Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 1963, p. 14

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86 .- 'The Canadien Champion, Thursday, May SOt, t162 THE BEST CATTLE SNOWMEN on their vaus olasses pose proadiy ositn heot, aosuds Poiloos- ing tSe Hatton Holstein CIaS s unnouat Tosîtoglt Meeting ut Hays Sales Arena, Oukootte, on Fduyonglt WadlBowndgeMis Danne Fodil Alexande adJohn MGee sele audgedl hehbes hoosoor antra enghy copeto in0 hhevone hada chunce o compae.e Halton Holstein Breeders At Second Judging School Hallon Holtein î'aadao s toalot Teo. itticul panal ai judtas Wut'd fossoiidgossoas ilseir seond aoîrt ja(!,IîOo otala Hoarid Luidiav, Felargt a uot casses. Cattltoaad in fiheoa al Mac. Aaladcit's )tot i i CaatiitN; Albht Ianiar, toal ot Ht ha jaitging sahoat sîaoa ssîyptied t . ii,it- r-aaîiau. C.a',tloal ths'alolstinhloOcdos.'Ille, day, May 17. Titn, citoat Piaistato hîaiî3DoBattitdtt ciotsu ad edthe iportanceaatis tio loat,i. Il Don Baa.&l.H.aot. aitinshl asieldoholIL Hoilein ouille. Eu.h oi flia Hot hls a - &L .LIi eul fitrs hw oa stinbreedoos inaiont,î at i:dnc II uttt cod.. Doaglas Soontideas I),otaada inuasoitut, topo tît teîîatsstt tgiaît itîoat lapoascal1 schoo fiettldtfrafcattl uddas of au opportuniivt u ug i t lita Holstin Asoationt, unît i classes ofHotisn. 'Ile. tot otsPattttt lt attoiootoduiat ttfic iasioiîaiîo Asottatiu In aaoduaitg this schout loal 4 e vieciigfl un dll oh, r.asoiauinîaot t rlin F i sa sc ao vr ,.ai.la toi, th.. shaow ring. hL St 4Ii n E. Ro Otoat Hu tlis. pt..ntideto t ai lie, S'g% iIi a is iicpiei i at H,îtto Hlstin Boa,.dc , noosi ýSet Date Seesk Nakeitn Diry Princess Wit vie for Onoturie Titie Dai7,tttiiiioîctio flictittîtt Il l a a D;iv A lire, (ýNE Itto.t lle RECEIVES M.S.A. Da'vid John 60,0,0, of R 1, Milton, yourigeo 0000 of W R. Hutme, vo i onocoon file die- gree ofMasteroofSScienceon Agricuturoe at ficn May 31 convocatoof ileo Univerosity ofiTorooto. Aifottroogoadatr of Burliogtoo HigIn Solotott uoo the Ontario Agooooolooal Coi- lege, Se visoll aonno stu. dies in Jolie toosato a Po.D. at Iowa Soute Unioetsity. i îoo Noiii Fiioatfic CLi , tion.ta lo, i,, o nti ,ili tl tae Haotîoî Doît', Pt oî,,.- tît ,oiii t,, Ilin tcr îooaoiiic si*litaitatpn o taoî,îisiaootltu,'oiti to;i,, le. laoieatoiotnot Agio n ,ottiitttg liolt.'Ioi-as. ot, do ri. ototoat Assoit.iua. Foilostitîg a os t f ia atospat tioi ot, iltototol .t1,.io fti lic c, Itnîtta, toi n ytoa i.'ottt'tt 00 Nltit23. ttt, ,ci,l.ttoit ia'tt .nîo Theio,îIfl,oîa'ut Il tatCtLLia, vî,îild toka pto,.a -ototaotid o sal oiot trte Ilta 1,'1NtIiot lie fld o it . tot tasr c ta, ii., itit o Ii .011 ,,, 20 A i a 20 l,,H lol )I toi'ntier11 0100 \ colt It n ,tt.. to ootl0,tlatluo.t ta M n iI.(tltaottls Ilitlito tttiatt t ILL, Oîîtlofin , fi atttiatt i "it bc haisoaat flic uigs at AViolt i ia, Miton. Holstein club Junior Former Echange Judges Caves' Ha It Hss Scot Girl the East Hallue 4-H Hoilein Caîf Col ashdaiisfoe Hallin Conny friot peuple Darieg iser nlay isere is ati' or Farmer gel-logeliser in of Robert Alexaoder on Wcdnes. playedho 10Oyug isiridelseoiHlan4HCfBapu. day, May 5. Pront Scotland ibis pani weoh. Clab meeing: and lise Holotin Miss Steel isas isen cuite active Tht moeeting toas aaliod t0O At.d Miss Mary Stool of Sitaf- fi'eoders' IrniligsI meeting ai3 le Young Farmer wur. la. Sol- der hy tha pîsosideni DcsO' ta Fanms, Kilînaonook, Ayr- Oakville, viniled an Ayrshire'laad. Bine le necreiory-Ieeasurer Ftt,.Th bot wut ot a r knohoSolandl, enjayed evr aille tarni, 'toured lise Leaverfof liser groap,, neoretary of theo Ford.The oll c as aken hi0 Sco Moshiouas Farsa at Caspnell-' Ayeshire Assoolalion, and a mesif .înd [lie mnuotes of tllso Infect m nut io il. ville and spen Sundayaria lso'her of he suhwestarea ladies 'ing t.o.' raîdhviltoa soo,'oîor-. Sh and lisa u.t.a. Young Mr. Buon.side disoiissed the prat Fut soos' Association soatihoos gtraonotsonttlu,1 olloo Thefont aE0tund ad Soiaîiare clh oas1 ieu divtdod 010c l's pîoseoiy vst. in g Canadian thot,, oots. Tht, Joniors ser tarims n a Éi,'a qn.nhntaoa ..aottp deonstatioo hveduaioaitour. Fah yar Can. MroaBnotîtto. TheInto ersodi aIda soods de at e-,atusl Great aiasoonder ttictaadership oflo Jac tituin taan ahauilthe tari- Roetson j.îdgcd a toss of so in@csomsad iiolaooCana- yirotd aaîss. di,,s pluty hool ta tha vîsiliog Fattasing thait' typea dason- Enginh atnd Scaott doteaules. ltao ltJuotos judgad Oe c ai u t os and gaoe soeis TourteliCntry rsons tuMr. o,'oside ind l- Mtos Steel aaootpuaid Iwo0 oa For'd. foth tloa Inloosedi- irî's anod a boy truin Saotaod is tîto Senior's wsaî' reqoirod undu a onda gitl tron Eog' tuagi a eoaunsa ltait, platoocs. lund on ttalic r ot'ao. That ai' alln offiiatcîatsansuand flic. rivad AprilS30 îd atspent thra i.svecgivan ho Mr. Caoooo d,îos ;tt Ottawa sa.'ng lt,, Cupi- and ackRobertson. ttac tiaî seauoted utod osant Mt. Carto oas tsistalth l it outtttîîng ahboutthe country._ __ __ _ __ __ _ js into aking op thato tono k Hatio'sovisoiospao t il) duys slicett ad JackRahbe'tson lielped a.an uts and Noîithumhat a m Mt. Bot noida haeld a dis- Hohu, tat an aighi dt, stut, osiun periao ith lic Sniors. Wtosdiivof lusît we. Forothe Thttttto uroupo tlieaaushin- lit'sttaourdas siteastuad sith cto have a joint disaussion un Hotitoot'o 19i2 Daies Poioaoss fldigestion ind sosach parts Maron Humert. at Miss Hanloo's tf aoso.. tlate's tas on the a ukaro Athurta Latson _oaad t sala ai tliunko ta Mr. Alasandar. T, E. CHUDLEIGN, f f 13, Ml- ton, Otro, osas aosarded Scienoe on Agricaulaure uitheS attnuaConvocatin eeaa e ut the Ontario Agtiututa Collage, Guelph, heid onf Fo6ý day, May 17, 196'z 'lo, Ilt faî , lia Ser'îîoooîol ita Mouluo, oaotîi ao.i notlî îî'îthî,at ommenttt ando, ohaoao tIittaagitaat thasaak. IsaulîlIi eo tafo Cthristianîo ctcc- Mu,', Bake, Edd. Sîîoî, clatiis ,îIî, tia o' INSURANCE - , R. R. FORD Miltoc, Ons. R S 6357 iitoad ta siuy foaa duy nw ti.h loîî'saoJuniorFarmeaprsidot Sutl RWilsan atd hi.s toilea i Nor-' tut, tieat Thursday sha osas oit oîgin lrauîtasaniogit Toronto tnddieuat iioaa duatoaar iie at Niagaruîa Fallts haiora ttao.diag SPECIAL VISITOR in Hatton Countp fats cirdles Ibis senS is Miss Mai' Sent of Apsshire, Scoîiund, lf, e Scottish Yoang Fuomes detegute on a three-monih tour ni Canaeda. Lunt senS she stuyed osith Patn Deirp Princess Marion Hantes of Wat- ker's Lille, Baîlingon, sighî, and ibis senS is stuping aI the hase of Mr, and Mss. Bi Wilson; Nosoat. Confirm World Plowing Match Dates - t's Caledon, Oct. 8-12 lot'11 111 --1 Plaîtoîi, C..,. Stlice.. h,,, il ui t ,,', fie lld i tt tottt .6li',,., P ace Caoli, lit. Eo.'op...too o.tis. Tht'. t" Snheslrnnai Czlitan aOit- t t.î.s.tine ilp.otb ptttatti il - iti (ttacLt IL lit lqatt. 'IIts T chapiona. Pîttiola dIn.,, 1i 19tao t oit I latin- Fotai i, M.toitthu, unit Gr-and l'ila, l", IttaaT.'it,,0k,'Io 1i. Wells otSt,,uttvl, ia , tutatj 'llie o ttotat i, on, o li i it, o e,,s.,o Canaa [t he t tet v,... ILI'0 o, ""'t" zooott ifi "Thi, i, IL %et't impotanu t au- fontd o AtoottitO0,00 poplettt o ' sitot Atas MaKionos. "Il ex)itoao iOstt tlle eoalît pr'a'idet o.tftle Cotodian Pluugh- o,ooop ,,,tt'it zttt 1 . [I ,moulait C,,otol. In addiiont ta theo pt'ow- Iai ,ttoo.tîh. ing, olisil,, oIf ma hoineoat" ond TOWN 0F OAKVILLE NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Weed Control Noie l e re ive toc l ail persons in possession of land, in ancordanso wih thse Weed Conelol Ail 1960, Seasoes3, 13 andi19 Tha aeless neoous wceds growing on thei lands, wilecinh Town of Oakvulle are deslroped hp Jlne if, 1963, and ihrougiscal the seasen, lihe ienisipaftis mev enter oen srod lands and have lihe seede dcstroyerd, charging the sosie agaiesi the lanad en taoes, as sel out ie the Ast. The on-operation ai ail citizees is eareel solicitent. R. MEARS, Wced Inspecter Tewn cf Oakville. AVAILARLE AS ESTER, AMINE AND SODIUM SALT. MCPA IS SAPER THAN 2, 4-DON1 SOME CEOPS AND SOME WSSGS ARE USUALLY EASIER TO KILL WITN MCPA THAN WITN 2, 4-D. GcI pour oopy cf lise CO-OP Agrleoîîera Wood-KilIcr Nacdbook ai yoer local CO-OPI ommiliec, Ai boume olle inel hier paeents roc' a 150 acre mi rd farming eaieeprise, macladie 70 dai caille as scel as ne oedary inef and shmep eol prises" Tise Ontario Junior Panses Association and the Oetarluio parisreni of Agricnlture a, joint sponsors of lise nour. Pollock and CampbaII Mtanuaturer$ of HIGH GRADf MEMORtAIS MEMORAL ENGRAVING 62 Waîcr Si., Nortis, GALT Tclepheoe 621-780 LOOK CALL NADALIN ELECTRIC CO. Pcor INDUSTRIAL- COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING and MAINTENANCE SERVICE TR 8-2206 USE GENUINE LIFE TIME FIBERGIAS Screening *WON'T STAIN *WON'T BURN *WONT CORRODE *IT'S GLASS AVAILASIS tN 20', 24', 26, 28 w , . 36", 42" WIDTHS Gel Pour Pree Copp of Nos te Appt0 Screnesieg Aneilaisîs Nose as MITO HARDAR H A L T ON Good Pastures Must Be Planned FER STAGE i - Atficee S U-_P P LI-E --S MILTON PHONE TR 8.2391 GEORGETOWN PHONE TR 7-2271 ERIN ----PHONE 833-2222 COME TO YOUR CO-OP! Buy your Freezer or Refrigeralor and Set a $29.95 Hair Dryer FREEI OPPER 0000D MAY 1E - JUNE 29 STAGE 2 - As I stand ap an ý& H STAGE 3 - As I osasse STAGE 4 - Whs ue eV 0.20-2 x ust Illeapperi MANURE ALONE Is NOT Enough FOR PRODUCTIVE HAY AND PASTURE TOP DRESS WITH CO-OP FERTILIZER iad SPRAY WITH A CO-OP HERBICIDE FOR EFFECTIVE WEED CONTROL iney vo n'o AND TO HAVE GOOD PASTURE, PLAN TO USE CO-OP PRODUCTS! T LIZ E RS H E R BICID ES sceding - Usaallp a complete feseille is d te iscîp estaslish tii, nigoroas stands. SPRAY AT THE RIGHT TIME AS THE ANALYSIS YOU NEED! 1. Spray wieen thse woeds are young. 2. Spray wlsen growthF is rapid. oeg as lcaînos esaire up 50%, orieoe ai tise 3. Spray wlsen thie weaiber is warm. anc 0-20-20 or 5-20.20 te iseep production d legunses isealtisp. 2, 4-D AS THE ANALYSIS YOU NEED! THREE FORMULATIONS ARE ON THE MARKET, ESTER, LOW VOLATILE ESTER AND AMINE TNE TWO ESTERS ARE MORE ACTIVE AGAINST NARD. egasses lisin out (25.5064 of ferage) iselp the TO-RILL WEEDS AND ERUSN. THE AMINE, AT s muaietain production wiîisout drining out RECOMMENDED RATES IS AS EPFFE CTI1V E ns with 10.20-20 lerliliaesso AGAINST MANT REES AND if LESS HAESH ON CROP. A~S THE ANALYSIS YOU NEELS' r-i en legomeus, hase liitiea ouI te 25ince ceb 'ec iiier nllrogen ratces lei maiclain pmoduc *ntise grasses, socs as 10.10.10, 16-8, or O plos elîrogea as urea er ammoniumns itrate. RS THE ANALYSIS YOU NEEDI x- Thep cmnodl ait ru The two Sol buil let ue on Ma report to HgsSoho, nahodle lu Thunderbnr p sas Anl bIln's Ange]i Jliy 1, Tderbir lotrs. Iul Thundorit Sputiks. J II Thonderlor Saln' Ane Wilh 74 fes.a Jln day nîghl. pisensJ A" lngeb sohon' pAni l rane li da high .o Denyes sot forson B Onhope er aIot fli is so, hon hav CTfollRe coch laak Sosan Whi noorîlo, Dia. .tgemian 1 P ion.iliton, ther Wilkin Sponsor, Coach, Rd Gloria C Withordin Riddoll, Sa onîdson, F Nvhltl T Somit, Li Stî'îîod, Lyt Sponsor, fil.h l gllackio Cou Mais Ann thaoingl.on, ea., Nancy tchinoan AnneoHoar cuptulos, J Do Boovo. Nooa Ho Jac.bs, Jar, Zeasan, S, Baktoy St soanis, Sa Coui. Kar Sponsor Solo Wuls Daso Si Barbara M cite, Diana lin, Palois. Spno8or, Ruiforc le ootlh tho M e 1 _,ilks and S Cornets. aie- >

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