*The Cantadien Champion. Thursday, June l3*6, 1968 1HALTON MANOR Lifelong Homby Resident Regulor Singo, Blirthday Party, Elmner May AceCn hurch Comedy Play Amuse Residents bie Ilv heisu a;Mrae 4s lM N.Cape- »Y Mit Mortel Thattpson in évtidence on Thttrsday pigt t the hu ithi abehere îhrst tune Iesn was verses 1-8 antd tt- buaad pnerui > eu v ai-, ti'sd uar4 ;r Ln " Cifr .Tels ig befr tt May 30 sehen the May htrthda; were decorated with paper bats. 23 ci Cliapter 13 of St. Matthes sait u t a 0er ae s TedyHrby also mure tue ,uo mer vacation tinsehat has heurt partv icut held in the aaditrifft The happy htr4lhday song as Gospel. tii his sermoun Mr. Cules Ceareieg, Jatte 4. 1963. Fuort 1tercice vais conducted a very enjoyabte series of bistgo utdrrthe auspies cf the Evn sagtur hlum and the randiru un decrihrd Chu vartiaus kitds cf je the MacNah and Son Chupe> estrsegs, was belli on Wedenday ing Star Rrhekah Ludge of Ni the cake tenue lighted. bohumen heurts upun which Gadus He mas a son cf the lte Eu' Mituu hrdylis6,mi night, May 29. This saéries has Ionts. Eahgetoioseeevd acahieg taits by uamparing thnm brt May ned Mary Cook antt Rot,. Ketlvin Juhststost of Eden heeurt odurted fer the residents The hcad tabte wut decorated tenrcut gift of mueey. The re- tulic tue searil kind teuil e wsa ie his 70th year. He tea- Uted Churrh uftieiatîug. ut the Master hy the Kieumen seith iscu huuqurtt uf tutips and frettîments mure very deticlu, theitesedj h aat hure est the Muy humevtead rieur Inoett it pluace ie Ester- Ctuh uf Milton, the président cf mont.gke ith a cry at- sandwches, relishes, tarte, ire folt. He said thut the tenytide foyanm d e the Hshs ti iegreen Pnisada ilon hih a buGrgue Ch seom tractive hirtBduy cake icnd in rrnm and hirghday cake, The vYP'tiet thr hurd heurt Chat ts fame n h Hrnvditic. rensChoe wich Keilh DraasteIcmrn pink i ud greren. The tuhtectath ptraturr drriced by evr oe fited stiih prujudie, thé vîsty Hes anemhrroftthe Ses Hucurary paithe.trerseru Et- .stprésident. As nsvt lOh a eoae ihpn stem tr iisvestejyahle pary su ithrurfithrtd Sion of Eden Uited Chureh and mer Waitu, Jacki Nixon, Lloyd crrasions Mr. Darstaewase i aund pink and green rosettes. teus ,erkecseedged in a speech the uielutthrsisthees seas atseayt keesiy ierusttrd te Murshall ustd Atdrs fu trter ut ihis hingo attu, und the Tite Noblue Grand cf Ecnting ut thanks hy Mns B. Luste. heurt Chat is tuu preureupiet the life et hie cummustt. Eden Church. Active puithearrv dulies uuneerd seith the prie- Suar C.udgu, Mrs. Jean Reidws Téan seat f ani weeth uther thieger ch reemhof Wife,~~ ~ ~ ~ Tw hlrn vecnihoso h ecae " eecridoib on prrseentand retreded greetiege.Mr B.t nittu gars cf hester seere t an rf Hu ulver thé hendc Servisting irr hic cite Florence. Wiiser Mustue. Frunk Hall.t,Bey Hll, L. Rbinson and F. Benet. Site thoe hunded ester the pro- Mrv .Lsusr.E ie.Gdttuhn a uic h hedacghter Lots iMrt. Charley Break. Hurry Lustden, Jse Hum- Os grun ftithigtuam to Mrs. Mihe Hate sehtt M E.Patnd Miser M. Fed î rer h thrae'tre erc Thomsoun) ut Milten, hi, so vu ton ande Johne Buet last hingo there sere 22 gamus' arcousteitihe tusehers. The pro- Miss AJed. M ettre . Suet-acd tiuere Oheui Peut ai home, antd toue grand- The heautifiti florai irihuies piuved seiCh aimust ast eqeut nem- gam ceereers sere Mre. Had- ci11,JMaarJ..Suvu nsOmCd rhiidren. A duughter Jetr Pro- uand ha lurgr guihering cf vol.se-hr of prie-miners. Jack Mar- test uand Mes ,, Wilson. Mes John ancdT. Brorkhaek. Ie rufcrisg Che Manur Ba- ihercioce pr-dreuued his four puihetie frinstd uand nrighturs Luren won thrru priars antd Mits Hupkins seus the rufreshmrt Geargetown Actrsa rasruiidCesmtc vears ugu. Threv itlerv. Heicu hure îuvtiisony tu ih estren in E. Hasteaci, Misst B. Biehardson cestestur antd mas atssisted hy a On SaCardaf stighi, Sue 1 a Mes. F. 1. RBstekmue, seife of ther iMrt. Huservitori ef Turonto. ehitu the deuvsed as hridhy antdJ. Kuaakswon tîsech. Win. tuierof vrry capahletuadie. stry amusieg Chrce-aci pli, Rurcu, Buricgust, and Met. A. Leita (Mis. M. J. Brove) ofu Nul*- ai tsho hes him. ters cf one primer aeh sere Mrs. AiCer the stingista cf O Cantada, Gond Gracicue, Gruedmu wsea Philps, seife cf ithe Rerce, Oak- e' s st ste ___________A. Boss,Mrs.M. McCase, Mev. u vrtertaitistfprcaramseas prrseteedforîthe résidetshyu asvile,settcpuurrditeaiintheuafîrr- A. Cummieg, Mrt. L. Ecerdnit, perrvui. The dutisOf et an p at ai asite ycang tatisandeceti. MS MEt. Flaxtman, Mrs.M. Smyihr asteompueist sere tharadhby Mrs. youstg mren seh are mrmhr ci S e er K.G lb ih MrS. A. Agne:, Met. A. Cullier, H. Magre, Mrs. D. Hayseurd antd theChita eomd huc Spea er, rs. . Ga braih M . EHuitl, Mrs. M. Forhev, Miss, Juste Fisti. The tiret nerse ie Oorgetuown, and uy 18 nourm- ROBERT R. Talks A bou W orld, Tnp. B. Fcieu Hariirst und be cssiedreof u tutu Patcees hure cf Cheir hr co.Te Talk A bo t W o ld T ip essr N. cCan. E McKnnuyand n e ce ghy Gary piaunueî,-umpaeitt mue Mrs. E. The GeeralMeeting ef St Onu ineresig item was Chat aindiJ. James. Thuomus. This wus futistîed tuy Vuaerserg. HAMIILTON Pauots Uited Chtrch (fumet te Hontg Kung prer tu as Aîthertclsofithereguur Pay iest vers humuroustréeitations, After O Cantada and the hyalin, POERS cts he.ld Juste 6i te ,lvv Peit 0 pay for ant éducation. This the eue minere sere gise the Fourtes und The Guat hy Pranki isoy Huty Heiy tuad hor santg OPMfRS shîf Raousef uiehuch. secaes ofcourse Chai the re Piirge et ehousina piietfrain Hudîe. A douhle trio of ladiet, liv the etuoir, the Chrer-aut playt eo 60 Main N. The meeing opusrd ceitu tue fuues ruefte etedecatrd. Aieo the priar-truf, seithtuhe rosait ut Mrs. H. Mager, Mru. W. Hittu egn odte soyo w Geto n uîegîsg ofcilmse foilourd tiy ta labiume Br* vadMrnt urraeey Red eves-fuse refi the auditoriume ut Mrs. D. Ereiste, Mits ie Plitu hug at.her itd ihaver et Foetu -37 pe-ter, Mrs P. W. Hurhutttr set Chie na c a est rm e leeet ha ihiohe eis iev urs td Maiy îîîmctuy iueatr rsruedetroe.Hn Ke u ristgthisudIo tinufme usauea etCurswldte uiner jetngt hs éisMse aud thsetu moed arrsnie0 fror aYSEAI Atuiherfrrrut uits. Foruarcuntrysrhsre. nertaiîeO cee ued the rsi- ig-scg. Mrs. H. Mafrr sangh fie nt insiaimet sehest tues Atsdort busdnetss rried potrdattiat esredns haste appeciaird the et. îteu soies. Bird Sutgst aiEcver- rerseudta hsssîi PRESCRIPTIONS PILLED it aiee ul -îushristrnsdorriuihetîesn urtrltsote ieeand TaYo. The prcurasee.t. airsceldri searitoc mtga en very msech. ýenotieisithithedotuleitrioufct ladirîîîesv. in _________ luu-.ot.t eer tuer uietl is iran. CCinmascope Show ldessein lssTi e tuatiouncatis ton thu présene MOneMtînetasnighi, Mayt27 Mi-. O. A. King pre'sidicg %eat Mi-s. Galbtrailth fui, tu theurrn Fi-aser rait the yrijeeltior 0 ho Gusso Hor telc vouud behapremasuer- icharge uftihe pnafree. Mr.a tee wetrn rd laid meetu ihe clesie Cinécosv.pe pieterc AIsee flituc uocuso atIi e Alluit Clétesrcad tte vLirto a th ankfut tor Nvhen nomn- Ki,., These or Mu. starrinf Carvlgfu ialatto ueget dsi oe' iiis s turc, Maihese 12 tuSses 2024paeedmithth drrudfui tuard-Grant. n ortseeidtwci cdntodcuh.as rsai o is Mec. M. Poole '-ead "Aitveretuf,,sis ihu mmen cf Hong Kong Blethday Tinte brut thisceutice n ivan en the Garden"trainJeJcouttdue 1 tmeronti sotArsîer ius dad. The Behekaet Lstdge euleîrv fwoehal oritdtnt h raturai actingf and ns il 'Lord Lui Me Lire Teetav' t-e., Mr,.E. W. Fovîr ihueted Mît ptekuand grenire verîsY hiln riuains n i bi sang hst Mnt. Haretet M.tgec Glaithî fur he eioyahie antd lai seade il a ste-y iniuestug isnseative addru-,and preseet- un îorte large audiene,. The Guest Speaker et tuer stitu a Soui rasue- atoran-,îd astiresset devreve spic Mrs.G. A. Kintg ietrodteethbrueee ut he vsit to tue St. THIS SUNDAY S ca rdii dirte tu1le tautu tuai Mrs. B. B. Galhraith, tue guesîtiFuels Unitud Chureh (fusee eh r ait pervsans ut Duth çeeakrrofihurtunieg. te tel-e- IThe meetiiuf etuerd scîth tlic Mie- hîtitu ande havte leand PEgisl -(',eing Mrs. Galbthtîi Mrs. Kisg piat Bénédictiou. sinri, ceing tu Canadat. roseed on the altite part Rerch s vvr ' vdzn Ch c Calendar Ce the interisinsv and ut ithe Mrs Galhi-aithu pleed in the u u fl etrpurstria moi-h, . o> SI Puais Chtrt te-m musical_ ,oection cv o Srne ug. BLOOD DONOR stur 1ierd in Miltont and ho. ---',se iro ~nelued the hîsen Take happy shte sas oa treteose he KE e NOX PRESBYTERIAN C1HURCNITni c Be Huit acni > vert, tise CLINIC hae.h te tue raîestgetspee j<k- ReSJfgWlMe MILTON GOSPEL HALL dîtl Sek Ye tila Lord, Sangf hv aseeett t gi eei à Bnc.J. . L SA 306 Onuai uS. N. TE 8-2022 t ae serse of the choit. LEGION HALL Mr.Glrih bas MountO1-ee, Chi-itiuosgaihered itenor irerd ftma tii ai-oued itue vw I Ciegia Mes. B. Wright, A.T.C.M. of the Lord Jetas Chrit. Whest tua, rnfeflaund cuhkirs mvord aend eh cehosca, her e Orgust and Choir Mustne (Math. 18: 20) wotres.C-sed,the Césidents had.un TIIURS. JUNE2 u irHoeg Kuong",hrecauîe Bruan Kereighue, o former "0 oem,leitusecrhip and - ppuitunity Io uhecme acquaint- ., N21 rear u h tdtee i qtdent ut Mltlon District Hîgu hum dosen; nit us eri turfura LORD0 DAY, JUNF 161hu 1963 ud mîstu ihuse youost Dutcpetuo. 2 Ce 4.30 p.m. oflte Ata tuihe Uiudbo Chin Sehuol tuas cempîrîrd tut third the Lord car Makur." 10.30 a.m.-Bekieg, cf Bread. t e-ho arc fnuvistf tu tue sucti fosee hat huco ceieg. Hen ad-tret eîertt hsr 12.15 p.m.ýSuaedy Setol. ts odunieuv 6.30 ta 9.00 Pa. deee mt mts uui.'rtliug eeîfeitrucl Option at the Uetcer- SUNDAY, JUNE létu, 1963 7.00 p.se.--outprl Srvicte. Ci vîten Cotes conduced th rouchrd weuh human. Shu tuld siîy ut Teoont, tuavieg pased t w~~~eit horinr. Mr. Krighat mus 9,4 ,ms.-SentiorChurch Seiîeri Wrdneday8tpa.m- Praye andechunu sevie atd Mrs Normane cf hum, he peuple cf Hontg Kong aseardnd the second Sprere Palls 11.00 a se-Mornting Wustuip. Bibule readieg. Hane. piuved Che urguaeon Son ce itu tiIhtedioso H ug e Poser attd Pupe- Cc. Lsd. setul "~And the Lite Everltit.' Yuu arn hrartily melcomte tau day atterco Jece 2. Tht. siîf od thumil htui-et mnge Kon rstuip. - Sacrums-ci ut Baptiesate! d huse services. an utheyre maagt Preetation cf Jutnior Lubue not for the satthichi list. Aleuofthe-etght of Hontg Tturson of Mr. and Mrs. M. Chureh SchcutMeteev Cen prlvetu, but for tuai meut Kong tuai-hur filledlStettu sam- Kerighust cf Mai-goret St., tue tificaire. \It;Iilt reduethuno esteriastiot. WATCH pans, a lite aested huai acd is 50ekinf us the Nationaul Be 11.00 a.m.-Nursrry. iii, ethietu the Sttn of seat s, t the onfe hoser, mts, tumiiev1earch Ccustil in Ottawa dueing .-1.iCîieqeir toto. soie: [or His, tuaill U huve ect kitiwn bch sommer. Curunaicn Gi-up suppr meeî Gs!,I Jiu Fathi sîeilld. Johnié. 27. Sp t, . sîistn ief. Tcrvduv, Jure i8, i 6.30 OTNAD M ID W p.m.. ai thé hume ui Msac OTN N MG Win. Baedall, Chartes Et. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES FOR ' E PRO FES IO NAL IRECTO Y - -Miuistrr: Bec. B. A. Nestin, B.&I S E I GRACE ANGLICAN CNURCN SUNDAY. JUNE 16th, 1963 AND RAV LLER ' G IDE Miltoun,Ontario 10.00 u.s.--O ma ghil W ar sthIp1 EACH ANDoý TRAVELLERS' GUIDESenvice and Nuîrey Ctev, WEE 31- 1 i Bractu, Bec. O. A. Poweell 11.15 a.m.-O muahI ceh a DENTAL ACCOUNTSNG Ateuciale, Bmv. Canon P. H. Setucul. Mascst, M.A., L.Th., B.D. Sch-o iuo tnîa' E T N DR. G. A. KING EARL G. BLACK 11.30 u.s.-Bas to0n: (fuislip Dental Surgeoe B. Comm., B.C.A:, C.A. SUNDAY, JUNE 1th, 1963 Sertce NW EST- ENdDieli ift RioByal Building, Miltons Charterd Accoanîant ro Siday aftr Tiiity altest 'Classes. ETMRT Hure 9-5 163 Main Street 8.00 a.se.-Huly Communtion. ___________________SERVICE X-Ruy Ser Tel. TE 8-9762 Bue 460 Miltun, Oat. 9.45 e..Sueday Sehui and EMMANUEL SAPTIST CNURCN p nlr ldBadBc TRiangle 8-6542 Bie Clasest. CumFilraire RedeBrnMilice Commrcil Sreet Miton Open Thar. anad Frlday till 9 DR. H. F. GALLOWAY (1.00 a.m.-Mcreing Frayer. Mieistr Puetur Cigytue Calet Denal oi-ruelEAL 7.00 p.se Hcty Commsuntion. Téléphonte Nu, TRiatigin 8-4473 We Serve The FaMt Esd, Tee, 155 Main St. n ste fluo RT. PAULS UNfiTEDCNUECH SUNDAY, JUNE téth., 1963 ROSS NOLMIS, Prap. "W IE noiTr. 1< Maasdaeaitssi 9.45 a.m.-Sueduy Seheul lue al] Tg 846501 7<-Rap Servce Bar-inte, Solicitor, Notaey PublIiaic r BMi..lstG tse 11.00 a.m.-Jdreief Wcrship Tel. Office TE 8-9201 196 Maie Streret SA.. B.D., C.D. 7.00 pase.-Goupel Service. S E ILF ________________ Téluphoue TE 8M491 - Tuesduy, 7 p.se. - Chrittian Ser. m _____________ SUNDAY, JUNE léttu, 1963 vice Br ifga de - Sioctade JUN o DR. W. C. F. WRIGHT 11.00 a.-Mortiug Wcrehip. Cunol. JN n M tDetit HUTCHINEON & THOMPSON Ourvi pnrturu-, Bet. Minium aneeduPry, 8pmet.-BheSuy S M E SERVICE ml 1Mari-n Su. Bariitere and Soliuitors Collins Johson, S.A., one ut ue Frye MrntiogABL Phonte 878-2491 T. A. Hututuinsen (retiedO theur usemse seiniviers uit Priday, 8.30 p.m.- ug Peuples THE MEEABL PoApinmn . David Thumpece file United Churetu et Canada. Christ Pellsttip, ai 419EPCTEJNS2h,16* TH N W Pot AppnuistMieto SUNDAY SCHOOL George__S_._EFFECTIVE__ i _______ 1963 15 AVAILABLI HIRE N 21 aeS. ite 878-2841 9.30 .s.-Boys und girls, 9 CHRHO HIT iMAHGAATE O OPTONRETRISTS fers cf uge and cidr. CUCN0CHITOM NGU ATEDIC ______________11.00 a.se.-Nues- Depueimns No. 6Stîdeutdeand th Lin. LEAVE MILTON ARHU . ONON SHARPE and NICH-OLS tue al] children up su and n Tasu-a TO TORONTO CO PE ATUA.JHSN W. S.SHARPE etuding 3 feri- cf uge. Buhv SUNDAY, JUNE 16ih. 1963* CO PE 184 Main Si.. Milton A. J. NICHOLS Nurserry seittu Begisvured 10.15 a.se-Bibte Sehuci. Classes 6.d0 c.m. nro. Sac. & Hut. WHIEL BALANCINe (Lloyd Duvie Jemoilery9 Sareittees, Sulicitors aed Nurse in atiendance. foi- ail afes. 3.10 p.m.-Saurduys tueiy STEERING SERVICE Phonte TE 8-9972 Bet. TE 8-9678 Nutariet Ptuhlie 11.00 use-Bus and girls. 4 ta 11.00 a.m.-Moreistg Wcestip. X8 40 p.m. -Sanduys or Tltetdoy and Peiday mureinge 207 Mary St., Milton 8 yeaes of age inclesive, witl 8.00 p.se.-Prucing ut the Gos-îdas _ sniegs tuy uppuinent TetePhoee TE 8.2339 attend Chureh wiuht Chue i r pel. ___day parente and procerd tu the Thureduy, 8.50 p.m.-Bihle Sludy. 7<-Tnp cili rue Monduy W BRAKE Ri Kindeegarn antd Prima-y Buy L. Miller, Beungelitie Jeîiv lsi, Atîcvi litu art DRAKE DRUM MACHII CIIIOPRACTOBS Deparîmentu ai 11.10 a.m. 878-2060 Seeplomber 2cd. Oursn efChiupraîje PUBLIC LîBEARY MOLlES Ail Persant Welcusee Yuu Are Aimas Wrlrome FE S A. P. KENT, D.C. Monday .....12 union - 5 in PAIM or HIGNWAY GOSPEL CNURCNt DAYLIGHT TIME Tueaday .........1.30 - 5,7-9 pm.Aolesetlo 23710ineCutCrec Wenetday...............eCIs;l St Geres Chsrch, Irnettîle A S PI COJait Curi~~~~~~rrMurtitSs. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TH Thrdy 15 *PS an' hmh aagwy e EtRCtt C ANAA Tout r nosaina Ypds, Wedeudayr, Thaeeday PeidaY ......1.30-5, 7.9 pm f(TIhe Ansglca Ctssrho(Catsttla Pastuet BR. M. C3trieuCra 1 ar t 9pri Studa ..... .......... 9.30.12, 1.5 s era ir Tusa n rdyR.R . eetot s -Traynois" Variely Store O !SO lerda ard'Ï Pniday Ctepnîsds 1OONEac am.se ta 6 p . ____________ Tnîuhb'ur Nu.v Iltmer 4577 SUNDAY, JUNE lOuis, 1903 &Restaurant Saloeduv Il use. ta03 p.se. TRAVEuLERS. GUIDE -9.45 use.-Sasday Schoo. Trinphcne 878-6982 Phone 878-2031 SUNDAY, JUNE l6th, 1903 Classes for aut. ____________Trinity 1 11.00a.m.-Moreieg Wurship. B.Trayitat- Agent FUNRALUWÇflS CANADIAN FACIPIC RAILWAY Rt. Jeuns CIsurels, Neatgaymepa 7.00 p.m.-Eaegelisflu ervce. FUNRA DEPVSStaOnn ar " h e 9.45 uun.-Mnreiag Peayer and Tureday, 8 p.m. - Bibte Siudy R E E D m MeICERSin PUNERAI HOEerm* .'on, Sueday Sehal. and Prayer Meetieg. SiacRSEr CUNERteo HO1.ME s. fltg; lit. Geore'. Chrh Lowes5 Peiduy, 8 p.m.-Young Peupînas SiCaterA Coueols vice -85 11.15 aat-Mang Peaper an trere . YOUR MEI CmlTEAi 8-4452 nin o.6p.. mlgdll. n., fltg; Sermon, Suladgr Ikhnoi. A Cturl; Yeuý Cee Maire T8-45rneaçhir for the day. tàpCain Yquir Hontr i IGHWAY 23 SOUTII Highl ne Day fit 8.43 Te Paye, Cbuertu Army. AIU Wileame 311 1I.LION EUn. It ea estimuird Chat mura Chue 35 raitlin polirdis cf nyloe veni insu thestet s'trte' tuturies in 1962 op front, righi milionue 1956. OSeut cehe tuuks aveatn overi-morealhtu 20 perene it thr men's-tort ma-ti and stîeitu-uh-paata taira haste jaump- Id moehan 90 pur crent ilc tastIw smo cis IVE WAWktt iSE r~Ot MY OANB' amt. UP. Whe se oiofmjrf m purhae, me Il [oteilan oud h ith sp yend ncm, il adds up Cu a (sert ect ruts- lorthe Bank cI Montréal tanulîtin eance Plan. Figure oul sehat meajor itrems you e-d... 051r oalcs... ihen arrange su puy Iiirait i tius-t witu one segulas sevnîflîl payms-nt wîuh a o-st ts- tnseîred Familtu Finance Fias loan, BANK 0F MONTREALî Bii9 F4inance Plan Milton granch: RAYMOND MURPHY, Manager ) - REDFERN Ltd. LADY YOUR CR IRD CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH ETEOR PONTIAC DODO! ERCURY OLDSMOBILE CHRYSLER ONARCH BUICK DE SOTO DYNAVISION OSCILLOSCOPE OM FOR YOUR PROPESSIONAL TUNE-UP, RESULTS PLETED IGNITION ANALYSIS 'E BEAR ALIGNMENT SERVICE ~LINING sIING-HYDRAULIC SYSTIM OVERNAUL IMATES - PHONE OR DROP IN E SAFETY CHECK P SERVICE AND COMPLETE FACILITIES AT REDFERN Ltd. RCURY -METEOR.- COMIT DEALER -TR &.23% -I The t ha et Iruai uc finil tee aitiy lui fic has detîrsu usnnidi hs i-ou A htue cd aumer wari hau otiti Ps 2 eupv 2 tah gar i 7/8 ccp flou 2 tuas 2 1a h Can< With Tise E fic Caiun iiioughui Miltoun fi ment, tu- eîîîv Th ie ili. -0 tii is. p strict Eî ,4T[le ros Triu ii hti~ïu 1 1"111M t:igiiit vut ivli. m. lairmt i mrdid ri ,d esisui Wilror W lis cic i ,l i t, ii ki u