Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 1963, p. 13

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THE ADMISSION OF CHILDIEN to the Child Heolih Ceetre is the liret ni meny stepe taken et the monthiy c entre. Mrs. Son Lewnis, leit, admite twn yoang chîldren TNE WEIOMING IN of hehies is a delicate elloir. Mrs. F. ýWithweiglhj c heclthp ong ltchp on the scaies.. Sugar and Spice fCoetieued Itemn Editenio lloe) ce tiehieg etreame. Thcr rc nu Illphonce or doonhotie j.tngliig Ibrir ocre - nattiing' W T ~ e nî,îsomos. Il sle tippod j st oi anti thoso etupidi î le e>it 0[ eliln,.Ad CMILDREN ARE WIOED eah je fled. Eenh ear totny mo. tems are able t0 hîîng thnir childîe t0 te Cnre for free medicol oheoit-upe. " LUIBRICATION SERVICE * TIRE REPAIRS * GASOLINE At DAVE'S B.Ac SERVICE Ootceic St. ai No. 10 Sldercttd Milton TRt ".741 Openc7 ac. tac le P.tt Health Unit Child Health Centres Provide Immunization, Baby Care The Hiton Cooecp Heatîh Unit Hotte"n Coit,,, a osition he stti lttt yearnta othe' centres. Spahing trcntto concrning Cbild Heoith Centres, tiret Orgon- 1it.ds. Me Éie Milton Chiid Hooltb Chilîl H-eaith Clinion, Dr. Butil lored hl 1948 je Millau,, prlidt M.Bo MoýNoh evn., Îlh, C,nli growin jepetitarlin, mote letd, "Theto nibe prortîo coltit oeoseliglforthe parento rs i % utIbe ce %vas rneortd, sain Septn.- elng for the parnt ntd eI mil-beoo crcond immoniza. Chitd Heoith Creni, th e 'ton L1953, tl noa moncd 10 St. hohnoarc and immonization for lion for the cbitd. The Chiid! and il enon decidrd hp Heotth 1Pintes Unted Cboroh Stindoy Ilte chiid. Over apriod of HeoiIh Contre in Milton le hcid Unit personnel thot o local or-~ Schooi on Main Simee. Latrr lî%,cars," lie continord, toamln on 1h,, foenth Mondayoloio goniroln ehouid ho oehed io ,,.,în, moti Io tho Logt.,, Hall phneiciaee, as then have hoon moeîh en le Legion Htall. spotnor theocontres. The John Itn 19U. ' atdte Soptomboýrl,î ablh haboe oooýptrd tmorerrespon. The Hotten Coonîn Hzaot Miltont Chopter of the I.OD.E. an approinit enetm hoan ibilite 'or e' m nh na Unit, tiret rgociord in Soptrm- oolo creintiin e Iild Hoauli Centres, once a oto have eontl Inthep . Ilr 197odofoityor Mien G. Lconcy, ditoolor ot Nomr- 1moth, nas ongoeiocd. itoilitie inrthe orroi.' on Jonc 2h. 1 948. hn'gon Chl iri or io tltoe Coottn, nîd Hooith Contres in Birliiegtoe and Ilev hie lec diligentto ht-on 94.1 tc Ibîito and niilt.tt is s hi kvtille le 1947, in Milton advc i l, o t t i' i i 1 9n Ot9, A t p r sriî t lo tir m e m b e n e o f ý o[9t. he I.OD.E.r n cgulir votin Tho filet chil l iîooiih ronintree, Mrs C. Anternt Mrs. T. in Miltone fino tntthe Hooith 1Marshb Mrs H. Mtgoo and Mn. Unit Officteoot Htgh Strceet tbiPF Smith. Mie Anerson hoas Dr. Jamese Mather os Medinot 0f 'donc Ihtitintt.nneen ork sIe ficer ofîHeoth. LîcrDn. Aohie 195itndMre. Morehesinceonis» F. Boit broomo tho Directon and 1955 Mms Mogon and Mms. Smîith Me4iooi Otîicenof Hcoith for havenchcnooknig for therpast THE IXAMINATION of the ohiden es done hp Dr.H Nw maon,theassitaint Medical0Officer of Helth forthe Counoî asist i he noomirnelion. CHILDREN ARE AILS TO PLAY os thcy Omoît their enemi e-a lion. The tnonthly Heaitn Centre has hnen held jr lte Lngion Halliien 1958. Preooesl itn ehfeld inthe Sndpeohool room o St.PaolesUnited Chorchandin the Haton Count Hnalti, Uni t on Hogh t h. Thc drttnh dnoppcd o dte in lhc parking meior oed vvalched tbc nccdir go up te 60. "Gosh hc eald, 'p loct 100 pouide. tiehieg ot boi once a yern le ti.ti -tle pinig Ilia purgrs the eooi of those eim..ý mcrnoge otbiob havc but op îiîîing tho wintcn. Aftnr a long dan on nt rugged ino tem, 0000 nie il i.ati io ioîtke protto gondt. Dhot Icel eor orl ton ho Tii,%,ie ptnttyth o ircoo espots, bot oohody vr p e hen, ecpt othon tnrutli. %vho promtptiv tnn lu eat theret. And don't fetat oti Ib haeoota chancogatnet thecre ano nglen.i Stnditg a edootttt civititie ag- Are Yec Helplng co Flcd aintot he brook ront es tike Soluton a, e . re Yilu Pi ,eootltg a hip1îop.ttotteoot 1.t ofthe Pobleo? ,,otoett ttoto i BEAUTIFY MILTON Tthe rot! cocson T go lott NH3 the gas that GROWS INTO W MONEY! SHUR-GAIN NH3 INCREASES YIELDS AND QUALITY 0F VOUE CASH CROPS AND3 PASTURES Aishydreun Aemnnio (NI 131 ta llte mnt concsntraes ferm ef 2ire1t85 yeu can buy (2toi.Wheîe opplird at, reet level (6-8e1 deep) NH3 turnc to goe .. .io reodily aeimniotsd te give that extra growth oond viseur thot grow ieeto mors moni for yeur poket. NIPa le but oes of Shur-Goin'a cemprehleneive line-up of fertilizers ..whioh includco liquid fnrtilizrc and o complote ronge of new hjglt analyoes for greoter rffctiveooes, ecoooy aned oovinge. Shur-Goin Fertilioso Service ie yeeîr assurance of efficient, scenemnical application. Fsr fll information ... ,aiI sr ses yeur local SHUR-GAIN agent or SHUR-GAUN, FERTrILIZERS 1O 6-4311 TORONTO DOUG DAY TA 4-7265, GUELPH PROVIDIE FACILITIE.S AIt nhitiîo. tinîo repuive, ni mna or phca te n t ai ehottin . t,* conn 1. Élie 0 1 lnooI ,orel lm aede,,tto ltr nii,, t d stiiî,c tation tUanodiae eoiai, p-11 I COMPLETE FERTILIZER SERVICE Shar-Gole Anhydrees Ammonia Bofk h Slenîed-Grenulcled' Fert liicst(witt or withe aI firld epteading servtice) Fili Range of Bagged Shtîr-Gaii Soir ted-Granolatml' FnrtiWL.ooî Sotretint eqoipteent lot soie or tort. 111 lui, Rrlonnt.J Children an,11i 221 loal tein'.in i, e, ,,not.imipttivdiiigtti, i,,, ilif ino!t.rjib., mertitiJ L. W. EMMai ELECTRIC ecd Scrvicing Phone Miitcn TR 8.9731 1 The Cadian Champion, Thorsdep, May 23rd, 1963 1 &. MRS. SILA CAMPBELL arranges the neot appiolment with onte of the mothce. Membr of the John Milton Coopter, I.0 DE., in Milton, regularly aseist at lhe clinios. MONEY AVAILABLE TO CONSOLIDATE DEBTS AND TO REDUCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS BORROW $506.94 $1000.00 $1 525.00 $2000.00 $2500.00 REPAY NO. OF MONTHS $22.00 30 $41.45 30 $58.88 36 $77.22 36 $96.53 36 Loans of $1,500 and Up arc FuIIy Insured Againsi Sickness - Accident and Death at No Extra Charge! TR 8.2171 181 Main St., Miltoc Phone TR 8.2171 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Destroy Weeds Notice ta hcreby gtvcc ta, ail parlions in poscseson of land in accordance wlth cte Wood Control Act 1960, Sections 3, 13 end 19 - Thot celens nceicas vieeids growtcg on theih lands, witin te TOWN 0F MILTON are dcstrcyed by date of icce 15, 1963 and titroughout the season, the mnnmipality may ennt upon said lands and htae the wcods destrcycd, ehat'ging thte cos agains the land intaxes, as set outin the Act. Thes cocspcration cf ail nîticeci iscearnnstly sclicitnd. WILF PINSON, Wood Inspector, Town of Milton. AT REED - REDFERN Ltd. 'WE BAIBY YOURe CflAR SPECIAL FORD CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH METEOR PONTIAC DODGE MAY onl MERCURY OLDSMOBILE CHRYSLER SERVICE MONARCH BUICK DE SOTO * THE NEW DYNAVISION OSCILLOSCOPE IS AVAILABLE MIRE NOW FOR YOUR PROFESSIONAL TUNE.UP. RISULTS GUARANTEID t COMPLETID IGNITION ANALYSIS * COMPLETE BEAR ALIGNMENT SERVICE WM5RL BALANCING STEERING SERVICE * BRAKE RELINING BRAKE DRUM MACMINING-MYDRAULIC SYSTEM OVIRNAUL FREE ESTIMATES - PHONE OR DROP IN FREE -SAFETY CHECK ONE STOP SERVICE AND COMPLETE FACILITIES AT REED - REDFERN Ltd. YOUR MERCURY - METEOR - COMET DEALER HIGHWAY 25 SOUTH TR 8-2393 'I 1

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