4 The Canadien Champion, Thuraday, May 16th, 1963 < ~~C l c o i 3 1 «J~-" n L BIA RAbVTQ111 E MCRaTAI necroudded exhibition 'rnhy tclng t get the diae ,Î gafn egrounds on Son. mod ledY f.r the ga... Tien M R _oe dcoppcd gallonso0f ganroline and a haie SUMMER HOLIDAN', SWIMMINC an eci ako l a1-1desont Caiedoniao of slow vient uaed in.deylng leetn aelal z% cmic uig h atlm me,1 lgoi hy ari oahed fied, up tho diamand Bantant owrI htdoninc houeIae blIo tct.Tl et h lb cmmood seven er aiedTevor Hoastonial moden ao. ong lboons %vudhvev00 e paigogaie al, u us a h gaiwaalutine ed for the gamne and appeared laev 000 h, ildcnigne- il, ,îrin op'lu th Sox open flcreffy on tho 9h naring .a hsea hono Wededay, May 22 Glen Dance and Ron Shannon iOavle made the Filtding gema of the niv 1 000 th m o ullo a id, le1a1,,ip(lA pern naRdSxui day, w 1h ovni tte ahoulder catctes of sort pon) flies o lhe ionooto r1idiii o th Mil Mio Baoi1 -ciioanwfom n eea ogHat oatftetd ...Glea Dance ptayed 'Zuibhoeio n- naralrn Co10ooiOiîioih.. .ce teSo ttckaas lhe Il two timninga of the game "0000g00iii.00.BIG FISHERMEN" fom Milon, Dae Furnes 12 adPtr ireh Jcln lers togles befoe gongtowork in Mation. ýcr oicepisvecogricl Mcui1, pdy eohib theJ 26e-nh 5 nonbt igl and a tCo Aasecondetllnaen lo ve lt : i.kcipok - rncii 1 enisai nev oge dmc a tWOir oud a expectedeycaglt tatwekhod taeeaxectdgedbcar wlth it bquaho ~ dP nl Caledoniain the near fatare... alvo wcou. ploo, aondo Mîogo.'o I boo n o.nv o . o ne Literok iu Midlnd. Soc oiewcomer, ceooiheot haie ilinog tholde b(wtelloit, o th Mitier Leguc as th firi thwarm.ap enwaankelau j focts the t fifint toon nI, 1Vel a riooooi the Milton svoinion i shaop Hoapkinaat timre, on Sunday. coooionoo tolooi.ooiono.ntOleeEc John Hopkins started on the th a(mdvso n 0G m sEc ocoo' mouru datowed Iooo.OEEXSDtM thild ,0 l', oldig [i, vaooncaoned ronsi n thrc imnings. Ai, ___ Thi %eoîî, huoooonooo tho oo c.oîoie ioî tif tto Assoiat ion tlia IW onncniOii n ........ Wan Hitoon thrcw the nent DOUJG HYATT 0 00.00I n. ,hn ooooiiiilte anho. îooiook for thei sunirindee td funk Reiease ho-he ul lrc inningo and gave up Iliree Two tl Saaday Ob) Timben.e ..... 1. O ogenoît ooght.ooooi12ooî an etnc onoc 12. The-o t35 hovnnwc. rolltwong a oh of harges, IMai oooo d toeu ino. nOomedit0cooen00eod Ioons, Such RiddetllcHwt okOieinhsxIPilim CC. nana... 22.0 a i i io i-ein iided i.ioi000 O fc gropn oit 27 tv i.,oohý Haou oC.onin Bino.hiitAn,iz 's. o ffiiiv cialo ncho.îto Ihis,îlook the moondfor the oin th and Deadman the inr e rideotihen pn ifnoO iii e chii ouch.h Fon t in e ,c 27 ho, th, oi- e'e-r-ieiue Lo.o Si. 000e..k Changes dueo Io tivshiogý ho nnnt nd atw. g eved hom on the ei...t.. Deol nv, 0 10 . Vur tick. othe 00.0n nhci h ohor cnisono w ee Marned x Hof paced the Caledonia ottoch, with 0,on iv . a0 a o ýcýrý r*.. oiîtooi th, no.o.ei huswr orc.Hl two hito each. 0000 . ne f..... The'Iloo'A' ions wiit ptovi the Natiiional L-coogu or Senor A. Switzer rirst l ii !00 noiioii go.xoiivvied tavi iiihd the lan( twircio ot Aceandaheda ............... 1 ICI On 1.04Poo. o" 'otviocioo ,*n o.kWtIhsix nrs ganron- fi ninth i tnnng and haod 0 ger Ctiff Housn ad Soin y mon »a.n. 'e... .. on. nh Av,,O Oau rJno ,iIi nfaildfe gI ag the hedul ploy.onoeer i ucycrn u ing theia............ -o0i ion ni tiioti nhuld nIooo Il0le gann. ,Saturuay Mveeu 1 ,oin bouc i Ocoioh flou. Deadman Wiaaer gaime . .. Sovidoy mocning, ctobh l, 0000 k -utoi 0000, MCb.1i inv nuoiti. Mioooitnit oonio.m id ioio n toio.'iît in iiîî Aoiioiin To-ock oaoid fio.td reprecainîoo. <oooooooi. Fto'et . ro Cootootontt. Ashhoogh vtiai- officiais ond ployeri wochod fcV. 00;v..00 fun uon 1.0 On l ov .o Ooojc. oiaie, oio'oo i hc a, tc iii nO tiniiii plae'rsi ni atil lierre. of the Moiooi Dintrict High on.d. .ne ..... o , lu t Ac"' ruoootoleoichange'ioulto s iiotoliigbase. Sicalinil ~basin Schoictptoiced innevi IlncE- ne n 2 o 0ML.'..... 0 uMI mino 1 -, nver i itniion c pichcoudtiii't iioio ho, a00 thc CWOSSA~ trock anod fio.ld iii hoIOtît1, man.0 000 hase. and the' catciher i o iooooti roll0ui the holt nee i uthe G.A.C. Gouelph on .AFPUMY EuDIIV. 00000Doule iii base000 rIono, .0000 Satoîodav The vohwo 000v vparvc- NWUrcDUnENE iinOiO noonond y - . LU iot. R000,00, 00e0 ont ho. andi oh0' iooo'ni iiero'i nhooin oou Oh, ni'nco ion [ho part' AtaniSniier wanihet]Ooe Mil à£# ntfynlo7 M rd y H 00000 nan iLe idaý,00ar0.itse hac l jorricneto.cn a Oirsni ngteTe C mbeiOO cats igo eog hse n 0*nc eldi itn *n *il .ootoovoinfva iu tes ., p priinogtfor theiropeniOg gomooLarr cPhailwtib othhn h CLERE'S A W and oursecnds Gav Wcke, 1o tihe neason on0 Moy 23 aga000 primo. nohniioien cIC T PNN he evýao oakRcwv]io Milto 'on 0a hird. i Haion, neiti play on ex In t he picho departrint 0aC T PNM hccnck ii, oooo .io'nio -t4tM ohio fane on Sonday au 2.3 o.dew pgl peal oco ,tre .0rmeîti nccta o k.th SM,i lo îoo ioiui e in. D lric l lr e o f M il. toct ti.i the Got Terriers, in th. fr h'e o r A S C T TotO oicioiiiii i-oui., o,hio.li oooo.lî .ocooo itohe nioi-to i oo Jonicor Girls' Chanepion ut hotui.io oehetC. IiIte meto o ouJoch Robhrtsv and Harr A A I Lihteoooo' poneo,,to îîîoîooo-îio ii hizi .iio , iiti leî 00000 liidie, Disrcot toi t on oincoi, th 5 oto.voiprved cnmenton Haoooîo ien ome on vStr halsaaluo hiîî 00onu -itooni iîîo etf n oit iIioo.okoîî iIoniiniio itî, itî0.od il o ot o hg joep. îoo.oLk t tie apparent shoricaý Hitvo ho. ianht toH mnd o w' ka spîlns dGre atîLyasy u lin tho senori 440. motnc vn in of tho.ueac i ncsay nbadteSS'Keai"o . Reco'io t.îo iîO, , o' Iroioi onto M.oohawok vhoio thit M.bitoni, Onsitw r.I h xhbto an nSn no-cii cop o ut onoooîîiiîoîîk ou -îIl 00v Loo Ill hcing hcoffhn. Repeeed Sohoot uo'ici t he ehihiongacoS oobudlgS beeî lac- Jtntim oiii>iii Moltionoioooo.ogIleoticcopioiio-, ai tiici.o.t AOn. Gloria andi Don iiittIr Terr dvte 'a00 ctcerhadcm no hvc i , ijouin. i so'n , iu ,îî fii iîîîn i o o, nu.r prsno iltion ait he C.io.O.S. GaV Fed tr li-adr gon e o heni r ogs n in t pi ol hi, N it v i od an if .01 hird in 39 uiarc,. tociog hotot in Guel'ph 0000on oi tio u t uro up Mcn'o ostb o n h igh 00000 Sailing Wednesday and Satrday fre (Thocvsdaii . LINDA RL.LSWORTHY tu, arer ai fice s0 o fac Ohis vociog. thne t tH ,e Bofthe erier loin.1ospem Ru oqpecujul thai atdbiti.i.O ih I-000 fioTcir iteltSpr erlth. Boatitrain I the Omo nette open, John rord lor the Senoor Girls con- hotp oo itl coee icon Guoelph, and starcs. lie day uf îsiing. oSuiler was third andt Tercu noog broad lumpite Disrc icitaio.cvoinccc hruindicaioouChat Educotion Goes With Athletics thtcvtiooieri'a or itn ih Sciool mono on May 4. JciPioce oinor Camnpbell- Fullitnformation too ang Canadian Patii 0 Suy FSernifTedrK nnd o ce Oroce oDottof rKHugli Rolo n ,od Jav Roboinsoni hiog han maieciotind. veb sot the Rot.ico Midiet .Tcoooog to the citicivne Ciai tioiho.d thord. ihyTue iooock em wr u*i u tîoi, ou icafonniicit EIioopeoooi On theie ficnt teage g he 0; MiOi oio Coh ciTicdooîoooo tOii illtb eoihu o Morchanin niti faoc e h ogt loico ioîo î i oti ut.oo ca -.i i Iloc ti w.o us ienoo to iooocd Hameilton COlbin CovocJ Tocuico Konnclt o utoonvot thne o- .uîL liici hoiit coonac i e.c Siodiuin de r thed O itghlv. Inido- porceoo' noo.'iii io.îoii liil n h I ,' [ vat i ) .i ico.'the gain, citions acc Chat Hameiloncoi pcicniio.iihtec bociinii.hiuchii.onc n Ionhicneitoheat, witi form- "Poii niionig pot'viioi o otoni o ic Oon Coolnîno A00 Sioco Moi- sporct u e l i c iis h( onO c on O uiiooiio are ohaoilîî foo cr Loke, Bill *Rone and jim gionig.oothoend. Yio h oh ho rgardsiunPotes- Wilsntncoriiig avicroognoor- oaoi'im.0koooiiiih oniiooiiirinoouii,tiional inoc iucran o g - ,.,p, ingtlinoop. yOuc PtaNoilig itoin u lits int filtot- pioîc uiîonc tic rcaltod oîhcn hoE r ars C m blvl tim,>" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vo Il, [,i Tt "' h ,l n14 lwt vi vooke.honsdeîodedîoi E LECTRICITY Ceci.'I îcîou o'îîîîcpoo tneo ai on juvo, f ci 3,500. Ncoî. ho ptav coot i nocor afooe coner BSIE fflur, voui-, roini fo c iltoi oinie cro il,)plivr in hlvoatiof ho oîd retice. Wii ISO RB SN S a toi nnit -,o 0noo- NAiL . îîîiio1,- thooî Ot i 31500 Cairnsooiicîli îoî L Kbing ut sec 'icu aa -, andîî o pension plan0 hau aiu icc onid. Eimec Drcotge and nhort. DONT Bf A TONKERFg Fine Champioaahtpa iniooîoooc. st opf aond torenniat onu star Sian WITH ELECTROCOTY Mc. Keonroiv nOica officiaît ho speaoko.'%vasinioiiotidhbv - Hendo.rona ticd,the Merchant ih IterccCit, Transport, pouol o Wiootoc cool tinicot ho '. nfie cmnoivirioiat un- Cuit AnExpert For wih ohbc Lcaii tuoic ic Sianoi Choooh Cnipolaed i K ,0V changred. Don Joyce mit once 0 ADDITIONAL OUTLETS ov C LIpI Ch.oopionhnpn 'otion ng Moneoocif Oic neiotgc icone GLRACLADa00Oe'gain hanotte neoit ci Oie cato.ch- IIN iii 0957.000iooitî.ni on.ooo . 0 GLORIAv noitiR Tccc thei S OUDR LINT Hcotciio.ioiintiuioi ui MoKoiic( Iv manag La - cho.iJoniOnnbampio i n choig ohsm iph Onr ete OieO oiîîlS Hei halodgm ont Cauiîooho Oito e i c MoDoito. a %nnlo Oo oac h Ji Junior irlns' Sî o n ari tohd Oocd ic M1 o i ot hac Sp NIn CIRCUIi- Oicd ooio,oil po,f.ohioi, Ait Mololc limeo f0,t John Ditric Onnld motoo rc aa d fie K bc Mourn t ii ave At FONE CICUIT .orniioool %ort ipuiniicii. Ocîo goloohnJn iedmeto a 4 erM.rBilEltadA FORATHERSTONAEn cr onoît h o poonîoo îoih - nil- Wihiiogn cuoî h nyco l he oi hotr g.on 0 icnî, Rtdo oppoooodonc thi OiFcELTECTIC On. Disgrooileco pooeccutnilroc-o.iiacu Cluo thi'vpooichip. LCT keioton. ho e oofcni ooh0o lifoudcuOo.Pota io o500 *rrn th £ £ .... Milton OMi Basebatl Lengae SOI gante, arn Orc ho lonou un Ootoco FOn vtocîio0 il7n 0 fint. NATIONAL LEAGUE Mao 21, Piratesu an Cardinit. Mau 22, Rond Legso oODooo.o Mo o 23, Coli, an Picolo. Mou 27, CooloonO, al foot tii-o Mav 2$. Dcuthnoio a0 Cfio Mav 29,fi,-iiiu Rvd Legs Mao 30. C.ootoi.a ai DîOdgu'î'v -' Jooi, O. Rond ILc0n ni Cot,,. Joîno 4, Dolgonnu Li Puonicu Joine 5. Coliu ni Con utoînoi Jiior o-. Cncdoi.oin .00 forcc Jouil00 IL POir 'sut on Lb. Jone 12, Red Lengs .0 Cacdinl, Jooe 17, Cobv ai Dcit0-ru Joio 10, Reot Lrgu i fir co n Jone 19, Doogecn ai CarnulOorc Joon 20, Cuirs an RoO Loe'-* Jooe 24,F cirauý .00 Dod igon. Jute 25, Cordinual, ni Couin O Jono 26, Pirates ai Cardilu, t Juryo 2, Reot Lcgu al Dout,., Jîîiy 3, Coin al Pirate,. Juiv 4, Coodinai tv u Red tcgn. Jotv 8, Doidgecvs o Cous Jobv 9, Piratsoiv Red0 Legu. Malo Snto r OS Red Log u (ii Juor J. Angoîn ai Mets, Jo0i004 OYiuOOocnu.tSeio.nuno. Jolleo 5. Metsu ai Reot Son ,Fume h. Rcot Sox in Sinaooboc lînoo10, Yankeesu ai Aoogeln. Jlune Il. Senatocu a0 Met%. Jooc 12, Angolu a00 Red Sonx Juuoc 17. Metv al Yanihcv. Joooi 18, Angotu aui Senooboro .ono 19, Yanokees a( Red Sui. Juoo J . Moo, .00 Aogotv Jurn 24. Oonnoivoit oon Jcnt, 75, Rolinn ut Met, Con,0 2h. Sec-u' al0 Rcd Soy 3mbv 2. hoigotu 0 Yankees. Jui 1, . Met co to SciooOoi'n. Joui 4, Rcd Son a00 AngecOn Juin 8, Yacceu ai Mot,. Job, 9. icoatocu .0 Aoie"iu Juin I0, eO oOi Yoooihoc-. .To 1 15, Anugclv al Mets. Jot 16. Yankeces i Snatocv. liO , 7. Monî, a0 Redt Son. filon ,,pn fcc povîponoot c00 13, Jiuon 27, Jobo 1l. Lib Ont ALAN SWITZER net a record fon tie one mite nooOr oo thn Dnintict Higi Soihoot meer I Gctlph on May 4. LITTLE LEAGUERS 20% oOFF Saturday OnIly On Yooîc BASEBALL Ot OVE Puchat-oinr. TRI-COUNTY ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 18t Maio Si. Miltoun TO 8-6705 WYLDEWOOD lEh [AI 01 - NoORTH OF OAKVIILB (3On iJoisoith or l Oigiiae 4010 foc OS honu - pair 7a - am2 yn.eir Doole colt $2. Wehtoio & tiolos $3 DPe dusOo yeae San meaiheaddto Cons mit and naoY oie 0f en nomB gantam it m w Fm5 LOICAnm A» noUtmiON Deane loto ia -71 ( £0055 0-U Watit tile itt. auM 11.01,1,UR eU Ifl WIOUW whlle you eat dinner tonight: see any horses? Not if you est ut home-but tend for Mohawkt Racewsy and we guaronten ptenty of horses C. Candt plenty of action .. whileyou enjoy oor very fine fosod in the glasnedC n Reneirvation dining room. Try lt tonigit..C dinner and bornons raciog at new Mohawk Raceway. Wowl Opeal ba.toreand.aldMisoloa dao troo Hamilton 00,0,40a Coanh), Torontn, Guîeph and Kitchener (Graoac or ntr4i0e 401 ta Compbolinie non-non, nonen h %mite, 9 RACES IIICHLO AT 7:45 r Looth lt captive bauei OK Fonce, arle For Court Area Tht constraction of a wooden fence o banehoit hachnuop, andt the ptaootg of Crees In tic Ktngotcigh Couort Paurkunrvil approne hc Milton Coinit Mon- don. Tic action foloieo a ccooouos fmmn tie North Milton Revideoî As'coobi f or oonnoitp appeo'oL Thte dece woiO b ale g t0hfe00 oen anea on lie cot viole of tic oooh hctnecoo the Riotoeti anid Gteesn brumes, Ol mite copoineot, mithiacCr, teft Io the par'i. Town Cul Thata Councittor C. Monoefy, inreon mending approvol of oie ptmiecov., i ooggeOorthoe hehait bacholop in theonorth en corner appol ed aceepoitle ondt the treestio he planutot moott ho reptacing Ihove cao off in cortier pears bp Ton neochmen. Theocounittlor said thete mon no eference ion the minutes îof tie Association to a coller ci, Chat ceoidents In the ares hoît compaico of tanO neeek. -Drive corofutty oner Oie 10001 doy meehend. Coaceete, Cioder, alati ait Sino BL OCKS J. COGNE (Canae Blaks) LTD. NE A-7763 EVENINGI CALL JACK HALL MILTON TR 8.6365 ONDERFEUL N IDEA font $90 Rais n. Enjoy 100mw' uncng or pomettdng byutgbt .Atssînboa. ES CRUISE m Pool McNicotlu toolt William toavefTooto 12:01 P.M. E.ST. o Ticket Ofice an Tur ramil agen, HIT THE ROAD 0. IN A DEPIENDABLE, GUARANTE c USED CAR FROM JOHNSON Broa. SEE THESE USED CARS THIS WEEK FOR TOP DOLLAR VALUE 1962 FORD GALAXIE 1961 CHEVROLET 1960 FALCON V-8 Auatîic Transmissioa 6 Cylindar Standard Standard. Ecaaamta Traasmission Transporataion 1959 PLYMOUTH 1957 FORD 1953 PONTIAC V.8 Atoaontic Transmissian 6 Cylindet Sen Tia One Miner souehai schedue THIE tie i Fn an singi cap Fr00 Int iog 000 gamn. Clive e n Att e Nigit rouir g encept lnojio a Tht n Tior ut Dun Wedn DOaitt Doondai Solor Wtndi aoi Cam]. Gnorgel Thor, oit Honr Sa I oI nondi .ui Mito Wedn villeta, Tho c. Humiti Sator Canepho 00t GOcu iicn ai Donc al Cane Soond Milton. Seek A Siotn a tendotOh whici % octdbe Grlt Guffer n 9 iilit wetho have d and Io --If o lionre ocO'e, C, ORgime, pnt Si., Tht I ctotot il Second di0i0n t Fient M5 înlîtsV to. for The o. hv Lt. O î,f Chu miii lic Oecuner Ont Tno Tno O pirfa Oit homo eOnttive nec foc on Gotc officeen and aIl preanî The o unifocto tht pipi (tbrelire