RRIMRR RJpolsiery - re-up anu ach Ld koMOtlOg., fueitufe refiicbiRg anu Rnh Ld mg cteaauing Promp service, bei qualU Zrierak msýtaRll wattL maeshtp. Belley Brou., TIR 84741. Crippied and Dîsabled Cows e.3$227-Il aid Hatts SERèVICE IS OUR SPECOALTY a Waier Pucepn a larhesmay Bars Equipmeet ra 0it Burnees Ridgeway Salesr-. a D. & S. LIGHTNING CON- 4 DUCTORS, guaranieed. lonig tasliag insîtlationsu. * WEATHERVANES, 36 isekes thigh, us-er 50 differeci desigîîs. " VIKING milliers and epr t eel. JOHN VANDERMEER R. R. S, LIMEHOUSE TO 7-3821 n-49 f1 ASPHALT PAVING DRI VOWAYS PARKING LOTS* PATIOS, ETC. Ail Work Ouaroeieed s-ma Veurs KINGSWAY PAVIN( - ~ TR 8-9562 Ire u Cars for Sale les . CAR FOR SALE - 1957 roi - Lit Failane convertible, p010 brables, power steerieg, mOut w aiiv, nadir. TO 8-6552. c-11 For Your Next Car s-at- TRY lis-t BUCK HAMILTON ure, AT 1, BELL BROS. 12-ul M 84« 24 Hour Service Lic. Nos. 133-RF. 208-C-62 Waterdown MU 9-1044 h-12-tf Real Estate D. ROSART REAL ESTATE LIMITED Memnbcr Oaksite Real Estale Board Properiies - Oakvilie or Milton For faims, acreoges and homes Colt MRS. J. SHERIN 878-9550 VI 5-6691 or WA 1-0009 YVONNE CHRISTIE REAL ESTATE BROKER 60 Mill Street TR 8.2095 $63 o moeib, F., i. and T. Oniy $1,600 dome for Ibis 2-bedroom broque and large lti. Coli Kas- Van Camp. T R 8-2051. -$1.500 fuit price f or vacant loi miib lovis- cieso. Calt Kcîs-Van dCamp. TO 8-2051. cý 50acresbflah, ice creeh.,cnar Il Miltone. $11,000. Cviii Mei Sien, - TR 8-9343. *$12,800 fuit price, 3 - bedroom brick home milO Oroaioom. rear palio, mass- lices Cati Kaîs Van Camp. TO8201 PRI VATË SALE $6,200, solud brick, 30' vi 40', 3 bedreomei, oit teeating. gand viel, eetric pomp, hot mater, bath tub, lot mth tres 187'x 127', large cellir. 22 Sideroad, t-aqoesivg Twp. reu 25 Hmy. OAKVILLE VI 5-2653 b-3-2 6.765 ACRES t mitoeoft of Highmoy 25 on 401, 1,364 fi. freelage 401, 44t Il. truelope or Service Road. ASKING $6,765. Exelet ios-evuivev filr vo tous porposes. Write BOX 197 Canadian Champion c 4 J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS ITD. REALTORS 63 yeorg' coetinumas service $1.5.000, 4 - hedroom square brick home miih Oilic. extra mas-- rom. wgois fornace, tit hcaelifotty lreed lt, 2-cor gar- age milth loft, tocoied clos-e ta s-choot and shopping. This is ar icteat tomity home or cootd be osiy coosered iee an in- came properly. Cootact repre s-esloIse Anna Cairns, TR 8- 6980, $20,000.,2 acres, 8 - roomeot slore haseand largehbarn, 4ilets vîcih of Miltoe, 5001er rutidcr presure inibaose and bore, s-erv soilohte for poltry aod Oag fecdiiip. Extra good terrms tretiahtc sonty. Most hc sotd. OIt vrs wcome. Contctc reprec ,eOlOlsve J. A. Fitlit, TIi 8. 9233. cil A. E. LePAGE 100 acres. pariivvileared, s-rtie; REALTORS LiMITID cedar lvo river thruo pro"MmesfbTooteai p9343 Cîi iSe. aTO oeil aktiiie.Trafatgar Ral 9393.Eviain Boards. 3.-i 3.0001 doms fur i-hednuum olier home, gvige., ftnepiv.e large us--vî lui. $14.700 li prive. MILTON Cati TO 6-2095ý c-4 AUTO-WRECKERS (On the mouantate. i mitle nrik of Base Line, meel ride of Appleby Lice) * Ded cars boagOl and soiti " Pars for ai molles of cars *We payuash formrecs Open Ait Day Phoe 854-9955 MILT OOWING - FRED GRANT Fropriore c-3 Dead Stock PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Higes Cash Prices for deodor disabledl emus and Orses. 011 Hurs-e. 5e Ill. Licence No. 227C63 - 142RP63 Phone ZEnith 9-7950 uv-SO.if SPLIT LEVEL 6 ROOMS 50 Yeers Cunlisous Service. MILTON MARTIN STREET 5-roomed brick bungolow,. 3 lied- roumo. immocolte îhroagb. oui. oiltacbed garage, 57ex 142 lot, mviil iedscaped. Nolhtng oa do, us-i mus-e te. A motl bus-. This huse must Or sulîl. Cai- ries- iîr 165.78 mueibis-. "*Lasdscoped * Fesced " Siorors and Screens MILTON *i 15x20 fisis-Ord recreoiceru HIGHSIDE DRIVE $12.500. 5 - roumed brick bunga- " Decoraied *2 Baibroume low. Reas-usahie doms pas- " Stve lt Rerigealor menti Cluovelu em schocit and * Siu-e *Rerî,erour shopping. Nice location. In- liWavber *iDrver vpecios ofibese pruperiieshby appuisimilOl ocly. $15.995 MILTON Near shopping pluro and sîhoci. 25 SCENIC ACRES 162 WAKEFIELD 0060 As ideot building site miib as Miltonenchantiig vievo ihal eviendu Millosdoms lu faite, excellent soit i5s-Appoieimen Octs- and scolti rced. Very noss !erm unthee ecluivelis-i. TO 8-2473 ics- PRIVATE Cali c-t Tom Bradley TO 8-9543 USE CHAMPION Or ALBERT PEARSON CLASSIFIED ADS BE 3-5950 or EM 8-4121 FOR RESULTS c4 I T' S E ASY~~ TO WRITE VOUR OWN CLASSIFIED VOS TAKE CARS OF THE DESCRIPTION AND THE REPLIES WILL TAKE CARS 0F THEMSELVS REMEMBER THAT GSTTING REPLIES IS LARGEIT A MASTER 0F TELLING ALL ABOUT YOUR PROPOSI- TION CONCISEIT BUT CONVINCINGLY. GIVE AIL THE INFOR- MATION VOS WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF POU WERE THE READER. Multe osr mord in each space. The prie iv caicclaleit aciomrîicaily. CLASSIFICATION ý I , POUR CC NOW DEDUCT 25c, if you enclose cash wîth your order and send to The Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. Milton. YWHY NOT TRY IT NOW AND SEII THOSE IT'S EA SY WORTHWHILE ITEMS VOU NO LONGER NEEO. I MY NAME ....... ...... ..... ADDRESS ....._............ ......... M gftdkt (C.simus * FOR SALE 2-bedroace homne, in Olibelde, toù furnace, 3 - plee a telraem, large tut. Fuît price $10,500. l2swe paymeel SIMI. CarrUeç ai $75 per month, lnteriMt-aual priecipal. b-roum home, baîbreor ami il heart, close ta 401 H4igbway and nwrace travb. Prie $123.O Domr paymevl $2.500. Open t0 of Ser. Exceltent veleclion of builtdieg loie. Priced from $1.2W0 lu $2.000. 10 acre ls. Friceti fram $2.50 lu $3.000. Somne wiih 1l0ut 20%. dlomn paymeel. Cali WM. 1. WOODS Milton Phone TR 8$6057 Reprmsenting Wm. J. McLeod REAL ESTATE BROKER Aclon, Oet. Phone 853-2630 c-3 For Service aed Soltifuclion Cosisait BRIAN BEST REALTOR & INSURANCE 310 Mair Street Milice 878-6292 6592 Country Properties Chute building loi, siluaird te Moffai arien, 200 fi. by 400 il. Treci ai rear 0of loi, cleuraît oed mcii draied. Avbieg prtcc $1,600. Colt Aies Couile. Erin Township 100 acres, 95 acres clor 5 - led- i-uom frame home milO far- erace and hoibroum. This iv a good level faror, free of stalle. Good steel bars wiib cement viobling. Cemeni silo. Asinig $30.000 voth $12.000 doîcs. Cati Bob Labisg. Town Properties Modemn brick buegolowr, in lows, cueviis of Otîcher. combine- tion livingoanddining room, 3 hedroums, 4 - pince bath, futl basement, divtded, semi-fielsh- ed recreationeroem, tii fired, forced air heurt. Extras, bord- lu drivemay and palio. selîci- liar btinds, aluminum siermas aed screeee and surm doors. Carriev for tees ihoe $20 per merb. Foil price $13,100 scilh îerms. Culi Ant Feacock, TO 8 6447. 146 Meudombrook Dr.- S-bedroom buegalom. Prtced ta oeil ai $13,500, mith $3,000 fuit duvcs poymen. 117 Commerciol St.v aider ty-pe brick use. Open lu offer scîll $3.000 dovus poyeleni. 168 Wakefield Rd.v modemn ,plit- Intel home. $13,950. $11,000 foul price. modern 3-bcd- rcmbungalom. $3,000 fuit damsn pus-mesi. $80 moribis-, P.. t. and T. Wimpey Homes Locaied oti Maplemccd Crcv. 24 ci ardcr costruction. Bung- alo $13.150 mitO S750 fli dovcs paymen. Spit-lecci barn- cs, $13,525, milO $1,025 domo. Open lor inspections vr meebeed or byappoisimvol. . soitd l dole. Insurance Likn etirry business, me have compcîilorv. Oui the ladt tOiai cor culn lisi continues liv gravi eocbyeor, vpeobsvotura esfor ire qoolts of oui çer. viccs. Why don'ts-ciioin ouri macs- friecdv ond nciglborv s-hu Oas-c piaccd lbcir futurne seccîriis-is our capable boncsa Calii Leîo Soies Iodas-, va4 TENDER b cOUNTY OF HALTON e TENDER e DUMP TRUCK Seoied teeders, propers- mari, i. d, addressed lu Mr. Garfield trume, Cousis- cir - Admini- 2 raoar, Milton, Ontario, miii Oc vceised 0p t0 12 o'circk rouen WeîInrsday; lune 12th. 1965 1 aihecpîr.aseofa Iless- Di v Dump Truck. ?iNDUI (Coelad )__ Concession Rights Applications mitt he retins-eu for the leasing of concession rtght et the Relsa Conservation Area for the 1963 trason. Apptie- ais ebotd appty in mritlsg, gi,,. Ing fullt detaits af thOir proposai. Applications muse he recelveil tîy lotir t3th, 963. Sixteen-Mile Creek Conservation Au.thority 225 Main Street Bas t53 Milton, Ontario. Legal NOTICE The Board of Trusteras of th-e Roman Catholic Separate School for the TOWN 0F MILTON Tobe notice Ihai the ahane menîioeed Board, or the 28th day ut May, 1963, pasvcd Elta Nomher 5 Io authorine the bar- roming of money bhythe issue and sote cf ils dehenelorio tec principal ameeani of $80,000. t. The mores- is lu 0e borrovo ed for the porpose et huildicg and eqoippieg a fovtr-room adit. iola Hots- Rovory Schoot tn the Townc of Milton. 2. TOc omoucil ta be borromed iv $80.000 ond the securiîy ihrre- for ,hall be the saidl deheniores mhich shatt he a charge spoe the s-choot bouse properiv aind premies and ar-iniher reatovi tesoa iroperitv viestedin lc i- vait Boardoand olot hevselli aie sehoont raies. 3. TOc dehenlore- are la bc direc lce 15th. 1963, are in dc. utiaioso $1,000 each ond ore repavohie ie corying irst-l mcnI.v ut principal on April 1th tneacch uftIhe yeurs 1964 -1983 hbath inclusve. Thc dceolnurc- vhatt beor iricresi ai the rate ot Oix iiercerlom 1601,)pramn mîlO tbe oggeegole tonan of priccipot ovd iclere.si pavabte inseach year ofitevorrencvuof the dehenlores vors-ieg hcîvccci $6,000 anil $7,500. R. W. CLARKE, c-3- Secrelory-Treosorer. Notice to Etectors 0f Milton STATEMENT 0F A QUESTION TO BE SUBMITTED The fottomicg iv o vtatcmecnt of a questioua lubc -,ohmilicd for the opinion ofithe elcîor- "Ares-vi in focor if lb. Tomwn cf Miltion boccovcong c'y or debcclture., the soim of $77,000.00 for tOc porpave of ocqoirieg a sile for a Public Lihraryandtfor erecigbel - os and fureishicg a Pubhlic Library Building' Eteclors of Miltioeose s-ieblv required tu lobte cotice t. TOhe abuse iv acorrect sitie. meet cf the qulestinc 10 Oc subic. milled. 2. The vole or the qusestion shoît Oc lober or Mondaiv, ficî 141h dos- ut Jure, 1963, hcivcs--s thebhoursofnieococb i ii foreetooeoodveeeo'ctocb ic Ihe iflereoor EDST. 3. Eteciors in thr North Warîl shall vole ai the Tco Huit. Elecors in the Easi OVin! boalt vote ai the Union Halls-il Pire Strert. Eteciors in the Sîlîllb Word ïhall vole ai t0e Agriellturil tait or Robert Street. 4. Or Mondas-, the 1710 das or lune. 1963. ai file lîcîv or "is-i' d'cock inthe eflernioc.ý the rame ClerCs office is appoinei v the lime oand ylace for flic oy pointimlent of persuns Io a ; endt t te pollice places andl a Ohe irai summig up oflthe voles s- the clero. 5 . TOc debeloures ta br issiievl ciii bc repas-ohie incanvîval iiv, lolmeris of principal acd itr st over aperiîd of20 vcssanid he amoucl ieqiirediub e rai,- d aeooolls-for the repos-oveol f t0e debi is M6.713.21. Of att of mhicb. the e lecloi s r bereby requircd la lobte ral- Duled ol MilIoe, Ontorioî. Ibisi 2cd dap of Mas-, 1963. E. J. COSTIGAN.r Clerk of the Toms of Nitnilv c2- Specificalions-and faniber cn formatione mos- Oc oblainedro thc Couony Engineer. Adrsiss- AUCTION SALES iralios Building, Rase Line. &III ion, Ontario. EVENING Tue Ici ori ac- tendîer roi ieves-siisv ccpicci Auct ion Sale ROY F. SMITH, F. Vag.. At Couoy Engiscer. Ob- ManLEOD'S FURNITURE 33 Miii Si. East, Acion RESERVE A DATE IN FRIDAY, JUNE 14t0 THE COMINO EVENTS At 6.30 p.m. COLUMN Of dishes, forsiione and FOR YOUR FUTURE appliarues. ACTSVITIIRS . b.50 The Camadin thamnpion, Thursday, JuI-I 6th, 1962 UTS FINAL EXAMINATION TUME anii iwc s-i Milles Ditii ig h Sehlvc ir!is sulr Berry Kiidonand e ccSvvitlgîvtîfct-iiiv..lvv. ic..,,,vvseiev ind vil e i shoveco tlitre iita Old Hig- s-choc! sîcd.vnii avire î,,eot- vuvjo ivîîejv il,,. l.-J ancdfficlt examinaios, thatifo thss-i.iar the ivcst warmiys of sîq. TH4E ANNUAI 2514$ TRA sponsor yesinîdas- lWednsvdal ofîrsoo "Jacr Oies-" Teleisions hue, the arileis os dispos- ai thc isa Jemeli, Mis. Cecil Policîsos ani Promises Action On Area Roadsj Mcîîvv Owevn Moli.s viiBu Oîîinî- toHaîiîcov Libcer.v aniaie.i in, [Ois- leir', pîvîîîsvcl lîvî-ivi 1e leviis. ivtilici rniia iiv-eii.r cccvei is i i vs- l' Io iviv l ' - ' Mv. Mvlîin civici tlii, trali, uiiiihemi oni Ili, fGuel-ph Lvui, roiBîîvlis-givil iii C.îvspbclLiii- victie oivvig ici Mîvli.îivi 0.icvî,îs,-ii iii CeIiipbellile,, ,ul yl,,ig.-cl civliiis-pmeii vif lhe vîvîc. He ci- rae ire Sies- .evvccii.ic valu Hrib ii ve!iOl %' -niii piviiemei for Hevii-s-i.î-ii f o ,c*iieiios hciNv-vaiî Live i v'ýIip vis- o i , v in iiiLin, lilutvvhii.vi lI AUCTION SALES (Caontiued) EVENING AUCTION SALE Of Fureliore. Metar Car Eic. TOc osidersigced haîve rcit CHAROiLES HAMILTON To s-cii Os- publiv .îiiv.iii t i, es- idcce. Main Sr., Es-ev us, i Satarday Eteirabg, luise Oti Ai 7 Illiivb. aliii Orcvis: veilees; dicicai ivc vlies- and chsairs; bilcies- i.vie-,l s-c chairs; rigO fIavs-ý top clip oird; outid vophoards; heds-,iiclc cesves- miivash ,-and., rc ' cg chairs: eccii- .î- va i- e-c:, Mcif.tiefrig,,,Laion, vs- vîvîclîîe; 1947 Oldivebil,- *o ii.vi., ii . .-.. . v on i in v vii 10 of s-aie. No vres-crue os the home iv o-cd. ELLIOTT & HOLMES, Auctincîse O. McCuichen, Simiosi, ci Os. b-50-21 sd by the Orngh Pesbyicrvs-sVA. waiheel i th-e rch in. Mr. osenarieJewlland Ms. Macs Ccvvvvvvs-ofithe vsîc gevpekersvforhea s-csuisp inqsonne of ,ais (lef ta rivghi, Mvi. f. is-fleei cliv W, Haoovltov, M11. d Mis. Cummiss-s SET CLINIC DATE officiaie aicnootcni tuday Ibrîrr test blond dolacuintc moulut ce held Thuirîda-, Jolie 27, lu hie Leglois Hait. Mrs. R. Kae- n s-a is ucunetnn - NORMAL SLOW li 40vv. Jii i vi. i.k 1- - nii iwiii 0 id I., 21v niglvf FOUR ORNERATIONS wole touevîvn afibe., Hall fais-ils- ne- union, helit Sivicidus ofleiveos- s- Melvîdos- Sehuol Hall aviith a fiI! ailvis-oos oflfunad gais Scaid is Haroldt Hall. faim. s-ris- of Tralqa, s-om of Torno îhoms- mils bis daugOlen Jean- Shaipiss, heî s-os- Bill, aed hîs dceshen Tosi ail ut Toronto. -I 1 a b d i 9 h F t