TRAINING FOR 12 MONIMS of te peer te pais if te progrir foilomeal kp foui Milton fan- nets, meinhees of the Guelph Leglon Tract Clab. Thte boys, Tatrp Desaurier, Gary Wjchens. Alano Sesise anal Johe Swtser da lteiî training tn Miltin ec day, ansd ran for titi Tracti Clati eee meekenal, Four Mdlton Runners Race for Guelph Club Four kadding Milton rutteeri, ai Mohsawk Park in Brantford, * Terry Deslacier, lass Switaer, Alan soas sixth in the- otseml John Switzer and Garry Wickesss eveest wlth a lieue -if 5.05 and train daity for weehesd rais1 Grry wseightlswittsa lime of meeteere 0f therGelph 5.07. John rats in the jasonile Legt.n Bratch 234rucktnClub. ctassandwaistl0th with a imer Alan, <tarry antd Terry rets in oif 4.56 in the aune mite race. the midges cge group (fonder 16 On Jaty 6, Joho can-in the juv- years ali and John races ie the ecolle age clous champiosohip as juelile divsionut for boys utider Enuhicoke Collegiate 00,5 tinisls- 1* tAtan sfeciaies in theuoeeed 1tgtin the tmumile wth a mile and two mile events, Garrv lime of 10.50 anal foui-th en bis in the8g0, one mite anal two tieatlInthe one milevn,oit mite, and Jont je races rangltsg a time of 4.52. His lime for ficî frum 8860 tn shre mites. Terry is une mile mas the hest yen for atsv ep. the long distance mans of the of the MiltonI runners. gmo and racesi ini events longer 'At Nurth Viere Height, Colog- than a mite. uste on Juty 6, Garry rats eigOlO The boys thare beets racing in a fiold of 18 in the hall mite wilh the Legiotclb forlc past evet adregistredatlime of tuno yoars and rots approsimace- 2.17. Hi also, ran in the ue mite ly 25 races a yrar. On Salcirday. race anal mas timed ai 5.02. Sputniks Speed to Top Down Swatters, Angels place and tonsght's gamen mîtti STANDINGS goa long way indecidteg the Sputnhs .........7 3 3(00 standins fur the playaffs. Lte Omatters S..... 5 5 ilS McClure kipI thi Anget hits sent- Birds ............3 5 .300 tered, wshite seotemates Fietsy Angels ...........4 O .A0t Nyhoît and Willy Van Grunsvan "B" LEAGUE rapped in the cons. Judy Thump- Meanethile in the -B" Leagiie, son and Loaci ts obbies kept the ecilemeas grume, as the once the Anget cause aliva. ileme.treddes CamaIs are hegin- A change in the caaching staff eieg ta flux thnir hatting maus. snems ! tilft1 the Spaînitis with ries. With nemomer Jantia., Fiti- neet npirit, as they spurted inIa pamski anal coterats Marg Oell sale posession of top spot in leading thewav the Carnet% eed the Miltoun Gicls' Safîhaîl League. unIe the reluiaof regultwirIi aller a double min in this meek's Susai W.ittcrs. to cccliv lare tho action. ale. A 14-rets lilti inning gave them Thursday niahi the Meicer-, a derisive 301.20 vicory avec the tseeded ats cxtea innieg te baille Flysmattern, in Thursdays gramne. hock taa 19.18 decisio oee thir Caret Rohinson, Maroha Woidie rivals, A ha.sesloadeal single hi and Susan Whitney previded the Lyssn Wathins drove in the scie- pamer ut the plate, wthite Snsan ning rets. ,a Bereke anal Ponta tcrahs were Theieilast innitg raiiyllons. thebentaof the Satternsingerc. ret short asComets ccroodîd Mueday night the Spataike 20-19 tic tic Mtorr'. Saîdv Lv- #stietled Salue's Angein 25-6 witticans aid Salle Mueterd sharcil the e t ut nkamiag a fine hurling anal tiittn honours fur hittieg performance, ta hock OP the viciers, white Mara Soit. Kar_ the tiarting af Maritia Waldio. ila Andervon aid "Ja'.tv Filipose. Satan's hots mee trasgely si- ski aptolal the Careause *Teuc Wtee EDMONdTON, ALBERTA Thundeehicds aiea pirked op The city et Edmonton, Albeorta tovictorien. rtipping Salants s tamed for tho Englicti toma af Angtst 281.20, in Ttiaenday'n titi,, Edmonton, hiritiptaceoef Jeohn andl hemhiag the Flysmattees 31- Peaden. a cleek ai the Hedson's 13 on Mundcy. The Birds and Bue post hailt on thecrite's sile Setatters are nue tlied lac second heface 11100. Aller a ntiohe start t0e Bleds setird aicie te liait the Omet- DISPOSABLE INCOME tees 31.13, ted hy Colleen Wcighît, The pernonat dispasahia tn- whti ptated six rans off a six for rame et Canadians, incamne toit sit eve i ata. Faitare te initie hands efth1e public aller bht thoit titis kepi the Fiy- att prsonal taxatiats, incruscd saaters broi moting a ti r lom $008 perecapita in 1949 t cent calte. $1,400 tn 1961. DANCE THIS SATURDAY AND EVERY SATURDAY IN THE BIAUTIFUL SITINO OF r Brch Hilis Golf and Country Club PeIIcw siges teest On CamPbOlni[II Siderccd te SielOv Lisse of Nosecgaweya BIRCH HILLS MUSIC MEN ADULTS ONLY PLEASEI NON.MIMUIIS $1.711 MEMBERS8 $1.110 BIRCH HILLS RUSTIC MARS11 DINING 8000 IS AVAILABLE FOR BANQUETS AND WEDDINGS FOR GROUPS FR000 30 TO 300 TR 8-9026 8 music Ail tOc sourdish tif tOc caris are lihe mesc. --Oscar Hammerclein Tl Ahbad singer caespuitiîtolv>yti iwn partiin amuicalcîmipasi lion, bul a bad canal nclîs cuit cliii everything._eurBric The tanguageeof loirs teiengs equatie ta ait mankisa andaclail dy is tOc ahcaiuie tangitage in whicti tOi innsiciain '.pctkv tu eerybheurt. fermell >Altoni Bell Operator Sleuths.Qut Family History Hum mcny Chempice tenders the volumes et matecial sOne ar- - cigOt Ork ta the nelgin nf rats rercai Mies Mitse Btceîey. quied, Mise Bufiey flssctty de. the Mcty rien ilseif. SOn dis- mOul svas Chtef Opetr ie the cided tau taitdth e book, roveceal îhaî the first Mccirv Milton ell TelepOeeEecneb0 Hec ceticement as Miltots Chief mon a MacDonald. He mas a man for sevecat yeace laare hec te- nl 1953 altec 381 years af service, ssaed far his etatiaesse ansd as limet in 1953? ave hec the lime shtetseeded nurh wansentby the MacDonald Alihaugh Miss Barley moncalfo tue1e painstokcing tsk. S0e cOudf un un amkussudar of pence fromt Miltsn fnitaming hec retire wenI la pabili hracien aed ze- ta a hoastile teitie. The trihe dluO- ment, si tlt massy friende Oece, cOuses; site wrtrae dazns of lt- bel hlm 'Fiac Lahairi t RigO' mho milb eiteetel la knout tire: site intersiemel sacei tif meuning "T0e Ring's Spraker". sOi Oas meitten o book an hec celtives vht hadet knuwî exsteS TOe bookvisaoe.wnn maiefeai famity lace, aiea Achcde; she delvel inia rOsen, ta- production. Miss Bartev aidi ait ihalal McLacîy af Argyll, The de. crras; anal ute evin visileal grave- the research, itstervicmitsg anal laits came ta tigtit in~ a tentuce yards. reen titi motiascripi lyping lier- hi Lais Billosi th1e Juty 3 msue Hie tank mas made mire dif1h- self. ut "Bell Nes, the rampany ct heruse the name mon spelt- Nearly Dectroeea tnvispuper. ed a hiall duaess diffeceet neuve, Lant Derember, fate eteppeal te Mien Burtey presenilv lices ai depeedieg un the keasclealge anal andal amant scailleal the mhale ef- Bymaad Drive, tetiini ecaiaion aI th0e rieci mha e7.- fiel. TOc Kingetass priatina plaît Titi sîacy te reprin~ted etrsc' cordial i ai the lime, mhici ranterlceal ta peint the - flactt lightande 210 ropies af the baook, caught In 1960, tOi litai stages aflier lire. Farlunasety, un individuel Hie algOl yeacs of sieulhing Ot serch taak tier harO ta flie Scut- hual noteal the mansript tviag an endl, a former Chiel Operattar tisti Highlandls miirh ber griot- an a mark latte the eight hetica, can sit bock, citas anal maten the geandtathîr, Archihalal, tlt in anal plareal il on the cempnivs mailman drap lesters aI caegra- 18139. TOi hoh's biagraphicat vali. Il mon charceal be tOcin. tulatons as hec dooc. TOi leltees sketches hîgin mith hec greet- tense htin, btin ot dîitroyed. have ceoelmîasly taudeal hec grassaahîr, ethu broaght the Mc- Miss Burcey madestiy dis just-publinheal geeeaiogy, ArrOi- Larty name ta Canada. dirms hîing an aathar. tI jat balal MrLacty af Argyll. Safarie Titi prugenitar, an Mise Ourles campieal lthe atari, shte aseerti. tihebok, Minnie Burley hadfins ities hum, mono mon et many "Itauna litaciatiglotitg in mittri anthing more extenSsive khilin anal toains - coaper, te Oitarie and Scattisi liksiere. thai a ltter. ,, armie, loy nuinister, rterk, pes If scas a biîg sOrtit, su final "Jus Griew andaapartiipantinlocalgvra. dacumnts inithearchiivsrefer- "Thiebook jusl grem Of il' men (as apaîheuaîîr andifece ring ta parentsv anal geaedpac- self," she ayn. viee. Hsettledmwith hicfaîi unis. Homever, making e Il viacteal mit tOi suories hie ily amoaaît lOi Chatham aria in teiends amsîngîî reltives lias moterued to tellieraof the Kentîfaaeîy. heen my greaiest satisfctrion.' McLarty clan. Miss Barte aim.s Saime 60 tiographirat sktches Mciactys havi atready tiaaghi s itteresteal, sOi eeetsaltr, de- on sacoeediîg gineraliant ouate up maOsi af the capies anda hel- cialoatsdramaupa chart oss. They ie.t mrely ateta1a pateeaeelaties are hegîînnîg tatiuishth 1e relationship i uth5e co O ui maae Inecl ta avk ictir thit tari mii ceame. Scastisti anceclors hiec mailler cienifs but________eesin iloncriheal. Utahie ta candense îdlginon the limes aid tee- cîtucies in e mich tOi indlividoate AT CONFERENCE t-eeumeu iîvid, ascvelas hantiirusi Keih Dunanicming Kis- tnecdoes. men Club af Millt pmeid-eni tee Thi hook condtes milO a liii the 1963-64 b ch begin'. in if the McLartys. There 111e samcl SePtember, lait Stoey Ceet 1.0W of tem. acer the eekcial ai aDisteict Found Pictura "A" pristct-iet'. ceece. Miss Beriey een manageal t ualn pictuee af hor greitgratta- TRUCK BITS TREE latier's daugisters. Archihalal Me- A ptckep trucki drivci hv Roueo Latvbhimsîllmentld neyer pic- Dilii 410 Woad St. Milt mit a photo t0 0e saket I frit toi, roceici 1500 damagc Saidiv tbai a pictace matsa "grave im. aftcci ice vhif Ivn cov i thc agantslhosa deianeo the ih aciiiadit aitecunithoStsti tirsi commanaient. _ Lieiorh o icOticceiilNus- The introductione( thes%lue sagavea. Noii, Hit]il OPP shoies tio, farerrescaecltiîceiti inveticid OH DEAR I WE'RE SWIMMING LISSONS at Kelso Pool have attracted 54 children for the secondl course of the season. Ami Jonkman, rinle, of R 'R. 6, Milon, practises o steoke, e.ith the heIp of irstractor Paol Ambeose. Fach course involves 15 lassons, and children passiro tests receioe Red Cross Swimmig pirs and certîfi- MF MABTERPIECE TOn cxciiing "fully aunîmated' MF 615 Dieelmaticl Shifts on-the-ga at l ~ / thse lp ai' a swtlcO. Averagen 15%/ tocs fait, (Direct Injecion engiarne~ ovîragedan o erepliau .1.5 ph1 per U.S, guI, or 16.22 kp'krn. per imp, guI. in official lents.) Comas wilh Feegasan Synicm, power niccring, difféentiat teck, tive PT0, Floai-O-Matir seul, aid moea Thcce'î ne athîr 4-pleet tracter ia tOi Diesel- maro scas . n v cit proe it! Stop te ted.îy! SOUR MASSEY-FERGUSON EALERL MILTON MILLINO CO. DIVISION OF ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS LTD. MUTYIN ST. MION f1 8.95"0 The Canadien Chamion, Thursday,, July 211h, - 190 WIALION MMIOR Oldest Slows Out Curés A t - si Birthduy Party By bOss Murtel Thceupsoa de u a vire prett hrlhday Lade, boquets of heautita cke %ee lgtedand the **Ha>t roses frin tOi Maner's a cc rose. py B rhday" sang mas sang. La. lieds adacitial the tiîad table as tr an, thebsua ho lg Olt tOi Joly hicibday parte tielal i0te ruendles mes Bi ta MEc. the auditorium en 'Ttiusalay C, Eider, the aidest flgeS cf sight, Jaly 8, mhen the CampOeil- ticiar peesens. ville Wamentsçleclilute cîtedaci Rolresheits 1001 wire tOnal ont a pacîy for shose rosidenîs lue a mcrmi sommier eeeleg he oses hitas on theîîiv. Thco-,mere "erveal. They mère, ectaies. Th rmidn aof aihe smatiluie a cetld drink, ttrtbday rake and ThepR.eAstenialesetc an 0Te tmeive estsaof occc Mos R.Aasenmaspeocotana mre Mes. T. Mackintosh, Mis. aise Mes. T. Watson anal Me-s. W.- M. MoClallougO, Mes, C. Eider Webb actedalsu cuiceaies tee ibis Mes, A, collier, Mes. A. lli, Me-s. cors* enlevubie pariy. Mes. Aus- T. Merouif, Mrs. F. H&.%.t, IsB ten beetîght graciaons arctiegs T. Wright, Minois D. DniB tram thi ltnsituie ta tOi ceci- Richardlsan anal J. Baird ced dents anal lOess planai the Pro- Mci, J. Koata gram in the banals ait M s. Crawc-___________ fard. Wiiti Mes. Cramlord ai lsc N CT lter. TOits Mes. T. Watson gai-cN NBLAS li tsi- vere îeievatic rctonîes. OPEN SlASN NIAS The Ficemai's Weadîong tad ate CîSWSON'S CORNES A nmtier ail gracoltîl ScottisO a, utctndBosRll dacscm et Senva Agneet,Y"atoie Bur afy MaivieîunîSasan Martinî,al]if Cetre givec uthe besteuie- woim si-ee drev'.c-iniiatraciv-[ce there latclaeu.tceup rte. Scettisti costumes, daacca a Highltand dtance as aartp. Su--85 sai anal Mateiti Maîiiî boen WheeI AIigIIm.nt$S5 danced slo iScitishianicesn.e ARD AMCWI va danceal a soie tap diance tac OF A DNMI wbichti .e lettre a pentev Pink BALANCE - $2.110 PU WNII danecfruok. TOe tiighiigtit or thc peegcam Frei abit c eso caMuct came mOun tOise camie iecl an- brakes, eîeertcg, epaeg and cpeerýcdancoadtel tc aiihJigi îvbticti abcelui ai aey lieue. cepeatoal by recqact. Fer ibis anateccacti girl iere theic vle RAKCA T anti green coistutme o iii ' FRA K U- Irish CeieeeîCOLIIO Bla.. Oct CendlasCOL IO At thecls aiiof ibis cîîtccitnitg 2' i Miles West af Atec peogramt tOc?1 geesîsvofhoî.î whb eroe ale ta attend mccc TOc Mesi Modlem anal Bell caiteal te the huîait le vMe'. Fqoipped Auto Bodly Autncî taid Mr,. Webb aid a, Siîep i the Aria catis onei camei iiomteaid lie et' vbe as peeseîcd ltlh a bicîti PHONE 8513.010 dav a ana a gl fmoni% Wbîntie wee Oarlth ut WITH G000 LATE MODEL USED CARS B T BUYERS ARE LOOKING FOR THOSE NICE, CLEAN c1950 TO 1958 MODELS ... AND WE HAVEN'T BUT ENOUGH TO SATISFY THE DEMAND! SI0: CNOP 00 TNE PRICES . . . WEIlI SACRIFICING OUR LATE MODELS Af FANTASTIC RIDUCTIONS. ALL PRICIS EFFECTIVE UNTIL TUESOAY MIDNIGNT, JULY 30, 1963 WE NEED YOUR TRADE-IN 'o 511 TNISI SOON - TNIY CANT LAIT LONG; 1962 ANGLIA b iloc, radia, ey 1960 MIRCUIT - 2-doit hardtop, sharp. - ---- $889, V-S aitinaic, fall paowner, in out- 1961 FORD Country Sedans,4- snigcdto. . $187 door, itice anal wite, V-8, stand- 1960 FRONTENAC - d'doîr, green aid sînne., anther good s00ip and w-hile, statdard transmission, car . ........ _......... $1.869. vire rînae carý $1.274. 1961 METEOR RANCNWAGON 2-clber, gren anal o-hite, VS8 auto- 1960 VAUXNALL Otanu, radio, matir, radio. ecellent cotai chear, innîpeevce transportatîi liai. ... .. .......... . $1,941. aind ai excellent second car. $637. 1960 FORD 4-door, 2 lote bloc, 6 cylirider std. trais., veiy cuisît. PLUS A WIDI SILECTION OF lclcar. ............... $1,391, OTNIR MODE11. NO GIMMICKS - NO I4OKUS-POKUS EVERY VENICLE OFFIRS SOUND DOLLAR VALUE AT TrafalgarOT Motors 49MISTMILTON TOUR FORD DEALER TI 8-2369 à Moilo,