Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 1963, p. 8

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OMAOH g~~~~~ The Canadien Champion, Thursday, May Iltb 1963 tOWVILLI lgsdn u jgviagp Baptize, Seven Sünday th11 'Ir,.O~ IlM musnmpiwwcom e W.M.S. Mem bers Rem in isce About Ea rly Days -mu'rsDySnic Talent Night, Showers, Fireworks in News Tbe:er'fî e ' Da wladMrW1erad ZI»riut abeIem b.te otnigS By Mm-. Cecil Passarsan a. cltd Ilhas the W.M.S. tis fest tec acs t v ced .a social filme a stpaent Ibe p.sList k et and tla c. aabpimlsr Dinser gusts on Ssuday vilb sides apua-Iet building on Per-mit Im e r the lb.Us Ilh WA andbsa et .S Occg Pacy.! fsscrat Ir 19 M e4 acsCe aoe.dcata s.Kes a a- vice. There ware sevea childe Me. and Mes. Fuatheestase Cou- DtneS. audut$2.0 (5easilau 08me 87 seacc.A.ad.M naeea1bhtagaeattatce a...ai seeaua ing weee Mr. and Mes. Besbae There wereelu19lGui 40 se> Qekaitiat un Ibeaadiat Met 9. tbe boes ef Mas. R. R. Fond, Fil.h e rvces in Otegh church eta Fleesearbee Filday balze.a Aseaster, Mr. aud Mrs. uf reatdeetlel permit. tlese, _____________ an s t. sedatie la hoet[LvbMs.TSes.M.MvMeb sDyaheM. adM A nis ruting requieing heavv Btlat cr ibre Christapher Williams of Meount _____________ Mat. -lea% Martien. The W.AAlSeisac and flcha.- telta Ras. David Ayras prsaaetatd thaia in insuace fuail asycheaul groe, j san Tttacmith, daugbser of Mr. Hamilton, and Bob asd Shirley a-dt-a Mat., J. C. MaeahellIJaices Majlcl a the acijsta1la sec fer the aitael fbaptia havacg a lage May 24 fiewosald Mes. William Trenwith; Ter- Williams. Mes Sid Galbraithand cf Mr. and Mrs. Harold Raag ajaascd ctac insag and pretaateat ai heal fine. fils of the ladies Mis M Cs a ai Ilatca alee a rtaa j acle a Robert Calling, son of Mr a. g e Donna cf Miltas, Myrtle au Saturday. anai, iltedaahe d ijeaeaa *- 1 presaca ce Thul a-s cftegd Ie La ki asd caith Miss rlaye bac lotia ctr aed tha she. and Mrns. Garfield Culig; John andGasisct Colling, Mr. and Mrs. SondaiVisiter& tha o aaainal solca terril in! Rhcpacaat, Ninah Lice. atajad lace cightec Peray Marra' Slaphen Cealsea, and Heathea De..aId C.llisg and baby and Mes. Langtan ansd Mary of Lti 1Éattes t , r k ad' 1922, Aehieve.usut Day Sta.tae acaît gaI aa as Plaed unAce Cealsas. sen and daaghter Mr. Mervys Cclling af Milton. Waterdews and Miss Thompsss te ni MisLxtDoglasa,M. S.1 List 26 Mesahers Tae WillicamsAv'e. hiah a.taa Friit, May24. 0'Mr.andMrsRssellCoalscc; and Mes. V. Zinumarmas ansd R. tiennae ad Mes. A. A. Gctattt A i-aa miates wc-. a'eaa tpa in seul bct baeiag with caia'itv cat Thais is spactaatd Il the Hanae Acgalcr DacenCcli.I dasghter of Mr. and Mes. Sam lAncie Sr. Kidd frot Hlamilton aad Mr. t,j taie -. s atata aecenat rnfsecaaieg ctit e seist acaeting, Sctaaday May I8, ashan cheeut st taa.lt Assocatioan. A films Mr. and Mas. Donald CalIilg acd farnily were geesîs au Suia ndc etle ht n am Ma Ma S. Tacn etas fltaa ter ofs Thea so ta ce hcs1lirtecc mui-i i girîtlcs 4-H Hmi-cacakicg ssii! ha ti 7.15 ccd cIter Daniel Paul Baileyand Geffrev day scîth Mr. and Mrs. Gar-il o BudrsGralsing eeaSda- ttiIke tea t'tact and Ilo r ta it ea t antd 2tt n.cac *,a je ail. attaIs wit! gathea u t he i he a ch* (tari k li t iisa tAs-sesbashe- Davis a sns af Mr. an feld Calling.dY 5 arsgs mre S dy Bcginyin [ visillts scit the Normans Long. TIMI TO c touatm,thfat, Mîl R. Ttac rgac a*sltet f ati- jveaaat day. Fcam9a.t5a12 cae cf Matsrs Johnson aed 1Mas. Ras Bailey. Soe oefthe Lsvilie ladies a- tos. Pa ndu XlII andtMr'. E~tt 1111meapp raae ta furMathatateDit tt'ejek the girts saut judgeaon Lae Luista*tldhbastblieaor Mr.and Mes,Clak Radhecd tecded the afteessoan tea and Mr. and Mrs. BurnessaCoalso Katj.c ite Ictppea.i,,tiae c il it- atMrt. C. K. Jar-t ttaaeilejljt jt nsbct.'Datstct dteltt su il bc at ba gac e n e Soucd sieile Sunday bahe sale inaid of tebeneer are leaving bis weehîfora tirce BEY M ALTON ha ttA . ta.,a t hac l ia.atsa i,, Mat S. Casait. MJI R. Mcai Up Vegeatbtat". igtfrfn u t e my vis swih Mr. asd Mrs. Mer- United Cbabett d ette home wee trip tubte WsCoast. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ta:tta CcîsaattcChacspsca. hall ttstMil T. Stase% aId MIS. F. At1.5 p,e.cta p ganicetftail "Itst -at t c icct Étoiale Mist. Pcaak thos tas jai c.harge. teati strationst ccd cxtathîtt seat tý Hll, lcttî aat ttstîaceeîîa Ttatciv-*ii t ades atas etat precrivt hal gisaen c tai at lahcfne taiceat P-1,asi\ . te aaa aiea ttttti enatît saaath ta c atzltc alla menct eutars cac iet e)ta allea[ ltsisaio ou s b i aat t a ion -i unhw , c*- Fjttaa-cgistaa1, asttattt.t Hast i tatac ttsg l- t lia Pa ate falote tac Mtt. A .Gliut. As halc-ait,k Clea ce: uatt a D o n t M iss SELRITE STO RES- FA M O U S \,'A lIi ttitit Ilc , i n (fist e f at i t , fteldttttre M.S. tata, Mcarion Jentsec, Roeac PlaiJue Tec th Assiversary 1RBooth, Daces Dethe, Mail aCul' 11t ,, tata le t , c- as 1 asiae sa ise Cisagtesalu ai tas Ms. casai Ms lis, Kath% Dolb a ndes Ntc Hie ,:iiats III tal tac tala l ise Hastes Cassthttaaatsasaitca a WiR h t atase Mst T), actae tat asaon tttag.saae atscacCe a nd KrlictWca Jecao ttttt, it i IE lsssc Ttaetscondaa aialt saiglat iven. RR4,Milton; Beiaa.tta.Hcandaa liiat eat t a nd Ii oreMs ilttte ths sc C m ntstsctCeta LintaCahab erlinofR. Rt isisaîtaýtteseand ttttftin W .Mttt [Haschs. caId Nora sJan Ballt 1 oifai felepoccsfe u hilacben Rast teci Batttur YELLOW TAO SPECIALS MAY 16 to MAY 25 i ii.iiiteatlde titi. !ttsst tsae tkseh an filaac Maie Ccs.ttPttt.Fitcht ,iaiiiti gii Reca titCtisttatuilttan Ml i- sîaa ltM heeie lt A I IL D E 'S O T t Miaît a j îaaatl tailia to isa p-ueil tait Élise Jia. Famcret ra POPULAR LADES LDIS'SHRT i. a ut a at a saltett, s aatMi.Ne lethdays This Waa RCORD JAMAICA SHORTS Fiee Qcaifte, Cotton $00 Mashaîi, b\ t îClark. Bsttical, i eticgtsat saoivenil in Sîzes 12-18 ...............r h o l w c h, ' i e u l ta t l-% i cse f flic Itaaat Ktsasa Wittiam")sa 12 caa, salit in Ceai Cottes $1.00l Xtiu c M Itat, hm aitaitttt a iti t-aoi act Mit tfCaastHill, ttsIl c I l 7 V be tIc is Mjltons Caencre otnat Mati ata ci Mas 14; Suante latta, 8 tesat Buy One LADIES'FINI SH BLOUSES lb37 t5 litttt.st- ai\. ctCji, endte, tiIae ,tt -t M.te I8; cand Te LADIES' BRIEFS FNS c atîchîtat. tlic cos a n a telic La e, i er iic acv 3 Get One FREE Ryn m oh0Sanfoajand Braadclcth acd I il, ndI e ali, da itit h iit e l lstta ttitt Fine Seese Seams "'2 pair 99c otsished Cotton 'AI as ' Ccap iatct ceascl oaTIes aclît tetu*us taita iaf i ttt thu t chsap only $1.44 .55 ,i,,,t tlo itaele aiss.atIl Te,aea tactli- pesriatle .Ttssea Summier White NECKLACE and EAR.BUTTON Assoriment 21 c os. 39c set 1 lb. 43c C,,, inI c pacesîîaaîctP-1IIIs ,sti te 1 Mrs Ma Gil.,o Gcogl Chiîdren's Co-ordinate OUTSIDE WHITE AN Ma.Ji; sait Mis, Ctatt Miakîl Sets quliy gl s tiis Sied t~.îiia~stttaiiaa t ue at Cottos skiaI, blouesancd shorts in aetîtcst q it :11il.. N Il ciN 13 nsla ilîsat ot el .PS t h,stiairs.t vi fa srirn t. ch mac br a cs fvi spit.Sn 3.99 gai. t : C, er c tu i s gîti. d Titi S tal i ttl ci f r ien (),ý'la((JI ol au ii cl il tit. Tsestad l a a i l Lacies $J . Thi bMi, Joe r " -6x 3c s. l $.69 i iSILEX STEAM, DRY IRON 1,' " :lIl fi cllhida'. Mjcs Marice as shaît Iltîh Hui ail seat-c aaî taci hepa furaIRLS SHORTS Coccentient Sintx Itoac Usefa $r 9 AI,, it 1leillacl hst. Lie aciH!steaetoradry aoneg. Wstbcoad $ .9 eleexr- i Ii aPrLainýCto o ua hds LADIES acîsuefli t ki houiacrasaiIaa Cdea o warials ahad. S E A ML E S S ______________ FeeNwyesSies 8-12, 59 WHITE Cookcie Day thcjlg otl7aasit taCIDENS HNB S NLN Sales D astasttt a T-SHIRTS Laasg-Wnaticig Plasici Jcst Fiast-qeaiIty siseet ir_ l ovnetsryo ii o' ataut tal. Pail Ftal tas tc ai WapeCican casI po a e seesce Mcaccnîpasetn Dc i mss cati tige i Weiei Cea Cassensiade tis May Sain Specia li 4-tb,21tal Isa \vtl ettMr, ta Il mpsv Rail talai î iiili aalit i~sc 4e$.82pi 7 OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. R ~ ~ ~ ~ Ih itit l uita s Ilag itit l, ,lis aît p,,a tîaltî laatpeIk BRUE HOcttatheatlt i LAISRayon and Nylon Blankets ori ti ýatuta -itt lddio au ail Mie Me e CHILDREN'S COTTON NL ACES tsci .... R Ih J'oie ai'. Nt tssaattiit ts BRC NOS e eenceAsta SUNGLP SeL I orsSaibu .7"lt Bd" a-ala ilpatsii a a S i Assaaîcd csades and ret Coeiîa tlains ; [Iai llittactaci. Mortn, Rager Meur eadhBbatas4toi 3. 5 e l -ia t tiiit i IIikisIl 1 Caos cete a es SOCKSrue 1/ styles pacteat paît eyes 4 ia Ilc cita ttIie c., e-le ej oii hni ist Milton.pai onîy 57c FOAM RUBBERPLLW -li ta l oii il tatutiu 1ejîja Al 15___________ c x 23" May Saie Patte Ociy $15 itue au'o i Il , ii _ î le a oit.aîs T\ iatd l ite, Ilitai taatOT utdoor Lawn, Garden Needs ~ OLJIe. MEN'S SUMMER lac"Ir LA W REN CEi caiata accsi *~ 5~PLSI DENTAL CREME WASHABLE PANTS aIi-i l %11 . R. Atulsrea il Il50 VINYL PL STC OOS BYE TO INSECTS t TR f- .î.iîî. ai l VRI and1it cIO R HOSEE WITN GARDOL Durable fakata, easîiy esashabie. FRUI 8ndGR7R7SOR GARDEN HOE SCOTTîS CURE 2GATUBSIdeai fat scmesee lafi c amsping, îîuî. ssiiPRODUCE SPECIALS Camplese Wti h~ê 2O ALLN TUNES bPPAT eacis cr hoiday val Sies 32-38. t .~- . liai. li~t ci.t A aci Fslicçs ~USE AS DUST OR SPRAY Regelas 6 cli ltit aîî,ltieiitttali Asparagus Cucumbers 1Bananas $i.30 Vale 86c lii a.. ~.~ aa.a~$2.99 a, I. . 2 Bunches 29c 2 for 25c '2 Ibs. 29c HAND GARDEN TOOLS 1h 13 t 5.t ROWELS, WELDERS, SCUFFLER 1 b 13 OLW#EMSMannes Spr Sit ROSE BUSHE -- Clîmbes ea. 89c Your Choice 25c Each 1Hose Washers 10c COLWTRMNSiotienprîSrs GROCtRY SPECIALS DRIPRY SIRT Seceai $1 t.lî iti If s-las liROt00 cattan, sanfacieed. plin sisades ta 19 PINEAPPLE JUICE - - - - 29c You Pet~ Supl Heduatr sisca st a eefabic _____________ iatiiacJ HARTZ MOUNTAIN PET FOODS las somsmet daess mer. MEN'S BRIEFS Miracle Frnh rssn Regatar Fly faces, cnt tus keit. MrceFecDrsig 2 for 49c FOR BIRDS, TURILES, F15H, FLEA POWDERS FOR CARS a~~ $2.de aissWst t.aîîat Viile hij'e a'citLtrî 4 rotlc Libby', 2a. sit 20-01. liai JUNIOR AQUARIUM KITTY LITTER __________ O O S TISSUE litic 45Ci SPAGHETTI 2 for 35c PUMP and FILTER KIT Tacîh plouf. Ataseaic, dicae-35 -3Pr$10 M Oiltioulit i Lissa Octit indaciles cîbrtîc pemp, deasats fat cal sanîteticas. SE OU EX NIV ccITlsa.lfZFD Whiite Sîiced Bread - -2 for 35c lftter, asiîane tahîta. Guatea- EOUEXNSVMN'NY N VOLKSWAGEN Kallacc L tsi ecd alne vetle 5 IL- 69c SELECTION 0F LAMP O'BAKTL SR CH SCK DEALER RUGAR STARS P-se. Rsgujelar a SHADES BYSBAETLL TRTH SOK NeRnIse as 0CR CRISPIES 9tzoz., SPECIAL K 6îî.uz. 3 foir 89c $7a Vale $9 10 IL. $1.29 SHOES ANeîwe aed Uista Sirsa Ail aitea and styales Ru lacks ad salte boat style Plaina d ci trns. Oe sie Siz thooso front. Complote cais sîsadîs tuer sais. fils ait. Steak eta ai tbis Sales and Service CATSLJP 2 for 37c. FAB 69c SHOP OUR PET DEPARTMENT FOR ALL VOUR pyoursSprinq uleanins witb Childs Yutsî Eoysvece Geun okwgnPrsMA PCASPET SUPPLIES nees shaeo now, $1.25 $1.39 $1.59 79c 1500 and 1200 Isitî. l PattaI ca [less Fi 4 Piatîi DEMONSTRATORS BACK BACON 69c SPARE RIBLETS 89cSAEO DZESMR IT STODU NG HE AY AL FOR SALE SItl ii lsîa ilatai lestl atWIENERS 43c 1BOLOGNA 3 Ibs. $1 PLAZA Maille LaI Iltiri cesa c cl Ift lt MOTORS Luncheon meeî 5 Pli. $1 ,PREM ..........39c S E L. R 1 T E *S I U) R E MILTON PLAZA PHONE. D CI.~C PR TR 8-2962 - TIR &-M3 URES IVOI DIRIVRIRY 194 MAIN ST. IN THE HEART 0F DOWNTOWN MILTON SHOP NOW I - HIOH. danc in modale of the Mariy lion of Tlaay a ef i osi bi 3 1 bai Ai As 'y 31(

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