~I. ,. A CLOSE ONE te the horseshon plt necded tome fine mca. MILTON SENtOR CITIZENS claub sîaged a sacceissRai picnta at sari',g Mondap', irofore Milton, Senior Ctizens Clah merciers Harcirp Par6 oc Mocdep eftercooc, acd 54 set dlown to a Boh Lekicg, Caci Sacrders, Dewer and Frank Thompsoc cocid det isbas picnccaupper -compltee cith emis. Ectertaaement figare oct arho had won tire points. Horseshoes and othm, cocceera ired e fait progrom of gemes tied ap for tire afler- gemeie, as wcii aa a iroaeî,fat piaec lunch, htghiighted tire coc, acd eceryoce had e big aRpetite hp the lime suppec clairs firsi piccia eat Horchp Park Mocday. aras serced. The croard as sroarc et tire tebles. "Firstt' for Hospital ST. ORGE'S r~ LI Lay Readers, Bisbop Open rriysiotnerapy Department 1A nlcnPrs By Mrs. Ilarry Richardson Thea osas physîotherapy dcparatafraîsir tirs departorot. Tita. rcqaaat ai fia,,, dasta,. Patiants, Whitc tira Rcc. R. P. E. Jettarea met aiMiltoan Di',trict Hoapital, oraory wsc' rai'sed moatia- tirog akrto, Miltoan ira p a.aaaa',i', as unaa haliday, tlicrv,ices,' ai St. vcht'h arnshcd hy a $3,000 prafts' tramt the gîti shrop .andai ,,, i ph,ih,i', ap' liîaiclîst, George's itai St. Joahn"s Anglian grti fsleWomesaAoaîilaryri ak wiaon5lsert irb facils had turatri O killc-Trai *a'irraîa' %Cure, sacducia iry saiid tu ocpe, t', dataa raa nex aîdusi. a[ ilet haaapitl. g M o ita opitai. Jatrc WttM McaicAuui 2:t,,,tr, tr'i Equipmetain te aPhv',ici son, adi ai irato o ,,llelit, ',. Jaak Amson'log and Ed Wtt- patiens. pa dapartimaci tiaatl',ira.. ,,,t, lai', ti ',, 'y,î,,mi ,aiiy a.ipîat.hu iG'a Physirattrarapi',î Albrt Artamza îrytrch' iiraimac ihiri h.i o nt',,,ihicg flai îpcî, Milton Di,- Icala. haas'os'a egada,'itIohbcincargae ïoiai aaitobar,rusceai al,.. iri,,î Hospital ,orraî pil,,t, rath ofttheais'partada dminiatercimenctapp,aa', .and raaîght', a; cîtîs',, t.,îcaa haa'pitasinr, ilr On Suav,', Aagaa',i al, il îracmae',, cirta ,,. aead Aaiiaharey maîsasa achripai,,,,.,aJ ..0 a,, ichp ci Lime,,rick MKacsir ,',acs wiet tiaD ihrt,,naà caim achîine, hip Tirea . a a tatcanI aailt hb, th,, spaciai sctalttatuaprimri flic ,ll .A tilcnihi,caca',rouiirMlr. Alhalct,' haapalori', cI t-aiaaaith amaaat i i.Gereahucp. GITl ef Ausillary dapercaiaes. 1Saîrnia acnd Kitcherac, hirals' .,iacdrg tira Cong,,c, ta Taron-' Tira Haospital Wam,,o", Aaoti- Prestnie.Iy io ukvelle ',iliaa takina. Ilira, va la s,,,c,t la c pndonAg 3 .îay 'aasty paa',asted ficIS30800 Tîareaoet',',iib hen ho...' WraaaaatAa5t3 gîit .eBa'tof Direcsta', tau pitla patlens,' asnd aotý-aRtiestS a,', 1 MI- _L -TON COUNCIL BRIEFSI . Ecel iasacefront theagemn wi'aO llllh [liea C,,, .%ct C.N.R. filat 1Il' mabrismasi toi, Autho1,,a, flic i ai g oiul flicnev ra INay y hiss ,, bc' i.l, N,,.inli pCl' r a dIl *zira ,,rK' ls r 11111.11IL nl lalit la ie nlOizIn ,,,di,,,,tll ook',,cg,,,', ,,I,,,, Conditon. lairi Deptity Rcic, J. BO ail - 0W',,' akaa b', tlic C.N.R.t, I î, 1 i ,, i rl cu ti b c a n c cci tia lia',' lei raa-ar a to l. a d hac luwo h a ie rn h ponIIe , ,t a ',,r' ,,,aaaa, Nu. l0 Siady Piaclleg ',iiaraa ina Esqaues'ings Tova','iprr 0 C..iaid fu arpotaî i flic cr A.andra', Ir,,i Iil t,,, ai nintttr Parking Contral aia Counaa,., ,G. Paravi', g * Reltra ,l h', b ta i Coin,, Ea eliioal rpi.lic',in irt,, Ccmmerceafoi parkinrg s,,ar,i on *Aci,KL,, i ,, rî,,r ,I,i,i r, Man Si. dia paraad r,,idzn' ',ia,,rp,,, the,,',,',,a,',,,,. Aagua'. 30 an'l Satard,,',Aug,8 31,pou], .ad the t,,,,', pîa.pertlitr in c . a ia it jh file, lot,.,r fla'ic ,,î,, , ei a n,,, St,,,' * Ra',aivedt'î ', re.ques't frn [li 1il oi, 1. i, -f PClr1l'illlr orale- aisîîa ,, t.ry I ari ed I mir Il ctraari,,g ei'î; ap r,,ra fuaiqt t,,,', S5 ,,,0 rrlo fli D S',,rrrimA 'il' 0oe at.ai,a,', O ti b. ý la,a ,,,,,, , i ,i,,iB .1, Ag. Aai O,,-1 tarit.,, SI. Blgge.' Crants , , ,, r Iiai i rovilncial ro'k unlr de',,raa'orra,,lie8 fianil ft, 75 pet,-n.,i Il) 90 pe,,tt i..ptI l'ai repaa'ing,,o Main SI. 1,-cm Mit,,n la Onar.,io Si. a*Ap pc',.,a prea.lion of arr . CALL ZE 4-8820 FOR *SH ERMA N SAND and GRAVEL LIMITED PITS AT 1, BU R LIN GTO0N jPORT CREDIT ROAD GRAVELS - WASHED SAND and GRAVEL 1 ~- LIMESTONE -1 TAKE A TIP FROM BENNY .... USE MOORE PAINTS FROM MILTO HAxm:RDW~iA 22711 MaStast MILTO T825 Specializing ini * STEAKS * ROASTS * BARBECUE CHICKEN or SPARERIBS * HOME MADE SOUPS **:DAIRy BAR FOR LIGHT SNACKS Progrm MEnds On W.dnMday The Milton Receaion Con' milies' su-mer pycn proi gm witcdWdedyAugust 21, with a speciat programt tnutin clnd,, ait iirree playgrounds. Par- ents arc isvi',cd to attend the, cram' cih mark', thea end oi a aarrmcr" daytime fun . SIaaPous c',', hci asIz ca soai evaryonc ejaycd t1e', i thaa.gh pia'8'aorrat superci .îsr macy tired cildren' tire r,,,' dcv. A Pcnnry Car otsat ai 1h,, J.M. Decyaa' piaaa,,,ud ,,,tiia, Plu- lits, i $7.57, ashîir will1 goai,, wadpaîcie ',aiih ',iii bc, pc,. 'sel',d ',[ the, final raram. The, Boarrr harac t he topac ia,"i tira J. M. DCnca' piaiygroaad. ba", ing a mark,-i of 381 points. Tire Braves' arc,'Second ',cith 379, ih,, Yanke'es' thid wicth 275 and,,t1he Ca, dicai', Ecash ',tirh 239. Peter raicg j', tap',s i a, fl c tidal points' race and Da',, Magaa i AI i, WlA. Di,,k pi.avgrouacd th,, ,.hidrec and parenctsacj,pd an tcdiac ngtRh lait nigit iWed esa,' I ,hiah iraioid ,kt, Songand,,,gamesa. Jann cHvati istp, inp the idiaida poict rasa ,ad Kaith Si,, t', scond. Reea'i 1h,, ch idrencîsaconi hk,, thcagh fli,,cc o', andi col- tcai,,d itemsc' ahich th,,y ,,ad uc Indu.,, nigiri. -The ctai ',aaiha, [ilsi',,,ak spaiiai hatidays tfor ccca Mil- toa,,' andi pla'ii,,dz husad, vcth exss' for- cal paicincg th,,i ira,',a' or cing ti, g.,alut,,g. NO DRIVNG WORRIES NO PARKING PROBLEMS NO 1.-O-N-G WALKS WHEN YOUI GO BY BUS 5h TO THE DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS Angaut 17#h te Septereber 2nd EXCURSION FARI $2.65 Round Trip IncIndes Admeission LEAVE MILTON 8.45 A.M. LEAVE EXHIBITION 10.30 P.M. Cafter Grandstand Show> DPalight Time iExhibitin pasceegars travelling ae rogolar humes siti transiter ati Toronto Bus Terminal te huesi ronetni inthe acanude. TRAYNOR'S VARIETY STORE & RESTAURANT 878-6982 A LPI1N E RESTAURANT and DAIRY BAR t Mile North ef 401 Milton Oc Nrghway 25 LOOK FOR THE CHALET SHAPE BUILDING OPEN - Fridey end Saterdap, 5 c.m. te 2 arn. - Mon., Pneu., Med., Thurs., 5 arn. te midnigirî - Sunday 9 aet. te, Mideight SERVING THE FINEST 0F FOODS AT MODEST PRICES ln A Comforîable Honte-Like Aticusphece - riendlp Persnrehed Service LOTS 0F GOOD PARKING SPACE Second Cup of Coffo. Free with Every Full-Course Mail IF' fram instrucror Rik Radell, hiePeter LedwithhJoan Ctc,',.-,and AneSeraf,',, look on. M4ê --Sùimmlertime Comfort wiha Iow-cost,Iife-insured loan - BANKF TEAL MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE eFINAL 3 DAYS@ Prices slaslied beyond recognition-Fali morchandise, is arriving daily and we've got toi clear the decks th is weekend - don't.viatt. COP1 LADIES' DRESSES G( UP2 LADIES' DRESSES FINAL REDUCTION FINAL REDUCTION 8.95 Mlo- 29 GOP3 LADIES' DRESSES GRUP4 LADIES' DRESSES FINAL REDUCTION FINAL REDUCTION 16.R: s7oo J 2eg 9.95 OFINAL 3 DAYS * AL L * BOS SUMMER BOAT NECK Skirts '/2 -__s1.1J PRICE GREATLY REDUCED TRAINING FLANNELETTE PANTIES BYTYRD PAN-REG. 59c 49c 4 or$ . 0URES Reg. &9c 59c LIl 1S RIPED REG. 79c il SE! OUR REDUCTION RACKS AND COUNTERS WlT ODDS 'N' ENDS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 200 PAIRS 0F SHOES REDUCED TO BELOW COST Many Regularly toi $7.95 s.~ $1.00 397 MILTON DEPARIMENT STORE, 200 Main St. Milton 878-9261 LUM: lu lIHt AIL NEW SWIMMING LISSONS athe ncomnt arr mn poo c inc Rotar Pcrk havee arcd cace han 70 atdo',s for te fiseekco intuton cuir a,,a i hoareceivn c