Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 1963, p. 13

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____________________________________________ ant holiday mnust he far awav. The Canadien Champion, Thursday, Jane 13rh, 1963 ~ I Il Something iniail and nuar home IlI ny have greatesi significence- Sueh age aid ^qae,ian, sac off in ail direions CIlIe the M rs.Nic olso toHead Gui es I NiIhe eidng u gud bokv ram ita vul i u e hcved' White Oaeen in Aiiee Tlaawg M t'.N i h o s n o e a u i e sL ib a' y o t svour public librvr. Whaî vhulcli 1do I c ie ceuv the Luoking Giass inho traveilnd Il simple ieablemti fli? Whai l 1 do u ba' .u a Il direcions ai mie and the Eiseni adt ave caver-Wa hl el b u elve"uc "i miiin ouiuly Ipol Eiucîein ~ Wha sha 1ai ci. Io r cîere c he Bff hu no holiday bai iha of C bs A ttend W eekend Cubaree Thalun yo ilt i n mak reprn mnul prsn,: a ivu pblcar Aih malve id he îuî-inî-î book lac il ZF,, 1Wi. Chu Jan aIe ori.Aîfvf u blke milh aîhe - co e odbîuleeke îlîeeîl y n.m m Waltaa Bleifiday greelleas and huai Pieut ibridO Girl Guide ofn a ana her school year sw in stn the l, evit. i, aie dacv lie îvuld wii,11-1 - M-. K.a W..a, oipesed bier wiches gu le Beverley Carmnas Êany opesi the wehheod ai camp as the end of the fîrst balf uf hi, bîvicu dîîning the uammr lion.% tu his jallilu. iunder liîe And reember lhis lumportant BRAND> NAMES lon a the louai asioçiaion ni aid Frank L.ongdo on Jane 14 ooarnce 1963. Suîmire wifî vuon bu uf- movfh%. "'0"îv Ermae d îî'odulemb Enit.e,-jîv i ,u mpe u a, Buanhd n ae ria ni Gbi Goides lmeeting on Tusciop Mvi. lames Weihereii os lane Sympaîhy os extended lu Me. fliully hure. anîl me have ai- "' rs"adudrte-tolmtoaeetbihdi ayprso C afternoon loun 6. if, Sieven Lupard celebraling his and Mes. John Cooioon and farn- ready experiencecl a fevu but A fuuki ng larmatd fu aionlif vîpeleeh e Dc us ol e aev1 bald vulit yaan Africwawhherealihe bayer. otnenn- Presidesi Mns. Luchie Wiilîher sevunlhbhiribday Jane 16 and t~oîipîigîeCu-dv.ffe e eovm ede selle îcelîainoýeîvch cicple ra.nliiot puv-vvný pecuami l v î veu ha ed iil ui an 1avcas a 1hMec. Frank Louedo on Jane 18, il. n h aieg Jennie Sii iabi. noIcdoae C.ligfe, ftripe abruad,sanmx eol-e et-mise tahi s smpleevadficu pro. v lI- mceahoae aoul limiud incarme, ofte kbas w nte chair and opened Chu o itrte]r iueSai ih o tdnsaci the iuî ore viîplv stavîng ai hume. %v -cufe limesvu lae r ,, fule. p covciveci ec A mîuî va bicyelese, s 0a p S periaines, melin wih the Gaide prayer. Cogratlations la Me. and who passnd away Monday. Jane midvî of final essams, the leeîh- Acl vfîîîî maku bue mi>îceke îîl L fîclh fîpun vhich .cil th, eeom- laîîîfîe lujee tlc he icîvi kerusenu, and cigarettes by brand seuuelaryi repori mas tead by lbeir weddluî ausiveruary andi tnlmay Mns. William Ailisun and the fn- Me. aid Mns. Joseph Haeeiv unie- attelai report was givn hy Mec. braig ihuie wudding anoiveli- Joseph Odorico. ary Jue 14. and balte sale Joly 14 os the Buiwueu th h0 anue 70Clîuan- lin nifhir, and Mers. James Wcr- ede Ca he Mhdaniou ahur n thérull, Kilîbride Street. aOCmNMTin suda.~NA R IO 'Caplais Mvi, Daria Lewis pre- The 26 euh packsin tahu districi "a sided noe Chu eleulion ni afilers dupicled is dlsplay, coukisa and for the 1961M6 lerr aid lhey msleriainmeni huw 26 nations of PROVINCE 0F OPPORTUNITY bl are as follows, presideot Mes. the morid lion, eat and play, ail Jniter Nicholson, viceiiresidentil t hu wiid cuntry seiling pro- Mes. Gordon Taylor, sucrelary vided by Camp Manitou on the Mes. William Ailigas. ireasarer Twisî Rnad an North BarlingtinO. i Mes. Joseph Odorico, badge sec- Firci Carlile pack repeerseni- THE M INIM UM W AGE ACT fl reîaey Mes. George Hardsasd, ud Suniiand miih a display ai card sorelaey Mrs. George Rnb- flagi, miih one Scotch riag fup- hudtson. Cuiephone seueutry Mec. se hueside the tuni made by theORESM D BYT I UTYAN LBURB RD NER HE IIUMW G AT Juan Cnalsn ladies aaciliary, asaurer dicplay R E S M D Y T E I D S Y AN L BO R O RD U E HE I I UM W C A T Mes. Nicholson, nue president, nmned hy Ceeil Hareis, euh ciased the meing mith the masier, and Lauk Nuis moosîne. *OMNERAL ORDER l Lord's prayer. The boys participaied in interna- Th uo eeig ii eheld tional sbnmlimu, teied the ah- 1. Ta ibis nrer, "designalud zone" mmm.s (g) a daly qualielud peauiiaser of architecuare, that employer, paylasocb employuea minimum Tne ei etin ilaul bornca-f-a n h (ai lise cilles of Hamilton, Oshawa and Toeonto; deniiry, prufnssional eineering, loin. medi- hurly nain of mognu of oui luss Ihan 900 per PlnBnqe ied Carlisle pack enCeriained (b) The tomn iAlax, Aurons, Bueiingtona.Dandas, cinu. apiameiry, phaemauy. publicuaccutancy, heur, but an employer may paf la a. femele alie palas Banque aosnghee Luide, Miltn, Mimian, Nuwmuem, Newn soeurvî Cg, srtrnory science, a daly qaalifiud ucfployen employnd as a le orner a mtnn Mvi, Gordon Tayloe, Mec. Bar- aknî agclr Toranto, Gabville, Pou> Credil, Richmond Hill, ueaisiemed Cnuse oe a drugiuss peautiteanue, or a lîearfv rate of mages of oui lois ihun 750 pCr nd Jakson, M. r msSih BnneLsiadaikl md Stoney Crack, Sîreetsviiiu, Wesion and Wbithe: siodeni mbîin engaged lu training fo uch pro. hur for moeh dune in the Oirs> tbrue-montb hies Noi eik ranMs Si- The Lias Tanner. Rasdy Nyrosab (c) The villages ofForestl-Hill, LogBraslh Mark. fessionuercalliui; periad abler the date nf the cuming ino fore of son met ai the home aI Mns. abaraiunatlrlie 1 e, Ploeing. Slooffuille. Swnusea, Waîuc- (b) a rlachee as duhined hn The Teachiîg Profus- ibis Geder, o minimum houriy raie of mages of William Mlsan Thsarsday even- Chu interational shomtimu milh dama and Woodbeidge; and, sionAct; nit lest; thon 0i pur huror nomrk danc lu lsg la libe final plans for the a couck fighC aid Brad mon- (dl) Thu tomnships of Aouaaler, EasC liamhuooîh, (i) a smdeni emploped as a superviserreunselue the second îhrue-manth peiod abfer the date of Grade 8 hanquet Ca hie held dn Aftir ealiig a sappernif native Eaut Wbilbp Eai> York, Einbicuku, Maek bamn, nichildmonwhoarecnder i6yeoes nlage: and, the îuming lin farce of tbia Oedeeand a mini- the suboul auditoumi Janu 18 dishes, the cuhu gaihered ai courn- Nelson, North York, Pickering, Sailleel, Suai- fi) Emplayees engaged os sevants on pnivaie rnul- mum buly nain oi mages of nal leass Ihan Sympalhy is exiesoled le Mr. cil rouck foe s hig ciasing camp- bnrougb Toronto. Trafalgar, Vaaghan, West deores an engaaed on farmiog aperatiani. 85e petur for uwob donc in the ihird ihree- eid Mvi. William WaalleC and Pire ippicol ai cubbing. Bp Ibis Flamnboeough, Wbiiby, Wbiicuumb and York, J, (1) Sohinul la sobsections 2 and J and to section manth period afler the date nf the comlaa inta iamily ou the paaaisg ni Mes. ime masy Parents and frienda 2. This oedee appies la ail employmes lun asiness, 4, eoery employer shof i pay to eacb emptoyer s farce of ibis Order: -Wollets sisier, the - laIe Mvi. bud areivedi ta jais in the folk- traie, mack orundersakiug la the desigoalcd zane minimu ouriyreofwagesu orS1.00; (2) Thenumburniempapemmwhomoyhemployed Mariba Noise oI Caiedaia. -love nI the camphire, eseepi, (2) FveeY employer shahl Puy a minimum hoaely asl]eoner hhnlece n-ihn si Me. and Mes. William Watsonî Weekend Camp (a) lbgie emplopees la nhoi ntsario Reguiolian rate ai oaaea of 800 ta, piofrees olal nihu empledoensf ofd theenm and iamlly, Miss Shirley Mcul- Caii oi eiFn ic-4J. R.ni Regulalis of Ontario, 1960, as fa) a staudeel inhuis nule treqoiredhby bis em- the ioiai somber ni empinys ai femr ihant amendnddSandre ployer of Mintonmoreantao 26 houes n ony Ove, only une emplayes may hu empiuyad asa le odSndaCoCsaIMllnicaiMes. Donna Mcualie, (b) empinyces in canstructioniwark as degined intho meuh duriogithe sehoof year ofsuchstncdent; ]carrier; Huiehis apuni Sunday ai Wasaga IMes. Rshy Liliycropp and Ana ConstuionliaWark Onder, OntarioaReuulîein ai opersanaonderf18yeursofaiauuoekingas a (3) No persan sbslhbupaid as a"leaie"mba, Beach. Odorico with 23 guides aI the 1J4/63, oud employees lu the haiel aid restau- messeoger, delioery boy, uresoundor ne (a) halds anertifiae ofappeenliuushipaeciri- ~rma-~--~yrant b c usoiness as de6lned lu the i-miel and RSou boing afley pin setier; icaîn of qualificainasuod andeu The tentoant Basiness Ouder, Ota Regalaîîeu (c) a seamonal orkr iu a plant prucussli Appnenîicnsbip Act; LON 133/63; perishoble fruits or vugletoblos, and oho cs (b) huing an office mocher hoids a Seoodary Fete Three Church Members Present ScroII, Prayer Books Bp Meu. George Pefleielo uelubeatiîg theîe 201h wuddîng an- Me. aid Mes. Cordon Muliuvd, alverunr on Susday. aid Gcege MiskiminsuoflPaleem Mr. aid Mms. Viggo uelsang and mure hoored ai a social galher- soa Kunutb of Peeboogh vie- ing ai Si. Lobes Panish Hall ]ast iled Ssnday mllh Me. and Mvi. T. TbavidaJ nighi, prie te thele de- Barns and Bruve. parlaveea Crnt hu Palere dicl- A bridai chomer mou beld ai ria. Tbuy mure premnled inith a the home of Mvi. Harold Paîier- sumill, caiiahly iceihed hy Bd- sua on Salueday sight, in loer min Tyreli, and preueated by G. of he cousin Miss Juan Cover- Atinls. They are Co reunrve lu- dle. Ladies front Cedar Springs ilber und cumbinalion Peayer and Kitheidu otlanded. and ilymi buoks Irain the con- We are pleanud lu repart Chat gregalbon. Themwereetolu m-Ms. Russell Guwlaod, uho isa pleied le lime foe the prescrita- patientins Milton District Hospi- lion, a icil pragmîcsini very w-uit. Ms. Milladbaîh eei orgaoict Mr. and Ms. Alvin Caonlo for St. Laue' for several veus, Oruoguville wure cueeiuuud gar-ils and Me. Millurd bas be a vevu of Me. and Mev. William Mufati- loitbfai choie membe. Thuv veut dun. hoîh bu micsed ai St. Lukuvs. Barbecae Party Me. and Mvi. Allai Poituruou Maergiu Pellefluetio utiaoded o and Beveriy aid Mes. Ray Hub- ulasu paeiy and barbecue on Sol- ble visiled Thuviday mitb Me. and ordoy ai bue hume of Cathy Laing Mvi. Ernsest Davies and lamily of Barfingioi, and chu ma-c a of Gaelph. wuuhund guest af Sosan Drua of Gaeata Heme Burtingtoo. Weekund guclu of Me. aid Sain Pulleitien and nephuesq, Mrs. Alan Paîlerson weee Me. A lion, Diavis and Pool Poloetiier and Mrs.DoniVlahns and Mri. V. ofiToronta,.visitedSundapvwib HeibIcilaofn Guelph. Guthis fhe Pulluttunias. Hoghes ai Tooto, Miss Megan uMr. and Mev. Start MuFadden Davies ofHamilton, ond Mrv Ray ood Scott recfarad home Salue- Hobble, vuho lui> by plane fron ddv freont a 10-day muter trip viv- Malieon aiSsarday sight for he iting ai Kingston, Ganaooque. home in Wnrthing, Bugland. Vaohteh Hill, Ottacwa and North We melcome Me. and Mes. Gev- Boy. mai lin Ibis uammsnily. Tbry moved iniuîtheirontpartlofthe haine of Mr. and Mvi. Allai Pal- NEED envoi, lasi meebund. Mes. Gev- man is huad uonb ai the Suhoni $50 for the Deai in Milton. Y Suveri frnt Ibis districtt ai TILL PAY DAY tendud 1he annuel lwilight meet- ing of the Centeal Ontario Caille li COlTS ONI.Y Beeeding Association ut Maple an 47c Friday nig hi. Jadie George E. Elliati aI Milton mas gueun speah- #~OR TmO WISI er. A* feu a MisiAmn Birihday greuuings ta Donna AI Gcwland seho mas 10 and Jane 4. aid ta Judy Gaies who ws 9 Crescent onJn .Aslversaay Finance Coungratuaouns o Mr and 11 Mcain SL. Milaos TR &2171 Mrs Bok bHarrs whu wilbe AL FON SO0 FRUIT MARKET 174 MILL ST. Tt 8.2460 ORANGES ...._...............3 dozen 95e TOM M~ES, home grown .........2 Ibo. 45c LETTUCE ........ ....... ....3 heada 25e CAUtIFLOWER, home grown ---------- _ 19c CICUMBERS . .. .............. 6 for 25c MU$HROOMS ............ ----- L 45c HAMBIJ ...................... 3 Ibs. 99c NEW POTATOS ................10 libn. 49C EGOS, Iarb........................ 45c BOLQGNA .....................3 Ibm. 99C Ara and mbaae cotet ai appreaIiouship lu peuichable inuits or cegulabies for sot mure course, or hoscampetud aoorsuoirec- doiy eegiaierîd undue The Apprenliceship Act; thao f600nsecutiuewm'ksinacolesdaryecr. lias in business asd office pinotice Ibst la ()a siodeni nmployud in arTecrealiaîal Prorain (3) Subjeci la cobsuutius 2, eeery employer shahl ravded hy a tradte suhuol reglsieredaunder spieated by a achaul huard or hy a maniuipality puy ta eaub femate empioyue a minimum hoarfy The Tinde Sehunhs Regutotios Auct se ne ageîoy ibemcof oe a charitable ueasuatiun; eate of oages of soi lessithan 850 pur bour for fo) isemployud for lesuthan 21 horipuerweek. (e) a aopurintusduni, janitue ne carminker uf a ruuu- worh donc in the Oirsi thrue-monîh perind ohter J. An employee ceho is requinnd hy bis employer la re- dentlmbuilding whreides in tbuialding; the daoif nihe coming lire, farce of ibis Geder, pori îis placeuiinorh ormnekslmstbasibmechoes (l) a persanieplayud, auminimum huurly rateuofwagus of notîiuiîfhon in asydayaballhuepaid aminimumnilbrehoinwagem (il as an agent or saiesan licensed under The 90< pur hoor for ork dune in bue second threc- bai ibis section dons nat apply ia a tadeni seha i0 lnurance Auc, manih piriod afner the dame ai the uumuog ino et ruquimed hy bis employer ta morb more Chms 20 (il) as a saaIesa regisleeed ondin The Real fce nI ibis Grdsr, aid a minmucm houri y rate houes in any mmek during the schuol fie ni aach Estae and Bsiness BrenesAct, of wagea a oui etas ibau 95< per houe for work scudent. (lbi) in aelfing ne soiciiing urders inr gonds, doc la the Ibird tbree-mouîb piriod aller the 6. Where an empluyer is payisg bis empînyes, or any mares, merchandhue ne services, data ni the cnmitg loto force o f ibis Order and groop uf then, on a pieue-mork biais, bu ahaîl hu Oiber Ia use sa ernpoyed aibe emptnYeris Iberuafler ut the raie set hy îubonutioo i. deemud lu have cumptiud ccith ibis 061er il aI laIt acuel place of business or as a rouie salesmon, 4, (1) Sobject ta subseciion 2, eeery employer shal, our-Ofihi of the totat noinher ni saah emplayea orewhereehis wurkinghbutes are set bythe em- during the6trs(iiour-monlh period of employ- receivemwages equiaenlta aeIast thecriepie- ployer orecan hc vecmfied by the employe; int of n nlyc mpoe asicre b u hce Gy ibs der for aoy puy peiod. - la HOTEL AND RESTAURANT ORDER l 1. Is Ibis Orden, botl aid restaurant business lu the designoîed weeier oret oi bis nîheemisu wnekieg; (a) "boiet and reurnt business" inclades the aose a inium houriy rote of wugus of $1.00. (b) on empfayuu uha is eeqoired hy bis employer Ca upuraioofan ina,mol, haiel. lavero, publie (2) Eveey employer shail pcy a minimum huuurly eportaihis placeofuemploaimenori'ho wurbs bouse ne umber place of reirechineni, and of on rote uf mages of 80< to eoch af bus umplorueu hess ihan ibreuhoours on any duy shalh bhupaid the establishmest liconsed under The Liquor Licence emptoyed un the bolet and restaurant business preuuribud minimum raie ai mages for ai leail. Act aod uf auy establishmnent cokere, for pay- in thu desigsaled zone wbo is, îhree bours, ment, fond is peepaued. ne coobud and aervud, la) a siaderi who us net required by bis em- butibiussection duesotapply toa studentoimniî t bai doua nol saclade the opieutiuu of a lourful ployee t0 work more ihoo 20 hur on ony eequined bybissemployermom orkrmoreîbhas 28 urs esabolishmentlficensedaunder The Tourist stah- wee durisgîthe scbool year ofsuch studesî; on any meek duringitehnwouhyear of suc alodeint kabins Au> mbiub sa oeied for oui mono (b) a persas undue 10 years oa ge morking os a 4. (l) Whore as employe is empioyed un the hais ni thba fve rnonlhs in asycaimndae year; mess nger, deliveey boy, orossendue, or recuiving mini, or mauin or bolh as para oi bis (h) "designtuald uone" muns, houling altey pis seller, mages, Chu maximuin amnooni ai mhiîh muchas or (i) The cilles of Hlamniltin, Oshawa and (3) Every emîployer shahi pay la eaeb feinste em- rueot muy be salaud foe the porpases ni 1h10 Toroto; - playe employed ln tbe botl and restaunant Geder are os follus: (ii) The boies of Ajax, Airera, Surlisalai, business lu the designoted aone amnimum i. Roorm 89.10 pur meuh Dandas. Leaaide, Milton, Mimicu, Nein- hooety rate of inages of oui tous ihan 80< per 2, Minis 500<inuh, and nitmore market, Newu Toronto, Gakoulfe, Pori hour foe wark done in Ihe fini ihreu-munth ibas $10.00 pie week CrediC, Richmond Hilt, Stoney Ceeh, period feoin tbe date of thevaomina mbt force of 3. Ronm and muais $1t.10peuweek Sireltsvillu, Wuson and Wbiîby; ibis Ordr, a rote of n01 feus ihan 90< per hur (2) (barges fer meuls or ruant shail l hub de- (ii) the sillages of Fores> l, Long Beonuh, [au ieark donc ietihe seond ihcu-month peiuod ducled [romt the wones of ai employce ueess Maekbum, Pickering, oluffeillo, Smwaea, front the dute of tho uamuoa loto lore of thec bu bas acully receivud the meals and bas Waleeduwnaand Woodbeidae; and, Guder. and a rate of nut leus ihao 93f per houe occupurd the rouin soppfiud. (iv) The townships ai Asuaster, Eaut Plain- fan work dune in the tird lhruu-mooih pnriad (3) No deduetuon shahi ho made feoin the minimoin borongh, Eat Wbilbp, Bail York, Elabi- fruin the dame of thC coin i m fore ai ibis ceose [or the puruhose, ose, laundeeung orene cube, Marbham, Nelson, North York, Order. icg of mifronai, apeous, caps oe sirnilau ariles Pickering, Sahîfleel, Suaehumaugb, Toono, 3. For the parpase ofideiermining the minimum maies of appurel. Trafalgar, Vaugha, West Ftombueuogb, thtsalbu pai t n mly .Thi Gre ues Ie upplyitaînappresiice as dulsed Whilby, Wbilcuareb and York. (a thwmlycsalb emdt bu wrig inTeAppe mbcsip Act obose coneaul ofappres- 2. (1) Sabjera la sobseulls 2 mnd J, every employer auig h limen a ci eurdbyhse- tcsi bue eeginîemed onder The Appresiue. sIhahl pay la eacb emnlyes employed as the ploe Iorin a iplce ofepoainni Act __________@CONSTRUCTION WORK ORDER.l 1. Inis Order, shif Act and oh oie cometu of apprenlice- Sireetsvttle, Wesloi and Whiihy: (a) "construction merkC induides ail mon-, in the sbip sa daly regisîered undur the provisions (iii) the villages tof Forest Hill. Lng Braîub, cnstrectioni, ereiun, demnlition, repuer, re- of The Appeuveesbtp Act, Markhm, Pickering, Stoolfoiflue, Swansea, rnadelliag, decoaian ur alteroîlun ni the (iii) o persan inho un renitiarlyeomployed hy a Waierdoo's and Woodbridge: and, sehule or amy pari ni a building, eoid oe strauc. imnoacturing, industirai or srvice instf- (iv) the townships ni Aneasr, Bail Florn- ture, iheiher ahuve e huloin theufaef aIhie tution aid perfora maintenance woek ont burosah, East Whiihy, East York, Blobi- carlin, ecept mek dont by, the prumises of his employuer. coke, Morbbum, Nelsoni, North Yoek, (u) a ancident of architecture, saurepIsg or pro. (b) "designaled uone" means, Pickering, SalîOleei, iuarbueough, Torento, fussainot engineing winhli employed hy a fil The cuins ai Hamilton, Oshawua, Toronto; Trafalgar, Vaughan, West Ffamoinuougb, dohy qoali6ied acchiiecl, suveyur or pro- (à)i The bowns nI Ajax, Aurora, sorfunglun, Wbiuhy. Whdebourch aod York. feminal esgiseee la the curs cf the Dandus, Leaide, Milton, Mimica, Newu- 2. Every emsployer shail par lu eocb of bis emptoyeea peaulice oi ibol professien, maeket, Nein Toronto, Colvil le, Fart eecaged on constructioa moek imbte desugnuheul coe (fi) aageppreniceas dellied inThceAppeliice- Cei, Richmond Bill, Stoney Cueok, aouonimumbaaerlyearate owagesuoff91.23. Illustration of area cosuered by designated zone. LAKE ONTARIO MON. N. L. ROWNTRBB, ---- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --------------- This ordleb cornes Into effeot on thei 30th DAYV 0F UNE, m - -

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