2 The Canadiean Champion, Tharadaey, Juan 20th, 1962 Present Amnual Repoart FrindsHoor eaherto FodsBruoe Ste Non»..co Falinung mthe nnual repeen ihle i e ine lahie1 Frien s Hon r Fe therson Fo ds ai Bruce SI Hame and Slsaùél Saheal. le ApetLMnr; llasei Aniccahli addrmed lhe nilg ain tise no- "Sevra regulai meinags an picc 'The Oppiuriuniiy CI.a.is n At Farewiell Party, Presentation lin lidue'e eMos cve ibe'Inlb oaDai teeaynte grde i- ms-a Cecil Pellersan mbt them frend, Mms Rahemi receiincccbbr hlp in thepln- Map eqiu llld 16frr31-o hnqa ar b îeli d par Mandas% evicci, ireeds and Biggar ai the P f6 fIne. Me. acag fum flic Chuniher ai Cmni Hiahlilhis of :the - as sua ig i Ihe an o eml- neihuo-ciOac sticrictlisa Fe a s afarnier mnister of meci af Petrruh.aa The grmmn -er YIn i May, eglglînheirmaR. icved in ilce Cenit, far a Oinugc Anglicao cburch. Havaby W.l mas in charge, bu al ky' gr iniif eran Muy. Me.R lueadecr ainn ia Pamamel partl acnd preseniatico 1liI.dayo ladies froni Deumuin W.î. acbay'ts AtndchgaSept.hlieengsalp 1,cr Mm. aad Mr,. Feuihernian Huppy hiribduv la Ian Vanden Scotch Bbocb WlI. and aiber aclifilmies AIow 16e Sepi. neeiln gI pi i eretâie Fard Fuchcre ssas cuciaod'a ar idJn 0 il frieads aajaved ibis lovriy d ve ar fl as tbsu gnliiledn 'Oco i e n'10 Atri aiii a rcpeeeiallv c Min~~~ lvi c cdNFeîcand Iaal vean 25-, Joli i2rmaia toury i h1 ry ersl ed e0m aindd1eana uln nc Mefýù adNFe ingo Siacl, niversOd Jaici 25m and Witretn Lou Minii sh odchool ici- Cuncl i blner hcld le Aldeininal.b hrid hîh ciivc Jaminc Elliaci. 7 arsodJn rliurbcsmrdhOva spaccar, mes guesi speaker on the In May Mr. ]I. Mackay ailcnded sl Mr, Feiengico a, rince fr lai-is Anae Hiaun. 16 ycars old. Namiio., Bariegcon. cccpi "Educatoal Responnihili clic annual Home and Sehaol ube eens-cg cclieci Mr. andu Mrs. 'Jane 22; Michael Hease, 14 yaars le'T eNonirnnelgC veio laTanaevl-f Fad a 6emcciio iauhari aid. Joe 20; Siephea Canlsan, w~j as addmfeased by cl officiais ni iag delegule of air assocatilon. bal haniacroai adclmc- exrnsced Il seurs aId Ocîne 17; Milen Mur- Idil linlulljbr aPPi the EMO ai Haîn Caanly, Mr. The Hallon Manic Pesîlical Cap s tef ici u .11l gacheved ai 16e iey, Il years aid. Julie i7 and * McGeegoi andl Mr. Paitton. A far seniBr chair inaipellîlan asu-h parc He ma.de cmenioniniu ciMr%. Marie Kiernen an Jane 26. i oai* l n niasi inirrestio panai discunsion urded hy the Ihece Mltm lioamez Ibisl nrood bcI inacn othe MCeagratlinions tu Me. and Re ie t J e-an beid ai t6e Jaouesy mreeing. and Schoal Assiatiobns suas fi.- enainaunlis Mvr Fard had bren Mis. Robert Marshall on Ibeir Punel participants sucre Mr. È. tedl niih e neso sîlver cabine for p an cacrasied Leader and caach ai medding anniversany., Julie 20. e LJ evelo Pan Fiser 1ev. J. K. . MaGon nraenng. A 1.00 donation suas a che ball îae- and bc hill aimons Mv. and Mms Albert Thavstoo c Mis. G. Addison, moderaied by miade ta t6e l4alian Reiarded heiped in an% cacamuailv Pro- aio Lindsay and son Bruce of Ma A an Failiiogbroaba amea rest- Mm. J. Bell. In Fehruaey. Miss Children's Associiuon. Senen jeala. Me. Favd acd tba fainily pie mare Saaday visiîaea mitb dents' association mas iammed oit Brun, librarian ai the Milton books for parent Intendance a tSua-err aiu cte -and basscbeir sisier Mes. George pea. Suday subeo subdilcisio rsiLbur ipeontsaecm eindd.u ivib shi-bc aad ucher acticilieacoc. deots beld a nieeting ai the pamb a C ad bese fine souncg peapiemi arcu locaîrd arrMpcoden1cic3nin~i' .a~ -- laue munv hoppc mvccvcec a1i1 Bus Trip Cre T Leaoaror Maslevr w gd 5 ibeir lfi in Omigh. W s-drdv Jae12 hai emicer caniiiee la inventi- F reI bu miîh 41 ladies aboord gale the devriapment af the paeb Mm recaMla Iiîabla Pe bmab oce aaapo~aa n Speaker Outiunes Prison VWork M.and Mn. Fardmevpeeovi.lin o hai cilu the grocip veaiain ventre for the suhdi-f seatedl mAth a handsanie 5-pircelwa cunseironid atst6e Brintooý i.an. By Me. Harr'pRichardas casnservd and asocialfiimeen-a silser Iru aad coffre cervce Mr. 1 Carpel Ca. and ma shw ubama G6m-ord Cailiasca. Vic Morgaa, On June 9, the lA) bmonch of jayed. Pord tbunkrd tbe finds hum the, plaat. This vunipanv empiayc 18 Ms Jeuan Hambins, Mrs. Gachd- Si. George's W.A. nid in the On Seuldy Jane l16. Captalo gi and nuid il m-usaI easyv ta and t6ev maba bruadioomr floor Carnes Nicb Kiip. Pblhip Aliasn cbucc bail ai 8 p.ni. bucing as Ted Payne of t6e Chanch Arniy leavelihomane andtrieadcuand1 everiais. Mauacture ronusis aad crgc Kingmwernainedi te beirguesiscile eseaiagbraocb. louri Hamiltion s t6e gursc6M (bey aauid oacvvs reineinhr lbhe acc'amn cheaaia aad dyeing min, lthe commiilie. Bruira Hood. Rab- la tbe absence ai tbe president cpcuber and gave a vemy iniereni- a the graou formHeo iathned dhing candr mingi, steuniing arc Caeiam. Mms. A. Messey Mrs. Rumniry Ms. Tiste nf disourseon his worbi he S ng lwaadMra Muarueni'ere sugimac-prsideal. caduaird the prisons. Tberoca aiarge con- shban ta hic m-lie ccd laniy niasi interesting and educalionial gevird as possible cancailice mecting. Mmv. W. Pocwell gave the fvregaciao ai ibis service. suhile ie mas umun on lava boni- tu nec the e-env hage machinea mcmberv. Bibie eodiog and Mrs LaPage ces rips. Ha iaviied ticr friadv in oupemacian ami finairlu re c Tann la, Level the "Thagbl lac, the Day. ta titeir Orsi bonie ia Tram.a No- the fiisbed pradaci reads fui oed Cahhiavua lodiccird the Reports meve gîsea hy the dii- va Scaiia. Mrs.Ford aisenepres-market, iassnvwuad levai the pruperly forceri canvecers and %vecre ahi sLdtbaabsiforchrmgific ad Clock Faelney aadvremavr deui reen andlthe cors enoaaagciaibe heawrbaof hope fibi ans suho ccahd suad Aller a deiicicun chicbcn dia- resi af lthe projeci mnaid he ual he hvaach. cmi îhrm in Tramae. Mes. Fards li acd a shorti shopping aour, the shaulders of thc renideais. Bi Jaici a n llsrat bouas ! ae thee ou Navu Sicav .ness1t6k1she grtaNo apsýth u p was s n rn g Long rage panfrthe parbedctïkona theliocve oflth ticS mauts. *c Wvsca clocb fauiory. Tbis inciade 1he emectian ai swinags, Chavch ai Ecgland ail user tbe We jin ilh i he tieris i iu a ry large ccmpaov miîh sliden. haccbaii hacksccp- and vorvldssbich sass vscieresio Wriiosichihcefmea scpacias lams and largehauid. aibr aamsements. nd insructive. Aiauahly lunch suishung Iberm bealh aad baPpc. ings Guides loob the ladies liess an 16ev rcave an Taesdav. thrugai the deparmnas and enx- 36cael3fana nsc hfoob ained the work beigdune NS eastivcaas. Mr ad Mrs.Pavld Sores cf girls suorbed oc he - ,vif have vaitb Iben their chul productin o a uches and drea. David. Jais aod Lori-Ler. clbks ni ail bindi. Thin 'tye ai Aïh p ý e*ç oC u c rf sihcaiearkver pen sel lacis af maay iay paris. Tbe k ,I~a' g gi fronm the bail train ineinhurs campauy farx finair girls du Ibis ÀA icC3CC w d haCCdt 6ie bald caacbrd. This suas pre- casier and baller ihan mn. Il BpMsGere eleeeo v.adM.Tniy ans seotiedoni bicvbhali y Mr.cws ameaiogiatelicrahecseadv ThecEvening Braich ai Sî. andiBrucemerc diancr us o Fleienon. vireani, ci maicbes and dlocks Lobe's Waina'v Aaniiiary beli Saadav miîh Mv. and Mis."N" Enleelelns Prlands came off the production lac., Iheir cmeetiag lanc Thumndas aighi Gersais and iamciiy ai Miltaon. Judy Fard eoterlained young ready fui ieaiag.iltePrsHa. lownth nichooi frteods ai hier ciassucih AtICity Hell dcii Pa d Hall. es F pmagt ohf Mr. ach Mrs Pauli Fiaiey and biethday pamiy on Taesday rue- Tbe]hui Place t0 cisit mas the the meetinf. the ladies huardbo famiiv ai Hamiltn mcve sua- ring. Tbonc atrading mere. uiîy hull and there lthe graup suas cape rrcurdiog cf an addrcss h1 uly vslr iaM.adMv Judy Chcase, Rcsaliad Merry. Gail shoin lhmugh the mniay couic il Bishap Bavne. vegardica cbarch FrdAeane.Ïa iiiemuan and Sandra Feaihersian. moins, ipayun'n cicamben. niagis- ciy aad tbe Anglicao'% pari in Mv. Lau Kailh of Sali John, ludy's blrthday is rrahy an June trotias court aad rural a delco- il. N.B. andl Mm. Bill Keilb ai Tm 26 bol cte Ford iatniiv are lea, lian relis far uurrnighî gîcesîc. Mv. aad Mm. Ailan Pailcerne ecîcua viied Mcaday milb the MES. ANNIE PAUL wes faird b in orm Nova Scotia on Juor 25 The police dapamimeal va-upeaa- and Me. aad Mmc. Harold Palier- Alesanders.. and inispecluls, ut Ecoobailie sch sa the lile parcs noan heid attend cd by ecpiaiaicg and nbaming soa cîecded the Soumhama Bmev- Mv saiM. B. Gaies and cociciag thin moalh aller 40 peu ai lime. Frieods join io mishing 16cm 'files on missiog pannons, decs' picacc hield ai the hume cf M.adM hermny niore hapy iiehdays suanird criminuis linger prinîs Mv. aad Mrc. Atiisco ai Naoti- fmissîdaauacii v eepai asgmp a in lir nesbhome. adluld howmiaabsof difieren aube. andu Mms. 2cr DeMain aad Paiiy principal oi Brookcuie schuol, co. Maurice Cartis ceiciteated buis types ai faces beip iicem tac Mv. and Mvs.. A. Paîieraon aad of Etableabe. andl ccanaied cng the pcesentatiaa. oioihbbirtbdy onJoe 14 andacearchuti suaaed persans. ThecBeverley viviicdFriday ean.1 odie- '~ u on Saîurday icrhd a ithday police ia charge aise jet the oa- naih Mv. and Mrs Harold Paw- aiWodie parts ai bis honie. Bavebuli and dies have a hook la on thenshortison. Mr. aad Mmv. Gorrge Pelletieri I a ganies mme eajayed 6v lus pal suave radio suilems andu laial Robcia Gamiaod cehraied his c-c1 faniiv silîd Saoday ssii Ifls ecIs vvee s Bnbitv Sargeani. Biiiv Clarkbt ao police ýcar neyes-ai niles lcumh iichtvc an Fviday. Janve Mv. and Mes. Wm. Orveil aad Siv Sicerin. Cccii Pattessua amay. The ciiyhalimnsnbuiiîian 14.i o- Scrh Jeiirrv Brocha. John Aidersan. 1957 fruni a donation reit by a sas Mc,,ca cmuc %a ny Still to Ci.. Teren'Douglas. Mn. Morrono. Il ost 625,000Jand '~ ~ To med ispciar Wiif Fra- A nombr ni friendu fro as a vemy modern andl beautiiui Chart H. S. Addition sn is hasy these dayc. miîic his grade sevea brld a faremeii sur- building. The vt5lî la ihis mas an nuaiaad ispecion. ficl pamlv fcr David Ford oo much eni3yed b it.. u IUndcer the Weed Ac. gîter Fiiduy evcaiaa ai the haine of Mes. J. McCarrmn and Mm. L. l~îiuc. rii ay ~ eC une 15 6e has aachoriiy ca order Nurlear Aimard. A flac limie suas Sumpson arraoged lthe trip aad 1t d r lm n r Sk tc e mcrdn lu 6c cul on any prpry. eajuvrd. David suas preireild Primiary seces for anad- îant's aiendunce alibtechooi. If lcey arconatdesirayed,beietus cuitic a yen ad pecil sel by is dition Me the Williams Ave. Higic Members agrerd ta mavircc the the autituriiy t0 hava ltae ton class Priedn and maav gacul IOWVIL.E- Sciccul sucre niai ied bs District iosaransc cmmiasion dintriho- mcrknien cul the meedn. and the ci-ishes. l-ighSehualiaatrotccne Mca- Lion. faioig a reqorcl frant uonrrmilibcbcargcd on hisctas Hold Reniaient, alaî, Ilss.se day ruenig wola.sh G. Farvaca ai Brias Bcdt Real Esiaîc anud lut- bill. The annuaai Peacocb reunin Ladie s Attend Dunlop, Wardcii. Matiasi and soraoce la hue inciaded on 'lie Th edstains"sgo masl au Saiurday Jalie 15 t Aikin, avchitc.s revec cly enguf- cocmmission distriucion.u , La Salle Park, Hamilton. M a cdtung the Board. Thue Board accnpccd the hid ofl ascca bc euucectcd for chic finie chan 60 cf the ciao megistered Thea aon mud pruvide for Feaicrvca Ricr i$02î ufsa. iHe aalusc of vcp r aad eanoed lte sampliaus di- B i.P aBng cgicasnnn alha7.trcmriog uith1e Martin St hiah aien' Jim McDunaid ai Buffalo, An ai day training session nicaps. ima home ecanunius scitool, Io prepare fan in'tiu o caceie ia rdcl Preide. A]cierwasren frm wer pmidets ndvire.pmsi.rmens.agymoasium anda lncb ian ai additiccui vhap equi'p- ring rcgbi amay, aod he's itny prnddArcrusedmn ieepeiel o colauclig the oui-ai-cama osun- Mrs. MaryvCavbeiof Saull Ste. den1s ai theHacca Presbyeiai main. The addition Is desigaed mnict. emn ai subdivsuonaund vacant Marie. scading greetinga. bal be- U.C.W. nit ai Mis. William Hay- ta replace the Martia Si. suhool land on mich suredi are cause of icer aie ci 96 macs an- mard's an Friduy. Mmi. B. Fleucy mhicb mas soid la 1he Pablic Oil Fire Fighting fiaumi shina able leattiend. Mn. and Mrs. Ver- Mmc. M. Whilefirid, Mes. Raipb Schuai Board, and provideac neSpriaggay of Flilet, Michigan Wilson and Mmc. Bereice Tondi commodatiaon for fic 750 Mutual Aid Topic calms- lice farîhent andl Jaae froniPortiCredii and Mi. a sîodeîs enprcicd ie liceuenifie A film sitoming homto figb t Hantai f ahsiliemasitheyaung-Soereign nd Mary Buyoamd yearx. oilfires anddemnnraiion of a cct presecl. Tice retian ocsî irai Bamiingîaa acirodrd. The Board suas udvsnd la a ara ire aicmiing systen.mus, Lau. uu veur miiiic lithe fiest Saiurday Os-er 40 ladies frein 1he United ieîîcm franc C. W. Bootb, DepuIyshoabomo lunembers ni lte Ha."" an Janie ai lice saine place. A Cbiimab met ai lice bome ai m Minister of Rdacaio. ta ite ton Couoîy Muoual Aid Pire Sera- 1. splendid prugmam ai racesanud Gordon Maimnironi un Salurdav Miaisier had noilhhehd upproval vices Oiganiaian suhen lbey Mi ifW gcmess'ereoialvedmwicicBarmsaftaemoon, in aaraî ofM .ô on thechargerinNorth Hatuometin Briegton Trday eve Pescock ah Gruiia on chargc. W. Buimcn aud prearatcd bier district huandaries as pmopasrd ona1. Congratationcs la Miss Donna miic a fle nirmberahlp ta the by lice Actan Board. The ]eiter The fire alemcing denîmonstWfa- cd ail bier esamiatiaus. She ban address and Mmi. T. Ramsaas nppased lic change an mcii as Cousins Ltd. repreurniaiven. and atirnded Westrn Uaiversity, pinrul the pin un Mrs. Baimes. 36 Parents la ihue Baliiafad area. nbaoed hum, iirefighleru caaid h e Londlo, Ontario lurtIhe PasI The ladies ofi thccveacag group il suaxs uggestcd 16e proposais airîd 6y a flne signal. ceai and miii coatinue hiem suit- pracided filr lunch suhich suas hoe snsidered ut weii-advertised di thcme and miii major un lcrvrd an ticr laco. Tire spaviaun pabil meetiugs lu achieve %umn Freocb andu Eaghisic vuraadiogs lice idru eai aher solutioa la 1964. lIn Hospital and the sucial lue, camuiard The eiiiatiou ci J. H. Walbem Mes. Ernest Braadeahoeg bus la miabe 161v au cnoabie c franc lice ntaif suas accepird. Mm. humn oonfincd lu Milton Hospitl casion. Waiber plans lu coatinuersadies fanlepucOicmrensuihao Mr.ndMm.Mo-rinea~ad t the Ueicersity cf Toroto. isjury ta licr icc. Friends hope viciîrd with Rev and Mn. G.F.o Tthemadp vdayten $45 ube nabli soca 6e mucit iniproveul. Kelly of Toronto uver 1he sueb ie 4 registraioan ire of A. Mes. Donald Douglas, bus bren end.Caeota iescn aio movd fom ilon osptalteai Coucbiag Schahl lobe beld ai SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL iv& irofmn Milc o ospn 0 The ladies ni the escesing gî'oup lthe O.A.C. Atugosi 12 t0 20. The Mialeg H o usrei ne f cilte U.C.W. belli ibein menuai ichocli s spaasored 6y lte Can-$lO lCaalbh o m.Bi iny Janie Ouing in 16e iorm ai a diau Legicu. The Board asbcd a CHICKiN NOODIE SU stnd e slite suh Pofe ien iri aI Keisa an Sunday. uriiten repart on Mm. Clame- CHEF SALAD We are nurry luheure irait Mns. ________ _______________ROAST TURKEY Gi-NiR WITH CRANBERRY SAUCE Rulph Ford is a patient in Milton MASHED OR1 FRENCH FRIED POMMEOS Honspital. O-ai mviil wshcs for a D E R hiGREEN BiANS ein ta good hPREcievd~SC RIPIO'as/N S LiMON SHOW PUDDING MITH CRîAM SAUCE Ms-. and Mmc. Cccii Pcll crca FOR IESERVATIONS PHONE 878-9061 aind iamiiy nora Sunday uisiluOmFia fi atra i.t i wihMm. ami Mes. O. Frcan KERR'S REXALL PHARMACY pnsdudBIea7sl2.m adfamily aiDrayton, ont. 9-ar lbronsg Thuroasg 7 -m ICa -UWi»h Au terroir occurreul in laIt K. H. ELSLEY, BSn., PM. weekan nema. The itemi shoiuld huve rend: 24 Hmerevce tg.4492 - ^fier Heaca IR à 1 196961R &IN .W. A. Pier, oi iamfllo,LI O R S A AN Aunc ua aoi of6te HannellO Dsa- FMU baiJVUI M- iler mire Saadny guutleBil Offneiciais, Inspectors, Teachers Honor Mrs. Paul on Retiremnent By fil. 1. Ingîli 1945 she ieturoed tua Nassaga. of aleientrc schoolsin tahe De- Pagescof the Book oal the Pasl îaey, spendng eglîivean ai S.S Parirnt c Educaionin To- g c rned ai Brookucille Public oumber 7. live vearx ai S.S. naim- rola tortilmer Inspecter, et- chao IC n Nannagaîvepa Ton. b8ad ionev.,ar i SS.niimi 'eding bes wishcs. uap en Tueaday eveniog auheii ber 3 Prim, I> file opening af the Mirs. Flelcher, secretary trCiini'- lin. Annie Pacul ofi Aclon was ccnolidic ccool ini Brook. ci- lor the local school hoard, ire- aest ni hanor ai a reairement ' ariy. Mn. Beatrire Fletcber vile in 1960. 06e spent aver 21 seoied Mm. Paul icl a ce3ue reeied Mmi. Paul ai the door as pears lraching in 1he towonship. for accumulaîrd sicb ]cama. he entered and pinnied an or Mrn. Puli laughi tbe second lien- Pralise Enample rnia hid on ber jeft shoulcier wicb rrationsmasniiv famuiesoand me- Kenneib Trawbridge, prcia lendeditlh hemhblle fllacvrrCeolnb. aeeen ned ofthe schooliicas masterof cr- ilk dres. ed lie biird georulio in hrclas- mnines aod meoiewed hio es. ib en.ruan.Mr. Paul ioneOf lhic eioces with M,,. Pou n ibisl The local srbool board, staflem personsituleachotaderhe. townshiip, shich o-cri ail veiy rarn Bmobkvlle and Campbell- aimee deveiopient singes ai tl. plaaai asche bas sel a fine fle schoalo and pani inspeclarn public school syslero; local ennnipie for ilcose inho are lu 'eine gaeilos on band te booor school hoards in each sectiaon falloin olber foalilep. lis. Paland bier iamiiy Mr. ore racru chools operaled 6v A smnomgasbard napper nupplied id Min. Clifford Paul oi Mil- school aiea hoards frnd fioal' hy tbe %viv, o aih1e achool hoard on nnd Mi. nnd Min. Marihal she lx a Pioncer ai tbe centiz nienhers vois rnjoyed by ail, nul ai R.R. 1, Canipheivile, ed rbol in Braabcilie. bicmlging an evening ai Coin- Ahouwr prsenwin. hag An asiesomenc ai tbe gooui muoiiy fellocc.ip nrured .bY Atheort hib st suarni bchrge iba Mrs. Pui bas done can linMrv. Paul, noa bacs reiurned il a i he coriesuhs gme perod 6e cuiculaird bai bier worb ei. 100 ld, Io a happy endlng. lare Black, Bullie Waton, Loti s lier___________constructive eepie, Mervin Thompson, Tom adeicieecvvr laines and 0. G. Mcilaceil. Min. Silver Tea Service leicher iasieioiiy dccoraled the Mrs. Tom Manen n fare SUMMERTIMM adiiorioni wiih pînb and white pupil ai S.. cacao and mic The North eonies, roain o f which came supereiser ai Broabailie preseu American c- cieMm.Camrids. lver ira service. M ency ae slowc oun Mis uaniaier lheMi.ao.cih iind myha ai t John MePhail. cbairnsnai 16te Mro. Paui, la 6cr, u'.clvbnl is i retient nahool hourd, escoried ]y manoir ihuobcd ioapeciarc, ti ue of h m. PulIote cair ofhonor iellow teachers and recidrois rur hea det Lud rend 1he presnanion. la aIl 16eir ca.alceraiiao. amnir ng 6e epiember 1923, 40 yeurs ugo ibis Pormner iospecior L. L. Skc peib oi the omi Sepleniher, Mia. Pool ai Oubsilie ccha ucîraded cuom Wîniev suhen the lemperalare iob a ieachiog positionl in S.S. ai schosal saiib Mrs. Paal, re reaches lis caldesi drap. The amber ima Nasagaweva. Inoviesucdhler liad his cascia- cihcmlim iaiflcveeyaOP- tiis ih hrîcaspctar in pasila, chen ilveaches lc libis townaship. losp.cn W. L. warnesi Peab. MeNcil ai Mîiaýn thec 6v îîîghI. Tel eiipa os greeliings A 6vrv, a T ct orbl oee Arthar Gîho aurona R. S. Bacc_ Ihe..Meni*,nanhave their trou hoclii an a siati 'cpei mielni . biaThy auveil ilila day and ho antaml. Ancisay. tu hring car long- ~~ iicid r i la head, hare is the point; tha hot ixeuiher ibal ac-re accu feliog nia ineans ihi i liii oi peuple arc getting M1m ci cuva ta collages and vacaioniiaesaric and leaviog NOWI Low car dealers ici ligbc il ut alune ~Jueci~' cith the dailyaaevhead. ,$ ME PR CE Aey stocka mar-ket expert wlil ON' tll pan finir the lime, lahe insvhennrioneease wns îsî. blec a, Darlng the officia varalion ,nonthn aur enechanles oi glve pan a royal ixelcame ln the Fuelieaagap inthe Fait. S eservice deparimeol and nur 61ii u vabnisihtdybu,.i.g nalen depariîmenl leping ta 'b.a caiaasvndaae. e- meelllisquoaaawiillheo lete. e'n'behe i soaine yaa arde, Qaucker narice, more attentin the ne yoeayae. Calius ody and meal sneIngs. COMINOU5IONU~TDAY Sarnrivme pricun are riy milird 6v the hcai. WardsA- yfrieads, relatives, leachern MURRAY CRAWFORD icmlet Reni.acilsla accihurc a of te crm business oi Taesday evenîag. 06e is ITO. cosisicai iv reports Sepieenur ri of teachng, 21 of whih Camphellilie 111 4.2232 prices hiuher bhan Jaly and islcp. Kenaehth dge Accgaci lar lice camne merehaa- ngraulaes Mas Pau foow dse A "cald niai" flhtigs la heep pou cool: Resala ham ana car la eners 364 peaple wnile MIITN ne have ane ma e laenry I~<Jk!)MILTON ihree. THEY errai muched MILTON_______________________ romn la the aiher ion manîh. THUR-PR -BT. JNI 0-2 -2 Di' iaegei la do yair purl ai THUR.-FI.-ST. UNÈ 0 -21 -22 ihe Red Crass Bland Dauter DANNY KAYE MARTI4A HYER Cli1ni a n Thuaday, Jane 27. iaji~ ROM THE DIN RS'CL Bit The fle pan lave may hae pane "'MA FR M TH DI ERS CLU own Reai the Legimi Hall neni 3 Slniiges Ciimady Penlirelle - Colar Carton jWedamsdap halmeen 2-4. 30 or 2 Shows 7 -9 p.n. - Macinve iurdii-cv 2 p.i train .30 Io 9p.m. MON.TUES.-WED. JUNE 24 - 25 -26 icianhialed far Aaademy Aniard "DAYS 0F WINE AND ROSES"1 Jac Lemmn- Lee Renick1 TRAFALGAR MOTORSJ Calai Car-louan 2 nhowsa 7 - 9 p.m. lAduil Enlertinienîl SAVE DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS ON THESE DEMONSTRATORS 1963 MODELS DRIVEN BY OUR STAFF MUST BE SOLD AND AT BIG SAVINGS TO YOU. NEW CAR GUARANTEES GO WITH THESE CARS AND YOU CAN BUY NOW IN TIME FOR SUMMER-FULL DAYS AHEAD. 1963 Ford 300 1963 FALCON 1963 GALAXIE 500 Tcudoovr,hlackbeîeriv. A laadrd fudru.Duai Twadrcleviih radi, aiod- cindshivid cuachers, shamp rag uotitrnms shirid wacshar., aa alirua- irtriar. Test driv ibic e xiao, pash hballun radio, 2. liae turqauoise exiamiar. This del. Thic demonviraam Oas lower raisar d powelrca drmoasiraiorhbas baaodi- hera drivenhy DoncSte- poer.hubsandpwck er- cru hy Bill Tailya. wari. siri9 hasCabBr ion's demo. 1963 Fairlane 1963 Fa rlane 500 4-door nuic tr nis Ru vBuh âga TRAFALGAR MOTORS z. -limem- 0 -MUM...Ib TR 8.2369 MILVTON ANa laUnKS Mc No MIl o i Hug S. The Rc iligisiiyc Bacc Lire 'nHugli ,dl lu 1947 gecing ci puadian cs cair appr( Iluildrla' 1% ccii lua'h Si. Mo 1 ie 195 bc i i rccpa, Rem( Brick Ciliacai nuc longar blc sire 'i. ' ci. ' cic .i gii llcill c ol 9 ccl li cIcccp Nri Idorlii Shfi. 1 i' cIcIillc 125l' fic fi Jin M ali cicicicci "-7 ciii sca iloi i , 16e Houpand