Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 1963, p. 9

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paJQTTINGS BY JIM DILLS * IH THESE DATS et creedo cemmusicatios facilities tem atm asaîher I ams contiseall amaaes! aI aac Isability, ta cse Ibis roter effectisatsy. This tack aI commasicatios mas sac cf the tccabtes tibrait spartes! pro- htamcs hetmas ceaecl and rt creaties cemmittre. Il's sac et lthe difficeltias fil maitr dis- cessicna milh ltae Hasd Chemi- cal tndattries Limitas! loek se bcd. Il's oe et lthe thiage Ihat jara deveplsg diccord helmeas coesclcandplanning board.tIn sema cases a telephese catI cas cta ep a- missderataas!isg, a face tefaceadiscussionsora briat asceatttar onstheateet crne. Bel se.a We ait thisk il's the alter tellemas job te maya firat. And se me cil as! slam and mVaste mure lima as! prehakt>' accompliait tacs and teest. Or mc malta a latter that seremns alle elccc le as, bat is cemplýel> misasdacclaed kvie the reccicar. And se mc stambla n * CONSTRUCTION mark ce tho eot smimmiag potl bac labos os sem lite and speas! as ltae mark mes fight ta finish as mach as possible hafoe tba mstk - admitemark liere- fils - rus est. If evarylhisg griss accerdisg le plan lte poel fihtanted be a oestre aI actîvity Ibis sammer. * PROBASLY SNOULD mes- lias lit the beautificatisa pro- ram is teens,as'gaaizedby thae Milttan Chamber of Cammerce, is a caaîiaaiag skisg asd if yaa baveat bees skie yet ta makle yaac hamne-cstre! cantributian ta tke attractivesesasEf the lame, thare la atillthIe mhete sammce. Threats sE frnaI have detayed plastings ia the basgieg baskets Ikat are ta ha retcraed la the maistsreeî this year. andthe nwcemeat cytiaders thal are locales! hy tke Past Office aad the Oddfettama hall. Whea Ihat is doc il mutl provids a toacit cf keaaly, I baple, mitb arrasge- manla campleted farc mmr lasg maîerieg and cacae. * IF TOC ARE oe af tkasle lttr mritecs, editeciat mrilecs, cîactcd afficiaîs. expects extraoc- dinaire, ar specialiats mitbaal patfoalia mha have becs cain- plaining avter the pasl fem titoa- andmacrdsaboutîsamneoflhere qait-omeals sn Ibe Manicipal Ast. lte Astesameat Ast, Ihe Local Impravemeat Ast, the Plaaning Act ar the Ontatrio Menicipal floard Actaamwis yrshance. Sit lita dama and write. The Sclect Cammitlee as Tite Muni. sipal Ast aad relatad Acta milI hear yaa aat aut ils pabitc bac- legs in Toronto. Se discontisuc thy camplainn, draft tby objjc- tias and seggctieacaand dis- palch tbem ta ctae capital. * TOC CAN'T HAVE as c cident ch? WclI la 1962 lthera wccc 94,231 rtpectcd isclediet 1139 fatals, 28,667 iavvitg la- jadies asd 64,425 mitk proprl> damage oer St00, Titat racecty damage kilt addad ep le 545,- * PROBABLY TOU'VE sali.- cd lthe attcactive blossoms fiit appaarad titis yaac ea tko floer- isg Icees plaslsd tact ycar os Mactis St. Effocta on lthaI strec taeastablisit aoetiig attractica aad soetiateuniqe aeidd cemmeadabla. Usfeclcoatclvse vetocigitt cf thc totos alastodi aavcc bad lim a luant. $lasdals saaiganl ethe it stem et a trot smaskcd tirem bayesd rccecy. Tkay maccuesable te viseatica tthi pesaibititias for futere kaety. Fertuael>' tia traas arc t0 ha raplacas!, mitit tcsaaycr's masey, and lt la itops! titis ycaa's di spla>' of blossema me>' previda commetavidasc a titeamit cguie ittat kcaatycaskb log as lta>' arc bais9 isdicical mitit soebs!> teste. t aajey aremds. mitas lta>' arc vote- mitarcelsic. t doat flbe: Jitttmiala cs s people; titoc tWto try t10in poe titair morals os eiliors; dit joieos lit amenal fasa>': traiis ep le ltae morsiaf: go- is I ted aset sigit; pitosios; ment: sots, t aIse doet flta peaplcowttkmoreomosay ltas t, peplo mite ara sotartor litas t. people mite arc battr lciig ltas 1. In tat, I dcclt lita mat>' people. Nlamforlthe dd andcends et my kiclbday asalysis. If avec>'- ose toleas mv calas, foot meels! tira pasl 30. And sit ools! teiretam cigkt. 'Eoe arc cIel, Fichter Williats. OIt, lzaet su? Howt coma. thso, ma s!cîaî'h tcaeld raîbar pIe>' catch mitt tac ltas aayesc? Hotaaîttaty soaiay'. Des!, soten arc yce goctîa Hem comates wlo caye, "Stop' ating lita a citildl' Watt, atCI 1at carav, litIl fac cf cIl ltaI ccidaoaa, i, "Happa Bialhiay te yod" And 1 do mccc me. Tees! sac'ac kaam il te took ai mbtli mUt absarve ca> 4lrd biclhday Ibis oteat. WbaIt 1meas is, if vota arc sic, yatatl tiet S'm t aI easl 6it, and if yae'cc fit, yeatIl thiet Its cal>' atout 29. Eatt yoer. et hirtdav lima, I fil tl maki a brisE aaalysic oftmvritatactar, m>'sccaca le lifta, my litaes and distikea, and asvlltisg Cic liit itappeas le croi ni. As fier as otoaclar gocs, I a confîident ltaI ttata is a scas!> improemast. Semae people dot taciocala mecaît>' aa lte>' grot aidae', t gcl ktcr as! baller. Reaîlly. Tai smoking, foreacaptae. t ccad le scaste lita a ciic se>'. t evesamates! mite t mas sitavlsg. t teares ca> tas- sas. Ose day f put my> cazer le. *mv mat and tank a drag as fil: as! triras! ta laite m>' mhis- bars etf otitt a ht kctl. It mas heae, t ws rcadiag et lita limae, et coarse. Noot.1 neerccsd, smsitands sitacaet it e saie limae. ls prot- ov horisg. <est raadise asd sitIar- ivg, or stmoing as! stccisg, buat iav stact tu il. 1elaorcaivcd as ctjaot aescao about smoing ln eds. Oaa eight ca> mite camer toma erm meetisa, mcttcd lelo ltae ba!t'om, and mas cas- * llctd by apillat-ttf sttka. hamte I smec inlie- l'ttitstcap patg arocs!, Dow CRIME 1H HALTON can tc ho erbeale ail t.t.ttlatt.of, ltteat pani %cars. dît. P e--sc v jsai oti daig lsaiste se Tnalos til in9 pMl o hi e ttttea end- pettct. lait isetalTitag ha-adac avet.thlttltt. tiale ? aireî bardenI co ait oerdosc si boy îatt.t? 0< IlIta flwwh.fal' ,llitivirilai ad gets jgg< to lciiglîl. tate tcr piaitc lioe titanc for pîtaîsltîseol' Gesagaie, tt.. francofa thcse pa ris, ,a afinage il ag24 t.harpod îoitit tis tai ofeteî j > Casadiac or areIcotot atitt c'ia cartari setol adaucatias. He m'as ahargcd sIt aittar assaclt. altaIft et, a liqear altasce. pais!a fine, tandmotsrlccsad. ANC SPEAKINO of jails, e Peel toc' Titis occerres! ast Hem Teacts Eccottascfilmife caagt a lady kissisg me otitit gay' ah- andan. Ste didat miss! as Aatd Lang Sysa biecs sa mcac. It mas ttc gay abanden ltaI gel ber. Site staimes! il mas mnitlai. t tacast bittes! a doit la vealus. Escepl Pteybay, acr spasriat. oties its ielpes! cas out mitk the gacbcgc lte eoft or de>'. t havcnt sioteaci a chUs! sict 1dos'Itsemotksse,acpî mtcs Kima arrivas! hame Tthro- dcv affermeront mih a bah>' aqair- rat tiait adfalesoutof a trac, as! mastal adept il, Wctl, tas, lte macats aca as the uscisg. As fer sccass le lifta, 1t IMi taiga are gaisg malt thare, tee. Whss t mac marries!, I dida't have a tiig. Hem I bave tht-se marîgtagea. My name is a Hactebat! mars!. Wbt mare casîs! osa ast et Witt regard tu mv itas as! disliitcs, ltaIs easy. I lita votampa. Tada>', I mas out is a sotamp andt1saotarabi,itcaa partridigc, e dccr and a otits dock. ail mithi cas>' crange. ttas! c fistiag ras!. TitalA mit> t lita sotamps. t lita tcen-agcrs. Pt-cm Jl> t te Saptamiter 4, I fies! tem ttc mest faccisctisg, tivel>', et- fercvecet.latrigaisg gmcp I tv as! sthisg te dc oitî. t utce rgge iscrambtadt and legs Iciikei). I lite Ma>' asd Srplatccbe. 1 lita ladivideals as !N(S) IN THIS CORNER .WITB ROT DOWMB Caot>'tttgisttaleclîadata.i'xe. at eîîlct'Iî,loal storetmiilong tleia rpeisitnagerps aig.ccbtitiingltogat-iItî aLdfer ilii caoitioe tac liqueurlie ittp.tttd Iai.sn ta oret Magistrae Il. T. G. Andîrews hiaodsctre cdvolitisfievransg- ingfrco 15 ta $85 tet- driitiec tarer cigr. As parI cf lhiitsert- taat.r ltasv wec glaen a toumo Ilite Pool Cacrtl jait ta sec colr-e ilites etiglît res! ep tf lits> didîî't tts an celcîl t ies. Wity tceuldsr't tsar>' prrsaa collt iead c in uice bcîtt gisea a taut- ut fli ait as t s!ct.rcntcthorallet- cfg the criait? STAtItITtL NOILE: Thte ail>' lt 1951 tlic poppetlion %vas 8.1301 . . .thd> il's aivr 2ltOi. Ans! se-lSi.95.a itos ta f6 nc le- dutillitts tas-c loatîd le Bramptn. cigt dcieglf2 and titrat.-dolrtsg lthe OrsI teur mu fisci Ibis >'Otl. Thte taicos fitaces a til lIts, lte parei is5 pcespaîaaus. alt lie latue folts pour] foc titi irutt<Iiîîg. tes>' anti tNatitth WVIIOOPNI Tnt wcrts cga Tfic Chtamtpton cacias! a star>' stalieg thera macasi> ce oe stoe la Mil- Ice celtiag Casedias Rcd Es- vigris as! ttc' mvere ait made le lapas.' Nomecor messe itee proea n-reeg. A meadar iclarcas as site perchaces a Casadiaecmase fiagt Itls ieatrittecowt dataiCaria (lia t l trn eie lcjpaîasa. ,cht att Cacaiaîtlas f111 VîtîfR %vtieid lisbhfpeIIIr- phitialand olew.e- att ltatie ttitîon lrcc and pvsLatacd fitetcourt lv. is scidoni îcpc.îttc tfttc-thti adît.-'ltstît v n wii t' ii ta ltaitratli daman. s- ittcs <ha> MIlSTI lae orace. Tht itt.st ita. t tcel, ccc tidý ha a Itaw siot a e-o lus chbate a meaicipai p-tît te, pttst a poster Iin tlcilt' pl'e Titt mhita- us litte ta) j'iitîi itiI palî aler ia flia-a trywi tcokaostflicpermeit. MY TTPIST tlsic l -îît i ne i 51v itiiîc lv di a 515tiih lai i o'îî ig bac Oith>s titat b ca> Iy 'pivri ta mi, ta Me, Btasg, hicq Oesling ilci At St>'aci ha/ 51cI ky c'pys Oit daere t Ours to Enjoy =THE GOOD OLD DAYS= GLANCING BACK TO 10 YEARS AGO Takn frettsn tbs filet et the Casa- dias Chamapion, May' 28, 1953. A lacftits parada, copactas! la ie.lade ppresimcatev 900 mat.it cars ans! a oemhta ol cars and fllaelshcsas enplaced bhlCivil elîtcalb as part or MilIce's talc- haatiaealof aave Eliaitatit, centono Te's!ap, lSte 2, Mceiog off ai 730 pot. troto flia Miton puie stitol, flia prae mdll it a ,da opcltecre titane 6001 , ils!n aa rctvioc lags, iacom Mitoc and distit, tita Lcroa Scts" Ragiscotal andi Pipe ans acd ltae Milton Jie it and. Alse mtraiin ltae parada otilI b itlt coutt va 1'1 bitgade, ta0icean os! ear Éoltt Tita Teascias .asi, ai lita <cira t, otiithdaal <atom ha' Naln cc',ic arca m'aillanferre adi ta allca ali>,aatd partie," te, tascîitls att'.totean agraemotto la sati îtîa a dillaavaacs. Tlite Board ci Abitlatiase sat h Hialtav eColvn Ceucail, and itaad- al itt cool1' fedga W. N. Roiin- sac atrada itas field Ioaes ,iocs,.aitaîcvcidavaa itintue-a 'actatt b1 tita palitio0crs et Balî's cvd Zimmarotas scitocîs otho are saatieg la cclitda. Inte ita st gae cf ltae sea- sacrt aiWeateot, lthe Milles ed Sec liad ttc ittma-tomacrc, 5-5 Tht gam. sas aled et tke tedat ltau sistit icciogîs Inte Milton liaa-u a>'aaî Vaugtas, Rci Ilel<'a Malano, Toetzait, Sh an,t Mitîs, Saouth, Gacchc, T,,ka,,«ad MachIt t's'st'damae la Milles taatn bail .torni on Titoas da% et tact aak. Thttgit ltae a,.c tt <the Sa< i,' dîsasIa' loal as îpattd tha -le et S6lt0 cath îcl witeo, yt.cî tt,ît.ga ta -creps atnd -,m ttlteaielaitSaaa Knîthea<latio anielt Staco litae Kill,,i,,, -t Willî. th Hue,, R i, tac1t 30 parles of yl"' I,. <t <t" a i fots cac ai alt îaasî'dcaa cl tou idt,. bitd ned 2" lIc <<<ti flia' c loat A l'a ",t< "<tta ce riev uile to s it CampI- t 'tct' Attt.tttci ,îatî cîl Sel- radio, ~ ~ te admit t ta li tsr GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO PUBLIC FOREST TRACTS, lita fls ove oaar Haîleectît,,, ara ours tae oe. Omned and mac- agad b heita arlm etkfLads and Fess,lbap carv sataîat oedtacds andplaed ecreagas tb ha paras!di taita salerai sia and pîratcîrd agoteet the ravae ocf mo- dern, progîacc. Theà RuruIlUrhonSiiriy tecavîtly offîtaas csteatd ltae lSi Thara aiccys staots le te salliaienleiadrs aevicaîary od-H clebtwart. Taritese on inrralldistrictsotbhifactîcpetcbtghlyifor ltae farots cf tha ares tbe 4-H pregrcm cs a lb,, sdells cf Ihos,, sccices. Whaltaer the famîltar eopic. To iaa lheitaerc rbavIenras girls îteetcalavs woed ho iteorvairdi c alsc tsepregîam st aîsmwettccwv.Tist ccean hccscvnfactorî, bta thefteldcf aî<ay ltae cvirtat'epart. forîgirls almayssevmnmoeîeimtedîitac fer A curett> ccvdeclad in Sacktcitaa beys and! tbe gîis migbî wevîcote a re los fadsaego scppertad the ides ltaI 4-H eppîleci>'fo Se cvimptetemvet. clteea m oeetossarity atuaatycrent- vs! icid fo btis sîlS.bctpan xri as! cce. tes!eed rte figues teceaies! Ibat sic'. ai iratîai kcotledgs Sel bcil bcys meal d-H Ieaders feal ltaI d-H pregîcots .and girls exstc. Perstthpc ltotai-teetred iteels! b,, for ait yoevg peopla raîher thav Scoets, (abs, Guidvs and Bîotne s pîccidv ici tbose mitalivce os farmseor in sttaîl>' coe tgalat tcapmaeli.atailahlve t rura comuntie. rraa chidîee. W, de SscI, boeeer, Itia the d-H pogtoît, paaltiuaîis fat the girls ctld WebaeIritlcr smaneafiieîasaral fiitt!mmce graend i tebvia oreinathe ritils!rv mite partctpara iv ste d-H pîcgîamn ruaa itome. Teitaîîvg, nutitioe, ptvpaîalîae fer garis ccd tops taca a disictric aaage oS aegvîahîrc rtece are ait cebjecîs fiit ie ltae practîcal tscmladge rbey gatn taI appear fîot flm~e le finie, ottîb malt> mclve miii ha esefai, mtebîtey coentvne i ai th îit ofa aactvc 0cr lthe aluh <<ic.s farmtgorseetsemfivldc. Tiegarlspat- tatelyîbhearappealucgtulualtheîaaseaor ticual n, ta haîr 4-H Homemateg cres cunry gaie pratcal tvcmladge barent ill ha etatu- Peîhaps lis 4-H yîc'tîaaî te bttg at hie. tiat on in semae toest itt Otttat,. It a me Idetil>' thv d-H Hcmcmnahtîg cauîses hae'ttheadofiti.<If otlthy a'ttiîsae? sitoals! he atatlahia la bhe urhain as vieil <sho ptaiescoat dirctioa forthbe pî<tam rutal girls.hI oad sely serve aseae ex- craes itm theaOtrioaDerptrrent ofAg- tesaion eamlawdgaîcaî migtbîbîgaer riacultarehaibu tat 0Iýbulnttatltss f 1 li inchameseoeamics classrs ands!otatdeî.acm aat,iî fthepcroa'.iasaiutas îaîipl venefi îte girlotitecsih0 mtgbî hsgte ota fet i bas conme ta be ia tlc S0 ticaît. hcmemakiegcona futimeass. Pcticps Hai cals! itale t cit k Wieteraaacetres oaad vretîd cira tî oî lttttaas eîleîedd4H theaelitlvvlleadseohoaeldtcarry oui girl' gictiatcra n taacyrttctltta l A New lok... Atacaîlacn lattai, Mr. Justicegctcaal AL I pisdattsal o,aIl atsaiyaoftfi( as',I Bissaneîae, deac ai the Cout of Qacri's ci (achai. Caeadîaai Consîitution. A headître reeîeottaig "tise ti ail.,, tit ftlt.artt t> (tas t capatattcîttis nctlteaîtswsctaîiîe prhliet îaîîtîea 'il" s<Ititsttad <t bi l of bao Fîrench aes! tvgtth iv Canada sac uge. gvl aieag better lagalbvî. Oaae ft1hig . sari, tay yaa.<>'sttttt Ociîre acyvvetfinît i ot t whrohangcc afic utur Saat sl ta tvt.atsly tttdtactrîtple mightccmeineîhlltB<eil<biAeeîta dfhliasittsa ockttatahattjac ofbdth At, tl ma' he oteli te aî voe acîl>' otfite Fîtîtat ttrd tagîtitli Fatimîs ai Cacivdeîatircaatsos! ta ho fl a' flic Act mtb îefeîeîîa ao tha i cfallu- uages. Il is sectiton 133, ottîto madds as Ici- Enouagmet. 111EilieCr teiv Itqîa' ' lie fiech tait- gcagecnictbc asedhby ay Pera loti Dehatos of lte Heeses cf tbe Parliameel of Canada ans! cf <b,, Hosos of lte Legistatate ci Qaehrt. antd blth baosa Laîgcagac sittll bc ssd tri teîespectiveReordscandJour- valsa d'avhoe tasas; as! eitber of ltaose katguages mayhbeaaed byaeyferscanaori a<îy Plcaivg or Pracrss int eor tsveteg fîcte ce>' Caurt <c Canada asicaltites! ceder Iis 's'ast cflia aatt i,-, scsdij,, ailo'cliti'ale 5pr,,, et,)I <11 ttP - tclartctad. A coeat ai aicune atta cga atît tftic ytrd ai atdîfcî ttl:gtîltctu St' e lc r a i tj v lu te Ioclaa u>' >Tecttiteiacati olyeaea,. cga ote' ycaî ta paciat t l Oî caa' tI flicte amI oide claat t>' îliseiaac. tic a srif-ittp ittaîi tht riveasave yoc'a ici>'. Takes frets tha files aI tha Casa- dcan Chamapion, May' 27, 1943. Tir ccnul mach ec et t ha P<o lisicCevstrrcliva Asstocta- itanof ec> cont f Halles otilI c tîI itn tet loto itetl Milton. it.lct.t.k daligitl saciaf aiic ste, spaakaratdli hA.. Ros P M. Eoss ks a tat rrî cri oceaouis, Meitoba. Nsaa aTcotnsitip gains itese onrs cn titis Vialer>' Ltncmpaifo, soiti tita qauoi doet thaIt o flia Tias Lcao einîtith dîtc tcmmusity ms lthe li.s octe.titaccheandtisis île o.Iv t fttlits t flll t-, townsip hec lad tha -I fro îcî iat ota toctw il îtll oct( lie flic ]Littc. Ccegî atulttiontle) ttîaaeaea W. Vr St a nd atti, tac eitttaa aed cîgihet c. Frank Mat eas, soe cil R. .1. Mat ces c t Miltcn, îsit, lite- ptccad ttn Ille stîl> eti flia triot ita poer siapseut ltae Ciaa dtaen Nattocal OcIotas ait L,- tittn. Octatteo. ha, ietta'atcitt c'd W-,tîte' 't'ac,it (coitet. et- t <<ta te<* flia sIte>'. b ncitaer et sports t îecî Mil- tac attaodad ltae Wociic cet Nact<,av and c.', ta e for flic Kieg, Plt, in liteallr 0<11.1 tilaata s l, engage bat>' r, et o aber me>' naic .<ddita supplttes et va norteîeîaodîtas, lte ratios Botard sccd i il stalaclast. A>'- plita(I fi ,t excttrt rattios for il. tfrti petit- c1, to,te,t gatittî'rs, skacp 'h'a c, sitrap mic if)flcatio taoaitrds.b Man, lîtaadc cl.meditheMd-. t,,e et t' c,> ilta, Arcota Salth atHîglîltedars cf Hamilton, 'tac l.îvttaic ilîtce mostits at2ot il.r aci% cad ait Camep Niagaera oriîl The c.Lit hoys, PIcs. Walter Ne<î<agloce. Varcea Cas- lin ýIit îtatlae and Dalietta suc-ît aae att iii flic pisito conse- diio cctal .inc fine. Tetît '< ftailas cf Oak- til -atî t.tercad cuitf itreais . oldct c t0in iu d<aai te Prot lcs <. (Ccoi At're WlI. Dicit ,aid tl cas, <tac.tt c aras etc utad li 45 yaccs asca GLANCING BACR TO 50 YEARS AGO Takitslt-estlthe filas cE tte Cli-- lilas Chamaplon, May' 29, 1913. 'lliea NS,aer Ivartîac ft 1 , tttpîîtî<at 'i Puict Wcî k' tii f<tsacttitvei< tit.'t flia Oiak t ilt, httii titi hiridget cooid ha aln i,, silif -1 'lIa cd c tit t, dip.,al I't ,il[ lia il, calationa «t filia lin tisa the t> LIo-ont iîi't- t't. t l Ita I <cis it dcat k ta,t)ilai' ton'. av t i [Il,:it Atîi>o Mraia it lt il."iliru (litata-aat Ii sttt kaîtil a'trt itt. titi ll taîi ad Ialtîdas h talit t ci ita ,;I it , tic ing',s Plaît., tr,.1a ooiti tei Saler- irailt t' ' Oakcîtîaaccn W.NI ci KtttttlI., tit ha k' il abie-olwah tq <ta et t. pirae c' Haalopon dta tct N tsin tisiti/lt kvac îîAîî.d.saiii rtai Milîto ita- ad h' tr Mth- 191ttadit. Ma.Ilia<tt<aattttt Mrs NEWS...$ DISTRICT I3tiMPITIN V..'a.' -r,,t Ila I Il-, et I.- 1"l k '<at taul baatt< andpas, -I h'<" k'aiI' 4. 't a i R' so h% t'77p.'t hi, tacý ta<a ttac. d tata ,ttge tIft)Rtd 1<O lia» -'.a \t.î ' ,,, a"1- )iri livrer-I Ilo'pu.i1 h-s I 11- b s ta 'ito k 'In k1 III gc Ilt raIot s . > . \lit a, le1,\ 'c t< c t.a ptac salpi, l~a Iý 1 IIl' \,Il " tîtahtr Ia h la",t~I a " I ' '< at ', iclttt Nta ins' 1-l l II. a t o t tt>.t tyt ptt li I "'. I tLa . O QUOTE 0F THE WLEK o îl>arotivd.'.and îstoflsCtri., tsotcitc oc. el'.tt of titis maris! ctîhcr a platu or a prIbon". -Sir J. kaittoci. mi Sqa. aad MW The Canadian Champion Pattîdas!d atars 'lcrtîl sY aI Mats SI., Miltonî, DOL,. Illtr NAe ta ic AudiîBureau tfirclati'.n flic. tit cîîîî aitti -'îttîa : Z415 lia tINN"( -ldoh Iocalfe Ceracrîts. dtitaoicaa as Setaond (lacs Mas!, Focs Offiae Doparîmoni. Ollama. G. A. Dilîs, Edtnr-is Clîtaf taimis A. Dits, Mascgieg ttdtttt- Pohicha e ithe Heart nE Halie ahîlasshp l tse DIII.I Prlsalsg and Paslishisg Ca. Lad. BU SIN ESS AND EDITO RI AL OFFICE TELEPHONE TE8-2341

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