Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jun 1963, p. 2

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2 The. Canadias Champion, Thuradap, Jane 6lf 1963 0 " Cov.red Wagons D.corate l-Iah Boynie'Cenrtre Scene of Sbower Pioneer Girls' Motltrs Banquet 1fnrJn rd ynFr The onoisal Pionr Girls'ro m n Gnld s Irie or perleai au.i-o u e Brd y n F r thar nd dgteribîqset ira tedac .ec given tn Jactsie held Mad ,s osogi Finirait- 1Meikir, a-bile red ftripes o-ere D rr r aina eilu u issre euitlselcPr sa ucl floptini Ckorcb. Apro-simale-'gsnen su Nonus Derlin. Delbe El-B c.Cu atra eiso udioas s tolflseî.pr Il 65 sere wated ai lire beouti- lot, Jnds' fimoni ond Donna He- .- A lasge tambce aof friands, tel.- and sscalisme eoiunsd kv all ceps bu Csiles Siiii nIih fully decoeaiesltables. Smalaci liseringlai 136 osut of 40 mecs- ssscoand negbborî ghered in Graciegs sray 2 andi ias verii gay sVigik arcd wagonsirlood ainoch plce ingsattendedi . , Ouvne Ceiseron TurdoteIc Bîrhdov' greeligs oa Young solisrand psn-ses osd malssll- ietiiig, sabile the keoil table ru- viens tenir'; Mrs. R. Thnmsn nsng ta honor o Jonc brida-to fuiendu on tbetr spaciol dors. e flnsers. sembird o 'prairie sctiomier praeoined the ionlwsng Colon- b k, Mins Lino Ford. Mns Rubern Ehtoubcib Hall, 10 us Joue 6; Pecaiot Pralinamt aumpltea iii wagon bheels. A irti ilt their ainurds: Lurlie Brownmedge wsea nbatrlody for the Lorey Jubînîtn 10 un Jonc 6; Tii popis ai? Grade t ut Ferry deticlouis dinr rrssrrrud kv Waikior, thn Pathfindrr rank andl s.unng and colladl the youngtiRandybNewton, 9on lune 4; Lue W.Meeryflnbou luhi elrc liecvumwiiicct for sic Fionce Hundsraiibadge; Mamoie Hure cope IoiseusutbonorLpnnrIlGraveIlonlunl; Cannercr Mr. Eselelgb preseitestheir Girls - Mrr. J. Birtuir, Mss. R. the Faiifinecr raik, Hooderafs W sci olslrd by bier groom-to-be, Corne, 7 on bac 10; Donnu Gall- usieîohy un Taerduy arleconoün DraperMrs.t0ýjsrs-lad Mrs..badgeand red Attendtimeg i p Ms. Deoni Noanof ut vile (h lanud, 10 un Suce 4; Keluba Grea- Ih ras ncryv ai givno bslou M lru. es; Poti cia Watts, thn Faiufircr ira Misi Koîbryn Ford, in open. nen. 13 un Jane 10; Anita Allait, mseoiy dancing and muviai nom- Mrî N. Hace.teadiîg Guidenif ranls Handcraftlbadgecand rodi ing theelargenombiferf beaui- 14uonJîne 4; Allateieran, 14 bers. The fient Flac s CThe tba Coost diaisin bose Io Atlenolace sriies; Sa-aun Mleil, O-i Pr o t s gifla. an Jonc Il; Larry Rosledge, 14 Tny Sbop, aid the second lh ic glct a lern'ý irie cie R. athdue a ald attoo ruIcin aft TEPONEER GIRLS' GROUP nf Emmanuel Baplist Cbuneh, Mil Bath enpccsscd ibeir gratitude an Joune B. "Doa nic ha are' A tarie Ut it i uo.selae abtnero laoer f H alo anduppreciutioo for tbe toelc Sne Smai namber uf pumentn altendel aid Morton, .Chippir", led lhe Fli ci. ton, bieacd a tait bp guont speaker Mci. G. Watts of Baln- shaser sud the huit uf gond Sinera rympotby is aîleodcd oppreeialed 1he flme andl effort oerl Girls lu a ning-roig. Fastor Espiain itcajaois ton, ai o banquet cn tihe Chuci Huit Moriduy anening. Shuan îciîbeî for thecir buppinens. su Arthuor Deulb, Laurie, Jimmie put in the progroser by att con- C. Cotas eemuched bars pleasc Tbe girls eiplaiedt ramne of bhe rlatlîog witir Mci. Watts prier t0 thre banqsuet are Prom liii, Lun n isiled friendi lu ber and Kenneth ou ther recent sud cerned. bc e si ihuh spiritual groset sarloar prujeets tbey eomplts-td Mci. taip Morton, the Milton Pioncer Girls' toadter and right, parents' bome Jue 13, and f14 berelanement, tbe flouf a seifa Moutaam Ta. ufthIe club nembrer and ced 16e aid quted suira scriplore sur Pat1 Watts, nf Wilton Pioneer Girts' Croup, tu sec the masp nile giil o and muuber; atm bt Mrs. Deulbis Bethel cburub ladies bud o gutberiog lu prayer. ses. A prayer ut dedicaîlun seansi li_ er ocir home. paenots, Mr. and Mes. Hall of Tc- beuiful day on Wednenday tir Pressi Awanset ettuced by 'Bobby", Mes. C. Soma rend _____________mu, and isier. Scores of floral tibeie blonnose Ica, and 4mew a Ote of tbe bigbligbss if the des. LIGNY-DUrfmrRIN teibutsi îbuseed the bigb respeet large croird fram maoy placer. enening aurthe prereoîasiau of Mr. G. Watts, the gueni speak- CAMPNULVILLI aid cilcese for this yuung setal Mini Gludys Feoîberniun. presi- aseards ta the seil dcserring Fit- er. rs the Cbief Gaide l'or the ~ ar u amon. Sbe sassai efficento seoriser dent, seelcumcd 1he vstori. uImis aid Cotunirur. "Cbippie" Fiancer Girls tarialîce ai Park 70 on rO ll uS s .muip MPâ 5in liaoer chancih, inîsite und bome Awuning mecilations seere t- beiefty outioud she claltr peu- Ave. Bapsirs Ciocch, Borliotims. & W aid nrbol ardmo iern r b MoMoiatof Roîioud gramtiei peensedstheiotoseSpcialmsirsangbhyte F-P Innakrke er to la pa Eo 4 gonicalin. Her intimete puis aid Mrs. Fellaht reoderel beau- iîg Filgeises ith lkce ir ardir Arr. Cutunisir aid accrmpun PlEMMEed by Fe er tii-, . Gerg agfla i g loi lsenocicl by ail. lifal voeut solos. Muss Hontum Lyon Waibinr revriscil sic Ver on therialin iv Miss Pauiîi By Mm. C. E. Davnpai sf the Allinc Fap Mll Lud., InteurtengrupufHt- Wccsltend sympaby tb thc of Toronto thegoutpeake, i- a ger rai and the Kici Craft Watts irai greasîr sippreriai Gi. nvl n Mru un Wteh e ofn Mldget kbistl Camspbetl- vif uod fii of Elmer Muri tradoccil iy Mes. E. BaIl], gare a buadge; Joan Claike, lie Kilcien Mss. Wattsrsemindied ait nf the r k Fak Roeto %oi lpajfi rals snu oa a hbath ville weon ther upening hume sebo passed: rasel nery soddenty nptendid ialh on, the efforti iv Crat and Seur (rut hailge.. aise in Fluneer Girîr-tuo gllaril lu Mll G D i Ile p Ld(l e o'the Falts. gamne, deteutiug Georgetowen by Toeîday moeolng tram a heurtl bier and otheri tu betp unoro Shirley Clark6e, flic Kiickeî the Lord Jerni Chcs" an a td fNiul oHoiu a- t84 su ave-aci. He wins a seît-hiosn and ole iromen and girls 'oin i ToEnlad n ornt Hspta ascore of84bdesa ne ight-eeectedtfrmer andrafseeîhecuareîrore tsa- Craftoand 0cm Cccli badge;tev asChisissare io ec Gr Jon BittnJl Maln M- 0ii Frl isapaintning. Jumping off wiha ubg c:d N4ancDesi,itheflibleuand O- inoeseev phasesof Hirs ilk S o - T tiernis-nigu e l eanven itîisnnauotbome, dlelcosn rmpleiîg a jil terse dnrbde;DnaHcsecing- Theckanqaetsrlaredscisb pci ne t ri li c.lI1l anspu ua"l1eoV, tw WalsndtoGrgon ~~ k Goi and koa u e erev XcaseGe?. Ticy deut il th atcobnlis, retard-. badges; Chen-t Fassernun. Judy bigl'hankynvoir ai ciprecir Mr antd Mis. S.JBr% if i vuir liit rani. tcl r-b uothe keade. Gurneringt10 bitnmuny tari iseehenil ahi er fricot Smurdes.Fiosmv NyiuiiandlJack- boute Guidesst il unie ichnn i. istir cousnsuriur Ms und Ihetir Hurpilulitn Torontoi. oifthe scratchisaraty,iteb OGt.______ le Meutle eack ceceivel the Ot- belpeil t0 mabe iri banunet en Mr,. Cevut Biai, ev (l* Wicucuî (otri ashlpd y __Wali,_ILO dolla bag. iu r iv on c - - q is a Mis.LOWVch,\-i, L gîsco op by Geurgetowen pilciers. VMalt Branle Plant - quer ce. Fedecusisî InAr the third iîning witb lie Maîy crm iii disrict eijuytcd E lusingFeclriti ofAvh-iraes% ftidcd! and tiro oui, Cura the beaosifnt secuiner i Sundiay THUIRSOAY, FRIPAS, SATURDA High~~~~~~ Sc o lYe rB c A T A '6 ru so-surcd a burs trip i 'Friends of Nurse 'uu nio Georgetoen ontoodeil a and mtsnd ou Braise fur a Hih ch o Y arB okAS R '6 ýNi îeýg cd' Fi.-d fas.eun T utiv.-v Aten Grauaio ou ble, detssog oine eroui tour of sic Cilles Snrvine Floin. SANGRA LIER- JAMES DAR tenuigoiricb. Omatu viaicc ccm l ted o raluins souk the G D Issued This 'v eek ta Students % t+:L?;g2w zy, Mn Mui yra b.Cto it loto a triple, wilai togged nut (Iinisuvea miC rni i "Asse 63," the 72 pige 1963 cdiý Furter. Aisoisniiaded in chu bk i l Asit i ag ara .stsui 1.30' lasi ci-i-k %ir fes s a i rd on C amp imors edig pherac gieuildn tank ibe gu id e ry AllopFiocil ug tin oftihe Miltun Disri.t Hîgtr aie pîices ni? sithei- ciau, th, gri lia raier, o uiu cided 'auccl i o-ana mil s iîîecerstig and Miaiineo.Safarid2p. SchsotlYear Book, lcaisiig pirc- leue club, lie ncecrlvtdr s t Ille- lcl(iliauIJc Cilvcu Mur s' Crilliltu and Caydl ai- lîsbe firtioihîwome o aniilesrip, a vurtrilveirai ODYTEDAWENS tures aid peesunaisirs leva the thesveur book enecuie, th,' ad-f iu A lieu- din litocu lr cci o fcrleiclu gradluation esercîrsSses is cul oi a e i o n, lrurn' speid a Sonday afilerui A MNATRDY RNS sciat, irai stetiierc t s eisuuuu iccttuling staff, 1he Grama Cliii, \cl ar, kv'it iu islier-etil, usu l utlic Aikiiurei ki.hrt vf Nors file nnttield lu get Munimaim iuge aqnariamsocrtiale miih ONE COMPLETE SOs ihis îsenk. Ycar Book udirur 1-Ida tie dccoeuiing nummutce tOic 'c -n -ur'lle TciW.rcnvina bail ingied and i ri finit tirurg plhant ille adspair.I LATO hecou peepoeiig lie Ior cbook lue Freinc clak, lie rcorsrd darire iORITUARS ud i (tl akrille cvas aoug the e Bogt uCspetlies aier belome lbey Fau il baci the parsrcsveealavvthi.Se.ialceo-Imùee lie ludieni cois-il clduOric. c tIii ec iy Ie eetlesed Ru m be ll tb sLakeOntarionafirr iog i in -AI, uddccessuî inniuded in tire keîu and lie orchkestra duanue vo-ai OU Nul oaIv vhalaii p rleeusi- lilleu roe eded brvi cn the fiti rnkiong. are Friovipal R. C. Hunlui Ire,î jc. HaroldIIIVi oeat mt Oliver Geunetow lchersi suage: anecditelu iv kîda Presse I Liteeuty Contribtions uuarusicl iiivbth u pcrn nus ouisenGuptapaesi Staeriig GEORGE and lie Valeicss. srpecch hi nh o iear ok ic_ asHy rE po e ulvurur th e fs heeipoings. _ _______ flemmie Moore oif the 1962 peu lest iv stodenir ai lie ruhaul,' Harold Olirer Bini, in fiOu Ms amd Mr. William Mavo-rd M Hola of-annpg duasîna riais. Surîlvatl," hi Juin Milii and 57uî vur, stieud rodIcl onn Mi vî a Ge iti W1. Gsukay niHe ipg___________ daigcas Agaiist rie Stunms,' Os Viebu 26, vclit a heaurt aitai.k isuljpt th 'tekec iDv Maiuoba bas been iotidayiog /D MmapPietocenr Guge. agin uppcae in lie holi [tes-il sidelt he %vas cluvilir g-dl fa, uiivev cvigil Iii Katiacine Mucilcdan Clasi piciteres au cuci nI rire The membresoft0e Assea staff Mr. Buîdcv. un avild rpur'rntee !ard her sisser Mcv. Arthe Nar- k IV geades anof rthle atile iv-tuamis, insluded cdoln Eldo Pressa; as. iras aaeried and sire lauOe ut!iOBITUARY [Ii. neyerai mosuagr ni muargenîîeetsiog finooe Brunh; soaiuii s.eRuv Vaorlctlr(Lois) Ms. A. TMoore, Robert Hue uc letii Phîtos ut Me. Miltai Li Muce;. pcrirnaltiies Juan andi Chartes Wiliam BWjdy ut r- o s aai il WPlfeed Kennedy ul- Higtt Subaut. Belan Muffe aid B .ita; liierury Marg Robinsoo;sart Cabritie. rlîFrst v-ar veteran tcoded sic iaoeeal uf the bote Ju- Misi Milieu Higi Subtul Anigolu Faut Puser; staff adrisur hre Mu. Benraiendeilpbi i n a l n Aine Sciciet, daugiter ai? Rcs. * LUERICATION Johnsuon und pnrruîai glimpsèr Wiaiber; piuuugeapiy teati Oie0 revul lut Milieonc tas frani etrL s aidM" uiSbiio i o? tbe itrideits and staff hbgl- Huccr; boys' spocr Cil5 Rid- seaui v-ar vcckcd cutu Cluacue A Canaduan Field Ariitecy bridge un Tocsday. seis o-ai au- SERVICE llgbi lie bauk. iunin lea naîr deil; girls' sports Shbon Allen Hîdi Fe a xerriciv cli se- uvoterain ut rFirs Wscid Wuc. cîduntIr bitteil. The îsmpushc if NEA blua roser, designed iv Aiao and Mary Cullins. rpeeîted and tîkeil. i cuideoev-d'Filk Jo iWelter et R.k ts cmumosnity is eîieodcd lu S TIRE REPAIRS - OmH wseso-~iroi~r, . o rite cal berrii fla ris t-,i*ibi.clicc u lir e Millin Gi sic pareils. busces andîficeiun esrîvhaul nsHria a a 0o_____ cdl ru ya ir cle evîen Bvucri Me. sieller, becni n Enftlaid.*GSLN ___________ Ottawa__hin, an' antirerpsicînmaî. Ie.1 nire su Canasta 68 yearr agu., and OPPOSE EXPANSION Atq'i laponv va, Ottaw DnVeldi uAVt Hunv vus ue ise -c i i n il-i c islcLanadian Field North Bcrinhgtoc erideitr figh iusit Made S b iii M ie Speeches a cie lILrr, Regiuri -v numhebu unllurd thuir campaigo aglalnsi feae is Oas linen a Milucu crucleutu iq -Il lit ia r 1.A tron, Camp Oidcabeîe - a Lainain By DSR. HARRT C. HARLES, HALTON M.P. ati file, ands reel is Mutiîl , Joseph sieller, o-ar kiild nOuevi camp serbing lai adl o-sre - o-l Fuit uon Frs Briprîl btru 1938 c in~ utirs i9445] ie is i ot-ico eîs isv FristecunApl- VICE n bats. u la0e Theaurn De lastort en o ul bcrt~ W 1948t.u Rectcicrutac ves cr tha Mil beur le corens Ow aserecuc - hi ab h nou Apler B.A. SERVIEwtaat baieon he hroe Seechbaspleelyhonred Thefirt iem on ireBrigade, Hh nuroIigiluodusrit Canada, ai a mreeting uf ranis' baudi nal i iN. 0Sdra PGas continoed. Tic Lueral speakcers of bsieses ietrc lie Hs u Hydre and tOc Rchekab Lcdgu ua i - Mr. eller cr scvs'ccd Or is icg aid planning ammlbail f ast ei Si'iN,1rid-i 6 ca base ieeî atm ors vin isiiveir the Co-moi sftne lie T'icone ended sOe luirai, cite, lire frrc Charlotre Suse Thîrrdar. Ahoui 50 cesicutî sik Milton TB "-741-eug nno-lyleted Memher of Par. Speech Dbte wil ckthe se- Fauteeaiseri.e vrfield von ruer- ci R.5.1. Haeribi auta jce iv tuiva pups ec euningeof pnaoto.m bumneot "gestiig vil" thic-l mai- tingupnfoaDeece Cmiee I 29 i Kenoxes ehrtsi.ansira Ruihard vi RR 1, ot.sisi. thencamptirlat irsislperaitibe' Oap 7an al1 in. dlen speceus. cosising ut al parties i n iCirOcr1 cit e. t. K. L. 1vu Mr. Weller bad fued in lise asldiiieual sclager.u an.t 0PM The calibre sf tie speeches Moure, as pesimuneil iarinp the Gucir silicias ing. eIforment irai Raouir district sinne 1936. teomaittîidnsioftheMFlouseufla electioncampign. askrcugreco Ccuiireicr.FaUOvc- Re. J.. Maelsiedi.te stosiiiseektbeeridere*uytieh As eix-ertes, lie Thrce ers iccs.'frirod, C.B.Kousslticv humerai sevce a' Si. lit e lie aeieceoftela Speech VoeeIrli neser mater- Harold Cvsiurn, F. B. Ccour-o.iSieoheiAnglicanlric., Horn nv usne O brs seech alal. The pruposai nu ugeept J. Wimsiss.T. Tcusi ccd WiiamtvtO, voi Jsuic 3.tntcrnsnt ouasinu tic liiemes eihers npeeche. the Tirone Speech o- s rarcied Randeli. Ilsu C busi.rccmv-sccr. acre îoied fue theie Ocunlts. iO b ougi ahof a mosoi nIe__ usverage npeech keing beisecon ieo omn i.l..ge ISSUE LICENCES r uC H A IN t0ûandl1lminutesrineguh ina The DeeoccCummuîueef wltbe c Dea.u.U.ueet Nasiagave"i Cursvi tri Musc2F âF speechbfinîituk fie triFt o 3discussedooenTiuesilapandaui e doa olud l-o plrave ifcircen- min ilurbte r oal lecFecont ofc p24l oýbs lies Don MMi Thecurron i oI au les tarlt latterprniub csi uty m e r iubygr*ii s vero v M riai. Thaepsounci a Bue Grass Time is a apecoas Time! Oc fient and contydoit Hua. Meube- tue York West' suine proporion aotheyoarerIp The Mdlton Receeahioo Cuirs pri sagsuIl l vf32s rfic Hal- ppuon setuaiseotils Me, "et" tes-tp gosse ltu maillon rereutel in lic Houst ut Cno- o-usine, successîni sponors of a sur Agcsirat Souvi rpull tho Cuoudiou o-ne. speech sihont a tent and o-an oni. On Frtday. interira rop- somm-er plavurouuid psiauisir iri.s v'l Milton air. >faa oajooiy mont lo-prarisur, mixnef kamar ply, niai in mrale ti puyi tiecheildeen boss yenr, huseoilI Dosbl osino andîseriuoncntentsery aus. gosverioeotnsepeoseo ton the again bull lic pcogrum., begirscanai Fedtse No Nae Rate seotis if Soie and Juty, o-lt Ou niou Suis 8. Ansisisier a-lt Oc bortd Cons-eta Ciadar, 5108g and Silo I uduppramedbpchoie- The Hun. Parti Martio. the arbel. (turing ibis fio-c, any sub- lu Ruoi Fark, t0e W. t. Dirk casemaufactoreen. BO Minioler () inicnnai AGfai" iert rauiehc ruûgaioplhy uny oa thle S. M. Deoves BLO CK S oa.hlstpolyntaiot= made a -tutemeel acu 'h pesan inute Houseuof Cornîcool, feranmine icehkpeciud. NATO meelegi. Me arsi.'d t6e mort. TOc ceuucase, mais-ces- ucc-ess-' Hanse ot Corosi iul no ren, Fnttoseing tic deiaîe on tic lui lata uri smer and 10e Cose cote hbuo o t'usindruaen Or Geteoce Coo-iitee, tic oesî iî- o-issue r tsisuing fiseus Io ut J. COOKI ICancte Btacks) Canada in il NATO cvta, heu o- t ofhusinens viril bce i ca- otter rie his v ece. LTD, lth te gummhmienîs uf thu noi Cooocil of Canada utir Sa lue six iîîtcactocr havi t he Act suoacil lie Atlaic bruen icd, Sutl Cancre, Lvoo Mel NE 4-7763 "The 00W home heaîing 0Geveloripoens Board,abh;cls ailer Te.T.rcvGcsLuruecc.MalrCol- -ii ncease lie montrer il Mem- kins,tKentiBabcueb and Adn EVEN1NGS Fu pla that peucidai yce- berstnî riectnlad proite Comeblu Tic ieitcssucrs astiron erieony R S R ilwtth eesrrad (ifala ire duo coiucse ryv.Ilu CALL JACK HALL ;, ~ *heudtng eguipo-tot, top- RO AR C Si0 million lue lie deselopo-ensb hi sOakriiie Ks.cccasuion Cein- MILTON TR 8-6365 qult Eteonc u I N W S ofte ooyo h tatimlchl nIedruenParkv delive_______ iii.-rd u ieooura ille abvilie, irginnina Jane 2. manluduieaieORHcEs- Tic siailenti rf Mclv Runaey - iPRICE CF THEf CIL! îs.ho artcipuscil sorbhe culoe ful May Ceon-o lî the OcBlers- i- GîT VOUS cil Virgin Macs ut Mly Rosuro s- Ciorc bast Wcdnerdlas. Gvr 300 A BENNY BANK tomeaaign.ad-uirmahewn.-H M coad Co'hrl iep. Cube li ,.,WtH Hf UtHAf dorful do-e of filon Grass, lie frogranee gtat is ment Dingan lacd a ouqet f AY BEJAMN MORElod ip o-ni nom en eneryo-iee. And nuse, ynouS R fibias ai sOc ofou ethle rtiae PAINc PRCGUC1'S FCR rail ivne il profond7y .. fo - r aurbe seopecial valuen Tic bryr ut tie ichoul, iernue ahr In t-i Mot-paigPrum vrimr ing o-hite nhids ued hloe lies, INyFRIOR OR fXROlRtRlamietaoulpmli Ffoeneouo toemed a liing cuisico uroued GiCORATING lic cOinc, and fli pie loosk SItue Geais Flous ies Olîse Geait Paf-Piff paet ir a prosnil.vwsil At Icoiaît, .iliulve Daes.iool'sedci isig OurassI.o Ree C. T.cols ie, of ir . ec . . (1 3.00) 3,25 (Ret. 2.001 ,5 reore'uPaishsiuidom, precas.h Wiîi aupeotoal aiîniee 3.00 YOU tîîî AGENTs 1nîON cil lie serm-on aod go-aur, PauserBae...I(Reg 5.001 4.OB NOW AT J. J. Macpiy, gane lie H3enedin 1 M Pe . M E R 1A L Ol1 lian of the fitesicol SaceraooLrA p Au toGrau Loui- MILTOmN Ibe rindeon uftheii scýiantT N HA D W R D.aiag Pudce, PHRAYAngus Aa h% boIit mriling citaoi on about r .femi ath tuet P A M da ln Sciaut rs rut on JaneS cs IT N T s-35 I Sl, 4 1 ,"O 5. 4 Martia fI. MisalMot ed and pernuns conieo stealing seinar usen olliei Me rei Reiuroaiary. Ast the close Men. J. Hill1 exrsp seil thonkn lu rait o tuoi Pe on flic Prograo-e andl ai o iminseil lu lie Sisnday scho moran; o-hure a dulicloon lu suas secvedl anil o habue nle bel Wedoerdlay Juoe 12 lie HMn tnsîiuolie hus trip all ha 0e c-bieiduec groop siits Parle bOvssuuts. uislIue ladieu rut [cave Horby about 8u'cloauian r'onald hune a most pleriant ar 'nte- 'tng dy. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS EACH WEEK WEST END MRAT MARRI? WE DIVE PERSOHAL SERVICE Wa Pouture Rnd rn ean Oprsa Tiens and Pciday MI10 W. laestr The Rast Rnd, Tee ROSI NOLMIS Peau. TR 84501 : MILTON P JUNE 6 - 7 - REN -CLIPs' RCBERTON SET Ooattp Carton Festinai a. - Abuna Peogeao- lAS JUNRSO0- 11 -12 1W CNLY AT 8 PM. IDOUBLE BILL (ln Calot) L CLAW MONTGOMERSY ? Car nt Pro nI Cenad -Je altiri C, seithis e hinit cli Md Graham-, id Toecday s Fi Huit. Marhit fibc Ouis Thti, Oc Canada sI 1 SM, G lialeiuti Gooî iCF, aie bar piavingu -Police CI cil bus i Chi Ta, Pltt iocc il' u CuivO;sî hries. ccltic i Mssîs pi intriue Co ie aille lMt. let p iîsiic n Ot G AGnere bljjsIr l ii Pler,SC.

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