TeCanadient Champion, Thursday, May 23rd, 1963 h a1V.& AL....... Thte Ledge mflPptthed the F6. ECCENTRIC TIE 84 e N ~tew Frr.iUzO! " #V& NWIY romW! brkh Ladgr ooe% hackey teato Sonar ecceetric, thief bas de- 7"EOS C..,M~ Aifl... tohot dega and bamnburg, ice privait Enfilant West Midlands EveIUUS StrRbkh ecv nd cake reently. Two branch ef the Railway Peer- Sh ot~ mo i no .,ru d EretgStr rekhLadge nevieu ceere airotua The Beaver vatian Seciety of a Vcoiný trAlr byw banep ta Saai Cathar. and A Day ai tae Circaa. gem fer is ttiterical mateuna. Aeeeeecetifamfetii. ,ereetly, ta vaut St Cathar I Due ta bre sold te the Soaiety eas 1ru inrdcdtiatn, e g... ne ladte and confer the degreer -t* cIeau e ottt in Mill by British Railaays tram their Cecetv ici ccrek, fellewing ex- &.1W Jta t'a *offW ut lhtr caundidate. The churge au A rc au a gaood neighbur, er ubuedoed statieon uit Steme-b- t Ca-, a-e se in Ken and EX f..LL. dtr eaeend, AeIdeeaAE rrou oer-tr wetre eina vecuvu hmenutad a geai Churtley, Wurwcakshirr:o carr Esexcoinie.Arhyros ni mpesiv tneanalud Spreg clau cf lac, hliftua, grntlemnes pubhic mna, a euteprec-ted Iiquid willh Detait. et' a ew cemmemeoru felled H o erc eylvtcy trace-ted uaaerbuyrrugrentl, fGergead LH. LeavrFran, ltCutlaerrebertcetdetuuryutm eraboya ifftheso ae a Attatetactie cf fege ce thr Guelph Lie seetb ofîMartia Frobihier, teefra yb reelu trav hats gegr ug bet retrcettrke Ctiaîphelta'ittc. cd tauy hy the Heu. Azeitur ftegftavaaarerottive frcfyi, PsctasterGenrul The Sher-Guje diien cf Cadt-lum wiii ha retraccid ce Jetv 1 akr t Gulh caet of mai IT SU fl predeta cf the preuet, de fi sc~vriheut t as hitîf "the muet Sir Martin aehoacbu let eccemial ferai cf nitregre %c.tt1535anda.ied intNrman- I*et-tiizer."tac, Yorkshire, Eeglatd. A- A 150 gultun tank peleu t,, ceof mae, br strengty advoaut- cchiatotgeaedth amtaeittcd a areh fcathr Nrthaests fer.ecî~Pass-e te China and Iodla The. gcf threugh tie cf ferla. ticeetbcdauem' Thecrtfinesdig sixtu cigbt inch. ,-aalied ie1576 teebc ett.cl SL esin hyrae groet., hcen ta Bluekwull ccith titree sbîptc arhyros nfr te oi, l ,the Gabriel th Michaeluenda C H 1L DR EN S "0fixeduoad ducentaecapa. smatttletttonpieoae, te unear- e.$ kitk tha first of thace voyagesRu 12 LADIES, Mr. Duy epacte that atttt- utb theNw Wurld. Lady Bird T Shirts 98C drea, ammeela wilt becceta art. ve tNa, rcpeciully cabrr furet Labrudor ce the 2tth of Juta. He Sun Suifs ...... $1.18 U ar, -tt ae tutii'ea aileU taertb.wastwerdinT eO cet e. t he hepec cf firte ai tacg-Sg ethe o.ra -. i ttSut - r ictrrFeihruieed Terry Suifs...---- $1.18 La,,LO F sitlritt athalltîtirtteîdl'tet ie the acirrr, ccl t eg.9e and 79e ANHYDROUS AMMONIA r a e ento ertr a artrd an Haltea Cceaiy fer the fi rtt cctc park it Dacettin on hleiarItltt beca he htkeuh Pop Tops -------- 59C Reg. 1Est fneat aekone GereandL H. ruev FaemoteGulph Lar. AI McLean, thre Sncl, tLa 0,000 satr'aîîlaehich Frcichaae ghthaRegck.2 Nylon Hose .... 1 eaur Farm Manaear, cnetheac e puln tha 150 gallon tack, thie Dettg Day rides tfitrton.10 a.,ttt, ttlle Canadaua m ru ared teIo yRg59$ lng Leda h tank parking Ita 2.001 b.tt't 1a gcrca This cparked tart Cotton Sunsuits ---99ce. 39 ktiltee\s Scut acd Guieit fearthea r aupediticnc. sin t577 cird mps r planning a Church 157f, ethieh tera capperid hy Girlta ta Reg. $3.98 andt $4.98 Ladies Cotton e- HATO MAORP J ) Knex Pacchc- the Orteer, hath la the ferre cf Cotton Dresses .$2.98 Dusters ......$1.99 _________________o Chtý b-r theI ami fitraciii acsistanceas Daeil il irta' Reg. 1.98 Residents Enjoy Monthly Kin Bingo CofnPjms$ 5Ladies' Colored Nylon A cc d cd T S R IIrT III L TMEN'S DRESS PANTS Slips ........$1.99 ateethi, hinganuea edtttt fur litae Old Mat Donald Htd a Fttam Un-ieur t-atght with Ged?Then a UR RESTAU RANTI 1.9 aa-ttdeatt et HaterM.rtrtta dert ha leadership ot Chattcetiegrepeo tettang lic _______________HOBBY___LADIES, Wcdaadav eight, Apati .25. h, C.ttt a-, ttarief a Miteit Milier'etil Then sc chral euraenMN iE OB AIS threutiracttaha att ,, e eu e It tiaa ted ca litecarit re radirg. B. Nichelsee DONTY COOK NOW - TRY A MOUTH.WATERING Raîî 79~Ail Weather Coats thaKta-tmaniaCitthtlMthtttt Drîctha oflsage Rittîr,, ac a-7e.ed9tt7PA naa eacictookaonthe dutt atutdieet i"g,ialcegt ofeldtadta-t. Wight gae pcer-ta t lu rtttd-taataîd cap sotts The Miltîcsang our ' ctstiatcrir. Attea the hecnn SAKEOPFER5NTO YOiJE ablea tashiea. He %,as a-'tald ha mare -îîags ittrtrtieg Oaa MareWhat a Priaad 00e have en tesu M WOER NNLY 4 MteRgSt 0 F ttco cthca Kitte . (lia pi-a. it,-,- ttt Cie-t-. I0 girl-t. drr-tcad lta-t sarttg. Ma. ChiaNec,. c cs MAiNUTES WooI Socks ----- $1.25 dotRebrg tt hc pand . itt Iutehat otums ihcd cea cdathe rga ihtebn- I Z e ý1 dccl.n, vh Gearge C hîtaatrdiL-t tliyhledfrHighad, dtaauts adcthepegon. u h Tae A Pizza Homel SEE THEM ALL THIS WEEK AT capped aed tutti aranad Ilita Kttltarttt, daccad inetia- Sunday Servie pîiiraa. isngnris tiitmcantrtlcing 1a On ScrdayutfteraccceApri 28, Eighiaaa gamec crrhe ld likea miniaaturet 1, ii fi, Rar J. L. Graham cedutta ilpavr wnmoetanoe n AdevDessmzto L.Ha detivered ce interc>tieg ad AP B L 'SI paica. Thececwret Ma-t E. titi-t at. oe ai chiah l'as (lia laala- imprsc'Âaesermon ce flicta o MANSiteLO T.62 andl Mac. S. Harîlca. .-t e Patadita fer Tua. Th& 0011f 1caid. Oea Faîhar. irith ,thirh r AN TMITN R842 whem -tra thaac paica., tent Hzggcit grattop ftit.td i at1iarTh, Lcrdcx Prar harir-. 't TAKE OUT __________________________________ MissD. Dacltnand W.Ricrdittt anadftitaia. c catathe'ing that aprmieeîoGrmua R________E_______G.______ so cuc hopic ai tar. pniaenaiict cfdtup -ln tiýmnse a cciý hs SPECIAL prufet. Mr. Richado' etcon veat.tir gitaaand eterncgui- asathe prayar ltai spaec tha dotatdby Ma. Chi-thetta ter a The lattai gaacp fcauredaslo r Grcahaid. oedsne1 P f C A F ful tttrd inthelct am. Win- tit"eurter"Seaiii thît sacg of ahmarcswcctî c rereoferne prîze eaah ,îara kIt-. l'ifeuieg YoaaBig Bouquret cfs lbeoarybi placer crea t A. Cler, is. .n'SteMs.t ai o Rît-ta. TtieSraiiith daatn hihadiNpevraeniU t Matir Mas M. Stephar., Ma-t Ohho tit aia iaHeitdon tcmîa.Ahmarih afgicm. La- FISH and CHIPS Mciln Misces C. Setittît. dan,îasatpaaalei-al 'da--ahmicrtattacarie- Morris ard M. Thampa., ai oittiar farac te pet oncatautv. t Mesrs. M. McCace, t. Kitc,, rna lu e-tt xhibitiont ai bitttit ____________________ ari J. iSagiet corttuii dancaing. Ste 1cr Showr Titi-t aeetta piegrace. aîiah 1Ceecreta. Cimier, Stag and Site5 Oc Thcrcdrtî cigit Apil 29. tiîtpiaad tao mach gaela.e (ai- K t7ecdceeachcgattt ecei-,rhtda'utii u1a BLOCKS ha Meiliet Figra Stei Cii te , ad auch lia vrie,,. am ae aa ORDERS CAREFULLY PREPARED.-COME ai luth antual Rhapsuri. att pati marrheU the ace.rýo c th IN AND TAKE OUT THIS SPECIAL te. The re-ideitit ralttia.lto age and Ihlraer tai in ging J. COO<E (Cocrne Blocks)ria, ay2 bu Ma.ar daligrhiti hit bta ai Tha Otaaîî. mai rhadthaat -piacdid perli titanca th, tu îl.1 . 'sIl %vu ir-a tpiendid. rcnle- LTD. AYTIME PROM 12 P.M. TO 10 P.M. -aec and tarir grataiu to i, hata. i-îr i a aitta -a NE 4-7763 PNE TE 8.2401 FOR PASTER SERVICE rcu fi ii nthitcaiuiig araittitorntofSc NIG ittg. Transportattittwattiila Pege re ated aîtiEVENS cdhc. bath tha Kir-ne aad Artiic. iapiaiag tiflo SuoErf Restaurant mecheroftelaffl. gram, catirahicrc inat enaurea CALL JACK HALL Whitr-itic-atcrlcict w ai a prtu--rd ngtrh adîa ITNPAA T .41a d d , t Api il 27, bu MILTON TE 8.6365MahfeNtEWe'sSiilic ihc t'a.-ta.ihîr ub raa-titti 14 ladiet acf getletaen. tic-tu of boire au the Marc aalaaît Ilt ,b, ie ata ember cl t____________e_____ fuil ltci icuup pictutc, Young Married Coupes' Gacep 10 North Fcdrairk tub,,1, -ti ntheHighuavGospel Churchin ral tha talc Gaci Caîpat. Milton. Sev. Christav-tca wh f SnaahPreview of Legiee Stto i te iie ai ibis re an- On Friîda, atgbt. Aptîl 2a, ltae îîaaed tha paoaam an fli p auditriume -tit th cene uti tii pt*'.idact. Mît, F. Coo%a, in Edgar Howden's drs Uer-uara-tof an uipaoitintha ihcîuup. M, J. Cheevap mu-tirai show te bc tiacr il' (lita pianouaacmpuei-t. Milton bu flita Milton Barzit i The titst ecmhcr onthr po t ha Riiual Canudien Lacun Thea vau Thc OlU Reged tos paa-idnt.tiirneEvans, %%i 111 saug It the tii-tir-. fi t arit t te.Il daîliesuif ita- tacra e calterso. Ma-t. Oisa T .iv fer of cre ýo 010,cul hat tiainl lai 'hi, um e titi t,, wus. fli pogrncir r soo on F.ro.m G- y wlth your cholce f 5 man A titu rchestraa-tiithl Mt, Wraight pia,îeg t..sua r- Drie Phillitiras ,tu nal thji,cuduap,,-ntcd ONl CUEEL à CHL etimber,. Mi. and Met. John Chctr M R IN QUDO PST ATO OLH lti Thr'showîw,îi a cai, hi,,, acaminieid b, Ma-t uvun IUDO AT UOPLS 0 Canalia ha Miltan, CnftîtulGa but te il,- Lcad - oeI1K FLAVOURI ut5ATfl I ACTION CLa fle hmuof15 alnand uti tit i irs Cao WtI and ~ 5 LIIV jec nuiwThea. -iL ooe Wrgt bpledtiuoRmvsgm, r, Ots citdr utiantal and ufficauaila uileLlIan. liii. are a 8ie ssomor b .rniflsbhinrgrtpcasit.eduatict tm.Givsdul prtec-I afithe auac, A qurnitai, uý m11 ea ht ol eu i fffaor in rb axdeupetreuirccioaquiptaenttinpuextra ahr-L I ycueg mec. thc Mifirne, .zg a :111Ir&-a@ 2ry te mk omet. He aeafwo -can eraauina. pofn ihslcnsta R group of Ilire songs, inclding ý!àlj jtheanantiacmmcn fteeeucrrmptemnî Th..ere ut a fewctipacbemghthi1 rsoeoiia ute Hecs Gel tua Wboe Waaîd in His TR 8-9533 ith binie ce tat attgbc thebrcause .imrvthflouofmr lkT etds AIre eauie itaprac thet Otueur -tfem yeta 1uU.Iaittcat iti71 Mait SI. E. Milton yea d tIra t iera-a yuc mîb pa GIITS veay hcee e aeuition itteWy ttheeagraeaayorrdyertilage lion. whyrrrtitameordra p inaet mp 1 y tm erf Ph Ino ncc . - eir e frot mcUa un hue or pue- Stoare tha Charbarbeerd Sgo. i'dTE two %ngs, hil lle Ftite', PL11acre, oir fect ferdingautagec ar ybafra lubae ta tl you about Pauna'a hîgb i e and the Sect Song. trEtat ~aiigffiaenry MuikCheutCbrbeceti tere uar ae Normar Viggans plav-f at obl Hieaaid-tatilrat Fron carchil tir Uagaint oadinaryetopqualtty milb- ceat r Flua Fait Tra. on the bancs. hrt c r ecatise ataty ngctetngaroaretuyh ritil ir ea seitiaIr Dancea or*DAIT a e cati aig. r uramtr a tmpa e Tetakiriatea b.nîaîîîc,. PROBLENS WECAW81. Rat ity-tiae abittier, lie sirap ceran- piaprd hy Hatta, tai-iiti Wnd /EN£ HOME BgA//TV aid butter. CeutU ha, feae yacr astiepper for facf, effcienf feed servtce colt lot e. reUR Doni Mcaarar ti-r -t tir cot. Thia candution ran ha r ccd hy I gldaaccad le very aitrurtura AAAW#e£? N slaoin thfmgorrmcolgia -'.COPN Higtland cums, dne u Sea-ig hr fralin Matutair a id EDGAR HOWDEN Mrtts drheîr uf-c tttiiîe * uuabytiperlu , ya. aeud- & SONS bail hritîhi n tinicitic ý-rtitt hy htcN ied laIiha dir t y PEED SERVICE ut it,, bard eteda op et ll h i-t titaentlonerpot.a c"i pcpiis, te plut musiral sala.. -..3 Mlon TR865 liera. TIrry ptayrd i Loe Taitz R* Oaldzead-Tuae iratîhardeard. Coass EEaiîba TEB628a Truiy, and Curaivai cf Vraire.- One ef tIre gicla ptayed an ac- t~, M5E cariln tata and tmc cf the boytst a Ici ue baud e pDi-aie gIrryti. ua a an dt playea- CanadianS Who Want bîgger profiîts tomorrow fe PUINCOSoS!$CHUYLER Bf05. LTD. teilla Pagsele yiag ta, stcMi 459 MAIN ST. E. MILTON TR 8-2349 ton, tube ratthrelth uU m J________________ ____O "Feue Ja"' caa siagaagac - - .c~o