Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 1963, p. 2

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2 The Canadien Champion, Thursday, May 16th, 1963 CAMPBEULVILL coeuwaîoe, r.w. Plan Fireworks DisplayMonday A t leste. Chmrh SU? à The Marmeting of the Camp- hottens.the at'stess tate Mn. Rbr nla heltuille Basebou Club Women's lie meeting mas adjourned and Mr. and Mm-s. Lloyd Boayley at- Bn Mma C. E. Davenport Ei e Sudyvsta h Auxitiarv suas held authle hunue everone on iuyed a dnljeius teuded the Petertun-Oidfteld sued- Atloutsaak comniotble M.an Mr hse Serie ut' Mes. Frank Quinlan un Thues- lutnch The lune meeting witi be ding un Saturctup ai Sevrn wspre-tit lai ihe îiingt-ega- ,.I Ma dav evening. Min. Lenstrd Anud- helut aith bo trne ut' Mrs. Jack Bridge t'uluwed by a 25[b Silver dulion' Bstuon Chuhîtii fas t' Min. DvdLaro I Ss reus presided over the mecet*ing Wlicetihan. iuedding utnniversary of' Mt. and ufhis,iîîiali.iWilo in eual Ms. ai fut so %vhe thel bIus-W and sectetarv Mrs. Douglas Plat Banquet ,Mns. tited Oidfield of the saine i.ieadMav meeting held tast we.M-"' Agnew cadi the peiu n- Mrs. A. T. Muuee mos hod as place. Murycnutdtesuel. ute' raid tliey suee -p----d- tu the May mneting uof thn Wn- Mr. anti Mim. A. T. Monte aii- uicihc lok e p i y heSt ra udcehe e ia-Mi, Jack Wheeiihan gave ihe suomn's Association uof St. Daids iiuiuted the christiining utf ieffrey ciî.ol, iiîcoioii kil, Ithic e talion ai lie etticers. tfiacaiaI repart. Preiliutecian Churcli. wlien the Thomas Scott Etsciy, infant son ha,,. iîo-ouiodgoouiireo. LignysandOQuatre Bras schuols The ptenidinl expresseul ei1iiusless prisided. MissKallarine ofMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eses The Uile %.-, icniled libu suc wre elcch uuted $1t asard the iliauhs te lie membrs tur ilicit McPIlidieti hadl charge uft'hîe in hi. Paîuts United Churcli in I;rasd.ld.ciý Ketullh Wilsoni iespective bits lrips and $25 iuOi help ai the dance ushicli sheuu-levuliunat peid a.nintnd by Miltoan n Suuîluy. ail Mt- Bîlilil tligo (Maion gicetu luhle Relardetl Chîluleuni tuilunaîte had been unalte lci Mis. Geoige tngtis. Aftet thé Misnion Band Ments hhi...iiîil Vîî.ioli hr. Nolil1Asisatonl . attend. Il wsa gieed hi ail seorlaeiis repoit Mis. Wallace ThcGiacMission Band,flitc molu the dciainl. Relatives Mrs. Normas Lussn and Mci. threr the dance had lien a suc- King g.îue a meut encoot-aging CGOC. i Si. David's Peubyletian leep,> iiî Htamiîltonri. Robet Anecsn favurd wih a esfula venture.tItsdetded tinauciol report, Mis. E. D. Cliurhhfeldtitieir May meeting Eric andl Lcpoiio.ia pianoudueltand ahutoosread- toligy carynew eqoipment necai- Malien suas named assistent on Satarîtay mminginlthe S.S. Entend liyapathy iug wsa gien liy Miss Cliarlotte sut-y hie use in tle houillit, aise cirer cunucuer, and suill Mes. roai seilli Judith filglis presiding S%-mp.îhuî i, cmendd Me. j. Turner. An ouutiun sale eof cati lu have a nesu receptacte instatt- J. K. Maliun Itusuer rummitîc cini upening suili a Motherus M. Carton and oni., n .cagh- crus articles providied by tlieedt'orecasy use uonew cui'e for Mayvanddine. Plans weeDav praver. Lrnlicaz tousin le h-roci ho i-eeni membutu suet quitaiaccess and pereutatur. made fer lie Guide und Beumnie Elitabeth MeLnn o cou Cocgratulionii lu Tom Chud- eeaiiaed $20. Mis, M. Pullersue Final arrangementssuere made bianquetsuili the cnmitteenMr. oftthe deutiona pe-iodondnsc leigh %% ho îî ill rc,,il a degee ii wsa the aucîluneni. A socialtlime fut the annuot tireuuris display James Robertson, Mes. Edgar retary's report ossisirdi hy Mot-y Bacheluse ofi inoîîo Agciîil- futtasurd. lu b eli ie the hanehait pot-h Cairni, and Mru.- Walloce King bila. Kimberly Hende-nun and tura ci,l,ation ai O.AC.. Mr. WalerNelsont,MiltounHis. on MundayMay 2 at dui. The inochargesuhu atsagace aend- Dehuroli Musre receised and de- Guelphlu ihi, - eus taken lu Milton Honpiîoi un enecstine ns lte b the muehing ieg "Grandft'ahec Had o Tlieuty.». îlicated the sffecing. The busth- Mr.an oei . 'il-Mi Wilsoni Fi. Mondai. cummittee in the huelli untit the Mis. George fbgtis coodurîrd o dacuuong suas sîîng far Elizabeth o . -w m~ m .o ~cuest, fottusurd hi the Lot-du McLarecn, Elles Goud aud Kimi- Proîci. A social hlt boor fottosu berls Hecuiernuin. ed. Mes. Rouer Malion gace the t'i- Mesdaomes A. T. Moure, Edgar ciuî ai report aund Jli Watson Caures, Geuige Inglis. Alt'red Pet- tha cirer reot. Speciol cards ut' Ii-sai, Llovd Ccasut'rd, and Miss kîincues suece signect fiai Mel- Elizaehl Kennedy aîîended thie ille Aguesu and Met. Harold hpeiugiime Tca ai lie homn ut' Moîr a t'armer leadecr nom re- Mes. Haruld Sacage. t'ai Ehne- iiig ai Cacdit'f. The leaders e Unîitod Cliacl ou Salut-day Mes. Thomas Watson and Mis. ai le murt.Suoer Mahon eacb insieucied lie Podre Iter 22 girls suhî aitended le maiug Padre Youing frosu the Ontarioai gif i fac Muthee's Duc. Karen Agricuturai Coliege. Guelph, loo bailcura- pianint. and Lamcie charge cri the service ai St. McPliuil and Judith Inglis suere Davidîs Freoshîlceln Chut-ch on flie social omtec Sudai, suleu Chistian Family Ms. Zoluidodnet'Guielph is huda %as ob.ervcîlsih a mospeudilg a eehisilh i.and lier ouui iloighlec choir each Mes. Charles Mitchell and Mr. s tiiliuspeiial music. and the Doit' Aleaderwsosa diner oîîîrî:îî ilulicl bu lie t'a- 51101 un Bonîlasai friis hume. ÀfMrs. R. ShIIu WA H.,sess ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCN Cauadîan Girls in Traiuing and fxplurer gîaaps -el thi - n Mis oi ion ls hots igwt M.adMsÉIa moue ai olîgior buqîi u li Chutiin Eucaîsu uduoium o hni Ihur cea l rir Eii îîsg Bîauh uor Si. Marshall and famîts utoBf te moter ndclagher anqetin heChrstin ductin aditriintonTcesdoy eonuîg. Lckeos Womoois Aoiiaey oui luen and speut Sudai suith Mr. Eho,-nru tinug C.G.I.T. puosiceuo Maiy Piîkell and liii mollie. Mi-. N. I. Picholi. aid Civiefltîîîîîîîîî,î cîglî. Roi. J. Blel,.irid Mr!;. Cliîtlîîr Wiiggiesicuilli Explorer Accu Hopkins aid bor toher Mrs. H. Hopkins, are Mis. A. Pîgulîce and Mss, G. gzL o î.îic o a capier vi li he ii Hasuhi. Gilbert of the Usiled Cha ch Wairen. Sîîîcv Booîk. Plaus %icr made foi Mr. and Mis. James Mar-shall al stiaher h oîicili fii ho helul .îîîî Kas mccc ine getsu t l inc usli ai flic Pacîîb Hait. Stiidas suiih Mr. ond Mes. Tom A Baulismai secsice suas coe- Bouliurandt'amilveof'Gaicille. 100 at Mother-Daughter Banquet" oMraid hi. L o choccl n M.adMs.G eilei Four Girl Explorers Graduate andae abara, Gcla sure of BIEF MEEI S,. Poolsý Uted Cliorch mur. eut. Sun HopkînChiet'Epof os a Espiore muaos luhhiiad.ohiet' meeting Monday lu r Ibh road dasghoer bouquet 1ror.u ieîradned the beod tahle. Mcs. W Dollar ccspondiug. Congratulations ciesusecocot insocuac- puillules lie C.G.t.T. andl Girl buplatees Judy Gt-eenfietd proposndi the Gse1 eioslîoe h oîgoooue u M.Oilo ossi rpnv ue suas heid on Tuosday. May lt. toast lu C.G.î.T. muotbees. This t roue miii piano seloutieîîs. Theo Mis. Roc Lawruecnce (nue Bea 11100 justments sueee mode, ieeroosiîîg sith 100 inttedace. suairespundedi io v Mis. A. C.G.I.T. ginls pceseuedoasiîl Isoll on tho arrivi ii Ihicîthe amant ofecergoca-eied. The C.G.t T. preoldcut. Mary Sience,. oui skt. depictiug a scue in- onu Fclis. Pickett suas misirosi ut' cere- Toast MotItem I buspitai opeeatilig riiom. Ntiss ormiru Hogaeth suas hait- munies audsioiîamed alpresý Naecvhoanern protiosect lie Thce Eplieregraduation iv ii v anulodiî,ehiiuredluO Palemii - - condoctedhvb Mis. Muîbooberni, ui dChiriiilailhinav. ROBERTIR. - - ms- and Mrs.GeenfetldicpThe tîî Mi uîuîl Mis Wm i i~li DRUMQUIN atint girls suece Jollie Doliuie ciîo odas wsili Mc. aed Mis. H M L O Donna Groceilun, Aen Hopkiu, L. Roilleel oeil Aiherl Sîî-phe AM L O f.Nancy Sunders and Jaible Siou oln tPe art. Mi. auut Mrc. Tonsies Bornes OPTOMITRIST Bil u R f i e a o eeîe Pinsl and Bm ce aicendeul the B.iîlis- te recugnition ut' compltig mual bers ce ai Knes Pinubviecian GeorgtIown - 60 Main N. tliree years n lexSptorees. Aun Chîîehoiun handuc suhen vie Pur Appt. TE 7-3971 For Church Kitchen 'F' piindJuGureouiiaaeeieiced Arihur. silliE Bbingu oca t. iiii C n Wh1o e hy ad ihoîreel of ia is to the Uuited Chiiiih Viii Brifro t lis istrict aiî PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Mcirs b. Ball pi-ruîîlid. Thu met- able. Suervose wll lie suelcume, the siugieg et 'aPs. 1ub cîeGleuihoî o ing eipeed ciii the siigiog uof il is boed a good number wmli gh.BueGlrihadSn a livrai. TbuhI d ioiaal onsWe.t nor u ad gie tei s uppor-WutuiulwT 5 h dirua and Pzu Bennetissee mecn o Bible" suo. gisen iv us lhis is thie association's mule theirlea1db w ishl lhankil uheîcîiglhssiooiipot. Mrs. C. F'oeci îho foie lie life money-muiing proiect ofi the reeidet hnid aIli ti e T icfu.ema store eti-ouiuh." ceau. ilacouhuiliirîloca hgiuirrs. Uted uîobrspcuîilast Wcîtcs- heeio busiucss mlliers suere The North Trafalgar Com- dhi-edIusotisaidedlt uc mciyclubifielditheir Maymet bool geop eciesca percenu- dai mllmiufelcaniufitheihirh, ueociceaoetcehcboeiî-îf i Ie omout m e age of the ol les.buiriîbc,. aedhallibeiriunee ilthebhomeé rriengolrau o the ceed kl-ie g W i he breu mA oresie rh lase ful,ef ih foccl uliieeoi chut-r Lanisi iiuiîco cveeIl W hprsde-Me.FeN1c raugusceulhiyiof M. oei Mac. Atloîî b Pa itr purs eol, utiols uiecrsentieidd. ie meein upee gic iehlI couiels.g te , Wnu meing uîi. h onu Misn. IlIperir-ueId bî theroîeîuîl- mii tie singing ut' the club Cde. ______ t u ilchre. Collent $540 Haoeld Puîlleesîn iiiud Bunuios iel o, ho shî ouMs u.teomnityeetteucted upprasu- 1 . .~mg toi G imshc. Thcmileî nu rlusud iîithbhen otety $540 for the Miton aeO V*lSit New Church Me. oud Mes. Witlis Coilinson uturiuuiuand î%,ausirioilhsDistcietCebeso oso n Om "ii LorePark eesvisiliieson the eeiy.n Mert.asoacO Saiîieday veeiegscilb Mr. and Mbecucci Foitosuing lie business pet-bd,'1 agi Youug Peopte's Bocirîleus Mrs ayc ips WeiltAttended Mis. Hugb Lamb coedutedl a droeeeîu rantford Sundav aI- Rai Crippi. a The~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u raev j ic otest. Anauction sale wsuu con- teenoon tri, it tenewCetralt Mis. Wm. MîFodulen gnd Mes. w,11, ciln ue]a Bu ts,ý (nSi-diicedo hv Mis. J. Williamsoe utitd Preubsueelan Clîîîch - ii.uMfdlnuiedu h Oac This il h soi X iuu Me. u . The meeting iloseut Fcoiurrd n the chîir cqi n- Tea oild Buike s le ild hv 1h e Scrbolci ibs tan patiiislicl litih thi benieition and urhlilterioi-ariieutoi ar mu a odis ofibeucercrhurce.allthe srie %vote i, u il-ticonls susse îihvi rie hosts n.ine .e.rr. 'ýa lîomc ofi Mis. Harold Sacoge ot' lice oid Lvin Xii uuv, Thc hi ucere sympatibi s estended le Eut-epe and their daugt'bir Mr. and Mes Stuart MrFadulcu offeeiug lýisiiturc î lihoitt- 1to Gcorge Feutbeeston lu the churches. Sec. De. Deio J5[ohn oispeSodosiiM Finket id Giu i 'î.uuiîoe uit,îuih ci bis sistee Miss Lestiel sion. MA., MBE.. D.D, mous- 1 1î Mes Brunk Ho*uoeîion Therchoiriu ofiiui l] r-iiiuuycuthersienyoFnerut serviceiuos ter of'Cenral, spobe la> tilo anîoîîHresCce tburs saugîth,îuucî ,.i iet iheld alBelieiChureb nTos- goucp and espiainedithe roii,s Me a d Mef ui Miht Tiuhy îitu iuoiohltemmn iuiitecment in and funirarcings inît h urh Mr n -r.Rb.Mrhl PIan Pot Ntght the adicining cemetery. Tlie Peuri Mo, c Homîe oeil Miss Feathenlton iad been a ScSeut As,,îîrio haie c_.s îeicîîîd membe, rf ntth cliucch M. ptleed plans fuer briei ocoîtat fun uand an active mnmher oft'hie mu- MIITON MLO niglit beiug boul t'îidoc Mas 24. menus ergsialions. M The Wall Disnec film "Tubs T, The Pirst Dnumquin Cuide _________________________ fer," suit lie shcîîu ii theirbuiti Companv and Beosunie Pack ted TIIURSDAY - PRIDAY MAY 16-17 Bothinl Wiîte-Srreen Metrcuutr laMMMUUUMUI 7 SEAS TO CALAIS a 40 VARIETIES OF * OD TAYLt GB IBENb WORTH THE SAVAGE GUNS VOUR USED CAR MA !FIREWORKS * RICHARD BABEHART NeSaIsI To Anyone Under 16M Matinen - SiCt-rday 2 parm. '7 Sean ta CalaI" READY TO DEAL. TA * MILTON PLAZA A AReal Comodyfilet jSmke ~ Gft: TUREIE GOT THE ACTION IT Sn"* aAMA -itme In Widn Screen Techiniculor it ip M LANA TRNER -DEAN MARTIN - - EDDIE ALBERTYO a Coeo Fratanrette -Coler Ctean - Usons 7-9 p-a. ta 0-rn.mg 388 ain St. OUHOF MIN -Doaris Day - StercM Wed., May 22 sir. omoei Thte pendept clnani th1e mmlt lng sul pt-uyee and a nnny nuis a eîatut sale ut'trli., and plants. Ch-rîsten Six ai St. George"s eonducted hy Mers King, mas ieid ufine wirbie a ioseiy lunch Motkher's Day Service Sunday mus enjsynti uy ait. Sundap. Motlteta Dap, mas tineora n lthe Iceasorne, gove New affqn cliosen aiu duy forriieoings iheerepart and Mn-. T. Homard TheCG.A mnop fomRtSiueo- in St. George's Chut-ch ushici thie secretarotn tepot. te's Chia-s- miii their leader Me. suos t'itied oe copaciuy un îile nu- Mms. Hat-ty 'King gave a report Jet't'res aîîended the annmal caion.uo the alnnuai W.A. meeting field Spring Festival ai Christ Clîîech Rcv. R. P. E. Jeffares buptieed recentiy ie Hamilton. Catiedrîti n Hamiltun un May Anne, deugier of Me. and Mns. Plan TURFp Tues il Stuart Kingu Johin Piler, son ut The rotl cati suas the Bille They ooknd very smart in their Mc. and Mns. lobs Ridgîmay; cere un the date of yoae birih- nesu unifo-mu and cantii oft' a James Douglau, sn ot' Me. and day on île ehutrh ratendar. Mrs. gefl maop amards and prie. Mns. lames Pusuiey Listie lames Coilte rend a parmi on Spt-tsg. Tley ladl a dinpiay of niut'ted son nt' Mi. and Mns. James Mn. Doibe gave a puortin of tle loue and aihît- pnljects. Thiry atsu Springetu Dortene Alice, daugh- Siudy Book und plans met-i coin lard tle hleoft t haslng one ut' ic t' ofr. and Mrs. Har-vey Zim- pîeted fat- a hoanlc ai lupi thele members, Miss Lita Auates. mermuan; Johin William son of tas tu e hid in the une falt-ne. rhoann an Mina C.A. Mi.- and Mes. Claie Ouillmun. J. A. Gmaap Mailae ______________________ The J. A. group ut' St Gtege's undie She teadership of Cordon Harrnis aiîesded tle eattv in St. Geot-ge's Chueci Guelph os Sut- amard for perfect altendonce. On Wednenday, May 8, the lAi) T .T 7 BacofSI. Gmt-gees inel ai Ulm an attîndanue ut' 16 memhons und imo vinituns, Mn. Rurnmeey: upened the meeting vil pt-aye- by Arnold Blachford, and Met. Homard gave the tut-tp- titre reading. Mrs. b. Juy, in the your telephone manager WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS EACH WEEK WEST END MEAT MARKET Wt DiVE PERSONAL SERVICE We Peaace Red Brand Beef open Thur. and Pnlday dB1 9 we Serve The Eat End, To. ROSS HOLMESI Prop. P NETR 8-63 Fac IteI Pnai CIBev MILH-TON FISUEL rE ROBUINS PHNE LOCATION8 AIr the Fs Cîlies Serviceio LOOKING FOR A JOB? May I onggUent ltetain yonng lain w hu at-e lookdng fer tull nlnu eau- ploaentt naîgIt entaidier a lub stitl the Telepne Comapany? At the mu- ment, mree a uteO gili WIno wo P uld BIe g0 wumk an Telepe Opematuen le OakslIe, oad au Or- ~..V der Wrters and Servie Reprena- If you have n 111gh sebttnleduna- lioa at-e ia fgurait eallt., eajoy wueklag mîIgrthîe palie. and ana Inteeerf ndl a nhalcssalsn asti e- mardlng carene. wed nn htappy te hase yuu dra [rite oint Oakvslie af- fine an 146 BandaI or oam Toroato Emaplyaiant Office at 30 Egîlaloa Aveaue Eant lu dîenna th1e jobs. Ina sare yoaà fini! 1the "Bell" a plieanant place ta mark. and yasad enjuy womklag mith the allner people on osnm staff. ALEXANDER GRAHAM BÉL'5 PROPHECY Tis.% uonoeicobte iliat cubles et' telephone suit-es cutî be laid underground or ssspended eeicba,uumrnnnicinistiu prirale direttings, uoueiint bouses. mauaeies . . . Nul unly su. but I hetieve in the futu-e, mires wiii unile diffenent rituel and a mun inuse part ofthe oeeuntry miay commrnicate by îsotd of mulli th anothce in a dl-;tant ploce." Alexnear Graham Bell made tbis mternenti n 1878. He undersloot, and in remankohip pmopblie met-On forctlot, hum the osefuinens of lis invention might bleulmnded theoughont the suontd. Witi hlm hegu nlhe uneasisg sciestifie, pogess suhie bus rive- cornte un tle lut-nit-sutf distane, ne hy une, su flair toduy tSere are nu earthty tîmilu lu humoaur speech. Att suo gise telephone seovie. and ail mho ou iL. are lis inheritiet. TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY BITTER Thei Telephone husnesna aha, nsy heen on catit-pt-li nf ecsonge, hut tnnver more afiatn ai pressai. Tht acoapi of tIti Bell wîdtns conntontly au th1e Conapaay prestdna more ani more costumnat-, ie, atond advanced net-vine, %cpuisata livrna ut' aIl depamiment tieet regsnlacly Ileocai coniannatia la coaniter hasu they can hent att-ne thInnt respective comnanntiea, did upua tle actîvItina that ahould hi attiemlaken ta allaio Iheae anis, and magie et-py effort le kenp, enaplunnan falli lefoman et plua and ponlciers, hoth louai ond nonapony-mlde. PmOgeoma hase haen develaped ond faremea and agiter super.- vison 110h regala- metnlgn witIt thefr peuple la disenta hoattt Company actlvlitinaund 1the cnoîaang reqaîremnanns af guai asec o tustoaalor ond th1e comuanty. ~~441( WE, AT MILTON MOTOR SALES ARE LOOKING FOR GOOD, CLEAN USED CARS Our inventory iu too Iow! £ 9 We find ourselves in a po- sition to give higher ai- j g £ f owances on good us.d cars. W. hav, a supply of 1963 Vauxhalis, Acâdi- ans, Pontiacs and 1/2 ton GMC Trucks and can guar- antee immediat. delivery. ~Y NEVER BE WORTH MORE THAN RIGHT NOW - S0 DROP IN, WE'RE LI< TO ROGER MAURO - BOB CROSS - BRUCE HOOD. AT N MOTOR SALES Ltd. 1111,10 i - litVAUXAU.- CADILLAC - OMC DEUER Miton TR 8-2355 PlAN ed t OBITUA N Li A uil, M!is i rirl Mii Mi s. ilief liii i otill i-ti i gîi T 'lel aIl ul Sil Cliren lit:otheî il Gcaos 1~

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