Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 1963, p. 6

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Sure It's Hot .. . And'So Are CIcotsified Ad Resuits! Cil TR 8-1341, CLASSIFIED Died COMINO IVINTS (Conglnued> FOR SALI îCnstlnud) -Milton Figure Sheling CicR An- FOR SALE - Smail farinm trac- AD E TIIG HAMILTON - bt is bmnte, 868 nuel Open Meeting, 8.15, Mon- tut-, cbeap. Phase 878-8438. ADVETISNC; Mils S., o Thrsdv, une6. dat-. Juce 17, at 190 Bat-ch St.Al 1 963, Rabat-t Alexondat- Hamst parents and isiereoted pet-sons,-FRSL onsonkt RATES o.bt-lot-ad bcoband coflt-asie pieuose atlt-od. e-4-1383 S ntaE ripe V cg ot bs soi: brathet- cf POt-. Mat-s Mitas Ois and Ceoits Oui- lwoei Cati citer 6 p.m.c TES8 *Banks, Larephettoitte ond sttp- dotr Ast Exhhiiion, Saturday 2907. -51460 BIRTES, DEeTIlS. MtIERIOc Rt t-tht-t ai Lt-atrd Nesot-ti MiE. and Soodlas. Julie 22 -23. 2 p.m. F0- AE 6 Fa-ghec ES, ENGAGEMENTS - No ltc Heitohis tad Dettord Nt-wc il] oursat. attli thobme of Mec. date dlamp, aoreotrit-ted P.C.V.-F. char-ge. t-, ilPtio. S. Wý Coelty. Maie St. West lit-est- steady st-ctk. Tesnms. 678- t-t-st-at serit- c-oFid on t-5-2-1429 2i.S3 c -5-1473 FOR SALE, FOR RENT ETC.- Sstordtt ai tht- Metrsso Facer- *9Sa mrin, ehg. lot- 5 svo-do St- .s Haste- lotet-sceci CampRaill Messes t-i St--sc ett--a Ebesecer FOR SALE-23-tet-oio and t-,or hecllr villesCoesetess UnitedCheseb. Naooaîscttsoa., 19501 Forddt-o. Aothin scl parscrdtbeeaEt St-ct-Est, - lae 16, 1963, osf 3900 PtM. astsode. Tii 8-6188 dors: citer Sabsequcot insertios itttt toits SPENCI At Wttttbt. elle Fs idt-. Cest speaker htt-E-. Coesghs hoEl as' toi E7-26 5-1 Jultt- 7, >963, ic is8t er e fTiiyCucAuo. -7Pti alT -26 11 c-hngesi- 7t loin.shlg. 5otr 2- h-l- iStsooaoTioCae.tt 15 mot-do. 5t- par, casd st-t--t-t--- t-oteOt-,n Sp,,eca otid hot 9627 FOR SALE -Attrot-tive 2-bcd aller. t-ce Clses ampbelsad t-asm ht-ltk bungalcow. Rat-o otites aI Mats .t Torteto. Th aa oatnChaptes 1.0. lt-t-to tu right patiy. Weekesds *25e discoaunt aloaet ite t-toh Serviea s ht-id srot tlise CF s, holding an ossouat Sup. osiy. Cati TE 6-867. t-2- 1372 paymnnt. Mt-cNst est- Soo Chepet os pt-- Posss at- Cienspes Fareiss FOu AEnAds otbns MSltss5t , asse 10, %viri issses - bsdaesdat-. Jase 26. Tict-ks 87.50 FRSL Adtf ahns COMIWC EVENTS. (SF1>ý OFosccO1ins Est-ste--s Ct-sot-test-, estati hal bceaitabIe ttc-a mcso foesst ro.lt sait- ut- recacl. THAWKS-11 for st-at t lits Rîi.o. bt-to as phont- TE 6-6604. t-S 1418 Phase TE 8-962, Har-ls Statian- as. île for eah ,sddisistcs lsse. t-t-t. t- 36-164-15 1W EMOIAM~ ~ t-Pt-Wt-t-ct-ii ta Baear and Te.s- FOR SOLE-Sigss af ail ki'tds, aNMMRAM S-I, Fi e tact ta p.Fridos, Jolie 14, trot-k tt-stcg. so ctat-do and Fin o vese Cadsof Tbanks sic Sttohlic St-bacI 7th Lire,-.1 «t et-tis pstt fat ltosdg lit Rot- CLASSIFIRD CISPLAt-. RE AL. ESTATE-St.21 pet- -ol.inh BOX IsIMBER ao siso -ilt-t- - 25caoddili.aat DEODLINhS Ctoooitiad Adocrtisista 12 Wass WadesdiIo Ctessiiied Diopios & Et-lt 5 pim. Taeodosy Phone TR 8-2341 6 The Caoadsaoi Chamepion, fhassday. Jue lJth 1963 il0 et- n-t thant t- it, ehl t-s s etl sCaosphelitit tass Xli itss:s atnt tlitt st-Ilrd lt-it- litst .tt -lits Isit- i I I, t, St, Jtotseplts o' it ttst pis. tics Ct Wiril. Heatîtll Macisslîessik t-o , ehf. t- 14>4 Mss Jaho Batdso. i "1 asit Ot-,pi*,-., Int- epy t-tl tu, st--lt- d ar -t-ats-- i ard' t-tiI oii," iedwici hast-itlsd Est-et-I W sisesh ta tie detsas t-dtest-soif Miltac Csssotl* H,,-ios-A.t clo t-tel cote et tla, duii n tc llites Siot-t--st-s - - o1399 Welles' Nelon.t W, e-titl e ttott-o t-t-t t ,ss and st-gllesotlttsttora Deaths, Etc ttt- îserrsecnt site Ilest.: El-- R MesBorn c lsett E Nie estl iv AFlot oso st-t , vnet-sattIl Chlic- b-49 29762 Ait Wetern-t Hais Si,,,,,. bsv Ct-do-r Volley Eid- er udes, 12.30 plu., Jatte 16. I,,,. onr No. 6 Hgcs ted citse Rod), sourt I Est-t-l. re adhossisios. t-S-1432 -Ansglicean, Knos Pst-tht-t- -la au St. Foul's Ussitedt (hhas- aet---pt-ittacetc plu- %iea cfiae atsstiy lot-[li- t. irl e Vacao Bîhie St-bat-t Jais 2 -. 598 12. Wllt-h toiNc,' Chaeopion lt de- Binoa est-s ffA1dcodoy siglit. a orsi et Mltona Atr-o-t SI.0iO put--oet- oii, litlssocluadtg 3bSIO g.tines,.5 S590 gatOît- asti 18 $5 getes 83 asdmisonc ast-les 13 eutI goses Spot- sit-si hsN Milton Kasosiand ht-glass, ct-1297 st-t, e c-otatlttt Settit-. e , St. ttlst Ansgliaen (Arctssth. Ntsoss 5, stslh t-t st-eth ca oset-t postale Scodos, Jiet 23, 9l BLOMMESTEYN-Ettst antd Sti ans:s.sd l:ephlss las n hast .0 P.1s1 Cedisetiots i W-t-dat Btomrecte t RR.3. îLý, its-t- oseues 'a !.esisoe M coraseChaihsb ResU. ReIligît, t-te pleosed loa se ndt t-eîdaeot-- ses laso eR H. Wilkinscon. MO., DU As nace the firth ci ltt-tt astn ls-lst5h.sts dtailest 'it lts e.t- itssisltap.l)ic-t-st-sN.sgt MieRat-t, ocighlb,, 9tt-C (OsK Steseocoo,. and dt- t-e Fýt-t-oSdt-ca c-t-5!-149 et Milice Cist-ri Hospital Iii setat-g acsit i Mltsa District Jule 6. 1963. îleoac les tt-s keid esî,t- (Att-t-t- Be-i etctv, t-susit-toSi. jitrus t-ai osds Rt-. J.JF.MiseGegýsAlcaneChmelt-Cott%- CAPUTO -Ms. assd Mssý lattttt -I oei tes t-titstdot-o ced licieitl],, Sasuideo, Jl-e 29 1913. Copusc (nec M-aos:e Ms Aoc t-tht-set-tý Set-istg 5.30 t-te. ta 8-00 pt-s' arc ptcaoed tuîs ossste t Iie Fto .61. t-tc-tRit-hett.sRtt-cst-ntat-t-hst-t-ss ct-t-tt hirth cf tlisaitsto-t et Mils-t t-1483 tlise sel Tit-ket, osotieli el DititHsia Jl, W, tIss -i. Adolt 51.50. ESitdses 75e. Ditt- assolc ba t-sîtss -pss 05sItt-t Milles 's Bat-bat-as Setrt-.e (tcara, 1963. A becîber lot- Lscda e.It ,gsestcde et> hoi toast- ctt aIl Oncsia. Speaci priilegea c pilest and Cari. -hoohoeseleos istee stl c -oded niall -hitde- sn t-mo a dna ,f itîtîle duttt t t--t 4-1375 CHINEEY - Ms. estî Ms- ]le\ tts t- l,, ittît s*itc tilt-t-o csstlCN * st-sice Chiscrolo(tcaoIltlseet 1741 t-tee et- lt-esi. osl,.s ctetta teosAosesssest Wakefield Roud are picat-U Its 13c[(% Ctest-i lite teogci -et I,sts Preshstessets CLhast-h aenuncett-licehssttsofss1ssî,ssss i-bt--, i ststîstis.i-ts lt-til lsetsettIsttStstttscJutlte 23, daughtct- TSaralet- oetighit-tetp ts liec-ariiiiioft-s et Il e.m.oansl7.30p.ot. Got 7 hoý., 2 îles etbîisîs Citti-t 1cipîsaill tse ltseîcesi ess--Ras. Robert G. Met-SSI Hopiloo Jasie 9. 19t-3. AI c- st-ii e) itank Rt-s. Oohc - Lo oco Chiocih Oct-sieI HOEY - JoSe ced cessil Ht--, tt St-e CheLpe.l tes steseVs-- Ju1et--2es .30 -Spotý Adsho, (neColhhttsoiel t-O Ci- it-OIOI e:ceete- t-129, t-AlEltci- aslt-s 10 s-to boire St., Oct-tile,. est- p,1ieetsi Sut-es i-eui lots- ts 1e tee t-t -1472 uosean st-t- lit- it1isýi .si ,sîlt--ss tr ali .ttt rcii . it 1tu lit) 500. sît-iglit lit lit .- 10 I ut Oohltle Tîi-i eNlass lai Hcspitalil St-odes -u' lt-cSal 9, 1963. A t-set-tes lot- Ces aI. In Memoriam FrSl lEWI - Mi. cet- Mue Peut- t- 5101 t-s test-st t-sec-stil ci, I- Rt t- 981(. ct-91474 st--lott Khstles- i ti s On t -- lt-s l.siss. ,L Mil!i l ti, picaoed t lo ostste tllu pcss-dc olit-t 1),149. 17tRSALE-Bcs'st-t-ceod i of tRait- sot- Robertsi. lit-e- 91 iEs-:eestlh tdl..t sts-tt TE 6-9263 t-IcS1', hol u t Mil t-ts lit-s s-s iî- 14117 - cuaion-St-d,tienti lt- II lelttetRtt SAI: t Standt-g aco, 1, PLA( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tstt 01.ed iK I6 ii ... l fR89145. t-Si-lt-i 0(0550ER -t-tupai, cdl-i -tt oeltC--st-Ptct-t-t FOR0 SALL-19956 Cadge stotion O'Concr ot- 390 Moitit ast-s-t-o e tt is5ecslts- 13, 1960. s-on Catosplbalilsllt- 694-2553. Drieltac pleostil fi, î,et nt-t- lt-et-cet- l ,, t-st- da - t-S1469 the bissA a th-s -t-t, tIsiscl, lt-I stt s ttt 111 .-ttt-- FOR SOIE - n St-c . il', $15, Edîsord, vit-t-t 1 10t ltes, ~ t- i- l\ i-tt-t t- ttttt-- et. o g tconsdition.TR621. Sundos. Jet-e 9, 196t sî e -sttctc.ptt ct hcifhovt- lt-e tht A,---- Ste t-at, tetl-l lt-. 111 At- 190htset lts ha ht-ssii et tlit-t: sli.stteii- I oettt i l t- c I lî-î Il tl 87- ts tcLt itt it 9 S t 'ciHuspoi.l eut- s t-des fls 5140517 7,.19t3tA clas , K,-t-Lt-cs iaith t-et-ttlt-ct FOR SALE 2iho-t9;R sits, Kit-si.Cit-tt i .,,t, Lici5 i,-st-lt ileoili-t (li-t- R - s-s-ts ss-- t-iz o e -tA 1. Taietttttsitt- TRIOS Ms. ct-t, s, M. - s - t-296 egina Id I-suxes 19) 0-is, e. 1t-- i , \e.,~ t-- OtRS SAI.h-203 elt St., 3-lt-d plased toano-sotut--e ita httb--Mi es- -e.isots so-s Pieose SE 6-9239. 5.91422 cf Sat-docite. ett-ee l- Sttsuspitt t t tttin lt- cil OR SALE - 4 t4ctsas coovs, at Miltone îlotsi os itil s c i s Pt , a--tl-i i ll i-t ltot y--t 't-ts t-ic 78e 9. t- 4 Frider, Jcoe 7,.1961. 1 alt-o it- i eet ,I at-ci: t i t-et-t-00 Si, t - iltl-t- --t--t-st tOR SALi '4e Chat-. couyt-, ti .'"Ild t-t-ti e41se t-MAL lt-t-t 5 t Iti 90-9569. ct;.4,t7 Engagements :11 al t , ol FOR-ti SALE-2 os-sîicchle ae tId SL W.-d- 9iseît. t-c 111, cmi Fit-t.I 3 86307. t-14ii Mrt. assî Msst, s-st . ttttttt -u--- ltttt tlt î-ts: -- ~ ~ stttîti fer ail o- cf Wolertssssss ariiri( tts i list hi,--- - . Fî-R t--ttt-tEii- - gagenrs ai tisait titssoitti st , !:i " li- u W 19sotsl itites uitr , Kîthesîte. ahelh Lct-t1 Mr. Rt-ht-t i sd lfit--t-e I R "-213, Milice. o-lt rick Wood,oiroalM.codt- lUt-et-t-Rici Mssbtt-ic isb. --tttt F00 SOtLE - ct-sIt-s d Ct-t Rcy Wored. Cart-s tht- s Fo ltetts-l--ts-ttts-ost Shpeippps.Ci reeddist- Otill at-a plce Sîsttt-- ltIs-o ltfttltscle- --les ki, ct-os gelcls r TE 7-661 . t-3 a1 day, Jcoe 13, ai 3 at-l-stk in St iii c o]r lt-h-t . -eldo oieT -87 ---31 James *Uitead (lt-oeA, W591, lttt---c-t--- et FIas OR cAl E-Tc-Ne traiter: ai- dccc 10 t- Oî-î es rs-ilt FOESALE-Maris,Townof Milton or Caasts of Hoitos, 24e t-et-. Aseitohit- as st-t- Champiar Cilice, 191 Me-in Si. , :Mils,, o' e-40-336-ti FOR SALE -Tccriol lent 9x 15, t-ost dit-idt-r. t-asit- pilshed, good cot-onc $50: por-table ra- dia, tedi leashes TE 8-2652. t- 5-1024 FOR SALE-Sas gt scitkisg ma- t-hine. punirpccd ataste, Fleudios ctv- catles for68ecas:20ares hat-,scssaid. Tedicckeoia, Camp- St-ils itle, UL 4-2039. c-5-1433 FOR SOI.E-Yta st-ti lke boy- ville. uCttk st-t--lte. HipA qua- lits. Pt-ate Compbiellittie IL O 2232. e 36 121-îl FOR SALE -Cet-t-t-uk and t-acelot-es, stil-, and at-ti.al oit-os, ow pt-stes, flots fiood, 750 - asasbelsot-td, $1.00. Miltosn Tie and Eedsehor Nae-,, 191 .MflSii Aî. C 82711 Isodt 93lit-ci Lettodceos. c-37-13f-tf [OR SOLlSis (hAdmet o set-lIt-, L.P.T., A-1 tcndition;: OC tO-stncepitg cash clivtl OC ,t-ide st-p- Pst-uap lot- 'O camhine; Jaio Cte 7 o-bid- race Phone TE 6-6209ý hS-51412 FOR SALE-Ho-Lice 930 strit-t wiote epg îsot-rs t-se bt-ad la ra e roul50e mases. HsLic t-bit-h adocolciies stchaid, Iota lt-ad tct pet- dsaec cggs, otaîsng, sgcrco t-bit-ko aod top lisebili- 0ty recors. At-cHable dac*o-oid t0 16 steeko ol oge. Coaet sot-t lhloa Ht-Lit-t t-bit-h st-pt-tset- tilt-t Rcstph & Hin Lttsttlt-îl ER. t. Ooktitile. 5t-5 FOR SALL ci 010D USED MOWERS LYLE DALES Fdrm Equipmoit Oonis as Slt-et-t South 61:1t,, FARMERS ATTENTION Etositi495. Ne-eF,, ia Sc)9.90. Nesv thdlacd 66i, 68 os> t-O) Sel-t. COX FARM EQUIPMENT lor St-des a-adS-e- FPhone Coîsdos MA 2-0254, FABIAN FURNITURE MANUFACTURINO FACTORY BENCH-TO-YOU Ai Fsis o yuDii ii of At-ehi Ao t-t-cet- 5cttdstitrt B,.e-.. basa, de tht iot art-o Vas in Events 'lfer carrer mîtS 225 t. t-uc- dhevalan lth ( cSt A. . Van- c 40 te Ot u. stenl poe, TE 8-4898 Showrooms in Factory paaisen.sonof Mr.ond Mr:. M. Wreore lou at-Ast- cpilsI. Varpaairn. Tire stsat--st-t tii1 Cosh pritet-ot-ero, Wt-dssesdco,' ltOR SOLE - Oit-to blu ad 19 Commet-al St-eau taha plat-a Solcedat- Juts t- on 8.19 p., os RBlt- Skies Ressaut- c Site Super-Cycle sicycla,2 OPEN [ROM 9 are. lu 9 P-t-c. Holp Rosat-p Chîseob, Milton, os lent, Highrecy 25, hall mita noict-l st-Rot-, ces gourd canditica. TE 8- TE 8-2891 1l osclacb. lof 401. e-3-1555-sl 2161. c-5-1452 cAS7-If FMR SALI (continued) Employment Wanted NRF WANTÉ (Coistlueti) FOR SALE - Wrching snaiHELP W A N TED - Waitrent tata nmdnt cart. Ail Parts ! asii MPLOYMENT WAWTED - milh ccching noperine. Appty atble. For nsaampln, 1955 Chenro- Yog man moctd like emplcy in pet-son ta Maria Dorante, les, 1955 Mcrcatry, 1954 Oldomo- ment, bat- kncmlnttgn cf slttecef- Snack Bar, Highmas 25 Nontl. bile. Cati TE 8.6188 heicre 6 p.m. pairicg alto service station c-5-1428 c.-1-419 mork. Phmnnnt'ecings, Camp-- - belsitle 854-9974. c-t146 IIELP WAPTED-Women, as- SUEGE Pipeline and huakot perinncnd cn ladies' locions and milliers, slcinieco otetl dairy EMPLOYMRWT WAWTEI3 - cbildrenos apparat, for smaoil ,oils, milk siero and saasb Landacape gardener, gradaate aunior departmcnî store,ms tanks. -Ribsone silos and Doane Niagara Parks Sahool cf Horti- ' bc aggretsiee ili pteaoing par- pole bot-os. CatI Horoce Toin-n culture, is asaile 6cr tefnd- suonalily cdacncetcsc sac. Sutga dealer, Brampton, CL, scrapte design, costrttctic or tarotsc et aind g Apa fosin ioi 11275.- t--47-9439-tl maîntacance. Contact B. WI. Es, 196 Canadien Champion. c-S-144 ser, NP.D., Caropheioilte, tel. FOR SOILE Stadie buitling 854-9963. c-4-341 hts lc-c Mt tac as quiet t-ced. __________ RESIDENT ett-s at-Il asti faottngs for blouse _____________________ altcady cn. Na*ioral draicnat-. Fuît ptc $195.91.c. TE 8-4481. Stuoent Job REPRESENTATIVE t--113 - - This cotumo oi asailahle fac Eoclusise lerriiory arcitable FCR SALE zw-r-Victur or cf cburge for local stodento for Milton and at-ca. Dit-ceisoles i,tt,-tsleoesst-tdicg aed eutltcg mbomwisb toadcnrtise forecr- etf fi. ct-o; aise, tractar ebeino, ptoomienî. Ado must ha nectl> speeiatty. Canadiao made. Appro- Lit oit-e Ilt.24Ocnd 109o26. Besl prinlad and include stladaCt simaleecarnicgs $7,200.00 anua- aller. Borlicetan NE 4-2757. cama. No phune c rd ro ly. c-5I143 please. Clceing date, Jlne 27, ___________________ 1963. Write: Wanted STUEuiTJOB-G7tplymt-i KIRBY SANITRONIC ITO. 8-ANTES - Cccd baoo r.l lot- sommurer. Lestia Morgan, 88 Conr rs hon"r878&29%9 e-4L S 8 l'CntitDiv cotaI kitteco. 878-4474. -c-91406 Toronto, Ont. WATD oengsrne eSTUDENT JOB-Grade 12 stt- t- WONTD- Mdem 00 t0O~t. dnt de-iras stork lue the sonm- Cali 878-6897 atcit-t S p.m. t--1475 mier. Ottailîthi no TE 8-9897, WOWTED-Ta t-col, 3-bedrasmo Donald Shea. c-5-1431 faot-e, le Milice. Cali 678-9505. -STIJDET J0B -Wonted, socm- CAREERS c-3I1181 netr job oi lypicg, baby sillicg FOR WANTED -Ride ta Wrol End at-o lsd base ruel? Lioda Deselý ttl Totocto, ta Se tbere ho 7.1505on pbcne 878-8675. t-S 1968 YOUNG MEN 9077. sic J c 26.380ld STUDENT JOB -Grade Il si- 907. e4-186 nc deoirco snommer job. Willicg 1N YOlE WANTEC Cccd tome lo- ta do asolbing. H ave chauffeur's tssccg Botdet Coltie mole tlog. lices-. Woyne Bell, TE 8-2769. CANADIAN ARMY test lt-td ostb esildtec. TE 9- c-5-1451 9478. c-51457 -STUCENT JOB - Higb st-cocse t--Rel-s h-o~-c VOANTRI Ride tt Ttttcntt, standent asîtabte lot- Fl limie 17 and23 and siogle, cel lu]]i Alodav- Fidv, i-rveBitta or part limie empîcymetsucrit. fomaltao on oct-eticatet-s-t- blosticy Ft dv. ortoeportustts scîth te a L.tdiec andCats-csn. 9oam, It-te 5 p.ss. iog Juoa 16. Pbone TE 8-2152, Army. TE 896018. t-S 1435 Ptricia Sut-bey. c-5-1423 - WATD Srv ancrad STUDENT JO -radtl tu- Mltoo At-mcr, Milice. lit.et-s heciper. fui ut- pat t-ct reqotres comrmet-ccd lotI- etsecb ba ralf.ie stase. Pisoce Actta 693-1870, At-lc tire emplcyaieot, prelerabl ocf- 1230e' p h m uus fn10 Tht-oda d Acta Blado. c547 lit-t st-ct-. Pleasa cat Carol123 - .m on t-9 t-ra .7 Liard, TE 8-6963. c-5-1415 c-5 c-7______ WANTEC-ltiton Foc> t-t- Pea-I tis ,dealero sn lisec dte,,,d: STEDENT JOB -Grade 12 sic- Township of EsqueSisng pocitsr sand s t-oNit et-o CeL"oo dent desh-t-s sosntsaer empice - s ksllssg. Phoce -Milt.,'TER 83441. ct-st. Assdicig eossidcred. Es-x. olA-c o per-iesed o s masSera beipe-. colAe N.1 WANTEC - t hedroore cpri- [Colt Julias CoIloby, TE 8-2778. Scear Tesue osent, iarilsed, ot-patate esti- C-51462 ert y-eau r svt-t-e, ho single- geosismos. caL- REqired bothe .bot b-sot-J CISCD tct. Sttte st-oisi. B.o -STUCENT JOB-Ct-ode il oit- st-it-b admiciotero a 33 rtoule 200, fXCsdt.tst Chamcpion tý--toc dent, 17 seats, oec-h empiso- graded st-hast syssoe. Opplic- mtsesWcutd pteiet-gt-strol - unio muis ave >teltcstisgn WANTEC Lite poeitss-v, gose ie c-ask, îepicg ccd tilicg os qualtificathoss: hnotaitdgt- of ,ssd dot-h leashero, teciher tieRs. osurc acrk. Shirico Eut-, Ca-tp- bockkrepisg and buoinss et-r Ililso prit-es. Wt- ct-til Write t. hrettiitle UL 4-2530. t--S 105i respcsadestce lipicî prttet-ted. le-, 776 Cssleoge St., TeIrosIts, bol sot essotcat) osd ahsbiti 11ss pituaee-it-s LEcoto' 5.0724 e.cdnnsrtr .eecisss Hldo 5-2030. e.-35-1 HeIp Nfanted beseomitol. Caties locomce Jol sit. __________________________Salaro tao seatioted. ..oa...~ FELP WANEC-M o la o st-t- Oppisat isoutd stit-: t-t-e. 6 LU r1IV -s to loess.ri stodt-ptoymess bat-kground esperiesse, se sodace t UV. SEL. 877-948. b-5lOt1 sn cet-. bt-adct-tsistg t--elttis N-T. HIRE, t-ht P WANTEC-Hoidr-rnIotkd copplic-atiaon cnd stent 878-2061. t-- 478,t WALTEE BlEt-W. Set-.Ts-ess. IICL-P WANTEC-Mathlstr5- bel t-hi Sehi At-et- Na. t li ti- seat-aid lis babo tqaolf EQFEIIiTU Ilosecte>.Flatas or dto tst-g-> 6Oauevi Si.,Ceorgetown. UA& II tu1 soit, stve in oer oui TE 8-9755 Beltt- sacsi Jasie 15. Wc -5-1426 -411-2 NRFP WANTID (Conslnu.d) HELP WAWTED - Strlcily ex. parien-ad revaitrestes Applp Surf Restaurant, Milton Pima. c-4-1376 HELP WANTED -Eprieced carpenier, kscredga cf oblop mat-h haiplut, gacd metrking con- ditions. Pbcne At-toc 833-0890 for oppuisimeot. hSl1-9829 MEW RE WOMEN Fait or part timie. Wo octper lerrit-!neaestoar Wn mdli truic yen. Ws lat-esimeni sequbed. Write Ramteigh's. Dapi. F-284 NN, 005 Eichelieu, Mcolt-t-o-. t-S Wanted to Rent- WAWTED TO EWT - Bogifa- tata in Milton or sieioilp, for Higbi St-hast teochat- and mutber. Eeqcsred immadiatety. Phone col. let-- tstiogtoo BE 1-1021 heten 6 -7.30 pm. c-S-I466 . 'For Rent FOR RENT-Aporimeot. Wshac Box 21. e/c Champion Office. c-5-1421 FOR RENT -Lot-e- duples, 6 ruseoavitoble Jetp 1. Phone TE 8-9717. e-5-1453 FOR RENT -Bad - sttiog csam. lady pruterred. TE 8-90,4 956 Mais St. c-5-1482 FOR RIENT -2 t-bedrecmn ap- crît t-cgrusd Hat-, t-tpet-oie asit-t-st-as TE 8-2656. c-5-1425 FO0R EENT-Ee-tri- buot malt-e bt-att-tots Ilitre st--stlt-t. Pbtsee M-ilton Hydse, TE 8-235. estf FOR RtsT -t 1bedrcom oposi- maso. sclitt-osaoced. Appit- C. W. Clat-ke, TE 6-4063 or TE 6-570. e-S-lois FOR RENT-Smott, foenisbed, issoacsact eparimesi. ouitahtc lo- t os 2 pet-socs. 215 Elrmasod Ct as. c-S-1076-ti FOR OINT-Smal cuit-e, sot- able lort-soti. lascid t-or tct, st-sur- --ate- ae, Neos Cocodian Thte. (tt-t- IL. St-hater at Casedlicoi fit-e. e-0-1381 LOTTCAGES FOR RENT-a--it- gieO Bas. Cattiscmasd district ,ceas1il P ,',t-loe ct-, nene t-ces, sale Plieete ht-ch. octta ohicsgl $41orI s46eekIv. Bromp- sots GLccdsta 1-0129, GI 193091 GL t-0218. b-51-985 SI1N GE R SEWING MACHINE RENTAIS Bsv Wtt-k orMsst PHONE TE 8-6861 Milton FABRIC Centre C IANERS RIECTRICAL SERVICE KNIGHT'S McPHAIL ELECTRIC DRY CLEANERS LTD e INCISCRIAL f Satisfactioc Goaratcid al COMMERCIAL o OOMESTIC e~~ ~ ~ (i iiiii LECIRIC ATitCING a~~ ~ ~ SO-i Issds -t Saie day t-et-sit-e il seqs:rcd Complote EIoolric Home 66 Charlt-o St. Miltas * Alit-ratioco asd Et-pot-to 55 89513 * Rogs adCipet-sp-illp c-il * lsee Pick-up and Cehcaîry *a Oit wotk dose c pt-tmises ORNERAL CONTRACTORS CALL TR 8-9941 A. C. CANNON DICORATING & SON 1GENEROL (ONTRACTORS INTERIOR DECORATINS SERVICES *Casietotdedhiriles *Et-adsvmid-dris t * WAnot-acs t ut-r st-t- I le Mt llt- ttu- 5 CAi 0F TE "-021 1Ct-store liasses Repaies Affet-ions Moderc Cispboo-dc Planscoond Feacctieteo, Ytaof espesst-îtt-t TR 8-4424 îlostit-ars-o tnst-t- RAY OLAN t-ts tliriest-t. t-il BUILDING t-s AtCttce O.(NTRACTORS LTD * litt-te Ireprosemect- Colt * E-ot-oisons * itinrations tBL' * Additico MILTON * Cemaotaroai or lodeotai 228 Moto St. 1 UL 4-2263 r-47-tf j MOVING Stan Rowe the Mover PLUMBINO AND IORATING OIL BURNERS Sgt-do lot- Alfieri Lînsî- JIM MALLON *os Cieoo *CE-po-a Modet-s Storoge WaesSeiouee *l Clit-tiette a 144 - 150 Yosrk Si.. Harle-oc 24 t- S-sin MILTON RIP. At- et-ch ps t-ts-d acd storeed CALL TR 8-6680 TR 8-6797 C-3 92tI c-27-tl ORNAMINTAL IRON t- TV andi RADIO SERVICE MILTON Ornamental Iron - DURNAN IV3 ANC APPLiONCES pSALES & SERVICE ALIMINUMP & 100W RAILINGIIS* Phliips 'Fait Rea-sîdaîsl *11 R.A. bit-sas. TV, Oppliasîces BILL KELLY TE 8-96271 * Rages oStejeti TV *Spot-i TV and Sasi as ___________________222 MAIN Sr. TE 8-4495 FRINTINO i UFNOLSTERING TOP QUALITY t COMMERCIAL PRINTINGIMlt ptltrn n Wc rogoasd st-t s t-ocss Brighter Homo Cleet-it-g busness statiaseet-. sffice cc 0-u pboiotcsssg, re-sts lt-g. ao Cootees-hodit lhîro c. Acta busineortinsoDirectctraitad. at-dit-u-ku.satot-epaired. We t-trtioicg, Salit-tics - le focs, alI- careshoarepcc yt-ct rinîs and reost-Ioeprist-sc yoasiyohav. 1 forefluresiovni ocut-o home. Ailooc ai la qoe oc fOOt- met-k. i Ccli uis lo- fret etireces a 358 MAIN ST. TE 8-9090 The Caad-isan tham-aiaa t-1-lf E - JMILT GOW Mis PIANO no t-s. Hast-t 1 Record Bar REPîINIS t-tpair tu- tisc. T. Bt-t- OicReilae VI LARGE t ilompcon, REIMER t-o cleacnn mcosbip. B * C. & S. DUCTOR lanting i *l WEATHI bigb, ove ol VIKING lo-c. pret JOHN R. R. iCustoî SHUME vs CIELS PSINIItNi5 & iULLISiI - s - tS CO. LICý WRLL DRILLING Ni t- 191 Mote St., Milttnsa ______________ ELL DRILLING ai OCVER11SE VOUE BUINFSS R. 57A SERVICE IN TH-IS HANDY R .2 Mloot DtRECTORV. RATES AS Phsone Baalicglae NElsue 4-6025 a-tf LOW AS$1580 i -n M -~4sw,èaa Vaaaa 9ac~e- CAR POI -ansant bba ltomanln oaIl tiresa tritn, phs or Youî BUCI BEI A; B, MILI( 388 Main AUTC lOc IRe m cf Base Au *Uced c *Parte t * 6e pcý G 81

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