Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jul 1963, p. 7

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u~VuJe4~s YVONNECRSTE Lapp cerys home, close CJsMPÉELLvILt.c MIiltfo5,u it500il, fca' hm . dt asdtur nd oaaped,3itedisaoe ori* otr ~ -id briok. fireptace. $bR.C httct ttti de$ ap Vain Camp. TIR 11203. i6 à6% miiii,4B s parkingaspace ~. J.EA~LY $13,900 foR prias for titI, 3-be ""6eT.roOcO split-level bunotBtw, k. J. ÊMsY oaed livintg astI dlbftihgro blppfig4 h e UL 4-2251 or UL 4-2296 drupes intutded. Cain TEE 8-209 pobotmost u ttsspect, 4 - iedtoom country bort Et ~» j~*494rent. $100 a rmist. CatI Fr gofBI2095. lis c1gE lf fttagiis C> RS WANTID PINE TREE SECLUSION conMfte ON THESE in Acton BIAe~AtON4 Homes Weil kept 3-edmmie wit large iti, lo.god sîse livie "1«.ti à l9*jBÀfts room. outomoatic, gos fr f-asae rostage of 99 Eot rlith depi 140 fateBttat israMI $500 DOir.ae tf 100 foot asd lots of pio 4-r-orm Ett00, set= decoattri. trees for ailade. Dors ppee Coarieslr09mots8My, eortage or $800 witis mostsîs Ps 8~ê.292 aad taxses. Pull polos $6.300. meeto of $75.57 os ans ope rortigage. b - ROOM 692 $800DOWN Modernizod Brick Home 001a040.VO0 bT.- -itoogoo bomte, square lot, Downfown Acton XHWJ*XM r. _tbdromtode $765" liqontily mortgage RABUIOO. etR. aanod taxes. PuBl pritte $4810. $11.700 tai*eo* ~ ..ddlsssg 0ieg tise whotg famlly ts se mle o tifand ae ibis 3-hedroomo isaty. BriRis bai?> Roi PAi MOE AE living ooom. targe adjaittie fiiaMbafie bup* /l.AtlonEb -O SVR dnng rosmtand errfic fa stocc-Eaged 3 - itedeaom br-ick beregatàW, os extra large lot, ins omiry, lot-go blorben. corn- millio living andA dining rases, 4-pIoge bath, ticibed r-sgra- C luatcm. att fired itot roter hting, alcosîcutr cbuors and rsteMansd dotas. Ats4klog 116,50. Cati Art Feagagit 878- 6447. "RE-ALS"- Highside Do.-so- demn bmoglor wAish allachsd garogo. combieaRbo ling antd diciag raiin fulil baseseent, large lot. $15.RO witt -terrals. isarey Bt.-Clay brick 3-itedrere bsungalow, M6 fi. by 132 Et. lut, 2 mneorai tlo1 downtows shsoppicg. $13,700. Exsclerat Mounaîsîvic,- 3-iedrocs btus- galow. Prtced lu oeIl at $109011 ri feeas. Klsgslelgit Cl. - Boild brick 3. itedoe bunogalow aI itorah .2ccr, $11,0,8 wlisf 83A0 dors. 720total nthTif payrasý. Hoslop Rd.-$ZM9 Eull dorai pop' ment. modeon 3-betomm hutr- Raoer 3 iscdr-soms, livinged diffii romr itcisbs and breakfst sssi. Eull hasematt. Fuit prtce $13,954. ,wlii8By fiOMES', - $7M full dlows paymrent Roc a modemn J- hédroes buscgalow, gobeplefe rîisb separele disbsg rui $ttttî-lcvel homnes $1.05 Toit doos paptsesl. Mode homer located os Bapleroad Crs- cent. Open sveryoseeedrr itp appointmest. OFFICE HOURS - Foc yoar contesience. toc office iii open until 9 p.m., Modop Ibroogs Friday. c il Org1y $5,250. 4-moint cottage, love- lp larg lot, tracs. florers auld gardee. ltiot rlgbt for ceblord Efos or newtpreds. Cout Today, JOHN R. HO LMES REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone 853-1650 94 Chuecit Street hast A C TO N bh4 A. E. LePAGE RÉALTOU UMI7ID Memisof sElthe Torosto, Ostario and Oakoille-Tratagar ReaI Estate Bards. 30 Yeats' Coetiouous Serviece. MILTON JESCOME HOME Reai Oppoctunity 91 3,500 Issl prias. 9 - maom home os 2 Elaor. 2 baîbroamoi. gar- age, 50' o 132' boL neit ressbed apar-Imget seporote etrttose, cosveciest ta schooo oeIl sopping. Most have ruistort- laI deon paygmest. Moite patIo Ispecationtlodap. Cute Bungalow HIGHSIDE DRIVE $12,500 osly for ibis aompact. wetl dssigsed hao.e risics r- fers oruai more tisas tht o- ont rat of bungaolows, bisolit 5 r-ms. 3 isedrootro oit iseating. eicetp fenedpyard, perrae-t swingos, newrsci acroorr tei roadJoot tise place tun a pooco couple. Do voit waat t0 oeil yror bore? If so. ts' oar moltiple lirting sec or avoulable. Col Tom Bradley TR 8-9543 Or ALBERT FEARSONS BE 3-5950 or BM 8-4121 ily siz kittites oins aortter atnd tiopioands goitre, close t dowtstown te trec lored stree Domo puveet $1,200 miti on open morrgage fer tise halat E. A. MITCHELL LTD. REALTOR BRAMIPTON 451-6232 b- J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. REALTORS 63 peurs cotieuonsservie Incarne bore, 10-roor brickt con srnctirte. diided lin 2 tait cottaied aportreotsr. ao abîr beatrd mils ail bot mate: tomnate, Iocled clore b, cisurcisr parnde rsoppie1 arcs, extra large lot atd gar aile. A Pet1itE3 Ou t $18;500. Large lot. toated in o fine reri derifii tarit. close to ecittat and, dolfltoWs sea. 52.500 Eut Contact ropreecenteo An Cairot. TIR R-6980. 50 ucres vacaet land. att flush wits 3 spreg ceess nolvmint ibroagit prtpetr-y vr5 suit able for Eisis pond. or boya camrp, iolE rite froin No. Highrratv Litect a, $200 pet Cotac rapreseetatte J. A. Et lirait, TR 8-9233. cIl * TWO GUN I * LEATHER HOLSTER * * SETS WtTH GUINS * Reastico $40 $2.88 * MILTON PLAZA * I Smoke and Gift i g,.e.icoLSda na I T' S E ASY~ TO WRITE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED YOU TAKE CARE 0F TH-E DESCRIPTION AND THE REPLIES WILL TAKE CAE OF THEMSELVES. REMEMBER THAT GETTING REPLIES IS LAtI'Y A MATTER 0F TELLING ALL ABOUT YOUR PROPOSI- TION CONCISELY BUT CONVINCINLV. OIVE ALL THE INFOR- MATION YOU WOULO LIKE TO KNOW IF YOU WERE THE READEB. Write one word in each space. The Erice is calcuated orttomaticatly. CLASSPICASION OU COT 9U5ýCOT 95c _______95c $1.20 $ 1.45 NOW DEDUCT 25c, if you enclose cash with your order and send to The Conadîon Champion, 191 Main St. Milton. 1 1 WE-t NOT TRY IT NOW AND SELL THOSE IT'S EA>1 WORTHWHILE ITEMS TOU NO LONGER NERD. MY NAME ......................ADORESS .............................. MT 7- 1, ,aâdsyzer Machin Join O.P.P. taMumesr Suspects Akoho Coitet N l a om et ndiesmsetdo e aea pno hc i vl i dlvs d iin g h rm -ig gie he ifte e ,, o gi idro t fipuig fcIiies i he Not 'fl w fiesp nt u [ein c r. HalnOiao rvira Poiericiesra W!o Nýýd, ao srti e - o r aui g Wkoo o-cafcle n'AcDa"lodtpani.Assetcnhv 5. H 8. t figomaich ir pright andir aoe fcr- Irar rla t rrhe b r aatie' tîl a . ase, ll hara tral-r thoa et acsusedis trreat and anraa inrtlk rca licsî, grr h e idtîr iel worrIa rks i ha eîr susp coires Lidr-oebaed-al rain tf agoraiie al 1ir of unes ulfaoi i,ra,r a-.tprrrlkîron- thai sr-ahws,'exar, o ,aI, or dor, huerror cirrer1gesusppt crnil hod tlrthelm a o f t e tstr Th.An, il icrr lie arri)hol. h bey- i-. theci o hna to (,if h e rhar.-tt5B'er w otaco acIrt ra lc. cîîhra-, llîr aa dira mr,,, l h c .,i gd 1 9 v~~~oit," di t( h oat tetEora C. GaI, sus pc hkgnal liad.a im.îck. hv tîga a nraie Ilrdoaorrnt ouei g thrle. aout tarat fhalyzer ,r haju n of a b Scoottîr Llotds a ~~~~~~a atowim r end h n hara sin ar srît o gie( h rttsria-ra. a apce lrcs hw te brahl nt X IEPU TL rîctot ov tl id or ad2 a-.r aga h a mwnshis, ha raîl r iver. h ai-. a ,î, b i,, a, -aîa. ll drroortdeisrtaîoedttdrabt2arrinaair7rryrtrsr Te sth-roug o i ira lse rai ihro- inial t ri, tubk lria lezc Irhtr-a lin h on-g mochine ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ alo as rqir pteNtî ao ...drooet W i re aIoatr Nan, Toronto and,,,,r iitai a, itonî.. The rsi g orptli t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h mrMlo.tooohîartartaae sserbel ,aacine-rrt- airaIy pr-is a bon rtetfptossil"I eahla, lilhause fic isatit lIo - toeteeriethaî,hrtrtoteot,,hshîadsrooo-atdrs fiurea-ritt,.a,,olrice oi ae, toîarrlesarerart,,t lrol.,baila,u t,La,, ,huetir,,,,,l sh wwrh herethtpre.thili a ha a tî,aat normal m t ar e haiîratig.i,îgl as e l ,l, b t fi1adf.iî i-ll- 1 a-ch cli, oflvl e prreor.a d r ,and reut of -.-.gsar cone-e-rd ine't - u Thaht lieathat,,, iapotitnrat t th I)eatilver, rin , sliv or enc. ait g .îî ,,,,llîa lur (b î tl h Glrju Record ofe Lornee scot ubiis hi oarli [i lcl i i Tiisb is Ero s o sete Rlaia, alîart Il, to r a ,, ar se ih n rtr erto irrg f flha- Militi on tlesse Dot 1851. a.e Tiih i ir o ier [tty App dro]d oR rtete daltg rtîs he ts It-,ar Rpahlaîihaaaah l l. rairtrtod rtn ha58 whertm rtf th oml-.rt rhface trt oihp r ttf d T flic mtha al,îraîa.î,îratrt I tory oR ise Loose Bots te lîaGa.l Lkaata lhaEriil higl t Oavirt, .rp. lc- gpar Th o f aaod Balan speech Al,31ta I34., egir. cetrae Ttra-a Ortober~~~~~~~~~~~~~~et hePo tEetNa-tt-îrmrttaaartatiatiAri Aplgha ii Flte Crorkl suot Militia sirh Lt.-C lose. Hiram Rahai -e Eala,,taapt. iaat aI tee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ofc esttasi mt rpees.aradh.hrohr irt-.trt, I a h tdst ra, d Sirh dyand 2rti pil. 1833,'5 ha trîarastîaFti.r sesatbe o Ue &Rlesp dr- aar cI,,,ta a Ita-A rtpartael aI,,, eiatu org ots tho-o tm ,hipe liN e I*i ho third Hartet, ria Alrrt IariI\ cm as Major Coco b ble tt rote yo Sarih rr n ia itim ia. nwha Lis[a Laonh Conae a rtrl o ng a, To a r olgrîath I ha, tac rp-otront h.. 1h mahnejs Foro rord byteNrthl,,d tir .P dhetit ta rrb a-a rhro,,CoO hpa cît 1 a.13.L o.WI saî a -rsa nt L rt in Came i biionO hitoora bretf ho L îerta h Jer,- TIa ruptf 79. rm rl .a adLo ,' La . Nor aI tiaor la r mr gaiond I Ms , i.I orr a l-li u S ertro ire e ad ogor onti- n h, parlalî re a nd tr igrtr ar-r, r i tal tht o ili for : ro- 188 a wror and ah lithrBattah 'oti fror hio trt, orred ,.,, rit.It arîliir Th agr-a a irl e . a rt, a u n ogge rra n e% Haîri e Mita tiord, ort t isa Il"21 u- A hI.l pre pe roor rh ayrrt rd- aI lb,,kiso a patiiiCa ren Wrht, l nrta haîtto l hrtetor am0 ar Tortont rt fil el o rei s L t. e ol. vvrtu v-d ili h le o ah e egoeeta iet. il, Star, file t~ hia iedia r'e , ha, -I, ofîla Aloetdo MrNaraghloe ma, ga rtodieg~~~~~~~~~~~ th ourlpe, a i, kpr1,irIlla ,ttbt e 14httGt Di rro i ia elr a onditod and Ma,.le 853, 10m gl flicrrar - n o, rt httit, th rathalyor-,d o mtt. ti ~lî mi -a 1tat a.ato. lba ectd o h o t- 1c flices Bttatirte Hlcrteo Mitri",a IL(igu h i1 lera IWord Wa Il.Thortortatie olBrtib ,itrlar,,iaîrtc rrtart-rp-.edto toe-.hpr 0anit Ilritleal,, Ttlothea Noble a rte elaira Iltraheg its- l o rta Iel ic rItor aathe ti, of rî ad .Goe , 101in o h baIt- ofh the ttmisoi athe Miwnshia tra 2arl T, mcie a m ne o l 1891be athe ee haak a rcil a Lagrl.,nm iii %ur A,, al v is l, îia Garlarth' Grîak rtderg- Ma,. 145, tilh - o. r ira m, Roer a .Breen ie ro be .ih l,, coalonrr da rt 11, Upr aada seulemen7 t it.,.d rtatartîirrtdaimeo tf on Te lhaTarethrprite Ton-,.irtrg Wl miholficOt HaIt,agifHrMaa.lbs, Ldrr-, lin cloel atheîr leu aimpobrtant Mîlîi, ah, mer-.i Ragîat coin Thar rai lsn.l'i atrai hala- MITO e ONT.e In Rif e,. rl maein hac ail aîr ost, rington aiIfarîigara itiie. eea ne T aro o r Rigis 450n ad o hOU tia mee frif.n lbrao. eryýihmpe airtMadortathaPaaiter Ca- Dhetoiti an,td Mclai,,c ahnsir e Tiatr Tartt coagnartherrTwnshia-parooofTralgr tt-at sbuoaprve h ferre Ra-gmet thera lia atr, oterd tcpul Beg lweot fharntd t Sec2nd Lt. k Ca i L.Cl. GraerTak T ocre RBrro, w ai a uhia uhcm i co h 1tttrgtrir. F rtfaicr -. cede Taaîrtu taeai îr,î Sates bv,- seve N~Ia.a ai ditg ofio a eted 13îr M itav 1853-r, al.a -N toa ae( ýucI on i hi bareetriea itoayfT he.- ii-n ai thei. at- Trîî-,î 'o r1, sronneaioft-. a and Lund John. Willia artd gatt M ze122, tCiii ed aiffe a propsaRa io n aIni- brimntst afi POrrî it.o tîrra i iraie di- Garo-- i -.e t h e - mil ,ai lbr hr tp85 ,r ita c mmad iimt-. INSURANC EnoktrhiCat-i aTbari atBriiailai rirIîTheti Liggrmin'iei arparaaammaadareTgageetsTaonmrt-.brp-.tria iittat meper- fiia rt mt scat. tecrd l it til. -Tiarîa,-.aîa .1 itt aUnite nRg rtîi aflGarainons aware- o Towsira ofh Ragrocerg Nu.C raimrthe ei- tr r he s il StIYaes iinîî.r.îrr ii trtRrrius tt hatia .hirfN A.l exYanderia~r ailhto ariaad Cl.ci h W. o plt lat-.at. . i ,a r ket h1 rt.. Mî in. const.at, fu icarna81 ther Ga.rerrait ric o- ztit-. 1t CM a aa53ora cma d r rabs o dte r i fiai serveiain o art r i,, i c mratîp.i .arrrior. etaiir IL.C i c e W cubemJ r-.e,,,1 Gaa rih Ltu Ca l Ji aenoiae-.pi aa-arIL Te ifrat-o oftraitisha o l, . ttinc a.ri atwnshtipsand the itwnsipsaniSaath liiat neattriit i , or0G1h -aoutdahd li,îaaSi tram part il iiiari,rial,., lris,. .rar theîra rafalCr, MNelso, raith in and, Nliii,.tw183 Lt La C 00,A11,ý a order, aI 1h,, ol. Aear,- grtifr,-,,,Ili'lut aduqr I l lurirra Nat-.aTra.i appaar-. cont ha Tirap-.eamma d d tramti I Cnt LNobl rc Koieora fli i at ple t, hair.c , taau rît se aî 1,0i, Mili.l LOn ail 11. Colv 1816,rm tli. 1839o la ti gro5. Tha ait-hi rginthoro d terse a na-pp- t t Lro l mp.rrîia-. ai l r.airrtî ar-. ira t aa Genra aI de Ma,. 1830. ,,, . aot8r5 o limit a i (ion ofrthen Halîer a of1,-. ia fieranad t-ta i 19 li a-., i l uurae - Clirrte ii li a 21 aiid tacltefgimeoto or n t Nowrshi ar Msei Hait oot lregen thap br ol.. a llig a L'lar 1, ingiralaill hrdd Tho lraheirio the m t rire mThe 12 t.i 1833. elei M LT N O T meeetrorar.otcar 1h,, i-, ala ae rira6 ndt,.reitia ThannSaondei- 4-0 ______600__men._ foneatie aoat he ar 0 hi-. bratitGe i rrtteit.tb(IlrmnotbtiTae Miliarra Dot 23n Deu br 1848E ho Tharher ]aiaWillam .ikiedBC ails-Thar ra nwkw sPe eleadvag _____ turred ver o te Pel aoi D 'le neýIv1-me 1 it raa a , own ai ia lau- ciai.rrah aFrt, oatheiraii Yaî Coernirr,,met s, ed, t s,a iiaitFrtgd ii o ARîra n rbp- aîaort--o ir2hda l.Drragtis Miork.rTh rrseMaod Weitiv oir 1h, l i rrg cr erra r,,,,,rs ist,,-,,,,,,, ,,îî tmaona, o- rîrrîra coM. i ngt Raieiando Weti Yrk mait.i ra s ahriztd Lt al. Lt.iilrlsue J. R. i Baba ta ni lu n t, ,, hat i , atai Joh, aapliam Yandl. 1 Mairre,12 dria-i ol iia m prpaa. o of: Lr. Cal. S. R uCt i adiii % it flicit a ni Mr irt ic ira Geoitlîrrga Aloi a th o rof tTop s i n chrnamand l i r 1. iarts aile 1h, praait a s hiia , i ira i ,- 111 tiN.ai, hitaiatc,, Nat,. prrrcaa-dadr aradaa al n ,anatu Thea t T RinS n Notal rt aod Let. l J.W.Mtor. Th arac I.-.-ri rît tir ',iaa îand rh , atmd hag ro din,.thep i Tow asit-af Naira Maork illiam a a i e ta ram Caala.t.taa so n.reoaodrtrttgî,r. Wr.il ok iiiaa Chiigk% ,a i nd Yrtrk.n Cal. Pats Miniria aîrmprk a d r h o cammartror i nfLb Cri E t rîtrd cd 1 tir Iliiitin iii ifi at Wta illiam irt lb, nr pairu ail 911r Colr . ra tn serice smpCD.ad ar rvicetrr rît îrplla, C.tanr NOon.ar lu iusu 11lrratand.TItimRe-.TatLiCart. Ioia-.ctmrtI dorbhtandr tra tf t.in p r lo r orii,, aionittit accoutrer ola raîta, tac itar71r 1837 L am ing rtftra183. LT Cal.rt i llar F.Ceof thr.CD. ca traiart,..,aIaa1l inIltrs NelCsGofn Cnhip-bpartrantic Iran so Pacmîaaie ai-.r ahaii Ro. V.ui Cortet.DB E..l coin. paîria, ibc arar Rat- îlatît airio Mi i-ld Gar, MLi t a r1 a 199 rtlrWlimt 13 tis 18art dTr-.er aiTat.r i Cala- t hlnin e ede toy MRils a r, st rr Fliai rt ta lira ts n rhiraul u ,1 1 g a hoei Crti c d b, LetCl Darte Sm-il,,,,,. gatheed ltter, nespapr aietak hala lits i-laltu er b, n un thip a d , Ma, 180. l ai- aTha ri d Battati t Pato - R .F R thtle Porlargle ,azrtf born a n gth lia-I ,,,ier hn r rar,h traingo a t he îpptia, i cna. prand a-O. 1835. ia, b the anrimpertn Ca rea . ofa an the - Desi etrettlc -ui. trd ut aodn arua mutta,, nd rinbî i tir liilt U RC TO fraion sa bise Coe.t tî,rî,r..is Paa States , and Gr ritain îra bat srin ai il.Tea part rîte lirad O il Y3,,m , k 846 t~ 4he Arr if hope iali,b Far iaman , li e att rc Br.,,, rî \,7 Triev whtev 14h 1hn i tir tr.ttrt mtis divsio a.r a m r n he E VC 1791.Tise aeneenbra-r-taI 181. at Kprra î- madararahangd. mTi Creby rtf Caal on C fa Peel Mib it iarwiri rtfa er bG tot Er enia to.nra ,Ia Laintr,,tri Da r u aie rann at-an, ed aned inrr it ianbrtedTwnsdi l a oTIR RToroRS Coue cit ed a tLegittt A li ,,ar a -ra a h , in irt h t r, ,ti atr S ha lrirra or Ilti mono l t hea tu9 ci(i l Fus Eta a t a io n ork htr. ntee e i sr b is hiie n s fIo b ap ira R I lh tari Rucii 'tini lltis a r thd v frt g Ba tar bita 1h,, F arr r Wali am Pc Miii * A OL N adioirbnabiog ponp oe 1h,, - u r ona t a n nntal M l G.r Bv .rtvc Maclîbra. n ul, ti ,o i ralri hap) 1 com ad. aTe a Secon ar, doriad irta itae- ataîl 1811a \'rati t.aarîa il 18,7 f.icr m tiaodrîp; 2 ut Ba lfai Preel ir t,i Horrrîrî earî Li.- o.,aiai ii t-.h l .Rpi Bar et. rm" in,, a ftl. iie..tîi si llatîtî taatiit :, arîtn rît capi-.al, TYork'a at al M.î.. d tiiion tu flîi -.., -a-ai tî D.t aiMiai. TBa- F.t lai C.. uainii, a -u, b ll a ziit- .ar- , tes- l a fit Go.,î. t'it tiara is i n trî t a t,atari Yor M ta..î , th arin d Enie. . Thtre.ne rua% ri atgaraaflirIjit ai-. , caerrt c aon-h p w sips Biaal ar i ,-- ajrr frllam p nchra lo toisen-. sm c isie g bist e trtio trtf a H to hyt Capl. lrrbr Chihrrimz C-.e Ne, il, Domine Toundsp brs Sartd aTTae i Clailinga to t Doff mienjodF e marfinI tied t mis GnWiEam Ibs ati. aih tn- Yesor aa. , br,arasp orored bpt eetled o bse reses twessip. cptua- tf Grorîr a, taer is ae No-.agamtî e Toerips. LICýol, floe üLyeobie Toroto. TieOttaB.ciN.*Eie (li tento. Tcofom orad N ,rte C ol eea rt il, ght12 Bli rtai,ltort e 85on1 o fedlict iiia Dfic- Sea t By atrt e o 9ii orr d o itonith-44 A.dtwsitKemCDan opt-obed ordri lP, isld lin ' LIrr noe- mrietNumaontroertsLT. biseC eiCam prt of Coomand. os.clp.u b.Cor e src C. te. pa fti c for mtion,,d ta laI. chie- tCol. Gege K. Cbiis at ta e t onPe- cour' ar rra ed bp i Lb-Col Budy9 heeE e deoeb, itoto b rs Fr l.k Crompdey flia e-it lcl .tise F of Bttheo "Caolne" e FrancI-Colt. i Swter

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