Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Aug 1963, p. 1

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se, ttti e ~ r~s MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1963 ""e Twenty Pages-Seven Cents. THOSE "0000 OLD DAYS" mer e nener this goodl But otd-foshioned days (n-rth ao ere tn-ists) witi inoade Milton nieot meuhas [ho Chamber of Commerce gons 'ail gine nisiting liteam association enthusiests a big metoome. Pouline Merktey, Lois C Etrzabeth Vondetan are att dotted op in flapper-ero costumes ttrey n-itl weor ailt n-hile seroing in o speciat "sidemuth calfet aI [bu Record Bar, Martin St. The sider is one of meef interesting feotores of the Old-Fashionred Dans that n-tt precede annual Ontario Stean- and Antique Assoc!atioe tesioe. Next Week's Events Tire futlon-tng ouljoos lise prugran- for Mrllons o 015 Fasornod Dorys [Augesl 26 lu 3ttI@ [[ru Ontarro [tton ood Antique. Reuntuo (Auguut 30 lu Supumit.~ More evntouare ploondc [tut hatronu isteo dt.ttnity usheduled yeol MONDAY, AUGUST 26 -Moruhaoto orrd stoffs bogio n-uorirg uld-looýhiood costutmes. di -Winlon- diuptoys of antiques in orony stores. -11 fo[tiond isouler stta ats toun tate. -Spetiot utreot ligisring in the evening. f -Sidewoote openso ai[rui Reord tar. .-Ditputy ul antique utoît- .t R. [t. Adooro Store, Maino St. -ouotony Mitu Louoiu Stevnson. TUESDAYAUGUST 27 c -1914 Firé Errginc ue o00rn utisphry at Ptoor Mrrturo. [ -Antitque Kordak Camerao tilto ar[en Pho rrruruy. -150-yoo[i-otd n-eddirtg dtr-oo un droptn or Milton Dtrportmon t Storte. n -7 p.or.-Ofticl[openitrgoalMitonCmmuity Switniog Pot.[ 1 Rotry Park. Vorioty progooot iooluding log rotliog. groono C pole andl roft juuting oole.. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 28 1 -Kirotrten-Logirrrr Bor, Miltron Arcno, 8 pro.a -Fluois antl otuooirrenfer- Kinio.trorr Conutrito ttrrrtdu itt thtrttt- [on [o proooolue [ho ruoion.O THURSDAY, AtttttST 29 -1908 hos hogitrt toorirrg ltto.n gtvng [rec il IDAY, AUGUST 30 f -108h- butort,[own, fe ridos. -Displaof triuiqous Foir Groundto Grandolortd. -Seono Rvutrittî hogirro, ut Miltoo Faitr (ttotrl-r. Lmts andr (lisu plor-otîl da.ro -7 p.or.LorroScoltPitretBandtttoottpatradetr.trlbandsoleurs, sivan untý, ul-%, crrialesand rritr a tcirrrr firont Miltron PIta orrrtn Moinr St. ro Brumett Sr. r, trere., rteaincis oui trrtrtrt-rttttrtrtttandrtetrtr adtte rrrrrreurttr f) otai%, Prk. -9 p.111 Jitnyoeno- dottu, rîororet r Liorns Ctlut ut Mrton. moin St. -Souvenirs atnt Nullior orr toto, Grnrttnd Foto Grrunutt. SATUJBIAY, AttttttST 31 -Ailt(at> . SorrttRcuoîit, FtrtGtrtids. treialetciittr andrutul0t -1908 butour born, [e t'ides. -12.30 f.rn.-GOnt[ Steorrr andl Antiqueo parado fron- Miltron Ptoeo. aong Moin Si. gro Mittonr Fair Ctrortrdb. -2 pr-GrtrrtGpenrrirTlhinritrrrtutthturtrtotrtt[ttiqeRe untion by Hotr. W. A. Stewruot, Mirttrrof Agoicultreu, itîrotr loP01fio grouadt gittrtttotrr. a- pn.-All-sto- stage sowrr, Militonr Areno, footoring Doc Wiltiarms [n its Border Ridrr, Wte-trn tvi nerarr rn Wlreeliog, West Virgirria. Spnrorrd hy Milton Chotohoo ot Con-ne rce. -10 f-n- tlu iiiidnig[tr-Dotrtu te Duc Wtllamoro rchetstra, Milton SUNDAY, SE.PTIEMB]rR 1 -Stnroy more 1irr-Reîftttoo[chrtsrices -8.30 rr.rrr.Millrrrr Chrintiorr Lrrrrrorr' Crrrrnrifto tir eoir[ [tour Milton Arno. AIl risittor rtf rît fatillis a lon ueo ici trio or- ]iglous andn-osicalserice. MONDAY, BEPTEMBER 2 -Sttorn and Artrique Reunrtir ropenr ail tto, parrtdottl it[ re ttatit- ftrrtint[, tisrcb[titt srtt [ott %t , Ii i ct[t f o tit si tt o pe r ao ..tornoIfrrrtrrrrirr Ici t"f A ...trrrI clrttu.atr Id citq crlrdi Sot ,rtftttrr ttt bouffis orihio flrc cuir grotndo. arnd tgttf corsettO otroo or it ho -re aC ane beneolis fIre grordttlrod. Plenro of porking insidie the fieC grounds aod in tise in-oedio00 neigisborood, Wooisroomn ia dre grouri, TwoDead,l4Hurt rIn Area Accidents î 1 Two ded 4 nord, soe etac-ailes uon filet o 1, eened c-tdotsand tbousaods of dolians ours ond brues and roqorred on prupoory damrrge. treolmoolt ol Mi[too Distriet Hos- Tholus Nortb Hailoo's accident pitl ornd Oohniln-Tnafolgar Mn- gfur the polot snnno dons. norio[ Houpitl. f North Hollo. O.P.P. report The uor reotrined $1,500 doam- drrs tor n tr on aoolbr n-eek- ugo. The occident hopprd a end oauideol ttproo" bore Friday 4.40 pot. oard Contable C. Wright nigh[. CSolordoy and Sds.invesigorod. oouhieg up onotbor =enit Lattîrstormenrtuniog,ua werred of deao[h. pain, and de- 7.35 p.m. t he seotnd fofolit oc- btoit. Ail[bt[one of teben-eseuood un Highuoy 401jutoout ithops hoptouood over [te wook- of thu Fit-o Sidnrnod userposu ond. ti Cooryhetîvillo. Anthony Go- Deorb corne fiit rfor Dominigos eik. 66, of Kitchonor, wsu- drivng DaCoof[70 Kington Rd., wetouod on [ho nouciof [une Toronro, soboso cor flipped, noll- n-heo b tohiole 000cr out of d.i otd [ondod opside doscu on rootrot. -,hidded and ro[tod aong H-igbn-oY 40[ nrodioo tip joot [te nrodioo for noor[y 250 bolt, 001t of tbu Gohni[to Fitl Lino. and rolled avr fonr limen, t0 The car, oo-.lbou nd on figbn-ay net-t on ils roof. 401. pol[ndi out 1n pasu anotber Mo. Gnoh o-os h,[[od, ond bru whien tho driner apporently lest n-ite Violet, 52, ufferod sonore conro-. Tho uo r tnanelled 407 aisrasions and sboeck. Tise 1954 tout atung [ho modion asd back model cor wou o CotaI o-meuh, on [ho Iligiso-o bofore il oolledl Cooli. Laron Knealo repnrtod. tvro. Ail tenon ocupants suene Bo[b ocupants sore Oisnon thronoutoanduixoisr men- fnrotlhe cr. bers ut tho foori[, rngief te tContinued on Poge 8t Plan 300 More Beds A Approve S riorrrrodiolo uort I n a 3n0 gotig roure oypticorrlr thon tue lied brou fur tho aged en Miltn ca0 ottuopt." Rigbt non- [ho board -o suend topo rate Hollon Cen- bato at n o lis t o' cig[tt tu 10 tuntot Matter bui[diog - n-as appliuoolsonskisg odrmission, but ottoured Tueudon wheo Halion nu fouilitlnu for fihora. Couty Cocoucit gave tise Marnor Eanin OSant r.ff notr Boord of Mooogement permission Renne Phillipu [uter totd trio oe engage on aruiieul and start non-opopor [te boped construtouion our ol plans for [ho non- fauility. cuuld be otorlod ibis fait, n-ils 1ut'Io Rucve Alun Phittips of Oobnitte. lthe fueililiet reody fer firsl p.r- airns and tharin of theBoaord,said Hal-tdents asotn aspossible rorn-nnk lri yreetl t asnh one of lise lrJonolthehboard \csonritre9 noth cote rnt ttrodingoand mostpnp- ptlans fer a 300-hud ardition lu [he thtrd [or hon-un for [he ogod on On- [te prescrit Marier, or tho tour tario," and au O rustt rn- are of -the prescrit 225-bed building Candidates Hit Halton Election Trail Launch Five Week County Campaign Hattorrt t[tree fulitieul uondi- t aP.C. candidate George Kerr tees cltlering op siden-oto attd uter-GeorgO Kerr of lise Pro- lired off o ltrer te [ho oCiler [n-o ditcbes os o resoît of oitiy postet retuioe Conservatives, 0On-onuo cndidatesoorging lielanol elo esu aboured d n tuilin of tho Lihoralo, and Wi[-- place eleelieon posters on In lire tout to-o Fodorol eoetpoignn," on- D. Giliies ni lise New Deo ropOOOOl, porlicutoris utiiry hoe wrote. To dote oeitoor opput- ooliu Porty -gretud Proemier; puone. fl-ons proisibit [ie i Ook- [Cg candidato bus rop[ied. oho Ruooato' ceotioo onnomnue itle and Bartingte. "itartsor, t a Liberol candtdote Muttirr reor Fridon ond roflet! op rilir e t[e peupe iolbisuoantyoare spoie Ctiste norriootinguoonuo-. otlectioeooorve, reado te dorsieh ond lired of boit toite pos- [ion al Middlesox Nort[h ridirrg ail iroli Hai[oC ridig. leot nigbt tWedrretdont, soggont- Ail t[ttuutuere uno nri.te i' -- tChe Conseroulioor govntrnot roorbo aou, ond haveo hurt qutoti No iuru n Ontario i "fat, toey and non-e- tcamn-fOiOtnf or urveroltoueh. I oQ o u [ng, fille the [tippopolon-ut otod ampoigonttfices are non- open-' A negottar toteedtded meting in their grodo ods." ig op, direct marilings [O con- oe Millos Planning Buard vilas TraIter on thse Trait lirtrenir hove hegon, condidteso cancelled tan laek et a quon- ai N-O.P. trrnotul Brll frittie teoioitir etinttgs and tu.tligl sitn Tttsday nttht, seen aviliot [tl e o-rio0ahu rde i ilttertrerr.iretliceltterr [o lt Ins of tIre finse boand men- finsuoorpigoioe. toiirtrrrn- ditro aru stotting .. fli cam 1to~o bnrs sbowed up. p[ng centres and induotr toi fplant t .ttfO[O ont b~eoretayE.R. Peaien,ntn tveice tn.l-e-ttutt Cut Posten Wars tbaintan G. C. ttowland, and "iron-diotelo' oo houstot-ttrrttr- igltiights ni Itle Hallun cotr Mayor S. G. Ctstîds were un ttonooosng ltrughtli out oir tu dole irtolode: boand. (Cootinued urr Parge f) FiRE DESTROYED ttrn M ,i tttt lt r.rîtrutrrrnrt hotru ntf R.MrDtt otud týo ini rot 0 ttrj bloon Wocnnbdy -trc nunryt tttrouglr the crcoent htnohstuture to ttic trn.tt btriku- ton as Miltorn ftrun-on hought te knep the flan-es from endangering ftre house 30 font fron- [te building. The blooe n-as eoîinguished by 4.3,0 a-Ct- aller Ihoosoods. of gallons of oraler hod bnen poured on the building. OLD.PAOHIONID STRAW BOATERS are on sale ar severat locol stores rts week, promoting the Otrio Sream and Antique Preserners' Association third anouai reunton or Milton Fair Grourrds on Labor Day weekend. Fashion Beaory Lounge hairdressers Audrey Brown, Brenda McKenzie and Jeontnf (Jenntel Jackson model rhe hors for our photogropher. They'rn going fast (and only $1.50each) anrd eery fineyooorear one youre hlprg Iopu[tntze the p- proachoO fertiriies as n-el as four home [on-n. Got your hat yer? Dairy Princess At Ex Saturday Adrileuue Nurse ef Ahaove, Htes19Z3' DMn Prssueu, econd M ainorDl cmlt frte nai DaiSI Prsess fer te Cardie lis rcdr 1952. Hrrsuunr tire moirorud hc chielly upeciot day eveuisse, August 24. Departinont ot Wot[on hos ro[od cutre beds, hoe odded, as ibhsis Thse pretty dalrymald vitau Ihatohuorsnfor the ogedornorrstsrgoty rqtrd. cbosaenHaiteus Press In la 0000051 a 300-hod mooximumnr n-hth Rrrr.r Pbiltips oxplained tIho ceusPetltluu wlt twu stiser rnoold on[y oltoru for ar addi- hoard huiles lo go ahood onith boirefus lat the HorthyGarden tionotl 75 hudr ou flic prescrirt 150 beds rigisl onon, n-ith a 150 Party aist moeth. Satmrday Moootr. [ted additioon[ l olion wbo ne- lgist ut thse Ex, sihe milets tur "Newtheboad bs dcidci u ossary. The 150 bedu sWuoId suber Prsesses tront ethen On- hoitd an ttirn]y non- Ma,too rveteMre'o ere cutes napeiim -idtuoooto.W htte tour yoru" lie on[imo[od. contest. Wlnsser et thse prellusln. sauutde. thCueta« W av p ary wt no et utheru lu tise trrot't Io hluiId t ton tho -arne Surhoh[roortr t uenuMotror feml-tlss then thse final, site rtflictPrescrte uildn." Th nuot[ f hoso theO [n 00 £rohd orne enulg nst West ýICNV would b or ooiee ool b $uO[ u $8000 Peo $2l The tumltetlttue tailles plate they pn resrhomeods rsl iui[ 400,000 [or the en0h00 projou[. Pro- In the Claeum Bldinlg at the cootd o-r tho audi[otorum ad noua[e rao[s wilisusidrurl[thecx CNEearlyhinthe e.dn ohoyel t.rui[ition thugt preutuo[[y eo[ufo o[[ro s[orey building (tho prouent une $1-$16 Range Uttîlut Fartîllies . oIl oo o siog[e fluor plus [it-k 'Thi-rruoult restt[t tt a con_ men[.[ The finit flror woo[d in- For Sidew~alk -,ir[ueoe rovnog tt hotr the dodoe u[i[i[y service suha' Aie.k rpsdfrHs nountu andtfltredeportoor[e [rfiotrttmtnittrd ktheotuttht a it-nokrroodr-o- ,rr[ret. "Il wud savot ovn hurrl5O-hodrOioOo he ond ftttttu topyRoud, rort,trorotudtobtu a o n ite.-[ T[rt s oaople oat[ onuroir 150 hods on tho [[rird $17,672.92 to tirt t[teponern and mot [u ho p yrotr Mrtot site [tur. Tho fitro ru[osfoy wol[ $20678.28 toi flic [te ttno sharo, ou- [ort[rflic r[ttsec oon ,li suordh bcontrucet[inotheftrtphase oodtog tt, engineering figures [orii.o ho prugroot. presro[d ou Mt[ton Cuui[ Mon- T[ro[irstMrtorrtyooir[t952 don. Acctr rtrttotaior in h ttettt ort[c ol 132trud at[ditionr tut, cur- A prtttitrrnu ferrton uolndi t- - 0~ l[r[n-tr.-t[ttttn0. tftt tt-itt on t routotrooder Thentototttooaditurorrrtl rtrrrii.îflictocaltntron-rrrt 001. The WATERWORKS isra t iton centtre [ottr bluff oost ou [tre oterouo huotooro [bis weois noptutue Mlornes vital rt t 1.r [lle rur Matror- as trr l,, [Ili, lift, ttt o 205000r do- n-atemnorks systo.i. tur.fitotr[tler[d.lcitr (oclwatld Heo ro orrn tothur oction is 4t ... . .- -. ltkrtr ut fltc projeur, a torîher petioto [ho housbo[doos H. R. Credit Union Officiais ooutndhoorrrdkno s Consider Charter Flight fro U.K. ),,,trbjre o hr 'OriiOtttotGootoriott.trrrtdndLondontt,hbutMr. Mee..ri unttit trlitt r.tdeo ofîthe tr oroed hv flic[[olyRosarn rer eeivett ilurrotdhbcorrn-ac ttuotrtttu ii rttot tnttedhnyR. Ctottit Unrtrnr Milton, i. prr-ort[y ot [ro tro Ilrl rr plaoe ais trad at Actrdico- lie nrorotorrrd [heoos it [[tc ptoanring stages, Credtt S[aonr Aitrtt lit tro[otd. fth [hot trrr icstt oeoro[ru[o r 0 Unionrfrerrdeot Atd Mee.ho Mr. Meou.tn rotro-td[htha, n sseteti trt[tr e r ! [[te li Chrumpiton ihi- teek. rttetr ttuttgi ttr [ rr Itle Jltn a [s o titrte[l ouitt[ho [ot lite ehttttttteu[ uutt ns $25tt net* tltgtrt, otriittttt rrrut hoe ir orrosfi [[te l tttro a- regtnired trtottconstderrtrtr totterttrtit trrerrhertttttre Ho[n Rorr Ctc huititt[toi t rtrthi[e tho oroo on tire trutral prite. tdit Unrior. ][e totot [[rot Ctodrt [he- sot idtttof th [hsreeleoo[ld Tre CeilU niott- trirrtt. nu erutt[tttttttt tttto rtttrre bchhttrutrr (i ouder the t tt [u tttrr r tli tttet. ttt Nittt r o et[ li l trt rtfirlter ltO ettrt ttt tun t tIll if -rn s ic)aiif ttl, ttite t tgrtCttt r Ltttgen-titt Unittett Th, tt o trrrht- pru[ectre terooud cae Matttt ntttte. surt[ ttrr applriatronae rrott trr ho et tttrr[l the pnttioors uietnt ittir. Ttterc toutd hoe eut het SuPturrrtruo, [then rtet dertrrte tr t aocotion [bey ,rerrtttrtrdot ions on tho t [ig[rt tor %%ttuttttt ho it chatnce [or ttight oreu[ttotalerton tho srdrtuo[k. 140 Preuple. Stt [or 40t uttrets [uro acooationstttt [ur ttutt yeatO oNvi tt rcue-Mr. Meec[totton- Atyuci r.r, ttruu[rrruttrtehfttrd sod rhsoook.The nt es sintrne in Oulohur to [itto[izo suhedo[d fttr Srpterer 27 oord Prescrirt hn urt[[or the[rPtr- t[tragetro . 28 aiMi[lttoFirGrounrd. Blaze Destroys McDuffe Workshop Fire Cause, Damage Stili Unknown onrti[n St. rtttoe- teovnt On[oarro Sree[ hbuildrirghbrrttuoe ondoorged by Firerrtuo ttogrti tror ortnd o Pr tttet;irotied [lru tirsn[Humorrt fli iruem. Mi. MrDut[u said [boy haho s trrooorporodtuuodt "Atror: [er [iru lan [tmo isoke had o-,ltnunedoa$20florachine ttof[rtlo of wttonrtt[hentutb irr-tutrlicrofrrtti[r-oo%[ytuur ottttttt[licotrop aoutrdP.m. hrr blaze on extitrgoish t. Lrro o hron rrrreuol[ed. R. Muttt antt Sron hovo iseen ca ttn[u, 30 tout ttorrr ho [[rue lire is hotieord to havo e t ,t Mttti St. tilte [947. tbrou,rtttic l irttttro.t -ttirr[n tiretur otthe rrent Pro,,go fttrrr trot tottrotva, onthe tt( li-hrrt, hutt Itrttgftr httre[ utrto rrt o hticb tiding.' t î o. trt ttt qu.,ktr t,rretrr tl ht, h. Ili, 1,t %- to ofitd hrrut, 'c N I o S ou 90 tAIttrtrrtt trrnrttr fie rli t ctrttthAt trtttrnr n ao-tahc. tuntt.o.rrr.t trn nthe ht Atrtort. ghtrtd Mculrtt Cortnt utf the to hrsunnorn. htoor tott 40 oti ond rhoo as. nodid. [rndot[he ynsiro in-otw Ijs r o rnotl 2,30 ndotdothe o[noge tosand trocurs notrdoarviet'iuoro as ovr-ro ing roos O.K. [boas'. Mn. records fronteofficeoofthe oui as ho complte toucbroumg Mcuoflo uoid. building. -tn" farma ilton Stores Next Week Vol. 104.-No. 15. See the Bargains, Special Displays in 1 1 Ir - - ý - - - >11 1 1 1 ý- -- - - 1 1 1 SlsIOmRUMrnIo Auge 30-nSept. ...o Otd Fashioned-Days Aug. 26-31 sa lvM

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