Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 1963, p. 12

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t M1ha~Cnadàh Champion, Thoesday. Jane liI6 iUf, Mlss'ionary WtVi Finds Work Mi By Briau MeCrîsibIS for. and fors. Casttn vro -'cors on thc Filc Nuis anin misniontCiesý an the Cite laditen Res ce et-ct- Loilte sehith as boui aine mii1 Atterge basent toben ocots thetg tics in sizc anrd ic la ht'illt aîrgot checry smcille i' Mt«- tidls iront btctclle. Wa lter Colin, a lormoer Hor n b tihe ficndiens o, en hcctsidieot. frs. Cootion, bier bt oMts. Cation tioyt hubn ani icenage soir Ricli- are net Plucsitrant, ard lieod ctiai onhy ir soeno 'Jostcomeountpcoplc do sal hetore stostong u ie t- e iiktY ,c tu cob a, U ited Chtr~ct Difficali Warh av oti.larlcs, Iwcoyears ago. "Patience and loct Sie ha eccoti viilf oit h Rer. nioct neinrycîcitr5 tnd Mtc. J. Hli tof Horinhc for iog cîith the Indians, L: hltic.v anti recotioted _,ame he has;c vey stiffere of hier u.penienes ior Tht e - w~c ef, e limes ecat pioîtcn c . [Il dertaflding. Tbey bacc CAMPSELLVILLE ~ J U Cubs are Second at Cubar "World Brotherhood" Then' Bp Mms. George t.sglia tog-of-mar, and intel On Satot-dein aiteention, Jonce R show case, plan sang, a '0 ~Ctmphcticilic* Midget b' cebiti tîghl ail crealrd fun. route defeicd Brampton 14-7 On Tht boys enjaptd miet a Hallin Coonte Midgci has-ta beans, and pie atd ire ci heti gatoe or Brompton. Againt sopper, anisoaya h i it lnd ., e at om itd Brse iam.s Th7 aple asfo MSS. WAL.TER COULTON, ornoot aSeFlHu Idiloin d gavet. comil n ene asn th-~ 7.0 milh att packshn Onroce t Abeto, dnplyn eenol Iidin atîces rhici îe ati gce ti ineccob i costutmes ol the country a rs icning Braton ambc Th- eesenled was core brought rosi, Inclucded in the clinploe are ore, head and retins vîie ut offIoa fice ron icod t esetd iecryn bands, o Bible bong colis, o heodden, boers, hier orn nItre1 the lit-ct inoief and mon ne er ftg. Cfmplsheiilîr toa rehtr reat c qilt fion tie Indions, reoccesns ond a brooch. ticaclt. le poinint- to ay le aiii, Campbeltciitc bod osn tient bengers. ------- --------- noi Iiisail singles, mith Mot'- rinîg tht-cc cach. Michael Bouonî twe andme Nor-man Beocrie oc Bratiepon, ciih a totai of six Le i n N otes iicenre ti colh rpe yPt cisn n Yooun, ant ia dutle c o n ho e n le o n C m b I on l p isc e tice l n P b0 ong gaiceo. ttc -tno P lotihe Bîoton ninibin or Th RalCaadenLeio! i,%,th Lginha ke oncite tht.- cmi he oina ior-n Il a 01IL durng te -I. gotisi sa ibn the sima in oft an _rkO h-l -t, ud B-t\ sabeiccý, laiiig Tom Ramsboccschgfin- ,;r 1111l1 n hi oe tin 16 u t ih. nieided rmo t-s on Iwco II i, ov h oio xk S if r nno sp ot it et li'tentitih II ect lutur in litti u e eit i-.59 Sit'ee c uie ptt Oit Setordan, Janie 8,rbe But- e-mheiriee tn iti S0.000 pucugramctii Izciet. S4in84 hi-iiehnehti tngtooODistrict Cbaeuwnanheid it oiliPt loi l:i aic l.iol t.li-S22,400: iîteilî puagleu eCampfoanitou aI R.R. 3. ticuche, hettted hi ini iii the S15,760: dem iîtetîn ohr:CamPht.ltcileitt sclappeosîmote-3 tiartei hent ini tht. peenin tif ti83,JS-l. l70casfot2pckated Gecflceî Dccan te -rik beic 11, Goldat Rota ng. The thremie "Wot-d Wide et givingt.amfoeori tittitiohight WththiencthtctmentitheL.e- B-othcthodm a.ncatrled out. foc scnort t.itiaeunc h. pitre dicgonc ic ent.mpiet.ina the goldcn CamphtcIlitto pacb ncos 27 boys hottctnf id %eLn, lt rete c- it't-ttt.- in ils ei%-tetei epetationn licdielte leadership of Akelalie tîtîcciment hercn, iteti ,d neelin ih- ictttent.hovvt Bacie *v Scooter Llocd Boytcy, four milIlion dollars. Il rorvi s tIenc a gtittcet ini ihecteil- Pacecea Glorila Poedv. Batoo inptiratin fortiitcttihcittetiigg ý po- bii ettl clin*Nth il, xvhosecShiey Elia and Kca Bt-igitte -itriti citt .0t- OfeBo% Scittctls ndt.ttdicheittttitiofCnada clie, VofttCub nd onetserice Scout Crihs Il alie Tnrots ti[. sout aînd inill thtlcîîtîe tIl ic pcîî)plc ,Anrhocc Ocînhort-. Campbell- and at-mn caittt cortps> in fiteld t- eteis gel down 10 11i .tvilecrtprcseartudrthecorai- anditruch eenin 175.000 cOitg nienc Tct-tar%()lthi vo ýtr cieGhana in Airico. Tht din- Peotpe.aci-eitcietinittitis tic nîîîchenîîb c s eeorvt-citatPit chindrbeir ethoeioa Eduatoion Aidt ni- iii u ouel do titritittet ticctoi 1pititiectc. iedanr ond acliil Oppotfitiec o Iitht- tittite hh-leithii Onie.it-tno,, paicng i Ghaena, dt-ec honorablhe mn ttbi-ereriecttitti ac prt)%tii titthe GrîeatOcnloîîiîtc coltforet-curenctietttc iitttntiIittiitnc.eiliiiitttehtc.Lire-ciill, hiateiiotciih opteinacee- roh, the, -niticci t ' %iiitttit i ei i )ti atitpl IIt t-teint -1 mirei 2 p.in. an obsrac le of %e ttt80fb.000tiliiiiitichti xtict-tOittort-ieiti Ipet il tit ctocrse, wct-idtourewhich lookin tit-hipi unitd hiiee Thi-s jiu-c in (lie tegion tieet-eci coi l irtht dusplion mail lents, a grinm ts ieniic teu hein hîîîh ]int ic, tîîmîeîîe,î. Bui piîccî(Io the. cehotat- antiehe naciitn. ttti a,k v,11,itivoitl fet front le the eatcgotc tif ht-tp tut-tule tht- cegito Ask tihat Yctt tao 'ieh, Legionnai-en in i ii- lie ut.-iiht-r- Pollock and cen oonc t-intd river S300,000 a Oc lan Hancoli. a pbI ccir lot- poltio c i.c Brandit lic one B7 Cititimaiit- Ca pb ttiiih.nptietlc t' Cîcel foanufacturer of te brc ha, gieon S4.000 lot NOT QUITE HALF sotth Pet-t Heinnita .1 -îptnci Of t f10 ritte cie-ct- aolieti HH ORAGE IMEMORIAi.S blettoctliies cunit ecere t-chittitt o45e pitinncti, e en lit-cef on [ MEMORIAL ENGRAVING fi, tir-,t-ittetthlt i it, cthe luictli coitiict Tht-e oht-t 55fý 62 Waller St., Notg, GALT plot-t-c' piicntc li. ile', lite-t. httti, Ici. T.Ihne6118 Tht- [ceitn ais.i c-tct- ai hte ccdcitîeepoo 27M and Oicn clice pt-t-ontilatenionc fro I itt ciltr i ti tt ttp .c fîiittte. eiht-toh i, tieiie hi ta>i r% ed uit- or0.000 pet-cttttýiith penontît oii i Saadv le Serte Ovl ltttto i riliti ait lut- -ic gît-c tî itef tttuk hic tin t., c r - tîc t lohttî h ili,- nIîtht gen-r, dio.liin ti tt theý,Il Ca opil AnJpa a ELECTRICIT Save With This Coupon 1 Pre- Vacation CH EC K FOR REALLY CARE.FREE TRAVEL THIS SPECIAL SERVICE INCLUDES: SPECIAL e Scies 111e brakka d- ONLY juimentand inspection. " Reateal irand tieIspecton $l o * Lubrico , a con pla a factory-appranad PARTS EXTRA servi ce bahriicldes a IF NECESSARY and, repot-t of co cars condition. DRIVE-IN TODAY AT uoenoeuusq M.LTOsa Nf MOTOR SALES SERVICE DMPAAWUN 10E KOEGL 388 Mai It 0lIEU Ci Cree- Indians fficult, Inteàresting are the Oc ctnina res enen if theli don't prinie rîft and il's a iragtdy, sire t-sarne, nge.od e lignae "na soys, cctrytitig has tu he donc hy ih Ihia ibm n sptcigiiy oiffi. l'or hiee, ont as lhoaigh flic!y caied 31 t-tit tor us ntm hvc bp tbf vccrc sobeormai cbiidlcn und Woching ocatch. Theynce aise cegrn exact thtygc not. ti cosy, endfilerai intbi-speechband if DOoingibhtiiwo years onithe sil. "Wcen aosb noere scineont is, theyil reset-cc, fors. Caution fecis lbey &lht sait., tikein ony hey dion'( know. ai- bacc mode acet progress, bai ing a job thsogh blic, ctoaiiy btos finat beliitses blair mach nac bas Iii the pcrnnn is on bis wata0 a ha dlone oa bnp the Indiens. "Our tccrtain ptacee" she esplits. job" she conlinard.i "is ta ieacb ae the Dorn dtepon coneg set finot fltheoChristianoyoflife and in wark- th Indians are si tIi not civilia.- lu htip them beli ihemneinen'» bercause tri. '-j ot scrc lic hesotface,' Tht Conitons lR.yert-oid son nti dean Mcs. Cotilon caid, "and t-ou Richard, bon aise Itienanoactint e Inine- fiad [bot bhey ae stiti primitive." pari in mot-bing miib the Indians a habit On thte ritt Nitin reset-ct a mcdi- and bac -dot-lad an Indien osa- ot-ciot mon is stili activt. "We hovc seamn an tht t-marne. Richard cs onoccosios ganae ta bis ccrc- pregienln a incadent at Albeta manies anti no gai olona scilh Collage. him nacre mcii, probahiy me gain- Spfalslg HSem lae cl i especîbycshring ooc Ms. Coutnhbateen vryac rsetfor him," she said. rine dacing bacr nisit in the catt Tht Indiens an thr reset-cc honing sprohen ta Chncch graitys. le hacetadeepcrenpeclforrtefiaa stadceats of the Percy Met-cv -ntoa rt Oteen and the trealy, bcst Sehoal and nêerai on mi otttls tncmplilhrd by tbait- naVing. as gr-anps Bbc ball tiso broaghi a, longas he on my sineandcollection of Indian atielen as the ricec mac flom, the trear mcii as rapt cecare reig tirrs and mont %tand, rth Oucen ban soitl ad aim f the rded greeriong neam fc co.'reset-ne, t0 show to rhe vtrrous loak Awap Pride gt-oaps. tl 6.30 t0 The mot-si rhtng rhr whbite man Disring ber secen yerrcesidonce natine has doncte rohe Indien, Mrs. in Harnby, Mrs. Coalton mon an- thrbe t Cotion bciiece, mas ia faobe lice in the Milton District Hospi- notice omay thele initiativen and pt-le. roi W.A., the Nor-th Nalton An- k second At Pile Nulls, 8Ipr cent of the sociallon fac Relardad Childrrn etininian. people arc os relief and ibis acnd lite Horehp United Choreh op mon figore mutl gmm an the bith t-ate WA. She miii retm ei thr re- cieaîtily tecreoises. They hoace no serve ibis wtrb. MIJT IM1h!OMC utble oId mans bowed bils bead duinh ie ivefliig rtognamt and wetqcIly bat copisy bi a Young waomant cendercd tbe plaintive baiad, .My Oh] Ken- tucky Home." The boqtess îiptaed op ta hlm and enquired Iraderve "Pardon mc. are yon a Ketiakian?" Nýo madam'I îhcarfol onc repicd, "Im a mnun.icl*." PRESCRIPTIONS KERR'S REALL PNARMACY K. H. ELSLEY, sc. Phm. 24 Heur ServierTR b4492 - A1fw a l, lRSO4696 Mug DEUVW? REVLON COIMETICS von YES m u*4n à PLEUISCITE FOR NEW MILTON LIBRARY ONTARIO0 PROVINCE 0F OPPORTUNITY What the ,inimumWagre Prrm mean s - to yoU, The new Minimum Wage Program of the Province of Ontario becômes effective on June 3Oth, 1963. This legisiation has been enacted by your Governnient for your benefit. It is in your own best interests to study the details of the program. Perhaps, some of the questions answered below apply to you. Q P hare libes tha Minimumn Wage Pcogramg app/y ? A Thsa cilles et Hamilton, Otltawa and Tomante; the -tomas of Ajax, Aarora, Bortingien, Dondon. Lentide, Miltoen, Mimice, Nemanket, New Toronto, Ooknittg, Port Credit, Richmond Hill, Stoney Creck, Siregtsnille. Wasiee ond Whifhy; tisa villages ef Forest Hill,- Long Beanch, Mamkham, Pickeriîng, Stouffreitie, Swanse&,Woterdown and Wéodhridge; the townships et Ancastar, Easf ttlamboreugh, Bail Whitby, Fast York, Etebiceke. Markhasm, Nelson, Norths York, Picket-ina, SalîtSeat. Scarborouils Toronto, Trafalgar, Vaughsan, West Flamboemgh Whithy, Wtsitchuroh and York. Q. Haw dots il apply ta maci emjtlayees? A ale mployerco ara tre haplaid at east $100 an eohur ritem lune 30, 1963. Femala empleyeeu are te ha paid lit lat 854 ais heur front Jane 30, 1963; 900 on heur front Septenahar 30, 1963; 95e an heur front Dacambar 31,1963; $1.00 an heur frinti March 31, 1964. Q. Haw about ot-ecine? k IgSuar minitmumn rates apply. ,Havi dam lt apply go Consttrucioan wrkers? A t-ie mhnss*l wmgc rata for contruction workart 'gla $1.25 an heur. Q . »ht about Hoiel and Restaurant crnployees? A Mole employees are loa ha poid lit least $1.00 on ihoar. Fomate employans stait mils o minimam of 84~ on heur from, lana 30, 1963 increasiltg ter 900 on haur feem Septemisar 30, 1963, toi 95é an heur front, Dacember 31, 1963 and 10 $1.00 an oum f'rein Match 31, 1964. Q Caton a rentaurant emnployec dedaci theise to fmea/a - front ealrnifgs? AYes. But, ealy np te o maximum oef 50ý per meal As or o total of $10.00 Par weaic-pronîding tha ara- ptoymc has actua1ly aen tIsa meala. Qs Dcoe t/ra tPogrom istriade employaee osidar 18?P AYen. If tlsay are regmlar members eft1he 'labour A& fercea tlsy are te gat the saine minimum ai eny- brody atme. If they are atudznts mIse only werk part dm ortif thgy ara muesangeet, dglivery boys eorewavoe0Ioai thclie tlhinu rate la 804 ans haut. Q Paa hapas n-hec an entp/oyee is cof/ed inafor lcss aaafudfday? He must be ad the minimum rate for lit leat A. thlehmwr.If he woekt longer, h.e saut hel paid for fads heur CmWka &Mtf the MLiiVBSiS Waga huttM P oatldl fa mptaymr ad uFy a di alwMu VX.huh KE-, W"F WISE 1 k ýc home ta Glirt Gui, afternao Presid. watt in t meeting l'en mec secretari Mrs. WiI josepb ( and bah toron of, tbdret 1 'Captai sided trco fore s Jetbez ti Mm. GE Mm. Wi Mr". Ios rard sec hertson, Jean Col fors. N closed Lord's pt Tbe nst in Srpte Mrs. G ntd Xaclu sors, Se William Ing ta ni Grade S tbe scho Sympa and Mms famiiy n Martba t Mr. oil and tir Jan and l Heigbîsi Beach. ASH Fe Pri Bp M for, an and Gent- ing at St Thursdai partare ri.ci. The scroit, si Woin Tyre Atkins, lher bou and Hlpn gregaition pieied in tion. fors. M for St. L ted Mr. faithfut c hothb hai Mr. an and Ben hie visite, fors. Enr of Gocipt Weeken Mes. Ata and Mrs. Hughes r Danian of Huhhle,, Malltonai home i n Wr Wet mon finl moced in home of mon is b for the E7 Severgit tendedtbi ing of th, Breeding Fridoy n Pillitt of Birthda Gowland 4. end ta (t Jalie Congral Mcc. Bt-a Ai F ORAl TOML LETTt CAI MU$E HAM NEW B LÇ il g, :j 1 Ut

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