The Canadien Citampin, yThucacaY. lune-20t. 1.963 Rotary Lawn Mower Has Lethal Danger Foc o macitine, lte eollisg itiade aI miticit trayais ai avec tSI0 miles per banc, lte catary lama masser is cariaitly icealed sciitoat mach respect. Many, peuple allese citihicen ta apecale itis patcntially ctai piece ai eqaipmct. - Witec îceoted precîr il i quite sale, bat e euritode caaclesly il is vrcîdsdeeous la Ontatio aete hoadreds aIo roicc atîd tees are ampulted bhe ritarlay lasse Icuer cacit Tie Ontario Depaclee ci etaka lthe iamtily moctct aitattît' less aîd afficient lci: Tlps on Mamerg aie tit machine. > Aeoi tellai;h law i.::es ea: i.ak::.îcds - * %oe aoid slip and flc ,oc: oild tio e c aut*o ci b . e: clot ~' Cica lth, lawe et ail dabit: aeeicas icks, ortes, tlita itia Nee u lia laîee wten il beo es u. Yee ::aad iîit tascaydairis orcbstcue- Waietgas dits flia itada as ce tîil as greali inceaatll (lia ttc.:i df cieîpping or lallice. i MOTSfRS AI.WAYS HELP, eel f tes ai a bail[ gante Mît. ite ciah :c ' eflia grass dis-t m Riss...a'es .'cl ,a o Keýn,9 gtsfilsbasebaillcp îchi.are %,ie the oigine oc Cea , Ke. e ýa c, ethe Pirtes cen the "A" eagae ts montîîîc Tita hiada: aeeid of -e 1 '-n V e,-, Bseialis"In. iîk ep sîttil ebjacts .:nd injurta "'ait rcacca ne lia dock. tlti flic tîttîl, a i-c adItt lia a : tk ,us faeaileata liceOct- 'A ili higlt che fttlt.lic cin ita vic ' loected. Cea tlii jigflc coe or martel flia blttes aod stact ltae cîean. ritop lthe ecgiee il nNn cnccloe te macie. Tis ise applttc, le paes t titO Itlui iathe. lniairiii it u ta ]ca efi mwi tleciic i l l. i ît cou otor tp:adefisae t INSURANCE R. R. FORD Miltan, Ont. TrR 8.6357 NEED $50 I1Ik PAY DAY? IT COSYS ONLY PLAY BAU. is tilt cry Iou e lts a wka oayPra 47c the Miltenrior e itatebaîl Leauswnsitfllcio FOR 7110 WEEKICI Bahite Fttir t e c' a etpAsk far a Mît, Inan ridge as the trait: I,,ceaei lay At Crescent Choir, Films, Entertain i Finance 827 Senior Citizens Groups Visilces Ire::: QOkaili.lie: ulln lac ond Cattttibllil tatîdaît lte Joie tlte'tit of l. i PalsUie hrlit ai Mii- SURF RESTAU RANI day erevîto iii Fi tk Tilitillî senc yetidittg iti Mi-, ltt leadiegl iar DON'T COOK NOW - TEP A MOUTH.WATERING orTieta -:,cl i illli Ir AKED FRESU TO POUR aiithnan allit Ill .,r ORDER . . . IN ONLY 4 Kîlitri uti itiei Palliek, tt MINUTES Lacitiillia Nte's altuit ;l, , P Z A Take A Pizza Home! eetcpacicd th, Mi,. tlcîi li lard pro: ideti xsclaeti titiilt _______________________________ Thte octet aeesista'd ci.i1 a Eaony, icleter itdg,, luth 1:îtt 11t, . Jackt McPitai. Bill EllittI. ii Lahittî. Beit Mu.Phii aîîîc Nerfti MePtîîl. SURFS FelleectaMs cîtit iidisi TAKE OUTREG ai lthe pie.t,. Mc. flairtî li R G presecd a1 cî'oî'i -il aid'1 eut SPECML a veryfilecltur ioail, lttsiitc ta Malay.t. Fîi ar lt titil t5Ç 1 Piocer Villaita s: itaditicti lut flt end aflJoie. A plît ii1 ta iteld ai Hecchy Park iiii Cita. st. Tite ilais pt:talda'd tciti,i FISH ana CHIPS MI ou ORDERS CAREFULLY PREPARED-COME IN AND TAKE OUT THIS SPECIAL Friday, June 21 ANYTIME PROM 12 F11. TO 10 P1. PHONE TR 8.2401 FOR PASTEl SERVICE Surf Restauranlt SMILTON PLAZA 1TE 8.2401 6 : WaMch for Nent Wn.k'gs Spadal I Il At June Institute Meeting- YorLibrar y sa rsrt l i N tetcshaebn row n Prset0mor cd i th baemet o th T. remesed lrem lte secand flane ose, lte Jolae mmeting aI ltae Hall. Yen maol eosily pac iliecoose il mas candemned as un' Campiteilville Wamea's Institale hsecaeliaied. la 1952 lte _i ýsoie. Waterloo Laiberan Univer- an Wednesday eveaiag beld ai Culomas 11,717, and cn 196t2 city litrare lihemise bil ta bie lthe Masanle Hall. seben lte lcal 1 il hit mouned 19 43,316 - in ::îe:'ad itecaase lthe flcers cold Bramnies presenlad a variely iscreaselo 31,599 ln1Ya rs Il l 1 ' nit ceu ar lthe seelî of lte siitls poram, la open lte session. 111 miraale is, ltaI ueder preseteeh oos, Titse taigpartmere Jen- coeditionseacu litcary l abiala to. Bco: ler Andress Pamela Hambly. incraseifcirclaton.Lit:ariac. Laurc MePitail. Sasan Van ciel~~ ~~ ei'îî:a D:r ie Lirs Ra bbit? Here'S Brendo Ccamp. Ji11 Watson, Inga ivemuth a 16. -Jauav owto Cook cEm Tsie s. Kîtbharine McLaren, ta ay fic irclaioninrea- iOnari e demetic retds te' Karen Eacly. Jaditht Inglis. mîlith Most people it,îc allr.:clircl, s ieu.:meg lttaraasintly caial- plane. and lte pcalcom m'as iceEu r aiMaadoldlcnsti and Mcs.TamWatson. Mrs. Ste- GENUIN Ment stRpitititmeccernent wlls tut,,omuelph.arlatycan matt eapecclit ar prcalir al-isite. il, lie veiner. il ll brila. f ' ag :.ctch-r,:,'miid.llaseacad. Il is Thte rail catiems anssserad B A E 5 Lastc bis, pPsice stcks aeî:ci10 eplte oe a itiacî diacit ith "My Ficci Performance Re- anv thergarage hat he itcee ..kedt sithot spir e, and collectiont." Miss Katharine Mc- %%iii lsiidressed citt a bac- Plitdacîgae eseccitatts ce iiapoit tteîe. Weeid ta e likeai licita sace a e braadad and Par- pet, Mccr .T erelt i laid il heeceacrtilidla'ici- ciel repart. and Mcc. Lloyd Cross' iîtac a orhe lika lthat? titi, i:d Élia aiter report. ilc SSII Na Stashiane i fl eifrRbi u hias Webb ceporedca l te Di- AS LOW Tuera a: e fodk chc liv l: btasc .i tit ICa. ....eci, soubi ct' striai Aenaa Conentcion fteld ai AS taillt apaitlls, t:ele aiwhil cerai'a.: L'IleteaMrs. Lloyd Caword are vrt attrative. Bol ce -L car t o 'îsiaceil coed paeicia a eas aamed i lte conventicn baserent partra:a.fîeîîsclî: cineaie aI a acta Haion's Womit' Instilate atiiiiiiatceiao:liltaseiCurater fer the Haltoc Museum. ailictTeilite.gisvey ar Plas mec mode lac the Halloe 1 fiiesof ioodthescwzge' ,,cu t ls 2-1b. î.îitits and MaanociuticlthodayhpatyJoly l8. e .cd lte irn cccl anceaitac ceater t1uu titi .nd pappa:. Bowess te Driver mccc $337.25. Plats mare ctptuuitaderkcep flouiît sbci:eaiatain i an tc ade la attend lthe W.1. tva ai Cartiicii. reor liirrv bas lia Rilleil add i aep cemmer' 0 A.-C. Janie 20 in Guelpht. cee aca: ita dtec ete 'tlaitta a it1i tourciaia1itcep milk.l Sepîtemitermeeting lis t bi lianeIo ilis itîceit plactîses. 1ctiiiiitiacd untlionsandi1iteld aiHllonMseum andbt Woici retîrlka îî:::.ka s::::: icaipittits.ti Ceook. c::cecdlacaning cellection,. $1025. teesk itain ati Weal i: îîîî ha' i 2501 ciatiCac F. iii abote1 l~ itrs. ica te lte Brescaies. Aller ltae aeeoci: ~ ~ ~ ~ o s l.P :. Ltittil tender.c Arii.tgean c Oaa Q u ttian WlI. Grcaa a social tagi tupit , ha l" ,05 bu i tliae l aitie. pile: Ilic sclauce latit [tour hlle: ed. O ld H a m n o t sa lit li i flita tc t lo cl a r t is ith T e C hta m p i o n îp e le lla a s lite a l Obîciîi.î.itiei; ciitea.e île tri tt.itslc. Maketsxserv tceallr's errer: inks wc tas h a::ei sogCtacilh itlte Oak lo' C.at1ittdelsille cecespeadeece. 'itc.c baae iraci îe M.,1) irei Acliîciti, c o tilla , htiav as ad, "Mc. Charlits Wii. Citave peictaci cii W ;taelut ci rtaiak fliac: cu u:o iilta Mes. Jeohn Gilmoor and Act tat etis Nagne Pubic Lihîcier bac baaniinae.t, gaaî î:iii:eî bath:C Ii Iiiit'i-ee Mesday foracacat n 1E KOEGL Ig -n~ idi î.iii. C.:lileri I - NICE KW A moîsciat seatced anather manoeuvrer toi the lc. "Nice skid,' la commentedl ta the atther 'vSir' siaid the second "ll have yoa kcow this is MY mile'1 *ck themn for you RE .E El GENERAL MOTORS OES AND LININGS 2.50 AT MILTON MOTOR SALES SERVICE DEPARTMENT on. kasatian OnIy 388 Main St. TR 8.233S MILTON HoIy Rosary Church Grounds Saturday, June 22nd AMUSEMENTS IHPN *PONY RIDES M AM MOT H PENNY 4SA LE PRIZES GALORE *KIDDIELAND OPENS AT 4.00 P.Mn " BAZAAR 1001H * DART GAMES PUPPY - PAINTING AND AFGHAN DRA 0REFRESIIMENTS S HOT DOGS 0 ICE CEM WOULD YOU gIN E MR? i'M LOOKING FOR A NEW OWNR THE PUPPY DRAM Supper Served from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. (RAIN or SHINE) ADULTS - - - $.0SPECIAL FAMILY PLAN PARENTS WITH 3 OR MORE CHILDREN CHILDREN - -50 $3.50 FREE PARKING COME AND ENJOY THE FUN We 9anatd lib $87,000 saarth ot maire qaite a g; Piled on top of might rach ta This amQatt' setits lihe increc lions daring 15 Canadian Bible British and Fa icty in Londais, wartd.wide tesi publishing and scriptares. Tit latiguages iti on hate bock pabtlshed. Briants When distrlht. the wortd, the tare la targei5 Society. On machs out that aimant twa-titir many sehate Bible car aboat $3.00. Tih the Society anc Bihle dittrihttte $87,0Ol wortit reaclt a heighti ccitt the btoahs eaeit alier. Th :cauld only con:i ouat tOOl0 sqaare praximatety 50' Suggested M Sanday, Lahv day. Marh 11: Mattit 26: 1 Jaitn 12: et33; 13: tMil; Frlday Salacday, Jaits Green 1 On Sale A new cniar * tili appear an weeh, wite an cecces are far teraofthe Yea ,vstem ltai pra Iv licences fac ciaui veiticles ar Titesecand coerting lthe mro est and Sepiem [lie Miltan allic, cwite an ced lirsi qaartecex Tiase with bouts and caltil i.aters wit licd il adeanti their machtines May' is liu Locat. Joi May was lthe 163 fac lthe Oal Natiannl Emp Thte lacal allie fuc 725 men and ing 238 men ai emplayed wiithi QI lthe 725 mi ieg the inantit, tite aalamaoive t aied wack la 1 . Tt li pîymait larc A lint are nom 'tadents seekin playmeit wiii i cv and an allao coade ta lind le emtplvrmeni I gcaduate itader Tite lcaol olli tit.:tevercal cm rimceandcew. cltics pcceidec E.mpîcymeat S viecicg ail pra KIIERIDE Eighteen E At M. Brait Dy Mca. W Margacet Br2 iflier sbotl 1 caion cf bier U2 î:esdoy, Janie 12 Go mes we ce iayed lten aver lcnch mhieb i bielhday cake i casion ity Mci. Sevecat lccmn lasded lthe AIl Show, spansor Volley Riders l6t, ai Bceezy Birtbday gri wcises gta L 23. Congratulalllt Mcc. Bcdt Tri heir wedding lace 21.. Bill Alusnse vsiting Mc. anct ait Barrie. Get mel is le Mca. Brain m lthe Milton iti Frankt Langda al cheli ai lthe J meai Hospital lilieit ai lthe i 1 lospitli. Mr. and Mrs. andî B:ia lac Mrc. and Mr. at Milton Heigi LOSINI '1thinit I'm acy.". "RHom long b: "Raw locg bl icg an?" M pli