AN IRISH JIG featurîîîg s,,, Milton arra girls, mac orreof many dan,,,,, perfoîmed ar tho Sopte Commoniry Centre, Talent Nlghî ai the Percy Merry School on- F,,day. Susani Rîckebl anrd Mari- THE HIGHLIGHTERS, an instrumental qroop, perf,,rmed or the S,,yne Community Centre Talent Nlght, ar bhe Percy W. Merrp ShooT on Friday nighî. Shownin e hafront are Rab Clark Of8 Ornagh and Gary H1oart of8 Clarkson. In the back are Denis Hurdeof Cooksville, Larry Turnr ofStreebsillbnand Kris Nîcholîs of Coobsoîlle. T, M ih CI th ic Pl tCr Iyn Marin are slown inthe front.i ,the back are Kaen RicketsMargo Carkson and Susan ., Martin. Thîiry acs undr the directionf Norm ad Heln Flemngtonr were perfoîred during y' the eeaiîrg. ne- AVisitors up for HTHE SINGING SMITUS [rom Kilbride sang rmsongs ai the h Hospital Tours Soyre C,,,rm nity Centîre Talent Nighr ai thetPeroy Scho,,!, Frv- Co,, îî.îî 111 îiiîr, ooooî day ,,ighl. 5h,, n from lf tc rghr are Dannry, Sîja,,, Peggy- iIn, District Hospitaol dubrg Anne and Lynda Smitvh. The Imo selecton,s they sang oet, u opnhou,- mrhing National 'The Lord ToTO Noah", and "O, crie Wngs of a S,,ow Whir,, liîopital ollicials 110,0 Oorettrag- ,. ~ Id hoooorO theo ".%, ooî , ý ag îoî ic -chairnit, Site Wils-on, sO, - SL,a, yýSanta in JuIy ob Ker an arl-o rs NIL n~IeI, îvr boletook fli It's Time Ag ain Co-, Vjitos un a friI o urIb offic', To,, ,îov (iij Apri im' a - 01,1 tiîo hospilol, o,,plionîig theoI likel, ,,îontII t, o bc h,îîh,,g oht- eq,,îpî,,o,1and the vuous Santa o15oICaus, bu l 1.Mil-on ra ioo, a,,iibhîo C,,IIoo ando ako Cogionîîoîre ami Fi-coîgh r- %%r %et-%o iîkd i b li dnig rn t ,IvI, fo-iie. -d fulic buldnges aooms - to, oto Nea1 i,îI,,v st2 rgh 0 'Ratpayer omplaisjoif- ie >at',o p ,i ADAL 'tit 'Publc ,Re ,ot Riol ce met Thu,,,o, evei,,,io- Io .î, LE T I lo aiîîî eh, 1o -r INAD AL 'Rteayr omlain dur' cîîl ycentd r i,,,Sooe ovr,,,, y nrer olet Ngh helO unila tel chat 1ufa , COMMERCIALi ,o-nepnroyMprySon S10,,FaOive parade. yFordTloi aJlernrofvoso0IO lIdi0lpa M'o Haol Colo a iiii« CO.A T OEITUARYfr il d,î,,o,,î,,î a l, rs.ePec M.rt J. Carton ies, 9h onts Frida niiv -1îo î- ri~ , BEUT MLTN TR 8-2206 aLd ifle-Ltong er Tofshvlli lades wi Pa-ee'nt C M. ît, __________________ ed pAIII,, olos.o ,,1I,1,. ,II,,,l îîî o ,o îî Ii o I !,tc [ l el an NoîIltttktIobh I,,toî Il-,l bolIIi1 11,1-t. tt, Mt 2h. ar ,tt -ilso Fh,,obnî îIit,, î îtîî,,tttd I-,, Mifeb-L ooî, Tro nhi Reîîoîîto.îIý A CIiI lo b,,,,,,i hoobo tIORSEit SH ofîb Winnipeg 'ae on hae I sh,,e, oblO fleOO sse, ieeroîbi bro,,hl ldem nn ad i trnI, Ai 10 b.f ci ya[vIl, 111111 hi-,îbî0 M-ep Flle sbopsa hervi slfpio loo iI11 h e 1ne o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ la taîbtIîî tîî.it ,,,aîaptyîeîheYîeanf Skierpebon flAir ta l ne li Milo itII Ihe. same" brabîn brushed piailî 110 hat' î,,î,,,t Nu7,olb of,îo'ing rIlboi- rlicf tyoruhPoieS.monon 0n y 11bO[I1 at Evi2,i Cc cIv C. Wilaylotprtî gil b,,,î, hi, 1i0,I,,iIoIlt Tour hi, S'l e Roeto n on inla iv tro e l-(i S t u i cîhol T h :iitel M" Ct on ve,, - 64t ,cars T e, arraur,n's. Al be u irei] haîtoa ie0cîmaeor'i) ISll" kg i lî l l'orle îtoiî, l ie P rnts-, niad l*-ik Paok l ,e L1,pfi iv i: , gol cy,,,. Mand o lec oue epeo tories leith pro ut ag ,il I iheH s u el i kola t3 veuf Mîlote 1111 criia..d i rhsia certtica , l upri ao 1*thtI 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ )OS SHOW,,m Littl anoîl tiee ao sohoitl prinipa and poar Miassehsftlwt ats IbiIkdci a , ano osçei lt h ie îlc c i le ciln 'l.111 oilcnf h uthist at mof TEr are siz W97 p . eokooaehr. Stir a RTTOWNu Gk E Wii t .tIAMSiiii, NORVA 20 MAIN n .1 FuhPpesT.o us on hyhrl Kléil iit,,Id i m l ic LulI tlnlrIkl. ýI aikn tle,1, o iY ui oefe 'ul u Pe r T u flcuihrt SscrullSE ONEMLTNHIGT brush cla in ca r And H ha stlo bahe \,illi ianv puic1 10 LINT, stopsOE QUATR BRAS . . . MA fou. Ggauuyoh Plie a nd \vch a l Mu.rhtrttdes e'ree w trreel . ___________________The Canadia,, Champion, Thursday, May 16th, 1963 3 School Board -Museum Building Nearly Ready Briefs Was Converted.from OId Barn Milton, Pubhic School Bord Conversion ofI Dot[ Alexanders li i oîtoo l' t,,he ru oe , aitheir monthY omet- hbarn ut the Kelso, C, onsraionl hi- - - , ,[air hich N gin theJ. M .D,,oys schooArua ie te ountyînum1,ilkî %ui, 1,, tu un Monday: just aout dune.A ne.,î,Iro lmk il, muîoo-01 seAccptdher reignaIioOl oih plastickyigh eshfishooîî tadtg an i îg0îîo I g staff1. rie mai visitor alicipolod Id pio,oo hoildin,îo. * Rcciîod o irer frloa t11111 hbis saon, o lac l It a Itel , HI tid il,, Ioî' OII~ ckiJ t igolan, uetig haol ishî,g Louches îOOoh asdwrIî> commi,,îî-e kiccptdontolîit',l eboard p,-epm-o- a list cri solo,- The manv o,,hibt hiC mh I, o a , - xii%% lis U0 s for-ail the schmoo d,,m' ,'ohae icard, heu gie arcbc ini,-O,,-, lh, I oyeusCxIoding cleanId of9O 1I0 N fhurI .pecIiaonI, Illih îl laAppo.fordpavoietI îro vItdose ho ergeti craorI,- lent Il,- a htv e uret o t, $, 34.23. Maor, Hal Newmano,. Poîiticieoî, ar,i, pe, o i,, h, oioibi esL,,,rned chato a p Prescr it iIîîO,, d o ,, as he, cotookr, (,,, pl1011I0 fine P crie for 1963-64, %vas down sligh1t SpeciaI Gr-oupe ph,,o ,1h . e Ra ti d the hi,-ing tri tihrce admisso tu seco,' the m jun %,,Fhî I ,o,,,d lie ', h,, ud Shire'f Haov d viit i] mmrlong. lon,,la boî~v oa jlIiant Powell ioHaini11,,. The i This M,,,,dov le Ipttt o c, Mrs D. Bran1dn as a fuIi fini i,,g chle l i a d heurt1 t1, hll J-, acher. Previh>,sIy sh ha doan musuom, Nvhich is îîîîlor_ TRACK AIRPORT ughloahalfiniehbasi. edhohtheJJodan Wine Comp-.îî A,,,iiio,,d1,,o I I,,Iv gla icare ron I1 lS1prvisin g nie >%i,,d,,ighi,,d I,,,Ii- ,,o , z, o cie1.i*i ,,,, bî0 use ,oodhbc Fild a0iailhrI C,,, things îhov halte and ,oo,,,,-o0'oo î o, l ,Ill,, MI, huol-. toniliî (TIîorsday). m ei n cr, o m~arusl î'orî titur, hoiii\ RLice%%ii. t(t r0 a*Mr. Fot,,, no1,d 1hat, alohlv'Iî li sid. ,,,ogooo1I~oo and ,hI,,id lied ohv would ho hield Hie meoi,d cris colleio n i ,\, -î iokoî Clu i onI , r h shoî,o ovoh,,, I N, in îî ive o hurs,,b hili rageII11l1 plane. A PIn oo,î,,ino Jrohoî se Leo,,,od chato f flic 18 ,,,. Beattyv Ioot-uperatl ho ir nio nf; h1 , 111 11I,, tu ,1 flcfil .,,rao, roooived chus fIorer whi06 are undiplavmoow. -O îîooh ndergarlo,, a 1 ie Buc So, A. ____ nu.,,1, îîvî I ,oerc fer :ommittee Message : NSave With Thiis Coupon!1 Irges Beautification iv m e liswfom the Hvdro office, chi1 W h e catio1n ,,,1p,,,g1 A lign M n A pamphlet CntithO "Test ou-Neighhoirlinc.î-' li,-bd se- ENJOY RASIER, SAFER HANDEING AND ighbor IOî hooomon p in,, am GREATER TIRE ECONOMY. oil[ o ur ho me IonigtI ing RI ho,,. oIif[[* ThsSpecalServce SPECIAL 0011p titr, piOlîOp, pI11111p, a ncludes: xu , rpi, remodeI, dlant anci M ersecig O L dnt, hu o gond ,,oighbo,,r the se poO L seChc s ..IL s8 .oo a s ,pcot lire,. PARIS EXTRA TR 893 CIiooh and, ado,Iil IF NECESSARY 71 Main Se. E. Milton a oo,to ad kib, UND AN LADl #EAI.TYSIMES TIONS TO HEMRMITO MOTOR SALES service Manager R825 ~U JOF KOEGL 388 Main St. TR825 DOMINION'S Holiday Savings_ FEARMANS -LEAN -RINDLLSS -SIDL CANADA PACKERS 2.3 LBS. BACO 49 BON ELESS CLARK'S -ANCY SIPLCIAL I READY TO SERVE TOMATO 4 JUICE CHRiES fo HRm 49ll TRFES Choice Si,,ua .285- iers SPECIL a8 9 BLAC CHRRIE, 2for69c NATURE'S BEST - 2z TiEns, SPLtIAI! ALE- AVS - 15-i,, iet" SPLCIAL! CHOICE PEAS - -6 for $1 CHOICE PEACHES - -- 23ec RGTSFNYSEIL APL rORANGE-48tOL Tir hPEcI APPLE SAUCE « 2 for 29e ALLENS DRINKS --3 for $1 lianib,,ng - Iluidg - wc-Clule SALAI) DRESSING, - 3 SE IAI EVIGJR f MIRACLE WHIP --69e eELSHSe -- REISE - - - - GRANADA-RLASS JUC ISITI JAO E SSE2X - 3CRB TIN SPECIAIA ORANGE Af~COOKED HAM - $2.89 DRINK,,,>,,,,,, ART WRAP - - -E 29C CANADA PACKLRS-2,,, fil'$, SrCCIAL! APPELORD NF LIAI! AM LUNCHEON 2for 89 WAE PPE ---2c iIANIIRN Suit I fîim,' ip:.ll% B 1 i SI %l _ ;,11,f IL I *il 5 BONELESS CHICKEN 3 for $1 WHOLE CHICKEN - 99c t,,e-Cue-ec TIii.bit-Sloiiel 25-1î tires 1CLARKS - 15-a,,. titis SPEC IALI CHOICE PINEAPPLE 4 for $1 BEANS with PORK 4 for 69c OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. Mlton 'fi Cioclig bal., Maoy 18, 1963 êOMINIO0N M