Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Sep 1963, p. 15

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hi .J.L. ~ ms n Lieda lavnp. Ties7. aalaid oycetidHorny Nrth -H dubTi ,Purina Deaiers S n.sor Chicken Barbecue th udySupolwerdeta UpY MMo 2. Ucadn dnumss - huais Ly, sorte; ed homo f rom Lindsay, on Sun- Sampson read a chpe rta aar ctaý fottacus fist veur Pin.O Phinsi nn negMirsgotterIJeailLaw..e ip~le hro la, Seîsbr 22. Ms-a. y was the study btook. Mms. Huffroan Dunny Ctaanier; second year t c d al te Nortit Trafalgar Cour- spray; Gordon Sinclair, nuasistdying atteco g a.d end Mis. Garnet Howden were wreath, Janie and Julie Soc; -tya munty Centre on Tuenday ove- chow; Larey: Workmanr, hlm of Stan mas judging et tite Lind- in charge af the lunch.- third year bar, Tommy March- m nil,Septlemhsr 17, ta, ionar ctssckens; George McCoemlck, say Fuir wbich wun boitd froro Congratulaions ta Mr. and ment; lourds year bar, Betty am Shanron Bssjl., Abipat 42 attnnd- box or citensio Fre4 Workamn. Seemlbcr 18 ta, 21 Inclusive. Mrc. Chcan. Vandendroek on te Jean Marcitmeet; filth yeair bar setlCI cd lte mitl a boutenr. Tite iOSoil i5 fota tton, 4H Ctub Officine ikilivat 0f their -,daughter on Dehby Netonds and Rundyes hal ms pps.pritny eerp- Psahitols; ss.2. Ham.ilton. Thte lira t meetin it g e.Setm 17, at Miltton District Huwden. Lyn, Ctharles and Mr n eti naiaawsle irsmes aeo. im a by Norlth 4-H Citubwas hetti et Houpilo. ray Hlit;csixth yeubar. Katiie cd in pleelii doue ,i lacers. pleaast evenlng. 9.t am. an Saturday, Seplem- .Cosngratalations and hest celit- lace; soventh year bar, Joyco Soi ber 2t. es ta Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomson Witson, Dorlons Leslie; elgiti tink Ruth' Mian- and Pat Isipwni Siul5IdY The meeting ceas apened mLt as tise occaision of their marriage year bar, Carat Lestie; etevcnth searc cenrb le chitre 0 f té astertais- Many haoppy elurna 0f tite day the 4-H ptedge. then the e1cla on Saturday, Septesuher 2t in St. ymar hem, Diane Wriggteswarth, Bchin ment, wiltlsevêyn ta glat taMcalVne qm ote o fieeru 1folasced: Valda Stepitens Angtican Citurch ut Patsy and Linda Witson; and the taet in lte contestt and Samne. Mm.- bratn a Z hitda e eebr S.oyce was elncted presideol; 3 rtlocit. t12th viar bar was presented ta deat J. Hamilton and 4 Ms. W. Maon 26, a B Si Beiley, epmer Carat Lestie, vice - prerrldent; Ralty Day ceas iteid an Sun-[Maritvn Wriggtecwa th. ity r conend lteahWes. 8.Carotyn Pewlrest, secretary; leges~ Sharon a assisedin opening The Narvat Juianor Fumers Lynda Learmant, press reparler. Mach her dcift y hoiciale Thomson held a recreatian meeting on Fni- -Mes R. Wilson and Mmc. c c -vand Mrs. bb Bait rend lte day, September 13 ut lin Bramp- Ray went oves lte requlmnmýenls field carde. In a bri0f speech, Shtaron ton Mail Bawting Mtley. Titere af the cluh members, thea notes isnked everyane fom tiseir love- ceps a gond alteadance and a sert laken. Mmc. McKay semved ui ly and uselul gilti and eulend- gond lime mas bad by ail. Aller lia and cake and the meetingSo ad n initation ta ail ta visit lte bowlne they dlned at the suas adjoamned. The adIt meet- saitS tem un tinir aSsws home a steit Rasetacea Restarant. i il ho hetd etthe home o ne at of itab luc a s est yct ais ..sr usna otrSaa7ter tho meddisg. A deliciaus The ladiesoaf St. Stephen's Lvada Learmant on Octaor 4, at et Parj lass ano n Wedaesday. Seitember 18 Any gbrls over the age af 12. - Rapi mud lIcol, Oatvilte and ceien be entemtained tirerai at dia- years wishing ta attend 4-H are f Wslle oIb 0f Surlinglon. deaters ner ai the Yettum Butor in, on scetcome ta tain. it for the Porin Ca. itetd a cam- Strate's Ave. and No. t0 Highwey, Mm. G. E. Mitchelt af Revel- hlned chMeken barbecue un Titurs- Brampton. The dianer ceas deti- stOkc B.C. returned homeoan day, Seplember 12 at the Bayse clous aed Mes. Wettem, un behal Salarday, September 21 alter Communiîy Cenîra,*suitit a large af the tadies, thanked Mm. Brain visitiag cith hiem yarents, Mr. crawd is ellendance. to i haituni.ToeO~asd Mmc. M. J. Brown fom tht Geerge Gruenless shawed atending were Mm. and Mmi. Jamesu peut twss ueeks. film on Herd Replacemens. S Maxelel. Mes. C. Saunders, Mmc. ' Vieile nuEses Ralpb iiitraducedi the dlflerenu H. Bradley, Mmc. Ted Robertson, Mm and Mmc. Spencer Wilson speakers and vinitars. John Mas- Mmc. Welles, Mmc. E. Price. ters. and Joan motorad ta Essec on ning fildman af Surtinglan, J. MeCarras and Poter Brais. Sentemhr2t iit ituui Mr.. ihacced and demoslated the dil- Ynit I Charge and Mmc. F. C. Shiyp, former lerant scedu. Lloyd Vicias af Bar. Thte yaanger members af Eden eidentu 0f Hororby. tinglua tld, of the feed plun United Churat suaIt in ctsareof. The IJ.C.W. of Harnby United used ho Rocs and Denoit Lac, the service an Sunday. Septem- Cbumch hetd ils finIt fli meeting rente. Tbey aise, kept records ber 1l. Respansinet readtng uns an Wedsesduy, September 18. le ositerds and chawed lte gais by'Donald Hatritton. The Otd the church basement wilh t4 aor lte year. Testament Seriptumo wac gives ladies preasnS msnwsi Thte barbecued chichets mers by Kelvin Comdingtey. The slamy Mmc. Le Smîn a t akes care ofby Ray Fard of wa read by Ronald Break and chargeof the business parlao Surtinglos brascb ceho cmi chef, the Newe Testament Suriplure hy tho meeting. Arrangements were aîcigtl hyt Don Vivias. Au- Jase Hall. Laarie Pries sang a made fom tbe holh aI Millas s7 campanied hy poilera chips, solo. The collection ceas labos by Faim. Il ceas docided la hotda limadt and buller, colles and ici Gregory Hill and Aady May. The turkey sappm lut Gctohum and a cream, Ibis was a deligitîl meut. music ceas by the Junuior chair. hauaar la ovember. TIse drws fom prises ceere accompnied bylRuth Masos aI Ms. S. Wincb m.ad tho Scvip- h made bvAl ranci. Agriculture] lte argaa. tare and the druotiosatwa îe j Represenlalive miit the flluc- Mr. and Mmi. Stan May rature. gicea hy Mmc. G. Sinclair. Mmc. , HURES AN lOUA for bomeownerc cuho bave ranf draiupipes lot camouflsge il in a tunitis libe Ibis Tuancau, Manitoba luomeoner did. Tuavîcona reuently nrdleuod euueilmaagb c - dows spouts mail be eatended toa lteviate bosement and semer fiooding during heevy rins. Miltn coucu recently discassesi fiaading in sabdivision aunas, and asbed borne- osear lu, setn aavesleaagb.iomnnps et a inast four teet front the foandelian ta prevent excessiue water euueuinq tht J i sewet syîînm tbruagb foandation tle. (Photo Cocruecy Tuanicona News) CALL ZIE 4-8820 FOR SL _ SERAL MILTON IRREDERS enhbited fine caIlle aI Acton's 50th flt fi on Sotuday, and asasng the tuapby mînners mas John Wiilmatn f R.R. 1, Milton, cvba shomesi uhe Grand Chamt- ROAD GRAVELS - WASHED SAND and GRAVEL pion maie la the Angas classes fou the second ynou inv o t. Acton Bank cf Mantunal buanch -LIMESTONE- manager Willisam McKay. uspht. puesents the tmopby while jadige Jisu MuKais oI Hounby laooks __________________________ -i HA LTON MITN...... -...... -.......PHONE TR 8-2391 GEOGEOWN...................PHIONE TR 7-2271 ERIN-----------------------............PONE 833-2222 MANAGER'S NOTES Ontaris tannera usec msre petroleam postes titan anp aiher tartin gresp in Canada ...- Thalas why vasas Hailse Ce-Op alesg weith daesin of other Ce-Opa .01er pelraleam service like tfsel ail. Yoa buld ewssarchla andl ermngs le lCtherrn of patroage refanda whea pVa mals. yeer Halles, Co-Op hsadqaarsers for ail yaur patrleese suppliea. Help yeaarsolf. Dont Let Winter Catch You Cold! SWEETEN THOSE PROTECT YOUR BITTER COLD DAYS with ENGINES WITH PERMANEN C-PFUEL T YP E ORDER YOUR AUTOMATIC WINTER FUEL OIL DELIVERY N OWl GET THESE FREE BONUS SERVICES * Free conditioning humner service " Free 24 hour emnergency service * Free annuel inspection * You pey only for ol and replace. ment parts PHONE NOW FOR SERVICE Ainti- Freeze 0 WON'T EVAPORATE Il NON-POAMING Il NON-CORROSIVE 0 CONTAINS RUST INHISITORS The Canadien Champion. Tbtsaday, Sept. 26îh, 1.863, me Spent Taking Soil Samples epays Farmers $1O-$20 Per Hour e o th man ibs n Ialýeai 1 $20omrep:tss suv hsahulttng sampec tu nam t hsime lbtehur dpnigo,ýýeLýps1Sh Ontaca, Agrscatturai C'legilz shdb c teang ofsi cgro ThsS de . i tcslsg bu.r.ami0..il1 e. The full mnths are anf recmmnded rats ad ratioa, freeof' charge aI the Extesion et tim o takeasoliisampief pant nutrient. Bmanch, OntarioaDepartment 0f The cprieg mach is anaided. Haflan tamc-m mas abtain sait Agriculture, Milton. The tocst -ecoDmmondations are ceceilu campeus aS aalatad bythe Soit% lime ta place lertiler or- Ds.pamtment ai the O.A.C. Re- eamtv. hWq LiNS 'Att.a cusceundatiaac for fertizer arc Itoesting is an imporOtnt f.L.. mcnadev Ay Ftracisuand rite bolmeen soit and cmap me- E.O riUV( mUUiV Scu en gtablc J. ctc R. F .acsan ri boand iadividuat practica. andtstial Ctushbl speciliub.aF rd a coiltSent ansd the roui- cuemu amoal d.ýlegats ai 1he of- i hmsr e ri loinHmtno 'ud'cmmendation lies a groat i Lionc Club Sch.baa f uot rî esoumit bv agricutumal cul- Lions Frecident Clicck Gmai an seietstations. Tait Twisitr Gu- Maîichcav,. Li" c of chic suomk bas been car- Tomner Mibiu hcConnýlt aad Bl- Oaut i n dCy conîraltcd letin Editar Dace MartincstuLý A DW andtlaboalory ecperimenl te aftmnacn andi evening utith-1 ,gthe psll0iart1t years. Sberatao-Cnnaught ssith vr hue as aply utated. "The 200 t-eyrrscvtativcs af Lians Ctubs a former spendn tahing af District A-2. amples cas b bhe Maost Pus Ss-uil1 foum sic tu c tuiubaars ine bu ntire dise-. th, liiiis..sathuitîsiiti sitissur, iý th, Lisit-. huit, .and hc ai is bhe reaurn to tho luarce- Mitis Lica.w asmi tui atten r tintrespent aking and uiai5 tire piiisalau fliacas' ng soit samptes? Il csiaid bs-ar iil. IF HAVECAR IN MIND . * Enjoy the Chrysier Way of. Life PRESTIGE ... PERFORMANCE ... DUPUNDAUILITY . .1 ýN ONE PACKAGE t *e lame A Tiger: '64 Plymouth FURY, BILVEDERE, SAVOY ... ALL ABLAZE WITI ACTIO * Vivacious Vol iant for '64 LITHE, LOW andi LIVELYt SEE THEM THIS WEEKEND AT YOUR CHRYSLER DEALER FOR 30 YEARS ilr W A f _ÉL ii M S F TW E LT4 bol GET YOUR CO-OP ANTI-FREEZE NOW. PROTECT YOUR EQUIPMENT. LAST CALL THIS US THE LAST CALL FOR SOIL TESTING it ysa ceata seasti tull fertilisation pesirans salfo teihel aeesaay sil test Ibis cassis Co-Op fieldi mass are rsadp la assise Vas.

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