WeCabm. i5,s 1esarAge-Sh16 IS of bar frande beegli a beauL Pruzes for Oldest Student, Teaches mort. Bjie msbhasldl uperrn iugy be gif Sp Cooi Cara, At Pînegrove School Cloing Reunion a ai ts aoor5O> B Mmu. MoCeerrm He nvstdwt Mr.ad Mis id Wilo eempai Gamesaand catests mere play- Ar Pn eiet rudFnweed Mrs W. Wilo ta atipt h Robertson more wissera. A tins et>v Sho aag e A get Mrs W. L.Cmpelo Derby ra ae.Te epo tu reog wasenoyed by at. Abuf- BnStudy Agus 0frapc nl etafu ay ih Boi ao t Ast 18 et lunchis aervediand tseta- ni t mr te lsig fPi- Mr.Gog Hamilo ofte9 Mr ad Mr.CI Gafnad blewas tateully decoraedmwii grv col hsetcis we, Gie atwe.'lramtrdt taats pitk cootiles and a floral ceaire- closed ~ ~ MnJn 8a h n o ýsn rFe Gafato e n pn e asvst piece of wisite, mauve anA pini Wattol en.idfl.Yokacvii-g Etatteet. A toat ta tbe bride- Inth hnd o ave, , ab M M G. Mn r, lf u-ý - n Mr o Bampo alct was propastby Mrs. Me- .onmîltca-thie picnscsta unarsedtdho>ay pei fi ln hlciywekn Carr-n and gondwisbes give by by racsfrrtescbitdreo andao osni duhesejd a 0Fruo tNou. Mr Saeeuful Tourney tagel-r. hr oiainOttw einl.' u Mr, Tise Haroisy Sottîiaîl Toure Aboutt170pople sait Acnlta he r gstorMr.ad'."."r o eks en maocspace an Saturday, suppae isichtcats ses-ceaoder Mr K.Aasn ildvreuigwthe p. Aagttlil arby Commuity lh is>hiad truo thtisool, Mran Mrs .Vlao ori-ti vusettewecde Paris. Loeaely meatisor peaailed graaîîds. A pelsfeaal tot giccîs toaevstngu htoe 1Hr.ad tise 11,t biail game startoat ira'ormertstuldelts. ThseJunoraeMran Mr,.E aia ai Il ar. Tisere were1tSema FarecsQuartette cmp>.todai i Han P mHospia Hoio Bt'ld trfle playig and lotofafatacio. Ailueo Haeeap. Jay Hatoard,! e elih. metnidAmselncu hwri ut People came train miles aroued tJohn WilroandTommy H>n-I Mrs Kel vohsrtndori Ely McKay Ns r- Tiscre wtee 59fpaid admisions fer.rsaga frsclectioet. GrmOkil-zaagt Hosia ig oLetnn RoetJh andisaodred of childre. Mrs. Horcdeof>IGuelph s fllwigsugey Bae GfOkil, ae lc Guelph Daiey Queensoeof the, oldcri lady pret Lestcer Man ap lrso h u nAgs 7 a eda h thesrmaitlamhbac!ta dra>pot BiaoalofGrettownlthe >ldest t MayLt Baie n Alma oeoao Mc no Wed and Claremtotfilled in. H"eiy gentleatd Met M. J. Browtn- Srdcclbaigabrhlt 'ýaAgs .w tthieltopbttinteply- of Noas-l lise aldeal sch>tl teacs off milss lieHa0.tr o THEi INSPECTOR STILL IS BOSS, anrd t-va geetlias cf 0' MI-.. McDatccll s-ri cm r vlnwssae ntemcs f ihteHretr ri Lotdons, came lise luelisi dit' BrwnstfatisetRosatndtson imr,talizeitas theytvakeosure toto. Ms. P. Dick and Mrr. C. that fotrer Haltae Puic Sciroal ltspector L. L. Skace iras Pit.kcit made a etc s-rnarsa atisa lie occarion. Fellotainf a plenty to etMr. Skace warrpectt of tescttltrinHal- ring sgA>ld LangBrone a tee Corty aen ith M. Brawn and Jitr alteved Pie- ung. ingiof lua clt>seatt>ie gttoe schaol. Mr.and Ms.Donald Gas ut MEMORIES 0F SCHOOLDAYS et Ptreroete tchool more renewed Saltday, misen format Peso-. grove scool paprias husisanda. wiests oa faetriet, atterrded lte scitool reavran. Games and conitettthtoughoutlthe afterrootrmtethre afaiertitetesrtng for the yoatgestand oldes pes ont. Sorve of tire oldest living studerrtsae rirownr inade thre schoolhouse. Shown Sittinga are Mrs, Margaret Howdee (Megge Hartet), Mtt. Hetb Cieone Jeacie Attihatry, Mtt. H. Gregeran 'Gettrude Arîhartyl and Mit . Toem Fisher (l> Wilsont). Standing are Harrold Eatry, Met. Wil- fred Betty (Eer.ly Arthiorty). Lze Cress, Mr.P. Dicir.Mrs.1. McDowoll andMrs. C.H. Deard (Ethel Are). What's so amazing about the new Volkswagen? Pîef y. Fora dttllîthre.rily 'rrw icrotof Ihoileas tmo fi rIta. OInta at flt fit ueA "n taathe b,l. Tbaueet il a Rei, rrie filsEt oce thrs rsclr lage totrparlaeel (mis it treigist svw3Iltidie t>heels for baet fraction). COMPARE AT 79c - 15cSiRar Parchase Coupon ln Skim Milk Pomder Inst. MI-LKO 3'«p67c COMPARE AT 31c endi 33c - Spanial K 61/z-oa. Cora Piakes 12-oc. KeIIog's CEREALS 2'53c PREM Luncheon Meat 39c Seiorw Citiz.ns Injoy Fîit ,Pkcnlc ci Hoin.by wAe"reaiurne" wais baid by ail, MeLean, Mrs. Jeffrey Mrs. Jar toeo5 ne b of ibeMton vis, Mrs. Laklea and Miss Prite. Senior Ci ns Clu rtied at Some of tsa men esjoyed a Hornby Communlty Park for a gamne of horseshoes and the picni Mooday Te rop r- champions Wee Bob Laklng ad riveda 'c e arkhabfou 3 .m. Milton Hargeaves. Tbeisa and lmmedlaioly thse ommittee birtbday sang toas sang for ebtte of Mrs. Harbotile, Mrs. Memat baviog birthdays sn August. Tifs asd .Mrs. Bradley set thiogs in otdest perses at tise piaule wus motion wtb gaots. Feuze mie- Johs L. Robinson. nota in thse vannaus events atere Mrs. McKay, J. L. Robinson, Mes. The climat of tise evesisg came ttben a citizen of Oakvilte mise bad attoodei tise Pnrk mush s Bartiagion tbey test clows ta de. groap t previoas, Salurday, e testwitb ascore off-4jinfavor ported istwaicisandwaiat on- of theHarveses. Thsel]st garno lainiof $130 toit. Mr. Watson trot played at 8.30 p.m. trot fortonste sn findiing tbe matais bot ta for tbe wafllt is Tbo cratsd certaioiy did jus- st miSSing. lice ta tise pies and inrkey sand- wichswbicismere pepored by the Girls' toams anA tis mites oS tise boys' teams ali bot Aogt r poIIockcmnd and pop. Has-nby is certainIy aetlina te bo known as qaito a Campbell sport centre and for tise tino sportsmasbip tsao by tbe Manufacturera Of players. HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS Sasday taw theoever-îaibrui MEMORIAL ENGRAVINO Me. anai- Brs., Jamsee Hamilton 62 Waaer St., Northa, GALIO and Ed Robertson buty cteantsg Tetephase 621-73U ap tbe papota around the park._____________ plç. 56( COMPARE AT 2 FOR 39c - LIB Y'S DEEP BROWNED 1oz59 COMPARE AT 89c 141S. TIN COMPARE AT 1.59 lo0-OZ. MAX WELL T : INSTANT HOUSE CO rEE6Iyc 1 I COFFEE $1 COMPARE AT 79e Compare ai 3 for 32c - BONUS 15-si. Tin PALM GARDEN DMIJBAG CELLO 100' 65 Compare ai $1.75 COMPARE AT 45c - Robtn Hoosi Delaxe VO 5 Shampoo D G F O Cake Mixes 2'75c COMPARE AT à5c - Golden Glorp Fancy Osalily ' COJ AT R' TOOTH PASTE 10 tins for 8 Pineappleiuice29 85,c a. And tisa ange fl assed tits air, insteid ofmwaters0ifcaet bitr freee. Voil ailto hea moted ait hem tise 1500 lirrîrlea enthe lreotd (Saims rexparti ha compsied l itlh coisasting tmias ssnah.) Thea pria. log moy rat b. amoieg, bat Bt asaîrd i 5ve y00 a pleasat suoris.. PLAZA MOTORS AMblon Plaza Tek: TR 8-2962 i BONELESS BIJRN'S DAISY i ROUND SIDE SÎTEAK OR BACONý RUMP 59c ROASTS Vol. 104. THOSE Bics tw Elteabe is ove annel ie E Daya lAaî EAsgaal 3 isen dctii -Mercbai -Widt>tr -Gld Ea'l --Spolia -Sidtcal .-Displty Mis -1914 Fiî 15B-yeat paot -Kilsrîîîsr -Fluais a -1908 bua' -1908 ha' -Diaplar -Sasor I -7 Pe.. PaIe Mai -AIl luoy. -190f bu' -1230 p a lest -2 psa.- Il11 a-8 pet.- Wl e Cort -10 p.. -Sîesa- -8.30 P-sn Mils ligie -Stea a gtOtr vi asnoohs bl grounds a grounds.) Se COMPARE AT 63c - FANCY OUALITY PIlN K S A L MON COMPARE AT 67e-Rose Brand - Rcoaomp Pack MARGARINE