Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Aug 1963, p. 20

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o meI lCuiîe OR SIithie a MPIECT IGNITION Chat" leadu .. Piellard th urmanssa &»Y ror e ira. Rqnùg&n amI haueM ems Is Tieusrs assi fltîirî al> fler flîlilm Olmàitg llera McKIM j " HARDWA R E no main St. Mlon~ bratiry growtir. For fost, refficient feed service coUl Pie-PIns fortifies prîg rotions durieg the stresse periode: doring weaeieg, EDGAR HOWDEN fnllownigdiesae or s'accinatise-it & SONS irsipo yens pige oeap bacir fast. PigFE EVC Pion asti help yeas gel feedier pige tiff P& IVC toafastatazt; toiruldupuckled-down RR. 3, Milton Tg 8.6258 nadians who want bigger profits tomorroWEfeedPURINACHOWStoday! x RUh U MI one. Se can be Victori But: and the dollar keepa ToG niake t c=ete j coliui au if Cer chtrehapion, Thruey, Auquel 22n1, 1963 Liere Sgote Ileglosee. Permits. . . ) ,,,-.- - S otis reardily gîten Mdi lisIjd r ns*% *Ç Pru -*i proved are as toliaise: To pleuriate lire iradge nf liere a ë« ýn ý i'- od a Lorne Scots to Receive Colors bfg55tb'pFdg a dn ufrnRgnett e ariroart Hetr gn saro -li o eeoo aemegr or A t W orld Plow ing M atch in mll tin arapant, sarged ti a dde tt !t Ltoy aIl lir po irer aelo Frt e 1832.rA trlon arsmpandt, orgeali irrd iencgmie oySoUothd aaoher lleteort bed u dm lin 1832 lieus This la lire flirit o a sIes aetirorizd training altotreso tor Qfiter on tlsir sntart appsur- cotlier charged milir Iree eatia et early 191h caiey to- Fort mas ereced-wt 1e «imln of ti« eJ]o .hgeli e sie renet rud irren reduced soleaton ireaaosy fendio irtmen 1 hislory nf the LoneSos I. In ta a Itl ruirs vur s period ai Tirs Lams Scots pases the sîtie, below a useralitiiîo.rieaybI le tsed trnearry quarris. Tire worr October ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a tePe ufi If rdy.(el uern.c d"ioAsetFri ,IeIfiovadieg Anterican torees der. inolvleg cnidsraie egineer- Oellrs bol. pire. Dotion (ous anfsl d Mol ited. etir- i bc kd bîyA s a iye ofing tire War ot 1812, il trou, wel- ing skIt,. mas dose parlly ry lacos ele l a msit oIesnoetordy.l 1936 a gencraI reorgten.s hl contes an annel invasion ut vieil- cotractur, ander tirs direction Tirs Halley RilT 1 10 ten i îtt nt oCtauaul iu adIitrils tors fruis sauti ot tire border. or lire Royal Engineere. By 1836 droeelote sCridn Moweor Tir Lamne ocrs ws userried eut. Thi ievoleed a oinsensigostd wtuii tire Imperia] iemd ftr d do-tg ir Wrl Pome ea îae decrease inte ira oo -cit Critetand restiof upen auserati Doring ile ireyday, tire Fort th pod of te ne red.ont suaes Mater o Major eose Sepliren aetry regimntladaooree in-,cribed "Tire Lore licols-- lire 'Ciladet tof Upper Canlad' cotlîdae ie rrisoe mue, Caee eo. AIl ere Fulsi ieOrtWrtire e tomntie fI ulier unit, (Peel, Dstlleriu and Ballon Regi. aed wsea0 referred la ty th ed bisns ore msntiersettnit alsm invtadit lo sea ).rgeir ireolrBdewstagetDleo eligofr-cl la tae ie esno o a i- en Gearu O rd eorgaie Nu68o partieolurly Arlillery aud M.-lîeeliTieeîaBdgms uietDoetWlinoto-CdWr tu tted te crrericny nd k encal rde Nu 68of 920ascine Gort. aîîd wsu, iesolu- asPerPItuale the badge or ltae nmut Britisir soldier ut fie day Tire interior parade, accessible lied sooial fun onaa Sentd yaur Tire Hutton Rifles; irattlioo hert- possibile, tu ne eîecîted iry muteia Lîîrne Rifles lSeoltisirl. Ia siteer Kinggston, strulsrgically loealedt(s ony O y i a draWbridge, js Sur nome asd huîriers g CCira quarteru and une cowpaey sel irnemos islerue o r uhtie mcial, a Boar's Head Luire Oetario aI tire confluence moundad by otficers' quartiern, Invitations Consosenrtt, Larneos tcd in Geurgetown scitirth airu rangementse eean sij i reuline sipen ae ireraldie ut tire St, Lawereece River and tire casemated meus irarmeirs and Ont.thercomprrie ai ilto, Oa. tat th couitie of e reclth Tire ehooldes Badgo te t0 Rideaa Canal, wae ie ll atie saisres. Despile abortie attentpse, Do, ille ced Boelînelsrî. te Marcir, Dulleriîn und Hatton seoulie ic n seile metlt. Tire mord Royal Nsvy Dneirya-d oe Luire Fort Henry bues neyer barcseat Tire Peel Reglossol 1921 1926, .,îî alliance Nas proogolg- maire a sery compaet Regimna LORNE' ihoe "SCOTS" in Otari. As long as Kinsgstont 50as laeied - ils slory is liraI ot a Tire Peel aod Dafferlo Regiloîrt cd betîseen lire I-ltue Riltiesiaed aI ses and liraI a friendty rieclrs 9/32 inchs plain irloeir etters. Tire field seeore and tire SI, Lawtrene seueeessfut ntititary delerrent fti 12-196 llie Royal lster Rifle,. Lire suad aIses,, esistird irîetwen lire hrionsvl te b bras, - sbumiug eoppty-line irept open, vire elire a loeg-coetieuing cold vier., Aller te, Gicl %iii flic 36ili!aier militis unît,, lire Ballue Peel sud Dalferin Regiment sud " inrmpanit tsrgrd seiti a regio fUpper Canadaeleed- l'ccl Rcgmeîti Riflesu auccel -îcsevcreteturontire theLoreeRifles, amutoutiagree esîLîar clturged setir tirue bire e te Niagra Frooliermas Maeyfremous Britishrregieiosî Pel eimn L,[ raimntoftaiig lown. et assurtariec n.T i lîus hldin bewe hmaý ae eresitioed athe Fortfrnts il eersl Or dcNo. 18t .i921 18r13tceu traigltsce 1870i secd nativ Canadiieien iîrls-eeiepsssl a. It PelReîmni .cqt, c îuring bueses eau,, sud, en ad- 'vs ven etet iru Genual aî shtiute. Tire Dresu lu ie as ElirIt Years la Boild 1813p luo 187 ta native A Cuea lu ec îi, cunpunts s, onstant siti ut per- l3tder Ne. 179 ut 193f b hicbth Asttc use~eitns osreie itr i-tti er usd ldtne est tous ti Fiel aîîd Dailti,, R The,, C arbuta li ir e srdieucy ircuan te 1812 and eeetinured île sirsolte aed'as itnternational 'rr- i es a bon e l lacbilding ,u J,%.Lrc t h di ecgiment I te cand lire Louttu Ritles sucre di- tralt12.cemielresred-stttiwredieFospo- opc--n effciendt lesncr s tc,, ite b92usiltts dcoetto e,- banded and tire Lurne Seul, le 1937ry reuson o ls long cd, Btsh militarytleadersl ite seetiipt-ae.I le 1922. a lutler icour.î,îîuctionir c flcSots ineto s Peel, Dollerin aed Hallen Regi- sud efticient setsice ie lthe Perl Caeada's defeneos needed sîrreng- gtn-uduuty felmlotodetyande ilp lsetk placue. Ali usspane seule: talaiîed in 1881 sn urder ta0,11w- menti 0-as autliriaed a, ut 151h, aed Dotteiu Rngtmnt, Regi tireeieg in lire revient utftuare 1936 irad deleriorated ta a mars reoae nthe esueit aed ahli sdtR recrotting and revive ieter- Decemirer, 1936. On amalgamaý - mental Serurset-Major W. L. Pal. besîtitits, trie ulrIyauds. iot piuulcrRtlci 101se1lAf rpe- lion, tire eseregimeel prucred- mer, W.O. tiswas elected Ior-frbl.I ar er ne dentsloellice.uiiBGincral iedur rectitiues lire Hallsn eduatunce torrorguieeand il PresrtenrLreeScots ieflics Ontuec..iuu.i-uuecaioieietvimetsrefedains- Ordet- Ne 6l et 1923 lie Rlsîe ife uluîre redesigested as tire seas not ery long ireltre tire Canadiae cuetiogent ut tire iteased t0 upiprove Ibat tire alle keai ko f vrnmestirn e paes to tire rugineen ticr armetd- Lurne Rifles ibcotîtisir iy Gener- nese uugunriatioe mas tusuctiuenrg cornariuen ut Hi, Msjnsty King aece retseee tire former Peel tairu errn soaiubgn ed le ite Peel nud Dîui iii Idug Oirder No. 134 ut 1931. smustirly. Brampton ws selectel Geut-ge VI. le 1939 lire regimees ced Doiterte Regimeet aed Tire Inleremeul Camsp ment Hedqurtes ad A Cocea Regimeetat Heudiquurîers ws ciceelratedt te Toroeto on Lancasire Fusiliers, und ire- Ou AugusI 1, 1938, tire raunnul- nctHcdcteui.Cilt Witlteli auptiueuof theuwrd eampanesmere locatecrdarPeri ttecasion oun he visit of Teir t,îuen the former Loroe Rifles cd Fortlvesoftieiallyaopeeedît vintv idee l ct ai liîpitî, 'Lerue ie the tegîmeelai file, Ct-cdu. Ouhetilu., Georgetosen ad Mr eie iî ereV o betsr îdTr oa lIrlt ulc seifrtr u aCiî,ie t eu-dedlHie Gîc tte Doircout Argll, Oraege-iile. Aeeo.,l caps Lt QiuenElizeth.bThreLo-ae cot, Riles,tbceuntteoedas The Lre years.seren tl was esed as an Lonrpam a[tOruigcuile. teLs apprced lue permissiun Niagara ser- mcli cticnded cuid tact thecituii:i uf lielng part f ScotsePeel, Doferin,and Hatoe itesrement camp, itblas gcted tilli 1923 tire ueitieîtt le t seca Ccîtîpteii Tartan, Ttc training aitie usîtosi, Cmpns¼t [le RetýIote un s tietesity Regneuti i Noe Permanent huive visitors tront ail parte ofthlie qusc n ccvdpet-titisutit Dulie, heieg witbou unbheîr. al Hecdquareue mas threugir aed Aveuce. MiliîtiaCanauda, efcte ftrMay, suetd Witii its storied malt, tubn bit- Robert Peeut lue pull îetaiecd fle tille 'Mar-quis et itensive. Alliances '93f. are impressine ctollections oan- ut lis cest as c Regluienici Lsrnee. Consent ws esadilv Badge. naimelu ttc Lies aed Shot- gt-uuled cnd Ht, Geace, lie Dote W Badges and Dreun A, (lie clliaes alrady te et ___________________________ tie. Tite eae badge. hc:tnri the saege-dud bat the cugir, rut oe tte disbandweî il tire fcltutus tire Lancasirer Fosi RcLiimentai Ccest. le ofiitiiiis pet-senci laan, ie rdtnutc Pue] and Doiferte Reaimunt au iercts nd ithe Royeal Ulster Riflcs CALL ctceerircd us, teîug . demn-io l, Campepllt sf Argyll, ced irisa bis the Lrne Rifleus (Seuilisiri il wsc lid fr: cuen suiifctorv. petris-Z E 4 8 2 eIlieitl tht duce bezantse. li- li se.s ttc original tartain ut ttc fruer Hi, Gt-ce Ilre Dulie .ici cttiititie Titis uic, uit-en eltte1 Iccrt Ilite pines etuiltu hc ir antd iris cest the mess At-g-ui ued bis Rubert Peel tlk, bul Geitia Order Nu. 80 ol 1938 FOR 1-1,il scîrîi heui ig Ilte moira -inent. Tbe Ccp Badge i, des- ineîrporatc Ilieit- ets in te 'ce01111: 'Fio Ails et Feule. Ttecoelli, cited as lttuse At tbe braee c badfes ut tire uesly' leîmcd Hie M.îîeeiu l'ie King lias bue baîdge .îdîîptcd %,îe ideutica utiît seruli ieeeriired Thu Lsoe Rifles S_____H_____E_________________N__ elibeul tire croi. Liter il ieg.c,- betitih îmmediateiy autiou tire mîetal bulo ti::s î .îîterîccît thisties. symbulic ut s Scetiie lcn[lie retierini cieýt supur- iegimeuit; icsýisg oii tbcsc ire lîrîptieî un a bic,, trottoir, bugle is oed by t-fle tegiieete SA N andu LIMITE Deiin lthe Cr- 1929 flie Peut .itihbc centre ofttersc eut-e LIIE aid Dutterte 'Regiineet heeaî,îc ut flie bugle a mapie testlfo alieîtî%viril flic Lacashtire I-ui Lanaa; tire suboteu rmsuned ZPITS AT B URLINGTON liee, onle ut Ille ethe liej,,5,thebButs',iresd sestitgopse nir illie Britieh Arie. pet.ahridie ,,.ethr. Ttc Cititue PORT CREDIT eissiuatls euccirediesewcar Baidge îedecibedsa,:- A Buuîue the whte lai,îcî ut ttc Lueci- Head esieg uiluonateshdie ROAD GRAVELS - WASHED SAND and GRAVEL sblice Fuilie. îcucalb.-LMETN - Tire Caloers Dur thecaesut nirsctcco-tbiu- IE ON On flie 191h et Oeitet, 19'9. îiee deepite the tacir ut adesoate Ilre cgietu scttceettiiin s raining stoseaeces,surainiegmus, Bramptn and psradud toRoa-uearriedoout null, as local leu Parb '0orecetue rums tire Fret Heudquartr murh Short prueds U TeO O KN Regimeet Ctapter, Impuriai Or under cevae cubher ai Leng J S O KN dles Daugirters ufth1e Emrpire, Bt-uneb ut- Nicgaru-ee tire-Luire. tir Kieg's Cuheut-. Putsrsin. tirs The-e uams e ure made possible Yes Sir from uoup fa dessert you're tdcieatineofthe oour bu ic, b, the eneepercîten eft usunts- Retimeetat Ctaptcun. Illte Reirîit u srsnd tiîcir pur lu Regîmen sure 0f a saf sfyîng meal ut Marg's ,î the Order lui nîsih pi'cecriti ici Fonsud, tiesd-- et dielu,,, ex-sa n Teadcokn ag the Ceteur lu, tuie urumeet. Ttc pense,. Iliieressing o.he Rsauat.Te itcoin anei fonds tut ttc psrcte efthie ibisi e 933 tie Regiînt attenrd- gn but the good cookînui lingiers Regimenscl Cuour hicuc pilciicced ucamp il, Niagact- uu-ilit-Lie l oe ie lite' ru 1924 bv ttc CsieLpJý liser 200 stiing. Tuanepirehiuut on. C.UdeirVut' Mbiietl, utlic wui bu the Stcsmsbip Bueutuitie. :in vs upprlec(i anud [lie ru ;i -lthe Regimeluuîcmbcrked. 0e S,- MAKE YOUR EATING HEADQUARTERS lient wa inte îid ile tchhc 11ie1- lu: dis 13[h Octuber 1934, lor ttc 'lu 1.itit lime the Ilegimeut uis ui Ou: flire 22uid ut Mus% 'i30, tieii lo paetur het Ditict Oluecur tegiueut pauraduer]uto Rossulc!Cuimmandiet Inspeetion uepice M A R G 'S RESTAURANT Parkt. Biuatrptuitî. li cehue ,ts-ue tireur Cee dece-, Tartanuî r-l c('()tour11 flue eeli xeuuu. tue .und Gteutais- Oie, 300 cil cuir, MAIN ST. Riglit lountuu.ute Vî,euut Wii lieue pieseni it ieu iter ie MILTON Oiid L .S. GCMG. G.IE. t- nlnialc lie tir Ilipc lg________ ___________ %%,c rre tni i rnE g r o de '-- pcduitr d plhi ' 92') o RCii,,r eki, pd a ow e Týn l('l 1!11 yciliON FASI HE2919THYv r.iniugMOR PROFITABLEthr rg meula MA er ad CAAApGoI O S FORih I,*~Icifi support_ _ __ __ __ PhW, PC1aND1 lr1f m PE F R A C PnPPeamehlseo 'rlc I iel Maudnerele-eecdedet eiagbanosrrilu:adln itedryeualeerbcinit IllrhlFetONiFiSeTrlrpigabei ta-Ct ntamtai n1 tlng -qltr gre)ir2 lidfr ieoeneig s PIICIT PIRI IhîhiO [liirins Pireosur ti re uel eeru ofut arrivo; iotl baves ta rom t Souy ttyppreus tord y r a Resgetrch etise ex len codiioe fo-ie e PROCLAMATION By nîrtue of tire authority vested ie me and ait he direc. lion of the Municipal Corporation for the Townocf Milton. 1 IIEREBY PROCLAIM THE WEIK 0F AUGUST 26 toi AUGUST 31 OLD FASIIONIED DAYS ard urge ail citizens, merchants and industry to soitably mark the week ta br limaoied by the Steam Show of lire Steam and Antique Preservers Association for Friday, Augurit 30 to Septemlsor 2, t1963.. S. 0. CHILDS Mayor August 22, 1963 almost OVwything" tdquality are rights that is made liere arch as you will, flot a hippo If each of -us could divert ju.st found front St. John's to S2.00 a week front iniported to do. 5. flneltiC olis, tihe regut could total shoot eveayfdàng eIao Can, $600sO0O0tM0in Canada in one year w wise buyer kwm that eve±y And that could help Ccate 60,000 spent on Canadian goods new jobs ! Dao« es.smng lanadians wsrldisg. Boy a hippo if you mut~ but for eep our economy sfrong, ta, aimant everything elîie, check the ONTARIO setter job opportunitiea, to label befc>re yuu buy. It's in your own jobs for those young people beut interest. You help yoursef, your OMVRMENT on to tise labour Imarket, we neighbour and the whole provyince byTRD <'label conscioua Before giving Canadian Pnlrcse C. ol' R D k l* ait tho èbela lItho111fa t ao srre n yY CRUlaAlipu pepulare tireliceafee, a2m5y > lae-,0 Ibis year. Local cgaîre gme "'f hor*M.e busy svee audoy wftb ui]» ~ e n 56 0 nier wedisgs tllais bsm8duy - 1&611 pqtuow t.-Formera bave bross buey boals DOI nestigflût I Pis t "l weelos Maoy tut advanlage of Sa=s orather 0o Suoliy e tsesrk la tht fields. itique o'aapone, speciallored collar; tiens of intontry. siooaiyry 01 leryand naval arme adeqaip ent, as setI as autirenticallv re- tornishrd liing qsartere and re- activaîrd artiers' sirops. WiIir tire coînurfat addition et the Fort Hetnry Gtaard, il le a "living massant" ot Caaadas ntititary iristory. [r i KAREN AI tire hestie the fashue ciined an and 'o Lu Drai TIre tri[ ilp luiedteur driage î,îiî Li the rend tIiiplIet [lie 'ettltcd eaai s icuir picicci reci. Whertutiuus esl Base l lie r.On 'il inan uiui bt uts re 011 vuisit luwir. fa frace eis by teltI il 3 vol. 10 CH4AMSI other E cellera jonction hie wifs thelle o mers A 1

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