11 liThe Canadtes Champioen, Thuriday, Jtoly 18*. 1963 îWY4-UFNMI &~ Stch DI.ck WL AVuw Bp Mm E. M. Daventnsl el yecyoc h Mes. Gordon Mclbon enster-'eln clse wh mmI tnei tise memisors undi fr1tes in charge. The August meeting of Scotch Block Womes's lot- osilI olso he picola timo and oi tote gnd the 4-H girls at hcr ho hetd at Miss Charlotte 1cr-1 honme ast week for the July oers home. meeting.Hoia tMnoun Owing to the absence of the Holiadayrs aIbt Ivngta and presidentMrs. R.lIrving, the ice M . d a . obttoioounii presîttent Mrs. CifortI Bramn Kolhtoen coloe oldyls prestides. tcook it Masitoutin Islandi. The minutes ofthelattoseOti Mr. ond Mms. Jas. Sossndcrs lng. fioancia stoteenttand col, and Barharo, Mimico, cisiîtcd respondenccucere gisca hc the sitischir aunt ond oncle Mr. secretay Mrs. C. Sersice. Mrs. and Mrs. Ed. Dovnport île Fri Filay Corole, poogoem canvonter dav osoni. t had a splendid progoaso aronec Mr. andi Mes. Dîtest of Spteysiiie hy a nomhier of girts. 4-H rim aire osjri5 a holiday in Hot- bersand l los. tond. heratttîytos.Leonrd and LrryBow of ont t5rtgrant Campheltitile are hnlidaying svith A duet "Witt1 Ye No Corne Bock their grassiparents Mo. and Ms. Again, was gises hy Dora Cliftord Bromn. Dredge asd Sharon Home, ftt- Ait Leaders' Course fld hy a piano soio "Gypsy Mrs. Eart French ws n ittondo,hs.vMaryAnsderson. So- Guelph tostsveek attending thc seaa antd Lattese Èic -rie anii their "Leaders Training Course" spsort cousin Kalhy Sparlingoai Bramsp- sorcii hv the Commasity plan. t ia Scotch daeaend Su- ing progrott. The course ws o.d satand Kothy diiiftic ,aiios vscnced dressmaking and teilar- isorfpitO. Edna antd ocree Fish. ilt ancd sues hetd in MacDontald er gave to piaoluels *'tlIhe Hall, Goelph. There more ladies dancing schoi, and Corede-i 1rom maoyothcierdistrictsinsrsi- WaIDz, Sharon Home gave 'net dence fur the tseeh sohile il solos "Stoingiso os a Ster" and the differcolcoourses. "Thte Auctioseer." Tise Hardy reostion was hIl in This progremt assen l'y tlie girls Hos nhy Orange Hall un Suley ur mca ssctssasarcicirv0a355i51m0m T 0a5 1 fo -~ - Y ~ ~ xXYk\ m T14OJSADS r CNADINS sayscier dmag 10so T gondsigst ftlty doonttek preasaons she vîossgtis TOsui SO CNDAS a ufer damage to cîinfros etn orlt. TheïiS d points 001 sisal san glottes, poliarii ions, caloarel giast, hi- :li saoulersa nd oves aseidets goggins dolg provîde safficioni s' pootection for watnchirig îhe eclipse lei sifetp. Ultra-vinolet rapt of tise sas. invisibale ta thse sdhed e, focat an tho relise. md Irreperehie ha tes rosult whniicis appear as dark patches in tise C field nf vision for the rost of cour life. The CHi to sggestt tise sefest meai s ta vinas tihe eclipse on teevition. A soc- ondt saggestion - use a oarge place of thick glass, hencîiy l smnked in the fiame of n cands Ansi thirl, exposeanasod i film t0 tise iight. Deveicp it andi vieso tise evhipte thtougis et laste tmo tiinh ses. motm O , n -.1 -. h. LOWVLLISureau locutes W.rk 0 Park is Scene for 433 Duna ha.e Taylor Reunion sr theNooaininnest Bp MRS. F. O. COLLING ,Servsc neanDhs.ms The Taylcr rcancal lias fielda wsgor E. L. Hartweil reports this r in Lovvile Pak onSatudav e. Doring the most's flia harso laftLnon.il Prk vî atione om auourd sjobs for 111 femaes J Brtiscoh Pep.aledsirm d 322 mes, mahisg a tetl aI oiihCombiai, Saria,, (sait, 43 peroans lindssg mork llsoaach Toronto, Kscii Haiciliia, Liv- th, Oahviiie cilice. As ssi tise enda don.,Lassilie andiciisiîici. Oies oithesnihiissas est issiaîsi 80 altendesi. Mr. andi Mes. Wtil- ihal here arc stii 296 firaseles liam Haycanii andi Me. ana l sasd 200 triol in ibhis reca n liet Moorectccoeihe outissle ployesi. lin charge. Oepolmfcn h oa Mos. Ethol Chalirs traim To-1 s ohcslcs h oa rosslo spont the suoncs scîih sIlice i, hat mor johs aorc Mr. andi Mes. Wiliamev Hlas'tcao si uioeii lar the terce sîamhec ai Mo.sdMs.occpiisicrniicleoicaiasookoo rgsiiserad and famiiy tran London, ssith George. tis Nainl. poms Couison's, ansi Me. arii Mrs vice li meking a concertod effart Douglas Bcysi. Kav andi Teciiv tuc iid openings 1cr tie type or frontstTerace, B.C. sih Mr, savrhcr. T.,Cosalsos. se1 Mr. ansi Mos. Georgec C.uaon evtertOincdai bout 50 ofaiac sos avni Jean [louer, bioicls, the Sheroo siamilvnyil iofLel, er prsne %sith afleoos sshcc Robecrt Ans.a iic oi paintig BUGS CAN BE ELIMINATED IN YOUR GARDEN AND ON YOUR SHRUBS BY CHOOStNG AMMUNITION FROM OUR STOCK Or *KING *NIAGARA BRAND *GREEN CROSS INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES DONTY DELAY, CHOOSE TOUR WEAPONS NOW AT -Cas onl isv WiiI Griiliis ttMaybe We'II Need a Passport to Get Out" )MAGI4 her daugier Mrs. ArnolilMIa a aiylost meehessi. oasiiaii sorr tbars tisaitMs Suffers l#ioçonAr#àa DoadDulsh bertrn dt i ltons D osiat, W ie soaoo White Adlustin, &y> Bier Ms licFuiro fB By Mrs Ceai Patro M ".JCM ",als hnBas filc issiiîing heoccousin Miss Mr n Mrs oi D-Mno o WÀ.wlueget n ie Ms Campbsell. oladMr.Ewd Dovi sn h p rm. Stuart Prange ofPembsroke is fSioliville lait tout si-ckccd1 Mrs T.Snow in the aserl oflsisilinimitishis onclcadoit ira ihoee week isaliday ns Cali lise presîdent conuociesi lise Ms. ansi Mrs. Haraold Rutherforsi. srsi whire te iiscvviiiiicii!hWM.S. metinc and prayar wasSîce r. ansi MIs Bsrace Dostin. gisais is Ses S. A. Necits Sts Sicvv smpati is sestessies Mr.eandsIl E. Vensickerior! R.Mashallave herau l "r tiiheH Il ami yin it- isai crontovisitd lis week%,ijl ý reprt an aisorepored on isl i -evMsnlels iiii crcousins Mos J. H. Chapman haie. Roi] ccli was aassccoad iy il Mr. Stanley Hall. st lamil. Il ladies. Mis. Hamilton suas Frieds ere uriIo lariProgramme cosuener ansi con- utFiieniis sce ur Ma icn Si.,ociesian inteoosting costest on feil ufrd baiises Sndin--Nanning Trees.- Readisgs score lrlan uiesa is ces Wensýiita aien isv Mos. J. C. Marshsall, Mss. irisioisieeoWeinos F EPeackcnd Mrs.Hamilon. iasiss'eek. Mr. Beaiîs\vas iiOlPt A iie ess eil orothe W.A. At nMauri.e Beals. lufth fine, lse tie ece adeiciocs picnic lsais as suorhîng scili a haler schia, ejVidbail.He se accuient beppesesi. Ha- suas Mr Vrulsit îesi i ois vs-letd ansi bit him snth ce rih a haie oi bas. ho t,)ii u odsPci AVAILABLE AT teeaiitei. Maîtrise Beav atnsi fascile Barbeecue R'aces Gamd Iss isea eai .iiededtit.- Races, a bsarbecue ccii hall aicers Siampede ihi Pes game ocre oalares of flio an- cS tMa lsa Rîaov lai pianic on Tutes- O EL N Mo. ansi Mrs. Ccylon Maybas titi sen memrl lamuies - ssiciuoseiocnaindeistI ihsealRotary Park. asv vmollirrtcite Mariimc Psics.-iiners insficsracesifor L M E coinces. ibilsioen isîcludesi Rober R-usi W.A.. W.M.S. Mccl Michael Orismolsi. Onron Mrs. Sieli Curtis apesesi ber iThsopsan. Michael Frame. John nd pscnicicorihe muni suiles Roud. Beslvishoekc.rssas meghil .A ansi W.M.S. N. il.- Slephas. Mos. Cecit K. Jarvis. vice presa UI'iicdriissassilascecof Rctais cnt usas sn lise chair fcr lh Duc ocmiasdhot dogs andso 4îcîs i.A.ibusiness. Mrs.M. Turner tedhobrgswerehbasrc daad sur- tise '4eripiooc fresaing u 1191ccsl.iihitherimmings, lc1e saint. A iciior ci ihaahs 1cr se- hv moiermelos. chbarilssaenb uvoosmfo es Aihalligame isoiscrcficRo adtrainMrs. N. Baccsick a-1lîvOGirs eam andithe aial s for bloomr traie Mm. Citas . ans and miceu concludei the arls The. loessrer gare se. picnic. Absot 100 atteodesi. Rua- cols and desmmiltees ms-oc Part taries Mike Ledmili s i Keep your grainVf INSECT FREE fra wholm yeurl HER'S AIL YOU DO:' spray bine nis HOWARD BIN TREA? Ilaa new.grata with HOWARD GRAIN GîtAS» COSTS URSS THAN 2C A BUSHEL testis Il dosa ta fanigal. fis bissal la mrachis am>otin has peatongei Itillilu attisnas lte TR et lssut 6 weeks buat sacs usathurin grain. st-iletsttaut.dalm GRAIN GUARD- ,. . mie eladité, MWia "du ai gît Istuee tye -paato lis DM fnlast for . ashM.neLA yeer. Centaine mtattisns-doee sot harm ESR I, Miltoai pMO.uasakmOaBl& 505 - ALL LO i -'t THIS£ AND OTHER HOWARD PRODUCTI SPECIALI ARE ON SALE AT -DOMINIONS OWN ANGEL HALTON CO-OPERTIVE CAKE SUPPLES 391 MILTONI, 3 9 0à -OOGION OTI AM8 . o- S .1 ý Hold Miscellaneous Shower Honor'Pair Prior tio W.ddîng Up ues. Gelo. Pellettselo Kingston and famtly asho arc sac- Pcople of tise Zimmeomas ansi aitiog ut Midlansi. Ash commosit hl o miselas- AI Ptnrt Doser cous shuor at lise Bayl Cssm- Miss PatIn Morediths was a morfil Centre last Fridoy nigisl week-end gueut aI Linda eule- in bonar of MIss Ivlsird andi hert ai lhisel cottage et pîort Bill Speck miso are ta be mor- Doser. rted soo. Tise couple recoived Miss Margie Kingston of Pal- many losely lifts, and gondmlsh- ormo maso m eek-end files of es-for mici îhey hotis expressosi Miss Donna Hogarths. fhir lhenks and apprecitios. Dr. ?ttd Mrs. Dotag Ford andi Absout 50 relatives ansi iriends tfoil of ling City speal Sattdev goîisered aitie Pelltlerlo home mitis Mr. and Mms. Stuart Mc- on Susday atteron for asur- Faddco. prise hirtisday parly for Lioda Mr. and Mrs. Geoge Wilson asho cetlehraled fier ti iirthîtay. anii lamlly of Nornat mere Sos- Ai Aidershot Mr. ansi Mrs. Fred Alexander visiled lot Wedaesday sigisl u e milh Mr. ans dru Barney Wan- omaher of Aldersisol. Mr. ansi Mrs. Homard Heidman l'E 8.9533 and tamily of Thorsilst pOOt 171 Main e.St. 8, Milton tout week-end mith Mr. ans ils L. Seottansi. Mr. andi Mos. Wmn. Mseredilth andi Donna Hogarths visstesi Son- day mils Mo. andi Mos. Clarence $W Anniv.rsary ý ui d&v Ou ll's asivorsaoylimennsleohwe Au W V for tise Sort Restaurat s it- l ton ansi presidonlloohnoOiono polit is cohkisa up a special due- .Neslmweeh Ileoffering ann- ninersory larhey dinner for 75 censsa persan if licsfamity or indisidoal lobtes aing il insita- lion appeorief os page 3 of lis Tise restaurant. in tise MilIce Plaza. openesi justea ye.r S.a andi àuring tisai lime il bas iseets thescceofalasîmserciislcal gallseoîngs, .- MILTON -%- MiffON THURSDAY - FRIDAY JULY 18 - 19 loois Il aBochsssoin DRUMS 0F AFRICA IN, TECHNICOLOR WITH FRANKIE AVALON also CATTLE KING IN COLOS WITH ROBERT TAYLOR, JOAN CAULFIELO Matines. Satsedoy 2 p.m, Shanting DRUMS OF AFRICA AND A CARTOON elcaoditi 1" MNUa Suan Om'ois ai 1sing' ton mas a week-end gest ailuar gie Pettetteelo. Sympatsp le extendei ta Mil andi Mes. George Marshall and famlty en tise lots, af tlselo lofant grosîsidoogiter bsals dugister nI Mr ansi Mrs. Bey. Wray at Schiimisrg seIt passosi aial TODAY le. a. su A. Ta MO«oR INSURANCU CAMNIILVILLS Phone Ulsse 4-2211 WHIRE DO ALL T'HE 01. TAXIS GO? Weil, tome of iscm, tike osi armp geinerais, fode qa etty smi and il ta the -piles of tcrap mne tal1 yards. Tis a sa fttni and os- taisutca epan.d for otd taisa i cin tion s s fienl it tihe counatry tinit hms bualt quatte a Issainee oat oi rspis Il aid tati - cis.apiy er Cors - end s.lli lIses Inthsi Asseca s "Norih A tessaloed tarai Thais caiel espla nm M io thse "Yankee Go Hante'"asitaimt dosai libers, tente isnnrd about. Bat goite a tom olsi tacot stilI stick urounsi tise home markset afller ile hane fisisses liseir dayu pouadiog lise pavements for their original commercial omoors. Tises iecomne "Sensa- tionat Boys ansi "Bargaiss Tisol Can't Be Beate. Tiscy muke guile a lot nf mtoity toins fer lise opeorno s boys tile ai lise rigist figuare andi tIts tisem, atter tome fes- pensive dncloring op. as a "Ter- riiic Deal" for a for botter thon average usosi cor profit. A taxi, or polce crsuiser, or alp seom oui car. cam Do nule op te, rua and Icik airii TE- MIPORAIRILY tele you lest I and aigs tisfe, raesin i pou teeald avsial buylng ssoi a car, tin pour bst protesison la la, conealas pumarcb. ta dlri uns, flle, ourselives, tein efsie te, bataille tins. DIANONO HEAD TRAFALGAR MOTORS Featurette-Coler Cartoon Adoît Esstertatinnt1 FISHII futh p 'Iren H Ai tissa da itis l Fi