Il I 14 The CmndWa Champieon, Thuaday, Jusu 20, 1963 LOWIVILLR UNITRD CI4URCH SIOMEN pcud ttibatc t0 their cinistei's mlte, Mes. O. W. Holmes ontetaut eitheate oth le anief Min. ordont Melitsteoc, Guelphi Lite. Mr. and Mts. Holces cie leaviîc fot a itee charge ut lotteithuc. hitn îhey came Cc Lovvailln it 1958, Mes. Hailmes s'es ceen actfie cn Chu work of the acucli. aitd h ns set-ced au prcuideitt of the ReltOtns are lbsig bltd Pedoy a gotday., for Ibis somers d&aity vacation Bbbl sc .o spu ed by thIm Miton churhesi. K..s Charcb ripper hall. Salue. day frot 10 lu t"I ai. Il childut aIo-ed toue lu Il years a lulrdi egaitler for the closs ci. A charge ut It per famity bay heoc. solt 10 bep dcfruy co.l ait PTha course will lu held Jury 2 lai 5 and JaIs' 8 lu 12. Kindai- garteu (4to 5 veerst childe wilmeet ai Knox Lauter Hall, Peiscet l6 ouai yearsl iu Rt Pool's Sudai Saihoot. ond Jon- lier 19 10 Il yeaeul lu Grae Parisb Hala an Ibase dae, tur rive, oeas, ail vatae activit-. Ceaft. genres. sicgiug anod Bible isrcinare oc the agenda. WATCHED IT A tooril triavelling lu the heari ait Teas bound himself lu cou- versatio oith a eol Texsocow- boy. The caisboy totld the tturLut hait c ods going onu87yc- aild. The taurtut asbcd, "Tell me, 10 obet du eau attribute s'ioirc marbable lougavityl' r The cowo huhifrem meut atnd fiben replied graearCle .Wolf, I rev-ir staile o horse aricl, I nceecclled a mnafnrt bis lace. JACK CHISNOLM, diecfue aif the voculional rebabilitation filic bot in Milton oit Monday. demfocstîutes to Mes. AInu Watsoc, rlit, ccd Mts. O. Mclctosb. tight. hum be wootld hice Ibem tc play a scelle. Teto scecus cee shot oc the Maic Street anal cite uithel Millioit District Hospital. U CW. A ptcesftton oct held durinq te rail. U.C.W. efifernoo Uit leader, fos. uge Guiic rd Elenig Unirfleder Mt.TomfiRamshw Preseed he wfbualife membfship ** D sý0 ,tc-Fr-a eft are Mis. Mcsstrom, Mrs, Gunby, Mes. Holmcu and Mes. Racîhuet. Our Reude s W ite ~e0Ss-fai- FIVE YEAIRS OVERDUE LIBRARV aBARGAIN" CAMPBELLVILLE Dear Ste. oa Sir tRcnlmproperty was..ule t1icoindor boo mauy of yu Poiod sapasible tihrevslî na] Rccord (Jue 7th). ac poincg tai get il the ueo Li- Induct Revis John Schriel li h avijoo:otrk-betOfbY- caineal iu the neospapec ail Miltaon. ufaci r o onemrit, I ci A rt N aissaigaw eyai Church 1 k-e the qsiont b raepicraied jouenI I^mdho tri Bv Ms. Geuerge luglîs prdieotiv- car vviht Rai. Vair t iait. She also ai a aitro sI<fl smi. :Inlsr Fairtu ctd ai tihe oav M.-, 5ila King i- tfi .î-ked Rai-. Johnt Si.hiel ai fah theae Missiain Baud leade Th, Fcm 1ntv eds a Il t Isope ai Par Saudi îaicco-o-iiaiaaiuiltaf.5a~~~~~~~~ sai..eoffffaft PraI es tehiritîDcdP . 1bra-y vilb respecabol acitities1 fiiad ad preassiota clleaaie -A.a.fiàtI taf i a iRu.RoThomisonf St.Cit-irifo Churebunealy 50 ears, The cost or -arryingaiatftf--pri R Smit, Oui-cmaiitapic ait ..îekChîieh ,haf,-. .îiîia-toli-iteiatuhe Shilandast-- aachartiemomberaitthe poilal oflthe Library Baitids aaio-raiii icaitfaiairsei.I j'e i-o.cb.eiti precofdai iiit il lai for v iai sai ,ra- ail 'Cmplilcilla- Wauiacus ttvtitatte pe-a.cîid tai cacail. o raIdl-;hiaie, the more sai as Pairry 'he, ii \Itn\ii \%aîke 1- coatatio frot lco hi-.tu naea Shaishîaw.i.îriteeait theclocatal i eoidividual 'apia! nSîaîiilbiil'ivaria Godan priver Miv Hafieo .aiffretafii R-i Shbie a1. .fear ý,,,rch cci. taie the Cauadiau cras bas sitfi cbjection ew buihoildinîg. This library %vilI .baega cf charg et fa f11 fia-, l. in Acmsterdam, Hail. (htpiain ail Militon. Foir baeseai tîth scace are lithaist mccii- hava- ain iea ail appraivimatli 1 oci fls Ivaihacica McPfta. lanîd, thoni alîvct ih the berre-1seieesire w-iill hc haicairably'70 sqaefcwihia îrnn-îthbcaiaiiiî rporti. iction. occitinan ocll Cec.ea Tc TownaioitMilton has dag-.titttif.cfil Mr,. h ic .Kintetcrasur.earv îiagh--aii a ecicf,.e'daa acct.Gi'iia ged ltis tct au ibis mtarier. aloto viighg4, -.malk-r area thrait irat pan cdM T atab ilf-abiai teffici, tfaiur ai Ihcp.ihi, get Il oru ilh 'acttate aîters flrail the peoposcd Miltaon Libeffe f0 fa-if hhl tactonsu. The oult lu tir avarag e file ih cfq sauf he SI03,"hO fnnilrepart uih as fa .v bogi greiiaitvaad beoiaiuvli Mev Geaiea Icclis alicodeditaxpayeeowllamaootoesiauahich is a ratdenitmore aibl disucragiai. . ucaElor Dredta. Mrs. Val- the Vermuialen-Eagel ocddiue lu $3.00 per yenr. Thi--' lcuaumille.t'v $77.1000. The dittereucci The presideot weoaanedal lil o.Iiui, R.c AlctiVafir eas Bifflaid iiidCuliuSr-biost faillsesepnlin potaaven cenfier flirthese figie.11 gaiesis is-laidiagic ha oottr-. latt--. IThaoaon, Rai. R. P. Jel fîfaN chips tue their chitdreu; l-s-. Ihai s -ifgcst. tor the Parr Soaud Li-1 %cite, Met Joihn Sabrel. Mi-. has trois St. Johanlt îd Si. Geargelooli gave apriue oul George AugliciChiiclisGtOmar Me. anal Mrs. Robert Ellit mostsceekly atlowatccupassedrbrry Boiard rccaivealtiririeut fai "Tala ait A Dici." Mev. Iccîlu Van Sicble, Fihal Simpson aind sycti Sairts oiih Mr. aud Mes. w0 oIeteac;Iuitas aor odoe10 uagt s lso uona a committce oitb Mesî. jRu'. J. Wi11îamuai. saith 50 s'eues Stocl-y Millîs ai GOkville. - a oltie tospayer himuelt upcud troto their' ToVIu Couecil. A.TMoaeadMe Llydeeu ai mouurs. M.aoMe.Hosouoshad aon raftle tickets. By the way, the pecot libtaru toriata aclu'Io Mrs. William Me- tiaaiving inthe eeeptia inie Mr. ancd Mes. Keiîb Laub aud The time for aNew Liry lsoîPorraidlîbe se Phaîtu birihac parev on Jan itaîîh Rei .and II. Jaiî Sahelel roan ait Carlusle ait Saicdav ai Nfo Ied uvc trltv e t h e Toou Halîl Buti 22. vere Ma-. and Mr,. A. T. Meuarcgi-t-. lacb ot Ciole improvciststs lu the1 there the coisporivon oîfh Mil-i ^Oc the floaiuacammifie aao aii cd St. anfi Mi-. Edusaed Corliaitr e d taou over the rire, yearsut athiis tonviaip.. Their basemeot luvi c fo Miss. Kailiarioc McPhe, Diede ongrauainaoM. r wtrier. notuice, the timo for a lit comparotivelv larce. and iliara dfrao., Me-.. Raie Pafrker and Mis. ucn IBsbîl Me-. Goa Thoimas ai thIe village New. Librarvisl ai toast tira v cars cs o record of a flooid. A .T. Maiore. aitnge rokile o Caisphelîville on tbe birfh ail agal Either soc are a criec ii Yaiais truCy. t Tha hirilidssn000 Oas ev0t - g Secakilll a ceaoddcaichiae, bairo tai Me. aio T. J. B. Audersonu, ALA. toc Mes EdgareC.fffvvad th, a f ihcerao attractiion fair Mrs..GCordoDaibv'ofRoc.ttaiaii. the evidecce tai sowc toc t lait yes-idavfaodaafed a cOotatio .acalacuvnntaofiaachars.îpart- Severa]trevidaoi-.teoistile.-vl ohicbthereeistarai oliilelffer taiuet nas iihiah ,ay o aIlit uaev. .sahoi board, teansoara- .ta ctoc iMîooae cpito ab ue si Mes. Haioa Loîh anvd Mro Rai ri oîici îî if ii Mabaidisi Activeai v services Gahoille or Borlingîcu hataire Il Pakr eoeIl ls r(i acigwsejvd ure r udv i'.tarcdctronus. cecet Me-. Jaihn Saliril thiaik- i.ha-.ia vtîpptîad mc o laieiii laatshl ae eut cd allithasa ocîk part tilba ltcandtl'tin Mîclvittavaa%%ae MrC. adlMrs. Roy Doaicatt Ini a nu-elfo s t claaicgoftheibaille, cattvi su I lî-.qti orsltaieac aing. ýMi-sJotlie Merrit and Mr. and S3_00 prearpr paperty, w calI b-f lteuar flltaiaca. Mes. Met Stitataaal Me-. Toto1 Mev Georege logîlu aud Murray ean ac ao LirsptVteor iesl; Wtus Close One Maifa- .onucîî.a a tilt hauti tue aind Cars Ford,oweedioceergiestIaMm irr.Vt 1 f In il c f- fdloer-iholt ak l-ifhtîtitogrieoe fflettc at, tbt.î ha nii.ttid aedaI Robhart loglis ain Suda-. give the Lihrary Board the tiniît-M sacekcoa Ciopliîtilla Juittitîc titi Iftlooiia l r - The Cliampion apailoglees for mouve; atier tbh voi aeo ha etecîls Miltain 3-1 in av Halfioe îvtia i I .ttvaeM--,.ipililccolvoaa Ildiveouss oii theisot aa i Laa .eîalfho bi- tuicarv Robl., vhourd hava rend, Me. ccd Mev' Cour uavahalt Lcaîaatîv-g -frtlotLîtJi,'bflsWiad rJbG paissible alerOtiveor ideas. Bill Carre on thea otitu I i WI -1 n isLi ai.CalsWi n rJh i Yaiaeu traie. Ccciphalh'illa-.iant riovead toi G.eota ~at< ~M tîft îî s etnMid E.C. Jackson. ihirat infov balaie aiit R-sýII Tai-p l i auetv. Ail lice c vac.aion in Catiforcia G Miltoni thirirutito.1thecgaon, rihtîacoupee-racivad a hisi ait Theacvts-tsendcitaieend titielava-tt, it,ulov laielii lit-I af it vinr econ aitur aaaor oi tatmbas-. ittekaies. Enoulet Io bis o-to Rai-. Johnti Salteltloch services Ciieeasieiakitiill.iilio Illed ii li , iilime ai tS.avid's tiva Pta.shtiiiin Chîîîab oc Suda',I touh ll bcîdk otit harp aie tioda ha icîanu O TE R S ! Caisphattoilla botter-. vera hit- %vii flic chair vacdeit opectitl tlcldteg h-. Jothn Zcppv, ail Mil- Mill. Shitrl-. Chaelai- toit helal trin lai aIt tuai hfis hopaîhi iv esîacded te those lis Tom Rcmvhaocand liv- Huo. uIn. mouari flic laie Meo. Roberti ced. N3tattielwto rassvit aoas' ai St. a AGAIN Rat. Croolaird Smith ail Knox iii-.aph\ tHospital, Guelph,. oun TSBB OU Peveriau Chîeah tut Gutelph, halaadav, ifle ta-i .ti 10es ohfo - Presideal riere Inlduction tulf m'ilsh She .a., lIe forior TSBAYBN Rev. Jaihn chriel in theaongreà Chiri-ine Etatîtchîve Graham OrI gain fNs.a,, nCmpel,1,%h a eie CONTESI lIME gatau Feesbyteeîaai Chuith onic- ta cacihartif ha toomacu mlis- AT Fridais evecitic oiet tesî, mîer- s îtifti v Bai la. ir Evacicg larron trocn Tîcaihv If( hapier auiirvihiiiand ivocaif v auscia- MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE and speaial music aa-rcderd hy joint cbirstfrcm bihchaîah. PARTICIPATE IN DUR es ldter the directiont ait Mev Tom Malles avd Me-. LloydCi-au% tordandcaqatetteaaopiiirL OKA Y B O UO T S cf William Elliol. Johs' MiPhiilLO K B Y NV C N rE u Robert Elliot. and Lloyd Eoely. Res'. Crootord Smith scid in CALL bis ad,,ecusflint ibit ondoatitte JUST PAY FOR ANY PURCHASE, SMALL OR LARGE, WITH TOUS RARY BONUS ok abi ugeto n a lutew biîi . A A I AT MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE, FLt. IN A DRAM TICKET WITH TOUR NAME, ginnine. Oîte churchis living God. ELECTRIC ADDRESS AND AMOUNT 0F CHEQUE, AND DROP IT IN THE LUCKY DRAM the pillar and geaaud ofl leffi let us loch ahead at the Licl ai CO. CONTAINER IN OUR STORE. cboreh ore o-nt lai ha. Wa muit lu a church ohich belaiv tu Fo PrNXTD W Christ. A cbaircb whicb coras andal R hnaovs Christian tciih. We must INDUSTRIAL Of______________________ lu o chairh obicb sbcrev tha phsvical heuc h e ua COMMERCIAL LCYTCE Goa l hai e oas. Wr mtcd ticeo itoitiaii-taî-tf CONTRACTN paîlfo, love aitd peavaevl TIti. ilIN June 24, 1963 aothert.baper obeing a part and Watch for Sommei et the living Gual. oor SavicurST R and Jesus Christ. be soid lu clos- MAINTENANCE Coctest StarticR Jurpy. ________________________ TeMdrt for Guelph SERVICE 20 ANF.7896 preubyteev. Ren. Allan Vitnf nSE OU* MAINNEN ST E 4 brotaght greellugs. He coîted o PANSI the tnt.erimoderatte. Rea. For- TR 8-2 206 bes Infltonoi 0 ico tbe CaliL THIS SUMMER au WAUER PHONE TR 8.6538 * Fur Fcec Gavolica. grecase O11 * Fuel Oit Il arrer Sa-ilce * Maiulbly Buîdget Plan AILTON FUEL SUPPLIES e Finesi Cillas Service Peaidîîal Ottice 32 Broute St. -Fc! Rabbins- Community Club Melats, Discuss Lucky Luncheoni Bl to, . at îrtalucd the bridge club gt tbeir The NortýhTrafalgar Communt- home Muondotf eveuhil. ty Club met Wndnesdoy evening Mr., and Mis. Ellisos Ball and0 at th, home of Mes. Norman family Mr. an MsLo dk Sparling. Twenty members an- centg and falmily nd sscercd he roll Cali. The presl- Mrs. Altrc BalodM Ror dent. Mes. F. Ncar presided. The atîcnded tbe Bail FonlyRu meeting opcned witb the club cio. held ai the bomneufMe. aud O;'dc.,, a mmnute's si- Mes. Willis Bull, Lakesîde. on lubnru Iemmr u udy Close su oue hundred Mes. E. 1. Cordiugly utto had and sixtymmbers O[te famty passed awoy sîcce tbe lest mcl- ocre lu anteudouce. ing. Il was decided Io ttstd a A nomre ut ftîers uder the Locky Luocheon lu Streetsvilte direction uf David }Iowden or- possibly lu October. Cash doua- goulus and choir leader, sou g in t on ere tu lu mode to th the choie aI thcbe 5 Dath!r y"I Scott Missiou and the tNortht Hal. service ut Bethet Cburch ou Sin- ton Retarded Cbitdreu's Fosd. day. Severailsick friends were tu be rernembered with gif lu or cords. Pollock aind The meeting cusedl witb thbe- nediction. Campboll Mrs. A. Watson and Mrs. J. May ocre lu charge ot the pro- manufacturer$ ut geais. obicb iuctoded a TV game -IIGIi GRADE MEMORIAI.S and a coulent. Lunch oas servaid MEMORIAL ENGRAVING by the husteus and o socal lime euloycd. 62 Water SI.5 NonS,, GALT Mr. and Mrs. Alec Watson en- Tolephons 621-1BUl attention &Il owners of trucks, buses and trailers First quarter 1963 Commercial Motor Vehicle and Trailer licence plates (white on red) expire J une 30, 1963. Second quarter 1963 Commercial Motor Vehicle and Trailer licence plates (wshite on green) go on sale Monday, June 24. They are valid f rom date of issue and expire on September3O, 1963. ONTARIO DEPARIMENT 0F TRANSPORT ion. John P. flatant.. Pli.. AtiuOft 0 GIVE BLOOD MILTON CLINIC Thursday, June 27th ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL CNARLES ST., MILTON CLINIC HOURS: 2-4.30 Pain. and 6.30 to 9 p.m. SPONSORRD SI MILTON DISTRICT NOSPITAL WOMRN'S AUXILIARY YOU n give blond if ou aren b.lfwe.n the ages of Il end 65 aid have not bn usdner a docoar'. gare in the pont sta .months. Par Puether Information CALI. TR 8-2445 A MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR Oncu agatu ilu Csime fot us ail o "roll iap oOC sîne-aun' acnd gOC oOt support toi the Milton District Hospital Women's Accilieep anal Redl Cross blool alu- Yaice gîfi of lliad ccc suain a lirc . . . pebeps illt ofia fîlena ou relative. The vend fu cu as geat On luhaîf of the membees of voanicul. mîp t ex. tnnd oc wbolnbnactnd support for Ibis mortbwhlp promuct. S. 0. CNHUS, Naor Town of Mitton 1~ REPAIES Road Ru Pepper iPlague< Au luset y cars ego creaslug grooersif The pepr couticeal i, States,.w Ontario, in Meanobi tucreased r and se'erit reports De The peut eggplats i secticiden Dr. Puit per cent poder et ,vith et IC; opaced a t shoaitd lu adoit filles the soif le PIeppers ot bc mae wevaciter the inseelic Aller Cma anal metino the entoma ]y hatcheal spougys' ec matuare sol Thite i s -0ie hi MILD GEO ERIK 1 ip èp