Qike !tîubiau ëhaniou Vol. 104.-No f. Ml/O AI' THURSDAY, MAY léfh, 1963 PRESENTING... The Week in Review Second Section HIGHLAND DANCIRS foom Milton cepfored 31 meduis acd fmo foophirs af the Spricg higirlacd dancing copefifice in Guelph oc ScOoodoay. Shore in front are wrccras of a frophy and fave Aon drn Cme miro compefedin the 14 and ove, closecds caebcios oft.egt i nde r la Behacduare theccdal wincers, left c right, Woody Kess (1), Maiy Marii()c ae Ricet (13), SusanMartin(4), Margo Clarkso (5), and Kirk Bush (4) LOCAL COWGIILS cer0 singing oc Saturday cf a specrol Raindy Dandy Day' cirarify shocw inGeorgetown. In the centre os Michelle Coafes, formerly of Milton, the daugirfer of Mo. ccd Mrc. Bob Coates of Acloni Besdeirer areChristine, 12, acd Learce Sales, 13, dugrr cf Mr. and Mros .Lcc Sales cf Milton. Chricfine acd Leacce attecd Ligny Pcblic School. They have bccc siroging fogofr cft Bloc Valley Racch acd won pins in the feceef cusic festival. KILORIDE RESIGINTS Mo. acd Mos. James Mefirerelt, who ton cire icternsfed v. the Krlbrrdo Guide Company sicce firoce of Oheir goacd-dcoghters care connccr cair if, crade a preseooa- fao osoneceeded supplies dcrigftherannuel banquetfor parents on Mocday eveoing. Tloey aru erocrc presecficg three texfboos and fcro compaeses tec Captaio Mos. Doris Lewis, leff, acd Firef Lieutecact Mos. Donca McMullec, right. About 75 cffrnded thfe bacquet. CHAFEL FURNISHING acd memoorals in fthe mca Sfevecsov Memorral Ciraprl cf Sf. Pacî's Unrted Churcir, meoe dedrcated oSucday mOorcgcinlooicg memay ofseeral frmerment- bers cf tire cocgregaaioc. The aller cross, oaclestrcks, vaers, restored aller, prie dieu, chapel cirs ad deooal rearerals mefe icoicdied cn lire dediccaio. Dancers, Singers, r Banquets, Races Among the Events Of Past Week * THE WHIFFETT, junior chamrpicons in Irle Milton faroovoors bcowling league, wroee pococereol wirllr flro claepivoshi frophy ai tire leagurs vrcovi bowlirrg bvanrquet vn the lve groar Ffrday crght. Shornite rDc lurore are n lef t rigi, Moo. Glive Cairco Mrc. Grae Little acd Mro. Noarae MacMa.aphy. Missiroqai lefeoflthe pirav rvrreocaptainrRoy Trarep- sonc.Lil SmithrardCecil Jcvo Tlejiricroplry raoirooorrr. ed Oa the coainlanwnes cÔ7 _X: TIOFIIS ANDS AWARDS cor rrr rrrrrrvrrr lemarcoad ire roi, locHr oaa flic, Mrltorn vrrpvyero Bowclrng Leagoe, ai Il00le ea.uevOorrOrl banquetc ir tire Irgoro Hall on Foidayonilgîr Shome in the fontrare NoraMacMurpoy and Ide Burdeof. cn lire back are Wllas Pefribooc, Dean Gray and Roy Gray. Ida, Wallis and Deana more con the cirampioccirp ieamwifh Clerfda Sherwood and AIMoirc.issing wheche pococre wcs fakcc. Norma MocMurpfry had the women's hrgh averagefor the yeao 89 and Roy Grayhad thehigh single for tire seasoc. 314. Deac Gray had the mec's high average cf 211. THE IIGNIN RACE ai Mohrawk frt.xay Muraday vceing as carced ir irocor of lire K. vorco Club oi Milton, viren aire ser- vieclvb mvorbors, Oher wives avd Irrords arrevcied by spcral rcvrf atron of the Jockey Clubr Lrd. A trcpiy rocs poovrd- ro in tahe Krcsrvevo verve, acd club presidcof George CFisolr acd ir firac Miss Jvav MacMillan arc shovoe pre- sooting flte the firrnincrg drivvr, G. Filivv afier Iris "Coppet- sminh-won fie race RICKIE COLBRCK roi yarl rlie Pro Wrv Iro-c -gurjv arr ohoorarf, vvirl 5 goals andl9 absitorov24 rrrr R.akcplavedifur Mîrvlon lu,crrr . Family of Late James Wilsons DediCates Oàk Communion Table A iicra. kl orrcomno ftral Micia, 1.S.A. Ocor born in Mra orrial Mo. arr,...ie Wandrr rcý17 i, id nJn yo il Mr, ar, 'Ir M", lain, Wilo aiir.rr O ... r..1 rr ar r rn... 1h..., 1., \1 0 rrrrr rri oih. i ,rralalla.a Mis. Raoalai Nrirl nirrl Mro ibR-s Bocg liagar iM.aarrc Waloarrr sol rana'ral 5fr '. ,ard Ma-S. bIc-c Wil Espolrra and fovarralo Wlocn or, alil of Foart Erre; and Mrs. Maîrara. 10cr. B. A. Nevic cona. Thoas fliggrs, M. acd Mrs. Ji. cd the aledicaticon ccrcmcoy Robert Wilon acnd Mec. Orvifle or- Thure Gardner ail offHamilton; Mr. and Tr a.' ei Ma. Wilsn scs kain Mas. Ait Wilon, Mr. and Mmn in flfa. Sotcah 13lock in 18t8tand Ernest Wilon ccd focrsily, Jaohn fiovd flccre aIl hic lte. Ho died Bell Stancley Wilon andt Micai in 1951. Hic mife, a natice cf Ruth Wilson, ail cf Miltce. -I PHOTO LISTINGS BY B E S T Delightfui clay brick 3-bedircom bungalow with coml- "The home you have bele ieeking for." Coeeprising a bination living and dleleg room, spaclous kiechen. Coi- combination liv.ing and cimnn rom. Labour saeing kit- eured 4-piece bathroese, feul divided basemnt. F ' A cher, 3 spacices bedrooes, 4-pince bathroens, fult base- gas entng.Glas liai és ht-wtertank Lage and ment with a finiihed recrsction monm, bar, etc. Extra gagheemg.Glae inedga ho-muer ank Lage an- bathroom, toilet, wach basin cned shoer stali. Laundry scaped lot 66 lit. by 132 Bt. This home je ie tiret clase rcem aed fuseace mre. Attached garage. F/A cil heat- condition, and je coeeeniently iocated te the dowegowe ieg. Large iandse,1ced 57'x142' lot. lotras inelede aie- shoapFing aed echooie je Miiton.Asking Frice $13,700,00. mieam storm and ecreen wiedowe aed dilore. TV an- 6% N.H.A. merigage. Monthiy Faymeoie $100.00 FlIT. teffea, aiuminum awoiegs. Waii.îe.maIi broadleoom ie livng rmont Akg pe$15,700.00 - S2% NH.A moriguge moethly Faymeie $97.00 Fi RT. "Ideal location," cloeio chools. First iameeoffered for Malitbeesolda" we cale ffer vcant poesseion.This eale. This eFlit-eel entrance home comFrieed etof nom- beautiful 3-bedreere bungalow jes eituated cloee te the bination liiig and dinino reem, famlly-ejoed botchen, Williame Ace. kigh echeol and J. M. Deepes Fubic 3 bedroome, coloureci baihroom with eaeiiy, feul divideet Schoot en park-iikeesurroondiege. Thie home jse. baseleent. FA las keaîieg, atcoached garage. A large lot. privedati o n L-ehaped living and dinieg room, colourd Alumieum eeerm and screne windome andt diore, Faved 4-piece baihroom, kiteken, feul divided baisement. Ine- drieway, TV aireles, tuetefuiiy decoraied throughoel. roution room 80% cemFieiOd. Workshop. F/A ga lheait- Asbieg prico, $15,000.00 - 6% NI-lA. memeguge, moeth- ieg, aluminum etorne aed ecreen wicdowe and dloore. ly paymenîe - $102.00 P-L&T-r Aehing Fric0 $13,500.00 - 6% N.H.A. morigage. Moeih- ly paymeec $100.00 F1.I. "EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS" FOR SERVICE AND SATISFACTION CONSULT BRIAN BEST REALTOR & INSURANCE 310 MAIN STREET, MILTON 878.6292 or 6592 FAIMS - WIMFIY HOtMES - INDUSTRIAL SITES - RENTALS - CUSTOM-SUILT HOMES - COUNTRY FIOPMlIES