r -- - ---~~'-- - -~ '-*" -- --r- -- -Photoa bsv Dog MsCtisisse IULIDOZIES ARE AT WOEK biling o ie as oessîcead te b gismoy d0t fer Mohawmi Rae- c-oy houe îc jsî saorto Campbcislii HuNes Procici ProgressivcsCoeseriotcvaediint George Kerr di sccsted tlis cacehy's liîgbcy Pîaisiems ma poaisi tS Hisismys Miaintet Chsarles Mcacon asi assis, ie nî tisiin ils tot diem tise matkisn pragresa. Tise aryes caAi miii case e brfil bebiirici icicsesisd misen îiosaeds ai crs satersi ai isit tise Gcslphs L.eaestc aie isame ieAs nwtamy i bmngeddsdoand eaistiugtampsare siîg împîoas t.ospscd up taffc Wis$50 Draw AS ~Plan ParkSessioi Winer ai fic eteaihiiv NIGNWAY PROBLIMI oa ycojcî n la Hltea Coceiy sanie rnv d i oto acalsivwek bcrGeoge Krrfia iigonta pirovical Caisrcoce caddat, and iîqsays Mivîser Charîles McNocgisîcc Three meao viol ci cadet tcdy vin cew accss tomis lor %aohamis tcco-iso îcs ai Hîqbc-oy db1 tenCisdar wa (Hiqic- 403 bhis conse net isHon and a Guelh ii r ngtonala vycderpa ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT and GROCERY STORE Smout ialry banist long -Creen ORANGES CUCUMBERS Savn35ce- 3doz.$1.00! 3 for 19c Golden Ripe BANANAS. 2 Iba. for 29c Lyona TEA BAGS-90'..a-----. 79c Supreme Fancy BISCUITS 3 pkga. for $1 .00 Clark's Faney TOMATO Juice 3 48-on, tins 79c rkylceme flAIR DRESSINGS - Reg. 49ce.. 35e Attun - Monte Leot FRUIT DRINKS COTTAGE ROLLS 2 48-on. tina for 59c Vacuum Paeloed 53e Canada Parbere lttiira %acplc Leat SIDE BACON WIENERS 45C IL 43c IL lm R4 IES TI VOS n Idîcî il lise Rwac Cilub of Mil- ce cil Tccsdci \%vcs bianî Allen ibocredc hiccrcxiii cvidu i ie tirce vetpormIl r:11 Arrangements sacre cise, matde icrth liseroi mocei. iof lise chef- c be isciint Rclcrs Pcrks for sboa np m a nd cati bbhcctiti baisa Hutro gcve bis slissiiica tien flti olieig the cisi cf ailit it ns iroetcs adicmlaiiziiiirtiie, He toiedmInciaissilciesipacciiio lian is iceibg peopie fi saie on c îeccic monîlbis ans bciac itiivsod vocat max er ancmpcnies. Tise speakber iso ulie b,- impcrtant cars of the Gisicoas te ptciag Scoipicres ai sciosiiis isspitcis, istteis, motels and ain board sity. Ho va vanl- lise Chsristian Lcvmen's Associe- tion mush reprosenaaises tram neoris ai] flico local risrcss0 cri-ange birositos ccd Chisibc feiocsii. Tficespeaber acis isarbot i b- Jsa Diii'. Casesis sacre acmerd front Mimit-t, Neîv Torontouu at ram Militie, ------- ---- bb J- ------ -srvnao ---- o-- IHor ~i~rai Notes cwnçPA uJ ands nte or *l tiras ng yoor bierni tram 1and sie mitb evnrp soccneding romoe ina wlk-ip natif. thed cas oae eard ebgo yvar lbOrth total provincia or- th.ome go.Tre To dinide trie corncl, mn mut Lt mon reoently reported le tise pIr en 69 slngle ued 35 ment spoading, ak 13%«P10.0 nothing ditticaît aouit eosaiog ndirstand tisa moantng nI tise bicot issae of tho Leginry tisai double living aniîn In Vancouver. in 1962 bpaltb and molfare, 9Man- tise scd tvandtises lter movivg mord rbiome. it reolly a tleuby tise toal vaine ot Legion-pn Mayvsrcsrssc sMmig a.qld fo 87.ilsill tse -speoni. plaîst acirceteimcsoseonanolte or$111l'M flcativen i lbe tlsa ed cor unedergrond nIaIS tramt miics soeed lana-matai boosng construc- Westminster, Cisillimucs Abbeoî, and education $7t53,0i00.. loat-ceninth aloerbe r ceosa tise a-av rallier slring-lise tion in Cisnada bas nom, rearbed ford and Cranbroek bhave vanlootu______ border. Ia-naît Yen may fiedt ibis bard t0 lhe imltosina toal nf over 13,500- types of apartmenlu, Prom 1941 ta 1961 the value af Bicaniots are pocaliar feonv boucane bat itîsctoaty a tact 000. le Deier, tise bîlieot projeci macbieery and eqaipfmn ini ose and WC osa soeir seed Ibis mi- bout fibe tbimh iravel os tbey Figrtcmie indlicale tbe as tbe 120 aparîmrnelt developm-n on Canadin taris isscrnased mer -o tbot il miii prodoce, crac A close extamination af Ibe splenidgrees 'cbe Legin ban noe Montrat coeting 800000. ta ftra 551,1 million ta 32,569 mit- plntCtis and flamer bniscwi a grsaned mii abowa bat itmode in providieg attractive and Oetario boule6g dovelusmrrente te- lion. Ibis voar. Nt ctsr tbeytil pra: crs-eps or moyen isorteoetaliy. cons-esient living accommoda- dodol a 82480,0 projeot ie North vide the gardent cis o lie di- play cf binantis aod tison tise Wbile it'a trun iris are ceaune- lions for aged setecans ai rosis Yors, ai $215575 lwa-bn0ldieg, 4&- plants miii die. cttiy togb poresnioa it doran't aubhin tiseir iimited buodgets. And unit layant ta Ottawa and otisr Z ý& le otisor mords, tise plants o ai t2ci ircat tbem roogisiy saisn il is intnresting ta note tisaI tbe large.onito te nacli plames as Kit- fogivs amlstîtmcs saisn tisosa A gardoen caris is a proiects do soi oaays ecude aonne, Orungevilte and amuait bgovs bU e diias, a, sîc b ai'to for ibis par- nn-veteransand ara onderînisen lames as Asaneter tebr el n h e!o h pose tisas a spade. cet tise brasois ond atber tordls ut Similar developmeeî bon tabou piasb t io viide andt fini. ____ _ tise Legion. place ta Manitoba, Nerîbero On- bave lo be ropiaoed by nom ManttInfl.C. tarta; Nom Brunswick and tise plants tbia toit or seat spring. F eAI-lcrc Tise i urgeaI venture Inde ibis Proirit Provinces. Five 11-Eectrc Ityi ot ommantty esterprite bas AIl te ail tbo L-egion bai.madc Loto Septemiser or narly Oc: boe. mode na British Colombin ti possible for a grene many eld. toiser pîantieg ta mucs ta be pro- Homes Now ifl Town misic bon nom, 1,052,000 morth erly people ta bave modemn casa- A PE F C lerrod oaer spcieg mises tise Tisete cre tlie bhos compivia- of tom-rentai buildings ltotiing tortabie iosa-prirad accommoda. E FC sisnai et mos'ieg Ibes moteriaili iv iseid isy oieoîi-iciiy ta tise 188 anis, Ose aportroent com-itin te tiseir declieteg yeacs. vois dlosanon tise atmeant ai lace ai Multas ladea, and ta-o ____________________________ floyers îiseyii pradove. attre care tnder construction n-i Tbeiesdas astricis prnisypari(aneivaeatmorme titîan assi ui lem te tisding o suaise time 5,000 "Medoiion Ait-Etecti c Strt Ii esannryome icrsa hesseds o olta ve, H les ta acrin. - and cetoerisry bouis. Tise besi Bt impatevioca bas 59 viiai gagemant ri9 la lime ta soa tises is te Joîy, baiat s ceie e tsocirmddieg ring anA iis dote osoctiy tîvds ou marre- ccsîeitits 13 tif iliose lise coupina eoabange mer tempesai ores maris ts o e mi wisie tise losait Oniartît TO FIT THE OCCASION af guifs, biigi for tise germinotian et bout- îîî " op'les ~ Tst i ' f isnabks, roierisr bo,,ltuvs molla c ic aprmn Otl- ... N OFT O IADAMOND oS A LIFETIME and seveci sailliains. iiics îi-aieciîic d cy bwlisnt baî . .A O O I Y U Tisose iiennicis cHli tie tise antif tclii Broapton. Chane IIl eolia Icmratu bc ei l'csa 70 Ot teadmiessr Gainkservcice nei restas of mintio.,Grc ol - aigr lli-ihmsadiie c fl t- dren, cataay; fion isi lise bai ioN soin poovesi ibis viicioiicconfoode . . . atterri la fid bîcni happyening. If voa stirt tisesof ait ceucor REPRIGFJOATION aou la petteotisci lie lic in J , ttese plants te c ruor c fcmily ai lotît miti nomlv i il bo Ina bic ho pcs fîor rond oce coocis, c». maur ad r csiy ile b lmmnedrorieilr apciv KNIGHT'S MENAS WEAR thbcîîic il e isemiver. If Sailis Il coii fs-et. 202 Maie St. Milton TE 8.4472 î84 main SL. MIlan couttifl Aocosi la soc' tise_____________________________ scd hvliaio larsa large1 ecacis pîlnt iss lIsceo oime, Tbh e I bsi vcrioties ni ta-oxER.R claies Iarder ire tise Escoîsiar RO ET . M ;reid anthie Giat Sirley HiN-ý br.Tise icime mifs c yiemiv HAMILTONBR NN E aie0 ocrit evls flie Roac Harti - OPTOM3TEISTB R NN E stttic bait aiG-c eîicn-organa - 60 Main N. Tite roofs ai iris are ecreciv s o pt R73971 cciied rizomes aned ialipti ai, Offire Hones Doit-lI l ciibciitic Lieioeaatsedî trspMoacs 19 3 Ramibler American 220 baco .i -,oars.cs UES EXAMINHO Irleloti lundiîided lise isinosasi PRESCRIPTIONS PILLED 2-DOOR SEDAN iii dîsainish is otîier, qabiy 1:ý SUN LIFE a pmroe oompassgf WALLACE GRAY - 107 Court St TR 8-2421 auN Lire aiUUUANCI COUPANT ou CANARI& ONLY199S S Faeiory Town Outief S 24,000 Mile Guarantes S Bring This Ad for Spedial Prize No «L,ATO N H. E. "Chic" SIMPSON MOTORS LI1MI1TREO 310 OUREN ST. R, RAMPTON Cuit 451.2490 se 277-9597 1784 Lakaulanen 1usd West CLAIRSON CuIt CR a-ssci or VI 5-7051 46 Broadway Si., East, Ceungrevils DY J Miton's becaming cuiarly t bis mcckl1 or sid marhisn tor brea mer, bc be gise sthem mord te c uni i donc ouais amui tbeie tise boys' rivam Multas, mi ut about antie atrne mon by 1 motiser aIf cd poriont site oiso a 28 incses rivas mci Misa Jitl le;aboot 1 oitil tise STAS A very sabase pet yaed ibost daring tise tirsi "Star Din DIS iseomeas ]Irons, Ne 1941,usnd m mentis. He 155 Pound medium, b-, doep brosat Din i, uftodayas r celeiscated Motn mas miutng mu Clora-s Ama lirsit big s oued Sac cards, saii raptias ont urroso tise monts atte record eftle milias soit ly Teonagi Levrc Wh,î mention e i avec 12 ot latast colos Wisros, 0001 10,t sati GoWitte Mi top lit. CLEOPAT lcmorcnt motion pil Cloatro.- production t' big, but til citer foar t îîefotao Wiii tise gnad itfot me stuppose bave o mi] tisera, Stiti merts satin es MILTC GIOR ERIN bal ast. pragian arrane