Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 1963, p. 8

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* Thn Canadien Champion, Thursdîy. May 30th, 1963U n ' - - -- * L E ShoneShoe Hereuhd vvater us u-isafC MILTON COUNCIL BItis Back as Policeman - n -Milton Ciauncil on Manday thonks troam Mrt. Lcua, II Corptai ochParkauan a a- L e R I IW V Ir c k i a i a r Aornnd ta have <ha toma comtied tht re=t CorpralJac Parinsn - De ays ail ay rack ng ne eurworkmnn grade a Park orai don huas heen camptialng for Niv kooonoanamaý-ya au 'Btock E' in thn Pull- mrotbe about the conta, e. volantit1h the QotarioPu jt-h m h fb may o seeao h Third and =nboke subdivision, whnn strictions litaot laaited thn use ctt deie ttildtnd on Mîitoa the pae oilFo."e.adoe oe i s f ou h Lo aFd coutnues south couniior Charles Meaefy au. of the building. tu tbec.-ote 22ndosootn- mua i oae ip"wl cuc hieycitejb and ho 5 ht Sotdroad hc aouaced aratepayers' asocio- ba, r tifhe Notth Haitoo O.P.P. .sfln Raly Thtld daayt hap bcdh opal thtu luhvcourc cmlt d tioasoaî beiag formedad ply- A seterinurion says for more d joioittlt otos a Sureant, d O 'y lC..lne WatMl-ar lo ne ti ip hogh o straton end of the coltne MCO mrudeq ent miht ha ia- doigts thon ever are haviag aer- swo outhi, Curpitr lo, aod t8 t.oortthuid thMlI.lt ru i-ttlfostooIi iairUi! 900Fn i- statied tbern. 'ta's a gelad platce vous hreahdlownu. This la prob saitoti.zutac that sttrtes tot oGortomo on pratara- fitt.rs" ai saod. Froua the pipa, C.N.R. togiotan Witt1 Wong ex'- 1ton-Georgetowns section or thet. kehep youaguters off tht road," ahiy due te doigs heariag anf. Fovni highway ad lun Fot it .triha f ie u thetmatertsiii rutdow antopeplaiiotdthe raiiicay ine rossesfine. Tracks havte ae aid fros hasid '-ht ttd ioitioco th toto atuja Frojecit. diich tod tdrain ioto tht East 10 Siditroad and tht Third Lire the -Gcorgetown stato Stnh-sreasiagy larger riailler at Nouili Haitoo ait. At Fltc 10 Sidaroad-Til Liot hrooic,i.n tit, 16 Mile Crtth. un a sothi-to-oorth direction. Thetrl tnp 10bO aboor tht start oî0e1 srdarsou o oa epesyttmrdi ocga c ban topu al ,0 otln ae al trstewtrtbe vte evc roua R. F. Cross, the dogs. it. ~ Pon tmt.uiu Coriporat May t, aca on E-,qocsitg Teonship, the h ooaiosooap a1 .0 ot ogsao al taitt trtbe Gistea Rd W., oaver tu the mater ____________ Moto Ftrletistdct.i attdl 'u p .riio-OttOhatpttchoi h committee for utudp. Mr. Cross Waogba,tm serittgtasotiict.cin ladiinethat hud strocdlHamil- TH FS PCEO thrg aitgt.his fst o. Maridon o-Gorgciowo traffl, u toc bu dao i hm lu hv more. tl itone iittghti,ht.t.pet.oto matis vears. But basv roood a PROGRESSh agetig ore mLoto te Milton i tine cod ut 90W0 footr loog tabla nf soaît. Wido Sdowcl 1Jn.iig jus1 imo [ct haiom the c id d paealotfo lmatu NURSING GRAD ! pi. Pttktttten tt-tlstit excl s pot iotcodid For the oam ritot- sod seidem pae alg rie [ctt a i pusolg Jacqelne Damve i9-ynnîold , tiC tlwten lit. arriv,[ iieh. And the, moar, misiot witb sid o! Golur lon Rt. e Cooitr Ihat thea user daughterîofMr. andi Mis Pat Miltiti. Abott 30 vca oifiitt.-sand soifrooodioithe ate., Antan ofdOntareos-e Sth. COaa-l uhatohie Kelly of Spoystdr, gtadeated tosoill. hc luei te t osit bis ,aoss"d a seritabit qoauoîira cf trio Leool rored Dtue Ont.d mchutoiclae f mS.Josope s Hospital titititithot Nitt-iotoi iti Miltton qoîckoaod! ao Schro the Outilod, ooedari Ihiou- Scboe oh etstg Hottlto .ttitikiols M Nittîtnittt- "Carful"a midt sidemalh mou necded fnrhisle tt onMay2 itshoct.tt.itttstttptoin tt i, btioisioabot goop moliig. He rotd coooicii counlt denaist tii iti- Fcoet< tttiiig. îcîlhimod toi ei-ttkmot oas aiso invitcd 10 tour tbrougli morhiug on bis noiii, CpI etie Buildingttttt foippid .oii.eî.. % to e ha avr nJ1tmne scool. ultough an of. unforlunute pa- Ictte,- il* uso osti, itlc Oit Sait pcuIifc eiacaiot:' fo icint openioa ad opta housa iose h it osaa h îlo itglio. hipttio,~otbiisoio '~ mlloobohlduîiibefia dantisi bnd a stock rtpip for rhic nih' h' presneo hew C.N. ibooood ce Rcd mord th froa ah his riatins shetaser he holler-. et dotiot bs cosdt .NR.id opsnd hiF-ileo Pluiag wourd fo thet cd filet hie hadi puiaed tht mos'trikitg o haron lnndngBhard arn-trouf aoutil: "Culm ynurutlt Asks Architect.. intlaino.u rcigi hre aro a er rn-finImcmn of. sclevac. Tha lob o-es sopposcdpmiso 0oanoar-faduaoigbi. vaCetittittiedfiîtio,ictOtiuci bcidiohcfthe*îshcdin tsoc cd garant on Brown Rt. for a Changnti hal brancesocf ligibrttttlui 140O't- itooli h u iosci tc rat toiog onh- commercial use. A lellar of taduis-ry, ta fout, os- snosing lîgiblo ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~9 tiif,ît ad 0tptakbo bssu-c act ihat itle otlmated that Boadcirtltî Ros', Cz,îcî tu.i the vsaoogoe-osac oeîdoqipiiet picltootttlits, FooodtiooComptos'otCiiii d avetage san nboo bieur ooiy ttboeMotrttn St. Schbtttittottiitdllabas heurt caliad initiitt.p haIt Iil oras-mo r-isng ltef bc e-do il, Ih, n"v adition n ,tC.N.R. drain off the 000cr. andt ainl af hlm milnou bon pan 1Ii or eueus rtii, ei oîoir the, sater tabli, croog te pareiod turno tashont far air ctelci.. giv-u-ilium a slid footing lot tIti, s-nfresbnr tocs-cea on i. ospi- Atubion tei lics Ic, ie - tie-tucoil. Thev rei-iidai or, tclty. DLlp adlMI,, n iýdollars Automobile, meottouico for iiplaiott s-,îraios sotillI-i, Ph tuso iii osa ot.'o-ar ss'tutIc A QUAGMIRE OF GUICKSAND faotd Canatian Nattional tatilwys moîbsoan whon t ey et' UY UY l. Ta t se o car ta iebnusf q tempted to reconstrctthe C.N.R fine throughfEsqesoTownship. A 9000 foot l n aaer BU- UY oi. ha' eyra ou BECOMESR N. Matrett Vctna Cleent, daegb- Iel o Me. atnd Mt A.E iCo cent of t120 Coert St., Mit.- ton, ottC gradelle tomorroce IFîtiayt lion, St. Joseph's Hospital Scheot oi Nurstng, Geltph She os à Miltten Htgb Scool enedue. B.A. DEGREE Marry. K . C, n,- hn fe-ate of Ats ert eteur MoMasit Ut,,esty ett May 20e Hn e-1 -n-e I then ivesiy ithe fall fo gradll e tc ado POiil < S(NOOL NEWS ,,ViL tik nîtttît î (oa, f1 'i. tudenta B t Fort FOR, iSPECIALS ' EACH WEEK WEST END MEAT MARKET Wr ILrr ONL bIvR W Feature Red Brand Bntf Open Thur., ced Frtdup tii t We Serveo The tact Endi, Toc ROSS NOLMES, Prop. TU 8-6501 AN OPEN DRAINAGE DITCH is bntng deg Io carry off flit mxe ait tocatoti by motknnen ai bhe C.N.R. Melton-îo- Georgetowen tte in fsqoostng. Wainr seeptng tbroegh sand coosod a qutksand effoyt nsitabotfor laying nemîras. Theopipeoiloeogtoendlttorry themwatrfrom theraitmay i îoadbod ineothe nomv dith, and ttt wli drain int a noarby o ton l table non, the Third Ltne and 10 Stderoad hetd ttp the cotution for a yean, but a drain- ing progînce bas begen and they borae to complote the new track this sommer. Abovo, the muod and oatertareo mu tst teoth ifthe sidroad. LARGER HOMES %%oth of fu i oitue antd drapas foi, 1-ito-ittg Coni on MOW ll tie%% tioviocsitp building fr-on da, il nllnnm qal OliSpciilvCe. LIol. NOTICE O P qtuti, t ttol t.0 sqal t Itt to r l'u);on ýd 'i hllD estroi lies 81720) ant t-, No ashs-bpgnn : oîtoot.t icl t an lal1 qae HA D A E tnd, i. cc.osd.nce ith 1 îutttatddtt.tthe gîttunic Sections 3, 13 andi 19 a Ae-,; o bv iltourp'nMunoecipality Il Lui t 1 20 Al i z uos are desteopoti hy dite of ctot tbtLit ttt S3,2280i a-noioabl the ntoon the municipal *D1Il t eti aîotto4îndhaventhenmoodsc agant the landin ta thn coo-iîaion nf *ilt NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS rit 4 U *I5fs-d SLEEK, SMOOTH and SMART THE NEW 19631/2 Galaxie Two Door Hardtop FA ST BAC K !s-UWel .F -i EFFORTLESS DRIVING AND GALAXIE'S ALL NEW RIDE ARE FEATURRO YOU'LL ENJOY SEt Ut TODAY DEAL WITH A DEALER YOU KNOW - SEE US BEFORE YOU DEAL GALAXIE-- 300 Trafalgar Motors At the New Low Picof C O. L T D $2689 RED 409 Main St. Milton TE 8.2369 -I OPERTY OWNERS fWeeds o&lpensons in posossiono teWeald Coot-ol Ast 1960, - That nises nootous levant tir lands, ceithin the of Nassagaweya Jonc 15, 1963 andi tbs-oughout Ity may onter opon sied tands ost-oyod, charginq the. cosflt non, es set oot In tho Act. citizons sa oosnestlp solicloti. V. E. McARTHUR, Wnod Inspects-, Country of Hilton. tn elitit.ecy [ton gel sotru you bava yoor car seirviiad aI a tteahiiddeit.ts gaag. Ert ha b nua 24-monthwat ralies that thn car lodustry la na Jcoîly prccd cf cre lcclptag la mctte aons oiavaiso bat- ter. Staitcl reoas of pa-t failarco mont cas, ta lenpt cp la date an a national otitle, mbtub enobîns the msoc- Icrer la sot immedlatly Ibaoe pus-I falîcrea Ihol tcootctnentt cuethe mant trocble andi s-emndylirrter. Oitr ticew cst er tehioitt eu- aetsii,'orihisoimoern pro gleio. Wh * ni dropinotor a damonstroiioo drive Ioitayt' If pou have pledged c doca- tlan la lthe Miltn SvAuainlc Pool mbeatacnstrction botai, o lahe limse ta eCaIett thist plcdge. The pool le s-fy grStcng dama fillete ta Rata-p Pus-k, TRAFALGAR MOTORS Hilson's Drive - In Us FEATU RING: *HOME MADE ICE CREAM *1201 HOT DOGS AND CHIPS *TASTY SANDWICHES *MILI *SOFT DRINKS *Hi CRSYCHIPS 2" HOT DOGI lund lund i DELUXE HAMBURGI GLASS 0F ORANGE 134c 134c1 T±hsnend nly TisWJk n~l. jF R E E - CE c TO ALL CHOLOREN WHO PRESENT : c THIS VALUABLE COUPON ON : : FRIDAY, MAY 3lst, 1963 : *BITWIIN 4 P.M. AND 7 F.M. *Clip Ifils Coopon Nom BRONTE ST. MILTON PLENTY 0F CON VENtENT PARKING * SODAS ( SHAKES AMBURGS oeilim iVlwa a V wy q9 Noliae n hernbp ivn lu, ail pnsons ta possession of land, in anuos-dancn with the Wend Cont-ol Att 1960 Section 3,13and 19 - Thîunsenaiu eed grauaing an thei- [aidu, mithin thn TOWN of MILTON as-e dests-oynti by data cf Juan 15, 1963 anti theoughout the utaton, thn municipality mcv entnr apon cid lantis anti hivn the uannti dauts-opot, chas-aine the tcts againttthn lant in taxns, as ana nut in the Att. Thn ao.oipeaticn cf ail citicn lsecas-oautly soliaituti. WILF PENSON, Wnnd Inspautas-, Towan cf Milton. ihs orc the i brat thetc cal I bad. j0lear miter And And t thae aakat mucb goo s Yot me,t birth INif Rat le ifli lire a No c loi 1 tro il ui ite Nu gosý rth ARI

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