You Cant Dépend on the Weathoe, But You Con .0n Wdflt A*. CLASSFIEDDied For Sale POM SALE (Connld FOR UNI <COW<MM Miscolaneus MSkAEO <' TENDERS CLSIIDFOR SAItE-You will Bite fil- FOR RENT-Offlce space soit- RIGOS TAXI for p)rompt see- ADVRTIING LEARMONT- At ber home, Aor- FOR SALE -Piano and bicycle. ieu your building mnaterlals and able for businens or profeusional REIMER Upholntney - rt-U vice. Dili 878-9962. c-h1 1749 TOWNSHIP 0F ESOUSSING uo-s, on Tuesday, July 23, 1963, TR 8-6266. c11 ,l 766 cui a lt Crawfordns Campsbell. offices. bigb clans accommoda- Oolnteritsg funtr ______________ ENE in h (Pcd I oea, bie FRSL-I4 ptgs. 3 months ville. Ouck service. Hf gb qua- tion. Apply H. H. Hinton. phone lug ceanng. Prompt service, bac»EN E RATES Jentro. acldt otlte b id 8F4OR SAL lily. Phone Caaoptellville UL 4- 853-1147 or 1246, Actant. b-2 9929 qulityf otaterlals, fine Wt *NRSBCERIDINO FOR UM TÛC cd Jaimes Eoalsa t orie FOR SALE -1954 Cite. Camp- 23.c3-7-fFOR RENT - Wby pay cool? p aie Ba, E84.W * TA RIDES Tenders wilI bc received by the Soc; daugbtcr et LI-tI atti hebllvitle 854,9079. C.-t1-t780 FO SALE-McCormick - 00e-r Furchase Ibis 2-bedroonn home in WBGYRDS Twsi lK .Lnsy BIRtTHS. DEATHS, MAoA-C-tt, atstrte Mtttto: - iog binder. 7 fi. cul, in good l441- Acton for $500 dlon paymenl. LARG RL.S PRNo GeUGY50 o orCeown, OC.ariodsay- ES, ENGAGEMENTS - No sister ofJosecph ct Aiax;: Mrs. FOR SALE-Gendroo bIby car- niog ordiler, scith a Iractor hitch. $50.92 per month. Thalos rigbt. intte staff photo appearing la The Homses borded. R. R 12,0 Glorgneton 00001,an- charge. Ftsra Tccptinof cI 9strshot: ciage. $15. 878-2639. t-10-1720 so, ecaivasses, ground driveo. Buiîd cOur omo future by buying Champion, 5x7 sie 75c SolO $1. GodWsen oeo sale the 129 ocîOc ononl,193 on r Mtay s Keneeh cf Sati Mtteic-t --- ---otc im eaMloT ntead of renttn Hg tiin Cash tu accompany order, En-.h 9hdyo uy 93 e b 0 - oaoý FOR SALE - Singer treadirCoal WloFrMllnTee f g ve with terrie. nupply of a 3/ ton truck on whlcb FOR SALE, FOR RENI. ETC.- Caltit- and Mcs. Jcttt Issst n 8-6348. c.1 1741 ruant, goud size kiîchen, 3 - piece quine nos at The Chamtonu of- hr it 6a15 ntioa -95c min. cho. for 15 scords. 5e tRoae eso aho.T h55 choo.pu h rd not-ic.-f ROY TOKLEY Stake I-ton dealt la. c-I -.1745 FOR SALE - Car, lruck aod oug cour oso hoome. h. A. tn f .&S IHNN O-Seiiainadtne om per word thereafler. Mt-s. Letrnoet t wil test ,tt the tracter tires, nsc and oîed, att chett Ltd., Reattor,' Ocamptote., uaated lon &wi LIGHTNIN CI bpcfc on aind ted llTormu MacNab and Son Ctt.po, Miltont, FOR SALE - Fickup roack; suzes, lave prices; flots tioed, 75c; 451-6232, b-3-4 1 ti S Insaans.e îot wi e R e a I ,An 87« hpofîice an Lowes Subsequenî insertions (n. i) OP for -- s rvieo Thttctdt, Jtttt- 25 chain stw, '63 mo-l. TE 09ï54. tcheets batuocet, $1l00. Miltont e ETEVE.3 ntc -l2 raytne 0 ecsr c chages) - *75c omin. hg. toc ,tt 2 t w- letermnt on Evec0ceLn c-t 1.1699 Tire and Radiator Sercice 191 se b oe ; I diferantS 3euigcesc1. raytne o =srl u 15 words. 5c pcr word thccc- Ce-oeteco. Milton. _FOR -SALE - -Sm -ail ot hi- i Mill St.. FR 8-2711 beside Miltcon l'il... mite t 0 VIIN fcern edspara. -_______________ are.McDEFFE - At Oshawa, Oenccat cycle, gtod coedition. o-E 8-9562, Lasedromat. e-37-l38-t S N E 31 tors.G pr en d seaîle C. E. SNOW, *25c discount atlowed toc casht Hospita MACIN Mnal2,c-174ts eel nmdsaiii onhp fEqcIg payment. 1963, David Franohin Mc0uttc, SEIN MACIN steel. Townbl o Eperoin . n a htsaoeithe talc Margaret FOR SALE -S t p. Etitttode JOHN VANDERMEER DII tc b-3-2 OMING EVENTS. CAP17 OI Tetter. ccc tether of David of otbe;ttt mt,c $3 5 a8.9b62 PFNITAI R. R. 1, LIMEHOUSE___________ THAttliS-.$i foc finit tire fn es. Ilite for each additiesat tine. IN MEMORIAM-$l plus lite Fer lin of verse. CLASSItFIEO DISPLAY. R E A L ESTATE-$l.20 pr roi. inch. BOX NI2MBER to ibis silice - 25c addilionat. DEADLINES Oshtawa and Donald o>f Strat- futtei h other of Hacry t Mi[ ton, Danel oi Ates, Nets r .w.Jack et White Rockh, BC. ttsd Richard t Miltons; tise .e-ived hy sert-o grandettiid- FIIet se-viceeras held o Wednesdziv it the Mt-Ktr.r Futir- unitHome ltenciiin Eer gructt Ct eteh sv, Mtontt. Classified Adeertiier 12 Nuon Wedoesdît C rd Claositied Display & Seat bit Flcîr of ihnfs S pot. toesdcy The (lctîi et flie till- Matte Phone TR 8-2341 eLt tceturiuteoiîs an nte-t _____ ___b____ , buts tiilie lierali Ittlietî ans 6 Th ocdai hatte.t-tet hetceent. t-i 1746 fbersdoy. Juiy 25tb. 1963 Wetîish te thaok cil ou est rives,Iieedsttaed eitevcrstÏoc Born pri.Hrltiuesadcr, BELFORD -Mc. aod Mrs. P,,,r t-1-il1773 Tite Huit IIîit Belfordl(necBratdileofCuos Our si .rett- thankx et, lriend ville, Oot., are pleased te .ttt- and neighhccs i or cars&. titis. vi-s ntourrce the btrth eft heit eon. isit ced speti-i thacet, stu Dr. Bradley Alco. ss-ifht 9 th,., 6 MaeEacheo aed Dr. Aîbereite.ed, oos..eatSouth Pet-i ttt-esto I iai c8SîtetD Tbursdcy. Jseiv I8. 19(13. tirs Herpilci tocu ait thuir kiîed CARSLEY - Me. a ed Mis. lan tiers -ted hety te Dunctant at the Carvtey et Oakrittr, fermcîs ci tinte of his aecct. Milton. arc ptcttscd te *a- rI-I734 tiegh ae.t Mîttîc rati_ neunice the bicthcoftet--îîsoi. t tttsltt1ttttttk all lier Donad Mcael weiht8lhs. its tiretde atnd ntttitil't- * i"tt- 41(î sas., aI Miltont District ti-.- lerttti Iloees. t-aeds attd gilis. pitl on ioiV 22, 1963. coiqeiics aod tt-trphsnerais the -icils tel thte Canacden Gc:tc.l CHANNING-Mi. a cd Mist Cihcr- Etteti te. aise, Fathe, G,,ttt.m ofI ning (nec Jotivl cI R. E. t. Regina, Mtîîdi Patisit iii tai.eîî Moffat. arc pie-tord ttt tit* toit, Drls. Cout McN-h attît nounice the birth et ilier rpillait., cite IIIe pet-iatl ecs daughter. Suran. treigit ô Ihs.. nus-esrand staff dtacieg i iLity i3 oas.. ai Miltes District tics- ci th, Chcdeke Geece Hospital. pitl out Jeiy 1., 1963. " Ag;îît, ittîek sec ailtuilci COULTES - Mr. aîtd Mrs. Net-It- 11-1772 Terrsa Decaîte. man oeteî titec Clîrotof 1 87 Martin SI. arc picc.sed tî acesence the bitl of thaîr InM m ra duugbtec. Frances Cet-uta. n ora weigbt 6 lbr.. 15 ses., ai Miltoni District Hospital oit Etndie,I isly 22. 1963. A httthd.t Pies -(ots -I l teti filetrttel iii itete'ul 27. 1961. LYONS-Mr. aod Mis, AI Ercees, lît ciii lt-ail 5ec ut 335 Oel] St. at-e pteacd tel etil, annooceltehttttî ut tht--te- Lee-II.rt ii: deughter. Julcie Lesiit. weigli stle I' daN triet Hosspital eet ieiy 22. 1963 seul Lait anîd d.îCcie Jeî.tee ROOERTSON-Mt. ancd Eoebot (necBsrwn) t 391) 14(i:EIN--tee tetîlîle îîîîeeeîeu Boit St. are picrced fee a-tl ic. a ,il, le. ...t t-t , e.eîieîe suse the hirth et thetî siti ltt. Otive tictiret, til-e yassed Alav, stetict f thts.. ast Mitie aîeey icis 24, 196e2. District Hospital ott iîti 19, One ser lits plIssas silie Ii, 1963.-dav EQYCE -Me. and Mis. Gilee Wiee site vusît- ;, lilt SRoye t-sec Sammitt et tise- altc5. hy are ptecsed te aonottt-t-fltc Gcd roetk lir feie.e il t Ili, hirth et thrir deughter. wc-i-t sili, 7 tht.. 41it ca, as Miltson Di>- fielt-t îini irauisc theritls flict Hospital ou ioiy 23. 1963. t eritgie'ttert herl ush.tîîî 13e., latîttis antd gîatt-tttittidt. WILLMOTT-itt atd Matg Wtt t-il171-i( firait. E. E. 1, Miton. lire Ptcased te ,tlttcetce Itle attri MORI0ISIN elt IoýtinIr citer - cohn Michaelt, 7 ii t teirt titi tliet hi tenOi lh%.. 3 ozs.. ontFidcv. tttir;. gitsRo- essttesse ho- elle 1963, as Yoet k e-tiiy li-spital, esteI-e rtiudiIceiý ct-y 2t. 1954, tri Nctsntttket. tus, 141t veit - Wr lit sot srcd t syee a t.î -ii[ flic day es ec _leIo ît toiefinîl ,î Engagements et- ttdt i Mr..îtnd Mr,. HitiattCo\î tte gite. Carlisle initiattre the engace Wrt i ve il. vý n iw ment ut their lasglttr itamcî Se sec Il Ilit-roi (1-se iît Marie to Mr-. Murray Franltin Ctît-s m.ttil-tt ing tt thr hfict-tite. Perchet,sn ofMr.and MIts. (. IIttttitsett-e-tred 6v (lad Parchent, Kilbride. Wcddiîc tii antd Mtunet -este-ts tetti brîstiierîs telle place sn Auguot .,963 t-Se cI- tl l.7é9 Noty Besare Lisci Atdt-î iteî. VAN t-t lI et lest te.- ot aI 11.00 ao, est Behse\V;te) lioe et-l 75- cd ctehuIs 22. 11cro Mr. and Mrs. Jamtes Nit1Kav set Ils 1îrteî r Gnorgeownvs ntirh tii cescenve As teirlt Ieîtli, J'a -tl the cngagement ef Ihî dccgi- tcr. elyn Gaie tee t teetrocet t est tiN tMolltstet-i i-tes Robort J. Baker, sotoi Maîtor [Mdtt andî Ilst l. t 1044 and Mru. Jack Baker et Oikvitte. The marriage tritl fakte plat-e _____________ on Salarday. Aegusl 17, t963, aît 4.30 ocloca In Knos Pceshytttaee C mngEet Church. Milton. o igEet lt-t, ai Milites Aý t-te tyin e 3000NAN-FORD - On Saîoeday, catit-n yonoredt ho Mtittont frît lune 22. 1963.,1 etl rok, sn otn n Legien. e tt-1765'-tf Holp Sosary Chorcb, Milton. by Aoyoue wishing te attend the the Sev. John Morphy, Wendy Ficemen's Conentonî ai Terssa- Lpn. dauglaler of Mr. and Met. ter on Muteday, Augurt 5. Pleese Robert Feaiberutocne Ford. te cotact Fraek Jones, TR 8-6026. bietois Noonan. son of Mr. and Relut-n taire $3. Sun beases o-ire Mrs. Patricka Denadu Nonnan Hall at 8.45 eau. sharp. e oukvilIc. c1.3.1718 cI-7ýFOR SALE - üLte Swsilt htek -ficrs. Priec $29.95. TE 6230. c-11-1739 FOR SALE - 1949 Austin, gesd ceosief coditistn, Sti5. Oaheille 844-6946. c-11-1775 FOR7 SALE - Rctpbccries. M. Howrard, TE 8-9833. Cati ai oses or eenilfe. _ c-10-3-1752 I-OR SALE-IO' s Z trailLt ie gtd csondition; ,tise bex Irait- et.TE 8-9805. c-11-1778 FOR SALE - 2 bailding lts, ifS* x 200', pitîrc.qttc Esqttc- ttc. TE 8-9827. c- lit 1757 FOR SALE - Yerkshire heec. serit-ecbie afe. Clarce Pcul- rock, TE 8-9810. cil 1777 FOR SALE - Hslstein htcrler. dec Attg. i. Fhsnc Milton TE 8 9468 citer 6 pst. c-11-177C FOR SALE - Sictocte hitles. 6 tt-ckclefidLiiac PoittedSeti Petttt. Cati 878-6583. c- 1-1787 FOR SALE-Ftswecs foc ait se- cam is ency Godter. Kitheride Phoe TE 8-213, Miltes, c-I FOR-SAL E 3- ue ticaî poe te-, tlrtskee. 20' long,. eiitceeled îllttc, Orsi eticer. NE 42941). .-Il 1750 FOR SALE i nýnto. et. Miltett E. E. h. TE 8ftOt t11-1747 FOR hALE -Adiisg macines, tryctot ted., for scie or rentai. Phoe TE 8-962, Hcrrts Statien- crv. c-36-164-15 FOR SALE -tIetosv detts ranfc; igi rcis-; sitail Il i ctcle; phetegecebte tiahi. TE 8- 6769, r 111763 FOR SALE 8 fl t 4Ceretick itiîte.cculsstitant325,tacr,.îl- \Eas et esdcî tct-ctr. TE 8-Octt aîssttd 6 pot. c-1i1-1776 FOR SALE- Ue-t rheteriltcld e htd forfit l 358 Mie St., TE 89094. c11-1794 FOR SALE - Mapo. Teo tol Milles er Cosetr ef Htotn. 24c cr6h. Aeeilifihc aith1e Chamicyle Office, 191 Mtîtt St.. Mile. a. c-40-336 il FOR SALI 1957 Doe '56 itel Sycchia. Tcse.e Statien. Moltet. Open cetitcek cttlis. Ctttihiilitic 854-25531 t.-11-1782 F0OR SALE-Oet ytec.1-eieti ele.peresred glassand citet t ecCtli tt h irtî ,tt ttic Redi M e, t.eît St., t 8-2051. ec Il-1785 FOR SALF Stîîgîsikieg eqstyneti, itit testm supplie,, yttli a-e Scies ited St--tvtc., Ille.rc i Brttîtse tampteot, Gi. 1-1275. c-9989 It FOR SALE - 3Spetc K:rtîhlvt hertittett stuite, Sctl iittîcs viiitiitrtst itg Linig 0ER SAL Feititrîte 18-seýat- titi Iodtent tille t-esideIttl, a t t rscie e-stot de> yot- stettiîtIi- is. Lindea Fretette.t TE 8-6193. t-t 1-1740 USEO HARVEST EQUIPMENT 1 ItF. 'K' cemntee 10 feut, i (tet-ketîitl 137." 10 ti. i 5111. cil*, toit., cebilt. t eS.. pueil !spe. wiib ettctsc. 1 Case was.ther, 9 i. i Tisreittg Macinet, $225. MILTON MILLING EOUIFMENT DIVISION nf ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS LTD. Milton WANTED - Il re b-tee Gratte *12 sublfaa tests for saleic. .li 878- 2903. c-11-170 WANTEO-Wetlecen saddle, ai- se cbiidts peuy and saddte. 878- 920f. c-1737 WANTED -Geett homtes fer kititeos. 2 mntols enid; ac hunt et t-or 4 gusd b arn crs. TE S- 9145. c- 11.1781 WANTED - Ride tI Kcrr SI.. Ochritir. Accive by 8.15 a-st- Re- stsr 4.45 pot. Lali 874-2461 aflet 6.30 p.nt. - Il119 WANTED-Lire poitcy. gess aod dock feathers. featbec tiekt. Highcst prieces. Wr cal], Write 1. Zcner 776 Ceitcfe St.. Tecrontot, or phon ecoesirt LEnnoxa 5M724, t-sîuttts tildsue 5-2038. c-35-tt Help Wanted FIELP WANTEO-Epree-r st-eier teasted toc sec stalle ttttcv trrylctd len Miltion r Wcitc Asseeia-tes Osarcies. 2-700 Dsticcriu St.. Toroto 19, or photer 878-051. e 10-1fi1 G000 FOR PART-TIMERS Tors pour sparte tinte itt casth. $30 te $40 sseckts. Nusetteriecr necessate'. Write R.ttt.tighe., Orpi. G-24-6C, 4005 Richtelieu,. Moetreai. a-4 HELF WANTED-Farntec, mat liedemant.,thavte gssd ep aecew tm ttrre iticry aesi Elco, vr, -tectr ehb veut, terite. Apyto McNttit Musiett F.trn Ltd. M 2 Hifitery. Attee Jette Aoderesn mntae. b-4-27 Employment Wanted EMPLOYMENT WANTED- tigh -etteel gi tsttd lifke bhh ecyttttet. TE 8-2167. e-10-1713 For Rent litR RENI 41t ates eti de:. l tilandt. Brue Mtiler NIE 4- 2840. t-1 -i il FOR RENT-3etete etelet etlt- est aparctst-tt, %pit TE 8-9562. t-il1 1716 FOR RENTkiElecie- het IseItr Steitetî Hîtittt TE 8-2345. t-il -FOR RENT - EeIt-ttîite:l i hedtectt apacimeot. ail crvi ieceet -epacate entrat-t-. etityt C. W. Clark, TE 8-4463 - 10 1679 FOR RENT - 3-i-i tent tee Milton, terate bt ttîcttt.îd ettce.i124 King Si ot c.îii Oahrille 827-3850. c-t11-1771 FORE RENI Ne-eir dt-etolIL 3 teetttt pttaitt .epirttttenctpl ve etratte. Reasctrt'lett Appty ettes 5 te 47 Hesico Ei. tri. IR 8-6519. Attîiethlt 6t:et:s lot. c1-t2 1683tO FOR RENT 10ettcnted brckissse haret. tîtiin see e d ands ge-tttt aca. sitttttd tte FPart Loti2ECeur-e, sin , lTwnship et Esoeeettte. Coetîtet til Heito. aetlcoul ctte tttc et HfIgIta N:t. 25 tndltilleesav Ne. 401. 011cr- st-ii otly bc6e tetd et tl Depactieet Sept csretlttiee erhc seili bece .ite tttciecty lt-cm: 10.38 A.M. et 3.30 P.M. LOCAL TIME MrltîddjY. JuIy 291111, 1963 t-itCC lttltlttl - at t hc: Depacltent ni Htgbtssys, Rigbt-ut-Way Division. Central Regional Office, Downsview. Ontario, Telephone: 248-3445. DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS ONTARIO cIl MOFFAT MOTORS AUTO BODY REPAIRS *Woeb guaraoteed * Frce eslintes Open LI 9 and Weekeods. Campbellvillo 854-2553 c-Il1 FOR SPRAYING OF LAWNS & EVERGREENS or FERTILIZING Cati Rainbow Garden Stone TR 8-2097 - TR 8-2741 c-8-4 PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITBD Higbesî Cash Prices for dead oe disabled coteis and hurses. 014 Nurses. Sc lb. Licence No. 227C63 - 142RP63 Phone ZEIt 9-7950 Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crlppted and Disabled Conte and Mors 24 Hoar Service Lic. Nos. 133-RF. 20t-C-62 Waferdown MU 9-1044 b>1-UI By Week or Month PHONE TE 8-6861 Milton FABRIC Centre Services aod Repairs on aimallesofsewing machines. MILTON COURT APARTMENTS "LAST CALLt Foies lits ited somber ut apactotents availabte. 1-bedceot snit - $ 87.50 2-bedctom uneit .-$10 1.50 3-hedreets unit .......125.00 Arcitabie fur Iri Augusi. Esclusie Ageots BRIAN BEST REALTOR 310 Main St.. Miltes -Wanted to Rent WANTED TO SENT - House o;tpacitest on Miltes fur 2 cdl iteI. TE 8-2851 brîsce roett. Ask [ec 54r. Germeno. r-1l-88 WANTFIS TO ENT - 'tetd- too besouese etl Miltonorrcoity. Pleete Bolton 857-2125 u, write Mt- A. Tsdd. 356 Perl Si.. ot- tes. c-I 1-1774 WANTED TO RENT-Oy Cbis- ti.en ceuple witb 2 childceo. c 2 ortmarc bedcesoedsosesor ar- atmn it th1e Milton se Ontagh a..Imttvctiateiy. Phoe TO 8- 9460. c-11-1738 Cars for Sale For Your Noxt Car . . BUCK HAMILTON BELL BROS. e-I--O TENDER NOTICE Town of Oakviîîe Board of Educat ion Tender for DRAINAGE 555- TEM for Newt Central School. Sealed tenders on stipulated sucei banils. piainly markeld "Ten- der for Drainage System for New Central School", wiit bc teeived until 12 nasen D.S.T.. Wednmsday. Auoust 7, 1063, at the office ut Dunlop, Wardcll. Malsul, Alîhen. 90 Porsylhe St., Gahelle. PIans and npeclfieatlons map bc ubtained tramn the archîtect un deposit of a cbeque for $25. payable tu the archileet. Tbis de- pouit wilI ho returoed on rotocîs ut pions and upocificalions in gondi condition. Lowest or aey olber tender not necessarily attcepted. THE BOARD 0F EDUCAT- ION FOR THE-TOWN 0F OAKVILLE. G. C. Aîkins. Business Adminisîralor. c-Il Real Estate SYDNEY K. LAMB Sealer iis tu tsouet filat bc bas Iswo Agets in Miltton H. WALLACE TR 8-2508 MEL STARK TR 8-9343 Buot seld througlt peur M.L.S. Realtur. c-il For farces, homes, umaîl acreages Cali WM. 1. WOODS Miltonî Phone TE 8-6057 Represcutiof Wm. J. McLeod REAL ESTATE BROKER Arise. Oot. Phonte *853-2630 -e4 Àa4eU P 9«gý1ý-e CLEANERS KNIGHT'S DRY CLEANERS LTD. Satisfaction Gtotranteed " Dry Ceceisi " Stiri Laundering Saine depservice iflceqsiccd *Aiteraticus and REpairs * Egs ced Drapcs evpectiy ele-teed * Froc Fît-k-uit aed Detirery " Aittscrk donscu premires CALL TR 8-9941 c-Il ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC a tNDIJSSIAL o C0\0ylERCIAL o DOMESTIE o ELEÇTRIC HEATING Complete EIecitric Home te Chariot St, Milton TR 8.9313 DECORATING INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICES " CustCom made drcps " Seady mcdo drapes "*FsCrcreriegs * Veuctice bliids *Wtiets sbtdns *Fccnishiegs Iront tameussîan- etaciuerc Far in-htomeeconsutatious, c-tii Mc. Campbell. Tcrres may bc rrasged. CAMPBELLcS 0F MILTON TE 8 6021 228 Maiu St. c-47-tf MOVINO Stan Rowe the Mover Aïeets toe Altîrd Liser Cost- Coast Modern Stueuge Otarebouses 144 - 150i York SI, Hamilton MIeLTON REF. CALI TR 8-6680 ORNAMENTAL IRON 1 FLUMBING AND NIATINO MILTON Ornamental Iron ALt>MINI3M & MRON RAILINGS BILL KELLY TR 8-9827 ORNIERAL CONTRACTORS A. C. CANNON & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS Custoce Homes Repairs Atterations Modemn Cupheards Pt-tnt and o-t-g ostîmeites. Yaar f epeietee. TR 8-4424 clif RAY OLAN BUILDING CONTRACTORS ITU. * Home Improsemeuls " Reovat6ons * Allerallons * Additions * Cemmercial or Inîdustriel UL 4-2263 c-t OIL BURNERS JIM MALLON *Ctc-toitg * Repaies * Iestcllation 24 ou evice Ait weîkcecuratteed aud iureede TR 8-6797 c-27-if TV andI RADIO SERVICE DURNAN TV AND APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE * Pbutips T-tpe Scorders * .C.A. itnres, TV, Appliancen * Sogers-Majerlie TV " Spariou TV aîîd Sicces, 222,MAIN ST. TS 8-4445 t--tf WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING J. S3 RTOTAN IW R. 2, ilten, Oot. Phono Oucîinftse NEison 4-423 ADVEETISE VOUS BUSINESS SERVICE IN THIS HANDY DIRECTORY. RATES AS LOW AS $1l0 M t~-~ agae opens the Big Mammotb AUCTION SALES SWAP-SHOP EXNSV 35 sears et tait- dealiogos EENIV Hamnilton and eicinity lias gaiond AUCTION SALE comptete public confidence. and- tuday, as in pears flotte bp. de- 0f Gond Modemo and Same Sot- pendability is sur greateul ausel. ique Fos-ssture, Electis-cel We boy. seil, e«cbange, aoy- Applîsnams etc. tbiog irent thimbles 10 throsbers.- Wr crry the tarfest stock on tht The properlp of Netl Amerî .cen Continent. -MSLELAS$NIR One Huge Location OnIy MR.LEL CNIE OpenDaiy 96 -Wed & ri. Loscer Base Line. Oukeille (Tra- Op DIo 9 -.m We,& ftalgar) 2 milecs nCrlb ef Nc. 5 Nu w. t pm. Not fHwy. 5 mites soulb ut Hornby, Conr t just cat ut 7th lice, on Ciap lseove SATI2RDAY, JLY 27 MU 9-1051 or 548-3864. c--l TeAt 1 o!clock sharp. C..f Tecnents ot et li-omed tome. liinltg, dintegi, blitcar, laits asd bedconm fureilure and eter- Iricai eppliaocos, inciudieg modi- CORRESPONDENT et- Oeby Grand pie..; 3-piece cest-octcionat chesterlield, as TO REPRESENT et; broadlont mg cn ms- rmont, 9x18. as sets; coclinefftet DUN & BRADSTREET end ulier heds. draetrc etc.,.a ne.:;ecfcs in cek rare; rock- tsili neediepeisi; bcd cbrstec- Lieue titttdetl pensettistecqtic- lietdls: a lots god an'tiCte pitu- ctes-sec s socai cepresouta- et; chine; glass; conku oIes- îl- eo ct- finie credit re 'ilt; building; t-tot mnbOetiI pct-titt0. Wttk is citea lue hasir. t'able: power lanu meortc This r s aneseeptiunaity I-tige îîlccring et- ht-ler tbco eamase> Wîite: tsîrnitce. cteeeand weî cedi for. Home sid an 54cr.- Mr. B. A. Mitchell Schnuederis lit ausingu bnc. Ot lettr 423, Termtical A, i TERMS: CASH. Tcrsnte 1. Ontario. iFRANK PETCH. Auctieoec.r c-Il e-il Tel. Georgetto 977-2804.ý ".Wl di dic lu Ur C-9