SThe Canadian Champion, Thursday, Julie 6th, 1963 RIG HT AROU ND HOME fri o h Illaa E SEJELET Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Beaty, Main St.. attarer:d the graduation of Fvntg has heena otohng me- 1the outer cruat. For a dinec Fehea cil o horenn a their grattddaughter Nora, thttd [or ttoosnd ot s'ars.Iparty theehicken breats riayateephuoadpao o300degFfor daughter ut Mr. and Mrs. oueteod rctts[tm erthoetnaht1Io hdp ca he hnc kut- . Maurice C. Beoty. R. R. 4, -Milton, dans ofth [ho mans shotw th.,t O rahFldCi~Beua DP pie.. e n o n Monday evening at Ctnoceo uouhe o o hot, geceroilo Ytciddh' liuon Hait. Toronto. Nuro graduai- dreco in artn dot tt.tint 4 stingle ickenhrea.on Id a tO. Ocaoalu.e rinteAkno c lo de i.Peeteait ions, atende Sott u Nurtittg ut the; Torouto Westetn corry'iua on the trdtoso n atgle 5t 0mn test Hospital. rient forehbeocers. sîitt prefrit-ý ttcons one.sitnedutipaprposem t, mont fonds euuked lit bar otivil , tour Doe hce,2 u3 iue it-otr Brain of Hornh is ev- oitThChoecouuthhr cteaoouuhakingbarrerint. Dratn ing tuday tut- an exten .ded une couta in the tcurtd, alto cmptut tcaoarni,.ecotdwaterell yoer' holiday in Europe and tlte 510e cuuking inot ouidaChine-r Peanat or aftier vegeitahl il adprie ntdKndm kituhen can ho eosil recogni,,d Or shortening tue deep frying. . .o .Jie hs thetfamitier oduoo heaird If deuired. ask yourhtatchrt Alwy th dihwt ee-15î 1 Cart Heer, Bote Lioe Retard, o peanot or senome oi[, whieil are houre tho chichen heeastt. Was tone ofhldysaoso cm graduate ut Mitton District High oned to hown the nouilles, o nd dry ahieken and sPrinkl pany for dinr, hckngie Schuot, has. uuesntattycon chrmp or pok. The French nut tighty withtsat;:let stantdount fetv ai tu pieedinrhmoyeeith unuaturotie, have giton ois theechicken come to roomtfera akedChtckanandHau fr -,Bacheor ofArts course aiMount French-teoiug. tudeed, pittotocs pecotore. Fou Attinon University, Sackville, N.B. euuhed ii this wat are geueeutit, Meantime, sitt ait-porposc 2sie an0 nhiik efe tu as tut tFrench tretî."' tlour,hbahieg poivrer and !'t te-2cike ra Congratutlations to Miss It Fenrired tth1ipitutsittgeke it abM 1 toaucondentse]creomt ofCannon, Thomas Street, who hos hotte a ertop, ctochv, outtlihe GraduatIv stir in ice-cotti mater; mttohruom sou succoosfuity passed hier yool at hon etonst. At the stme fiie, heot oithi rotary heater ottti hbtr- 4 tahtespulons ttuur kLahore Teochern' Cottege and thetieutrtithin sitif jtcter tis siruoih. Coter tnd fet trasplooosait ha., heen hired hy the Butting. tender and muot.i trotected hoj stott 12t hotte, t easptoto monosoditim gtta MISS MARY MACRAE of Milton hocame the hride ni Joseph ______________ amtîoao male Gooch, alto ut Milton, inn a eremony ou Aprl 13 ie Forest teaspoon paprika Htii s Grace Anglican Chaech. Foiiootîng n honeymooni in San HALTON MANOR pioeh ofroemarv Juan, Puerto Rico, hey returned andareivtng et 66 oet clash ut pepper St. ~~~~u ba/4 #gr in hu licet ie hait. Bruown -photo hp Ptper Studto S ~ er (MN to Me « ~ iightiy un hoth tidro. Botte andi hotte ehieken hceasts. Mix Oea- Wit SeondAIMMUIlaier i hanAd ho Plac in Joseph Gooch, Mary Macrae Wed Althugh Wedneodty. May1, ouas tbea l lme and ohaho tu cour tttth floît. Scote %vaso at aoom spht.t-euf oomtnf h mmeronstce Mae ercu îw ightîo un ail ides ol , 'Vows in Forest Hill Church ie pt'eotiled it ie tudtoruu ers n Mri M. baiui the huttuntmu o ligitin A lttoitetý %,(ittguk placeatteiiig tt.aîttî iýlue týhe httuney ut tht M truc The 000 son tt m m gruated haking dioh. Tup ttC ir G-toAt tocttth tt utttptt t i t o token ho the Hattu Mant uu- t Axiar scrie!u he e., andi hole it Littehe.tic0 j o ,t S tottj, tliitoott Apil 13, o'. f[ttc lltu ttt Sat Juat iii-ion ~uthdtoiumtoha MrGPakrndtesl oif ~ F.utettiuti1htotttttî ,heo ,oMattitttctPoo,ti l'ouit1,, Rtti- ttoritt-t.t.ttt. he, oietuttttiit A dutttoad fo ikt o h wfrtheqil, ,,id,îti. Gatrnjittojwth tttiooî, Lttoîttt iti toil ofhnm(, sitOttt.ttotitgIotttttiit l te uocason. b Mis Bell Ricado andandoaopinkiing ufpapika. it'.cpiîMîtttttc ttttoh î itoont Mt' JE.Boyt i tinpoetohrn Mrs M. o'.es ht loid, t'. iti. daucier utPtttpanuO Flortdo ttn then o t 'îotntoopeonh'a o [hon hi 1Mtolhtri Mtt.i M '*,,M. Mat-Ot. homte.Thovcrttio livig il Srvsetosbmais The hazoar, for whieh tieub.. 71 Jitt St- Mtlton oict the Robet Stit Iite picket fence'udo nove exceltlent arrangements gtoonti jeides',ttOb Rotbet Stj cui 'oi'tttiei lite otetioint ct-cee Ilugtho oud atiiial [loto n'couso whon Met. S. Allen, [he cîît.î Ma.oîtcti.t Mtil-P tt the rnarrejoce.theibride ers. Theoosmmectîiirvoo.chme pceotent othe auiiiarex- ton, and o10I it l ' . cionttitaitono t'o tcw j'o l wasotriucot-eedou uihetage tendied wacmi gcootint [oa ail Petetoto [tit Soittl, Oa,thtit.C la,,o, gliteotten hv Mti- tchieh had a oarge [toto omhcei.t ptresenit. Mr. S. Allen, the super- Rut. Ctttîît t ttttg condtttdott iho Mîtioýletue Zimmerm.tnui Milton NRS ADAS inracit coreatheîren utthe itcndcnt, poe next.He pceis. ttol.,îîoîntîîîo, omdtîitîuot't G.uoloitgutitTo- US RDA altaeeand arow f olui patsp calothetaff ad aoiiary mem totoîo'tt,'ttî.iîjtcot ing tmt îie,ît."tuie'tu oaol.agtcfc long the ftront rage. A little hors for oit tht, ettuet th t ths tudilo a liios and Mts. Matrice Sealp of R. coretintai h u ýn upietin thehaeacHoispoil eotte WltttoGavi R 4, Milton, gadoated Jonie centret* of ibi ttt.t ti tttnit' thS COMitHitO ricdteGie lialig ý u 3 front ho Atioo Sehoul ut Thisnsetion otheoauditorium worttoft[ho Hohby Ciao ;t'to in-tottt tiI T,,î.îu'tiiiikput Notnoteuo Wsî ocogîeooe-utesriooitocursho had hotped su î1..thide-tlote a wittlace Mat.O l ict. %%il] tn tp qu e Nusia îîaîd ce m eft'î'htcnt ic hettt'moooce.iidcntt. tron ut jthnbi bug ieiiet.orstal keep ped.ýer Hospitl aai ageu Ihe ol n fleternoon anud t.teuiog. Tet itoodit.opped. [o discuter ce re'- -d.otîir aîtiedieti wa serveodat smoitcacdt.fables,.dotcovechiddee talents and [ou [[et cootto botcojouqetiiasIlfict.tdils n sl SiofOakil-rf.grHg uoseccd soith twhite tancheonastetteaopcoe jl îopochoofielh. d cloths. scith ornait bouquets in ttrAtea[o in' heffae atour fou oîtea ot et the centre. The rerehmentn r llnte colled] upon t,'lia" .r srngo tiJ wece tory otlicloos anld contist- 'Reave Aiea Phittipo of Qahoitte, r, 'udt, pe,it[, tott- 100 yool s ______________________ odut[0. ttetd otdmehs hairman oft[ho Natton Marier ttji. t gitot itetu ttthoe Tuo taen psottd [aoinichene reins[o [e er , , relishe and smili cofection. Boardof[Manaement, who a-Mitîso,oîiui timrmno Tw aispue e nteand praised the auuitiary ladies. tnt tl polo' t.eo'e tallie ,an atternuon and throo altiers ut Mr. Allen afro caat opon De. R. A. DEGlE! at etiîg tjîtk o= e "tî ,tt a night. The ladies in tho aller. Cari Martin, Rente of Milton Mjss Martos Servtce, daughît of toit ctto Mî Gu noa ere Mrt. John Ettiot. cid Wardeu uft[he Couety, otho!Mr. antd Mît. A. t. Service aitîîiee. Miss icuilcer Sou', uITo Of actionto také,te, eep Insured oitetthReecotGocgeownatto estended g andng otî.R 3, Miton, rucetocd thoý""1 tttttt, e.tjtcti Put tcnk and Mms. H. Hioton, scite ut the spokeoinprairie ofthe onnîttacu, hauhelot of Arts dugîeone îtjtiîrt hît'o',tj Ahbîto.. ReeteoftAtton, andin the enu Th eoart sten ottiojoîlis' tît on ii ,,> Grevostilit' îît-oft rth, R ingw lm adies. tho arecutideuts open and to haty alen .t un 'etda1, Mat 29 at Uniresity utof ,, ttt~ttt, O N T A R IO othe Manor Mct. J. Hooreand tuod. Toronto. Site t a graduate o. 1 ottîsîti Bîîîoo ýl Mrs. Wmn. MoMittan. eeeigssinwsoMijton H tgh Schooj. Mjss Ser l' i. n ..ttt tttiiedÊkS gauhs Mrs. K.O0.totter andonhsy oneairis. Escitoment cou rtrnt cîceoîjjt in lait ltMi Mojît,îîtt INS11N th pau v rt M cLog'high when the dram [or thu the fail for focîher sîcdtes. Thts Roueptian In Chuc [iniithe atecuuou.andhpyMr. tuiit tuas mode hy Mes. E. somtmeshte wîll teachtschooiaaî A t-eoepîiotoloi, 60 gei - Betnard Sheuhot on the organ Pearson, a rosideet. Thit qsîitt. Rupet House. liolo iît the.thtt chur tt Mr, tpncitg aufuo tcu[ ot ight. addcd to [hepliure of on schich [tse work brui heeo C. M. Moueto'itîeîtotehee ytoa uctne thehbakfthe hCertfi [hoducThot e rotO o o c duey thecreiieett, as uon t-,. blaoIt. til. drt-.5' witi la', itt netame omO huy ers scere Mrs. Art Wilson and hy Mms. John Hophin, who te- latek anto.e'.'.ut- .ttt gaop aeoued ta giue yoa, Mrs. M. Hatitocton and [hou Oece sides on Thomas St. i itn .ivMca f0kilii hsite y atome capable *ladies. The namen ut the [ointiers in I.O.D.E. M emrbers M,,,unie ,lcîe ut,, Otthii lieo ac or1thbrh r.M ulo a fieethepennysaeoand the [tries riutre.tîcl, no loaeonge oaatedhpyyote parents Abotn1 titîitî as litews toeioi le o toîoppîî ueît. score as toott's Learfl About o .tSontiitt [-iopi.o ceî hitydat enistsptîeFoemtat Theoalhercsection ofthe audi- Apcon, Mrs. Gertison, Oakitc; A ut.ein ut ho'ial Stil Mitrt ttttit, tto tiit insstit ho r toriam hod h con arnged tor the:bath fare anda ng usAmeig. h irhMi-rno l ii th thod' aanitahie ut hotpitait, hatiks and Coin- sao f hoodit.eadt orticles and ýMet. A. Aguetu. Haiton Maor i Caitpe, IO.D.E. w e,oI,o, toit' toto va ctîhe iattendl It missionaffices. cetI h in'", tI Mis. Mt honmehbkingandtfor lire dis. tset ofknues, Mes. Burueti.Tur Sut pice ut articles on [hoe penny omt; apron, Mrs. Nyel MitnSmt.1 When ynn mm"r,the Fanipenium, Peter McCrosmin" M s. D. Maretic t-cpreseno'o lit SUCCESSFUL SALE musthle paid tocanter timbra, it fe and Th odirt thrti % s Milton; bath cîystais. M us. Ni. Chapiceoti the Provtitcitt anottia The. iMlo Rauget t. r iiie depenat. ell your gop O, ntmruosmpeoteierHaOteae. Milton; pair of nsi. tite.'to it ii.iluuonan repet IteLol a oCetoLI litinng ot if you paydiet,tell the Commision mode ho thu M auur tesid enîs 'n uns, Miss B. Richardison, Itiit ed onu fle Pt, oeiic itihe Aamt', Sture ci Moy -41 thi ub liswsa.duýao:srn fbas r.J Mts. D. Matin attd Mts. M. tand 25. Mis. Gorot-ni SitaittBAt utcra itcei Teladies inDoyie. Broute; eggucolit and Stitl tlotot h,,oîoiAutt[tito tii optoo utlt OTAl nAI. na nî, i chargeoftthisourrier uere Mrs. hakits, Mes. 'Barnoit. Torouto' oumt.eetingol Oie [iain T. siB iloteo l pOn aavas taio C. Hil., Mes. F. Rodcl. Met. C. 2 decks piaying corde M s. n . r Asu i ttin ta leht i,.80Fon h, p aictticsansts ea AosicNtto..LuhioudtevNOt cid Mous iotq[etttsilorroetî'-'n o'tî ir otit AstinMs. .Lci n r; t'. iuoesudMcoItaiuer. M... Bo oug und trout-giog repotcî uuiîGoti;tiiOttont ALnîo tai ee ct, Hatton M anor; tcrueun Mrs lit atittittes. Amoogot uthet, Tii, remo'uî.ioeî os Ito coo The homte hoking tal ,e M. Hargeeave, Moltion' chiid", thint0s the teiriht' lueot lah Rangr loi-kc aItai, tI, atI noiaartea taa.auaairnaaaa euted o Sot-o tetîpting appeat- bih, Mes. M. Stothros, Hattos Haitun Couni onttittes torte ilin ________________________________________ ooo. Theilaies in chargesoeîe Mseud * saies, MsFrank attVîtther CLuostîotiCttloiîlu Mes. A. B. W.oAico M- J. E. ' ' ihcihA Beonio.MsHte-tgoi S[ark, Mitton; teatherch~tange Mlic thee susogit. ko IM N W OSvO Me o.'t-tsotA Mos. MoKhinettu porte. Penny MuCcouee. M.iliton; .Mmesoc gilokaOM TIE OSA E N Th enysaetal wýa evguetsoap, Mrs. George Ctetve, oetepOttntr toto Thurut' sie ohie Sts oc-tGeorgetoswn; jaice c'ontainer a.ssoohioh 10 field on Mtilton iii YUR UM E FU AD .u. . . Mes, W. Bird, GeurRototon, te, Apt-i. SN W RR . pot stand. Mrs. i. Pensat, Mii ______SN W RRP ton; igurines. Mrs A. 1oadr ri àkttttttti Aiticiai filuer in FOscR Bt IOLOUSES, SKIRTS, SHORTS, SHIFTS, SLIMS YOU CAN A. Loidmon. Buriiug[ont apreu.1- SAVE WNEN YOU SSW YOUR OWN. Mrs. T. Cumetia, Naiton Mauur TR 8-9533 staff; figurines, Peter McCraucy, 171 Mata Si. E. Miltan CHOOSt FABRICS AND SUPPLIES PROM Milton; ehiidron's souks. Met. S. Lot.hie, Milton; bath cystato, a .M L O A RC C N R Mrs. F. Armstrong, Geor'ge. M LO A RC C N R [ottnt pin cuohion doit, Penny McCraney, Milton; carmeu doit, ________________ _______________ Mrs. Joyce Laing, Mitton; doitti O I/f CRIA TOSSEILFAUE doit. Mes. Etdec, Naton Manor; W/L P stouiten coi doit., Greuory Null, IMPORTED DRIP DRY COTTONS OLD COLONY PRINTS Milton: pot hotdoe, Misa J1. At. id tan, Miltonn; teo iontel s.W ai Attactie Pi 38" 38" 79cded J Moore, Aneaster; TV sot, iss FENO NWA W d Reg . 5 98 $1 .19 yd.79 yd pair nylons, Mrs. Sahson, Mil.iRA ETYPLSE potese. Met. P. Barr, Miltun; hue DAN RIE GNHA SSAEN quel an osA entinerr.t-. D. a1 5 h n e -12 6 tSlAC t Cluso. QOhoilin; scruh-a-toh rut-o. Vaust $2 49 88UC - .9y . 6 l roi sîlo NURSE GRADUATIS t G. Fisher. Milton; [inens, Miss [O Rgoiac tO$17 98c d Miss t. Diacn Cocolten, daaghtee Aie 1Miteon.w ofMe. and Mes. A. toy Couitet Ta e seconiid atuots hand mast n[ R.R. 3, Cantpheiioiiie, gen- hoave hrouglt enucb grtiati n duonted June S front H4amilton [otamahr he Aunttiary, M I T N F B C c w m Sha ailendeA toriington Central, the Hohhp Clas, tisýtoef sa ani 242 Main St. Milton TR 8-686 aisi '84.laen kigeh schoorlt, i th . 4t lltia Coud croaten all forma of aaaii- Ny is thnaghts are *tl realtîtes, -Mor Barksur 144F Uts. LU. HROUSTON la sautai nest coamet arem t1 ' JMes,. Houston et TR 8284. ton Rebout Board and tuili hc teaehing ai Fairtietu Schui, I Lowvitte. Friands ut Mes. Emt Mitîs, Miii'l Street, sciti hesorry to hear che t ia patient in Milton Distrit i ~ Haspital. Tho' seli soish lier "~ . Weil. ~" ian seilt Watt Ad ouil thso Mr.and Mes. Owen Baiteyand fos al, odo« -tnd $t' [omit' ot Petechoro, tormerti' ci pettW, 5m[tt Milton spent tho sueekend sciih kit hroihee Mr. anA Min. Jiîn Baiten', Gittuet Ate. NEED Congratuations [n William $5 Bruce Berry, who graduated wilh$b bis B.A. May 29 ai Toronto Uni versity. His moîher Mrs. N. E. TILL PAY DAY? Berry, Martin Street, at[ tho g;aduatiun. 1 IT COlTS ONLY Birîhday geeings to Minss 47c Douna Pcrdy, tuba cotehmaîed lier FOR TWO WMEKSI hiethday n Ssîndoy June 2. Ask for a MInI-"n ]UNIVIERSITY OF MONTEAL At The University of Montntal Crescent anA ils ottitiaird institutions had on eut'utment of [7.762 en the Ffinance 196t-62 schuot year, targeut ou 18 Isija&St MrTR lStan Canada. .ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT and GROCERY STORE HOMEGROWN HEAD LETTUCE .....2 for 29c Fient Redl SttectJuocy uunkits TOMATOES ORANGES 2 pkgl. 39C 3 dox $1 NEW FLORIDA POTATOES ........ basket 59c Soptento Homo 1Shrils GooAi Moeoîug PEANUT BUTTER i MARMALADE 16-ci. jar 33c ,__large jar 53c Soie Ali lOOtt. So11 Van Camp WAX PAPER PORK and BEANS 4 rolis $1 __ 28-ex. tins 2 for 49c Sale 10c Clark', MILKO TOMATO JUICE _Large.3-lb., box 79c 48e.tins 3 for 79c Goldu ten or 4t'oo. Tins PINEAPPLE JUICE -----.-----....... 3 for 79c Maple Leaf Luaicheon Meats - 5 Varieties _5 / $1 C. P. JUBILEE PURE PORK SAUSAGE . . 43e C.P. RINDLESS SIDE BACON ... ... . lb. 45c MAPLE LEAF WIENERS 43c ,ý,o3RESTI VO'S DF«VF 20cSALE 1 ES WE'VE ROUNDED UP SOME REALLY COOL SAV- INGS IN OUR YARD G0005 DEPARTMENT AND THEY'RE YOURS TO CHOOSE PROM - BUT DONI DELAY THE SUPPLY IS DEFINITELY LIMITIS. COTTON PRINT I le orie l white, cavyi and white, anA green and white dot patterns. 36" îdîth. tegular 6 9c y PLAID CHAMBRAY Josi 10 yards ru clear lu lbis C Pis anA gteen plid poilern s 2 yd BROWN CREPE In plin shade, nub finsh. Jont 4 a C 6 or7 yardsoftibs niettial ilI]F yd ALL YARD GOODS lscioding nîih tnffetas, Don tuver cartons, floraloiihtcnpes, hroAd20 cioih and [lanseloîtes. OFF SHOP AND SAVE AT CAMPBELLS I 22 Mai ~. OF MILTON DR. Do Ofi, i P X-R.î St.'eo DR. H 5 Maint DR. W Foi- ARTHUI 184 M (Lloyd ttitt ['R goý t HIIi A. P. 237 Kitg, Co rot [sMoilon'., W, Titi,( OMKERSIE sinddtt. C L:Illli The W.l Di E.W cpal a Suhoo our thse cd the i Studo lite eti shitco lton ut those o solos. Tht. Struetos (Contint tonly eut Ct-eseni Tho te' Nctiop Aune Bi, anyOay, ttoything ihey pro soit, un gt-0000 phrygrost Beat Priz( i The , .i the M cohouls o lt Pus. td t, i v cmpShu Petr S.i i,e,i Su lien~ tio .l it Bit PR;CL1 S RuaN[e'