FANCY NYLON MSN's ZIMMUERNIT MEUINO Reg. - L D I S PULLOVERS SHORTIE S11IS PYJAMAS AND AND AND DRAWERS CARDIGANS Walz eSt Steg. $298 Reunlyo$1 9 $6.9 397 lo. s39 CHIWDREN'S hîzes 3-12- to $1.9 99 - INFANTS' SWE ATERS to$-e $1.97 [~OMAINST.TRE LOY the Gati Lnrr Joht Don it LERI B By On chitur h Tht C - ames th c ý ,kitht ht 1hot ti ma--hr The short r group first i dayeV andi Mr Otoati. Plans oer anti in the wilt ho youttp; Kilba Stan C Jnohn N Thte UrJ ...A Il f PE. PE a; -Y7