Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 1963, p. 10

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94JOTTINGS mv JIM DILLS 0 IF THERE'S cny dobt ia pour mmnd jui wata holiday fii yout-e ceinbt-otiog an Moodop, glanre avec ta thet article ian the editocio1 coltmel an tIm page. Wheo ii att-fnctd tulticoia Day enecyant- boom wat h mou o11 ohaoun The nmphotin nom han nbited ta maclade the bradcc field ai tbe Commonnwavlth. If pupils in sabola dai gel tho montage t-heagh, tl ailI b hjoot -auther long mntmer avecbcod holiday. I hope tbny gel Ihai mes- nage. * KEEP IN MIND the anai piagimaitfcarmoity beaîifi- cation tihat is being cooduclnd. AITit ilrequices n thai nacb profp- nctyaoncatwocbinhisaaonite- estihocaoaethet-tset oschfil- diniduol actien taili be a mare ai- tt-oetivet- bn. Tht- long atonbeed ahnod effet-s an epportnnily foc totdoocatet-kand ilcarsail con- tribote tua asaccessfi effeti. *BY THE WAY,.1atendec hea macy ftagt tili be fiying tibm onebend? As o matitr ai it-et t atoodet- if c pet-tan ceald boy a Conadian Ennigo in tana And te thete atha atnder, the Carte- dlien Entiga Lt Ccnoda flag. It ea ffieially dosiected the caunîcyts flag on 1954. At the United Natit-ns t is the finflt dradignotet Canado. * MILTON'S NEWEBT st-vica club, the- Liant Club ts afficiotit- in opet-otion nom and lhcy bave nluic wiob qite o keoltky rat. tnt- ai memhat-n. Mouy ni the memhact. I ooticod, at-cthoteco otreodp cnectedwth comuaoi ip mat-b oud tIm is o gaod thiog. There are picotp nf commueiiy betie-meno prajecto bhat oecd do- itag and lte more atilling atathoce thero are, the more likiy tht-y at-c ta bc acomplithcd. * UNDOIIBTEDLY tht-ear te euhl maop maey pemple i0 bava atha aire oly aaoitiog the invita- tina lupaticipoale en cammîtniiy aclivilien, ond yet the nomnces of thate atho banc alredp gaot tied cap in ptavjnct kenp caming np agfains. Rigbl oa I'd be happy ta heur ni people interetcd in poi- liciiy ato-. Mare limen thon t coeta courts im otked ta aterh an "poblicioy". If I hadu a lint ai atilling atot-ers l'Ib happy ta pane the appoloîmeons an ta the- mcoy atho arce nniaily or mat-c capable. Poblici ty ns mat-n tilon pelting namelhing an tht- pape-. * TT MAY BE Bptiong et-nieg aI yeat- place and l'il enît-r my on-uil pica tihet if yo nceo pictores et- phaiegraphe ai eccly Miltan thnit might hce soonne bis- ticol nigeiiicancn, doot thcaat thnm aut. Bocty photos ni the bave are score items. Rt-tp tilea. And if yeusve gt-aat, se iced ai pe-trvit-g ihem i t- oe'il t-a longe- bt-n hiemt, de the sie ht-at lhiag and louve litbe e The Champion office. Ai oast sce cao pot tht-m aitb tomse oi the oliet itoms foc pesititt Wt-at bat-e koeping the- fit-s efthie Cbhttpyon dance 1864 andsaot-icit pati ii tht-eul s if yeec photos v-lin t-ctly sit-cv, scel fint spatcocu them ceu. * ON4E WOULD alit [iisî et-atcio o s C.N.R. hy. pava elevcied atas lied ta svitlî the- tton hecotificaliin pi-egat. Beih seemed le gel et-derwteco about the tome fime. Il ateed hc a fintte facntieo.s hoatove-, ta hure thot beîh migbî bave a cmu objeetive. Boit-g complaît-lt te- clitic, Fat anchat-ci te tiîk flic C.N.R. by-pastnaill bacc tha flac tht-st -ech-it-g elleci ce the * IN OMIT ef bis cnthlogiet ai aetcdotes, Bt-tnet Cet-I tatlt-t sibt Emily lCimht-egh, tha papat- Jcr lectuet-t, îccs saiig It be iroduce lo an aeucdience %viet- c atracc appt-cted cet-mit-g a acte-ttdrit-et-at-d bcbaaed ta tht- t-hait-lady. Aiîer e athispeced cet-fet-t--t- belateen thet- e-, the- cbciialv it-t-d andspoblieothecaudience' "Iamo-t-,abste-aidi"hiibe-. scîli bc a slight detay. Wet-d bot Lest bt-en glae le tee bhat îtîccc esasrwlu e t- orsteatke-i mv mou 8VM I t-mited a mentl hospitol t-e- cnntlp. A cauple ai nighls aite- that I atatckcd tnlnvinias "cote- thon" Lcoup Broce. Bath t-sp- t-tincnt pradaced thetsot-eie. daenst fascinaion, repolsian, and sadenese. Tbep alto mode hon Ionder thecutes ai the groat- lng nonraithctsmn of iadap. SutrIpy me can't htamc it cli on The Bomb. Thans lour ratp. I obilthet-e ut-t o couple tof inogredienon c lutine closse tit home, on athich ave can fouts. If ave eltoninatrd tht-o, toc mfghi orn oîmînoIte Tht- Bamai Thse Oavo elconos in mtode liein mhicb are iat-rnasing oue populationof ni ult a it-ightnn- rng pare are npmed and gceed. Speed in the deitp of tbe loth atnlturp aneot-etpasatoepa.% tbao of the 1960, teona flint ai the llth. WC atacnhip Ih cynical- p., bot uanhamediv. Oct-rd in tht- fat, stahherieg fittile heunt lt-aide an that moisesotsrphninn if ave fend il, fcoatralod il mn don't, and happy oly if sest- ttangle il aI bitl. Evt-tv-thit-g is spnnding ap. Wbeo I wan a bld, pt-apte oaed tuesiltaaeudcanlbcirprchesn on o Moy eveniog, sbouîing tlto bt-ee.e thon go off la hed scon afler dat-b. Tbcy att-pt ail oigkî. Na pilla. tIf yensitaroaed on yoac front potahei tucaao, rai il iens ihat peceae a hemi, beeaone if yatav-rranaygond ta'dbavet-noaghatey sa ihai ou ct-aid etlIer bn chas- t ag at-octd tht- taan hehind a Paower ont-atr, ar nLbbiog le- side attching tetevivion, fise er dt-cent ciltiocn. Ppeed bon ceosnd ta bec att-es le on end, and bon ht-cerne ant end inoibti,îthaaîhatnarfusvt admit IL Wnape-d opprodacion vo hume att cantai-e t-aiot the atcemat-c cheopty." As seat-s as the- neat mcthad is in t-pet-a- lit-s, lt-e ptice Igues up. "Highar ovr-ead". Wr speed on tht- high- taps a 10avo lime, and sprod ait mantht on the hospiit.l th-s te fail ta masse boat cottée. Wr spead haaneatab avilh e-aaci gvis. cuie dalgod tatie salt taie mo-t teiarctimn -tevitroend tciib o battit-, ar go cral and play bit-go. Shapping usnd ta bn o tri- sarely, pleoisount part ai duily ie for wmnen. Ih mou a bang- at-ct frram the apen mut-btt t-i lt-at it-aoind liones. At the grae-e store, t-bnp met th-Lt nnighhecs, eschongcd ct-par- tnt- tith thn po-tr, pinched the ont, lastt-d tht- t-ht-t-e, îquenaed the brcod, thompad tht- melons, praddcd tht- chichena, and niffed the fish. Aad abave ait, tht-y t-ht-tod the icI. Today, shapping iv a frighî- reieg, aoul-dt-tlrapleg ardeol. The oly thiogo ihe lodies can gel their bondt ae are the egisabins, and there ienîtmoch japin pinch- ieg, ihumpieg, ar tabing o bite aut of o toramp. Wheaetiheir groodmaibhere dipped o bond mbt a bon ar ba-teh ta fastc ar feci, lhny atactindty reod labels ar ce- aiaoaly peensum thoanvoasi, gleommog mat-mandes atbtch buse reptacedltheald mntcourrer. Frontm nvnrp tht-h, le evt-rv calo-, bhey ut-t t-houled aiIol batrt, be qnich, hasstso, gri me. bac no-u" and hitata- ho *I.tatdt. sica, syccial dao- tîatited limet ct-ly. lic ail." N tcatdt- th ct-ct-abolit fii bisait, t-ct'chiag ay pac-kage lhec bot peoit-at and tht-ccir iheatill salir etcihait azlt-t. Ltt-i-ytiiiig vilaiN cci "îil at gt-ted. minait- ritce, inat ccl t-t-e pt-e-aocbed haut, ccoe--et-d chi o, scady-atit cakes. pt-i t bit-en fivb. Asva ct-volt, tht-y hic liite at mach as te t-at- i. bt-lt the limei tht-y vbcîîld. Thte, iesiecd ofai a ln lv-scspicioev bot fiendit ta] lyiag of tht- buti wiha t-o ri ct-t, tht-y dise it-ta spot the lioaap, bt-t-c Ltu isabisb ed isba hegt, the cash t-t-it t-t- ct-bal lt--is staccato set-g ced bacy fiad ibeattelces syt-it cd loto the- it-eau, c vst I-- ln atch a-a, and ooviv , vagcesî ideaofihowmaeh tirs apeel. Id'c l a vped mare iiat t-e Ibis bhrrnc, bel ptoit bave ut- exueme sowa. t'va gel ta bt -v and finith Ibis calcuat, se 1Icars rash clown toe Miabction. M av-un tuaIt a heco th-th-t h atnstant cailer or jiiffptatoca atith tht- piece ai pie (instant fit], t-tado-mis t-rassI t-t-t mv atid oighb snack, Ot t-saiet-ime t- t oant ta rend mv bock digevt bt-iota I go la bcd. Thieb Il bacc a big Stce of get-got-oa t-batte tubh th- pie. lattait dt-t-ats, Po hecow. -Ont- i -I MU-IHhRO PAYt- Wt- dide't cett-roiate lmcbîhis bt-ct-ai ccc We cuattp oetr-d Moîber's Day tata ssobs ca-Lo ibis pt-ar The beller hall gel auî.b and sget-t atnnbnnd in bht-sncftb0t vt-ct-b tihe so-icg sasbieg, cteaniog ond habyaiîtisig caates lt-t tata doa - lac data of bt-c- bic damenîic bediat tht-i gaverus cil] e ook bon etifeo Tho baby leur 14 ta-tt ctd doogbmer Roibvi hcd c soder faitlime avith dcddy Le t-barge. She pottnd etery lt-bc Lt bbce book and sno teored bot ta stsaari h Ibcd man -cad mat- beenosffe-iogt-vnr si-t-t. An t-bief babyaitîrr I apet 48 haute aviping, mopping, caahing, diape- chaeging, boer tutmît-o, t-toing rciog, qoileiipy eneabing, tclepbaniog, shapping, dishmash- Tog, dottisg, fmediog, savenping, gathtringgond ployieg wtoih my Stilecharge. Phr eeded ap spoilad; 1 camecout ofia t-sbaasm ed. Sic aife tisî-ite inuit-ro ai lia commtion ail at-cc vd bt-t, and qatabît seivered a t-apst-. Therete ---Icd Ston ebr breat, It-iet te figure eaui vcbch- t-r OsaI ni7se sa a fiat sireo. or Rotbp hollnrlng att o pincheS fioge-, or deot- nId daddp aveep- foc wtelO onguitit. iflbeug g-tîned ta me> 0101hmoohod aborn a steeadp dtit mceS Orea m fer o loup. Miod pou, lot- avipcd nases, mopprd tinnals t-fl tbc ITour-, choognd diapers, ta-attd bottins, pet ber ta hed, shapped, toashed dinhen, bosecteoned, icd tht- baby and piched rpai t-t- ht-v hefoc - butîrvar haven1beee lt-tced ta pet-lotm ai tht-tracts nt the- saaie limret It tan o bit ai a t-t-bei la gel bbl aty "soit job ct tha navsPpper on Mcaday mortieiai. Tht-o I rt-ad somneachre ts tht- hoat tcy te t-t-at Mother oa ht-er day' iv te bt-t ber stop in bed and do ait the t-har-s for bier -give ber c complote doy off [t-tm bt-t boaseboid toarbt No theeba. Malhc0a Day 1f63 tas jt bbcl ony cither day ia l963 aI Or bose Ibis pt-ar. Tht- botter bauf had "ht-t day" ta ws anc Bot od blrss oh atathere. If lboy haveotatwochoeho-t sere dayn atteh loubing aiter o fomi- Iy, ou I atarhed thase to dcps, bhey demnre a Maiher's Day ai ltcat t-t-te a weeh IT'S ABOUT TIMO soatebcdc t-c sonne ttoonicaiiao stated ap att-col eneniacoaledarî a avoid tht- acbedotieg ni olîctinî et-ente for Ose anme dole. in' happened nifeet ner the pont-s, but 1h10 pout fom monts bot-e bassn quise oint-mie1, Par intance- anc roconi Peldop ente sting tho Bfflton LIharan more having o nicîory porp fot essor. palia atat-bnt, the- Canadias L- gice tocs boldingoatct-it-tt cight ta colt-e atoeey bar the- -ta-umit-g pool, the t-at-et et-e ce t-t M- hawkb Baceaya, filr bttt-tre tto bowlinghbt-qucts,cacherab gop da-tce, ced a Lions Club carit-ta t-igbu. Tht-tr tere mat-p atba tatted ta atteand more t- one dili, bot t tocs impossible. Tht-n lot Sabt-rday, tht- Girl Guide couil day, Hospital WA saig day, and COl.IT. abooatt sain clahrd, th-n filme gt-ccps booatdithehometst-t-dltedclatat lt-ave at-ta stt-lieg t-at-ies, coail- tiasand chocelaies. aatve got t fccivatryifor-the reporlte, tee. Tht-pt-o bt-vit-g golfe o timn gettieg t-t-oatd ta lobe plat oren ai ait the- t-cets Ihat are pitieg np ion tht- trrh t-nde. t-et instanet- frontssepiar- lime Ft-iday ontil bet-ilae SOt- day, Champion cbit--vrsatt-dt-d t-t-ctty 19 evons - ced that a lai ta t-t-cm ino ct-t sot-aheosi Pet-haps st-ot-gadlt-atc -toI st-cctd clao t-t-r t- ivl kaa t-, h t dat-s fat- sahedaie- raet-oit, betp avoid tht- coitiaes tht-i oct-sot-e ta catp up. Ia' harot aI schedoite a dance ar a pot-tvo at enlertiemeno mithot t-ont-mo loti onne compolsition. Bol if tomone or sonme oaronion jous kept o flot haoidp, ii mighî naît-c saine ni the pronleonis. Anp t-olcocemP E fl boô OLPPAYSE GLANCINO SACK TO 10. YEARS AGO Talons tram the Mla nf dho Cana- imo Chonapln. flop 14, 1915. Thdt- yenr mc find o nom flop in tbo aensiblo directin of abisit- tnce ai public holidopo. Vicî- aria Pop mili bc obagt-pedl noi oe Moy 24th, bol the kttndap pre- ct-cding the dole. Midmweot holl- de are In Iisl pressent sage a neisance. We con rctail bpt-E ho the doys of gmaud Qoen Vicltoi ihai a boidolu mode lit féatore on mhlch dop of the math is Coli. Thot mou beloaethe doyn ai eoisyrat-cl and goSd rds ont mbeo indoolt-p mon in nmaii onlîn and procettete coohd esnlp be boited oc daffoatd a day. Here- siffler Vittnt-a flop avilI camte on o Mnndap. Weat ohit for net-bon impramemeni, On Moodop ai 3.45 pon. tbe lirt-s Part c lt be pradoaed on the 32!,1 acre plant in Troaagor Township a drt-ent nff the as- seoir lion bp J. M . Cachrone. The neat cor mas n grap fiour tout-i sedan. h lit i be retaloed on an hiatitical ehitw pleure b site rotandlof the- e- plant ont avili tor the uîheataame of deci- et- freont casi ta ceunt Co-op hockey stirm ployncn, miren and etecoti-e me-e the f eneaihe Haltao Co-op ut a atglon Pt-idap. May B sit Hawthor-ne Lodgc. lte maso valoublo Ptoyer aaril- svont hy Xahony Heipel a acceylcd by Art menton on tbe bord avoth- iog t-nnire ion mon mont ulhe la be premolt. A meeiog ai th- ateceoty fat-at cd Beiporoin St-boul Sourd ns plonoed for the nar future- te formaliste plant, Poiher Lot-dit- onnoouced tIbm att-n. The Board s, premoetly ataiîing fat-thot- in- formation and athen ohs la re- coinS, a meetiog miilb ha mimd tb coonider the lion ood other aspecîts of the propoai of tho schoul, Botebail gelsnnode-ay taeolly im mqeend ath Compbnllvilie and Dabvilte natiogiog off Bol- et-day and Miltoe and Goarg- towno meeting aon Mandoy alaog mitb moop ather et-ente ta ouhor le the- banebol etcasin. GLANCING BACK TO 20 YEARS AGO FOR POSTEITY'S SAIS, The Champtat- Ibis atonE pebliobes o pbaîognoph af (he oatthora. et-trot-ce la Mîilt, Ioubieg t-e-l n Highrnay 25 freonr the Bote Ut-o-Murtie St, interecotion. Crw tarae preset-t-y a to hor bidît-g a hîgb omboohnkeet fat-a neo C.N.R. eilmay bp-pass liethoat wlsagei mail ine horm Or Cunuifr IIi<y . . Tlit felîect.- utild tocs attitte- by Rn gitan M, Tait, National idacolat-at Se-t-t lt-ry cf the I. 00,1. We repeadace il hert becoane t-f tht- donrt1 h pt-acides ce t-ht- ceînbrationotf tao importat Caaiadiot- b "The t-at-Lot-s oldeot aod pot-hope t-t-at 1,bt-lot-rd patit-ttic holiday mus firtt ceîniated t- Lt 1845 . . . îmenîy-îwa yett-n befare the v date t-f Canodian Cet-feder-at-. Becacte the gdote es suitl ostecuted mith pieutiant sp-ttg %versiie-, bt-tst-top fit-emat-s and feelings of d patiot.- yt-îdO t- s mt-t tut-prîsne that t- i-CriyniatLtet-sol pepcîoîiîy ibreephout t-ho t- I ail bt-parn t-1045 athon tht- tegisîotere t-of t-he Provice of Canada fet-mOntarioand Ot-oeet decîurod the- otnieeut- nf Qocceér 1-Viclot-tot bitt-, May 24, t-a ho o holiday. It-e- sie ce fihet year o speciol da y Lt cam- n memeraîien t-f a gourd gant-n han htet- ah- neîeeduoocoallyin Canada. avt-ihe yeurn, Viclto Day hue remied- ed Canodiens nt-t only t-f a renpected mat-- ut-ch ht-t t-f tht- athoe attonlithig pe-Led litown aos tht- Vitt-en upc. Hein mon lime cf achincement Lt- t-rudle, commerce, st-tnc-, at, Lnt-c---ot- and exppoaion. Amoep the vt-Lai deoeîopments mot-e t-ho Iuyirp ai tht- At-lutit- uble, cot-ttrctioan of tht- St-na Cat-ul, dtscoety of t-ho Narihtet Pussupe, exploation of Afîtea, tagethor ath dreelcymont of t-ht- modeti railI-ad, stoat- shipa, pheîepîuphy, îrîegraphy, t-lt-ttrtc lîghn, t-et-at-y prit-Lt-t- pt-ose, telephano,' phet-egîuph, t-ht- seatieg mut-hine and t-ht- automobile. Brt-acte tht- BrtLuh Empire t-ouchod its heiphi dot-m5 t-ht- lot-B reipe af OSlcon Vit-- t-cria, there as u t-t-dent-y Le Cunuda ta assoc iait- Empire uffuirs mith tht- Ooon's hîrtbdlay. This trend foct-d ins auy Lt-t-o schooî ie t-ht-at-h tht- effets of Cleatetinu Pt-tn-de t-f Hamilton, Ontorio. Boit-p un netoic and patLotLt aut, sht- boguei, Le 1B98, ta t-tor-st Cat-odians ilt-tht- ides of a st-hec1 doy st-t sart t-o heorîthe Brit-ish Emptire. As a t-est, Lt- fihat somo yeur the Domieton- idecutîce Atsociatian (nlom tht- Cana-diot- Idecaîlt- Association) ptapoeod tht- ceît-brorion t-f Empire Puy Lt Canadien st-boots. Tht- proposai mot ath set-b et-ra-g st-pport tht Lt- 1059 t-ht- firt-n Empire Day mot ohset-ced Lt- tht- clussîcome . . . May 23, t-ht- lusi st-boul duy befcre Vit-a Duy. Tht-t t-brr at-ost tata speciul days, oet-t achaci day und tht- at-ber o st-uttory batiduy. "Hist-oricut eceletio- freat Empi-e t-a Coat- monetath bas geadcully ultot-od, Lt- st-me parts of Canauda, the- name cf t-he st-boul oh- e-ltnye iroat Empire Day ta Cnommanealth Day. Pt-atîlt-Lt ib tis regard, hamee, bot t eut-ed froat Pt-at-Lt-no bPt-tot-oc. OfficiolIy tCammonaealth Dop il tht- lot itchrio dup befaro Victt-iu Day. "A chaeged t-iowpaiin onattetîo- aith tht- Empire hon bt-on adatirubty oaprneed ky Oct-t-t Eizabeth Il: " Tht- Cammonwealth ht-a-s t-a t-octmb- lance ta the empiron ni tho pont. ils an entirely e-a cot-ceptian hailtinL the highot qeatitien af t-ht- spirit af mat-t friendthip, ieyaiIp cnid t-ht- dotire fat- freadoat and peut-o-- "i sweI for Canadiens t0 remember thot tht- Caommowelth ai pt-osntI Lecladot sittoot attmb or notient and tho mut-p do- pet-dotieonfn mot-toc oolioesi, Tha Commtteo mealîh Le o fiose put-ît-orip of naton voihosoe peoples diffor Lt- rot-e, roligian and teaditio-. Tht-to ut-o ai nations earneetp aiiompig tn suive th-m prabloatis iht-acgh îaoroece ond atianersiandieg. At-athor ielereosig deotopmen bogie- ninp tee peurs agn mat the ont- of tht- mard "Citiotetship in t-ton-e-tin wiih tht- obteet-- at-te of Cammonwoath Day. This mas o t-a- tuao and tapi-a stop mt-n t pramato ct-e- sidaraîlge of tho privitogon and t-OnpanihiIl- tien af Canadiecitioenhp. PLot-o 1953 the fedonat gore-tment batl etabtithod Victo-ia Day ut- boit-g n tho Moedny "imatdiat-iy prot-odleg May 25." ibis chan-ge had tht- udtaoofn proeidieg a lot-g haîiday atoohond for Canadiaeos. Ai tht- samo limo, Citiienship Pop tas dooig- eotoed us t-ho Priduy "iamt-diatlt peedit-g Victaria Day." hI ehald be t-otod, homet-or, that en t-et provincilu spatornes of et-bom tht- Pridap peeodieg Viciario Day Lt Enome oarioanlp at Empiro Day, Commonealth Day, Citleship Day, or Commtonealth and C]ioetnhip Day. A praclaatont on Jaeaarp 31, 1957, kp tho Canadien PurliamocI, ban addad groalor sîgeîfiîanco ta Vito-la Dap. Thit fitner Mot-- day "imatodiaîey proîodieg Muy 25" mon aIea fiaed for tho colebraîat- en Canada ai ihe birthdap of Oaoe Elizabeth Il. t Sa Lt Lt fhoet at-or tht- pot 118 poarse rt reiuîiey timplo biribdlap elobraîlan batl - goom ltt ho obterane of tata sptcialf and reltid days deooîd tb th- bonnarieg t-f Oct-t-t Victrola, t-ho Britieb Empiro, tho Comnweaealth, Canadiet- ciaeship andf tht- reignit-g tn-et-dg-, Gaen Elizabeth il, "Ilis ta bt- hopod ihat n Pridop, Map t1T, and Mot-day, May 20, 1963, Canadinens ut-rose t-ho nation miii hotd coommunein Le booping ath tho boni traditions of Empire,$ Commotnwealth and t-octte. h Totoen io f ilnh Mofn thc Canai- ditais Champion, May 13, 1943. Ptying Officer Bruce C. Mac- Nab ns o yaong mue atith a chat-tad flc. Ht- bons met floate hame fram plosetiog Rommel's poant-r foresn thOe Middle Bout. ban bambed Sicily linSd in Malta dot-iog the blilu, gnne ihrougb the deeri relreoo and bis tBoa in- juries la doit- invalve onct-toth an ihe hecto. "It mac a bat day tct-er th- dt-aert and I caeId o gel tht- bining aiedat le the tut-att opee, he saidi. "I stipped and bongedmy nnee.Plpiegt oet- Biclly a raid anc day hie 'hile" a boned" le by anti-airerait file athicb left o bnndatd tbrapeel hai-o in tht- plane. MacNalb and tht- mnmbert of th- t-mat att-a ail achat-t. Ne la a aticclets upert-oar ait-uner A large nomnber ai rnmet-n ni th- Canadion Club allended the ceguiot- meeting ta bt-ar Scootar Ynjtn Sent-es, brathe- of the for-mer- president of Cnet- sionobia. Dc. Wogner- iotraode kit fetinat caunitrymne on a ct- t-t-n Dighlnr foc iatedam and dnmocracy. Th- tpeaker ooiieed the hinit-ry ai bis cauntry and tld Ibot Oecmany bnem the im- poacof Cchatookigoashb- ing the fatlatt ai Burape. A emoait iniand countr-y suct-ondnd bp maonloint, mode ii iatpregn- ablo forogen Ht-vbered ionthse cransurad af Eurap-, staiing il tan en Pragut- th- atatidt fit-st anoinerot-y and P roîe t-lat cbaath a nntabIinbed. The laatlp Tiahi, the sot-ber, it camiog nIa lis aato ibis peur. Laetmwenbthep-i-njompedifronm foatt las otigh ce eighi cents aoaedcsndîheeendmaed M. E. N. Patnj, principal af the Miltoan ptblic scboul miii mo-e alae the vacant McKechnie bouse an Cent-t St. GLANCING BACK TO 50 YEARS AGO Toatona tnon the filons o the Coins. rearguninatian me-e vnrlficd. The ian Champion, May 15, 1913. nelectitons watt otf a t-tasn at It is andecntaad thlat Miltion ttttally attnttptnd hy bonds ot- may have a chance ta seli theald aide thechiesnandate-emell play- bcheol boildiogs, mieuare anft Cri. Cornet and ntonnom stoias fat- their presnet pot-pane, and aeete Inen ta ocqaitecran naetablinhnd ond im- Lot Sanday having been partant indat-y witbaaîcany dif- chantn fat- the abse-vance ai ficaty lttcag tht ani-hna; Mather's Day o specistinet-vice fizclAetiroegteancrdbotîî atas hnid Ht- the- Saaday Sciteal acas ptapaedtat-emavethe in- af KnoaeCarch.Tepagam dunt-y tam the ity in snhic i Ssaisted ai' an odd-e- an the- reeinoraeltltajlnse ould, stthîect, "Mather's Day" by the recomened ire ilshold end saperiatendea, faltawed by sing. a ersnaieta Milsa al iag, readiagsaond an illactt-cîed settebuildings. lIs hecd ca et-y, 'Matheras Lest Wards." bet-e an Maaday. is verdict At-trhat- Nat-tiagîen's ae cte thaýt the baildinge ataatd be taf eeo pot-lac was vpend yente- itinte su s -dto h day eveaingTheagbîtheate r acnly aeani nse sisi thott ahe a c ld the potlot-tons ct-aîd- orýlyquesion ow i tha o d and the-e mas a gouad lat-ge price. cansomptien af lt-e ecoml. Geed Tht- bond toattd eut at music tan plcycd hy tbec Milton vietot-ia Pot-k neveoteen att-eeg Orcest-a. ast Tbut-dyevenig farthe Jas. Hototn,ogent fer tbo lirt-n canett of tbe eanan. Tbnre Stodebake- automebile, delive-ed tan aoly nn nat egine- on tata fine neat cars ieta Milten onst thelt Theteprnsafhe gnd stet-ha t-von pacaege cod a cendito analh band snce isfiv Pc seage NEWS iFDISTRICT SIJRLINGTOtd-The tao bond le hiching off a eumpoigo ta aine 160,000 fat- o neat hand shel, praposnd ta be erecîrd in Cetao Pot-k. The bond avili t-aine $1,000 itteif by the sale af boetter decois. GEO0RGETOWN-Lnng distance chorges an t-aie betaten Georgetoawn and Brt-mptan t-tOi beccmact-d in May 1964, tl a on- saoecnd Tant tteck. Thin avili add 15,000 telephanes filet cars he reoeb- rd by 9,000 Gieorgetovn eobncrihert, mitheat long distance chat-ges. Zoliing oaroangements mith Actan, Hotonsiln, Baclgrcvecand Vicît-ric iii nt be affncted by the odditin. BRAMPTON-Conodo's Ciade-nîta ai lrach ced fit-Id l8-ynot-- id Nancy McCredin of Brampten celoand berne te c rayai atnlcamn, nftnt- thatinriog chart put ond disct t-ecat-do aot he Pan Americue oaesi Scuuil. A cinie dinner avilib he bld in h-t hanat-, letaoss aanny te hnlp dnft-ay lie- falt-re othintienpenes. STREETSVILLE-A t963 budget toaliag 5500,653, op 343,000 on et ycar, mons an ioc-nosn in tacet fer t-atepoynre tIbm yea-. The te avili hc 84.7 milts fat t-enintiail hemea; and 93.9 milla t-arn necciai-indunîriai. Ih meona an $18 hibe fer th- ave-oge tuepoyer OAICVILLB-Lase-reotol haaciog tailts fat- Oubvillens fit-et tvatld iat-eteront. woewidawsanodtsnior-ciUznn, in te newoi ptjt f tht- Royal Canadien Legian. Moothly rentais ut-e plooncd ot oraod 45 and o provncial puan in avoulable, but ne definite dollat- geai ce heen ont hy thn Legion. ACTON-The higb sehool hoard han abnd the principalt ta lamp dloava an wat hby cal "cht-ooic, ohenîce puttlias in the schael. ne itsice l-ored 17 etudiate, iaelodiog 12 tenior papils, fuodlht-en hseni (atm classen th- peeviaan Ft-iday, ced Il ef the viadenn bcd on seispendcd th- feloaing Mandoy met-nieg. QUOTE 0F THE WEEK bl s my t-t-min et-at-iot- t-but t-o mat- luones bis froodot eat-ept throagh his ome meabes. - -Mohamon Gan-hi. IDowN(s IN THIS CORNER WhH Roy DOWNS TAP Dear M AltheI boe Car Te i Te w.ay IThe hr Wet t-ce ibe Miii Whe shc Meeteilhc ltcSu HOH wTef titi ttc ilsLt Lt. iis-ut- tos antlc-it ,,tr tii t a e 1t i i Ttît Lt se ut I tii .tit tilteîîîth in cititlir HiH Wa a 1~ The Canadian Champion Paîiinbnd cet-ry Thortdoy est Main St., Milton, Ot., Meahe- ef the Audit But-cou ai Circutlotions, the C.W.N.A. cnd the Ontaria-Oucbnc Divinian C.W.N.A. Atcet-iising t-at-n an t-nqanst. Bnbscripliaoo payable in *0ooa Oao~t- advance, $3.00 in Canada; 14.00 in Englood and nîher Comrnealth Coantrina; 55.00 in Ohe U.S.A., and aiber o FPat-ign Cantrien, Aathnrioed ou Second Cloue Mail, .. e Pont Ofic ie Deptmnt, Ottawao. Gi. A. Vi11e, Bdilor-in-Chlei James A. Dillo, Mlanagini Edio Pabliuhad in tho Hieurt ni BotIon Pobflhhod by ibm DMi Paimlng and Pobii.hlng C. Lsd. BUSINESS AND BO ITORIAL OPPICE TELEPNON[TRB.234.1

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