IKnee Deep in Grass? Need a Mower?ý Look -rn Othe Want Ads E t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES BIETHO, DFATHS. MARRIAG- ES, ENGAGEMENTS - No charge.- FOR SALE. FOR SENT.' ETC.- s5c Min. chg.tetor ords. Se Sohteitent inrimi c changes) nmo h o 15 seords. 5c per scord dicte. aller. n25e dincount alied tee cash Faymont. COMINO EVENTS. C4FO OF- THANKS-tt tes <te-t tise fn Is.1n for catir oddiiont lin. IN MEMORIAM-$I pies hi0e Pet tint nf verbe. CLASSIFIED DISFLAV. RFESAh ESTATE-St .20 per colet ch BOX NUMBER ta thie efftce - 25c additîenat. DEADLINES Ctassihied Adeertisiong 17 Noon Wcdocsd,îe Ctassiiied Dispiar & Seat F-taite S pin. Tucsdati Phone TR 8-2341 6 7he Canadîan Chatmpion, Thersdap, May 22id, 1963 BASS-Me. and Mr,. Datvtd Bass (nec Wilson) ofc 347 Woodaacit Anc.. Milton. are pteased iii armseence 16e hieth ertii son, Peter Doeuglas, %lgipiri te tht., 5L : Ci, ai Mihîa iu. c Hospital on Mcy 20, 1963. CLASS - Me. ced Mis- tiensr Citer et 322t Oct, Si,' Mitonea amnptnaedteanannrc Aie, hirih of ther esea, -Neigt A ths., 9 ees., ai Miltoen Diii ît Hospitat, ont Mas 18 196.3 DENT-Me. asd Ms-s. Keisti liens (ncc Sharpel ol Mottai aiel ploaed te aeneene Ille bti i of thoer soit- ciglht 9 hb- ui Milton District Hospital oan May 20, 1963. A heottc tor e O- boirait tond Lori. LEARMONT-Me. aîîd Mes. Jiîn- os Leamnnt F atgroce a- noine thehîctiieut hit -ma, Blit Roert, 8 ]ihs., ai Orange- sie Hospital uo Fiidc<, Mav 17, 1963. A heotiter tee Clii i- Ile. LE RICHE-Mo. aod Mon, Charl-i ns Le Riche ot S. R. 4, Miltoa. arcploanedino annoance tht hirik et thete dnaitghter, Loiii Oraee ai Oatilei--Trafalgare Hospital tan MasS5, tAn3. FOLAND-Me. and Mis. Hen isait Feiaod of R. R. 5, Miltoen, aie pleaed te uso-ee flie bsih e nI their daeghtee, Bridgei Mary, metaht 8 fils., ai :Iii hue District Hospîtal cre Map 17. n 1963. SNOW-2e-Aoine and PaîtSo h i ton happe- tri ansum neC te ci etalo these daoeliter, Els aIc Je-Amne, hnen ai Wine Col- H ee Hosptat. Wedlneedea, Mac 22, 1963. A for tee Li. STORES-Ms. aed Mes. Ltsaîie Stokes (non Mare Fîeetiai,, tai R. R. t. Caînpkeeltel, - p pteaeed ta atinotirce Ille it 1 of thoîir set, RcîaiWieei seoigkit 8 lh,., 12 oas - ai Millie District Haspital os Sendavý Mas 19, 1963. A kotiînîi <., Waller ae-t Karen. Engagements x.-; ls 3s McDeeld, Ma- Muilut Eangper Luuupause Eauus Ther enpapgeentu i, sosus tetsait id Milton F)stuI -_4 *aonl Saieuîius, Mac 25, ut Ad of Maet Aoo.iitiig<ttni 15 îîeauiuIlesusaîleuît uiuSti,, MauuuSi. Vuu citea Mes. Jcan 00k-te inuis <le- uan, lcmnî Sîsceei, lin rc euic Cati TE 9-4373 Me. Vicier Whisiei. Mi ienus c-21144 Ma-geinl-t SieuCu toi, psnkaLp. ni1128 Janus, saut etMr ad u r.Aro iss kitsi Suss veususexpes ui hlnsu Ctuse te,* (<ulîhth i d Ex Jtous, R. R. 1.Vittitiýiiii te-1v izi -s e ,( -tti ppienliauien trmcti ai P-rinui d iluuî bs iaituu meddtng seitl take irane lcisc 22. i-ciiscîs. acupthbots und et Leoty s iîath Unit. Tlises clans- 1963, au Ckcne Pinshisitao in tueiebaiutu srn dsNconiinscd lirthe < Chîich, StoneyLC1 ee. eiitauî cd [ie ouaoc anis 0I oanfseo tsryand soeost nd Mr. aod Me.0R1F FidetNi leilisaoeoep Itle rcens tes ad-lt t nineFgain innoets Septý Ion aenounnenthceepeioi ose* liseoeiictleidiorticer nibcu' Waith fou- fuitet oie their daoghter. isftoit soin tu Spnnial ttasks Il) Or.(; tec.-130 Mr.FPatrick DnnNoranuuu cif- Mîlan-alckt<îleslaitiuulthe Attentioun parntsufîrtetît of Mo. and Mes,. P. O. Nîssec ilton ie l-ici t Jýlttila, Res MC niiuuutrs Sonseior Sîtul.coIl nI Oakeittr. The eetdduspir -ast < Ast,so su Is II iite and tas cuit bc open Teredas oued, takoe plane n lion, 22. -î1es, ai tis IcSeaikeý*ý t1: 't'clt ue1 Wî:donsdasi Mas 28 and 29. ao Milton. cits. -duîusattseiti dot a,, c eti 1 n c,u soi fii i Me. and Mr, ir eerdai hmnipe auud fCerdont %, r ncia 2Mr'. R. S. 3, Lenupheeiteil. uei <o 21273 Has c210 annoirca the engagement ot ttr(ioýiiiiiilVisd their daeghtee. Jean Marie, tit -tutti <do ti, e C o Sri;v Mas 26, ai 8.30 Mr. DnadRoertflnt soct tel e-miet iLinsisitetd unasti. m ane Baptusi Me. and Mus. Harses Bant a<o<i e"buaici sistnd tient 'il Ctetc h Siapion. Feituecýhip. tec Boruingtiis. The stedtiog tutti- Ir fuiiio stuc tleise issulo tes i T-lttii-r <usisv se takte place eus Suiuutas *et Joi, 1ihutiet steintai tiittls, e' un <<t iui, <ss at 3.30 sî<mli t Les uts le",sb" t r tes t D e ... ieettei, estiltc -ci cd Cheeîh. tf sseeee unît t, 0< . 2<2<?, 1 Mr.ondAîlre Edarhorattoe.tetIIrIoat.iia<suee Al DiteitShtk Fioduere atut Clemnente toI Miltuo nît thiiis 0te Mui auîd Mus. Len Sankier Iietu ladies are ioitited <na atteod nonrce 16e ensgagemeot ni uki.ri ai Deeniqoin Feist <or attnmisg the anneat F*rodocers' Nigit" dautghler. Elizahoth Jalie ti hIe nue ta siov nîth triseîr ioîn uke pingrann on Wcdncsday. Mays 28, George ordn Htsselfcldt, file fintite ai the fiee entît mp nom as 8.30 gým.. in Stemartuoset ion oI Mo. and Mes. George Has- home mas nompteted and is Mr. Hait. Me. D. A. MeArîhor ni tho seleldr, aiso ef[ Miltion, The need- and Mes. Satph Feathernian, or O.A.C. seul epeak on faim mon- ding 10I rakte piano Salordosi, 1tandlord, l'or rehiidiog, te en- agemoent. Thc progra il iI n. lane 15, 7.8 p.m., in St. Faols abe an tn contiue ta inre in tho dodoe a fitm, masical onlecliona IUied Charch, Mitoio 1 cormnmeitp. c-2-t287 and lunch. b-48-9723 ï Married CARDS OF THANKS (Coen.> I neish te thank at thene sehe FEEPSE - FRESSE - Mes. E. hotped me se thtp in 1he iast ni.t Frosse et Milton anneeanees menths. My spcýiet thanhe te the marriagoo hl ler dtoghît, Mr.tand Mrs. George Chrstenson. Marge Shatron, te Mr. Richard Mr. and Mrs. E. Ftrmory, Mrs. Fene,snnof Mr. R.FPeeeand W. E.DentEmerson and tahn thetrate Mrn.FPeeneetfTotaeta. Fetthcr-,tene and Joeph Wiek- son for tlsitii ttithtet hetp dnsr- tne mycsiste r Lctue stav in Oak- sitle Hospital and sehen i hi- Died tainte snessare for me tuea epet Irotie. AseMv thanksosi ai] thene %vie assistcd me cen- ALBEETSON -At hie ricslie. inge. t ain gottett te att stCho West Ertodiate. on Teesdes., have eisitcd es so regruttrte ta Mas 21, 1963, Herhert Witteegh Mtttos Centnnnitt M anor and Sel Athnrtson, in hie 99th v0cr. te, thc ctrdn and tettere o et - dcart erted heshandeofthe oragement. Mthtnhe toîhosc lase teahetta Jane St eeensno o ho hntlpcd mn doriop mv roc- anddrearralliert Hrd .ent ereaemnt aed tee the et Toonto, H. Vntn oeteaetiet floral trihales. t uni Brooks. Alherta, M. Nets on et pratetet attse, te the staff aI the Vancouner. B-C., E. tshr et Marier tee fith- etre of mensis- Guelph adF. EattclTrattct tercand theie kindnese tuomeai fat - Rehe <Mrs. C. E. Cham- thetfimnieto hier death. heslii ofe Ockedtnc and Miss e2-1142 George E. Featheretitnc Mcii- at hoe. SCsoopg ut Merdes Foeraiî Ehiipet. Renods St. <N. et Cet- In Memoriam hoe),ni Oikcittn. Sereine in the Chapter c 3 p.ns. 0ei Thersda tv. Mas 23. lotetmeot Erindate Ce- HEtRElLA-to teeting melone mettrse, et a doe hoshand, father ted - rcodfcther. Vicier, sehe pans- HARRtS - Seddente at Mittt cd anets Mav 23, t962. t lion Hie ismetei as rieur tedtv. Iistrînt Hospital, on TeedIl- As te the heer ne pcnsed a%-te--e Malc 2t. 1963, Geotge W. Heceis Lerioctev remomhered 6e-se-tfel et Eiheide. ta hie OSth sent - Hitma and itmite. c.2-t136 tseshaad ertshe iac Elizabeth Mitchell. dcea titier ai Ctarken MIROOCK - In ttteinp vm ci1 Miton, Jcan (Mes. Geore cf oc rieur Dud cnd Grandcd, Mitel),Teoronto nd Fredi Andes Mordok. pcsseda iwae Ln,îist et Hamilton; atso sOt- 28 Mcv. 1962. <tedfi, ie gcaodntiitdrn Hehbrde noounnhs tast tetel ,atd Dure preat graodchitdîcol. He said goodhee te oc Rustine ut fic MnKnersi Fene Thc heteeste gates ee opecc. ai Home, tt4MainSt. Fenn-tiAtatvingevolnesaid Comle. si-es-ticooriFidae ai 2 pm.in- Wn fetsitcandthink ofevoir, ferment-in Si. George's Angpicatn Tkhetoige yoeeusedtIosav, Lerettce-. Lesceilte. Wce-eonder sehv eea had te li- Wethotntthancetes:aeeeeditis. PFNROSE At Jiiier- Hastes Ttsoe0h out et niphi, sorci tHosta,t Ouehe Cite. otn tke Sit sniseed. stîtt toscd. stiti tDec. <st Mas. 1963, Etoits Fn-tii-esc. Yeuscitt tie eith os in mesnot- testop cvite eftîhc lait Aihesi CaUtit shn-nnd oftin,. Peiýtte n cd teeiop otnitie et SeS. Etta and prandchttdicts Geerpe aed Aine of Ahsrdeei. C-2-11t76 Seettcod toit Athert et Miltoe. t tenset -ot Aheidien, Scat- FEENTtLE -l teteeng nenerv lnd. et me dccc heskasd, Andea Pînice. sehe pased casa* Lt iv- ntesdas. Mas 21, Mar 21, t961; atso James Free- tAr3, ai t tramptoa. Wiltiamn Os- tie, Noroosher 2t, 1957. tes, se fils 90tih seci - hnosnd Beattl menoories cheîishied anîs d et the Lite Sa-r-h titi- rver <ns iî dear raille, et Giades 0< happs ful dai srient tegeihet. <Mesý G. Witseo< et Washapî. Lite s eternet, tlove wl en ELa <MIs t. rionigai et Les. In Ged's e-en timn, se wl dec. Hei,, <Mes G Fi-i,- il ncet atai. Brameptoa: dear paodiattteieo Wite cnd sîiet-ii-tase Daro- ion Wison et Milton. kv. c-2-1265, Fenesati servicc seAt hc hield ________ Ehoredas. Mas 23, frotee tlie Mn- Kiitop Ftnceri Homse, Brampton. Coming Events l;renBrmtonia Ceinnieny. TITUS - Os 'recsdas. Mas 14, Mi<toit Pittigttirens Stap, tIi 1963. tetieeiopi sureipr Suai i dat - Mas 31. lt Miltona Fiee Hait." Asai, hniuecd istant d.tephiet Etetscantî nineatne. Doee pi<ce. ei Roeet aed Sachasi t ites. c-t1-2-1114 Foreaitacrvnicstcs fieldo Maet15tsonMcNah ned Suee BIssa'c CLsîsesaeîic Cen-treit Fnrat Chsapet. tienest a in E tthodingthueihle on Fnidas. egînnen Cemcterp. Mas 17, 830 p-m. Aitsien 75ce Litiie, pi<titste-1- 2 Cards of înanss n5ii ttc:ttjlti. Lecocq' eetii,.Mas 24, tA30 pas. Ms aîsprnîaeeon aod ttsaaks Wtseîî o OFES. ni- 1t2e LIailîtClisesst nientrds. t-t Atistitltiset Tc,tal eic reaed<îeuil 1,.tssk ienecteecsu.ttcateeinqi Wedsesdi. tas ai Mîitn Dieurici tesiiat Mas 21î. 2 put,. G«Cne sîînat, -necv Mise Pkitlis Hastaaîi et tise Et-- 21282 Letîtîne Dais nîh Fies Seicten -2-172 ors and îchriîtsees lr aLI.(u e-%ie <nai. nglpicen <teIis and nii -<erset oic-doiteip Chiscni Miltiti, Jose 2 196e. îsîeneit alî,e St. Joeph', Ssci 7.30 pet. LEtoneel t-pet.l Haemitonunt. c-2-2-<t43 i 2tt148 Mis. LJaitý Ba ir Prett n% anti pilns WuNssiliIiitik ;tIeucta crsWeoieýdae, 8.15Sp.m.. ai ics- <senede aad eeifhhetis tes tise Bloc <Skies Restaurat, High- eti mr% JSo kiednwex seas 25, i; -se nordsi et High- t .1sies ,tmepathev asd tee %av 401. Caimeandthaee apgodt1 lie tse.ctttiîflt-caltriue s ur hu e c-41-3604t (ice 'like andtiuene otoa , t Lcie ttq%%iitipoiciiettMae 28 n5tr ..307 ai <t5 pD one Lomeaciat Si-t ginc-el Bepootercis and an e- ceesi-t seý ettutitead.cit t iceid tinnvrtS213 FOR SALE - t15 ii-ili heuhll. 12 <-nas îitd Appie TE 0-408. c-2-1278 FOR SALE - Large qecetiiy <acraiil r Diatre. Phene 854- 2361. c-2-3-1270 FOR SALE-17 eu. fi. frenzer. S219.; 22 no. fI. feeazer, 239. TE 8.6949. c-50-993 FOR SALE - Happs tine haht,, carniage, ike nea, bline. $5* TR 8-6750. n-2-I1145 FOR SALE -2-pince eieC- satin.su it, nit, - 75, Apele 42 Bceioa St. c-2-1170 FOR SALE -14 il. cedar suiep bout, stsIil tiaî-tesni iii seîsoci 8- 6631. c-I-MIS5 FRSALE - '50 Edsni. 54,000 osripioal toiles. MUNI *el[. «169.5 or heet allet. TE 8-4481. c-2-1150 FOR SALE -Raech siere 2- hedreoon home, pas toroace. i Miltoan. 42 Baeton Si. e-2-1171 FOR SALE-Fee-ne- fer ait on- casins. Heeti Gecîce, Kîl-heide. Phoe TE 8-6213, Mitton. c-t FOR SALE-Tena powcttrioe- e: antiuoechair; cc te heai- ni- 878-6897 aier S pr. C.2 1173 FORSSALEF-Uiit-se-ifum- niue 'tz,oneseshîn toaýst i teat ise ceasitr s. 94-24065 ,.-24 FOR SALE - 2-taeeoc,ý% pi tic. poeritic, <ike tne. C. Vandts- herg Facin, 865-8527, Nerval. e 09-030-sif FOR SALE-LaI t00' s 201< bc- sici, nec raneh ibungalows. sISOt minris. 4936 Oak Si. e-2 1283 FOR SALE -Adding nmachines, Phoe TE 8-962, HirsS.sc FOR SALE - Side-atk hike euh 18 chent, C-C.M.. nes eý ced tubes, $15. TR &9157, Fi ida, FOR SALE-Fene peuste. S"- 6- tops, SOn eeeh. Anehors. bt-ni ns Chester Attan, 853-1899 A, to. ~ c2-2-497e FOR SALE-Se anti d Lt-- aise iatekiste gpg:a, alet cnetic. Fhone Baîtepicon NE - 2840. c2 571 FOR SALE-Ge.stiops, Eesibtle s <iltiins nsnditi, slie Ji. I. telnt-nt, R. R. 2, fulotissn-iet 6Uci 2168. n 5<-4-<«<4 FOR SALE-Ilas *-l 30 anse lstCi tîcaticîs Phone iL 4-2963 ia<icir t-Oc SALE tai <-t Liise, s, cift il iutilie Fde.od,ý SoceR 5, Mît, ri I -A379 i 2-1t41 FOR SALE -Wedditin dîn -. % i, Itoor Iitht, sîs-lîîîî ace.,sizen12ort14. Woîeunc Puasse 976-2670. C-2-1271 lits SALi t Piasuit sets", plaod, saiid t onedu( cse stastinp condition, SAS. At Sedt Barn, TR 8-2051. ý 286) I For Sale FOR SALE (moniInuedt _ FOR SALE (C.mnud> A la FOR SALE - Regislered Shet- FOR SALE - Female Terrier Iad pony, about Il htnds, hona. popc. TE 8-6817. c-2-1169 hon te caotoad saddte. TR 8- FOR SALE - Gardes trectarWc217 aed dîne. TE 8-2479. c-2.2-1140 FOR SALE - Narthrop Ring FOR SALE-Easy casher, ued qette ed tn.See atr ooie 8 osoth. TE 8-2723. -ieg heheride astilahie. Contact c-2-1286 John Wiitmett. TE 8-6348. c-51-104 -FOR SALE -Loî toc, sale, tt6 FOR SALE - Appien. 700 haiesx22%prlo5,cnesn4 of clea out ci-l70 t NS. tee-n et Ochetite <ai Om- 18aghi'. Appe entirer, phone TRi- FOR SALE - Knitticg Mach- anple 8-6357. c-2-1137 tie, nee eeed. Cati 878-9216. O AE-Lt eaie n 2-1302 sneaded Ici, 104' s 218* an pased FOR SALE -'54 Ford. reheilt road. Nu. 5 Sidecead and 25 matinr, pood hody. TE 8-2538. Hiptiseasy. $2.000. Termis. 878-2756. c-2-1138 c-2-1284 FOR SALE - 57 Veikeseegen - A-t condiion, iis ties;.i 's iecice, in nom condition- aise 6 kecie, e prinaing. TE 8 61f4C-2I1310 FOR SALE - Fiamers, ied plants, gerenioans, hssed plante. Cet îloes -hrsanthatentms oaiatios ted mnaps, son stocks. Heînhp Oeeetshaosc.,, ER 8-438. c-324-1234O FOR SALE S ec. Scotch C-l lies, chiampion stock. Feaolov Fa t n. 2 iles soih ot Antan, casi side of highînce Fthone 833-2909. b-48-9720 FOR SALE-Stel hox campina triiet,. steepN 2, 183: 00ood's hipis seaU Cottageire lent, 9 s 12,$50. wercproof car topec- rie,, 114. Phone TE 8-2920 citer FOR SALE-Toa mitt t<ke hes- in *<cotr building inaieciats and c ai a Ct-ntleid's, Cainheil s ttcý Otîick scsie High qua- ic. FPi-one Campbettî île tiL 4- 2232. c-36-121-td FABIAN FURNITURE MANUFACTURINS FACTORY BENCH-TO-YOU Att teittit etFoiit and E fU NItS HI NG S FOR SALE - t "Now Idoal" ttde rahe, A-t shase; t 24 fs. hale eater, Bite ntw; t 2,000 1h. pltllrm scate; t 2,000 th. heosn nette. Fhone Georgetownî 877- 6580 aiftcer 5 F.m. c 2-1147 FOR SALE - Boxer Fppies, 8 seehs etd, heth tsnxs, hnaaliloi- te nsarked, seanderfol childen's pets, eerv reasenohtypgriced, t athine <otei Ren Jentor, Or- ton, Ont.. phtonn Hllshargh 855- 4436 . c-2-1309 SURGE Fipetione ted hochet nîtlkers, staintessnteel dairy paitn. milk stetiners and snash tanks. -Rihstone sites and Dolase coin haros. Cati Horace Tomtin- son. Sorge deater, Brampton, OL 1-1275. c-47-9439-tf FOR SALE -Car,lruck and tracter tires, new and usad. at tainlo prîtes; flats fisnd. 75e; tehects hataneed, I1.00. Miltono Tire tnd Radiaterr Sereine 191 Mitt St., 'PR 8-2711 -hesido Milton Ltandramtat. e-37-t38-st FOR SALE - Fottryecqeip- osent: Jecdets, seaterors. ttroed- rgg wsher, egghashets, de-beau- e.Frasios'Ftrnss, 2 milestooth et Acten, etst side et htghteap. Fhoe 853-2989. b648-9121 FOR SALE-tf Cea hanen't or- deredyeur soedeeornyaa cao etitl hep Fioneer. More ftrers atte se-t tehtng te Fioneer hvhrids ere vear hectoseeof Iheir out- standing qetîtte and vieling ahitits. Saseer Brothers, EL E. 1, Milton, TE 8-6347. c-2-1113 FOR SALE - Milton, 119 Ash- ibrot, Court, oew 3- hecdram sent, seontet bsungateow, .etached gatage. tftir bsasculent, oit heat, hig kitehien, lots of cephoiards. L-s<aped miine .-diming trea. litdsnaiped. ttnnsiedittte Pennes- site- $18.500. $5.000 dlown. Frivate s.tie Fttone Seente VA 7-3190. c-2-1t275 FOR SALE-H--Line 934 sertes tehile ecg ttsees are hred te tothe vea more monte y. Hy-Line chiek adranttgee inriede ose teed cent pectien eggs. strong, cigaroe- chiche and top tisahiti- te renords. Aetitthto dtp-etd te 16s-ecks of age. Contact y ut toeat Hy-Line ehinh reprenonta- ttc Rapt u&nttt Ltiticd, R.5. t, Okeîtt c-SI-S <4 Factory-Io-you-Direct F R SL pin. -C-2-1175 AdverisingPrics FORSALEMAN WAN T ED '~<AdvrtiingPries Watuuei uiii dining rahle; With car, ifor esel-lent Ra- Sho roms Fctoy ltts:hsiet gond! condition; !boigh Distrieti n Hatnn Coeets Showrooms in Fac t -co'nite dress'ee; miekar chairs:. tand Mihton. Ws5te tttdav. 1cr fece lt Comecnia Strent leetottiOct; ueheetkara; poesenohokînt thaltt ei ter i hem iii tase oimer 15 fi. endieNs hotu, start. 0e nepple the capitat oiî OPL FEM Aast. l 9 ut, 6vide. Appi Mittardes, -, nmilc need. Write Sae-teigh's. Depi. E- TE 8_209t - lest et Foterie. souit bide of 241A 03Sceii etni c-474 INo. 5 H ipissîc. c-2~ e-2- 00 iceieM -OC &4a4 9W CLBANES KNIGHTîS DRY CLEANERS 110, Satisfac tii- utiaaittned t * Dry Cteaitig1 *SitLence Sainday servceifdrcuecd *a Alteucties aod Repiaiîs 1 " R eps an ci 24pc, nn1ity ctnanedj " Finie Fuck-akp aod Deliuuep FOR SALE-iupsiut atie esc ltt, ouie-lg. e<it, aiiait aci-f AL 03 urtîsuun ýpisur ftaiinig, li av C L R 8-9941e Goal Signe. TR 8-2<90. n So-it 36<3 nul1 <OR SALE - '57Fordens lagnc. it exenllent Cndcei ;ccd _________ ocd eaeinois ednu$675;eal- 20 testension iaddn, ond -,tilt GENRAL CONTEACTORS ceL etot, titi oseruHou, f-s :78-478<1 ili FOR SALE -Maain- <sies A. C. CANNON oilCie er duc ls nonc 7. t ansr <on4 c -as tr ing scailiignCi. Ili 6 4701. 2 22<9 USED RAKES A N 1 MOWERS TRAIL & 3Ff3INF IitieI( GLNLRA, CiNIRALIFORS Casuusîsi limites RrpaursN DECOEATING INTERIOR DECORATINO SERVICES * Veittias biiode * Wiaîiuesiîades *-ciuiiogs lioutfiu ta iaitca For iu-tsreonultaatiatns, ci Me. Camtpcell. Tintt i, i linuac CAMPBELL'S 0F MILTON IR 8-6021 228 Main Si. c-4 7-tu HAIE STYLISTS VOGUE BEAUTY SALON Spliciaite in Permsanent Races Aiieeat os Modiero Lapb-aed- F lair Stiing flair Tinting Flans ami i inn netitt aines 192 MAIN StREEP TS 8-2461 inaessceif nn nîJuli TR 8-4424 EIECTEICAL SERVICE Dino'eed7t"' V'v RArOA McPHAIL ELECTRIC BUll DING itts OA MILTON MILLING CONTRACTORS 110. *l IOMMLRLIAL, COMPANY *it Hone Iopreteemeots 0 t>OIESTIC Faon Eqoipmcîîe Dîiiiotsn * Renoetitons e ELECTRIC HEATINO *Atterititns Robin Hooci Flour Milis *Additions Complete Electric Home Ltd. *II Commercial or Indostriat 66 cite-tnt St. Miltes Martin St., Milton TR 8-9308 UI 4-2263 TR 8-9513 c-2 c-tfI clt MOVING I FEUMEINO AND HEATING Stan Rowe the Moverý 1 QIL BURNERS Agente tue Aliins Lits JIM MALLON Coat- Coasti i ldln cai Moderti Stouage Wunteae * tnua<mic 144 - 1.50 Veut, Sn., Humaoio 24 Haue Seevice MILTON EP. Atl ce-ki pcaea*UllUeccd ilILr( CALL TR 8-6680 TR 8-6797 e-33 it n-27-tt OENAMENTAL MEON TV anrd RADIO BEEVICE MILTON Ornamental Iron ALCMINCM & ISON RAILINtS BILL KLLLY TE 8-9827 c il DURNAN 'IV ANtD APPiIANfinA SALES & SERVICE * ECA Vinctse *EC.A. W<îueipu FeuosDSeau-, 222 MAIN ST. TR 8444.9 n-lt FEINTINGuFIOLSTERING TOP QUALITY COMMERCIAL PRINTING We design and peint distinctisc, busineselatianen, office anla hbusiness Ione. Diect mail id seortieing halleinos - on tact, utl- enset an< printing Cati may hase. Aitanv uts ta quoun on <-ceea-orL. Milton Upholstering and Brighter Home Cloaning Re -uphntsiteruoig, re sueIlsng. Castom-ýuts-<ttne-ie. Aue-s and truck seuls epted. We nan shasipo 'otniîus ani <untr n lae aut ome Cat]i, tus ftetret, estisuaie neut 358 MAIN ST. TR 8-994 c-tS il The Canadian Champion1 IfLS FRINTING ri FCBLISH- WE11. DEILLINO ING CO. LTD. 19< Mata Sm, Milton. WELL DRILLINO DIECiR J. 13. «-<<AN DIRETOYR. R. 2, Mtuts-su, Oies. ADVEBTISîNO 15 AVAILABLE FPoone BEusligau NEison 4-6025 c-00 <N THlIS SECTION AT ECON -___________ OMICAL BATES. PHONE FOR SOVPRTISC VOLIR BCSîNF"SA COMPLEPE iNFORMIATiON SERVbCE IN THIS HANDY OIECTORV. RATES AS TE 8-2341 LOW AS 11.80 pi - c Ille. Wanted WANTED -PFloo, osp condi- tin. 87f-6981. Homard's Bargato Centre. c-514-1038 WANTED-Bonks and pieuires for cash. Stale appgoimate qeanitye etc. Chammýion Bon 194. c-2-2-1135 WANKTED-BC nidon psensin- er, 3aonfaoishederoccison maini flur, In Miltono. Setnnnahia vent. TE 8.6059. c-2-1281 WANTED-Haiinn Fostep Fr.ý duets, deaters in rtee tnd drcnsn-d pesilop and Frcsh eggs. Cesioem kiing PFhone Multes TE 8-4491. WANTED - Feathoos, nom or otd. Witt colt or soit. Highes< pricos pair. Ticks rotocned. Bon 193, Ctnadian Champion. c.--u167 WANTED-Lieo potcy. gose tond dock <naîhors, beatSer tieks. Highont -pricen. 00e cati. Wriio t. Zoner, 776 Cattege St., Tue-e-to, ne phono coiteel LEnos 5-0724. eenotge HUdeon 5-2030. e-35-1<t WANTED-Fap alpîiui sr rneion rmnthC premian. Arnid one hig tsnartp papionnt- automohile, lire, flic, ondose ment. Sydnep K. Lamb.iosirance ageot, 8 Mill St., Actntit phone 853-1030. c-50-5-933)6 NRFP WANTED CCo.rîi.ued RETIRED MAN TO ASSIST WITH SAISINO FHEASANTS Lie out. Caoaphetbeiltc eicioitp. Apptp CAMF6ILLVILLE PHEASANTRY R. R. 2, Ctmpheltsile. - Tool Maker Mould Maker Milling Machine Operalor Seqttieed te progreesise Georgetown trio] cemp- any. God raie of lice and e-oeking conditions. Cati or Visit Zenith Tool & Die C. LIMITEO GEORGETOWN 877-4922 or 877-4164 C.2 Studont Job-- This cetemn te eaitahie fret, ofC charge for local% stridents e-ho e-inh tueadetieiaur ene plesment. Ads moen be neabie printed and inntidue stadente Dm.Ne phone orders pleane. Ctaeing date, Jonc 27, 1963. Employment Wanited EPLOVMENT WANTED - Tcpinpioditri ii oc-,n hm, n înv.,o nt eeiccbn, stai-te nînns and bokkenmptoesm, ilse iecoicniut. TE 8-2704. n-2-1276 EMFLOYMENT WANTED - Middle aped scetaan desies houekcepiop joh cith inidemer. Ne) ohjection te I or 2 ehidren. Liv on Fhone Erio 833-2228. c-21204 FOR I oalst ono FORSi healers Mîtôn I FOR targe ro, belteillo, UL 4-25C FOR front hc home, n iesgo FOR t to post chers, ni To aIl Gond s lion PH s SEý rMiltI FlAN( Contact Martint LAWN shear Blachîte Milton. REFIt oepcir 1 etc. T. Onthottte LARO) 001 nIaI ChamFts Cash tb croir-e lice. AU' <On the et Bt *it tise * For *i We MILT O Help Wanted HEIF WANTED-Estunriencei haiedonssor part rime. TE 8- 9533, Fashien Beaîiip Lotage. c-2-t146 HEI.'P WANTED-H,ekepe tee tino ailts chie te drive eau-. hanse in Toîsnto aieta sommer hem e riear Miltaon, picase pire umefnrenees anti stue salais. Ap- piy Champion Bon 195. n 2-1277 HELF WANTED-Woen, ns- perienced in ladie'fashiîtns and ehildens apparet. foe stoati junior dopartmnnt sitore, ms 6e aggeesniee seibh pteasing pier- snaituveaod aoeooscieotio-s is- trsin meiaitinp. Apptle Box 196, Canadian Champion. c-J 1280 HELF WANTED -Man te seurk seith simtili, proigressive Ili eal husiness, menilv oetdaae mau ostk ai pre.sîni.wil gond possihltis ot sales aod eleicat mark for re-panisihie