'Val. 104.-Na. 20. MLO;IlAiO HJSASP~E ôh 93ScleTne 4Mohawk's Excitement Pleases MUItoniaps (And It's Right on Our Doorstep) MEMBEES OF TH4E MILTON LIONS CLUB and8they rnn vs re gunstu or Muoawk Receunoy lest nreek. Shown enouyrog therr supper in the Resorvstaru ruam are atft Io rigfrt, Mrs. Muobry Mrs. GeraisChuk Gerais and Gus Maubray.Serul localclutbshavenbeen ici vited Iu the trck for a dinner meeting and a nrgrt'sracingas ustsif tira Jockey Club. 'W'ENO? EEALY cnshieg in, ctlm Epb Enskine and Charlte Auger unve non Luat standing here tasee how it eels, ns thny maf far hp cerner eut the $50 windoar Bob and Che ei tanalled oa Mohawk aloeg with other merther sot the Milos Lons Cub. ; ElOHTN PLACE AGAIN, seerns 1 always pick the ortes that finish out of the maney, avn when there are sevn winners,' says Marg Nichrolson, as she tosses her proof of a loss inoa the air. Hamness horse follorners are a determined lot and thoug h they might lose rheir shirts one nlght, rhey're wearing mioks or smokcing cigars the sexi day. PHO0TO- FE ATUR E 43 BY BRIAN McCRISTALL THE SEVENTHERACE e Mofrek kacewa eonSeptember h6ue ne in hno af the Milon LonsCubAbout20 membesand hei nies atendedoand enoyodtdindoo fcltesoi the Rservt Rou Shoonpror oahe peiseriin ua J Red" Hanm ofMyltn ho uo herace areBb KaoerLons pesdent ChcbGevasMohawkfooowy' publciy oan Jrn Lamproan and Lons Gard Ston and Dov efush bUPPLIt _____ "MY LUCK IS ALL SAD" clainos Lions Club member Dave fur FinesI Citicra Service Products Brash, ashe arremphi ta "con" pretry ber collecror Doris Lee Office 32 Bs-ente Si. er eighslst single dollar an a horse nanrec "Sure ro -Fred Rabbins- Lse.' Dave's herses and his rney had a bad nighr, bar ho frgared rl wats fan anyhaw. TWO ON WNOSE NOSE? unandnr Van Mauro, Reg Lorboor ond Georgn Clorontr, as rfrny wait in front of one of the berrrng unndouns. The boys, like most orhnrs ait trl irruir rlr,.rr, aninyed the racinrr but hapcd for a litlî barrot luck rorrori tîr. Eachir a rrnrirrfr uf rira Mrllorr Lrarrs Clubr. APPAS TAPPAS can prckhbis horses, soya Don Joyce, lIlI rely on rny owne loch. Don is ail concerrarion nrhco ha orra ra rhe rrach and bru monys on the ine. EUSS NISEY SERVICE MANAGER When wiII you make yu etS TOP 9 09 * WiII your stop b. sure - and * in fime? To previent disaster Ob your brakes must b. safe. Ob WeII1 b. pI.ased fo inspect t hem at no cost fo you. Oui- factory- trained mechanics wiII examine the lifting for wea- and check fluid aeveU and pedal height. TRFALGAR MOTORS CO. LTD. AUTNOWZEO 'FORD - 4OINAIRCN DEALERS 409 Main St. Milin TE 8-2369 MONAWK'S TOP RACINO DRIVER ot present s Jimmy "Red" Hole alo Mitn a han wed ther uhybyinonrgte fetunedsseoeth raee hnitMilonLions Cuba vted the C40 bellaille trcb. Jimnmy accepts the io ns' aunrd from cloh president Chock Donnals a,Y#Ifn Lions Dene Brushr-c $dtrain and Bob Keovu loqk a $#eaw~FORMULA FEEDS MEAN MORE MONEY UN YOUR HANDSI The'ext ra economy gained by following a program can mean the differance befween the 'Red' or 'Blackc sîde of your Icdger. qWtformula feeds are rasearch-designed and farm-proven fo gof th-e bast possible rasuifs from your particular type of livesfock or poulfry . . . at thse Iowesf feed cosf f0 you. Contet us today nor euh ay one ot oui-sale s repnesenatines about a prouram te montr pour nods. S*»W«WFORMULA FEEDS TR 8-2311 MILTON, ONTARIO A Divisin ot Robin HontE Finni- Mi Limife *1 - - . - 1- , - - --- -ý 1 -- 1 ý . ý -- - - , ý - ý - --, --1-1-1- -moq" Sedion Three. out AML-TON,'014TMO, THURSDAY, SEPPEMBER 26th, 1963