s The Canadian Ch;Il0 se duaI Juse OnU 196a Welcome Wagon FAYSABU Reders -Wte Hostess Welcomes Newcomeris FCSAOTDEGREE 1957,e stilt had oe vCOO t0 go In tUe pioneer day eNrl Dce2 Tet glhedoecorle ilijeot Arneriea, group o seller .ed In otur dacerl an Mietongp. isg foe e seses in the promis. ors foer Aprit 4, doere apsecroet andoaPh. D. in hs sbjec i ae cdilandoceolbisgreted beslc a eeterbIlW. A. Johnsonof Rock' ditticoil oe0 te ebtais. Il mot' mois tramn neoby communeilies Isd'ol inerel Mo. Johnsones learn akt fsple n e,ooei cetitied "lUe Roc '.ild keeeol tD.Bs ' d Ure Un i- e basktme eii cred Bcdt" Aithoeh the Electioa criee oel 1 it Thycon je e',d Peeeî.itteioktToroontobacl16! wcgons, and lbey caiied thent Bsocle de'gec ar ot ýs,'n a.%ol ievuI ccîcecteclacis.rkour rcav ri0 lscelter 1 hoc Dr. Bell the genereee ladies. Hec, tUe, cccccd not botter le correctfle Todoy. "Weieorno, Waegon" stll Here il- arc:concolhs hinsoIf. and asec term exists, and lUe perposo Ilsi 1Secdcc docoe's de'gcoeievcs, r cnstituetseithlhosetIo bc orsane. Only loi theoel e ed elhehee. I nltechono fecteiltuhirnfurehcip, il ouod comieg lody arrives ai yeeeeK as.e Mo. Johnso laeid, rno m sorne graltication ltc, house in a cor, cceeing a bosket _ cbvioc'ieh eeo hoftocegetchck theete 1 bcd perbope becs et ef gl ifl nerrchcete and flc eocte Il i.ekce eeoo'.eas oo rnemit servceo tehIirn. îcei'offiiels, ond he's (livre tu gel aPh.D..od vet Scds Respctfuits'yeyocs, scecemg ewesisdetsituihe leIst cltold cee 0 Qilce litl A. S.Moriece. ornuity. 5 0eO '~ ~ ~'~tOTorn Service ouh service exists je Mil- PIK SC9OOL NEW.S FuiIed te Reapot iln' Ssented Ub' acalvna a cti .th, (le.Mic 'IIMin Pk IIIRflveI tuernckotciendsscilh ecmr Public' ehoheelc sued cetincceg Itoulh rc recvs ep- rnd giv thorn a cotle ced e ittschecl Sehouci Ole, pchAeeoiandckdit fal-fiendlywloetMion pchodd. iocroscttol yvceeneCempiti r- tic, 28.eeio'el -ceie'egcoclmirocooe Mrs.Kcys conp.URMcr gccleceicsee cisso t ' iiec cdecl rede,, n an . le. t.si'WtedoWg eolsecieeCe rile'epcieel te cieet e lirethccovou hestes for Miltone. And she oeos Ns.eg.ee. Pcecccecele lest %cock.,cieoigin' e cceh bis vel herborek tbegbshos onlybco %ice et tl Diteeece rce' StI lcLzogdlytrc sieele pccked ceer. ai tbe jeb a faew oceke. Il j > Dcococci.eseeoe an Cec.AiJr A newcemoe 10 Milten lbeesoîl. Teee'eeton iO.P.P reoseced 'accareicen feelgor Towshsip cnd je qte Uc David Hebson ofRIE 1 faritcse anbteccdise lseeeut.îocccccis, til lite Cacopbeliiolle ceos perked be .sede. r î'ci itie thnsr e t rnisT e el Dole e c Bruce Si. Hl'lgeee 25 jl oth of Sipey oesvo oeseeei'sblir job to RZ Ic oole.tc lceicicicksbe.etrc.Cost.etcJordndcviePescritcheoscderegtse ia TicÈc ecicechic locile1tetrck in Guelph thIe doti, peel il ren i ecceiojtto'cccoeeleet eele hete sbecepaeseete acnd fReceoi le. ececlecCoc] il, c eso[ dte.k Ceest thJerd'ce wlcm iicci.eeic'ee iocethe socecc ce ai 125. At the'rnent, lieboilsponscc h, icehielec tieng ice'ý Cd byadeicy.cad'y el.oie'li 1ceck, cee upe ritean'c e Oe'.eeI plcot, c bardw'are. ceisuac iflé!~C rgnta oes' weocestoce, c dceeg ______k D Ies store,c a serice etation. c TV and st -A. Hocibueecl 3 tCeecei, radioestcorcimlcste gent.C WELCOME WAGONservce isocaicohioce 5coenty eot0c Lost in H-awaUii 'OII!IAg*l'uýl1-i*eiýýCulge eSotdnkfa. I .. eee eeo et.css Icoosc Weleume Leîîs.s gelts froosponoringtegtochsoti. Hostees Mos Kay vanCaotp, Fo nu inIVoItO ocote Ila 5 prcentc. Ects mrochcei preeceits ae fiei Iet es eheo vveicoceo Mos, A. H. Bttten Bell St. and tee, d ccein ee Mcc io [ý l"MlIe Seee .ot itoo gift certificate rcdeernobto ac presenting hot c'etb a boshelful ef gelts leeseUic isg.ee 'c cad tocel coce'ipceciKoxPi-es thestrihernbefCcrnhere' . "il c ecdole otedcic 1i -k i CCe - kCOCOCCCOiriw iCIC hCCcClCOia Clcecch le, tthecoenui iet[h H'deo Commcission, and Élcieet Miltccn," tise rcpen INSURAN il,",C iC Milto icee ie e ic c ccil' -ce'Ich sccico ie eltee Maoer, cacb elcocioge l tee gcsides aeptociclegfliceree --eg iiaC C;is electreblced cet Cthe Ibowe. Aed bhe Chambor pro gutis aed tte c.'eomeoe ltlere, il, th, WaeeAmptaic onieest'ceeci -~OCce cuie e iainCoCCetciog5enld adirocteryeof busicessthlUloeocCOslten ilee flic ve 'C leeiteeel,, t teecoubcle une ol ours ccoer estlcmenets, c ocp et' tUc Welote Waegon heste."hei VcceeiceiîeHece.ei%%eeeiee'iicce.i ci lhe 'e ekieec. Ticee ciute.lcalc SIC le.* ae o thce eiî' cv it cllctcew eonOedet II Cee i Me hrt ccegie cis eceteote i- cad'ei ilet ie1 actgiog ceet c c lleu c obro bec soccial acelivites liCe neiglebect cehC[- 'd socice ergoolacîlees. Toslssed Houtss a WCceWceoco Waegeon bocess Mcc %ae'tCampcossetcectHeitea.'cectts R. R FORD e c~'t'~ eelgeeccetetccecetelcMilton, Ont. TE 8.635 ie l .opcto pcle U in eeocei p eret sirtho h ficcl irnpcaseioes ac impiortanet. coolv C'l ile isccessîci and hier le%coeecs aecee111toe't piocsud "i lcservice s hoe briees. Tlie fiet titi lece)ct cei e-o ict i.rtchl ,e httna COIMME A LITTLE KISSCC perfeomed by Dale Merkley, Nacy Bickers, Louise Diss Sonya Agicw Slpa Fu Vky Brow ad Jeanne Va se eoreof the dancemembers doi yfi u sof the oa WatesSho or oDncig i eca inthe Wi lrsAve- Ou. o Fda nght : oa ous n misi EGALL YOUR S EC AL E CANADIAN PLAIN PA CIFIC E Dresses EAGENT FOR ERcgulor 81.33 98C A LY U PLAIN : R LY U E TRAVEL *Regsalar 70c 49c D L.ni.umsu ~ NEEDS *1 Seenoe rail aai l I T COSTS SO LITTLE TO LOOK 50 WELL I Loeosts salaes wGeat Laesd Alaska cses SKp f IHRT LAUNDRY SERVICE *Hotels and railrb across Canada 1 with STOPPS TIOIN, Seasi ooigtoErp Ai reciesacross Canada and * SAFE, INSURED WINTER STORAGE: lnigiecniet TAE OUR WINTER GARMENTS s39 a, l.O * OX.STORED FOR ONLY M T. W. CASSON JANIS ROGERS, comrelete rnith W lsCenn hre MILTON hpaeish regalia, was oreof Joe Plu MlaigChre TR 8.4471 or TR 8.9044 Waters' peplis perferming at a PREI 100% Mathprooglng enEeyGrnn recitat in the Williamns Avenc mo AilyGrmn bhhsheelIl Fîidyght. J.11s MIITON PLAZA 878.2972 : Mp Utriali the "Tea for toco Cha~ PoMsr Picup and D.Rvmey Sae 10% on cashi and carry Il se.neuusnaueues IIê, nember. uUuUoUUUUageuuuueuE 7t $93,800 in Permhits Denotef Busy Times.. ceetll i at obus. pe In Miltons oand Aesser JebIl Chloute ports Ibis oceek bhol durieIi rneh et' May, bie issued beilding eersedts teuias $93.001. mecud- ieg pernils fer the censtructien ot'1Ilsoresioieces. Nine permite seere issued fer cingle fcrniiy resideeces aoed ai $8,500 eoch oed oe residene e'eeued ci $14.000. Permils wr ieeeed for the oeetnecieeofprIl cote garages, voteed ab $400' Oe sea. ieeedtc foneension etoca tcrnitc rcietecesotouedoal$t1500 aed a $1,000 perrnit cocossc forc omercil ropoir job. Totl ve'of et'he perrnits foc the fIl lic meitsib cf tho yccr l $481,200.00. IMPROVE PARK TUe North Miltes Resideels' Association coetieue te improe [ho Kiegsieigb Ceosrt pieygreeed IlTUe Asociation receutly eoected feeces ai ejîhar end et theoarec nculte lse. A eceae-ep bas Ile eebedulod fer leeighl (bbeoeduy) asd teen-. agers base bee aeked te help. ANNUAL STAG Miltoe Firefigbtecs hetd Iloi coeoot sîce eigbt al tho tire hall Friday. siîh c tlarge atteedeoco. Procceds eft' he stcg ccii bc eeed ter tho geecotfued. *RELIABILITY in the Service Yau ot * ECONOMY In the Price Ya Pmy *QUALITY In ahe Cao Yca Buy WHEN YOU BUY A VOLKSWAGEN AT P LAZA MOTrORS AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALR New and Und Cars Sales and Service Germica VcîhsWmàge.5 Parts MILTON PLAZA TE 8-2962 Ont. Wi'nter WFmeat.Agreement Retains Same LevdJ as Last Year The Detorie WUeol Preducece' seoeticg and liss wesi Mckeig Boar c noeeced on $1.30. May 28îb [bat [he 1963 Oetario The nlegeottd agreementsisu Wiulisr -beaî ogmreet bod ors %vile.t eeid dorieg tisa per0ed belsce.esstuty eegobiated th01 belocee Joty It, 1H03 tu jouis day betoceeu menaer ef the 305h. 1964. morketing hord and the brode. Slcclieg le Ocleber, ibis fleer Marketieg board chaicocce Roy c wlOOcct ietree 2 ceists per0 Ceeterofet Compbeiteitte. in ce hochet per rnel ep bu and je- leaeing bthe detcits, seld mnimurmr ciedleg tbis ooeh ef Febreooy Pricesocero setoithbeeroesle fu to alineoocseeof10 ensts ce ibose sel fer la e 'r cRie. Per Ilsot The minimuem seiti ter wheat crep. creinthe$.75 eetrugt FluorPrice Mai-Ch anse Aprit tbee drop 5 Plisse'Pele nts pier hochet le Mot and The rnimum or fluor entce by cegole le Jolicocltriai le 105 grades a so o 'liocs: Grades No. _______ 1.65. 1 n $ 6;Grd o.2; Grdes No. 4cad 5, N. A eneeot'humer is thesabil- 1and 2nied weatcand weolît t lughsaTeeouourt jikes grodisg loocer dee [o excesse heo yeur seife tells tbern CON4FORTABLE W HA TA REFRESHING WAY TO DRESS FOR SUI0 MER! WHEN THE MERCURY OES Up, UP, UP QUE CDTTDNS ARE WONDER. FULLY COOL. Chos Our Wide Wide Lori-Anne MILTON PLAZA TE 8.9512 $ ~UhiM1Ig est e / ,.X Heusa eue sed fasel- 1 DOZEN IN A ~ oU PACKAGE 2 ' 49c PRESSWOOD'S SWEET PICKLED SPECIALI Cottage A Rols 49 l PESSWOOD'S - SMOKED - PICNIC STYLE Pork f ShIders 39__lb FEARMAN'S (PIECE) SPECIALI Bologna 3 a 0sF SHOP THUR. -FR1. TIL 9 PAM. DOMINION STORES LIMITRG ALL VALUES aN MILTON EF. E M IM i MORE SPECIALS FCIETIL CLOSINO SAT., UN STORE I "JUNE 8, 1963 *m uM M I onI northi and Bi ocay M1 ty ceesi iediccl ioradi ei No. 7 felleow perpesi eeitb it hUd le ton ef reperts suelves Paler Th Çkk Jlie lre peede Ile se leed IlB Ibo t oi thenek Dcde.l loie vu d Ter. ,Meto Usv enie imucîsw [sIl [s [Il le11 lI deslictl noce de C 1119111 soc boss clin tb *h es ty the DOMINION'S OWN -P UIDON UT#S BREAKFAST CLUB SPECIALI STABRYOR &MA 24«OZ.Af RASBEY JMDi JAR 49 NUMILK INSTANT 15 OF 0F SPICIALI POWERED MILK B'O6X CANADA PACKERS - 12-se, ics SPECIALI PRARMAN'S K MLUNCHEON F -KAM --Loo2R8c Wieners YORK-CHOICE - 20-zs tns SPRCIALI lb TOMTES isi 2jxi85c R. . SMITH - il se bjars SPECIALI .5 $1 MIRACLE WHIP KETCHUP OR SALAD SCOTIAN GOLO CHOICE-4B-ous tica SPECIALI DRESSING APPLE J UICE 3 'sl1.112.... JAR 5 9C