Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 1963, p. 9

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ai andà iubnaid- Vulpe, uecftiou eri' An- Coonuit altaun tu at and ýOmmit- tue blid me reeaitlp. I di't imo- ogine bie mli meluomitlrr ouf utheA dislupts offeit put un it meitutb-. iug tiret, bumeeer. Parking miii Ait tutiled onon suiude ufthlA uiroot al u limie lue tbe ibhunt- ing periud, Jua Cbiabuim cs- pliiad. *s NEWS THAT thIbo swm miog pool moud bu open mifAin aumunîbmoum elome duriug tout wees lacot mate. If aas'onu cuud hoa fitlid il mitA muter for toit Solurdos' aud Sudus', I douAI if Ibere wuod bote been sus' ubortoge ut uwmmeru. Nul- ursîyts'Iafat mol in' posuible la the letereuls ut oulels', but nu douâtitheucpreaiag iubhciager- s' omsited As' o gond mas' aub are nom postiag la tAc fiaisieag tucthes un ontaillr yesc ut sellerit murA. The OId MiII Dam * EVERVONE ututupu munt o aunas', buight dus' for o picrnic and Sondas', the cootaiu Pro- gressivu Conueuuotiuu gi juat aub conditiona for tbuoir picanie ut tomutttu Pools. Witb tbe brigbt ton, bomuuueu, came tbe intente bouett, but tbnit didunt unumu tu cutut uctivitins ut ail. *a THE GROUNDS uithIe Cnt- auio Subout for the Deut aru bue ing pot itt ubupo utitb tbe plant- ig ut ubb, tuent and guets. I donita flaina mous' Mitoniouu tut ruotizu tbe sigaiticoncu of ibis impoutant institution, but toustud us it l traner the toutou soouflraiuntuunte, il miii. mboo uomplttd, puosuïnt un impuesttoc utpuuusonce. =TNE GOOD OLD DAYS= GLANCING BACK TO 10 YEARS AGO sumou a W * COO TO SES tir dus oit dItion an ltae tarit treetu lItk- cdt for anctbfer 'eor. If's oaui îbuugb. tbe ottinits' tbat oit bas for uilidren. Das aller hbo lait on tbe coad ueemu lu but dry,. oilîdren continue tu 100 cap witb ltonhundu, tutes ad lega. No domitbt thas' boau u segret tbot cuie lait diatnibutout. moutd be iatarested intsuriag. *THE SUNSHINE ptus un importunt purt in tbo fitm un queucea ii r tufbe made on Mittonas Mole St. for tAc Oupous- ment ut Heolt film. Tbotas As' uboetioig didnt go on ai subedot- ed Ibia meek. News dates beras ficea set forudos'uncrat week in tbe botte tbe ion miti about fortb buigbtts'. Trufillu muni bu utoied off doriag tbe ubooatiug and tout- fig nouse tu desiratbte, tbu diret- 5<944<4 MMO "e e# BY BILL SMILU ceou ut tutu plats ou ltae site. Onu pIont ucili be tor tbe productioa ut Leleu oboais uprbtgi and sAc mtur toc nickel sud chrome pltiug ut vurios auto muotuce pearts, il mut uuptuiaed. Vurotnt O. MuCeut gcoduuted misA Atuoirs in Act ntan th Ie Uni- s uctocd As cbetor ut Arti stogoeut thu tAssA Convocation Autd lu ThAcuss Hall, Loadon, on Sacus dcs, Mss' 30. Pur the puut rince s'ceot. Mu. McCem bus Ausu cssitts priucipul ut tAe Milton public tcuco Ho miSl teuch un sAc -fact lic Culs' ut Torooto ocut s'cuo Bsuic ASuot cccuod tAc biga- custeuteod forgenecsl puoticients' ut flicgrautcioecuucttothue Bctscde bo-spiscl toaiuing scouot Mure becn 120 Auildingu uder co struc lu Miltotn s sAc tore- Buslding lus'cctuo P. Mcs'is'eu. il tAc prescrtuicrueaeme uu-ut ucsu lu tAc oumbcu ut building oocuis bbig isuud bstheotoon Sortis' Paîbaru Oas' ia tbe tst iuaigiioaitt ocuusiont un the sut- canor. Evitrs'buds bituma micb Sunaos la Mos' la Mufbiua Dus', but florens o guud dent ut coin- fsion la tAit miadu ut most peuple aoul tbe ufille une, ad more Il nuit for our gond frieuds, the mersubaulu, Whuargustitut ou torget Onuar Cld Dod", .it muuld peubabîys'luip bs' as quiet- s' s WAit Sudus'. It nuu esîictutu lunoadur- tsuad lAit agusenein. Nus feu meus' s'eoa ao,iuers'dss'msf ltferus dus' Bof in the s'm- pbuas' utfd' tomfis'i fall- or lu the tufst chord. TAe flutuis siocle nu longer tantres oit fo- tbuu. i bs Agome an arc, the pms'dulum amiuging bu- Imeca Monm sud tbu idu. Prom tAc tinie mc osu listp tmmaw r ed e lot ut pp aoul motburboud. Moîbur coun do nu meung; Moîbor is s bavet tittie tout Mumms' baumu boul; Mum murAs fe bord; Mu- sbuc it stmss'u Ibere toben sAcs ucodcd; uobuds' cou cuuls lAu Mous; Motbeuts itarnear suaito; scbat could mu do mitbsul Me- sus; sud sut ou. Thtre't s certain acsoual ut trutli iu il ast, but mbsit I ubjeot lu is toraiag Mu- alr hâte o bubel baskest, undur uhcit tîecs onace - buigAt ligAl lu mcli biddeu. CA, tor tAc gourd utd ders mbea Pfbuhr muzat of uthlA bosu sud evr'ods' knet il. Weubouesldomuoaitheubeed tf the tabtc, tbcru et s coue- tuecîful. if uot tueufot, titlensc. TAc Aids sut in rous et cach tidu, dleul auuat upoken su. Tbemwomenuuuccriodsroond mitA proper bumitits'. ftcbiug bue utcsmiug disbcu, holding tbcir breufbu mhitc Puacoe tcufud the csrviag biru tigb- iug mitA relief mbcu bce msuud Aucenvotoot udr lAecharuria ut food. lus tabosc guIdon dst'aiiersuo coioutottul-Aiugand pececil mindmwecuthe pimerquiusitc ut s hopps' bomo. Hit ligAleuit opiniun ma guspel. Min mrsth mut invtuitlu tualemplte. Vu didut aeed Aouuebuld godai; s'u hald Potcer. If Putbcr ssid momen shbotad Ouf bu slluod beAind the mbitel utof tar, ibeys' ouldul' sud Itu' att taure mat to if. If bue declored tbtru mccc nu titA i atu "culub, Iberu mocoalt If bue Arties'd abat tAe Gritt(r Tories)tmeres"apck ut dsritod tbicacu. Ibes' more. If bie fotdl suu lu gut lu lied. s'ou gui. Bs' mbut subtit ad ficaditba olcbomys' ui uIbr buen Irons- turmod feut o giat fite s fig- ure ut fu, o notiunal juko. s utuogo uu Ibird-_ruu fumits' ate- viin sorieut B' mhau ft solos ut the faitei but tbut msg- nificcul toan beu lurued laiu tAc criaging sreture mbu cou Au seimiping flic disbus white bais mite it out ut tAc bingo? Hum butA lAit migAt ls'tur, uIt l I ta s'y sud I sus' if -uot ingoru but in row Buttiud As' fais spouse. releut- oss'y becbtud As' Ai-s uildu-un, is outs' placos ut reugo r tAc gsu-duu. the golf cours or tAs Imout sîresus. Nul fou fislAc thuigAits euoi tuoceroe- He lu stlomcd tu sipulu cut flic moutbutta cuored mitA musouoo tucu ur tAnmaar uni uand oboutu. Nultu Altohi tbu Au-sAd uiluute s Ate toicosua tpiniou mitA uiugiug sotbcuits'. TAc unis' opiuion Aue toutou is "Wclt, tusn tuoinAuu tu ugoco mitA s'oo. dccc. Wbuc PetAco ocdlu btas, haea sue tusuntb, su ecbuomtudgod s'mbol ut fait tuccesu lu fleu Dcd as e meurt lithoe pot beits' sasat mrts suggusts Aue dousu'f gel ssougla uuecisu.WbucuPFa- tiler AupI lAc cbilducu lu in vvith stuc lard toA sud the ou- stina lt u lc car, Ded o-Atout tirait luiti tut ott tbulu GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO alwneil Ibus' doust du mAs tbuo motber tells Iboto. Wltun FelAcc uscd lu diste out the Aouatneepiag moues'. mcA domansurtutringenfuconotry Ded autrui uter the pas' cusotopo, intact, sud miîbou s uru succptt the gluad lidiugu btAc moîur bas juI bougil s e ustuiguetur un the ri - -e lAc Bibloel t tumits' Aufuru huid, Dud tusuot mutbo l tu ]t lAc Aidu ulus' up sud mottA Cucul. Wbocu Patetbouuud lu mautiale cu-tut ut Ate pstucd flic tourthbAout-ouI ou e 40l mite trip, Ocd goumblou coin- plaints buceuu Aue burs lu bus' c 0cm sto utlirou aller 20,000 OA, It bittcr, but utc - o broughlt onuursutuuu. Just an uusmptc ufth lAv ino lumicA lAc Acsed ut tAic Aoutc ts Actd abuse dass TAis uttul I uuggt- cd lu tbe Otd Girl to-us su bts' (but sonne auto fisbiog essacie wuod Au higAts' ccceptaleon PutAtu's Des'. SAc toobcd ut me coldis' . Ytuur nul ous Itills," tAco seid. Anun ocartce lu julu ute lu e mouutouuttouconuct dtbccicg Dudi becs itt 11cmn Petbco? Gos trccodu, gct rid o51stic latubAcu, tae cutcs tAc ti5e's u t ut tar kcs's, cul lAc Aidu duowu su, utie. du uomu Acloutiug uoouod 00ae5u abat. Meu Youc torAussbutsit lav t ooui aud Aoiug ilu ccohs Weil, tus us littu bus' tutus-tu I bouc lu tuA' flAc Aid, fos s tAmflc dug 5or c usc5k, sud flts tru windoutu oui. DowN(s) IN THIS CORNER WITH ROY DOWNS VOs' CAN MEESs clut lsO t scuusug s'opte lu lAis iuc,,pape" buastle- PeilbuPu lisune of u clciasn iou ulcwo-tus-curss'j s'ucdou'ubheinutusallni epot- go-. Icavbg fibc rcviu prfsicuon tu gel ,ît.siucsr utic ullas or' cules mardisu tus'in ituocui aucoupspco, tbcs"s-c "ituokd"- iisc'istock lu sAc jlb n sul tiss lis il Aussi tus' people51 usitu legs, usîtut Au poolrt tcc as lu Ibis Atud ut tuork, c s'e-lIs' outi. toabte fliustc tsroucuto ut flic Job. Y-uc ues-r du. sAc saleIliiug tuticu. tus t aile[- tsou eps-tpurc usight sako bands o-ilthsA Ps-ue Miuliulcu. tactsi Icaus Olt tuosbusl'c-lu blise ouer -touts socecpcs-. tîeili guI calctcutittl c ptpcls hall- qeoril o is-c-ut ;uctuîlu HistIu illglit gcI u'ucd tubes Ase usibu dosus flic lascetIAs maou ouguter cilit ou Il lr oblat. to fusuesuou tutlicehl sus! lustu CisuL, but st'il ttc m ur s-u biro ts csol utl su e dus' utAu Au ecctusisutic-s 308cry .Scaul on e tu- muile Aibc- o p sAc muuueliu fou c tioul-pcuusuu toreoncli -vl AS 1111S lb osuitce n111i I cou louA bous ouco anothe bus' but itsteru-otig-mckof u eet, ecg diffcrct frtot tAc ltit. Durig thetput uceveîduuOfr staft reporteut tutu otonided e Girl Guide bouquet, tutu Iter- mnilaie baIl gaous. s girls' danto resita, s survica clb uscbog. e Ahockey banquet, s tAiv enon lc upeusng ut Ac gis-lt tultboti Icageg out si dmeetinsg, c c-bus-du guup afin tuc's-ct goldeunucuidinganv sus' sud s ctcurch wuitrta Andttcuuuid-s'lie pautuoccA a cu lar luv onulout" et. ts.. busccdc itd culsage utusu duso guu tut ou ee rbcucd doucut cif contas. l lion Aubhoil' meetung. iri tucuebli caes,s tboul ocutu, e pool puogocut, e mitai toutou hacucbst scours, lirc, acccdel-s, bcildiug pucullts. e hrilsr ttcc- s pusiluicci mecting, su usi- dustuici eupansiou. e courtsit c poutr Isow utrt cut uiling sud ccad pciing, sucboisi upcun ciou-c, a ueututi -sesie -salorsd sli and tt grauat. usa, bugu esudr' c-ecn goitsdt vsilou, Cbeusbcc ut Commecc meetsing. c suAs'y duco, c ocddiug sud e A-s cii, tuu reporterst double bous' ouuodiucurailotcvu duccel 0cw' pictumus Ibat eppiccud lua test Tbocsdoysuitper. W ulsV E MADE SuiMi' e% l, uilas.tuueeebin s'csiott uci, lice Mc. Vane Camsp, ult-Au% lAc Wulcusuo Wagun Ausîtus. utc iusoctietaed bier siffiug omiduf Auudritdu ut duollaru uurtb ut autiquet diupIss'ed aound Aier "Red Baru' atntique sbop un Martin St. White me obsîlted aout the vuobit Weicumne Wagon suervice abe provides, sito stuu gaveas au o oduon ou Noir lc-oocs.ostufcciou-saou- quct. 'fi's allur c er udtc Wslissstu. usiso uiicl lsosu5 aOi",:Isu- vucfstcs'iuttuk. Wcscalledba tuko c pscuuoue and tcc-b nt tItil ur cl tIcsrobot s ubuss u.lions Mut. Willi,uuscusi.ucl sAc cgc uit 103. TAc-usncic ltlt disucuso abolits cil stuc cc-ulOu uuuttl..uîc.ar( ile aluait tus-liiudc. utc ct-sus chtuud chiscu flic su%%s C.N.R. oiloory Au pc-t vcii l place c 30 tout mcli ,suusuuus Issu ,fis. Mituson andus sus laus ir IlerG nRd-. tuo-sc- Ms. Wsi pons(uiot: p lisuisu li- [lic 25u30auisa udcuvon Asuc ci, lir i bu tpccdiug ciuuc ABOSP flAc mos.lsuuuuic btur es ntue cou tric lie duso had i, suslits auri(stulis bAssoIs -or teck tutus - (l[i susc by-past. Ilbbic ruittwatucu sla t gr, cd A- a.r stuts l lc bauflitc rKs-ple st Miltonssu uui bc ur hi happyut A(dodtAlusiuýcuN. Aue tutccus-s Allus- cit, ifth-'t ubet acictbou o tueuuuilit-o.. ts l, tutu' hil i1- tutu ilAtus il bcticulIce- c stuuad pubnt rhum!t Ob, sAecemre mes' tler, fou, tsutoeouu lu mecution its titi -potue. Att meut equeli bOccu- itg Acîptut sud co-cupoucticu people. lIt's beon quiseouruels. And lAet uait 51 mure mels liAit if atgc3t 3uiu. TIHE PROGRISTON MILL. DAM lu tAn beoutys' pol tuotuued su tAit sueubtisuns. lu' ou the 12-Mite Couitk ioutb-at of Carlisle, aud a el ns t tus Sudet druvnrs. New Lihrury Fucilities. Ou Jutie 2d1h Miltou rotopoyes o-ull bts tstiug the questiou - 'Aie s'o u tucuvr uS tAc Townu ut Mulmur buîrutieq upeu cnbn- tutus the usut of577,000.00 tus tAn poîputu cf euqu urigeîistecfruaPubicuLibesyeund tus uîoutiug sAese nd utcruissiug e Publuc Lubseîy Buildiug?' Tbuue otuguble lu cuits asu tbuse o-s'uo sund in the touts or leasinug fou s peuuod ut 21 yeuosu if roc ae a properti so-utr u are uututlud and nupuotedto lu gisuet tour upini- sou br bellot. isone utsA touse itsuus us' o-bA e toto s tae. Plubituitesar siett fou futs- queut lu munctipal tutu tbeuu des. Coucul- lors, bouteous, uyeng tAn $77.000. sequisud. ujdubtdls' talAi teucd bu caties su oas tAe pobtitus opliiu tirau usokn e deutîlos. Go o-u need e ueo -tbunsys TAuse s prets' gotusot agreeusont thAt the prouent fouilusinu use cîo-ded sud unuuuuue. TAe aes ts uubjeut su fouodiug pesuodiceiiy sud the ousessus uuops edss'g su thebon in the to-u hall ateutout ose tut eîo-oy. es Sou oldut uutosu lu sogotiaeuI lu eug o-bus mous sud muse boubu use bo-tg pre- Two Yeur Terrnf? a ata Miton Cosucilos uue s-lan-ig Io td inuurudsutou ut e wo rouu torni tor ulecu- ud Offucitis TAur hauto ust nco decudued whuiber flue proposai s u1uod c' bar.u ,u atute lue olutcun ettuovies cocuidosutue cud s'cious lu 0bus earuse bedilou IlesAsu sreta c socugl guidel ctd oicu Ou tAs besut wtol exress tus cs'ootu lo flcwo s'uni utun tus' ctetuod ut- Mor ya if tise co-urb sodu rsu nb clostesoitiobet thoeuooetsooand sus'hmii be s-eu the wogouus cuud sud e two tous tutus woui uuelyircse tho disuace. Amuiltioo-c Audujesu l'eug o-lus Aury ase jst migbt got luso sAc seules utsa cycle of'eleutuco tees' anud "lsucr electios' rtes ed1uututs The toecia und piovincial gou- esmmenas hace dleseioped Ahs field Iofi climete sud munucipal fters etecsed Sou to erest culs muqAt pick cp the traiet Il lu sguot it crie s'eurs lu lîs cnougb lu leusu bue toples us cuucul We caiegace o-sub stuuu Cuepetisucu lusth couicsctstis aeesooueeatAuo-evers. us' deut a situung coucslr HeutuA tern- if Au bas uscovd Aus one tusu epprtostAu duuod, filo prescrt sue us sou, tsmdud tu esuommodete thes sequsut vouomet. Tes, wc eed neo-ibets'toltts. Hous mutA o-'ll is tout? fTse projeut psu- teutit pteeund As' tAe Lubueus' Board as s 077,000.00 pusse tag ou ut. bu o-ould suclude sAc poîcbuse ufth bu ud tennis courttsitu ou Maiu Streut, theuconstrution aud sAc tusususb- u'g ufthue Abuiding. Wbcubes the eeed tus ueov -tbsut tedi- lusses o-il bu liueed o-us sA th out ut $77.000. lu bue queustion tetiug raepnters. TAc Li- basoîtared, o-u use told, but cunmieied puscboueu of oldes boutes sud toued neuo- usrubshagesccxpeuuve. The bîsug ofthe foous tcoscarb utheuwgAs ut boukusu usa ulde bouse s une ut te duttuscitiet Mo bae Aenud objections su, the loctione but egau stos oie nt pieutfutunth ulAdow- There eue ust usdosbtedit questuont su tAc o-ueds uS souepoyes ou the mous lugluet oors tubae co obtuse teculitetneteuins'. Wu ose bupetult boue questiuns o-uil be duesr- cd ut As' uhe Lubueur Bared betuse ustepes' eut ose ssiect os' t ot on us'hA $77.000. wil otedeguco ut sALluts'. tudoed auto- mtusos's s'uuuutig e Io teer eppîctute- s'Aucseigliuuuuecurage the Augutreu Iu sobe lt-s k io-o lu s'eu? cses upred ocu bus- ubus freglorijiuiiétle Inrdue lue Io youu terunu. Fsues c11 d' icstn s u-o -uiuc su'ictue doue sce su bu ouuuo-Aoi'uuug. ?beuu dittiusluisu lAccu onai beo sured As' sAut palitiee Tbeuu fiueuses have le souceed bocese tAcs' bcd ew eetosu tes tutfo, indeed tie oris' ucudoci Accut cs su tbcue wo-bo eelct ed su stuc asssutne heu rio cuies o-bus hssue tuall as euy uhous us Accuet asAure would noeutucO hae. ASI luuud lusule su -u uuu u li u ls o ous s"u tesnu. Ast sriusustuerniu usucusut es a ituooxis't Acto-erofciacul sud citizen shAt s imspouteet and lu postAble ou o esseicutus' utuls Aheuvt rne a.a. lorCorclt e o ia ess'eov gen fe he sevco aces fo Hai cCheute Inusres Ld uoto of bh ndusr yb ce io a rd. The Canadian Champion Puubliulisd cur Tiussodcu et Mcin St., MilIeu, Ot., M s-us As-o l flic Audit Burccu ut Circultos, tAc C1W N o d uuuuuiu (tat*eueuOsuc Osicui. C.WNA. -1- "u l uuc -e e uce subs suTravauie su f-ste-es-celub Couros; $0.00 lne AclIS.., and urler Poreitu Couties-u. AtoAed et Second Css Mil, Pouf Officu Dupeulmoul, Ottawua. G. A. Diltu, Ediloc-iu-CAicf Jaest A. Ditit, Mousgbsg Editer Pssbtîubcd sua lAe Ilcos t ofHsiuuu PûAlibaed bp dia Dîlli Prlnting sud PuAUsiutg Co. Ltd. B-USINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICE TELEPHONE TR8.2341 a»..On% Trabatra froo tAe titan af tbe Caita dia» Chnampui lune 10, 1943. Stanles' Huit, HumAs', met sAutuen prusidusut et the snuue meectiug ut tAc Hittua Proggmu- tive Conus-s'stiou Atsociation bictd at tAc toutu hall Auto ou Pri- dus' ulgbt. Juet4. Lieut-Cul. S. B. Pcptcsr - ttitiug potuidoult, misA- sus-inlaor ut Mu. Hall. TAc meeuting ductdcd lu set lAc ma- cbistccsinmotion uOrgize for a coventiou I selecut s candidate for lAc Povuiucsal Houte to bue field on uJnc 18. Ast iuift'ion mdll bcuuuteudud to Col. reutto bc prescrit. TAc ltoid ououet omecting ut Hetton Maotrs' mut Aotd lu St. Clair Ludgc. A. P. sud A. M. Mit- sou ou TAuudss'otutuiug. As'- p-uximctc5s' tutu Auudud tout-c prssuoL esoug tilent mumbuo. ut lAc cuefs frous Acsuu, Brcutp- tou, Buoltuguon. Cempbeti5tc.e Gels, Guclph, Georgetown, Hamtil- st, Qebusîtu aud Abusa Ycu totk, c mocb to-usigAt lu the uigbs t oftAc Anut Stret Paiu, and Auo reportfrots'ious cuolusulluecu tboeusgoiog to boo big lisreu su ulle od foutu tinut ulgbt. Tbuse uss5t Aue a mtutter Aingoctnd nusucou. mtrer gmes su suit ctucs'uuc mitA pulous uts white. Ledits, Ate ugciu re miusdcd su uisit sAc Hs'dco utioduts. Soc sacst 77 piocu dlia- Ortlruatrativec puizsto bu gis'eu uumcs. Ill s wei utouth the lu- umeuscut of c lus" tickuets. Theupcuiug ofthlA Leutu BomL. Asg uccsu ai tAc tocaet grees look place oui Mutsdos ulgAl, us-Ac tAcs es vs acoud luonoul ut scusbssu uubo louA peut lu TAc fia mintumu uturu aldies, Mut. Frauk McNsuonansd mita, BertI Sinu t s GLANCINO BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO Tatien front teflm oftheaCroisr wtutu suouiddi As' sAc Wousuoa dIa» Championt, lune i2, 1913. ouxilluos'. TheMilon owlng lub Hurto buyoo-s 's'v thes' do flot fAo ~ ~ ~ ~ wl Misn obu lb uI c mbu -the tuoso mbeu goodri -con bou auuuuk. The toute for Aoc-su ucucuascuuorce astbos'are the uuoco utout ut Guoco Cbutcb no. A ]l h -ito ugo W. N. bia bou closed and moto bhave 1 Sc tt id lu bus barnu i4 guud hecur t waooo ltofortsver unesbut tu-dus'buiudsclwnte dos taoderth sAuupcrvision of bcê. J. J. Wilson duso uotdi tout ut Rc.zclicotu aAjoiocedyuoclub tucuc usr Acuocuuurad uorlood odbhavecubucbcdtibOuts'. A hcuccsycarliogsdts'uoaduatmo- meecting tu coouplusc ocguuuoctioo u'co-otd'gutdiug. Tbo tilts', mbicb alltdclcuotiu.cuuulltbuhcfieduat * tc ot one s'uuouod ouemeek lcooncit chabcu rc ou Moodcu otd, luu, ustul'boum Fu'uuoucouccscd lu iuuutod 10 cud %oveigled ouctts' 1,110 panards. attend. TAc gctdtug. svo us uod tutu Tluccuuva a cag Icugcuucdocc muorfihsold, tugs'od tAc scîtus ut .1 Guuuce CAcuicA ou Moudos' cc, 1.500. ,ing, uu-Ac As: Loudbhis Blubos' Acus J. P. Gouisoi of Notion, Claokofth tADiocccof Niugcuc las port but ou-cguuttoonloto tbe cnimdactsottouseccite hAcd of TownsuhAp clc JF. oaci, ts bout. siu gilts and oue Richardo audcameeuigothe woa.The servico tu-s ucu' ou- cofucil uttîl bc Actd ibis ouooiog coul ou u.c, flic .udcc-, fl cuudos su . Thco util bt no ducs As' fait Lorduiu suc flic alentv oacetn lada oceting of (luc situc utonfirmua- cîlcoto filîh Acucucuittbti loulan the doutulouotiui. fieut asuucrasu fiec' wl Aller flic tcl olietc vce pert i . uI is sundcc-ssoud tbut ,hre -cs rcptioutii lu tu liuusucpa uuuuuk liucu tuku cap utuoutsrouuuittlcccctstsuucoss foc, oulutotecRccutsini. NEWS n' DISTRICT ACrIIN-Tcusc suc coprust Sou cl 0-cocuts 202,00 cddition tu AcsuuutDistricttIigAA Schuluv cccuucd bvstcu ran theulADe- municpual ucacigouutuou cult frobtootbtheouucot o t--souuoig, Nuuucgctucoc anud Assouis c-cct5acutub Ontarto Msunicipal -u uuucianasuuo c- uiiugoucallv pltclc. loutludcd lu tAc pro- oucuctu ooucandtctcboucsort. tEORGtHVOWN-'ltc scougcuuosui alrt cuuctuuus tan po lz ut, uri cuuuc ouuuuss vcalu uounud uuu-sucud s uýt uii riutu uAc tot sultthcuc toucls'o soscttgOurtueur atscuuslctktltu tafct- tuuusl ouuu ttc cppoositcd su louk lotor tAc tccuAmbtys ut Osiisg stue ac-ut scuen Ilo fur sotîcu ukctug, doobsu cîscu tsst-ctigutiug diticsstc ole kcsuuu censtres tuci tuc cucsc Ilcou coulu ta ficltA tttRLlNGItfN- toissngsuton miuit 0ul cAk u dcueoos'clu does'y the uoniuto it anma ,olou ti lotodiog douk ou Buuaufgtoor's Aps'tct t suc- Thtu~ous-u Bsuuldinug Couissctc ist-cod c building pues' cuit tois-flic constructionclss5a ock wAiciuttoutd seccuoctulglber cd ira duuusltruock. %%csgAitci, b5kedOA uni costuco, ad dotpduuto Izlsscc tiuctu. Wisc ougAi lait Acun c-ottctcd tacs' tcousd bu buipp- cul ls Puoccuig placs. Htalou CouritvHccAlcDp-utetcudreuto Drc. Asubsu tF. Bull, dc-scuAcd sAce buintcst et bcbg effoctive ocdue.Couu dtilwllott lok iiutosfflts ibitcof oAu theo IIAfVILLIc-Atougtt l oct euttucted tbut tncectcsd utlc tus-,fo Ockusttc Psubluc fItiti ticu cutuec tuld go itt uffuot liecttstsbaliussmorfil.bthcnctucraie set t hut .sustccdi Au flAc Comtmisionu. "TAc suctucu lu tilt lut tAc ucgotsctiuo tagc, sid R.A.gBaow gc-osuctmacagcoct thCooousuut- QUOTE OF THE WEEK - Nutbuug s mute tuecoes'yf tAheb establishmeut of su Auneut, iuformative, tîctbtut presu - . - ', -Roy' -. Thnmson -I fawk ai JTING S BTY JIM DILIS Taier frmai the filai ufthei Cana- diu Champion, lune 1t, 1953. Miltun Pire Buigade loos part teut Puides' lu e mut uumit bombll domuttotouticu itn Niagara Pulls, N.Y., uetd As' uttictutu la charge lu bie the tuuguut titil dc- teuceoauuucitc set field ou tbtu coutinent. About 50 Caodiun wccc tnctodod lu tAc tmo-outiun tuan. Au usout bousAbd acilu- cetllîs fleuri duottped ocer tAc cits' Astttng ansd inuriog Ibu sund- sud tcutug otbco tAoo- tsoduAootutesP.Fitrucs fulai Milton, Buotintugou Guausltc cnd S. Catharines, as ututt as Sos Scouts, Mosuticu, pottoctul police sud amboulance utoukcr uped lu tbhcce sueAc h pocucod- cd dttettco. Gutauto Steel Puoductu tuIl cout tuc piluuts sn bue 70ace ut sund cavuldeAs sbcottrr noub cf Milton, scsoudtog su tunusrmation ps'ucuudea secialumeuting of Miltotu Cosoctt au Wudoouss'a ctuutug. Theucoospuos' bld cut cil thbu s sur us suhsA cnagtnu- fig uludit havu fleuri complut- ud tAcs' uult prococd wtuil tAc -E

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