Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 May 1963, p. 1

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Plan $80,000 Addition to HoIy Rosary Val 1c4 -hic 3 .Aatiaetanm -ttennes cuie mn MILTON ONTARIO THURSDAY MAY »fIl 1963 ilo nt ee Paaet-Seoea t $367 WAS STOLIN sangy Soedop mceeteg whee thaivea pried THEIVIS BROga OPEN the ft epen the donc cf the oait ie tha Williamsa Ave. high tohoat. Aseeaclaiouoom dccea niera alto seashed beltafe thep et- office Of tha Martie St. sîhool caspd. day mnitg. * Tomatoes Ail Gone Laie May Frost Ruins Crop An îtttoioai May iti tiatitnI,'tle îepot-atcrn iippndl toihavoeioicel0Iiititcatic, . utrinA Haitoo Cocety aod tîthot heoot 30 deicoc on Aprit 25. "Wt îoid. parscoftcocthntOntarionfactitcca lyi-ay itci aleotipatit. I ittî tielottitt tItie ttîttkc Thctrday nioiegtciedcoîoca t- May 2J ieocpaiood. tiulir ictdattageooio toooc oartyitopi and iaasdiodo Ji- Reoctctroettarmacî throagh-icuitob acioccid. Acoiiooaolues faimse. ticitd tht, Bociegtcît-Milgrocoseioii abtout otttqtacteros icitt, Ealy stoemato phoitittgc ve, arcatiat theo iardeci hic, coitit conootyc total ci, andtt st thecouthIit. asicîitegitteth gond tetitiiatt-o i20deo- er patd u oistctaiott pocattocs dtopted tuoa codod grecandtabot2oi2 r 27 dico lu toi p opttathucatotctibo loti ci 20 degtoosinc Boliiegtoc. .tho fotr fout ioîol. te tlitier- airc i,îttcit sotand bihiîî.ie Pnltcois wihite tliy wte cel thner at-na, hconoce, lthe temtpea- latct- ot es hanhhpytho frct,ntî-ou octcpod tuocsididct dtpisutccand lec JohncHuctictoo. WaditotcLott, ,cnt. Sjrawehcriot er iitr ccl ioni ps cote ottentod. Bcctîagtoe. test 15,M)olicatî taf tno hlcam and ltis ahoci Une Irrigation plante, bt ort ntcatcy, ctili hcd 60operctotcthoirctiot.he Tholfarmerrcnhccspratodtea- d5.00oouiptoctdcboi [ieiot tiidues notessia60 perrcet terctor theicropc dring theitit. Heaaiseftoctotnacresct i-opt roîlction ai fito icior [rosi etaagod tîcivnecimissi 01-ricabouit 0 pe centof'ttii itiooitiayoetisavtohetdavfor shuntMr. Mir Poinfctdout. But ctopitbut caîcd iciotettacd itoitctoei. Aiseodaoatodoit- toi tacts eico oqoipped iiith citeosquash itiioieîioa ltoete grps acrttti itoac acd toat- irrigatinSmodIgepotsatitatd o-Oh ncodoe basktisl. Laleal S150e 1956 liatto F. Mtit tLit acditiîge- Nearly Finishd taitlo oxtîenioneciitiiith Dutpactmnt of Agricuilture offii, ai-i May h oit icfic Att tar 1956, Friday Pool D eadline -Mdltcn. ne $48fo0osiing tats sht o thiocuicati lb8. pt ineRotaryvParkcirpdty ait- 0 buotcîaittIhatiicottcitot -n-Il. e itoiiiotplti, ti titi,' ur bv ow ot cha to tit M ilton iaDblt coccote.w Foidoy. May- 3t. the, gracti hate buo aititcoi. Ho doadtîct,. A. M. Ledwdith, Stinict.îaî ofitnlcwvr ifi coîttptotd ad it iirxpooted tat donationi 1aî un tii tuiab w tcî onI o ic tdooti acocod Ati t, tie For mD-Dacy .-ve.. antdtfio-aooni tidii ouit. T'vio hon/ tilst"a ,ticictncd te. i ttt- ît , Tit o s I, ll ttî:ît itl I-g txii m i vvil b tii,- tîî.liaie iswiettîsoudeîîdtt o-finkcctandtlookiilttficOol,iîtund Htttatîte vitat, n it lic i ilî potta tata, to c i o r ittttotiiiiea t iti -it- Ptety tleýi'-t[t dt. htteo li Ae t. idonationi tîit] itaptao i,îtIltets. H. Matile tutui.ttîî,i itîtî ILit, c sevecal titoîîiatt dotlb hoiaoacd. litsid 199 liai. Planos tut Ni1tiiit Rît,l Attictio 20- te AO-ii,hl ittotle and EcgiilisFirý ¾ki il u7h e Board Asks Architect Prepare 1944 tittt ddit, Q,, Joi .16 , h:lII lo School Ad iin Sketch Pln tiu:ue tt Dliii 144 t iOA ohti st, et ci itutuOw tittie iitii.ttI' I liuif uîttit it ot -itc iîstrcteîî tt tlii buiiling~ tle ui itt ( Attiîît autco n i-titljtLs aîîîî,uîî sktch, planti lia n~t i tîutuc uîi î iti D itt f"eIl kLu t%,i Soltîol tty Milioet District Higit iîuîtru ti l iuta fix t :ii [i id to-iii ot otOîth îbSclhottBoard Wadaocday eoerich. liAte ,cc r Tiîototttittatttsketchtplatns Mîtttbt, itti% Iîaii-lut,ttt btîitAagaoltcoithi tit at, ir o1 prittid or i igtit caci tiocsi uibri iL t-i-ttaiitîg Cititittittiii siiîeeiom ueihrary ntsottt.ttcla- cvoul iiit, uit iti ttdttui iltit- cattd itta iiioiototutIatII oii atotîithoo ganotai ihepi, Ecttioin;ioa i cttl N.aiagaot,îa laîotie ai Pacd ttttll titi b oi e oniics t-isins, aiioitei iii appî-outd ulitit, z." A gtoop teoo Cao-adta it lg ht I orttaned laodtfaiitio-. $700.000 ptojoiU Mtlott Coctil t)C-frfit i clo i a i l ( ut f i tadititton etiti replace Ilt itîisto Itle h it î cu [lita pi-î uate-tt tut tliti Totoît lttgs- Mittîtu Si. Hiatt Sellooanittuo d i tt, iii, l uo 'tieteoî, itttutolliîuutiîtttt....ual- iI,,itîutre otttOtiet to1Ii"l ttititttttili un t -l :uuîiotcituu utottta litutn, liAis . bc ttci1taî*t otbl0 flot iiS70t.ua00 gtil ;ni bi*ad o- fctî.at. li - 9il i. aËilt i-qti-cicl, au , [iclsi cisPaeF. Is, Authority GIad to Meet Councillors "Iriti i akn uh i tutnc colii,î tt c tutuoi 5.30,ij i c, t itoi c iw s titcoottto tttoot coîotl,î li, utiit Ficdan, Mai 17. ocst ha, 00,7.500 cil AS eci eene :ttt,ootactittooiotîaic.itW. tutti, niiî intflicottît %%ien theopiitfi iit tur 1iteouiîtai CiauklaoiTho Chtampion tii uouttcioso-att,,ope.titi,- Otto us Up noetbut Loulouia si îioola atller Roit't CA. l'senst. ttiotctcrot' du;tattof 2.384oalilbthoî ,(liet t ouil t is, ut.ttio tue t, I tt hoitut ,Cr tttttt1t. t ibC la d L i, h lai ioi iO-ot Ilottt cti t il - -" 1 - titit foitî fli eiac commit titi t t%îI Ilt aiI, 99t-ttîtîuu a itt tiee tocaisi Acei TOtO ut, btitg chsiuuud caca iuggec cttgudttuiooioti teIlt cootTt Parkiion a 13 thoit tho ae yr pcolgcau o 0r titi itroot parkuing. tut Mayt catetmetflcfi Pa't AatheriîeV: di an ee o e igitibcoaîkdîrcvteoen i ,Mr. Il tee iact gel aep io-opeatioO aeanmutloeastreqonitedi.WVoClark said oena ameeting aitîoimoto- bare ne reicomandation o Tito Par-king Aotttotit p os a oly iotictaitnty fiiebteo Cor atakeo. uti tlil lor initallatioa af parh-ii ctera is ]le toupeof dcîetcp- Actho-t î ytairrtoce Clark m-ugetiiri and dnrelopmoac uli ittg anti ftuae par-king", Aotoctt- plaioed the meeting aallodl ty tae [ oi-itront parktng lots. Total catî it tairmaat Clark coaiauded. hong cabitnet un the principaUt whau thep enttntd caep Site- MilIk Price Not Up Here A renaly atcnotced ottls peton hîke la Onkille nint nf- feît thto cniearles In tMilioan, mtanageet et Pork Porta Dntrp aod Miltoa Dalrp aaaannred The DoRcîir Dair Lld. Irata- est the pelca of taill anc cent a qnnrt te 26 rents, attribt- lag Ihe tnrrenae te rlatng pro- duction nd dellcerp coïts. lit la *'old Onkvetea onîy datay. Bot Mton dntrlen terve tha acrt end ai Oakrlle nbole IRe Lomer Ena Linea. ne meu m ne nlarge eete-.nrranedinar Milton and lte flottin Iltti. Manager G. Inremtaa of Mil- Ion Dalry and aniiser Gond Mec- Itiois of Pork Farta netd te Onkeluîn tîke mvont aiet Mil- Ion, bat heltaîrd to nay hem long lc nionld lie tafore local uatuotnrt nionld tie anksd la pay o tlgter prie. A Pravtnce- .School An $80.000, loar-roosm addition tb Hoty Ràotory Roman Cachotta bnparatr Sîhoo wiii ie unifer o codu io c n i-ue and tiadi i o-o se y the lait terni in bttptee,oo Stitot Board itaicctae A. N. Koîlt accoocrd Tht, Boatd, tîood inith nier-ta- crcaoic it eooits, aforocd acta, to tok, theo toocIL additlion le by the pose celle Dwoltamt, Ottawa". 1 tee laits tait. bat il was c'lie Mitui.otuî.tîut buinatinlctoig ttoI t,awrîi,-oIllte Company otaîla Flaioit loi, flic poocot Tttaegtt, Iuoe flic Hait, Liti, ui the eocth, ttff tati betane glsglaJustec- loti, -tii Otatio Municipalitat.i atîaiiaiotta li hO.M. Pao:. Nîtrth Eoti Cuc Siiii- ttu ticstill otî ooedano, of file Iril. lia, jtoattititiiotit I)"Atti B Hiig., ailig hhi, othncusd- np;uupi!v. &ttoey'. R/A StationttOoiati. Siitit lot Att, Oauf on -___ iabatoi-uc Miltutî. cîtnomerctiialaova oth Frootihe Biase Lotoe itouti te Moed:îiv,i,li,, . î,otil ut, locHI L.c Il otAtoi BaseLiUne nthe ptoscii OakSi bu chodohod lor resi- Colleci $1,897 vee i lln su yll oli:lutý"-L L il ali lcrmidre eta iprv ihceyhn S3 1 imi,tidt8a ptOhak ticd andu,i -uîtiuucîurle Johtai titi ftl e lVh.and'ut iitol idit dri Equ i ,otitptttoi toîlcccdtthtitthe totîtosin L'qu iti ac-9 Olat ""- .1t, iîtuandtRe-l C.t A tiu.tiiiiittit ht iti tutt ioehodu tl c titaottIttotth iaiteitra.T tiltia,phaii tI iti e Loi iocli îaosuiii i,,it itNtatiititditi *li oi*)tîhtvsgitilIons Ou ttuMilon pîîouandtistittiriag titii J NIi a 4at ieo liciit i îtîctt ti tuait Une~ tut Ii os, pttîpitii Ealaien narioS îuîuuîutouî. Caeandat it aad .îîtî.îtî.utî.itîi t-101ý.É7il lc Nttitiiiitto.t(itottiil Clc, 111tt,îttit outitiliti .utttîi.tti lle an itit-tiiotheittt U nettbA ficDal ) MuhttuPa.ttutoccrtcttot da', tii A Cî.î i. t iti O t.it 0- Indu ties ci, i, tliti ,",Tiit l i ILi - u ap tî t it ot, ti [ Il t li î,tui--t Oiatt A. iiîitu Mui :c o Sto potîbcita sihtt te cii-i, 11, tiitiiot li. Yi. ii , uu ku io liai:. jnk r B gns Vote rioiu ilie,îî-îuî, ao tItI ciatlt oil t od .upqto.i .idîo h Atof ta. ash.tiî ait~; &" iuuy s ISPrm to îîî.îiîîîlîdit î utîî - cîotc il fit.touîu aîttuilîîîtt lit dti alttut h.îtî O ct tl, fli 1" tutu"" aml"p li ri95oo0aitci, tite Haod filcm tî titi pitonotl Fîuîoî uîîa - n ,no, n"' son ' ,' 1 o-' iGuas Pro v. Onrectors Juqppon t~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e i,îl oo 77.000 îîhnauv i ututatstat ii utu Rîîiîîîur sertiti tr ai lt-go-idi lh 1 1 ib i tit i ale u tîtuai . to ib tu t to wnilit boi hirnnRoatir Maik,ta Iaq.t, N\ toi -it Nid alc, 1I"" toaotîbhu .u . B. id1 h.-bi xot uiiitatttto tj ou, a .,otott t,li, coobi adoqîuatî, ilu i, admeîis ltaI Titi BoatA i,i%,td o-cou-i Mullot, atttiiciousiiociiliah ctppott tito W. A. Roiti, ict, tiiidid leaderschip. Diiir ot Proovincial.iÀhî it ilo\%,o litasi' roo- SoiiT orotoia thu,-:ttiah gatut \,il hi Pauât oolthe Seicîeo iîîg ohitut atit. inuuuîî itottutt.Sî,i ho tIi i4iuhd tIti , Pî tîîexil a i, tîptt itt il scpitti ut enu 17ta purih otntt gî:îuîtht , i itî Ntttuttd octiuîîah-elle Ili., Jutesi, catit. elait ais itio)itltttov 17 pur MILTON'S SCOUTS AND CUIS havce hee na-ongoouoed ioie, Finît, Sneod aod Titird ttccpt. and ce FtidAy eigitt Prncial Fieud Coniiitnn Dantois Lewis iited Millets c pneee't en coot 10te hecod Milton Scouts ond CabsI. Gnoap coatettten ohaîttce Ion Evaet looht on os tae P.FC. adjust tae soovet oe Doit ickp Brnnsd Scoot Daaid Ftneatt. A lange cocnd cf parns atiîeded te ass thte coanoe. Ask R.C.A.F. Radar Set-Up LoctedonMount Nemoh 00ainWsinhue)iit root. Att agiorecont oi e irioti,tîlil Iot' tflr'tttt a ttt oi îoitîti . I t1jn ti 0 RUI., Icet (I taMIil, t, ide f, invite A.,oftIlt itt,it îit Attt Ilit,,toî .ict,,Iltot To- d lttot l", ittttWcd.A . i-tt'1 topt:ttt..t...o1 1 ndtt12 Mil Carlisle t îimeoity Pond paris- litie Aititotti ocioi îtritpi etste, and theoanthority agrccd tc iod aiotg theotopoutitheecacp- cent sinmetfaresandatMouille- oti it were il faces Waiknrts otg tttorealarmer for the hoy ,hic. a sd il iasi n thii ciciity ncp ai o rotratned damn on the ficWesinghioecooapacy wart- papertv cciii oct tee boRlt for cd tu ocl ntcheir radar eqaip- ocrerai yeace. eci,ela,omieodaton ready - n u i tit fltc tait totni. Oneilaccctoît ThivesGet$385 in xnhoou wvearuun t.o i asom a nd h mn e eÉe îooll ais taierat acd os too dîtricg ,t li963-64 terni. Nci,etttat i1fu aoswl Damage to Building Exceeds $500 bccldoi M oo 40 iltîlîiîte 140 M .rig n msedi i- oiebliv lcMatnS 8Irmthdekrwr a t i Rt,îatî Siboai opeed ta htloce ttîttpîicg teith o total ot mcdcigi, bot att, nul sure ot hetort, toaîteg. 1955 at ttttt-totot addition plut $385. To keni roni the, Willioams the, tiieb fiha ct Williatms Ait, Theycoctorod tlic Williamsc Aive- pi-iottpalî litît aint kitchbrs Avene îaoli-aî $367 and $18 ciii sciboliwaiiokoe huit. neoîihttotthrooeh a indntina tinte adikdi ttt 1958atotther cvss ol rtei the, priipl,U Titi iiiett,î iotot d tici Martie the, coits sd ci theo bildintg, tlttt,,oote, tthraîv inad dorage ttfficeoatthe Martie St. scooo .Sitsihool thiotîoh al doot in cotaîttd open thet donsr tu the, moaintvet, aiddt, aod on16 fbi ca Mtlton Poltico are pcoîtetl te- tlic lu ot tho hoildteg. attor prieiipatcs otfico aed pried thet Boat-c i ddeld to o-e ]as îet iiatfieg hotit hreakcii. p tiotiîtho oinded lctdor a coudiropent,tehere $37 niai tuooot,abtad -otcantdatnoi- High choot hoard ot iiiai fit otdortu o ttloihit. Tho nfoer- hepi. Accotai, niacirooni doors sts' roulis 'Flic addition ti year iereoaicoisenthedhouttheroîiaî hitgctfliciohottol 4troori neodameageticiidnany iile The rotooth et Martic St. io, lot a, loties-, tour-t m C ou ni M ain Si. Traff ic Mit nkPoic hie(p Royin but iyas N ls n PoiRss se hion ai le btolr sittot youi hil tu octe at. is cooh te iciorni the o pico Becotni L-Sleape aP1 ey secan oipiooo Tii, additioe oiltrit ae the 7,000 Vehicles Per Day f :atozxhai ngyson ul-hliroln n arwsh Hic îetny ci.iticpccs 17 an Mlîd Ml18 itîca abiitit sieatot10octaisecm," 11JotiitbcaLiddl t otfilt cortur .ie oil'ttontMain Si. dottiiI 7Oti00 teic spacidl tpoint .tid. thtoari vrooi coeantiai iloc-itttluto.lasiciootecoothe al Fiidai nio Satotdacy? 1,000i, tîtt oi tite Maic, Maîtto SU. cime." gtotitti antd iwo abtoie tn a sc- 9.000, 7.000, 10,000? Citîto file or-,o intersctionî. Police hein iltai int ioterai îtd citt, A Fittir cooot wiii he titansetr, an eio. Neto25 Traffic intnces citiaeî haveoiaitod teiiettded Ioiscivetho eteelcai Aotttriiiiott iitetiittt,i wau tackt, Ito Ii totity theon. afie hoo they hait, adîitJi tA oecisiois arPkingAthtythit % inittcen iocpiiooi mocoeontc tt,ttdotc atie igiatliois e toi ,dottineiogtttliactouet arooedhoildiegsî ok on tho toctrait. liln battit lc t iti oteici weco - t .a.nau Hospital Adds ttit.aeint lotii icoicto nirri o.P P. in Radar? pBati ti i7iei. Mod 1 git Visiting Hours """"oc '7etMctae7 alonMay 17 tictfi, cui Dio th ttontc ai tlii Mittto o-ai 2,796; and botîîooo 7 ate Speeding, Pond Gel Action DmitHospitalil tît ho t antd 7 pie itc-,acA4î,54 iittoc: Hoitop Rd. roiidoct Nio Kbp naogittaneO,P.P.icarcintthe radar cttotie J1 toiitsiu ib[ie- Moiti- totatticg 7,342 fo, tlii 24 itear iaai LdSuitaaatiîforapt iiiL aititarditefoco totnaiooeiditiniOdoîdeio i Ai tot litsi scond oomptaiat. tititt noeth triai pttiod hogilo Sat odat, Mat 18 cati a total Mondayoioaning, to coioo hic oh- Mr. Kiip gît sao action. Cocr- etegioco 1 fticoHosptital iBot Ciiieoin[o ot 7,028 fot Atac iectioe aot peedittoncaraeil,idoitcite Mr Dovid L Diiitoti annuieootd titi1 24bfous*petiod ipoodioteiditoatongreuxor Hcietott.otierotthecaoactis o,: I. The ne oooîtitin ov ire '"t pta. Hieit ciidtoc, Hoctop-Btoitttt St. lt, and aiR ttti.91 .tue.30tt.tt.Ptit ',-,o ti ttat -i ta icis irallielien fietrt ILt,odauct toff tracncwter 1,shbut ad u ilto an fooubi,o ti 9 ttc toboc642ittnitti "TitoO.P.P. cruiicerc aire file flai biasceiteiatond earIv iiiig pootod oaib day. cibCÉitotiiogb theo ioocit Tbic itgoit cfl*eeders, hiad, do a toit docip At theo suggestin 1bh, Boardt ooooitt M horiait 61o hpt100balil.aticdaci iiciin tht e as.aî ncars 0odlls ot iotttiltot GeorgoPordythe of tt oI ai cit tithe htop, Tctttiî ituin drtop ull oit Son- Miltoe Pce, tforno chcotii Rte Mc. Kttp caid tieteill nain li. ttutiie, a nd ,ti totottîl tiat.,ttttittl Bitt,e8 am. and nttoifid, aed itoonoitior ttoct doegettocx toc the, uatitdrea, and -Liie Ioi,ittpa- 12cooo mly 523 viti,cîntni, Piaro oinertd tehat îi-otd ithetitacoohttiehaditrogs ia 1 . cr[,. con(editappoti ilettoiitopoliieoforceoi iîit:c tcoctoirîoserrre. ~~tte~~~ . tai0 Set Date August i Town Okays Proposed Use Map For Annexation, Leaves Hand Out

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